View Full Version : Into the Third Age [Party 1 IC]

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2009-09-28, 07:07 PM
Alright let’s do this. A group of merfolk traders is attempting a voyage through the great western swamp and across the western sea to the southern end of the Brass Desert. The crew will moor a day there, before sailing around the desert to deliver his shipment of steel tools from the eastern sea to the arctic coast. Then they will pick a shipment of pelts, and return the way they came. Unfortunately, there have been sightings of lizardfolk pirates in the great western swamp, so the captain, Del’nax, has hired guards from across the Great South Western Plain and the areas surrounding it, you. Some of you outcasts, others champions, but your blades are sharp, and minds keen, and that’s all that matters to Del’nax. His ship, the Roc Feather, is a merfolk pinnacle. It varies from the pinnacles of men in that it is operated from bellow deck and rides on the tides instead of the winds, which are almost absent in the swamp. The crew carefully measures the ebbs and flows of the sea as water flows in and out of the lower decks, but the cargo hold and the upper decks are kept relatively dry. Some of you have been traveling with Del’nax since he picked you up at a port city en route. Others are being picked up here, at the port of Gileendil, the last stop before Del’nax braves the Great Swamp. Of course, fliers advertising his voyage have shown up months in advance so the captain could be sure there would be guards waiting for him. A crowd gathers as the Roc Feather pulls into port.

2009-09-28, 08:08 PM
Aortal stands amongst the crowd, trying its hardest to remain one with the mass of people, and not draw attention to itself.
Gazing around, it looks for other people who look like they might be mercinaries, and strides towards the Roc Feather.

[[ Spot check to find out how many mercenary-types there are waiting for the ship to land so they can guard it [roll0] ]]

Arq Kujos
2009-09-28, 08:34 PM
OOC- I changed Lethe's name to Lethren. Just so everyone knows.

Lethren sat quietly, enjoying the breeze and the warm sun on his face. Another beautiful sunrise leads to another beautiful day, he thought to himself. Lethren loved the smell of the sea because it reminded him of his home, high on the cliffs in his monastery. The sound of the waves would rock him to sleep and the smell of the sea salt would help him sleep soundly.

Lethren stood slowly, his gimp knee unbending and stiff. Supporting himself on the railing, Lethren looked out into the harbor. A number of people seemed interested in joining up with Captain Del’nax, just as he had done back in the Eastern Sea. Lathander had commanded him to join the trading vessel, and unwilling to argue with his god, Lethren joined the crew.

In truth, Lethren was nervous about battling the Lizard forces. He had trained for a long time to fight, but even he had doubts about his leg. He knew he was slower than most, so he would have to serve as a shield for his allies. One that would not falter, break, or retreat. It was his job to break light to the darkest of the places.

2009-09-28, 08:37 PM
Standing in the gloom between two buildings on the docks stood a teenage girl, staring out at the boat. The girl lifted her hood, raised a parasol, and walked out towards the boat. She has a large coffin strapped to her back, and not a single piece of skin is visible through the thick clothes covering her body.

Der Arbol
2009-09-28, 08:59 PM
Albert stood amongst the crowd that had gathered to see the Roc Feather come into port, just another human mercenary here to offer his services. He was never very fond of the sea, such journeys were always perilous, though the money this job offered was irresistible and as of late there haven't been many opportunities for fortune or adventure like this. Albert eyed the crowd and clutched the hilt of his longsword, anxious for the ship to dock and for things to get under way. This was going to be an interesting day...

[spot check for anything suspicious/out of the ordinary [roll0]+2 vs. humans]

2009-09-28, 09:11 PM
OOC: Carry a coffin. Not the least bit suspicious :smallbiggrin:.
It would seem that Lethren's fears are wide spread as less than a dozen a mercenary types beyond the few that Del'nax brought with him, although more could easily have not arrived yet. Del'nax, you can tell it's him because his thin cloak is decorated with many trinkets of little value like broken fish hooks a bent copper pieces, but anyone could tell that each has a mighty story behind it by the way he wears them, slithers down the gangplank and addresses the crowd.
"As many of you already know, I am the great sea captain Yilsith Del'nax Merrowbane and I am hiring guards to protect my cargo of trade goods from the east on my voyage to the arctic coast against the possiblity of Lizardman bandits. Anyone interested in applying for the position may inquire to my firstmate Gipper here. We sail at dawn."
With this, Del'nax makes his way into a nearby tavern, the Rusty Harpoon.

Arq Kujos
2009-09-28, 09:24 PM
Lethren stood ready and listened to Del'nax give his speech. It was the same one the he had given to Lethren. He almost missed the boat, due to his bad leg, but with Lathander's grace he made it.

He surveyed the people standing in the harbor, waiting to apply to join. After a quick glance, he made his way slowly the ship to spread the word of his god to those that would listen. He carries his sword strapped to his back, and his mace at his side.

Search Check to find homeless and/or sick people in need of some healing and preaching. [roll0]

2009-09-28, 09:32 PM
OOC: Normally that'd be more of a gather information check, but I'll let it slide because you could just take 10 and make it.

Gileendil has a sizable slum, like any large city. The beggers are all to eager to listen to another profit promising salvation. As far as port towns go, it isn't that bad, although a petty mugger does try to rob you. He flees in terror when you don't surrender immediately though.

Arq Kujos
2009-09-28, 09:40 PM
OOC:Thanks for that. I'm just out to spread the word. So, Diplomacy Check to convert some masses?


2009-09-28, 09:45 PM
You seem to have made a strong impression, although a few beggers murmer about how Lathander can't heal your leg. Still if you ever need a small favor in town, someone will likely be able to help you.

Der Arbol
2009-09-28, 09:51 PM
After the captain made his speech, Albert got in the quickly forming line in front of Gipper and waited patiently until it was his turn to apply. Only a few mercenaries had shown up for this job, not surprisingly, and it was no trouble getting a job on the ship. As he walked away from the docks, Albert noticed a young girl with an umbrella in her hand and a coffin on her back standing on the docks. "I don't even want to know.", he muttered to himself as he headed off to find a good tavern in town.

2009-09-28, 09:57 PM
The Rusty Harpoon is near the ship. Most of its tenders are fishermen and retired soldiers. Near the mage's guild is the Eye of Newt were wizard fraternities bing (usually spiked) ale. The Shank & Serpant is located near the slumbs. One can usual gamble a months pay away in a matter of hours there. The Golden Helm is a tavern in the market. Many mercenaries are treasure hunters sleep there on their way though town.

Der Arbol
2009-09-28, 10:32 PM
Albert made his way threw the city looking for a good place to drink; passing threw the poor district he spotted a hole in the wall tavern called the Shank & Serpant. On any normal day he would have gone inside just to see what went down, those types of places are where you see things worth talking about; but the ship sails at dawn and he can't risk it. Albert reluctantly passed by the tavern and headed back to the Golden Helm to have a quick drink and spend the night.

Roc Ness
2009-09-29, 06:34 AM
Caromire sprints into Gelindel from the south, looking quite harassed and late, and immediately attempts to find out what he's missed.

[roll0] (Gather Information)

2009-09-29, 09:54 AM
Aortal walks up to the boat, and says to any of the crew within sight:

Could you direct me towards Glipper? I wish to apply for the mercenary job.

2009-09-29, 03:41 PM
Caromire has no trouble finding the cause of the commotion.

"Another one then? Hey Gibber, some bloke wants to apply!"
Gibber staggers over to you (it's clear he hasn't found his land legs tail yet). He reads a piece of drift wood, and scratches new marks into it as he addresses you.
"Alright, you can call me Gipper. You'll recall from our ad that all applicants must be willing to endure several months of sea travel an potentially life threatening situations, and protect the cargo and crew at all costs. You will be payed one share of the profit, or more as the captain sees fit upon our arrival at the arctic coast. The contract will last until we reach our destination, but if you do a good job we can probably rehire you for the return trip. I'll need your name and any special skills you can offer."

Roc Ness
2009-09-30, 05:21 AM
Caromire replies immediately.

My name is Caromire, Mr. Gipper! I am willing to protect this ship, crew and cargo, and my specialties are ranged combat, ammunitions craft, practical knowledge of defense against undead, practical agricultural knowledge, a celestial determination and a halfling mind for tactics.

2009-09-30, 09:21 AM
Greetings Mr. Glipper. I'm a woman of many skills and few inabilities, hire me, and you'll see how capable I am at anything you put me to. As for my name, I am Ms. Gensou, pleased to meet you. The Doppelganger bows slightly at the end of its speech.

2009-09-30, 09:25 AM
Kumiko stood at the edge of the docks and gazed at the ship, then the water below her. I'm not sure this is the job for me. Water isn't good. But.. it would get me away from this place, perhaps even find the cure. She thought to herself, spinning her parasol in her hand.

The cure is the most important thing.. that, or death. If I can truly die in this form. But perhaps there is another way.. I just need to get out of here, since the cure is not here.

Kumiko looks around for any boxes or similar being taken off the ship, or loaded onto it.

Spot Check

2009-09-30, 09:31 AM
Kokoru was sat in the town's inn when the sea-merchant arrived and gave her oration, and heard only a snatch of it once she had left and walked down to the sea-front to stare at the waves. She was connected to the water, and it pulled her towards it, but today was not the day to go for a swim.
She needed to find some mercenary job, or person to train her further. Finding someone like that in this place seemed unlikely.

Mr. Glipper, hire me. I have some skill with healing magics, and am also quite proficient in hand-to-hand combat of various styles.
Saying this, she pricks her hand with a small stone and lets the blood drip onto the ground. She then heals it with a Cure Minor Wounds spell.
I'd be happy to protect your boat for no fee, I'm not here for money.

2009-09-30, 09:37 AM
As Kumiko gazed around the docks for a sign of packages being loaded and unloaded, she heard the healer talk. A healer? Perhaps she can help me! Kumiko's thoughts offered hopefully.

Kumiko turned towards the healer, and began to open her mouth.

Blood? she whispered, catching sight of the small stream of red liquid splattering against the floor.

Kumiko had not eaten today, and her peculiar diet was hard to provide for herself, she hated sinking to the depths that the one who had caused this for her had, but sometimes there was no choice. The curse would not let her starve.

Arq Kujos
2009-09-30, 10:07 AM
After talking with the poor and the homeless, listening to confessions, healing the sick, Lethren decided to head back to the ship and see if anyone interesting had joined up. He slowly made his way back, enjoying the sunlight. It was warm on his neck.

Eventually he returned to see a small pool of candidates standing around Glipper. "Well, the captain seems to have drawn a better crowd this time then he did in the Eastern Sea," he quietly mused to himself. He turned, and made his way to the Rusty Harpoon, in need of a pint of ale. Besides, drunken sailors and bar wenches needed Lathander as much as the homeless and the sick.

2009-09-30, 03:36 PM
"One Mr. Caromire, you seem qualied, check.
One Ms. Gensou, vague but I'm sure the captain can find a use for you, check.
One Ms. Kokoru, you're just what we're looking for. I hope you'll accept payment out of courtesy if nothing else, check.
Thats all we need, the rest of you can go home."
The other mercenaries grown and disperse.
The Roc's Feather seems to have picked up all of its cargo in the east, but the cargo hold isn't full, evidently buisness has been bad.

