View Full Version : The Will of the Sword - IC

2009-09-25, 06:18 PM
(OOC: The OOC can be found here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=126256))

The sun rose to its zenith, shinning brilliantly in the cloudless blue sky. The small town of Avicus was a bustle celebrating the summer's solstice, the festival of Scion. Musicians played on every street corner and the villagers danced in the streets. Children laughed and adults played. The all day feast kept them filled, with most of the older men resting a heavy hand on a happy belly.

In the dazzling light of the festival the sky began to darken. At first it was unnoticed, ignored as a passing cloud. But the sky darkened further and drew the attention of a few annoyed denizens. Glancing upward they saw great balls of fire falling towards them. Screams and panic ensued. Parents grabbed their children trying to escape the shadows which meant death. The few hundred people in the small village began running any way they could. Most escaped. Some didn't.

The impact rocked the ground, sending shock waves for miles in every direction. Those who escaped the village still tumbled to the ground, a few with broken bones. The meteors leveled Avicus. Little more than craters were left behind.

It took days for a Legion to arrive from the city of Dyyr. By then the fires were extinguished and the surviving villagers had begun exploring the ruins. Forty five of the four hundred inhabitants were dead, and another seventy were missing. A mass grave was being dug for them; tears were plentiful.

Brandus, a small boy, was most active among the ruins, looking for his sister. He worked tirelessly, sleeping only a few hours a night. His parents had survived, though his father had broken a leg. He was searching the largest crater, near to where his home had once stood, when he heard a voice. "Excuse me child. I need your aid." Brandus looked around but didn't see anyone. Puzzled he continued his search. "Fascinating. Maybe he doesn't understand Luthin*." The voice prepared to ask again, in a multitude of languages, when the boy replied, "Oh, I hear you. I just don't see you. Where are you? Jeof, is that you playing a trick on me?" The only unusual thing the boy could see was a large sword.

"Oh, I assure you, I am no Jeof. I am the sword you have twice ignored. Now, pick me up and take me to your leader." Brandus was shocked, but he couldn't help himself. He felt his will surrender and tried picking up the sword, couldn't and began dragging it towards the camp the villagers had set up outside of town.

"Ow! Stop that now. I'm very sensitive you know." Brandus stopped, confused at his involuntary action. The sword stopped a moment and instead ordered Brandus to get a grown up and bring them here.

Sure enough, Brandus brought not only his father, but most of the other adults that would follow him. The sword was vaguely annoyed but applauded the boy for his enthusiasm.

The sword didn't hesitate to speak when questioned. "I must be returned to my master. Which of you will take me?" He imposed his Will and knew that willing or not, they would take him.

2009-09-25, 06:47 PM
"I suppose I have no reason to stay here" said an old man in the back. He walked through the crowd and stood in front of the sword. "I will go take you to your master if any would accompany me. Can you tell me where we will be headed? It would help me much in preparing for the journey... Not that I have anything left to prepare with."

2009-09-25, 07:00 PM
A tall, striking man steps forward from the crowd, toward the speaking weapon. His ebon hair is fashioned in a Caesar cut, and his blue eyes are almost crystalline. He wears armor crafted of metal scales, though his epaulets are solid steel. A forest green cloak hangs low to the ground, and is secured about his neck by a brooch; this brooch displays a stylized sun, horse, and lance. It is the symbol of the Solidi tes Calvier, the Empire's cavalry. A shortsword is prominently displayed at his waist. The as-yet unnamed man addresses the sword. "I will accompany you as well." He speaks in a deep, clear, and loud voice. "It is my duty as a servant of the Empire to help those in need."

2009-09-25, 09:47 PM
A tall, slim, light skinned man steps out amongst the crowd staring directly towards the sword. Between the sways of his black dreaded hair revealed the white around his light brown eyes were red that revealed that he has pain and sorrow. Around his shoulders was a dark brown mantle and the string of his bow which rested on his right shoulder. With an arrow he pointed at the sword and in a half broken voice he said. "Why should we help you? You could have been the cause of this. Families seeing each other die deaths that one only sees in nightmares. Homes that took years to get are gone in a second. WHY WHY SHOULD WE HELP YOU.

2009-09-25, 10:00 PM
The imperial soldier turns to face the wild-looking man. "Don't be so quick to jump to conclusions, citizen. He could have been the cause of this, true, but we do not know that." He glances back at the magical blade. "Did you? Did you cause such suffering?"

