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2009-09-26, 10:52 PM
So, Been playijng a warlock for a bit, and now i';m at lvl 10 and the returns are decreasing (eg top warlcok power is equivielnt to a lvl 5/6 wizard spell), so I'm going to keep with the warlock til i get my 1st greater power, (and can retrain some things as i'm buying some rods of eldritch power (dark and greater)).
then i think it's time to move away from the class.
Warlock's getting a bit old.
either a bit with a warlock PrC or a lot wit ha general PrC.

warlcok would be alot better if we had more than one encounter/day but we don't so no spell caster runs out of spells.

So warlock PrC's kinda dodgy, and warlock playing a +1 spells of existing class is worse (though maybe i can get the dm to house rule it to +1 spell to +1 invocations)

So my warlock has the feats to wear and cast warlock invocations in meduim armour.
has solid strength, stupid stupid HP (over 100), good DR (DR5/Cold iron)

what PrC's?
or even base classes.
I like the idea of a class like suel arcanamach, that gives is a PrC for noncaster that has it's own casting progression.

2009-09-26, 10:55 PM
Hellfire Warlock plus bloodline or Legacy Champion is the only super great Warlock PrC.

2009-09-26, 10:59 PM
You're in luck, "+1 spells of existing class" officially counts for Invocations! Mindbender 1 is as good for Warlocks as it is for any caster; better, since it's easier to get into, and there's at least some justification to take it all the way (even if it's not really enough, at least that's something). Hellfire Warlock is the go-to for damage, as it boosts your blast nicely. There's also Mystic-Theurge type classes for combining it with Divine or Arcane casting; I believe one of the two's called "Eldrich Theurge", but I honestly can't remember which one.

2009-09-26, 11:00 PM
It might be a bit late, but the Eldritch Theruge/Disciple from Complete Mage could work, especially if you can convince your DM to allow you to switch the Level requirements for the Disciple(you need 3 levels of Cleric and 1 warlock, plus one level that could be either, try and see if you can do it with 1 level of Cleric). Disciple could also work with Ur-priest, and in fact that would get you better spells.

2009-09-26, 11:04 PM
Just go gish with the Eldritch Glaive. Unless your world has magic marts it might be worth it to get level 12.

As for Suel Arcanamach ... for the moment you would only be getting low level spells, which you can cast from scrolls and wands all day long with UMD.

2009-09-26, 11:59 PM
warlock playing a +1 spells of existing class is worse (though maybe i can get the dm to house rule it to +1 spell to +1 invocations)
That's not a houserule, that is the rule for Warlocks and PrCs. Read Complete Arcane pg. 18 again.

And if your DM doesn't like that, well... he's being ridiculous and gimping you for no reason. How you respond to that... is up to you.

2009-09-27, 12:20 AM
That's not a houserule, that is the rule for Warlocks and PrCs. Read Complete Arcane pg. 18 again.

And if your DM doesn't like that, well... he's being ridiculous and gimping you for no reason. How you respond to that... is up to you.

Unfortunately, although they can *benefit* from +1 spellcasting PrCs, Warlocks have a lot of trouble actually getting into most of them, since they don't actually cast spells. They have a caster level, and they can meet requirements that call for a specific spell if one of their invocations mimics that spell, but they don't meet requirements that are phrased like "able to cast X level arcane spells." Which is almost every caster PrC except some of the ones in CArcane and CMage, because those are nearly the only ones that were written with Warlocks in mind.

2009-09-27, 12:33 AM
I agree, that is true, but nonetheless the "+1 to existing spellcasting class" works for Warlocks.

2009-09-27, 12:35 AM
And if you have appropriate level / Invocation choice, I imagine most DMs would be reasonable.