Roc Ness
2009-10-01, 07:07 AM
"Sails at dawn, eh?"

Caromire's knowledge of halfling tactics kicks in, and begins to look for a shop of the alchemical nature.

[roll0] (Spot)

OOC: ((For future reference, what is the AC and hp of a ship's mast, and what is the penalty for having a flask stuck to your arrow?))

Roc Ness
2009-10-01, 07:08 AM
OOC: I forgot I had a roll and pressed preview post...


2009-10-01, 11:37 AM
Kumiko stands watching the ship. I must feed.. But I must try not to hurt anyone that will be missed.

Then she stalks off into the town, and looks for an alley-way suitable for her purposes (dark, and away from other people), and waits in it for someone to walk past.

2009-10-01, 01:46 PM
There is an alchemy shop in town: The Caustic Caldron
You can by any alchemical items from the player's handbook here, they also brew potions on request, and could probably make anything else alchemical you needed.

Sanity- When night falls you have no trouble putting a helpless begger out of his misery, or several injured.

Der Arbol
2009-10-01, 07:32 PM
When Albert arrived at the Golden Helm the sun was setting in the sky and things in the city were just starting to quiet down. He headed up to his room and dropped of his gear, except for 2 daggers and his sword, and headed downstairs to the tavern. He sat down at the bar, bought a pint of ale, and listened to the conversation around him. After some time he turned to the bartender, ordered another drink, and asked what he knew about the town.

[Gather information check to learn basic info about Gileendil [roll0] ]

Roc Ness
2009-10-02, 03:23 AM
Caromire strides into the Caustic Cauldron.

"Pardon me, but may I enquire if you have a pint of oil, something inexpensive along the lines of alchemist's fire, but more explosive, and, if you have the last item may I enquire if you have any Sovereign Glue and the cost of a small dip of the tip of an arrow shaft into it."

2009-10-02, 11:32 AM
Aortal goes to the inn, and asks the inn keeper for a room for the night, pays, and goes to the room right away - where it spends the few hours before nightfall reading.

2009-10-02, 02:44 PM
OOC: You don't need to roll gather info to ask the bartender a question about common knowledge.

"Well, I'm sure you've noticed the docks. Gileendil is the largest port on the southern coast of the Western Sea. Merfolk dominate the sea routes around here, but human caravans are quick to bring cargo to and from the city. Trade has brought us much wealth, so there is a wider variaty of shops here than in most cities. This coupled with the recent business about the lizardmen has drawn adventurers from across the countryside to this very inn, and I'm raking in the coin. The town is mostly inhabited by us humans and merfolk, but the stray halfing isn't unheard of."

OOC: Roc, I think I know exactly what you're looking for in one package. I'll try and find where its written down and get back to you.

edit- "Sure, but it seems a waste of soviern glue. You me to make your arrows burn like alchemist's fire, correct? I've got what you're looking for, its called 'Elfire.' This stuff burns many times hotter, but it's very difficult to make, and harder to store. Heres what you need to do: the glass maker down the street specializes in this sort of practical glasswear, and can make you glass arrow heads that have a bubble that I can fill with Elfire. When the arrow strikes its mark, boom! The stuffs not cheap, it will cost you twenty gold pieces a vial. As for Clemens at the glass maker's. He should be able to fill the arrowheads."

Roc Ness
2009-10-02, 08:30 PM
Caromire thanks the man behind the counter and makes his way to the glass maker's.

Excuse me, but is Clemens in? Only I have a need for glass arrowheads which may be readily filled with Elfire.

2009-10-03, 04:08 PM
A man comes out from the back. "I am Clemens. Alchemist's arrowheads are five gold coins each. I have a few in stock, but I could make more if you like."

Roc Ness
2009-10-03, 06:39 PM
"Thank you. One glass arrowhead please, that's about what I can afford."

Caromire completes the transaction, then returns to the Caustic Cauldron to spend his last 20 gp getting the elfire and filling the arrows.

2009-10-03, 06:59 PM
Alright then, if Sanity hasn't posted how she's joining the party by this time tommarrow, I'll assume she smuggles her coffin onto the ship and the adventure continues.

2009-10-04, 07:06 PM
Dawn comes.
You introduce yourselves, and the Roc Feather sets sail. The first day at sea is peaceful. Del'nax is an excellent sailor, and Gipper knows the swamp well enough to keep the ship sailling smoothly. As night falls, however, the ship enters an area with an unusually high consentration of alligators. Gipper is visibly conserned, but he doesn't doesn't voice it. Aortal and Caromire notice the giltering of steel just below the surface, so they're ready a moment later when four 'alligators' lunge out of the water, and begin to climb the sides of the ship and pull axes from their belts. Surely these must be the fabled lizardmen. Roll initiative, then Vamps and Roc state your actions for the surprize round. The ships lanterns provide bright light fifteen feet out, everying past that is shadowy. I'll get the map up later, but the four lizardmen are bunched near the stern.

Der Arbol
2009-10-04, 07:21 PM
Albert stood on deck looking up at the stars and off into the black of night. The peaceful air betrayed the danger of the evening, but as far as he was concerned this tranquility could go on forever. When the lizardmen jumped aboard he was taken completely by surprise and looked towards them with a peaceful smile.

[Initiative: [roll0]]

Roc Ness
2009-10-04, 07:54 PM
[roll0] Initiative

As there are no ships, Caromire keeps his quarterstaff nearby while he shoots the closest lizardman (if any). If there aren't any then he readies an action to shoot the first lizardman he sees.

[roll1] Attack (if any)
[roll2] Damage (if any)

Huh. This I am going to miss.

Arq Kujos
2009-10-05, 12:39 AM
OOC: So, is my character alseep below deck, then? Or would I be on duty with Roc and Der?

If so, my initiative is [roll0]

2009-10-05, 01:37 PM
We didn't specify a watch order, although this is happening right at dusk of the first night, so you haven't gotten of the schedual you had a mainland. You would probably be awake.

Arq Kujos
2009-10-05, 01:49 PM
Excellent. In that case, Lethren would probably be sitting on a chair on the main deck polishing his sword or praying. When the Lizard men come he is going to make his way to one side of the ship and attempt to keep them from coming over the side.

2009-10-05, 04:41 PM
Here's the map:http://i458.photobucket.com/albums/qq304/4is111/encounter1surprizeround.jpgSorry its so crude, but all I have to work with is paint.

Der Arbol
2009-10-05, 05:10 PM
Is each square 5 square feet? And if so, doesn't that make the boat a little small?

2009-10-05, 05:19 PM
Yes, each square is five feet, and no, that is actually larger than the standard pinnacle. She isn't fit to cross and ocean by any means, but she's big enough to cross the sea and small enough to navigate the swamp.

Roc Ness
2009-10-05, 08:33 PM
Yeah, the only difference here is that ships usually have more than person standing per five feet. :smallbiggrin:

Also, all of you guys seem to roll better than me for everything. :smalltongue:

2009-10-06, 03:16 PM

Aortal will have been sitting on the deck reading a book about strange creatures, with its longsword close.

My suprise round action will be to stand and hold my longsword ready to fight the animals.

2009-10-06, 04:02 PM
The first lizardman roars and scampers up the side of the stern. Caromine shoots at the first lizardman, but misses. It attacts Aortal with the axe in its right hand and strikes for 9 damage. Aortal is disabled. The second climbs up the stern and again strikes at Aortal, again dealling 9 damage. Aortal is at -9 hp. If has not been healed by the end of next round, he will have a 10% chance of survival. The third lizardman climbs the stern, attacks Caromine, but he is protected by his armor. The fourth and final lizardman also fails to penitrate Caromine's armor, and is left hanging off the side of the ship. Each lizardman on the ship draws a second axe from his belt, and gnashes his teeth.
Round one map:http://i458.photobucket.com/albums/qq304/4is111/encounter1round1.jpgInitiative:Aortal: 16
Lethren: 16
Albert: 11
Kokoru: 3

Der Arbol
2009-10-06, 05:17 PM
As Albert watched the lizardmen climb aboard the ship, the content expression on his face quickly faded and he realized that he had to act. But, before he could even move they boarded the ship and overwhelmed Aortal, leaving only Caromine and Lethren at the rear of the ship to face them. Albert almost drew his crossbow, but the lizard men were now too close to his fellow party members and he needed to act fast to keep them from being outflanked, so he drew his longsword and rushed over to join the fight.

Albert moves into the square Aortal occupies, or if Lethren moves there first he moves to the square just above it, he draws his longsword as part of his move action. Albert fights defensively and attacks the Lizardman farthest to the left.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
AC: 19
(note: Albert has combat expertise and AOOs whenever he has a chance to do so)

Roc Ness
2009-10-06, 06:31 PM
Analysing the situation, Caromire immediately deemed it unwise to fire further arrows. Instead, he drops his bow and picks up the Quarterstaff propped beside him and tries to whack the fourth lizardman across the face, attempting to get it to fall off of the side of the ship.

[roll0] Fighting defensively. (Is Caromire considered to be on higher ground? I know that the lizardman is flat-footed, but a +1 bonus if the lizardman is on lower ground as well.)
[roll1] Damage, if any.

Also, AC is now 15

Arq Kujos
2009-10-06, 06:46 PM
Lethren moves with unnatural speed for a man with a bad leg. He quickly moves over the body of his fallen comrade. "Back you foul beasts. You'll take him over my dead body."

Lethren will move over Aortal, shielding him with his body. He will then cast Heal Light Wounds, ignoring the attack of opportunity he provokes from healing his comrade.


2009-10-07, 01:13 PM
Blood... must... feed...

Since this is the next day, and i've still not eaten, I have to pass a DC 14 will save or else find food.


2009-10-07, 01:16 PM
Kokoru stays behind the others, readying an action to cast Cure Light Wounds on the next person to fall unconscious.

This is troublesome. Is that woman alright? I can tend to her, if required.

2009-10-07, 06:22 PM
Round 1:
Aortal is uncontious.
Lethren moves over Aortal and casts cure light wounds, but the lizardmen take this time to attack him. The first lizardman misses. The second lizardman strikes soundly, and Lethren takes 10 damage. Lethren fails the consentration check, and his spell fizzles. (For future referance, you could have cast the spell first, avoiding the attacks of opertunity, then taken a 5ft step forward to protect Aortal.)
Albert attacks the lizardman hanging on the edge of the ship, but he fails to penitrate it's thick skin.
The first lizardman attacks Albert, but falls to bypass his armor.
The second lizardman attacks Lethern with both axes and then try to bite, but each time he misses horrably. The third lizardman attacks Caromine, striking with his main axe for 9 damage. Caromine is uncontious at negitive -2. The fourth lizardman climbs up onto the ship over Caromine.
Kokoru steps forward and casts cure light wounds on Caromine defencively, and avoids attacks of opertunity. Caromine gains 8 hit points to at total of 6.
Aortal stablizes at -9.

