View Full Version : When Swords Crash - IC

2009-09-25, 06:17 PM
(OOC: The OOC can be found here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=126255))

The sun rose to its zenith, shinning brilliantly in the cloudless blue sky. The small town of Avicus was a bustle celebrating the summer's solstice, the festival of Scion. Musicians played on every street corner and the villagers danced in the streets. Children laughed and adults played. The all day feast kept them filled, with most of the older men resting a heavy hand on a happy belly.

In the dazzling light of the festival the sky began to darken. At first it was unnoticed, ignored as a passing cloud. But the sky darkened further and drew the attention of a few annoyed denizens. Glancing upward they saw great balls of fire falling towards them. Screams and panic ensued. Parents grabbed their children trying to escape the shadows which meant death. The few hundred people in the small village began running any way they could. Most escaped. Some didn't.

The impact rocked the ground, sending shock waves for miles in every direction. Those who escaped the village still tumbled to the ground, a few with broken bones. The meteors leveled Avicus. Little more than craters were left behind.

It took days for a Legion to arrive from the city of Dyyr. By then the fires were extinguished and the surviving villagers had begun exploring the ruins. Forty five of the four hundred inhabitants were dead, and another seventy were missing. A mass grave was being dug for them; tears were plentiful.

Brandus, a small boy, was most active among the ruins, looking for his sister. He worked tirelessly, sleeping only a few hours a night. His parents had survived, though his father had broken a leg. He was searching the largest crater, near to where his home had once stood, when he heard a voice. "Excuse me child. I need your aid." Brandus looked around but didn't see anyone. Puzzled he continued his search. "Fascinating. Maybe he doesn't understand Luthin*." The voice prepared to ask again, in a multitude of languages, when the boy replied, "Oh, I hear you. I just don't see you. Where are you? Jeof, is that you playing a trick on me?" The only unusual thing the boy could see was a large sword.

"Oh, I assure you, I am no Jeof. I am the sword you have twice ignored. Now, pick me up and take me to your leader." Brandus was shocked, but he couldn't help himself. He felt his will surrender and tried picking up the sword, couldn't and began dragging it towards the camp the villagers had set up outside of town.

"Ow! Stop that now. I'm very sensitive you know." Brandus stopped, confused at his involuntary action. The sword stopped a moment and instead ordered Brandus to get a grown up and bring them here.

Sure enough, Brandus brought not only his father, but most of the other adults that would follow him. The sword was vaguely annoyed but applauded the boy for his enthusiasm.

The sword didn't hesitate to speak when questioned. "I must be returned to my master. Which of you will take me?" He imposed his Will and knew that willing or not, they would take him.

2009-09-26, 12:33 AM

The last two days had been a nightmare. Screams of pain the streets; mournful wails permeated the very air. Due to the general circumstances of the catastrophe, there weren't many people that were beyond hope... quick deaths in the smallest flash of light. Still, it brought back a few memories Jacob didn't want to remember.

The first trickle of legionaries had allowed him a few moments of respite. They brought with them a little medical supplies, but more importantly eyes to make sure the wounded wouldn't do anything foolish. He wasn't worried about what would happen to his shop while he took a walk. Anything of immediate use was used already. Jacob didn't really think about how the town would rebuild, how he would resupply his stock, or what it would mean to have the mass grave within sight of his building. For a small time, he just walked down the street, subconsciously moving towards the crater.

Noticing the growing crowd, Jacob moved his way in to see what was going on. Eventually getting a small idea of the situation, he goes to confront the sword.

"If you didn't notice, whatever just happened to our town has left us in dire straights. If you want some help, you can make yourself useful somehow and wait for a time when we can spare some people from digging survivors out of rubble, binding the wounded, and burying the dead."

Going to predict I'll need a will save coming up, so

2009-09-26, 09:38 AM
"I don't see how digging for survivors is relevant to getting me home. I'm by far more valuable then anyone left struggling under the rubble." Where the sword's voice emanated from was unclear, but it was high pitched and whiny. Sensing that this argument wasn't going to get him what he wanted. "With so many of you already searching the rubble, don't you think a few of you can be spared?"

Good initiative, but we don't need it yet. Only if he can't otherwise convince you.