2009-09-27, 02:23 AM
Hmm, now that i reread that... assumeing DM will let me enter ones with able to cast x lvl arcane spells, (which for say lvl 2 spells i'm pretty sure i's equivilent in prower with at lvl 10)

Now i get Eldrich glaive either by retraining at warlock lvl 11.
I'll want the increase in eldritch blast and the spells since if i follow this path i loos the next two lvls of casting

and then take a lvl of swordsage.
then Jadepheonix mage it up.
then use arcane Wrath, and... crap, that breaks the game.
And I break the Rules on operating Elditch Glaive, by usinging it with a manover.
damn. (since casitnit is a full round action)
That mean TOB gish is out

what other gish could i do, thinks

2009-09-27, 02:25 AM
Warlock 12 is a pretty decent ability, you might want to snag that since you're already close.

2009-09-27, 02:31 AM
How about this : Warlock 6/Totemist or Incarnate 1/Hellfire Warlock 3/Legacy Champion 10, with LC adding to Hellfire Warlock. You'll have level 17 Warlock invocations (1 Dark invocation), a boatload of damage, Glaive capability, and the sheer versatility of soulmelds. This is completely from the hip with 0 books in front of me, so I'm sure others can do FAR better. It will also get rid of the annoying ability damage from using hellfire.

Another one that I'm playing now is Warlock 5/Totemist 1/Ur-Priest 2/Eldritch Disciple 9/Hellfire Warlock 3 (I think...might be one more Warlock and one fewer ED, but it ends with 8d6 blast without HFW and 9th level Ur-Priest spells), also based on Eldritch Glaive. Buff up with the cleric list and then proceed to own face with a souped up EG.

2009-09-27, 03:51 AM
How about this : Warlock 6/Totemist or Incarnate 1/Hellfire Warlock 3/Legacy Champion 10, with LC adding to Hellfire Warlock. You'll have level 17 Warlock invocations (1 Dark invocation), a boatload of damage, Glaive capability, and the sheer versatility of soulmelds. This is completely from the hip with 0 books in front of me, so I'm sure others can do FAR better. It will also get rid of the annoying ability damage from using hellfire.

Another one that I'm playing now is Warlock 5/Totemist 1/Ur-Priest 2/Eldritch Disciple 9/Hellfire Warlock 3 (I think...might be one more Warlock and one fewer ED, but it ends with 8d6 blast without HFW and 9th level Ur-Priest spells), also based on Eldritch Glaive. Buff up with the cleric list and then proceed to own face with a souped up EG.
I'm currently warlock 10.
I'm not going to ask the dm for a rebuild. as this is my third character in this game (everyone else is still one there first).

what book is Hellfire warlock from?

Imbue item it's only worth it if your crafting. (if you are craftign the it's awsome, i take 10 on UMD, I could craft almost anything!)
but it will cost me a Feat to start crafting.
and the psion's much better statted out in the game for crafting, he can spend money instead of xp to craft items.
I don't want to step on his toes.
(similarly My warlock avoids large ammounts of knowledge arcana and releivgion, and the planes to avoid stepping on anyones toes, but i can get it high enough in 1 lvl to get into PrC's)

Tokiko Mima
2009-09-27, 04:20 AM
I've always been fond of the Ruathar(RoW)/Sentinel of Bharrai(BoED) PrC route, if you don't mind being Exalted. You get to shift into Bear form at will, bonus resistances, enhanced vision, free magic items, and get a couple quickened SLA's. Great for Pixies on their way to Hellfire Glaivelock-dom.

2009-09-27, 10:09 AM
but it will cost me a Feat to start crafting.
Crafting can be done cooperatively, if there is anyone else in the party with the necessary feat you're good. For instance, if there is a wizard you can craft any scrolls together you want.

and the psion's much better statted out in the game for crafting, he can spend money instead of xp to craft items.
XP is free ... if you lag a level you get more than the others.

I don't want to step on his toes.
He can't craft scrolls/wands/staffs for you to use with your UMD though ... at these levels, where UMD is reliable, those boost your strength considerably.

Or does your DM make UMD equivalent to UPD?

2009-09-27, 10:19 AM
Enlightened Spirit is okay if you want to be a good warlock.

2009-09-27, 10:57 AM
Enlightened Spirit is okay if you want to be a good warlock.

it's ok. but i would have to retrain out of fell flight at some stage.
wich i can't technically do, it doesn't progress casting - just gives you fix invocations.
also there is the goo requirement on it, and theres the evil requiremnt for hellfire.
Wheres the neutral warlock?

