View Full Version : Great Shadow War (IC)

2009-09-26, 11:23 PM
The word had been sent out in almost the same fashion to all of them, an anonymous email or letter that had promised a fortune if you'd met in Nazariy with the sender and hear out his or her business proposition. Word had come back that the offer was on the up and up and so, tentatively, the two men and woman agreed to the proposition.

Now they find themselves in the backwoods of Russia, sitting in a down-trodden the bar that doesn't even appear as if it had seen better days, waiting for the mystery 'X' to show up. Even though the air currently isn't thick with snow, the moody sky above constantly promises that it could come at any moment to make the current surroundings all the more dreary. The air stinks of stale chips, spilt beer, and some rank odor that can't quite be identified as anything beyond 'human'. Graphic pornograpy covers the entire back wall of this destitute bar and suspicious stains on the counter-top tell of more narcotic delights as well. A short grimy man futiley tries to clean a glass with a dirty rag, accomplishing nothing more then smearing about the filth on the glass then anything else. Behind him, a double-barreled shotgun sits on the wall, an open warning to those who'd try to create violence in this craphole.

All the comforts of the underworld in one scummy location.

Luckily there are few other patrons in the building, seemingly lost to their own woes, which leaves plenty of tables and booths open for the three just arriving and their mysterious benefactor. Outside thunder rumbles ominously, as if sullenly warning of a storm coming, though none of the actual Russians within the bar pay it any heed. Just as they ignore the old Communist banner above the door declaring 'Mother Russia supports all'.

If nothing else, 'X' had good choice in non-showy locations...

All the comf

Rogue 7
2009-09-27, 12:32 AM
Brett Langer

More because I'm playing this right now, but I like it. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ziJkEkDsRw)

Brett had taken the offer with a bit of reluctance. His time in Edinburgh had been moderately productive, and he didn't particularly feel like it was time to close up shop and move again...the time would come, more likely sooner than later, but until then, the people were nice (and they spoke English! It was difficult always having to translate...though that usually made him think before he spoke, so that was something of a plus.), his flat was comfortable, the city was beautiful, and the pay was decent. The food...well, you couldn't have everything. Still, despite the decent pay, expenses were beginning to catch up with him and people were beginning to wonder just why he never took off those sunglasses (most just assumed that he was some sort of hipster-type rifraff, but a few people had begun to give him a second glance when he walked down the street. Never a good sign...). So, he rounded up his UK passport, got back the security deposit from his landlord, and set off for Russia- just another tourist off to see the great Russian bear, now that it had been caged and muzzled. Having the ability to be secure while unarmed meant that a great deal of the hassle involved in moving around was avoided- on the surface, he looked like an everyday citizen going about his business. The trip to Russia went off without a snag.

He had cased the bar where the meeting was to be held several days in advance. The equally dismal cafe across the street provided a good place to view the bar during the daytime hours...though their coffee was a crime against humanity, and the same bar had easy roof access to camp out on for the later viewing. Being able to sit with your back to the wall, out of the wind, and still be able to observe the bar was a definite plus. Still, after 3 days, he hadn't detected anything noticeable, so he assumed it was safe to meet.

He had arrived first, picking a booth and a position that gave him a clear view of the door and most of the bar, even through the thick haze and smoke as well as the sunglasses. He greeted the two others who appeared with a nod, answering any questions they might have with short comments, but asking none of his own questions.

Sir Shadow
2009-09-27, 07:38 AM
In a coach window seat, Kisuke had gotten his first glimpse of Russia. At the time, he had considered it odd that this mission should be his first time traveling to this inhospitable country, but after considering the state of their government and internal affairs, it didn't seem so strange. Russia was definitely not high on the list of most wanted vacation spots.

And Nazariy was evidence of why. Kisuke was left wondering if it had ever seen better days as he moved through the down-trodden town. Asking for directions was impossible, but he eventually found his way to the pub where the meeting was to be held. Once inside, he immediately made his way to the bar and took a seat. He took the liberty of activating his eye and looing around. Behind dark sunglasses, he wasn't worried about being noticed.

