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View Full Version : How do You Like to Flavor Psionics?

2009-09-25, 03:34 PM
I'm wondering how you like to flavor psionics? Or are they just "other wizards" to you?

On that note, do you ever encourage a certain flavor for arcane casters?

I'm thinking of, if I ever get a consistent campaign going, having Psionic characters hailing from harsher climates. Some of them would hail from Jungles, and possibly have encampments on beachy shores. These people would have mostly an Arabic style, but with some Asian Samurai/Ninja style to them (and some structural similarities). Assuming I used them, Monks would be found among this society. Wilders wouldn't be common, and among this society there would be a lean (however significant) towards law.

2009-09-25, 03:40 PM
In my game, psionics is the mechanic by which sorcerers work.

Or put in another way, psions are arcane spellcasters and replace the sorcerer class. But the whole sorcerer fluff stays the same, and no bald heads, tatoos or crystal wands.
And ectoplasm is just visible magical energy, or something like that.

2009-09-25, 03:46 PM
It depends on the game and the character. Being entirely internal, the system lends itself well to reflavouring in a host of ways. On the other hand, feats and powers that tie in to the crystal/ectoplasm flavour may make that harder.

2009-09-25, 03:54 PM
flavour feels like silly new age crystal crap. But mechanics feel a lot more wizardry than the actual wizards. (aka, in fantasy, mages are made out like psions, not the *gag* vanacian system)

2009-09-25, 03:57 PM
with SPICE!

2009-09-25, 04:03 PM
with SPICE!

That sounds like it would work excellently.

I actually rather like the default flavor.

2009-09-25, 04:09 PM
That sounds like it would work excellently.

I actually rather like the default flavor.

I don't feel like there is very much flavor by default. I mean, I really like the art, but that seems to be where all the favor I get comes from.

2009-09-25, 04:14 PM
I don't feel like there is very much flavor by default. I mean, I really like the art, but that seems to be where all the favor I get comes from.

Well, ultimately, it's borrowed loosely from psychic powers as seen in (pulp) science fiction (I can use 100% of my brain, BEHOLD MY POWER), and a bit from popular paranormal phenomena from the 70-80's time period.

It's all about people with visibly throbbing brains, wearing crystals and talking about vibrations using technobabble (such as 'resonance').

2009-09-25, 04:55 PM
I don't feel like there is very much flavor by default. I mean, I really like the art, but that seems to be where all the favor I get comes from.

Astral Constructs are Tibiten (from Tibet).
But everything else seems from Fantasy stories.

2009-09-25, 05:27 PM
In my game, psionics is the mechanic by which sorcerers work.

Or put in another way, psions are arcane spellcasters and replace the sorcerer class. But the whole sorcerer fluff stays the same, and no bald heads, tatoos or crystal wands.
And ectoplasm is just visible magical energy, or something like that.

I like that idea too. Wizards are Vancian casters, each spell retained is a pocket of energy derived from a series of codes and scientific formula contained in the caster's neural pathways. Sorcerers use psionics, each spell cast is a manifesation of the sorcerer's personal power and ambient energy given form due to the caster's innate gifts and dicsipline. Invokers unleash raw power without limit and from their own innate power or due to otherworldly bargains or fealty.

For archivists take wizards and replace "pocket of energy" with either "miracle" or divine blessing and "a series of codes and scientific formula" with "rites and prayers". Also wizards and archivists will top out at only 12 spell slots, period. However these are only for spells prepared, not per day. If cast a spell can be replaced with any other spell the wizard or archivist knows and can cast, provided the caster has the time to do so. Also each spell would take a number of minutes to prepare based based on the spell's level.

2009-09-25, 05:43 PM
Reality is a mix of solid state objects and quantum state probabilities. Both psionics and arcane magic act on the later to change reality. Psionics by forcing reality to its whim by sheer force will, while arcanists use cheats and hacks to mold reality. One is forceful and the latter is crafty.

Psionics is the natural next step of evolution, which is why enslaved races like the Gith and half-giants develop it. Places like Athas where the land is harsh is also prone to increase the process of survival of the fittest. They alter reality by sheer force of will rather than using gestures and components.

Arcanist alter reality by using catalysts and "hack" reality, which is why they have more spells than psions have powers. Magical creatures have built in sense about the reality around them and can do a set amount of effects.

In the long run the arcanist will have more options because they have an easier time effecting reality.

2009-09-25, 05:56 PM
In my games, psionics are a power unlocked through deep introspection (psions), through understanding of the fundamental nature of things (ardents), or through raw innate talent (wilders).

Where possible, I make use of Eberron's plane of dreams and the Quori to explain the origins of psionic study.