Maybe i'll take chameleon lvls

2009-09-27, 11:13 AM
Hellfire Warlocks aren't required to be evil- the PRC doesn't even say "Any non-good" either.

2009-09-27, 12:50 PM
I've found that Warlock works pretty well with Enlightened Fist. It's a combo class for arcane casters and Monks.

2009-09-27, 01:13 PM
Go for Ur-Priest from The Book of Vile Darkness? A level or two of that, and you can go for the Eldritch Theurge class. You'll have 9th level Divine Spells by level 20, and shiny warlock things.

2009-09-27, 02:32 PM
However, its evil-only. Complete Divine has the 3.5 version- as far as I can tell, no major changes.

2009-09-27, 02:45 PM
Go for Ur-Priest from The Book of Vile Darkness? A level or two of that, and you can go for the Eldritch Theurge class. You'll have 9th level Divine Spells by level 20, and shiny warlock things.
You'd need the Eldritch Disciple, since Ur-Priest is Divine, not Arcane. Which is a shame, because Eldritch Theurge is considerably better than Eldritch Disciple, in my opinion. Of course, the bad-ass that is Ur-Priest more than makes up for that. Though if you're taking Ur-Priest 1 at 11, Warlock 10/Ur-Priest 2/Eldritch Disciple 8 does not get you 9th level spells - see if your DM can get you to waive the non-progression at 1st level - the only reason that is there is because ED is an early entry class (only requires Warlock 1/Cleric 4, for example, rather than 3/3), but you're entering with Warlock 10, so you don't get that benefit. Getting 9th level spells at 20th is not the end of the world, I should think, for the DM.

Of course, there's also the alignment restriction. However, Complete Divine itself lists a non-evil adaptation of the Ur-Priest, so you might be able to convince him to waive that. After all, if he's letting you be Good while the powers derived from your fiendish heritage, seems reasonable that you could steal spells from Evil gods and therefore be doing Good.

"In the name of Pelor, I smite thee with the hellfire of Asmodeus!"*

* NOTE: Stealing anything, especially tangible divine power, from Asmodeus is not recommended.

2009-10-01, 07:48 AM
Ok talked to my dm, and he says i can quifiy for all arcane caster classes with a spell requirement of arcan spell lvl x.
and that any thing i'm really interested that's not going top work out (eg sarificing space slots) in he'll consider modifying the class a bit.

So at lvl 11 I've reached the Height of warlock spells. most of the greater and dark are poor if you've already got the Blast and essences (Pentiting and Binding)
There is almost no warlock ionvocations i want anymore.
The only thing that goiong in a class that progresses caster lvl's gets me is increased eldrich blast.

Currently on 7d6, (castible of fell power).
So caster classes that loose levals arn't too bad for me.
HEck even a new class with no progession won't kill me.

2009-10-01, 09:05 AM

Demonbinder (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20070430a&page=3), if you happen to be a drow.
I second Hellfire Warlock (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20061207a&page=3).
You can get into Arcane Trickster (www.d20srd.org/srd/prestigeClasses/arcanetrickster.htm) with the Spell Hand feat (Complete Arcane) and a couple dice of Sneak Attack (Martial Stance, Assassin's Stance, Tome of Battle).
As others have also mentioned, Eldritch Disciple (Complete Mage) is also a solid choice.
Uncanny Trickster (Complete Scoundrel). If you’re using skill tricks, this isn’t necessarily a bad class.
Chameleon (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20041210b&page=1) (Races of Destiny): A 2 level dip gets you a floating feat, which can be used to get any invocation (via the Extra Invocation feat).
Legacy Champion (Weapons of Legacy): Offers 8/10 progression on origianal class abilities, plus a bunch of odd legacy stuff. If you happen to be using Weapons of Legacy and are willing to commit to a few hours of sorting through the book to find the 1 or 2 which don't suck, this can be a good choice for many builds.

