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View Full Version : What Spells to Choose?

2009-09-28, 03:50 PM
My friends and I are playing in a Faerun (3.5) campaign where we will be doing a substantial amount of fighting against drow, orcs, goblins, and kobolds-- in other words, lots of light-sensitive and (except for the drow) low-Will enemies. We're going to hit level 3 pretty soon. I'm a generalist wizard. What should I pick for my first two 2nd-level spells when I level up?

2009-09-28, 03:55 PM
My friends and I are playing in a Faerun (3.5) campaign where we will be doing a substantial amount of fighting against drow, orcs, goblins, and kobolds-- in other words, lots of light-sensitive and (except for the drow) low-Will enemies. We're going to hit level 3 pretty soon. I'm a generalist wizard. What should I pick for my first two 2nd-level spells when I level up?

Definatly glitterdust, and assuming you want the second to contribute directly to combat, a light spell sounds pretty good. Your a wizard, if you choose the wrong spell, its not a problem for long if there are scrolls.

2009-09-28, 03:57 PM
Spider climb and Scorching Ray. That's what I would choose.

2009-09-28, 03:59 PM
Spider climb and Scorching Ray. That's what I would choose.

Spider climb is first (actually second, my mistake) level and scorching ray is good, but only targets one opoonent until latter levels. Also, seeking ray is stricktly better at CL 3.

Pharaoh's Fist
2009-09-28, 04:00 PM
Spider Climb is second level.

2009-09-28, 04:02 PM
Spider Climb is second level.

It was first level in AD&D though right? I distinctly remeber seeing it as a 1st level spell somewhere.

2009-09-28, 08:57 PM
It was first level in AD&D though right? I distinctly remeber seeing it as a 1st level spell somewhere.

Yep. It was a first level spell in AD&D. It has major drawbacks though, for example you can't handle anything that weighs more than 1 pound which makes spellcasting impossible (and armed combat).

2009-09-28, 09:12 PM
You arent a focused specialist Conjurer, transmuter, or gnome Illusionist? :)

Glitterdust is nice if will saves are low, but if you are a 3rd level Wizard it only lasts 3 rounds (hopefully enough to do the job). Web also gives you a spell to target reflex saves (though you probably arleady have grease). If you want a fort save spell, go with Blindness.

Now, if your Int score is 16 or less, you might want to go for some other options. Like Seeking/Scorching Ray, or Ray of Stupidity, and maybe some defensive options like Alter Self or Mirror Image.

2009-09-28, 09:20 PM
Spider climb is way too situational. I wouldn't take it yet. I'd get detect thoughts, pyrotechnics and/or a damage spell. Web and invisibility are nice too. Flaming sphere won't be too shabby in a level or two.

Just tell the party to shield their eyes and hold for you for the first round of every combat, until they hear the series of wooshes and bangs. Call it "Plan P" or something. Pyrotechnics will screw up every light sensitive creature on the entire game table. Even if they make their save. It's also a just plain awesome spell.

I said detect thoughts because it sounds like you're facing a lot of humanoids with low will saves in the kinds of places where humanoid baddies live. It'll be a great scouting spell since it works through wooden doors. But if you're facing a mix of creatures, stone doors, etc. then it's not so hot and I'd get something else.

For at least one of your cantrips, prepare a flare. If you find a drow tougher than you, then sacrifice both your actions with a flare. Again, if he fails his save that's just icing on the cake.