View Full Version : DoD part one

2009-09-28, 01:08 AM
Naked pitiful heathens of several forms fall painfully to the rocky form of a large circular room.

From the heavens, a voice:

"Here ye be, the essence of the damned:

Name: Asterius
Intelligence: 5
Speed: 14
Ranged: 5*

Personality Effects:
Sanity: 12
Worship: 13
Social: 11
Survival: 17

natural domain: Two-Handed weapons(20)
Lore domain: Navigation(15)
Preserve domain: Tough as ****!(20)


Time lord: Known as: The librarian

Time lords are human like people with two hearts and travel time. Most of them have been killed off during the time war. Before that they saw to it that time kept as it is suppose to be,

HP: 18
Strength: 11
Intelligence: 13
Speed: 8
Melee: 6
Range: 13

Survival: 11

Tech Domain (natural) :15
Time Trick (Lore) :25
Lucky (Preserve) : 15

Name: Al'Thayn
Race: Satyr
HP: 6
Strength: 8
Intelligence: 13
Speed: 17
Melee: 7
Range: 14

Worship: 9
Social: 15
Survival: 14

Satyr are a race of humanoid creatures that are natural to the wilds of the world, loving nature and plenty of wine. They have the body of a man, but the horns and lower body of a goat. They are fast and smart, perferring to assault enemies at range rahter than fighting toe-to-toe with them. They love trickery and mind games and increase in wit while drunk.

Natural Domain: Ranged Weaponry (15)
Lore Domain: Nature (20)
Perserve Domain: Trickery (20)


Name: Alexander
Race: Human (mutant)
HP: 16
Strength: 5
Intelligence: 13
Speed: 14
Melee: 5
Range: 14

Sanity: 10
Worship: 11
Social: 12
Survival: 12

NaturalPower: Technology (20)
LorePower: Psionics (20)
PreservePower: Luck (15)

Alexander is a space pirate from the future. He was born the first son to a prominent noble house and received the very best education and training money can buy. A promising and brilliant young noble, his psionic powers manifested when he was becoming a teenager. Using these rare and powerful talents the ambitious and charismatic young man set out to make a name for himself.


Elf Stat Bonus/Penalties:
HP: -4
Strength: -5
Intelligence: +1
Speed: +3
Melee: 0
Range: +5

HP: 6 (Original: 10)
Strength: 5 (Original: 7)
Intelligence: 7 (Original: 6)
Speed: 16 (Original: 13)
Melee: 14 (Original: 14)
Range: 11 (Original: 6)

Sanity: 12
Worship: 11
Social: 12
Survival: 14

Natural Domain: Elf Weapons (20)
All elves instinctively know how to use the weapons created and still used to this day by their anscestors. Such weapons include rapiers, longswords, longbows, etc.

Lorepower: Forest Navigation (10)
All elves know how to navigate the forest as easily as one's own home. No matter what forest or where. However, those who distance themselves for long periods of time start to have trouble "remembering their way around". But spending some time in the forest can refresh their memory.

Preserve Domain: Old Enough (20)
All elves are timless. They reach a specific age of bodily maturity and then stop. Eternity was lucky enough to stop in his early adulthood. But he has been alive for hundreds of years. And has such grown accustomed to many things. Deception, warfare, politics. Living to see it has given him an accute sense of understanding and preperation.


Name: David Blaine
Demon Modifiers:
HP: +0
Strength: -4
Intelligence: +3
Speed: +5
Melee: +1
Range: -5

HP: 7+0=7
Strength: 6-4= 5 Minimum
Intelligence: 10+3=13
Speed: 9+5=14
Melee: 10+1=11
Range: 3-5= 5 Minimum

Survival: 15

(soul affect) You choose, split 55 amongst these three. (Remember 5min, 20 max rule!)
NaturalPower: [15]
Demon Light: Your hands are garbed in a strange blue crackling energy, from a loud overpowering sound to a soft chirping. Your hands are a blur, moving faster than an eye can follow. Perfect for placing objects on people without them noticing, from cards, to.... explosives

LorePower: [20]
Strange Magician:
From cards appearing, and shrinking objects, all the way to levitation of yourself and objects, and magically appearing objects, you aren't an illusionist, your tricks are real

PreservePower: [20]
Creep: Most everyone you interact with has a common reaction to your abilities: Fear. when in your presence, they are pushed by their minds to leave, due to your unnatural talents. No matter the situation almost all who see you credit you with unexplainable events, even if you aren't doing anything.