Sinfire Titan
2009-10-01, 09:40 AM

This is supposed to be a word, isn't it?

Sorry, I just couldn't resist. I like words that sound original, even if this one is just a typo.

2009-10-01, 09:42 AM
The practiced spellcaster feat in complete arcane increases your caster level for an arcane spellcasting class by four to a maximum of your hit die this will increase your eldritch blast and invocations so opens up classes with limited or no arcane progression. This should work the same way as +1 level of existing spellcasting class but at your dm's discression

Sinfire Titan
2009-10-01, 09:49 AM
The practiced spellcaster feat in complete arcane increases your caster level for an arcane spellcasting class by four to a maximum of your hit die this will increase your eldritch blast and invocations so opens up classes with limited or no arcane progression. This should work the same way as +1 level of existing spellcasting class but at your dm's discression

Practiced Spellcaster does not work that way! If the DM rules it does, then there's no point in playing a Warlock when a Wizard gets infinite more mileage out of that ability.

Practiced Spellcaster only matters for things like SR or duration and such. It doesn't improve level-based abilities like EB.

The Glyphstone
2009-10-01, 09:51 AM
Caster levels and spellcasting levels are different, unfortunately.

If he's a Warlock 3/Whatever 4 with Practiced Spellcaster, his Invocations will have a caster level of 7 for purposes of duration, spell resistance, etc. He will not have the invocations and Eldritch Blast damage that a Warlock 7 would.

Edit: Ninjaed by a Titan, my Spot check must be miserable.

Sinfire Titan
2009-10-01, 10:02 AM
Caster levels and spellcasting levels are different, unfortunately.

If he's a Warlock 3/Whatever 4 with Practiced Spellcaster, his Invocations will have a caster level of 7 for purposes of duration, spell resistance, etc. He will not have the invocations and Eldritch Blast damage that a Warlock 7 would.

Edit: Ninjaed by a Titan, my Spot check must be miserable.

Since when did people need a Spot check to see Kamina's glasses on Order Sol?

2009-10-01, 10:10 AM
Practiced Spellcaster does not work that way! If the DM rules it does, then there's no point in playing a Warlock when a Wizard gets infinite more mileage out of that ability.

Practiced Spellcaster only matters for things like SR or duration and such. It doesn't improve level-based abilities like EB.

There is a Q&A with Rich Baker the author who helped design the warlock class on the wizards site saying that he believes that the feat should do this but the wording says it doesnt

Sinfire Titan
2009-10-01, 10:13 AM
There is a Q&A with Rich Baker on the wizards site saying that he believes that the feat should do this but the wording says it doesnt

If it did, then no one would play Warlocks. They'd be playing Sorcadins and such, and losing spell progression would become a trivial expense. It's unbalanced, horrendously so.

I take it that the interview was back when CArc was still fresh off the printers? If so, there's why. They knew nothing about balance back then. Hell, they still don't know much about it, but they've learned a few things.

2009-10-01, 10:17 AM
Wait.. you only have one encounter per day?

...Say, is your charisma high?
If it is, you could go Bard 1/Sublime Chord x/Eldritch Disciple x to get that sweet, sweet Sorcerer casting; the low number of spells per day wouldn't be a problem if you only need them once per day.
I'm pretty sure it also stacks with another arcane class (which 'lock should count as) to determine CL.

The only problem is the requirements. But if you DM is willing to handwave the 3rd level arcane spells" thing, you only have worry about the skills.
But if the DM will let you retrain them, that won't be a problem either.

Oh, there's also Nar Demonbinder (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20030502a&page=2); don't know if you could qualify for that one though.

2009-10-01, 09:39 PM
Had a look at complete scoundrel.
Skill tricks suit my character.
he's a master of disguise.

Carryies alot of costumes.
one of the pc's (female) entered a beuticontest type challange agaist a devil.
Me (to the other player): My character opens his bag and reviels a surprisingly large collection of jewellery. (these ones are real i swear) and some ornate outfits.
Party: really?
me: yeah. and a large makeup box. what? i'm part fey.