2009-09-25, 10:23 PM
Letting himself calm down before he speaks his next words. He turns to the Imperial Soldier and says. I'm sorry for the outburst but i am a man who just lost everything he loves and a talking sword comes out the blue and demands to be taken back to a place we never heard of and i just lost it. My name is Leaf Redwood; Legionnaire scout of the Solidi tes Spessiolier as far as i know anyways. He pulls up his mantle to reveal the mark of his legion on his right arm.

2009-09-25, 10:33 PM
"I am sorry to hear of your loss, soldier. But in times such as these, the Legion must be a rock the people can stand on." He motions toward his brooch. "Aulus Calation, heavy cavalry of the Solidi tes Calvier, noble of House Calation, and loyal servant of the Empire. Well met, brethren."

2009-09-25, 11:58 PM
The first man to step forward had remained silent during the converse between the two legionaires, instead examining the sword with as much care as could be warranted without disturbing it. His skin now seemed pale compared to the more tan hues of those around him, and he was a good deal smaller than them. He sunken eyes glanced up once the taller of the two soldiers mentioned his name. Whatever caused thee impulse isn't seen on his face, however. He examines both the soldiers fairly closely, before turning back and staring at the sword. He stares for a short moment before speaking aloud. "You may be right, but whether the sword caused this or not, I'll be leaving anyway. The sword—I'm assuming you have a name, seeing as you are quite intelligent. Would you mind telling us what it is?—The sword will most likely prove itself of some value, and it will give me a direction for my new wanderings. That is enough for me."
He looks towards the two soldiers. "I'm sorry, I suppose only one of you know who who I am." He says while smiling lightly at the soldier named Leaf. Probably neither of you knowing how quickly you young wanderers forget your childhood community. My name is Brian Daelric. Those you meet around here would call me a scribe or storyteller. Probably both, though I can't say I'm very good at either. Brian chuckles softly.

2009-09-26, 12:05 AM
"My name? I don't see how that's relevant, but I don't suppose it matters if I tell you. My crafter named me Sheandan. And while all this discussion is fine and dandy, I quite frankly don't give two owl's hoots who takes me back to Kietis. Can we just be on our way?" Where the sword's emanated from was unclear, but it was high pitched and whiny.


Post relevant OOC rolls can be made at the end of your post in a spoiler tag.

Knowledge checks:
Knowledge (Geography) DC 15: Kietis is a large island of the south eastern part of the Empire (you're in the north western).

Knowledge (History)
DC 15: Kietis is a magocracy and one of the empire's biggest rivals. It is mostly made up of elves and humans who have rejected Scion's teaching.
DC 18: Kietis has been coveted by the Empire for many years.

2009-09-26, 12:27 AM
yes you are right Aulus if i am correct. he takes a few deep breaths before turning to Brian. yes i remember you I have seen you in the middle of town telling stories to the kids. Autumn use to tell me bout you.. Leaf slightly pauses on the saying of his daughter's name. Then turns to the sword. Kietis?? if you belong there how did you get here?

2009-09-26, 04:44 AM
Tall, thin man in padded armor stepped forward.

Nice... He said with a small grin. A talking sword. Who falls from the sky and demands to take him across the world.... He shrugged. Actually there is nothing that holds me here, sword. But everything has it's price... And after you nearly killed me this price rised high. What you or your masters can offer me?

2009-09-26, 08:46 AM
"What a fascinating creature you are. I didn't already almost kill you; I am as much a victim of this as you are. As for your reward, is it not enough that you'll be in my presence the entire time?" He paused a moment. "I suppose not. I have no doubt that my master will reward you well. I am very valuable to him."


@Erad. I've rolled your sense motive checks and you believe the sword's was as much a victim and that his master will reward you.

2009-09-26, 09:13 AM
Hunter looked at the sword, judging if he can trust it. Or him - how you call talking swords?

-Well... -He said, I guess I am ready to trust you... Sword. Should I know something else about you or your land?

Hunter seemed to be thinking or better to say, trying to remember something.

Just to make sure that Ander knows about Kietis.
Knowledge: Geography [roll0]

Are there any rare beasts near Kietis?

Knowledge: Nature [roll1]

2009-09-26, 09:18 AM
Knowledge: History [roll0]

2009-09-26, 11:34 AM
Turning to the man who spoke of rewards. "before we get all happy on rewards and riches. I would like to know out of many plains and forests that surrounds this town why land inside the town and reduce the town to rubble. Then start making demands like nothing happens."

2009-09-26, 12:18 PM
"I'll ask you again, sword, before my fellow soldier gets out of hand. Did you cause this?" He motions his hand toward the crumbling ruins and the mourning villagers. "Did you?"