Race: Zombie (Booga booga booga!)

Name: Sickamoore, Rodgers
Undeath Modifiers:
HP: +0
Strength: +5
Intelligence: -4
Speed: +3
Melee: +1
Range: -5

HP: (3d6)[13]
Strength: (3d6)[9]
Intelligence: (3d6)[12]
Speed: (3d6)[6]
Melee: (3d6)[6]
Range: (3d6)[8]


(soul affect) You choose, split 55 amongst these three. (Remember 5min, 20 max rule!)
NaturalPower: [20]
The Thirst: From brains, to bones, and blood and skin a zombie will eat anything. But WHY do they eat anything? They aren't goats. Well, it's only natural after all. A zombie will eat anything, because it keeps them alive. If they lose an arm? Too bad, just stitch a new one on, if they lose some guts? Oh well, just evicerate someone and "good as new!". (obviously this will have limitations)

LorePower: [15]
Iron-clad Grasp: And up from the loamy soil came the twisted hand, grasping and reaching, finally the rotten flesh latching onto your leg. Even though you struggle you can't seem to break free, not even ol' uncle billy's shotgun seems to do the trick. Damn those zombies, stubborn bastards. Zombies have a natural inclination to inhuman strength. Some say it's because of dark magics, however this philosipher likes to believe it just makes for a better story!

PreservePower: [20]
Sensible Hunter: How is it, that even when a zombie hardly stops to ever pick up a good book, and light a pipe to have a good sit, they STILL manage to out smart us? I blame their damn anatomy, whatever keeps those creeps going gives them those creepy red eyes, and animal like senses. Hell, if you so much as sweat in 100 feet of one of those bastards, your chow!
( to clarify this entry would include things like night vision, inhanced smell, hearing, touch, taste, sight, etc. And possibly a sixth sense, at the GMs discression)


Name: Xen
Race: Yizan (Totally made up)
Image a relitivley humanoid figure with totally black skin. His mouth is seemingly non-existant, though he can still speak normally. The rest of his body is relativley his long and thin fingers as well his odd 3-toed feet. Finally, his entire body is hairless.

Racial Mods:
+5 Melee
+3 Spd
+1 Hit Point
-4 Ranged

HP: 11
Strength: 11
Intelligence: 14
Speed: 19
Melee: 15
Range: 5

Sanity: 7
Worship: 7
Social: 15 (Yep, I'm a very social mouthless abomination thank you)
Survival: 9

Natural: Long lighter sharp objects. Short Swords, Needles, ect.
Lore: Time. That is, minor control of time.
Preserve: Mouthless. He should thus be difficult to suffocate, drown ect as much of his air is gotten from some unknown source.

NaturalPower: 18
LorePower: 20
PreservePower: 17

Do you except your eternal damnation now?
Speak up, cowardly beings or hear the first screams of an agony too harsh to defeat."

(And so, well, ya better answer him!)

I'm using this to see who is still here and who isn't, try to get to know each other and show who is boss; don't expect this to be lovey-huggy with your party-mates kinda game... you can try it, but sacrifices *may* have to be made. Speaking is always a free action and passing always optional - but, umm, do speak now because otherwise you'll (spoiler alert) fall in a pit and die. Its very important I have the number of active players right for this first challenge.