2009-09-25, 05:58 PM
I flavor them as arcanists who just use an alternate "source" for their energy. There are no bald, heavily-tatooed psions wielding crystal wands in my setting either (at least not in the numbers suggested in the EPH, where all the pictures seem to look like that).

2009-09-25, 06:29 PM
I tend to treat them as a parallel branch of arcane magic. Anyone with enough Int can learn some limited Wizardry, but Psi requires a certain innate talent and is hence prized in many civilized areas (and feared/persecuted in some uncivilized ones). It also requires a large degree of mental discipline, over and above the actual study involved, so Psions tend to be more emotionally guarded, more meditative, pulled back a little farther from normal life.

Wizards tend to study by themselves or take on apprentices, but it's important and a general social concern to train Psions so they don't accidentally blow things up, so there's something akin to the school system for that. People who show the potential (usually by accidentally manifesting minor powers) can get mental discipline training either through a subsidized public system, or through expensive private-school-type classes. Of course, those in less highly civilized areas generally fend for themselves, and either teach themselves the discipline, become Wilders, or get killed for being a danger to themselves and others.

2009-09-25, 06:36 PM
Me and my friends usually run psions or wilders as crazies whose minds have been so broken that they can in turn break the reality around them. Think River Tam, except throwing pyrokinesis around.

Their power displays can vary from the silly to the unspeakably disturbing, depending on the general state of the mind-user.

We generally run psychic warriors with monk flavor, though; highly trained, highly introspective warriors who draw out their own internal power to augment their combat abilities.

Their power displays are usually highly symbolic and/or beautiful icons and patterns, almost like Exalted anima banners.

The Rose Dragon
2009-09-25, 06:36 PM
Psionics are... well, psionics. They include people like Jean Grey, Professor X, Psylocke and et cetera. For some weird reason, most psionics turn out to be mutants.

I once had a psionic character whose entire power consisted of "hulking out". He created a psionic shell around him which increased his size and strength. IT helped that he was 10.

I also have psionic angels, such as Dusklord, he who has fallen from Lucifer's grace (who is the head of the archangels after ousting Mephistopheles from his position as God).

Earth Destiny is a funny place to be in, let me tell you.

Tequila Sunrise
2009-09-25, 07:04 PM
I'm wondering how you like to flavor psionics? Or are they just "other wizards" to you?
Yes. Or, in 4e's case, "wizards without the lame nod toward spellbooks."

2009-09-25, 07:13 PM
Personally I like

You draw power from
Psionics- Yourself
Arcane:Whatever is lieing around
Divine:A single constant source.

Don't know how druids work under that though.

2009-09-25, 07:34 PM
Well, ultimately, it's borrowed loosely from psychic powers as seen in (pulp) science fiction (I can use 100% of my brain, BEHOLD MY POWER), and a bit from popular paranormal phenomena from the 70-80's time period.

EVERYONE uses 100% of their brains. not all of it for thinking, but there are many other things that your brain needs to do (motor control, eyesight, smell, hearing, etc)

2009-09-25, 07:44 PM
Like sorcery, with a bit of the self-fueled divine thrown in for shiggles (eventually led to a deicidal Wilder/Thrallherd character).

2009-09-25, 09:51 PM
Arcane casters draw power from the fabric of reality itself, reshaping and molding it like a sculptor molds clay or a mason constructs a building. Divine casters get thier gods and nature itself to do things for them. Psionic characters draw power from thier own souls. They extend a part of thier own will and influence thier world and shape it how they want.

Say a wizard, a cleric, and a psion are asked to build a house (no, this is not the start of a joke).

The wizard would MAKE someone else do it for him.

The cleric would ASK someone else to do it for him.

The psion would just pick up a hammer and nails and build it himself.

2009-09-25, 09:59 PM
I flavor it like any other magic. That tends to work out best since psionics has such a nice mechanical system but the fluff tends to be off putting for people.

2009-09-25, 10:01 PM
I play it straight. YOU Might think its funny, but your character in game probably knows better :smallamused:

2009-09-25, 10:10 PM
Personally I like

You draw power from
Psionics- Yourself
Arcane:Whatever is lieing around
Divine:A single constant source.

Don't know how druids work under that though.

Druids are divine. They've just taken to a different set of gods. In greek terms, clerics worship Mount Olympus, and druids worship Titans.

2009-09-26, 03:20 PM
Druids are divine. They've just taken to a different set of gods. In greek terms, clerics worship Mount Olympus, and druids worship Titans.
Clerics worship gods, druids worship Mount Olympus.

2009-09-26, 03:31 PM
Clerics worship gods, druids worship Mount Olympus.


I meant the gods of Mount Olympus are whom the clerics worship.

And for the record, druids have that same split source that clerics do. Clerics get 'any god or any ideal', Druids get 'nature god or nature'.