2009-09-26, 10:52 AM
Grey Goldleaf

Grey seems restless as he stands in the crowd. Seeing an opprotunity present itself as Jacob walks up to the sword, he silently follows.

Just our luck, a magic sword falls out of the sky and it turns out to be an inconsiderate arse. Maybe we should just melt it down for scrap. Grey mutters as he straightens his clothes out.

Turning to Jacob, he hesitates then speaks. Jacob, right? I've seen you in the Inn before at one of my performances. It's a pleasure to meet you again. He then extends a hand and smiles.

2009-09-26, 11:05 AM
Finally free after days of digging himself out, Leander had not been very useful in looking for survivors. To be fair, he did try repeatedly; but he appeared to have developed a case of claustrophobia that hindered efforts to search the ruins. When he joined the crowd gathered around the sword, he was guiltily pleased that he had an opportunity to avoid those closed spaces. On the other hand, Leander did not trust talking things that were not supposed to talk.

"How did you come to be here, sword? I think the townspeople would have been aware of a talking sword had you been here long, which means you arrived with the rain of fire. A rather auspicious and ill-omened arrival, don't you think? So tell me, sword, why should we help you? How do we know that you are not ultimately responsible for all of this?"

Eternal Kanus
2009-09-26, 11:39 AM

Saless was sulking. He had been for most of the time since the catastrophe, except for the time he spent helping the rest of the village with the excavation attempts. He most likely could have helped substantially more with his abilities by destroying pieces of rubble, but still refused. His abilities were still unknown to most, and he'd rather avoid the risk of anyone blaming his demonic blood for the incident. Like he did.

When he heard of the gathering around the sword, he went to investigate, but kept his distance. He had seen the holy warrior around before, and it was amusing to see him question a talking sword. Saless spoke, though it was quiet enough that most in the crowd would not hear him, unless they were attentive, or simply paranoid. "If the sword destroyed Avicus as an act of war, it isn't really very good at it. We lost many, yes, and the village as a whole was destroyed, but most of us are still alive... so either this was unintentional or the one who committed the deed isn't very good at it."

2009-09-26, 12:51 PM
Saless, what a pleasure to see that you're alive. Even more so, you're still thinking clearly. Grey sighed and sat on rock on the ground.

2009-09-26, 07:14 PM
"Melt me down for scrap? Of all the inconsiderate thing to say..." The sword muttered to itself. "Well of course I fell out the sky and, for your information, that I landed in your little town was completely unintentional.

"When my master cast the spell that would launch me half way across the continent, the calculation of the trajectory had several unknown variables and did not take into account what I would land on. The probably of crashing here was as great as any in a ten mile radius. The destruction of the town is, without a doubt, a tragedy, but was an honest to goodness accident. But now, who will take me home?""

Eternal Kanus
2009-09-26, 08:09 PM

Saless gives Grey a quick nod of greetings. Of course. A random chance of hitting anything in a ten mile radius, and it hits Avicus. Because of me. Saless takes a few steps away. Wait. Take him to his owner? Hm... it's the least I can do. At the very least it'll get me out of here to keep me from damning any reconstruction efforts.

Saless turns back and walks toward the crowd, speaking loud enough for everyone to hear. "I will return you to your owner, sword."

2009-09-26, 08:20 PM
Oh joy, a homesick sword. What's next, perhaps a whiny breastplate. or perhaps an insane axe. Grey says in a rare display of hostility. I've been waiting to get out of here anyway; now I have an excuse. Very well, I will join you.

2009-09-27, 12:40 AM

Stepping back a moment to allow his indignation at the sword to settle for a bit, he lets the outcries of the others speak for the town. When spoken to, Jacob responds to Grey calmly, masking his displeasure at the situation.

"I can't seem to avoid the place, never was a good.."

The conversation was cut short as the church-sent outsider revealed that he had not been killed in the catastrophe. Still moderately enraged by the demanding sentient inanimate object, Jacob has to make an effort to hold his tongue. Instead of going into a tirade about what a horrible idea this is or how the sword doesn't deserve any help, he makes a suggestion to the volunteers shaking his head.

"If you can't be dissuaded, each of you should stop by the apothecary on the way out. If it's arrival is any omen of things to come you'll need at least some herbs to stop wounds from rotting... if there's anything left."