It was then he noticed the other man seated a few spaces away, but didn't bother addressing him, partly because he just wasn't sure who the man was. It was odd to meet another chakra user here of all place, but if he was the enigmatic host, it would be up to him to approach Kisuke. There was nothing truly distinctive about him other than the fact he didn't look like he belonged in this town.

Kisuke knew he stood out, and he didn't mind. Wearing jeans, a black shirt and a loose, hooded twill jacket, the ninja wasn't exactly wearing the town's standard attire. What was even less standard was the large gun he carried on his back, not to mention the two automatics hidden in his shoulder holsters.

A day later he was still waiting. He hadn't bothered eating in that time, and didn't dare drink whatever passed as water in this decrepit place. He sighed his eyes boring holes in the bartender from behind his sunglasses.

Paragon Badger
2009-09-27, 08:20 PM
Kiyomi yawned and readjusted her position, getting comfy alone in a booth seat. She was wearing anotherface and clothing, finding such a place one innappropriate for a woman of her ...glamour.

The Japanese heiress looked as a bearded man, like some stereotypical fisherman who had just gotten off of work, wearing a old communist fur cap and a coat to match. Or at least, that's what she wanted everyone to see.

The kunoichi leaned back as she took a swig of some hard liquor. "What a wretched hive of scum and villiany." She muttered in japanese as she thumbed the cellphone in her coat pocket.

She had been in Russia quite a few times before, brokering deals to capitalize on the old communist regime's ongoing struggles to sell off all their outdated and expensive weapons and equipment to the various 'rising stars' of the world war economy, but Kiyomi never thought to pick up the language of a nation past its' economic and military prime.

She rested her hand on her cheek, boredly waiting for this mister X to show himself.

Using Henge no Jutsu out-of-combat
1 stamina damage, 120 mins-ish remaining (depending on how long it took to get to the pub(

2009-09-28, 11:31 AM
The wait seems almost unbearable, to have to put up with this crappy bar seems almost like a criminal offense, but the mystery X still hasn't arrived yet so there was no choice but to wait. A couple of hours pass and the other bar-goers stumble out into the frigid Russian night, seeking their homes or maybe just an alley way to collapse in, but leaving all the same to leave just three people aside from the bartender. Just as the suspicion you might have been set up begins to set in, he grunts and bends over out of view for a long moment, grumbling in Russian about short extension cables and other things, before emerging with a silver note-book laptop in his hands.

Greasy hands set it atop the stained and flip open the screen, which flickers to life to a white background with a large X spinning in the middle of the screen. The bartender fumbles with the lap-top for a moment before successfully turning up the sound and waddles into the back with low grumbles.

"ssss...on? It is? Good. Hello my friends, I'm sorry that I could not be there in person to talk with you but matters outside my control have forced me to move about quite often. Thus I have to resort to such cliched methods as this to ensure your safety and my own. But first, could each of you place your thumb on the bio-metric scanner to confirm your identities? I can't be too cautious..." The voice speaks in impeccable English that doesn't have a hint of accent either way to betray the speaker's origin or even gender. An ambiguous tone that was flat, though that may have been a result of the speaker.

Atop the laptop is a small webcam that swivels to take in the only three occupants of the bar, observing them before a small pad on the left side of the computer slides up to reveal a gray square. Not unlike those laptops that used voice identification or fingerprints for their owner's to use.

Rogue 7
2009-09-28, 12:06 PM
Brett Langer

"Kept us waiting long enough."

Being alone with the two other people, one of them heavily armed, had not been comfortable for him. He didn't want to risk utilizing the Byakugan to check them out- it was much better to keep it hidden until the time was right. The gun-wielding dude had his own glasses on, though...well, he'd probably find out.

Brett gave the laptop a quick once-over, checking the system for irregularities or upgrades that he could see. Hoping that the feed was secure and he hadn't been sold out, he placed his thumb on the scanner, sighing as he did so.

Computer Use- [roll0]- looking for any obvious upgrades built onto the laptop, as well as basic info about what software's visible onscreen.