Roc Ness
2009-10-07, 06:47 PM
Caromire draws his Elfire arrow, brandishes it and yells at the lizardmen while he gets up: "I have fire, I have explosions! Stay back, I don't need to drive this into your skin to let you know this!" Then he attempts to whack the lizardman invading his personal space. (with his quarterstaff)

[roll0] Fighting Defensively
[roll]1d20-1[roll] Intimidate with Fire arrow
[roll1] Damage, if any

Roc Ness
2009-10-07, 06:52 PM
Whoops. And I don't dare to use edit, in case they think I'm cheating or something.

[roll0] Intimidate
I really have to remember to insert the / :smallannoyed:

Arq Kujos
2009-10-07, 07:20 PM
OOC: Facepalm. Wow, it has been a long time since I have played 3.5. :smallredface:

At first, fear rolls over Lethren as his hand is smashed by the axe. His spells melts in his hand like ice in the sun, but he shakes it off and strengthens his resolve. "No, I won't give into despair. I've come too far."

"Kokoru, heal Aortal. I'll fight these monsters off."

Then, gritting his teeth, he will then cast Inflict Light Wounds on the 2nd Lizardman, since he seems so intent on trying to kill me.


Der Arbol
2009-10-07, 08:03 PM
OOC: Casting another spell will give the lizardmen more attacks of opportunity, why not just use your sword?

After his first attack fails to penetrate the lizardman's thick skin, Albert tries a more aggressive attack.

Albert remains in place and attacks the lizardman farthest to the left.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
AC: 17

Arq Kujos
2009-10-07, 09:52 PM
OOC: Casting another spell will give the lizardmen more attacks of opportunity, why not just use your sword?

OOC: Unless I am mistaken, casting a touch attack doesn't provoke. If I am wrong, then I will accept the consequences of my action, pray to Lathander I don't die, and not really worry because I probably missed him anyway.

Roc Ness
2009-10-08, 02:06 AM
OOC: Hah, our rolls are so bad I don't think anyone will survive! Remind me to play a dwarf next game. :smallwink:

2009-10-08, 01:45 PM
You know, if it does become hopeless, you could try surrendering.

Arq Kujos
2009-10-08, 06:04 PM
You know, if it does become hopeless, you could try surrendering.

OOC: NEVER! :smallbiggrin:

Roc Ness
2009-10-08, 06:21 PM
You know, if it does become hopeless, you could try surrendering.

OOC: Su-surrren-surrendering? :smallbiggrin:

Der Arbol
2009-10-08, 06:42 PM
OOC: We could always "surrender", but lets hope these lizardmen aren't that lucky...

2009-10-09, 02:00 PM
I'm waiting on Katana. If she doesn't post by later today, she'll waste her turn trying to decide what to do.

Roc Ness
2009-10-09, 09:43 PM
I hope not. We need that healing.

On another note, are there any particulars (like crates, barrels, masts) on board? And what kind of lanterns are they? Because I think we might be able to use that to our advantage.

2009-10-10, 03:23 PM
Round 2:
Aortal is uncontious.
Lenthren casts inflict light wounds at the second lizardman, but misses.
Albert attacks the first lizardman, but misses.
The first lizardman attacks Albert with both axes, but misses both times, then bites at him, but fails to penitrate his armor. The second lizardman attacks Lenthren with both axes, but misses, then it bites at him, but it is not nearly swift enough. The third lizardman waits. The fourth lizardman attempts to start a grapple with Caromine. Caromine is prone, and so can doesn't get an attack of oppertunity. Caromine fails to resist the grapple.
Caromine can not draw his arrow because he is grappled. Caromine can not attack the fourth lizardman because he is grappled (and even if he wasn't, he was prone.) Caromine defaults to trying to break the grapple, but fails.
Kokoru defaults to casting cure light wounds on Aortal. Aortal is healed 4 hp.

Der Arbol
2009-10-10, 03:52 PM
After missing the 1st lizardman completely, Albert dodges its aggressive but inaccurate attacks and tries again to land a blow.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [1d8+1] (forgot roll tags)
AC: 17

Der Arbol
2009-10-10, 03:56 PM
OOC: Sorry, I forgot the roll tags for damage

Damage: [roll0]

Arq Kujos
2009-10-10, 04:20 PM
Forgoing his spells, Lethren draws his sword (move action) and attacks the second Lizardman.


Arq Kujos
2009-10-10, 04:22 PM
OOC: Now that is an attack and damage roll. Where were these rolls yesterday?:smallbiggrin:

Roc Ness
2009-10-10, 06:34 PM
Caromire resumes his attempts to escape the Lizardman's grasp.

[roll0] Grapple

EDIT: Maybe for next round, but do Spell-Likes need Concentration to cast when grappled?

2009-10-12, 04:23 PM
Round 3
Aortal: 16
Lethren: 16
Albert: 11
Lethren attacks the second lizardman, and hits!
Albert attacks the first lizardman, and hits!
The first lizardman attacks Albert with both axes and its bite and hits with one axe. Albert takes 4 damage! Albert is at 3 hp. The second lizardman withdraws and disapears into the marsh. The third lizardman moves and attacks Lethren with both axes and its bite but misses. The fourth lizardman attemps to pin Caromire, and succeeds.
Caromire attempts to escape the pin, but fails.
Korkoru wastes the round wondering what to do.

Arq Kujos
2009-10-12, 04:35 PM
OOC: Wow, 12 points didn't kill him or incapacitate him? These guys are tough.

Lethren shouts a call to Lathander, swinging his sword in the air and bringing it crashing down on his foe. The light from the sun reflected off the blade, blinding his foe temporarily and leaving him exposed. Lethren said a small prayer of thanks as the second Lizardman retreated back into the bog, clutching a large shoulder wound.

Renewed by his foe's retreat, Lethren then turned to his new foe and pointed his blade in challenge. "Begone, pirate. Flee now and I may spare your life." With the threat issued, Lethren continued his assault on third Lizardman.

attack [roll0]
critical confirmation (if needed) [roll1]
damage [roll2]

OOC: Ironically enough, today is my birthday and OOTS just gave me my present. :smallbiggrin: While the damage is not great, Crits on this board are like gold nuggets wrapped in bacon.

2009-10-12, 04:43 PM
Go ahead and roll the damage for if it confirms.

Arq Kujos
2009-10-12, 04:44 PM
Go ahead and roll the damage for if it confirms.

Well, that depends. Does 17 confirm?

Edit: I am going to assume it does because 15 hit that last Lizardman and roll another d10 for the crit damage.

Arq Kujos
2009-10-12, 04:49 PM
Critical Damage: [roll0]

So, add 11 to 3 and that gives me 14. Is that right?

Der Arbol
2009-10-12, 05:09 PM
Albert's attack hits hard and he slashes the 1st lizardman across the chest, but in doing so he over extends himself and is unable to dodge all of his foe's ensuing attacks. Albert can feel the axe cut through his leather armor and into his shoulder, leaving a significant wound, and he quickly decides that a change of tactics is in order. He can feel the battle shifting as the lizardmen begin to loose their initial advantage and break formation, so as Lethren lands another strike, Albert backs out of melee, draws his crossbow, and asks Lethren to: "Hold these two back for a second"

Albert takes a 5ft. step into the square behind him, draws his crossbow (move action) and casts 'true strike'
Spell fail (10%, low fails): [roll0]

Arq Kujos
2009-10-12, 05:13 PM
Albert's attack hits hard and he slashes the 1st lizardman across the chest, but in doing so he over extends himself and is unable to dodge all of his foe's ensuing attacks. Albert can feel the axe cut through his leather armor and into his shoulder, leaving a significant wound, and he quickly decides that a change of tactics is in order. He can feel the battle shifting as the lizardmen begin to loose their initial advantage and break formation, so as Lethren lands another strike, Albert backs out of melee, draws his crossbow, and asks Lethren to: "Hold these two back for a second"

Albert takes a 5ft. step into the square behind him, draws his crossbow (move action) and casts 'true strike'
Spell fail (10%, low fails): [roll0]

Even though you succeeded, True Strike has no Somatic component that is inhibited by Spell Failure. You don't need to worry about the spell failure check next time.

Der Arbol
2009-10-12, 05:52 PM
OOC::smalleek: My bad.. thanks for the heads up

Roc Ness
2009-10-12, 06:35 PM
Caromire resumes his so far futile attempts to get the lizardman off of him.

[roll0] Grapple

2009-10-13, 08:17 PM
Round 4
Lethren brings his sword down upon the brow of the third lizardman, and a crisp cracking is heard. Blood flows from the open wound and into the creatures eyes and mouth. It gurgles, and reels.
Albert slips back and enchants his crossbow; it glows silver faintly.
The first lizardman climbs up onto the ship after Albert, and attacks him with his axe, but Albert is protected by his armor. The third lizardman cluches his scalp and dives back into the swamp. A pool of blood gathers were it lands, and the wisp of a trail is just visable in the twilight as the beast swims away. The third lizardman maintains the pin, and a strange tatoo of a serpant on its left arm, barely noticable until now, animates, and bites into Caromire's shoulder, but not enough to do actual damage. Caromire, make a foritude save.
Caromire breaks the pin, and continues to grapple.
Kokoru times out and is disconnected from the server.

Arq Kujos
2009-10-13, 08:42 PM
OOC: Bye Kokuro. Your healing will be missed.

Lethren cheers as his foe breaks from combat. Unfortunately, the Lizardmen were now on board the boat, meaning that time was running out. With two down, and two to go, Lethren feared that his allies might not last too much longer. Gritting his teeth, Lethren turns to face the foe between himself and Albert. Swinging his sword in the air once, Lethren attacked!

Attack Roll [roll0]
Damage Roll [roll1]
Critical Confirmation [roll2]

Edit: With Flanking bonuses, that should hit. I hope.

Roc Ness
2009-10-13, 09:40 PM
OOC: Huh. Well, that's never good.

Caromire continues his struggles against the accursed Lizardman. But now he feels something strange in his system.

[roll0] Grapple
[roll1] Fort save

EDIT: There is really something wrong with my rolls... :smalleek:

Arq Kujos
2009-10-13, 10:03 PM
OOC: Huh. Well, that's never good.

Caromire continues his struggles against the accursed Lizardman. But now he feels something strange in his system.

[roll0] Grapple
[roll1] Fort save

EDIT: There is really something wrong with my rolls... :smalleek:

OOC: Just hold out one more round and I will heal you.

Roc Ness
2009-10-13, 10:32 PM
OOC: Thanks :smallbiggrin: Can't wait to get that level of Druid, really need the healing. (And the self sufficience. And Rapid Shot.)

Der Arbol
2009-10-13, 11:08 PM
Albert takes another step back and in a sudden moment the present and future align threw his eyes. As he fires he has already seen his bolt hit its target, so he smiles.