2009-09-27, 03:34 PM

A shift of rubble as Tordek, who had been knocked uncocnious, pushes aside several beams that had hidden him from view. He rubbed his sore arms, which he'd struggled to make enough space to lift the heavy beams. He crawled out of the debri, brushing off his torn clothes and getting the dust out of his short brown hair. He saw the group of people, and the sword immedietly caught his eye, not because of nay magical nature it had but its craftsmanship is what intrigued him. He approached the group, recognizing a few faces. He was unaware of what had been going on.

"That is a very finely crtafted sword you've found there. Where did it come from?"

2009-09-27, 07:42 PM
"You people are so inpolite. Please call me Sheandan, I am from the island of Kietis. How soon can we be on our way?"


Post relevant OOC rolls can be made at the end of your post in a spoiler tag.

Knowledge checks:
Knowledge (Geography) DC 15: Kietis is a large island of the south eastern part of the Empire (you're in the north western).

Knowledge (History)
DC 15: Kietis is a magocracy and one of the empire's biggest rivals. It is mostly made up of elves and humans who have rejected Scion's teaching.
DC 18: Kietis has been coveted by the Empire for many years.

Eternal Kanus
2009-09-27, 09:28 PM

Not knowing what the blade is capable of, Saless bows slightly as a display of respect, even if it is to a sword. "A pleasure to meet you, Sheandan. But Jacob is right, we need to gather supplies and equipment, but it shouldn't take too terribly long before we can depart." Saless furrows his brow at the mention of Kietis, and turns to the bard beside him. "You were always the more knowledgeable of us, Grey. Do you know much about Kietis? The name isn't familiar to me."

Saless then turns to Tordek, offering an explanation. "Good to see you alive. As you have heard, this is Sheandan of Kietis, a sapient magic sword, and he is requesting to be brought to his owner. He inadvertently brought about the destruction of Avicus by means of a botched teleportation spell, we just happened to have the misfortune of being the place it crashed."

2009-09-28, 01:06 AM

Jacob was having none of the sword's complaints of courtesy. "You have no right to speak of rudeness. As a direct result of you and your master, dozens of people are dead. Most of the buildings that weren't demolished have been razed to the ground by fire. The only thing we owe you is to leave you in the bottom of a lake. Given enough time I think I can grind out enough of your sentience to make us even, but this apparently wouldn't meet your timeline."

Dusting some dirt off of his sleeve, Jacob allows himself to calm down and let some of the built up venom dissipate. He begins to walk away from the main crater, but addresses the volunteers as he goes. "I apologize for that outburst to anyone it was not meant for. The last few days have been, stressful. An amount of compassion is too much to ask from something that cannot comprehend what horrors it's committed."

2009-09-28, 01:27 PM
Leander nodded, "I quite agree." He turned towards the sword, "I do not trust you and your honeyed words, Sheandan, if that is even your real name. I will accompany those who wish to return you, if only to defend them against whatever nefarious designs you have. Should we actually meet your supposed master, if it is within my power, they will be brought to answer for this."

2009-09-28, 03:40 PM
I might be able to remember something. Grey muses.

Wonderful, so it's decided then. Grey says with a hint of irony. Whether we want to deliver the sword or make its master answer for the terrible destruction, it is absolutely useless to stand here. I'm ready to go as it is.

OOC Rolls (Skill Monkey Time)

Knowledge Arcana for magical knowledge surrounding the sword and its master: [roll0]

Knowledge Geography for area information: [roll1]

Knowledge History for legends: [roll2]

Bardic Knowledge for legends etc. : [roll3]

Appraise on The Sword (make, value, etc) : [roll4]

Spellcraft checking for magical symbols/hints : [roll5]

Use Magic Device attempt to activate any residual powers of the sword: [roll6]

2009-09-28, 03:49 PM
"I agree with Grey. Standing abotu alking never accomplishes much of anything. The loss of the dozen of our friends and fellow villagers can be mourned upon later."

Tordek goes back to the rubble and sifts through it, pulling otu a small chest where he kept some of his personal gear. He had always wanted to go an an adventure. Working in a blacksmith gave him plenty of opportunity to put together the gear he'd need when the time came.

