View Full Version : Arena Tournament, Round 60: Fiorella vs. Robert the Blade

2009-09-24, 02:02 PM
Arena Tournament, Round 60: Fiorella vs. Robert the Blade


XP Award: 300xp
GP Award: 300gp

Fiorella (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=132451) - Hustlertwo
Robert the Blade (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=140437) - Bakkan

All Combatants, please roll initiative and declare any final purchases.

2009-09-24, 02:14 PM
Init: [roll0]

Buying Arcanists' Gloves, maybe something else, will depend on what Rob gets.

2009-09-24, 02:20 PM
Robert the Blade

Purchase: 1 potion of Expeditious Retreat (CL 1) (50 gp)
EDIT: Never mind, forgot for a moment that that was a Personal range spell.


2009-09-24, 02:32 PM
So no buys?

2009-09-24, 02:47 PM
Correct, no buys. Incidentally, if I defeat you, will we have to have another match since you will then have only lost once? Or is it just the one fight for the final?

2009-09-24, 02:53 PM
We'll fight again, with you getting the usual rewards for winning the first match, and the big prize for winning the tournament going to the winner of the second one. It's not impossible, I did it in round 58. But obviously it does give me an advantage.

Oh, and Fiorella, Round 1:

Start in K-5, with my light crossbow in my off hand, loaded with a MW bolt. Move to C-5, ready action to cast Magic Missile if LoS is established and my opponent has less than total cover or concealment.



AC: 15 (+2 from tree)
Equipped: Light crossbow in off hand, MW bolt loaded

Ray of Frost 1/1
Detect Magic 1/1
Light 1/1
Sonic Snap 1/1

Magic Missile 2/2
Kelgore's Fire Bolt 1/1

Seeking Ray 1/1

Arcanists' Glove uses remaining: 2

2009-09-24, 03:46 PM
Robert the Blade - Round 1


Begin Turn: O21

Double Move: to G15

End Turn, need LoS

Position: G15

HP: 18/18
PP: 4/4
AC: 18 (+4 Chain Shirt, +2 Dex, +2 Tree) T 14, FF 16

Psionically Focused

In Hands: Greatsword
On Belt: Loaded sling and 30 bullets

2009-09-24, 03:51 PM
LoS established as Robert moves around the barn corner. Fiorella's readied action is triggered.

Robert ends in G15 and Fiorella is in C5 with a light crossbow in his off hand.

2009-09-24, 05:19 PM
Damage roll: [roll0]

Fiorella, Round 2

Swift action to activate Arcanist's Gloves, providing a +2 CL bonus for...

Magic Missile!


Rest of turn will be done after we see if you're still standing (how many HP damage can you negate, 4?)

Anyhow, I guess I'll move to D-2, just in case.

Stats: Position- D-2
AC: 15 (+2 from tree)
Equipped: Light crossbow in off hand, MW bolt loaded
Spells Remaining:

Ray of Frost 1/1
Detect Magic 1/1
Light 1/1
Sonic Snap 1/1

Magic Missile 0/2
Kelgore's Fire Bolt 1/1

Seeking Ray 1/1

Arcanists' Glove uses remaining: 1

2009-09-24, 06:01 PM
Immediate: Activate Elan Resilience and spend 4 PP to negate 8 points of damage from that last magic missile. I'm still standing, but by my count you used up your actions for this turn, are you done?

2009-09-24, 06:06 PM
Sorry, yeah, I'm done.

2009-09-24, 06:15 PM
Robert the Blade - Round 2

Begin Turn: G15

Double Move: to G4

Free: "You won't get me down that easily, mage!"

Stats and Status:

Position: G14

HP: 9/18
PP: 4/4
AC: 18 (+4 Chain Shirt, +2 Dex, +2 Tree) T 14, FF 16

Psionically Focused

In Hands: Greatsword
On Belt: Loaded sling and 30 bullets

2009-09-24, 06:28 PM
Congrats, I think you've officially gotten closer to Fiorella than any of her other opponents.

I'm not real happy about that, incidentally. My big guns have kinda been expended.

Double move to D-18. End.

Stats: Position- D-18
AC: 13
Equipped: Light crossbow in off hand, MW bolt loaded
Spells Remaining:

Ray of Frost 1/1
Detect Magic 1/1
Light 1/1
Sonic Snap 1/1

Magic Missile 0/2
Kelgore's Fire Bolt 1/1

Seeking Ray 1/1

Arcanists' Glove uses remaining: 1

2009-09-25, 01:43 PM
Robert the Blade - Round 3

Begin Turn: G4

Full-Round: Run to E17

Free: "You can't escape me!"

Stats and Status:

Position: E17

HP: 9/18
PP: 0/4
AC: 16 (+4 Chain Shirt, +2 Dex) T 12, FF 14 (14/10/14 while running)

Psionically Focused

In Hands: Greatsword
On Belt: Loaded sling and 30 bullets

Question: What sort of actions are possible with an Attack of Opportunity? I know trip attempts are, what about touch attempts to start a grapple?

2009-09-25, 01:46 PM
I think you can only run in a straight line.

2009-09-25, 10:09 PM
Does "straight" in this context mean only north, south, or at a 45 degree diagonal? I thought it worked the same as a charge, except that the only requirement was that you didn't run across rough terrain.

2009-09-25, 10:18 PM
G4 to E17 is fine. It's a straight line; as far as I know, the trees do not count as obstructions or difficult terrain.