Sir Shadow
2009-09-28, 02:41 PM
He didn't bother speaking, but Kisuke's head turned slightly to regard the laptop. It was more than a little annoying to be subjected to this, why bring him here if this 'X' person couldn't bother to meet him in person. It was like a smack to the ninja's face. If it wasn't for the sake of the mission, the proud Hyuuga would have walked out straightaway.

Since he was already at the bar, he was easily close enough to reach the print scanner, but one of the others was already on his way over. Kisuke took a moment to get a better look at him. Truth be told, the man looked rather ordinary, he didn't even appear to be carrying weapons.

After Brett was done messing with the computer, Kisuke pulled off the glove of his right hand and pressed his thumb into the square scanner.

Paragon Badger
2009-09-30, 06:48 PM
Kiyomi abandoned her disguise half-way through the night, quietly excusing herself to the restroom just before her previous form gave way and stalking out and back into the crowd sometime later.

She wasn't trying to attract attention, though she certaintly could if she wanted to... particularly when she wore that little 'business' outfit, a pinstriped coat and short skirt. Kinda made her feel like one of those seductive anime vixens in the TV shows back home.

Then again, Kiyomi had always utilized her monastery training to appeal to the most selective of targets. The subtle nuances of hair or eye color... or the shape of one's face can go a long way towards making them helpless at her feet. At her most heinous, Kiyomi was not above impersonating the beloved, or simply dominating the weaker-willed with her own 'magical' persuasion.

At last, when everyone had left except the three patrons and the bartender, Kiyomi got up from her seat and sauntered to the laptop. The heavy winter coat she had worn would have concealed her form better had she not made such a grandious gesture as to bend over and imprint her thumb upon the scanner. Underneath, she wore her favorite suit for business trips... Now that everyone unimportant had left, Kiyomi wanted to be noticed.

Okay, so maybe I'm having too much fun parodying the ridiculously slu- seductive anime chick... :smalltongue:

2009-10-02, 02:56 PM
The laptop does nothing more obvious then make a whirring noise as each of the three presses their thumb's to the pad, much like a disc was beginning to run, but after Kiyomi has done so as well the X on the screen ceases to spin. In another moment the decal fades away with the background to reveal a topographical map of the surrounding area, including Nazariy, with numerous roads or trails highlighted in red.

The map spins about before zeroing in on one central location, the bar you all stand in, and the voice comes over the speakers once more.

"We are currently here, Krapkoff's Loft, and I asked for you to gather here for a very specific reason. Threats have been made against the lives of myself and my family quite recently, threats from people I take very seriously and who possess unique...talents." The map zooms out, three pictures blinking into view on the right hand half of the screen and large enough to make out the details of them.

The first picture was of a motherly looking woman with brown hair done up into a bun wearing a long-sleeved brown sweater with a gray skirt. She seems to stand in front of a classroom, holding a clipboard in one hand, with a grim expression on her face. A college professor maybe? Next to the picture was the woman's name (Natasha Ivanov) along with her height (5'9"), weight (124 pounds), and other sundry measurements.

The second and third picture seemed to show the same thing, a blond haired boy in over-alls and red-stripped t-shirt underneath. In the second picture he's in the middle of a daycare, playing happily with other children. The statistics next to the picture inform the three of you that his name is Robert.

In the third, the same child (Seemingly) lays in bed with the woman from the first giving him a kiss on the forehead. A blue teddy bear rests beside him and from the looks of the room it looks like the mother makes a fair bit of money. This time the name is listed as Ivan, which likely made the second and third pictures that of twins.

"Two days after I sent you the notices to meet here, my family was kidnapped and I have received no ransom demands. I believe...I think they intend to kill them. Perhaps as revenge for something, I don't know but my gut is telling me that they weren't taken because their kidnappers want money." For a moment the voice pauses, the silence hanging heavy in the air before the screen shifts again as the map zooms out and fixates on a different location that looks to be two hundred miles away from the bar to the northwest. "Ahem..My apologies. In any case, I was able to track the kidnappers to this location. A fortified bunker sequestered underneath of an abandoned farm. Well guarded and well stocked, a direct assault could be staved off for months assuming the Russian government wasn't alerted to the activity. I have no time for a siege either, I want my family back now which is why I've contacted the three of you. Your abilities make a direct assault completely un-needed and the relatively small size of your numbers mean you can slip into the bunker and back out quickly. I am prepared to pay a half million dollars, cash, to each of you for each member of my family returned safely.