Eternal Kanus
2009-09-28, 06:12 PM

"Well while it seems that some of you are prepared, I was not preparing to leave, and I need to go see what I can acquire, so that I don't get cut in half or starve to death." Saless starts to turn, but quickly turns back to the group. "So at the moment the traveling group is myself, Grey, Tordek, and... whatever your name is." Once more Saless turns to walk away, this time taking a few steps before turning back again. "Oh, and Sheandan, I suppose this is your choice, but who exactly do you wish to carry you while we travel? I doubt you'd want us to decide amongst ourselves." Saless walks off and begins to see what resources that's been dug out of the rubble has been spared.

Just doing this because I figure I wouldn't exactly have traveling equipment available at will. Next time I post it'll be assumed I gathered what's on my character sheet.

2009-09-29, 08:26 AM

Please check the Ooc forum before we continue. Thanks

2009-09-29, 12:38 PM
Ah, bullocks.

Will Save


2009-09-30, 08:57 AM
"Carry me?"-he said to Saless-"Good question. It would be best if I was to remain out of sight. A piece of art such as myself would be considered strange in the hands of such riffraff. I think it would be best if you wrapped me in silk cloth and placed on the saddle of the most experienced rider; I'd hate to be bounced around."

"Oh those hands are cold."--this to Grey--"oh no, I'm not telling you my secrets."


You fail to activate any of the swords powers, but you could tell that whatever magic it was imbued with is still strong.

On top of the that you feel an urge to take this sword home as quickly as possible.

2009-09-30, 09:12 AM
Most of the villagers returned to work as they the entertainment value of the sword disspated. Once the volunteers had stepped forward the sword was no longer their concern.

The volunteers left the sword in the care of Grey, who, since grasping it was unwilling to leave it. They, including Grey, gathered their belongings and packed what supplies they could. Pickings were slim though as so much had been destroyed, and the villagers who were staying behind had the greater need.

They gathered at the edge of town. There were five of them: Grey, Leander, Tordek, Jacob and Saless.

The sword had been wrong about going with the best rider: there was not a horse between them. Instead, the village had donated a pack mule, and so the sword was strapped to the mule, wrapped in silk, along with the volunteers baggage.

"So," the sword asked the group, "which way?"


Moving it forward tiny bit.

2009-09-30, 06:51 PM
Leander stared at the sword in consternation. "You do not even know from whence you came? For a supposedly sentient weapon, you appear to possess little in the way of mental faculties." Turning to Grey, he continued "I believe that you are well-versed in lore, correct, master Goldleaf? Have you any insight as to the location of our goal?"

2009-09-30, 07:13 PM
We're headed for Kietis, a magoracy. That's where Master Tallaavandrel, the swords creator lives. Or rather, where he is supposed to live; he's kind of a mysterious figure in history. Must be rich because the sword is finely made. The gems in the hilt alone.... Nevermind... Kietis is an island in the south east. So... That way. Grey says and points southeast.

Eternal Kanus
2009-09-30, 07:27 PM

"Southeast? Very well, let us be on our way." Saless begins to start following the road, chuckling to himself. "Oh, and Leander? Don't argue with inanimate objects. It honestly makes you look very silly. Even if they can talk back."

2009-09-30, 09:47 PM

Still moderately confused on how he was talked into going along, Jacob fastens his gear onto the mule after putting a sunrod into his pocket. Emergencies. Before he was packing, the last thing he could remember was that he had nothing left for the group and would be suicide to go without someone with rudimentary healing supplies. There's something off about that sword, more than it's letting on. Tightening a last strap around his pack, he remarks to the sword, "Well at least you can't smell anything... I think." before joining the others.

"Well when you get into magic works, things suddenly get more expensive. You can live for weeks on what it costs to make a dose of antidote."

2009-10-01, 11:41 PM
Leander could only chuckle and grin foolishly at Saless' comment. Shouldering his halberd, the paladin fell in step. "I suppose you are correct, it does seem rather silly. However, it also serves to make me feel better."

2009-10-02, 10:17 AM
Dressing in his leather armor, Tordek attaches his steel shield to his back, over his backpack. He carries his morning star in one hand while his other hand is free to reach back and grab the light metal shield quickly. He smiles, his eyes fileld with an eagerness for this adventure. He falls in towards the back of the group, constantly looking around.

2009-10-05, 04:59 PM

Repeated from the OOC forum... so this post is redundant if you've read it there...