2009-09-28, 02:29 AM
Sickamoore, Rodgers

The dog tags swung around the "mans" moldy neck as he fell to the ground. In what could only be described as "homeless army veteran attire" was a body rittled with holes and lacerations and rot. This "man" looked as if he had been alive a LONG LONG time, and time was not kind to him. Rodgers takes the single cigar from his jacket pocket and lights it up. As the man takes a long drag from this stick of tobbacco smoke emits from the holes in his chest and neck. Hhhhhehhh. *sickly coughing* Bah. Better. Where the hell are we? The man's voice is thick and raspy. And so the first of the worlds zombies has risen, what will become of him? And will he be the first to start the infamous zombie liberation front? .... I doubt it.

2009-09-28, 02:18 PM
The time lord looks around his eys focusing as he stares over the others with out bating an eyelash. "Wonder what kind of party this is?" he thinks. He stands full and seems to be a normal human average height and weight. Finally he speaks in a low but frim voice. "Hello? Whats all this then? Giant voice in the sky.. Yes what ever I will play your game if you give back my TARDAIS"

2009-09-28, 02:46 PM
"Mr. Sickamore, you know very well where you are and why you are there!" comes an etheral cry of what sounds like an elderly lady. In a poof, all his clothes and things disappear, leaving him naked and neutral - Like the others.

The nothingness but body is important to the strategies of the trials to follow.

(Post here, soon, or forever hold your pieces!)

2009-09-28, 02:47 PM
David Blaine

A man of average build kneels in a prayerful position, then slowly he rises, looking around as he does. His face is adorned with a horizontal mustache, and his beard. But most important are his eyes, which change color as he looks around, then finally settle on the darkest black.

He looks to the ceiling, saying nothing his stare haunting, his eyes burning twin holes throw the air.


2009-09-28, 03:10 PM
A short black-skinned humanoid figure stands on the ground. His body is entirely hairless making it obvious that he is quite thin. The stangest thing about him is his face, there doesn't seem to be any sort of mouth. Despite this, the creature speaks. His voice is deep and resonant, "What is the meaning of this? Where are we?"

2009-09-28, 03:37 PM

Seeing his clothes dissapear before his very eyes, and being surronded by other strange, also nude men- creatures sickamoore cannot help but blurt out loud, "Just like in nam......" The corpse of a man's unclothed body is hardly an enjoyable sight, although the smell has to be worse.

2009-10-01, 03:41 PM
Asterius lets out a powerful moo and shakes his fist. His whole life he was cursed and hated. He was forced to live in a labyrinth and eat nothing but athenians. And this is what lies in wait for him in the afterlife?

2009-10-01, 05:23 PM
"Whoah" Al'Thayn says with disbelief "Where am I?"

2009-10-03, 01:11 AM
"All ye six shall die from your own insolence and non-forgiving natures!"

"Die now!"

The six of you are scattered about the room, and before each of you a hole appears in the ground; as well as a giant one in the center of the room. Giant snakes come hissing out of them.


Use now for reactions, etc. I'll explain the first round's rules tomorrow.

2009-10-03, 02:07 AM

Sickamoore jumps at the forming of the pits and apperation of the snakes. " Yup, juuuuuust like nam...."
The corpse with his sick sense of humor cracks his bones, some parts of himself falling free as he does so. " The only thing that worries me, is this is how I died in the first place...."

2009-10-03, 06:38 AM
David Blaine

David backs away from the pit of snacks, his face a glimmer of shock, although not fear. He looks around to see similar things happening to the rest and adopts a partial fighting stance, his hands emitting a sparkling blue energy. This is strong magic.

2009-10-03, 02:52 PM
Asterius raises his hands and gets ready to attack the snake in front of him.

2009-10-03, 10:01 PM
Xen takes a step back away from the snake, his face betraying little. But the obvious shiver running down his spine shows his true fear. "Whoever runs this place is powerful indeed. "

2009-10-14, 10:50 PM
So game is dead?

2009-10-15, 06:22 AM
I dunno i still check but the dm hasn't been on in 10 days.

2009-10-15, 02:43 PM
Ima say yes. Ah the trials of play by post.