As to the AoO, I believe the standard is that if you can do it as part of a full-attack, you can do it as an AoO, so a grapple attempt should be alright.

2009-09-26, 12:25 AM
I don't guess I have a lot of options, so...

Withdraw from D-18, moving east, with LoS breaking around L-21. I continue on to S-21.


Sorry to cause more LoS checks, but clearly I didn't understand D&D movement as well as I thought.

2009-09-26, 03:16 AM
ref question:

SRD, Withdraw

The square you start out in is not considered threatened by any opponent you can see...If, during the process of withdrawing, you move out of a threatened square (other than the one you started in), enemies get attacks of opportunity as normal.

If my opponent is moving directly east, that should take him through two more threatened squares, E18 and F18. Is my opponent's description of movement specific enough for me to take an AoO against him at this time, or should he be asked to describe his movement more precisely. Obviously, if I can take an AoO, I will, but I didn't want to assume anything about his movement or rulings on possible ambiguous movement messages.

2009-09-26, 11:12 AM
Need a better description of your path Hustler.

2009-09-26, 11:13 AM
Hi Ref Scorer


Yes, If he moves through another threatened square, you get AoO then. So the good thing to do is ask him especifically his movement.

Ninja'D :roy:

2009-09-26, 11:42 AM
D-18 to E-19 to F-20 to G-21, and then straight east until LoS is broken.

2009-09-26, 12:20 PM
Robert the Blade: Round 4

Double move to I7

End Turn

2009-09-26, 12:55 PM
Fiorella, Round 5

Move to X-16, ready action to fire a Seeking Ray if my opponent comes within range, LoS, and has less than total cover.

Done, I'll go get a LoS check.


Position: X-16
AC: 15 (+2 tree)
Everything except the two Magic Missiles

2009-09-26, 01:58 PM
Hi Ref Scorer


Nothing to see here, except a text that says "Nothing to see here, except a text that says "Nothing to see here, except a text that says "Nothing to see here, except a text that says "Nothing to see here, ...


No LoS


No LoS

2009-09-26, 02:02 PM
Robert the Blade - Round 5


Begin Turn: I7

Move: Move to M7

Standard: Ready action to attempt to start a grapple if Firella comes within 5 ft of me.

Stats and Status:

Position: M7

HP: 9/18
PP: 0/4
AC: 16 (+4 Chain Shirt, +2 Dex) T 12, FF 14 (14/10/14 while running)

Psionically Focused

In Hands: Greatsword
On Belt: Loaded sling and 30 bullets

2009-09-26, 02:41 PM
Fiorella, Round 6

Move to W-8, ready action to cast Seeking Ray if opponent is in range, LoS, and has less than total cover.

Done, another check.


Position: W-8
AC: 15 (+2 tree)
Everything except the two Magic Missiles

2009-09-26, 02:45 PM
Hi Ref Scorer

LoS established

Fiorella is on W8

Robert is on M7

2009-09-26, 02:58 PM
I just realized I forgot to mention one of my feats automatically activated in round 3 when Robert was next to me. I'll assume that means I can't do it now, so I won't account for it. For the rest of my turn I will move south, breaking LoS after I leave W-8 and going back to X-16. Deja vu.


2009-09-26, 05:07 PM
Robert the Blade - Round 6


Move to S8

Will wait on rest of turn until after LoS done.

Not end of turn, need LoS

2009-09-26, 07:08 PM
High Ref Scorer

LoS established again...

Fiorella in X16

Robert in S8

2009-09-26, 09:13 PM

Move to S14

Turn Done

2009-09-27, 01:03 AM
Eh, enough being cautious and such, worst comes to worst I can live to fight another day.

Second activation of gloves, fire Kelgore's Fire Bolt at opponent.

Damage: [roll0]

Reflex for half, DC 14 (curse the DC not scaling to caster level!)

Rest of turn is decided after that.

2009-09-27, 01:08 AM
OK, I think that's death if you fail the save, if not you're at 0 (since it rounds down). I'll probably go ahead and move to X-22 just in case.

2009-09-27, 01:47 AM
Robert the Blade - Round 7

Begin Turn: S14

[roll0] DC 14

Will post rest of turn after I see result of save.

2009-09-27, 01:49 AM
OK, well I'm still standing I guess.

Rest of turn:

Move to S20

Stats and Status:

Position: S20

HP: 0/18
PP: 0/4
AC: 16 (+4 Chain Shirt, +2 Dex) T 12, FF 14

Psionically Focused

In Hands: Greatsword
On Belt: Loaded sling and 30 bullets

2009-09-27, 09:24 AM
Let's try to finish this with a Ray of Frost.



And if you're still alive, I'll move to Z-26.

2009-09-27, 09:54 AM
If your touch AC is still 12 as listed, that's game. Well played, I learned a bit about movement here. And at least you still get to level up.

2009-09-27, 10:18 AM
Yep, that should bring me down to -3. Good game, I need to come up with a way to combat fast ranged attackers.

2009-09-27, 11:19 AM
I would suggest retraining to get the Quick trait at level up. You could benefit from more landspeed, and your HP is high enough that -1 per level won't hurt you.

2009-09-28, 03:17 AM
High Ref Mav:

Fiorella gets the win and the loot, as well as the first place prize for winning round 60.

Robert comes in second.