Albert takes a 5ft. step back and (if he can spot it) fires his crossbow one handed at the fleeing lizardman, otherwise he fires at the 1st lizardman.
Spot (if needed): [roll0] -distance penalty
Attack: [roll1] -distance penalty
Damage: [roll2]

Arq Kujos
2009-10-13, 11:09 PM
OOC: Yeah, the extra healing would be awesome. I don't mind being the tank and healing on the side, but I can't cover all of us all the time.

Roc Ness
2009-10-14, 12:30 AM
OOC: Yeah, all the druid spells seem really good. I can let you guys borrow my quarterstaff for 10 rounds of double sided +1 blunt greatsword goodness. :smalltongue:

2009-10-14, 06:54 PM
Round 5
Lethren attacks the first lizardman with his sword. The first lizardman cluches his wound for a moment, then collapses on the deck.
Albert shoots at the second lizardman. The second lizardman's limp body rises above the surface of the water.
The third lizardman releases Caromire from the grapple, and flees overboard.
Caromire defaults to standing up.
The combat is over, the party is victorious!
The lizardman had a steel battle axe and a steel hand axe, probably stolen from vessles like this one. Del'nax comes above deck to inspect the damage. "Well, that could have been a lot worse... Get that thing off my ship! I don't want it stinking up the place.... Is you friend okay? So, now that you've seen what the lizardmen are capable of, this is the time to chicken out if your going to. In about a half hour, I'll have a full damage assessment, and then we keep moving."

Roc Ness
2009-10-14, 08:42 PM
Caromire calls, "Don't touch that, check its arms first! One of them had some sort of tattoo that bit me. It could still be dangerous."

[roll0] Search
If Caromire finds a queer tattoo then he makes an attempt to figure out what it is. If he doesn't know or can't find a tattoo then he uses the axes and his quarterstaff to carefully wedge the body overboard.

[roll1] Knowledge Arcana
If he does know what it is then at least he'll know what he was bitten by. If it is different and safe then he doesn't worry about the extra careful precautions of getting rid of the body. If it is beneficial... then he awaits judgement of other party members.

2009-10-14, 09:35 PM
This one also has the tatoo on its left arm, but its very faint, and if you hadn't looked for it, you never would have noticed. As best you can tell, the tatoo itself is mundane, so either the magic is hidden, or its just a tatoo. You don't recognise the sorcery that bit you.

Roc Ness
2009-10-14, 09:43 PM
OOC: I'll wait for the other guys to say something before I dump it overboard, anyhow.

Der Arbol
2009-10-14, 10:20 PM
OCC: Dang, those are some hot damage rolls!

Albert watchs as the last lizardman jumps off the ship and swim away, then he turns to look at Aortal. "Is someone going to help that girl?"

After he sees someone tending to Aortal, he walks over to the dead lizardman and inspects its tatoo as well as Caromine's bite. Talking to Caromine, he says: "The finer aspects of the arcane art have never been my speciality, but I should at least take a look"

Knowlage Arcana check: [roll0]
If Albert doesn't find anything magical/odd about the tatoo, he pokes it with a dagger and then a gloved finger.
OCC: Sweet, Natural 20!

Arq Kujos
2009-10-15, 12:05 AM
Seeing the Lizardmen flee the boat, Lethren turns his attention to his allies.

He quickly sheathed his blade and slowly bent down to examine Aortal. "Rest easy friend. Lathander's grace has not left you." Cupping Aortal's head, Lethren raised his left hand as a warm, white light surrounded it. He reached out, and touched Aortal's forehead.

Using two Cure Light Wounds, one on Aortal, one on myself.

For Aortal:[roll0]

For Lethren:[roll1]

"My friends, do any of you require assistance?"

2009-10-15, 02:29 PM
Aortal is revived.
The tatoo is drawn in such a way that it could be used to channel a spell or similar effect, although it doesn't seem to be itself magical. Caromire's bite has not clotted. If something is not done, he'll die of blood loss.

Roc Ness
2009-10-15, 05:15 PM
OOC: Is there a way for a heal check to help?

Arq Kujos
2009-10-15, 06:24 PM
Aortal is revived.
The tatoo is drawn in such a way that it could be used to channel a spell or similar effect, although it doesn't seem to be itself magical. Caromire's bite has not clotted. If something is not done, he'll die of blood loss.

Noticing the continuous bleeding coming from Caromire's arm, Lethren reached out and touched his arm. "Allow me to help that." He will then cast Cure Minor Wounds on him, which heal him for one point of HP and should stop the bleeding.

Der Arbol
2009-10-15, 07:14 PM
Albert walks over to the side of the ship (while casting mending on his damaged armor) and looks over into the water. "Beautiful night isn't it?"

After a few moments he casts a 'light' spell on one of his daggers and holds it over the water.

Mending spell fail: [roll0]
Light spell fail: [roll1]

2009-10-15, 09:19 PM
The spell stops to bleeding.
The water is murky, but shallow enough, maybe fifteen feet deep, that you can see the sandy bottom. Not much unusual, but its clear that all the remaining aligators are just that.

Roc Ness
2009-10-15, 09:21 PM
Caromire rubs his shoulder, smiles and nods. "Ay, it is, isn't it? But I think you should put that extra light out, no good signalling to any more Lizards. By the way, thanks for the patch-up Leth."

Arq Kujos
2009-10-15, 09:22 PM
The spell stops to bleeding.
The water is murky, but shallow enough, maybe fifteen feet deep, that you can see the sandy bottom. Not much unusual, but its clear that all the remaining aligators are just that.

You the spell stops the bleeding?

Arq Kujos
2009-10-15, 09:33 PM
Caromire rubs his shoulder, smiles and nods. "Ay, it is, isn't it? But I think you should put that extra light out, no good signalling to any more Lizards. By the way, thanks for the patch-up Leth."

"Think nothing of it, my friend. My the light never leave your path." Lethren will touch Caromire's forehead and bless him. "Well, at any rate, we need to keep moving. There is no point waiting here for more bandits to attack us." Lethren will draw his sword from its sheath and run a cloth down it, cleaning the blade. "I think we need to take this watch a bit more seriously. From now on, lets make sure that there are at least 2 of us on watch at all times. The rest should rest to keep their strength up. Any arguments?"

Roc Ness
2009-10-15, 10:49 PM
"No arguments."

Caromire rubs his shoulder again, then sits himself down beside the mast with his bow on his lap and a finger on his quiver.

Der Arbol
2009-10-15, 11:55 PM
"None." Albert extinguishes the light spell and walks over to the dead lizardman; he kicks it gently as he talks.

Albert says jokingly: "How about Caromine and I take first watch, that way you can heal this wounded shoulder of mine." He looks at Aortal. "Besides, that girl is in no shape for another fight and your the best qualified to help her."

Arq Kujos
2009-10-16, 05:15 AM
"I'd be happy to." Lethren will reach out and cast Cure Minor on his shoulder.

OOC: Where is Vampire at? I know it has been awhile since Aortal could do anything, but I think someone needs to pm Vampire and let them know that they can come post again.

Roc Ness
2009-10-16, 05:22 AM
OOC: Yeah, okay. PMing now.

Roc Ness
2009-10-17, 05:49 AM
OOC: I may be overstating this as it is only my second game, but it doesn't look like Vamp is coming back.

2009-10-17, 08:15 AM
I haven't heard anything from him or Sanity either. Its a shame really, but it isn't the first time I've seen a player (or a DM) up and abandon a game. We'll just have to move on and hope I don't lose any of you :smalleek:.

Arq Kujos
2009-10-17, 09:47 AM
I haven't heard anything from him or Sanity either. Its a shame really, but it isn't the first time I've seen a player (or a DM) up and abandon a game. We'll just have to move on and hope I don't lose any of you :smalleek:.

OOC: I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not going anywhere as long as you keep the game running.

2009-10-17, 10:03 AM
The corpse is tossed overboard, within the hour Del'nax's crew has patched up the hull, and you continue sailling. The next couple days are uneventful. On day three, what is the watch?

Arq Kujos
2009-10-17, 10:32 AM
If it is during the day, Lethren will be on watch, enjoying the sun and keeping a sharp eye out.

OOC: You know, if Sanity and Vamp are gone, then why don't we invite some of the people in the recruitment thread to join up when we reach the city we are going to? If Sanity and Vamp don't want to play anymore, there is no sense in making them wait.

Edit: Oh, and how are we doing experience? Are we just leveling up when you say so?

Der Arbol
2009-10-17, 11:42 AM
Albert will be on watch at night, as he prefers darkness and the cool night air.

OCC: It sucks that so many players disappeared, I hope some of them come back. I agree, in that we should find replacements at the next city if they don't show up by then.

Roc Ness
2009-10-17, 05:35 PM
OOC: Yeah, we should.

Caromire would be on watch in the early morning or in the late evening, he enjoys the rise and set of sun as to him there is something mystical and profound about it. Other than that he will probably be anywhere.

2009-10-17, 08:29 PM
Three days into the voyage at dusk, Caromire notices a blockage across the channel up ahead. At this distance, about 300 ft, you can make out three distinct figures. Del'nax notices them too, and brings the ship to a halt. Del'nax consults his charts, and confirms that a detour could delay the ship another week, so Del'nax thinks it over and orders the ship onward. You have a bit of time to discuss your plan, and roll initiative.

Der Arbol
2009-10-17, 09:22 PM
"Well, who thinks they're friendly?"

Albert begins to take off his armor.

[Initiative: [roll0]]

Roc Ness
2009-10-18, 01:44 AM
"I don't know. Either they're greedy or they're partial until we run them over with our ship."

Albert keeps his bow in hand and draws a single arrow.

"Maybe they are the lizardmen that escaped us last time?"

[roll0] Initiative

OOC: I need to improve my initiative... :smalltongue:

Arq Kujos
2009-10-18, 02:16 AM
"I would not go and start firing at them yet. If they are friendly, then they could be a great aid to us. Otherwise, we need a way to clear that barrier. Anyone have any ideas on how?"


Roc Ness
2009-10-18, 02:52 AM
Caromire shrugs.

"Better safe than sorry. Regardless of wether they are friendly or not, it is a common fact that a merchant vessel is a prime target for lizardmen. I am certain this is something they can understand. As for the barricade, I have no idea how they even put it there. But it must have taken at most a week, as that was when Del'nax last sailed past this point."

2009-10-18, 09:45 AM
OOC - I apologise.

IC - Aortal picks up its bow, and takes cover behind anything suitable of the deck.


2009-10-18, 09:46 AM
OOC - I've not posted due to a lack of things to do. But I guess I should roll for my starvation.

[roll0] need an 18.

Arq Kujos
2009-10-18, 10:38 AM
OOC - I apologise.

OOC: No worries, we just didn't want you guys to think we had abandoned you.

One question, though. What is Aortal disguised as? Are you still Ms. Gensou? And what does she look like? It is important for role playing.

OOC - I've not posted due to a lack of things to do. But I guess I should roll for my starvation.

[roll0] need an 18.

OOC: I understand. The good news is that now it is Dusk and you can get in, beat some butt, and maybe sneak a snack in if you are quick.

Wait, do we even know you are on the boat?