OOC:Knowledge (History):[roll0]
Knowledge (Geography):[roll1]

2009-09-26, 01:04 PM
Hunter turned towards the man who spoke to him.

"The sword already said that it wasn't his fault! He is the same victim like we are! And for some reason I think, that if we'll listen to him...it, we will find the one truly guilty of this. And then we'll make our revenge to him and make him pay for every innocent that was killed today. Sword? Who did this? Your masters? Or their rivals?"

2009-09-26, 07:23 PM
"Clearly the large chunks of burning earth caused this, not me. I was just along for the ride and had no control over the direction which I headed or the area where I landed.That I landed in your little town was completely unintentional.

"When my master cast the spell that would launch me half way across the continent, the calculation of the trajectory had several unknown variables and did not take into account what I would land on. The probably of crashing here was as great as any in a ten mile radius. The destruction of the town is, without a doubt, a tragedy, but was an honest to goodness accident. But now, who will take me home?"

2009-09-26, 08:12 PM
"hrm ok i can totally deal with that sword and i say all is forgiven. I just need to have a talk with your master to receive a debt your master owe me. Brian, Aulus, I'm not sure i caught your name yet. i will go along on this quest.". Then Leaf gets the hair from out his face and starts to think. why would this sword want to go back to his master when his master blindly sent him here.

2009-09-26, 08:20 PM
"This sword has told us himself that his master is a citizen of Kietis. Why should we deliver a weapon into the hands of the Empire's rivals? Of our rivals?"

2009-09-26, 08:39 PM
"yes i must agree this sounds all to well of a trap "

Sense Motive: [roll0]

2009-09-27, 03:23 AM
"Rivals?" Hunter laughed. "I have no enemies and hopefully no one sees me as enemy. I am a free man and don't care much about politics. And a trap? Don't you think that there are many much more easier ways to trap someone then to cast such a spell? But... there is something in that."

He turned to sword again.

And now answer Sword: WHY the master sent you away.

OOC: Does my char believe sword's answer about his master's intentions?
Sense Motive [roll0]

2009-09-27, 10:40 AM
"My master sent me away to keep me out of enemy hands. But, in his brilliance, he crafted me with a compulsion to return to him in the event of separation. Now without volunteers I will force this boy to carry me but I fear it would be a most unpleasant trip. Much better to be atop a horse with adults whose wandering will not be questioned."

2009-09-27, 11:58 AM
"Then there is more in you, then just voice! So... what else can you do? And don't try to threaten us. We can always just turn you into horseshoes!"


Intimidate [roll0]

2009-09-27, 03:21 PM
Leaf uses a piece of cloth to tie around his forehead to keep hair from getting in his face before saying "Yes i agree with you that there are easier ways but this could be part of trap strategy" then he looks at the sword "sword... Brian, Aulus, i think this guy whose name i still don't know and I will return you to where you came from. but tell me this the place you came from was it under attack

2009-09-27, 07:45 PM
"Why does everyone insist on threatening me? It was. The Empire has longed to conquor Keitis for many years. Their fleet landed two days ago. My master sent me away for safety."

2009-09-27, 08:00 PM
"Well, I believe I've heard enough to satisfy all of my questions. If you will keep asking them, go right ahead. Me? I'm going to go get my stuff and come back. Also," Brian turns to the remaining crowd of people behind him "just because you do not want to, or are unable to accompany this sword to Kietis, does not mean you can't question the sword as well. You have as much a right to information about the los of your homes as any." Brian walks through them, and off to the other side of town, in a clean area that he and many others had set up camp in.

2009-09-27, 10:05 PM
"yes I think i have too. I will go prepare also" While walking away Leaf thinks to himself "this will be a good time to explain myself to my commander

2009-09-28, 04:42 AM
"As I said, I don't care much about politics..." - said hunter, - "So, why not to try earning a little fortune. Or find some rare beats there in Kietis... I am joining too. There is nearly nothing I owned that survived, so I just need to pick a few small things. Yes, and my name is Ander."

2009-09-28, 06:25 PM
"You're all fools! Heretical fools!" Aulus talks wildly, turning to address the various speakers. "You would deliver a weapon into the hands of the Empire's rivals, heathens that they are?" The elite cavalryman begins to storm off, pushing aside citizens, shortsword bouncing at his side. "You'll hear from my commander about this!"

2009-09-28, 10:14 PM
"My good sir, would it then not be wise to take me to your commander?" Said the sword, honeyed in tone. "He'd be more pleased if you brought me to him and he did not have to chase me down afterwards, would he not?"


