View Full Version : (un)Official Tsukiko Fanclub

Forever Curious
2009-09-26, 09:30 PM
Hello, my name is xKayos and I am a Tsukiko fanboy.

As such I'm making a Tsukiko Fanclub. If there is one already please feel free to yell at me for not doing the research.

Nimrod's Son
2009-09-26, 11:16 PM
The only research you should have done is to find out whether fan clubs are allowed at all.

They aren't.

2009-09-26, 11:32 PM
The only research you should have done is to find out whether fan clubs are allowed at all.

They aren't.

Which is kind of odd considering the number of existing fanclubs and all. I think what's been frowned upon in the recent past was more the obviously non-serious fanclubs ("that lizard kid from strip 673" fan club for example) which basically amount to a spam thread - with the exception of GWAH that was sort of grandfathered in.

As for the actual rules,
Groups convened in good fun to enact a fantasy of some sort are also acceptable. For example, "churches" to various characters, persons, or causes (provided they don't directly duplicate a real-world religion), fan clubs, contests, roleplaying exercises, etc.

2009-09-26, 11:34 PM
The way I understood it is that fan clubs are allowed. What's not allowed is making a thread for them. I think what you do is just put them in your sig.

2009-09-26, 11:35 PM
I wasn't around when they were allowed, but from what I gather, they used to be allowed, but after a while every single character who made any sort of appearance in even a single panel of a single oots comic soon had his/her own fanclub thread going, so they kinda had to be shut down and disallowed because otherwise they filled up the forum and ran amok.

2009-09-26, 11:41 PM
Making up a silly title/expression or something descriptive and putting it in your sig is fine, as far as I know (points to own sig). Starting a thread so every one can post said silly title or comment on other people's silly titles are not fine, again as far as I know. :smallsmile:


Now I ain't a mod, but I was around when the fan club craze first hit this board. To say that the board was choked with increasingly non-sensical fan clubs would be an bit of an understatment. And then there were all of the duplications that were running around. So the mods eventually decided to do something about it.

First they were banished to the Silly Message Board Games forum. I lost track after that, but I presume that the mods decided that they were more trouble than they were worth and got rid of the concept entierly. You'd have to ask them though about the whys and wherefores tho. :smallwink:

Hope this helps. :smallsmile:

2009-09-27, 09:16 AM
How about Official Inventor of "I have more spells than you have..." jokes for the Tsukiko fanclub?

2009-09-27, 12:22 PM
The thing you should do prepare some banner(and/or smiley whatever) accompanied by some cool quotes from Tsukiko.. (And maybe something from the Crack Pairings Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=125046)) and put those into your signature as the first member..

If there are people out there feel sameway with you they would do similar things also for this you should be everywhere around this forum..

Well you should start early :smallbiggrin: God speed what can I say...

Roland St. Jude
2009-09-27, 12:32 PM
Sheriff of Moddingham: Indeed. There can be a fanclub, and you're welcome to put Tsukiko Fanclub in your signature, but we no longer entertain fanclub threads after they nearly choked the forum to death in an avalanche of "Fan Club for the head of the brown dog in panel 2 of comic #112" and "Roy's Fanclub Fanclub!"-type threads.