2009-10-18, 11:52 AM
Actually, Del'nax hasn't been here for a couple months, before he picked up the party he came from the other side of the south coast purchasing his wares. The baricade is just a pile of logs though, the construction couldn't have taken more than a day, and it could be torn down in a couple hours. I believe Aortal is still Ms. Gensou as it doesn't gain the ability to shift forms for a couple levels. You don't know that a vampire is on the boat; it is unlikely that the Captain would approve of it. I'll have the battle map up later today.

Der Arbol
2009-10-18, 11:53 AM
OCC: Yay!

OCC: Wait, do we even know you are on the boat?

OOC: No, she snuck aboard and has been hiding below deck.

"Somehow I doubt they built that thing to catch us for a tea party; at the very least they'll want us to pay a toll, and at the most... well, I guess that's why we're here."

Albert finishes taking off his armor and casts 'mage's armor' and 'resistance', then readies his crossbow.

2009-10-18, 06:09 PM
The ship approaches the river block, and Captain Del'nax address the lizardmen standing on and around the barricade. "Hail! Move your logs; I wish to pass"
A horned lizardman, evidently the leader by his fairer garb, responds. "You will pay the toll, Sealing. Give us one from among your crew, and you may pass unhindered."
"On whose authority do you toll this river way? This swamp has always been the domain of the river merfolk. You beastmen may be quick to sell the lives of your kin, but I would not forsake one of my own if Lur'dasa'terrizu, god king of the sea himself were to command it of me!"
"Then you may go back or you may stand and die, but you are not welcome here."
"Fine, to arms! We force our way through!"
Round 1
Initiative:Albert 23
Aortal 20
Horned Lizardman
Lizardman on Left
Caromire 6
Lizardman on Right
Fleeing Lizardman on right.
Kumico 5
Fleeing Lizardman on left.
Lethren 3

Arq Kujos
2009-10-18, 06:30 PM
Lethren will point his sword at the Horned Lizardman and then ready himself for attack. Lethren will ready an action to attack any Lizardman that tries to climb the boat. He will also attack defensively.

Der Arbol
2009-10-18, 06:57 PM
Albert laughs quietly and fires at the horned lizardman.

Albert uses his move action after his attack to reload his crossbow.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
AC: 19
OCC: interesting...

Roc Ness
2009-10-19, 12:12 AM
OOC: Welcome back Sani :smallbiggrin:

"Logs? Really, logs?"

Caromire stares, then laughs loudly. "I expected this glass arrow to be a waste of gold, there are no fabled pirate ships here, just some overgrown Lizards. But this is an opportunity to prove it was worth my money."

[roll0] Attack. Fires the elfire arrow at the square just in front of Horn guy

OOC: I don't know the damage for this thing, I expect it to spread naturally though (and could annoy the horn guy).

EDIT: I see my roll. Now I wish I fired at horn guy! :smalltongue:

2009-10-19, 04:41 AM
Aortal fires its bow at the horned lizard standing upon the logs.
How troublesome... why are there so many lizards in these parts? And why do they all seem intent upon death?

[roll0] [[Burning one point of inspiration, 4 left]

EDIT : OOC - Yay for wasted inspiration.

Also, Sanity wants me to ask if it is day. I see the answer above.

2009-10-19, 04:49 AM
OOC - Well, I suppose I have to come out sooner or later. And I won't be able to pass that will save soon.

Hearing the sounds and shouts of battle, Kumiko anticipated death, and blood. She needed blood, before she was unable to keep herself under control. That had happened once, it had not been good.
She wanted to shut her eyes against the memories that this train of though summoned, but they were already shut against the dark interior of her coffin.

Kumiko pushed against the lid of the coffin, and climbed out. Picking up her katana and sneaking up to the deck of the ship, whilst casting Magic Weapon on her katana.

Hide [roll0]
Move Silently [roll1]

2009-10-19, 01:51 PM
Sanity- If you want to roll your own initiative, do it now.

2009-10-19, 01:55 PM
Initative: [roll0]

Oh good. Natural 1's are so much fun.

2009-10-19, 06:34 PM
Round 1
Albert shots his cross bow at the horned lizardman and draws blood, but he does not seem to be conserned.
Aortal fires his bow at the horned lizardman, but misses.
The horned lizardman belches a blast of fire at the ship. The ship has caught fire!
The lizardman on the left throws an axe at Albert, but it lands in the water.
Caromire shoots his Elfire arrow at the barricade. The barricade has caught fire!
The lizardman on the right throws an axe at Caromire, and hits. Caromire takes 4 damage.
Kumico emerges from her coffin. A fourth lizardman has slipped below deck! He does not notice Kumico. Kumico sneaks to the deck of the ship undetected.
A scream is heard below deck! A lizardman swims out of the ship through one of the crew entrences with a merman in its jaws.
Lethren fights defencively.


Der Arbol
2009-10-19, 08:12 PM
Albert hears the scream and turns sharply to see a lizardman escaping with a captured crew member. "Awww hell.", Albert mutters as he fires his crossbow at the creature.

Albert turns and fires at the escaping lizardman; if he isn't killed and/or doesn't drop his captive, then Albert drops his crossbow and jumps off the ship into the square above the lizardman (while drawing a punching dagger from his left sleeve). Otherwise, he reloads.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Jump: [roll2]
Swim (if needed): [roll3]
OCC: Do I get AOOs in the water?

Arq Kujos
2009-10-19, 08:41 PM
"Dammit! Someone help him! I'll worry about the fire!"

Lethren will then cast Create Water over the fire in an attempt to put it out.

Roc Ness
2009-10-20, 12:14 AM
OOC: How'd the ship catch fire? :smallconfused: Is the blast radius that large?

Caromire curses and draws a regular arrow, firing at a lizardman.

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Damage, if any (point blank shot)

Caromire fires at the Lizardman with the captured Merman unless it has already dropped the Merman, in which case he fires at the lizard that threw an axe at him.
EDIT: Ooo, almost a crit!

2009-10-20, 02:50 PM
OOC - Is the water running?

2009-10-20, 04:14 PM
Roc- No, the horned lizardman breathed fire on the ship; that's why it's on fire.
Sanity- Its a swamp, so while the water is moving like any fluid, it isn't running. The water itself won't hurt you.

Roc Ness
2009-10-20, 11:54 PM
OOC: Ah, I missed that. Must be half-dragon or something.

2009-10-21, 03:29 PM
I'm still waiting for Sanity and Vamps.

Roc Ness
2009-10-23, 12:52 AM
Are they coming? Sorry if I sound impatient, this is only my second game. And my first game died before the first round of combat, so I have no idea how long these waits can get.

2009-10-24, 11:46 AM
Kumiko will continue to hide.

If I need to reroll hide and move silently:


2009-10-24, 11:47 AM
Aortal'll fire a second arrow at the lizard that breathed fire on the ship.

[roll0] 1 more point of inspiration burned : 3 left

2009-10-24, 01:40 PM
My Computer was giving me problems earlier, and I accidentally deleted the links to everyone's character sheets. Please repost them when you get the chance.
Round 2
Albert fires his crossbow at the fleeing lizardman. The lizard man is hit! He starts to bleed from the wound. Albert jumps in after the lizardman and draws his punching dagger.
OOC: You can't make AoOs will climbing without a climb speed, so no, you can't make AoOs will swimming without a swim speed.
Aortal fires another arrow at the horned lizardman, but misses.
The horned lizardman dives into the water.
The lizardman on the left runs down the path and into the water to attempt to grapple Albert. Albert successfully eludes the grapple.
Caromire fires at the fleeing lizardman, and hits him.
The lizardman on the right throws another axe at Caromire, but Caromire defends himself successfully.
There is another screem, and a second lizardman comes out for under the ship with a merwoman over his shoulder.
Kumiko remains hidden.
The fleeing lizardman on the left swims south, and bites at the merman. The merman falls uncontious.
Lethern casts create water. The ship fire is smoking.
The fire on the barricade is spreading!
The ship makes contact with the barricade! The barricade is collapsing around the ship.

Der Arbol
2009-10-24, 02:36 PM
Albert lands in the water next to the fleeing lizardman, but he quickly swims away. Before he can give chase, the lizardman on the shore runs into the water and tries to grab him. Albert dodges the lizardman and tries to grapple it.

Albert attempts to initiate a grapple with the lizardman; if he succeeds he tries to move the lizardman 5/10ft. back (not sure about movement in water) onto the sand, if he fails he moves to the right and climbs back onto the boat.
Attack: [roll0]
Grapple: [roll1]
Non-lethal damage (if grapple succeeds): [roll2]
Grapple to move lizardman: [roll3]
Climb: [roll4]

OCC: Here's my sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=156265).

2009-10-24, 02:46 PM
Which lizardman are you try to grapple? The one near you, you the one with the merman? Its a standard action and a DC 10 swim check to move half your move, or a move action and a DC 10 swim check to move on quarter your move.

Der Arbol
2009-10-24, 03:41 PM
OCC: I'm grappling the one next to me, not the one w/ the captured crewman. For 1/4 of my movement would I round up or down? (its 7.5ft.)

2009-10-24, 03:46 PM
Round down.
Moving the lizardman is more of a bullrush attempt.

Der Arbol
2009-10-24, 04:12 PM
OCC: Wouldn't the difference be that we're still grappling, using a standard action to start a grapple and a move action to attempt to move in a grapple. If this doesn't work, I'll just initiate the grapple.

Roc Ness
2009-10-24, 08:19 PM
"Hey! Leggo of the Mermy"

Caromire fires an arrow at the escaping lizardman.

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Damage if any (Point Blank Shot) Caromire fires at the kidnapper within his 30ft radius. If both are in said radious then he fires at the one biting the merman

Arq Kujos
2009-10-24, 09:33 PM
I will cast create water again and prepare for when the Lizardmen try to board the ship.

2009-10-26, 03:10 PM
If Vamps and Sanity don't post by tommarrow, they lose their actions.

2009-10-28, 05:45 PM
Round 3
Albert attempts to grapple the lizardman on the left, but fails. Albert climbs back onto the ship.
Aortal wastes its turn try to decide what to do.
The horned lizardman leaps out of the water and charges to gore Lethren. Lethren's readied action activates. Lethren gets an attack of oppertunity against the lizardman. Lethren hits with his sword, and strikes true. The horned lizardman is knocked back into the water bleeding.
The lizard man on the left moves down and takes the merman from the fleeing lizardman.
Caromire fires an arrow at the fleeing lizardman, and he fails unconscious .
The lizardman on the right shouts something incomprehencible, and retrieves the body of the horned lizardman.
The lizardman with the merwoman flees.
Kumico defaults to hiding.
The dieing lizardman on the right continues to die.
Lethren casts create water on the fire. The fire is subsiding, and smoking badly.

Arq Kujos
2009-10-28, 06:10 PM
Lethren saw the Horned Lizardman leap at him, a move he was expecting. He lowered his blade and let the Horned Lizardman impale himself on Lethren's blade. "Better than you have fallen to my blade, beast. You'll not take this ship as long as I live." Unfortunately, Lethren was a poor swimmer, a slow runner, and his bow was safely tucked away under the boat with the rest of his things. Lethren cursed his inability to finish off the Horned Lizardman, but accepting his failure, he turns to aid his allies.