Sir Shadow
2009-10-02, 07:19 PM
The reasoning behind it wasn't important. The photos did nothing but supply him with a mental image of his targets; Weaker, more sentimental hearts may have been touched by the photos, but those feelings had no place in the world of ninja. Concrete or steel barriers meant little to Kisuke, so getting into the fortress didn't sound too distressing to him. Getting his targets out alive was another matter altogether, that could be difficult.

"Well, looks good so far, so how are we getting there?" He sounded young, but lacked any distinctive accent.

Rogue 7
2009-10-03, 01:05 AM
Brett Langer

"I would understand if you don't want to tell me, and I'll take the job regardless, but...if these people wanted your family dead, why were they not just gunned down?"

He looks a bit uncomfortable asking such a question, but inconsistencies were something that needed to be dealt with in his line of work.

Paragon Badger
2009-10-03, 01:46 AM
"Well..." The heiress replied, "It's fairly obvious. Mister X is neglecting to tell us the whole story."

"If the kidnappers wanted to kill them outright, it would be done already. If the kidnappers wanted our prospective client to suffer, they would have contacted him or her already. ...The family is being used as leverage for a deal or for an extortion, either way... the alternative is apparantly more costly than half a million dollars a head.. Err- hold on."

"Half a million dollars..." Kiyomi asked, "So that's U.S. bills? We're not talking, like... singaporean dollars?"

2009-10-11, 12:42 PM
"Your monetary assessment is quite accurate Ms. Kiyomi, I am offering half a million dollars to each of you for each member of my family returned safely. That is 1.5 million each and 4.5 million total. I presume that is more then enough for what I am asking." The voice stats in a dry tone of voice, letting what had been said sink in for a moment. Luck was on the three's side since as the quiet fell they could all unmistakeably hear the noise of several cars pulling up in front of the bar. A second later car door slammed shut.

"Unfortunately, I was not able to arrange for transportation to the farmstead before I was forced to take flight. Not completely anyway. I had begun negotiations with a man named Mikhail Evgeni, I had begun to arrange for transport with him before I had to leave. You should be able to still arrange transportation with him."

A quick glance out the front windows of the bar showed twin black SUVs pulled up side-by-side in front of the bar, men in tan parkas and black ski-caps climbing out of them.

Rogue 7
2009-10-11, 01:24 PM
Brett Langer

"Mr. X, do these men you mention typically drive black SUVs?"

His paranoia sense was working overtime- black SUVs in pairs typically meant professionals, though what exactly that profession was varied. He focused on the men climbing out of the vehicles, activating his Byakugan to check to see if there were weapons on their persons and assess their general mood. Men carrying assault rifles rarely stopped to chat, and typically had a certain air about them he'd learned to pick up in his time on the run.

Activating Byakugan- round 1/3.

Spot check to see if they're carrying weapons- [roll0]
And, what the kroot, sense motive to see their attitude- are they gearing up for a fight? [roll1]

Sir Shadow
2009-10-15, 08:28 AM
As he noticed the vans show up, Kisuke thought that perhaps these were the rides their mysterious patron had mentioned, but once he saw the masked individuals pile out, the quickly dismissed that notion. In a fluid motion, he pulled the large gun off his back and released the safety. Very gradually, his stance would shift as he prepared himself to for a fight. There were more than a few, but if these fools weren't ninja, they probably wouldn't last long. It seemed like one of his allies was entertaining the same thoughts.

Byakugan Sogekihei Ryu: Tori Teigo - 3 Chakra
Hit Points 56/56
Chakra 30/33

2009-10-23, 11:31 AM
Each of you will need to make 4 Reflex saves (DC 15). For each one failed, take 10 damage from auto-fire. If you succeed, take no damage.

Brett's enhanced sight is more then enough to see the AK-47s that each of the four men hold in their hands, and it didn't take a genius to deduce their intent when he sees the safeties were lifted and the assault rifles leveled at the bar.