The question now, is which way?
Will you take the main road to Dyyr? and continue from there?

You could also instead head south, follow the mountains into Maitobas and find a port city there, and head most of the way by sea?

There are other options, and this part is a bit free form. Who knows, if you have some dispute as to whether or not you're actually taking the sword to his master and might instead turn it into the authorities, the capital of the empire (Lutheria) is found in the province of Luthaea.

Whichever direction, I'm all geared up to go. So, once you've come to a decision, and say, "we're heading thataway!" I'll set you on the road!

2009-10-05, 07:20 PM
How about we catch a ship?

2009-10-05, 10:28 PM

Dipping his hand into his pockets, Jacob pulls out a few coins and takes a quick count. It was pretty light. Unless some good fortune befell them, a boat ride could become out of the question. Of course the same could be said about eating...

"Never having been out to sea I don't know much of how much that would cost." Jacob takes a few moments of thinking time before continuing, raising one of his eyebrows mid-sentence. "Of course if we had some form of, persuasion it would be cheaper."

2009-10-06, 12:16 PM
"Perhaps we can head towards the mountainous regions. My father has some dealings with a small clan of dwarves. If we find them, perhaps they can show us some mountain paths we can take. Always wanted to travel through the mountains myself."

Eternal Kanus
2009-10-06, 01:39 PM

"Personally I believe our destination should be Beaticus, and see about getting sea travel. As for funds, we'll cross that bridge when the time comes. Though more pressing is where we are going now, we don't exactly have the resources necessary to make a cross-country journey. Perhaps we should head to Dyyr and see if we can get some work to earn enough money to complete our journey?" Turning to face the mule that the blade was riding upon, Saless appeared slightly more inquisitorial. "This matter was actually not brought up, but I assume your master would be willing to pay for your return? We shouldn't be expected to do this as an act of charity."

2009-10-06, 07:24 PM
"I agree with Saless on both counts. We should be able to earn some more funds there. I am also keenly interested in your reply master...Whatever you said your name was." Leander stared expectantly at the sword.

2009-10-07, 10:09 AM
That sounds.... like a good plan. Dyr first, I can play a few shows if necessary. Otherwise, we could run some "errands", or the like. Grey looks off into the distance.

2009-10-09, 07:12 AM
"My name is Sheandan. And I'm sure my master will pay handsomely for my return."


Great! I think a direction is decided! So, give me until tomorrow to write up the details of the road. Feel free to continue RPing' until then!

Eternal Kanus
2009-10-09, 06:52 PM

Glancing back at the others, Saless thought momentarily before pausing. "Y'know, I'm not really sure what rumors there were about me, if any, but I figure this is the kind of thing I should get out there now before something bad inevitably happens and you find out then." Saless grabs a rock off the ground, then tosses it into the air, mumbling a word of destruction, causing the rock to crumble into gravel. "I have some... unique... arcane powers. On top of what I just showed you I can concentrate similar energy into a beam of what I presume causes death. I never tested it on a living target."

2009-10-09, 07:03 PM
Grey's eyes widen with a certain aspect of awe. Well... that seems, for lack of a better word, useful. Grey fixes his hair and looks around. I... never knew you could do that Saless, I mean, you always seemed so... normal. Then again, i have a bit of a skewed view of what is normal... Grey sighs and looks off into the distance. Well, here it is. I've been stuck in town for about six months, doing odd jobs and playing music at the inn. My parents are members of a traveling trade caravan. If we're lucky, we might run into them... but that's just wishful thinking. Thanks to my travels with them, I have picked up some associated knowledge. I am also trained musician, dancer, and somewhat of a minor magician. I hate close combat and generally prefer to fight using my crossbow. Grey pauses for a moment. He leans down to secure a strap on his boot. I also have a certain... way, with people. I can get them to do what I want them to do usually. So if you need a face for any situation, you need not look any further. Grey finishes his lengthy speech with a wink and a jump. He then rushes to the front of the group and begins playing his flute.

2009-10-12, 09:04 PM
Leander chose not to say anything about what Saless had just shown them. that plus what he had said was somewhat worrisome, but he had yet to do anything untoward. Leander resolved to watch those around him more closely and altered his pace to the rhythm of Grey's tune.