Lethren will move to heal anyone who has been visably injuried. If no one has been injuried, then he will try to keep the fire under control and prepare to attack any other lizardmen that attack the boat.

Der Arbol
2009-10-28, 06:34 PM
Unable to grab his foe and uncomfortable in the water, Albert swims over to the ship and climbs back aboard. He picks up his crossbow and focuses on the fleeing lizardmen, casting a spell as he aims.

Albert picks up his crossbow (move action) and casts 'True Strike'.

Roc Ness
2009-10-29, 12:02 AM
"Hey! Come back here! Drop the Mermy again!"

Caromire nocks another arrow and fires at the lizardman now in possesion of the merman

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Damage, if any (just barely Point Blank Shot)

2009-11-02, 06:34 PM
I'll try to have the update done tonight, or at the latest tommarrow, but real life is making this difficult. Sorry.

Roc Ness
2009-11-03, 02:51 AM
Don't worry! :smallwink: We'll wait.

Arq Kujos
2009-11-03, 01:48 PM
Yup, I'm still here. :smallbiggrin:

2009-11-03, 07:02 PM
Round 4
Albert picks up his crossbow and casts True Strike.
Aortal times out and is disconnected from the server.
The horned lizardman continues to bleed.
The lizardman on the left swims south off the battlemap and under the surface.
Caromire fires an arrow at the lizardman on the left, and hits. The lizardman on the left is bleeding.
The lizardman on the right drags the horned lizardman onto the shore and into the foliage.
The lizardman with the merwoman continues to flee south.
Kumico times out and is disconnected from the server.
The bleeding lizardman on the left stops twitching.
Lethren stamps at the fire, but is not particularly effective.
Del'nax's men begin hauling rubble around the ship.
At this point all enemies are beyond the area that there exact location is important. If you have any questions about their locations, ask and I'll clarify.

Arq Kujos
2009-11-03, 10:16 PM
OOC: Ok, so there is nothing I can do right now if no one is hurt. All the enemies are beyond my range. Is the battle over?

2009-11-03, 11:01 PM
OOC: Ok, so there is nothing I can do right now if no one is hurt. All the enemies are beyond my range. Is the battle over?

The battle is just about over. The other two of you each get a shot in, but unless you do better than expected it probably won't matter. I'll continue this tommarrow.

Der Arbol
2009-11-03, 11:21 PM
Albert reloads, raises his crossbow, and fires at one of the escaping lizardmen, already seeing where it will hit.

If the lizardman on the left is still visible and holding the captured merman, Albert fires at him. If he doesn't have the merman/isn't visible then Albert shoots at the lizardman escaping with merwoman.

OCC: Where is the unconcious merman?

Der Arbol
2009-11-03, 11:23 PM
OCC: Forgot rolls :smallfrown:

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Arq Kujos
2009-11-04, 12:12 AM
The battle is just about over. The other two of you each get a shot in, but unless you do better than expected it probably won't matter. I'll continue this tommarrow.

Cool. I am going to get crap for experience, though. The only cool thing I did all battle was mess up that lizardman and keep the ship from burning up. Actually, that was kinda important.

Roc Ness
2009-11-04, 01:33 AM
Cool. I am going to get crap for experience, though. The only cool thing I did all battle was mess up that lizardman and keep the ship from burning up. Actually, that was kinda important.

OOC: I'm quite sure we'll all be leveling together, in some plottish way. Besides, you did better than me last battle seeing as all I did was fall down and get beat up :smallbiggrin:

Also, I'm gonna need to tally the arrows I've used...

Caromire fires one final arrow, targeting the lizardman with the merwoman hostage
[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Damage, if any

Arq Kujos
2009-11-04, 08:51 AM
Caromire fires one final arrow, targeting the lizardman with the merwoman hostage
[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Damage, if any

OOC: Ouch, natural 1. :smallfrown:

2009-11-04, 04:39 PM
Albert thinks he hit, but he isn't 100% certain. The lizardman has escaped with the bleeding body of the merman! The other lizardman has escaped with the struggling merwoman! The combat has ended. Del'nax comes out onto the deck and surveys the damage. "As I expected; their pile of sticks folded like like nothing. The ship isn't damaged to badly, more from the fire than the collision. She'll still sail, and we can repair at sea with the supplies we've brought. Gipper, is everyone alright?"
"Actually, we lost Hallam and Sunlie is the confusion. They were probably carried off by the lizardfolk. We can continue without them if nes-"
"No, I don't leave my sailors to die. Aboutface! We're going back for them."
"Captain, be reasonable. If get off course now, it could delay us up to a week, and who's to say that their still alive? If we confront the lizardmen again, then we might lose more sailors, or worse, the ship."
"You're right Gipper, as usual. Guards, I loath to let my crew go without a fight. If there is any chance you can save them, then we'll head back. Otherwise, we have to push on, and cut our loses.

Der Arbol
2009-11-04, 05:19 PM
Captain, those lizardmen are wounded and bleeding, it won't be hard to track them. Albert turns and points at the dead/unconcious lizardman in the water. I say we fish that one out of the water and start tracking down these pirates.

Roc Ness
2009-11-05, 12:27 AM
"Why not? The only difficulty would be tracking through the water, but the mud in a marsh such as this would be loose and the water is still, a lizardman with a struggling captive should not be too hard to track."

Arq Kujos
2009-11-05, 01:44 PM
"I did not come this far to loose our comrades now. If they need me, I will go. I may not be fast, and I may not be a skilled tracker, but if you point me in the right direction, I will knock down every obstacle that stands in our way." Lethren wiped the blood off his blade and sheathed it.

2009-11-05, 04:15 PM
"Alright then, Skipper about face! We'll head in that general direction, but I'll relie on you to guide us there."
I'll need some survival checks.

Der Arbol
2009-11-05, 04:59 PM
As the boat turns around, Albert looks in the water in the direction the lizardmen fled, looking for the trail of blood the creatures and their captives left behind.

Survival Check: [roll0]

Arq Kujos
2009-11-05, 07:27 PM
Lethren prays for a small favor from Lathander to help him save the lost merfolk.

Survival Check: [roll0]

OOC: And Lathander answered!

Roc Ness
2009-11-06, 01:19 AM
OOC: My free track feat seems so pointless right now :smalltongue:
"Gimme a moment, I'm licenced to track!" Caromire pulls a tiny, halfling sized badge out of his pocket.

[roll0] Survival

Caromire takes a second look at the badge. "It says "Lissened to track". And then it says "Realy". And there is a childish smiley face on it. And the on reverse says "I tricked yu big peson!" behind the pin."


Der Arbol
2009-11-06, 09:00 AM
OCC: Would Lethren be able to track w/o the feat?

2009-11-06, 02:44 PM
Without the feat you can make a survival check to find a trail, but you can't follow it.

By the time the ship is turned around, the lizardmen are long gone, but you manage to follow their tracks through the mud along the the river. Around midnight, you scout around the bend to see three small huts on a patch of solidground. One lizardman, you recognise it from your first encounter by the scars, is sleeping by the smoking remains of a fire. The entire camp is surrounded by several lines of spear pointing outwards. They would be difficult to cross swiftly without being impailed.

Arq Kujos
2009-11-06, 04:23 PM
OOC: Damn! Well, I still found the damn trail.

Lethren reaches out his hand to stop the party. "Wait, lets not rush in there. We can't kill them in their sleep. I refuse to stoop to their level and be a murderer. How about I call them out after you two circle the camp. When they come running to attack me, I can kill all who approach. If they flee, you two are free to drop as many as you can."

OOC: Sorry guys, this is the part of being a paladin that kinda sucks.

Roc Ness
2009-11-06, 05:36 PM
OOC: Relax, it's fine

Caromire grabs the base of the spikes and attempts to push them through the mud so that they point the other way. "Be your gentleman Lethren, but don't forget that a tactical advantage of any sort is of importance, so could you lend me a hand? This should at least make their first charge a bit harder and buy us time to escape if there are too many."

[roll0] Strength check, if required

Der Arbol
2009-11-06, 05:46 PM
OCC: I like the plan, it's crafty and stays in character. I think the wall is spears, not spikes so we should be able to move them.

Albert looks up at the sky and then back towards the lizardmen's camp. That sounds like a plan Lethren, but are you sure you can take them. You definitely won't be able to outrun them.

Roc Ness
2009-11-06, 05:48 PM
OOC: Oops. I should read a bit more slowly... :smallredface:

EDIT: Also, not counting the elfire arrow I've used 5 arrows. 35 left.

Arq Kujos
2009-11-06, 06:23 PM
OCC: I like the plan, it's crafty and stays in character. I think the wall is spears, not spikes so we should be able to move them.

Albert looks up at the sky and then back towards the lizardmen's camp. That sounds like a plan Lethren, but are you sure you can take them. You definitely won't be able to outrun them.

OOC: Thank you. And good idea, Roc.

Lethren smiled as he drew his blade. "I would have hoped you would have more faith in me. I learned a long time ago that I would never outrun anyone, so I trained myself to be strong and enduring. If they come, I will cut them down. With Lathander as my guide, how can I fail? Now, go get into place."

Lethren will then call out to the Lizardmen, AFTER everyone gets set up and the spear wall is ready.

Intimidate [roll0]
"You foul beasts have met your end for I, Lethren Albion, knight of Lathander have come to seal you doom. Come and face me if any of you hold any honor! Unless your courage is as false as your god!

OOC: Italics in this equal sarcasm.

Roc Ness
2009-11-06, 06:53 PM
"If you need backup, give a shout"

Caromire draws his bow and one arrow and stalks a slight way off, crouching and peering hidden from between the spears.

1d20+4[/roll] Hide

Caromire readies an action to stand and shoot any lizardman that spots him, or when a signal is given, or when they flee in his direction.
[roll1] Attack, if required
[roll2] Damage, if any {+1 if within 30 ft}

Roc Ness
2009-11-06, 06:54 PM
[roll0] Hide

I have got to be more careful...

Der Arbol
2009-11-06, 07:18 PM
Faith has never been my strong suit, but I trust you can hold your own. You've certainly proven your strength and resolve, good luck.

Albert heads off in the same direction as Caromine, trying his best to remain hidden amongst the surrounding undergrowth and move silently.

Hide: [roll0]
Move silently: [roll1]

Albert readies an action to fire his crossbow at either the first enemy to spot him or the first enemy to spot Caromine and get within 10ft. of Caromine.


Roc Ness
2009-11-06, 07:33 PM
OOC: I think I might just keep a spear... anyone want a quarterstaff? Deals good damage next level...

Der Arbol
2009-11-06, 08:38 PM
OCC: Forgot to roll initiative

Initiative: [roll0]

2009-11-06, 11:14 PM
You push the spears back towards the camp without being detected.