"Black SUVs? What on earth are you talking about...?"

'Mr. X' didn't have time to finish before the air was abruptly filled with the noise of cacophonous gun-fire as each of the men opened fire with impunity. 7.62mm shells crash through the windows with a crash to riddle the old stained wood of the dingy bar, ripping holes out of them with each bullet as the men sought to gun down the three inside through a wall of bullets.

Another man, the driver from one of the cars, can be seen slipping out of the SUV and circling around the building towards the back of it. As the dust clears, the men outside wait patiently to see the result of their handiwork...

Intiative please. I'll try to create a map for you guys soon, but for now, they are only twenty feet out from the entrance of the bar. Which is ten feet away from the laptop. Going out the window is a shorter distance but requires a Tumble check (10) to avoid the glass still in the frames and to actually get through the window.

Sir Shadow
2009-10-23, 12:11 PM
Wow, I rolled a 1, 3, and 4... wtf? What are the chances?

(1d20+4)[8] (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7177243&postcount=2)

Wow, the dice just aren't with me today. Callos, this is that "bad luck with dice" that I was talking about -__-;;; I only rolled over 5 on a d20 once out of five rolls.

Wait.. since we're in combat, does that mean I get a +4 from my Speed Ranks? The rules say that in combat it is considered to be active unless "suppressed" and since I had already gone into a stance, Kisuke wasn't exactly "flat-footed"...

Rogue 7
2009-10-23, 03:48 PM
Brett Langer

His eyes capable of tracking the individual bullets as they traveled, Brett spun and dodged out of the way, landing on two feet with his back to the window- his powerful eyes still tracking the enemies outside.

Well, that answered my question pretty easily. Shame I'm not alone or I'd just fill this place with mist.

Releasing a short breath, he let the chakra flow freely through his body, focusing as he turned and dashed through the door, halting in front of the first man. He slid as he stopped into a low stance, beginning the circle walking of the Baguazhang style that he had found to be so effective with his white eyes. Concentrating chakra in his fist, he couldn't help but grin slightly as flames congealed around his fist. He shifted his weight upwards, putting his whole body behind the rising uppercut as he called out a reference to something from his childhood.


OOC: A translator's note in Negima informed me that apparently the Hyuuga Hakkeshou style is based on the Chinese style of Baguazhang, which is what Aang uses in Avatar the Last Airbender. Hence, I've modeled Brett's style loosely on that.

Initiative: 17 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2296985/)

Reflex saves: 1:
Edit: Action point! 5 rolled (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2296982/), total save now a 16.

HP- 44/44
CP- 26/33
AC 28
Byakugan 2/3
Speed Rank 3 1/5

Move 30 feet, enter Jyuuken stance as a swift action.
Attack!- Shoryuken!
Perform- DC 23- [roll4]
Attack! [roll5]
Damage- [roll]1d6+5d4+2
Target must make a DC 19 Fortitude save or catch on fire for [roll6] rounds.

Edit: Freakin' 2....not that it matters, but 14 (http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2296980/) damage.

Sir Shadow
2009-10-27, 06:04 PM
Kisuke curses to himself as the masked enemies open fire on the bar and send a wave of bullets through the windows. As glass shatters, the young ninja takes a step back before his body seems to flicker and disappear. Now crouching behind the bar, he lifts his head over to take a look when the firing ceases. He breaths out and wills both his mind and body to achieve maximum speed. Standing upright, he swings his gun into position as he charges the weapon with his chakra. Finding a target, he fires as soon as he lines up the hairs, but perhaps just a fraction of a second too soon. The bullet merely grazes his opponent's arm. Well, damn.

HP - 56/56
Chakra - 25/33
AC - 27

Using Shoudan to avoid the attack. -2 Chakra

Activate Speed Rank 4: Round 1/5

Byakugan Sogekihei Ryu: Habataki -3 Chakra
--touch attack to hit
--ignores 3 points of DR or Hardness
Touch Attack
(1d20+9)[18] (additional +2 from Speed Ranks) so 20
(2d12)[2] (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7177295&postcount=3)