I also carry arounf ~60 holy symbols of verious gods, and full clerics vestiements.
oh and 200 fake jewels

Maybe magical trickester?

Bonus Metamagic Feat:
with Bonus MetaSpell like ability

Metamagic Trick (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level, you
understand how to apply the principle of tricks to your
spellcasting Once per day you can apply the effect of
any one metamagic feat you know to a spell as you cast it
without altering the spell’s effective level.

with: You can, apply a metaspell like ability, X extra times per day.

don't know what to do about:
Spontaneous Trickster (Su): You can channel
magical potential into using skill tricks more often,
effectively “recharging” them As a swift action, you
can “lose” any spell slot or prepared spell of 1st level or
higher to perform a trick that you have already used in
the encounter

Maybe change to:
Favorite Trick (Ex): You have a limited repertoire of
signature stunts At level 1 and 3, choose one skill trick you
know that you can perform only once per encounter You
can now use that trick one additional time per encounter
You can’t choose the same skill trick more than once .

2009-10-01, 10:49 PM
As a Warlock, those really don't apply to you. Metamagic for spell-like abilities already work "x time per day".

If you're not worried about getting lot's of spells from the arcane/cleric lists, then I'd recommend Rogue 3/Arcane Trickster 6.

Get Quicken Spell-Like Ability - Walk Unseen at level 12. Sneak attacks everywhere. Further, get Gloves of Eldritch Admixture and the Warlock's scepter.

7d6 EB +5d6 Sneak Attack +2d6 elemental +2d6 scepter = 16d6 per attack if you're going nova on a sneak attack. Not bad.

2009-10-02, 12:28 AM
As a Warlock, those really don't apply to you. Metamagic for spell-like abilities already work "x time per day".

If you're not worried about getting lot's of spells from the arcane/cleric lists, then I'd recommend Rogue 3/Arcane Trickster 6.

Get Quicken Spell-Like Ability - Walk Unseen at level 12. Sneak attacks everywhere. Further, get Gloves of Eldritch Admixture and the Warlock's scepter.

7d6 EB +5d6 Sneak Attack +2d6 elemental +2d6 scepter = 16d6 per attack if you're going nova on a sneak attack. Not bad.

I'm already playing a warlock 11.
I would like more uses per day, on my metaspell like abitlies.
According to dm (dm overrides raw), it is perfectyly legal by raw (and his standards :smallredface:) to use quickened eledtich blast, eldritch glaive+ glaive blast shape. to make a full round attack as a swift action.

2009-10-02, 12:44 AM
Exactly. Warlock 11/Rogue 3/ Arcane Trickster 6.

That double Eldritch Glaive full attack would be better if you were invisible delivering sneak attack damage, with the items I mentioned earlier. 19d6, 6 times per round is damn beautiful. With some minor tweaks, like Boots of Speed, you could be doing ~400 damage Per Round if everything hits. Plus 6 more levels of invocations.

Pharaoh's Fist
2009-10-02, 12:47 AM
Boots of Speed don't add attacks to Eldritch Glaive.

2009-10-02, 12:53 AM
Boots of Speed don't add attacks to Eldritch Glaive.


...I'll never love again.

Pharaoh's Fist
2009-10-02, 12:56 AM

...I'll never love again.

Specifically states in Eldritch Glaive that it operates off of BaB's iterative attacks and nothing else.

You'll have to use Divine Power.

2009-10-02, 01:17 AM
As a Warlock, those really don't apply to you. Metamagic for spell-like abilities already work "x time per day".

If you're not worried about getting lot's of spells from the arcane/cleric lists, then I'd recommend Rogue 3/Arcane Trickster 6.

Get Quicken Spell-Like Ability - Walk Unseen at level 12. Sneak attacks everywhere. Further, get Gloves of Eldritch Admixture and the Warlock's scepter.

7d6 EB +5d6 Sneak Attack +2d6 elemental +2d6 scepter = 16d6 per attack if you're going nova on a sneak attack. Not bad.

I'ld have to get the DM to homeBrew a Least Invocation fro mage hand.
But it would do more than that since almost all invocations do two things.