The lizardman gets up and looks at Lethren. He speaks in a gruff voice, and it is clear that the tongue of men is unnatural to him. "What, is it not eenough that you ape mon trospass in our swamp? Must you also come and insult my gods? The deevine triad oxisted for eeons beefore your weeakling god was born of dust, and it shall eeons after hee is dod and forgotton, yot you call my gods false in your own gutteral language. You speeak of honor? You ratskins know nothing of honor. Come back whon I've had my night's rost, and I'll gladly bost you in the field of honor. If you can't do mee this curtiousee, thon come and fight mee where I stand."

Roc Ness
2009-11-07, 12:49 AM
OOC: Nice comeback. Its almost like you were expecting Arq kujos to say something about gods.

Caromire stands, not bothering to hide any longer. "If a host of celestials has honor, then we have honor. If you wish to give terms, I will swear by my holy blood to abide by them." To prove a point, Caromire draws his quarterstaff and lets it glow in holy light, which he holds with one hand pressed against his heart. [OOC: He casts his 1/day daylight ability on it]

"The choice is, however, our leader's, and my faith is in him" Caromire nods to Lethren.

Roc Ness
2009-11-07, 12:52 AM
[roll0] Diplomacy (Might be useful)

Der Arbol
2009-11-07, 12:29 PM
Seeing Caromine step out and address the lizardman, Albert lets out a quiet sigh and puts his hand on his forehead. He then sneaks further away to circle the camp and find an entrance point opposite Caromine and Letheran.

Move silently:[roll0](If needed)
Hide: [roll1](if needed)

Note: Albert is wearing his armor again and has already cast *mage armor* and *resistance* on himself.

Arq Kujos
2009-11-07, 12:47 PM
You push the spears back towards the camp without being detected.

The lizardman gets up and looks at Lethren. He speaks in a gruff voice, and it is clear that the tongue of men is unnatural to him. "What, is it not eenough that you ape mon trospass in our swamp? Must you also come and insult my gods? The deevine triad oxisted for eeons beefore your weeakling god was born of dust, and it shall eeons after hee is dod and forgotton, yot you call my gods false in your own gutteral language. You speeak of honor? You ratskins know nothing of honor. Come back whon I've had my night's rost, and I'll gladly bost you in the field of honor. If you can't do mee this curtiousee, thon come and fight mee where I stand."

OOC: OH NO YOU DIDN"!!! *snaps*:smalltongue:

"There is no honor is kidnapping our unarmed comrades, either. Return to me our stolen comrade and I and will take them back to our ship and you will not see me again. Refuse, and I cut you where you stand."
Lethren will take one step forward but then lower his sword to seem willing to negotiate.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

OOC: It is a female mermaid, right? I thought I read that somewhere.

Edit: Oh, thank you, Der. Post is edited.

Der Arbol
2009-11-07, 01:22 PM
OCC: There was one merman and one merwoman

2009-11-07, 05:20 PM
A mermaid would be an unmarried virgin girl. Merwoman is a more general term that can be used to describe any adult female.

"What nonsense is this, human? I did not take any of yours, though I would be entitled to it as you have taken from me mine. I have my axes, if you want to take me from mine as well, you're welcome to try."

Roc Ness
2009-11-07, 06:43 PM
Caromire stays perfectly still, bathed in the glow of his staff. He awaits judgement.

Der Arbol
2009-11-07, 07:40 PM
Albert stops when he gets into position and listens to the conversation lethren is having with the lizardman, trying to decide whether the lizardman is telling the truth or not. As he waits he surveys the surrounding area, trying to size up his potential foes and decide on a course of action.

Sense Motive: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1] (looking for other lizardmen and anything of significance.

OCC: Ouch...

2009-11-07, 08:00 PM
It would be a visual seach check, but you can use that this time.
Two of the huts are completely empty. The other one has a table and three cots, two of which are occupied.

Arq Kujos
2009-11-07, 10:30 PM
A mermaid would be an unmarried virgin girl. Merwoman is a more general term that can be used to describe any adult female.

"What nonsense is this, human? I did not take any of yours, though I would be entitled to it as you have taken from me mine. I have my axes, if you want to take me from mine as well, you're welcome to try."

OOC: I get smarter every time I post. Oh yeah, is this guy the horned lizardman that I stuck on the ship?

"Our vessel was attacked by one of your kind and we lost two merfolk that worked with us. I want them back alive, not you dead. If you do not have them, then perhaps you could direct us to the camp of the lizardmen that tried to dam up the river and toll any who tried to cross. If you help me, I can offer healing for any of your sick or wounded in exchange."

Roc Ness
2009-11-07, 10:34 PM
Caromire surveys the Lizardman.

"No, Lethren, this fellow was from the first attack. He probably doesn't know the second has even occured."

Arq Kujos
2009-11-07, 10:39 PM
OOC: Then why are we here? I thought we were after the horned one and our lost merfolk.

EDIT: Man, I wish I had read that original description a little better.

Roc Ness
2009-11-07, 11:14 PM
OOC: They probably got here before this guy, then left. Or they left without waking him.

2009-11-07, 11:32 PM
"Do you forget that we are enemies? Believe me, if I thought that I could kill you now, I would do it. You've come to my home and woken me, and now you want me to side with you over my own countrymen? Do you think we can not heal ourselves? Either fight me or be gone, but do not linger here, apeman."

Roc Ness
2009-11-07, 11:40 PM
Caromire stows his staff away, casting an odd sillouhette effect on him.

"Well, there's a queer character."

Arq Kujos
2009-11-08, 12:18 AM
OOC: OK guys, lets vote. Should we mop the floor with these bastards, (no offense, 4is111), or should we just get the heck out of here before the choice is taken away from us. I vote that we crush this guy where he stands, but I'll go with the majority.

Roc Ness
2009-11-08, 12:19 AM
OOC: Tough choice. I vote you wipe the floor with him in honourable single combat. :smalltongue: Nahh, just kidding. I'll vote with you.

Arq Kujos
2009-11-08, 12:36 AM
"Do you forget that we are enemies? Believe me, if I thought that I could kill you now, I would do it. You've come to my home and woken me, and now you want me to side with you over my own countrymen? Do you think we can not heal ourselves? Either fight me or be gone, but do not linger here, apeman."

OOC: Well, I guess the two of us settles it. Lets roll the dice and see if we regret this. I'm going to battle in one on one combat, you guys decide for yourselves what you are going to do, but I recommend filling that tent filled with lizardmen with arrows.

"I grow tired of you and your lack of manners. Come and face me so that I might prove to you your inferiority."

Lethren, finally frustrated beyond all patience, pointed his blade at the Lizardman and moved to attack.

Detect Evil for good measure? Smite Evil IF Lizardman is evil, which I am assuming.

Initiative [roll0]
Attack Roll [roll1] +3 for normal=15 or +6 for smite=18
Critical Confirmation [roll2] +3 for normal=7 or +6 for smite=10
Damage [roll3] +2 for normal=6 or +3 for smite=7

EDIT: Not a bad way to start off single combat.

Roc Ness
2009-11-08, 12:42 AM
OOC: I do believe the lizardmen in cots aren't a threat yet.

[roll0] Initiative
"I say, Lizardman, may I keep one of these spears?"

Caromire then walks into the one of the huts without the cots with his bow drawn. He proceeds to look for any signs of prisoners.

[roll1] Search

Arq Kujos
2009-11-08, 12:46 AM
OOC: I do believe the lizardmen in cots aren't a threat yet.

Maybe not, but I'd rather them stay that way, even if it means them being dead.

However, I was just making a suggestion. If they don't attack, happen to be children, or sick, then I say leave them alone. We are adventurers, not murderers.

Roc Ness
2009-11-08, 12:48 AM
However, I was just making a suggestion. If they don't attack, happen to be children, or sick, then I say leave them alone. We are adventurers, not murderers.

Wholeheartedly agreed.

2009-11-08, 12:48 AM
Arq- Call my NPCs whatever you like; I'll take no offence.
The lizardman is evil.

Lethren win initiative.
Lethren smites the lizardman. The wound is grave.
The lizardman attacks Lethren with both axes. The first attack misses. The second attack misses.

Roc Ness
2009-11-08, 12:50 AM
Caromire then walks into the another of the huts with his bow drawn. He again proceeds to look for any signs of prisoners.

[roll0] Search

2009-11-08, 12:53 AM
There are no signs of prisoners. These huts don't look like anyone's ever lived in them.

Arq Kujos
2009-11-08, 01:12 AM
Arq- Call my NPCs whatever you like; I'll take no offence.
The lizardman is evil.

Lethren win initiative.
Lethren smites the lizardman. The wound is grave.
The lizardman attacks Lethren with both axes. The first attack misses. The second attack misses.

OOC: Es Bueno. :smallbiggrin:

With a silent prayer for strength, Lethren summons the sheer force of his anger and his desire to find his missing comrades and channels it into his blade, infusing it with the power of light. Raising his shield as he advanced, his blade raised high, Lethren stepped forward, and for a moment, he walked unimpeded by his leg. He swung true, landing his blade in the Lizardman's shoulder. Seeing his blow strike through, Lethren smiled and stepped back slightly.

"I'll give you one chance to surrender and tell me what I want to know. I tried to be civilized with you, but it was obviously above your abilities. Where is the camp of the Horned Lizardman who tried to block the river."

If the Lizardman stands down and tells Lethren the answer and tries to back off, Lethren will let him. If he continues to attack, then Lethren will try to finish this battle.

Attack Roll [roll0]
Critical Confirmation [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

EDIT: Oh my goodness. Another confirmed critical.

2009-11-08, 01:20 AM
"You scored one solid hit; I'm not defeated so easily. Kill me if you can, for nothing you can threaten me with compares to what the horned ones will do to me if I betrey them."
Lethren impales the lizardman. It crumples to the ground like a rag doll.

Arq Kujos
2009-11-08, 01:28 AM
"You scored one solid hit; I'm not defeated so easily. Kill me if you can, for nothing you can threaten me with compares to what the horned ones will do to me if I betrey them."
Lethren impales the lizardman. It crumples to the ground like a rag doll.

"When your god asks why you are with him in whatever hell he can claim, remind him that Lethren Albion tried to reason with you, if he can even comprehend reason." With that, Lethren lets the beast crumple to the ground. He will reach down and take the axes as a token of this battle, and then he punch the dead body in the mouth with the intent of knocking loose several teeth, which he will gather and place in his side pouch for later. Then standing up and cleaning his blade, Lethren will check and see if any other Lizardmen are in the camp.

Search Check [roll0]

Roc Ness
2009-11-08, 01:39 AM
Caromire stares. "I think the extra insults were unneccessary."

Caromire then checks in on the Lizardkids in cots. If they are unusual in any way, he notes it. He also does his best to satisfy any needs he can comprehend.

OOC: Also, when we leave, Caromire takes the best-looking spear along with him.

Arq Kujos
2009-11-08, 01:43 AM
Caromire stares. "I think the extra insults were unneccessary."

"Perhaps. Now, we need to keep moving. I regret that this was a waste of time, but if we tarry to much longer, we risk losing the trail to our lost comrades.

Roc Ness
2009-11-08, 01:46 AM
"Agreed. But after I look for some arrows, and maybe some coin."