I think it's a good time for you (Blaine.Bush) to make a sense motive check for Aulus :)

2009-09-29, 04:45 AM
"Calm down", said Ander.
"I guess all of will accept that the sword must be taken away from here. We can decide where to take it - to Empire mages or Kietis, once we are on the road."

2009-09-29, 06:52 PM
Aulus stops in his tracks, sword clanging against his metal armor as his forward momentum ends. His uncertainty is evident; he refuses to turn or to move forward as he listens to the diplomatic words of the magical sword.


2009-09-30, 08:38 AM

A 2. Awesome.
You see the swords words as very reasonable. It is an excellent idea to bring the sword directly to the commander. You have no suspicions at an alterior motive (which of course, there isn't, right?)

2009-09-30, 06:19 PM
Aulus stands for a moment more, contemplating the words of the sword. He quickly turns and walks back over to the magical weapon, grabbing it from the young boy, Brandus. Glancing at the others, the soldier makes his way toward his commander before any protest can be made.

2009-09-30, 09:08 PM
As Aulus picked up and gripped the sword his point of view changed, though it took him a few steps before he realized it. While he still wanted to return the sword to his commander and make a full report, he felt an urge to take this sword home as quickly as possible much more acutely. Without knowing why, inwardly, he gave in and decided to take the sword on.

"Well, now that that settled, are there any other objections or can we get going?"


I rolled a will save for you to keep things moving. On another note, this "urge" will pass, it's the swords influence on you and by no means permanent.

DC 20 (as there are very little clues at this point) for a Intelligence and/or Wisdom check to have an understanding of what just transpired. Teh DC will drop to 15 after a couple of minutes when Aulus's change of mind is more apparent.

2009-09-30, 09:12 PM
"I'll need to acquire a map before we head out, though it shouldn't take too long." With magical sword in hand, Aulus heads toward one of the makeshift living areas, hoping to find someone who can supply him with a map of the Empire.

2009-09-30, 09:26 PM

Map of the Empire, enjoy:


2009-10-03, 02:52 AM
Ander leaves to take his things that survived and comes back when party is ready to leave.

(There isn't much to talk about now.)

2009-10-05, 05:05 PM
Most of the villagers returned to work as they the entertainment value of the sword dissipated. Once the volunteers had stepped forward the sword was no longer their concern.

The volunteers left the sword in the care of Aulus, who, since grasping it was unwilling to leave it. They, including Aulus, gathered their belongings and packed what supplies they could. Pickings were slim though as so much had been destroyed, and the villagers who were staying behind had the greater need.

They gathered at the edge of town. There were five of them: Aulus, who at the moment is following against his will, Brian, Leaf, Ferien, and Ander

The village had donated a pack mule, and at the sword's request, was strapped to the mule, wrapped in silk, along with the volunteers baggage.

"So," the sword asked the group, "which way?"


Moving it forward tiny bit.

We haven't heard from Ferien since we started. I'll message him and see if he joins us.

The question now though is which way?
Will you take the main road to Dyyr? and continue from there?

You could also instead head south, follow the mountains into Maitobas and find a port city there, and head most of the way by sea?

There are other options, and this part is a bit free form. Who knows, if you have some dispute as to whether or not you're actually taking the sword to his master and might instead turn it into the authorities, the capital of the empire (Lutheria) is found in the province of Luthaea.

Whichever direction, I'm all geared up to go. So, once you've come to a decision, and say, "we're heading thataway!" I'll set you on the road!

Here is Avicus :


2009-10-06, 04:53 PM
"Well, we are ill prepared to make the long journey all the way across to Keitis. We can take this road," Brian gestures at the road they are standing on "all the way to Dyyhr. There we can buy supplies and a map to plan our next destination. But before that, there is a town closer to us than that. We will stop there and rest. If we can earn ourselves some money, we might even get horses for the remainder of the trip." Brian looks to the others for a responce.

2009-10-07, 06:59 PM
Aulus turns toward his newfound adventuring companions."I agree. If you will give me a moment, I must retrieve my steed. The sword will be returned more quickly if we all have mounts as swift as mine." With that, the soldier heads toward the stable where his horse is being kept.

OOC:Probably won't be able to post again until Saturday. Sorry again.

2009-10-08, 01:22 PM
Leaf slightly nods his head. "yes that dosent sound to much of a bad idea."

2009-10-09, 04:01 AM
Yes, I think so too, - Ander noded, - that's the best way to do, at least for now. Maybe I'll find something to hunt for skins, while we are going, I hope it'll bring us some money.