Quicked walk unseen mean i do 3 inviable sneak attacks/day, anmd oly one the first attack.
No much better would be:
Enervating Shadow: Gain total concealment in dark
areas and impose a Strength penalty on adjacent living
Wich i can get at walock casting as warlock 13
at warlock casting as warlock 16 i can get Retributive Invisibility: Use greater invisibility as the
spell (self only) that deals damage in a burst if dispelled.
Much better.

However UMD wand of Blind works just as well as greater invisability.

Pharaoh's Fist
2009-10-02, 01:19 AM
There's a feat that gets you Mage Hand as an SLA.

2009-10-02, 06:44 AM
If it did, then no one would play Warlocks. They'd be playing Sorcadins and such, and losing spell progression would become a trivial expense. It's unbalanced, horrendously so.

I take it that the interview was back when CArc was still fresh off the printers? If so, there's why. They knew nothing about balance back then. Hell, they still don't know much about it, but they've learned a few things.

It could be argued that Eldritch Blast advances as you effective Invocation use level increases, since you gain Eldritch Blast level 1 and the rest are just level-based increasements at a rate under 1/level, and you gain level-based increasements to your existing abilities with Practiced Spellcaster. But yeah, I can't see a reading that would enable progressing every aspect of invocation use.

2009-10-02, 07:25 AM
Could be possible increase the attacks of EG through Combat Reflexes?

I mean, simply taking CR and few feats that increase the chance of get AOOs (Mage Slayer, Supernatural Instincts, Hold the line, Close-Combat Fighting..

2009-10-02, 07:30 AM
My recommendation is to take warlock up to level 12 (perhaps not immediately, but eventually) and go into the Chameleon prestige class (Races of destiny, already mentioned above).

The floating feat you get at level 2 of chameleon can ALSO be used to pick up any item creation feat - and if you've remembered to max out Use Magic Device, you can pretty much craft, and then use, any magic item you want. It might take some time, money and XP, but it's pretty much the ultimate artificer trick. Plus, the level 1 chameleon abilities are also great, especially if you're bored of being stuck in a specific 'niche role'. Plus, take the prestige class all the way to level 8 (with warlock 12) to get access to 9th level wizard AND cleric spells (only one type at a time) if you want!

2009-10-02, 09:38 AM
My recommendation is to take warlock up to level 12 (perhaps not immediately, but eventually) and go into the Chameleon prestige class (Races of destiny, already mentioned above).

Thing is i'm not in a niche role.
Good, Char maxed out bluff, only reason i'm not the party face is that we have a vampire, + two sorcers - a clasic sorcess and a wildmage/polymorpher, who hav e the Cha bonus items piled on.

I have the Feat for medium armour + battlecaster.
Large DR from fey heritage + massive HP*
I can stand Toe to Toe with the fighter.
He'ld win on damage output.
But my character can survive almost anything.
Also immune to elec, resist 5 fire and cold.
in a TPK, at the end, my character would be left standing - to fly of and get the guards, or what ever

*from DM house rule about racial hit die conversion on a template. (he's trying to up our power for somethign so he handed out random OPed tempaltes, no LA)

I'm possibly our best ranged attacker - the sorceeres can pump out fireballs all day though, so it's debateable.

I can heal with a wand - not as good as the cleric.

And I'm a master of disguise, not that it's come up yet.
+ the aforemetioned maxed out bluff.
Means that if it ever comes up, I should be as decent covert as the rogue - he'ld sneak in, but I would just walk in and say: "Hey I'm... I'm sure you were told i would be coming."

Mindbender is without veritue - there's a telipath in the party.

I'm pretty varied.
I have no knowledge, and no spellcraft: my magic comes not from learning, or ability.
I'm a warlock ~ Something saw fit to grant me unlimmitied arcane energy, unfortunately, never taught me how to use it.

Sinfire Titan
2009-10-02, 09:50 AM
Could be possible increase the attacks of EG through Combat Reflexes?

I mean, simply taking CR and few feats that increase the chance of get AOOs (Mage Slayer, Supernatural Instincts, Hold the line, Close-Combat Fighting..

Yes. AoOs are allowed through the Glaive, seeing as you do threaten the reach. However, you can't attack inside your reach, so enemies can get cover by moving adjacent to you.

One of the more interesting builds I saw took an adaption for the JPM and Warblade levels, mixing Robilar's Gambit+EG with Stormguard Warrior and a Boot Knife. If the enemy got adjacent to them, they allowed Robilar's Gamibt to trigger, but forgo the AoOs to fuel Stromguard Warrior. Next round, a 5ft step+EG later, the enemy takes a nice beating.

2009-10-02, 09:53 AM
"In the name of Pelor, I smite thee with the hellfire of Asmodeus!"*

* NOTE: Stealing anything, especially tangible divine power, from Asmodeus is not recommended.

That's not a problem; Ur-Priests don't steal from any deity in particular, they merely siphon off excess free-standing divine energy. Asmo won't take enough of a personal drain to notice your Ur-Priest, even if he's slinging 9th-level spells around.

2009-10-03, 05:51 AM
Thing is i'm not in a niche role.

Mindbender is without veritue - there's a telipath in the party.

I'm pretty varied.
I have no knowledge, and no spellcraft: my magic comes not from learning, or ability.
I'm a warlock ~ Something saw fit to grant me unlimmitied arcane energy, unfortunately, never taught me how to use it.

[talks to self]
Those aren't reasons agains Chameleon , they are reasons For charmeleon.
Your current role clearly isn't required, because yo udon't have a current role.
You're a generalist.
Chameleon enhances that.
[/talks to self]

Sure Bye bye warlock invcation progression, but we've arleady coveres i don't want it any more.
loosing eldritch blast progression hurts abit more.
but theres only 3 more d6's coming for that anyway.
maybe at somestage when my damage output becomes too low i can confince the DM to make a Castible of Great Fell power +3d6 or even +4d6.
got a peirce cloak, and the abiltiy to fly, which stacks anyway.
(keep forgetting to use that) so i can currently do like total of 8d6*4attacks per round. (although that expends 1/3 of my quicken and 2/3 of my peircer cloak for the day)

only thing it requires is fro the dm to give me permission to override the rule about taking able learner at lvl 1, either by retconing itand moving all my feats up a lvl, (and giving me 2 extra ranks in slight of hand), or by letting me take it at lvl 12 (then quilify for the class also at lvl 12, not a big deal i don't think)

It go's buifully with my Maxed out disguise.
and the fact that i've always carried, engough changes of cloths (Full set of coutiers inc jewlery, full clerics versiments (which the celric doesn't have, but i do... :-D), pessents robe, and now full set of nobles+more jewlery)
and 30+ holy symbols of verios gods.

I think i'll stick to Divine focus, I have the combat casting only applies to allowing med armour for 1 class.
": You gain the ability to prepare and cast divine
spells, which may be chosen from the spell list of any divine
spellcasting class"
I don't think that includes domain spells.
But some of the Obsure PrC's with unique casting, and divine bard are covered.
Gonna get me some sweet sweet druid utility spells (the party has no druid).
Too bad i don't get meld with stone till 7th lvl.
(love that spell, saved my ***, so many times last time i played a druid (for a one off, but still))

Rapid refocus and double aptitues are basically mutrally exlcusive. (but i think this game will finish before then anyway)

Stealth focus will be handy since sometimes the rogue can't make it.

And the Lvl 2 flexi feat. oh my god, the flexi feat!
Combat focus, say fighter mind if i borrow you spare ax? you do?
Hey rogue, can i borrow your rapier? you do, what is with you TWFer?
I'll be back with a great sword...
Martial study!

so we're agoign to fight the clock work horrors?
ok, today looks like a day for spell penitration.

Unfortunatly my wisdom is 10, might have to do something about that in the long term.
Use nothing that allows a saving throw.
I have warlock spells for that.

Doing arcane would be too hard, theres the armour, and the spellbook, and filling the spell book. yuk.