[roll0] Search
If Caromire finds any money, he takes a maximum of half of the coins, leaving the rest with the lizardkids.
[roll1] Survival

2009-11-08, 10:29 AM
The other two lizardmen don't seem to be children, but they probably aren't combatants either. There are aren't any coins in the hut, just trade goods. A few salted meats, some tanned aligator hides, that sort of thing, but there's more than would be nesessary for three humaniods. There is a weapon's rack with several more stone axes on it, presumibly back ups. Note that the axes it actually wielded were steel. A few of the spears have steel heads. Caromire takes one. As the ship sails past, Skipper remarks that the huts will be flooded in a few months. The trail goes on, and you follow it for a few days. By this point it is obvious that the lizardmen are moving faster than you can, which makes sense as they are amphibious while you're stuck in the water. A few times you catch glimpes of lizardmen running and swimming in the distances, but none spares more than a passing glance at you before running off. Four days after you leave the three huts, the trail goes dead at a patch of unusually soild ground. It isn't concrete or anything, just a bit steadier than average.

Arq Kujos
2009-11-08, 11:08 AM
"Curse this foul place and every creature that calls this place home!" Lethren could handle the putrid swamp gases, the knee thick muck, and worst all the constant and unyielding stream of insects as long as he was chasing his lost comrades. Now, they had lost the trail and the longer it took to find it, the smaller and smaller the chance of every finding his lost comrades became.

Der Arbol
2009-11-08, 12:02 PM
OCC: Did we forget someone?

Retroactively: Albert looks at the two lizardfolk in the hut along with the other guards. We're taking them with us, its very likely that they know more about this swamp than we do and they may prove useful as a bargaining chip.

Diplomacy (if needed): 1d20+3 Edit: I guess I'll post it if its needed

Albert takes some of the salted meats the lizardmen have piled and puts them in his bag along with up to three stone hand axes (if there are any).

2009-11-08, 12:22 PM
I assumed you would leave them, my appolodies. You wake the two lizardmen.
"Ach! Pig skins!"
"Where's Yurkgo? They've killed Yurkgo!"
"Ah! There going to kill us too!"
"Don't panic! They can smell fear!"
"Why has the triad forsaken us?"
You easily overpower and kidnap the lizardmen.

Der Arbol
2009-11-08, 12:50 PM
Currently: Don't worry Letheran, lets just check the area and see if we can't pick up their trail again. Albert casts *mage armor* and gets off the boat to explore the hard ground.

Search: [roll0]
Survival: [roll1]

OCC: How big is the area of hard ground?

Arq Kujos
2009-11-08, 01:09 PM
OOC: Well, if we are taking them then Lethren will try a non violent interrogation to see if they can give us any clues to finding the horned ones.

He won't physically harm them, but he will be aggressive and intimidating. All within the code of conduct he follows.

Intimidate: [roll0]
Diplomacy: [roll1]

2009-11-08, 01:42 PM
The solid patch isn't more than 250 square feet. It has several trees growing on it.

"A few guys lead by a holyman came through here today with a merman."
"They tradied some meat for use to heal them.
"Ofcourse we were curious for news."
"But they couldn't tell us anything other than that they were on a sacred quest for the horned ones."
"They headed off that way, and turned"
They look at eachother for a moment.
"Some way. I hope they succeed. Then maybe the horned ones will bring back Yurkgo."
"What else do you want to know?"

Der Arbol
2009-11-08, 01:51 PM
Albert circles the patch of ground looking for a trail to pick up in the surrounding mud. (using previous survival check)

Note: Albert tied up the lizardfolk (hands behind the back and legs so they can't run but can walk slowly)

Arq Kujos
2009-11-08, 01:54 PM
OOC: So they basically gave us no good clues as to the location of our lost allies?

EDIT: If anyone else has any questions, feel free to join in.

2009-11-08, 01:58 PM
OOC: No, they do seem to know themselves.

The mud has some tracks in it, but they don't seem to go anywhere. They're just running around the patch of ground.

Arq Kujos
2009-11-08, 02:05 PM
Rubbing his forehead in frustration, "Ok, lets move on. Where are the Horned Ones." Lethren figured that if they were on a quest for the Horned Ones, then it finding them would eventually lead to our lost comrades.

Der Arbol
2009-11-08, 02:08 PM
Unable to find a trail, Albert walks back over to the group. What was that they said about 'bringing back yugo'?

2009-11-08, 03:08 PM
"The horned ones are powerful prophets of the divine triad."
"They have great power, we hope they can resurrect our friend whom you've killed."
"The horned ones move around a lot. They have to in this cursed swamp."
"Nothing stays the same for very long, but they always know how it will change."
"We don't know where they are now. Last we heard-"
"Don't tell them that! Then we'll never get Yurkgo back."
"But if we don't tell them, they'll kill us!"
"It doesn't matter where they were a fortnight ago anyway; they're long gone now."

Roc Ness
2009-11-09, 12:35 AM
If you assist us, maybe we can attempt to bring Yurkgo back? Besides, we don't need to kill you. That is comparable to killing a flock for what the ram did."

Caromire sets himself down and looks thoughtful.

"What we can tell so far is that the Horned Ones are divine in nature, and their gods and themselves are powerful enough to regrant life. While not unheard of, such an act would still be considered amazing, maybe legendary if this resurrection contains the correct potency, and to these fellows here it is not out of the ordinary. Not only that, but they, the Horned Ones, are extremely well organised. They know where they are going and they know it well."

"There is other information too. These lizardmen are led by a triad, wether these are gods or simply powerful religious identities is uncertain. And, more importantly, the religious body of the lizardmen are undertaking something divine of possible relevance to the gods or the powerful being. There could be trouble. Divine trouble."

Der Arbol
2009-11-09, 01:17 PM
Frankly I don't care who or what is backing these horned ones up, and I am sick of these lizards' games.

Albert grabs the lizardman with light green text, draws a dagger, and holds it half a foot away from the lizard's chest. As he speaks, there is a slight tint of anger in his voice.

You're going to tell me where these horned ones are or were and anything, anything else you know or I am going to kill you.

Albert turns to Lethren. Hey Lethren, you can tell if these two are evil right? You wouldn't have a problem with me killing two evil creatures who worship evil gods would you?

Intimidate: [roll0]
Bluff (saying he will kill them): [roll1]
OCC: awwwww

Arq Kujos
2009-11-09, 01:35 PM
OOC: That depends entirely on what my x-ray vision detect evil spell tells me. If they are evil, then no, he wouldn't be against it, but since they seem to be young, possibly children, he wouldn't approve either. Plus, they have been as helpful as they can be.

Lethren watched as Albert drew his weapon in a weak attempt to frighten the captives. Reaching out, he gently grabbed Albert's hand and whispers just below the to Albert "Stay your blade. We need them alive and they have been cooperating." He turns to the captured Lizardmen and bares down on them.

"If you know anything else about the horned ones, their servants, or this cursed swamp, now is your last chance to tell me. If you cooperate, then I will be able to let you go. I want to let you go. I really do." Then Lethren will turn and wink once at Albert and turn and shrug his shoulders. "If you lie to me or hold anything back, then I will have no choice but to let my friend here kill you in whatever way he sees fit, which will most likely be slow and painful. So, do yourselves a favor and tell me everything."

Intimidate Check to make them more scared of Albert: [roll0]
Diplomacy Check to make them think I want to help them: [roll1]

Edit: Hopefully, this ought to give us everything they know. Whether or not it is useful remains to be seen.

2009-11-09, 03:23 PM
The don't regester as evil, and just so we're clear, killing noncombatant captives in cold blood is an evil act.

"The divine triad is not evil!"
"They wouldn't realy bring Yurkgo back, would they?"
"They couldn't, not like the horned ones could."
"But they're going to kill us!"
"I think we should tell them. It isn't like they'll ever catch the horned ones anyway."
"The horned ones passed through our camp a few weeks before you showed up."
"Yurkgo gave his usual report: nothing, just the same as always."
"One of them, Saint Gurn, mentioned that they were looking for any fresh heretics to trade for services with some friendly outsiders."
"We knew that the triad warned not to pry into the external affairs of horned ones, so we didn't ask any more questions."
"Saint Gurn foretold that our camp wouldn't last the month."
"That's why we never used the second two huts we'd built."
"We know that Saint Gurn was going near the drylands because he mentioned that the fishmen had completely abandoned the eastern half of the swamp, so there were no heretics to be found there, and he hoped to hear news of some traffic."
"It wasn't Saint Gurn who passed through earlier mind you, but the horned ones keep in contact."
"That must be how they knew you were following them; someone saw your boat and sent word."
"You only got as far as you did because the horned ones wished it."
"They probably either accomplished what they wanted you to follow them for, or it doesn't matter anymore."
"Maybe they kept going some other way. I'll be they know a spell to fly!"
"No, the horned ones are more clever than that! They've sent men to cover their tracks."
The two speculate like this for a couple minutes.
"Right, the swamp."
"It was by dealling with outsiders that the horned ones tolk us here."
"We came with Yurkgo during the third wave of immigrants to help the horned ones hold their territory."
"The hunting is better here than back up north, but we don't get many visitors."
"We've already told you about everyone who has come through all month!"

Arq Kujos
2009-11-09, 03:50 PM
OOC: I never planned to kill them, but I couldn't let them know that. Like I said, they have been cooperative and I plan to release them, probably very soon.

Lethren placed one hand on each of the Lizardmen and cast Cure Minor Wounds, allowing a warm, healing sensation to flow over them. "I believe you." He removed his hand from their shoulders and started to pace. Lethren was troubled by the news. Dealings with outsiders were almost always dangerous, and it was true that trying to find the horned ones in this swamp was proving more difficult than he could have possibly imagined. Eventually, they would have to let these two go because they had done nothing wrong. Time was running out. Lethren went to his pack and retrieved a piece of parchment and a feather pen and ink. He walked over to the two and handed the parchment to one and the ink and pen to the over. "Draw for me as best you can a map of the area up the river. If you know of any camps, draw them, no matter how big or small they are. Do this for me and I promise that no harm will come to you and we will let you leave."

After they drew the map, no matter how useful or useless it may be, Lethren is going to go find the captain and explain everything to him. As much as it will pain him to do so, the group has spent too much time trying to find the missing merfolk and we cannot afford to waste anymore time.

Der Arbol
2009-11-09, 04:31 PM
After Lethren whispers to him, Albert sheaths his dagger and listens patiently to the two lizardmen and Lethrens' conversation. As they are drawing the map he speaks quietly with Lethren and Caromine.

They mentioned something about the drylands and a St. Gurn, maybe we should ask them more about it.

Arq Kujos
2009-11-09, 04:35 PM
After Lethren whispers to him, Albert sheaths his dagger and listens patiently to the two lizardmen and Lethrens' conversation. As they are drawing the map he speaks quietly with Lethren and Caromine.

They mentioned something about the drylands and a St. Gurn, maybe we should ask them more about it.

Lethren nodded in agreement. "Ask them if you wish, but no harm is to come to them. We are not murderers."

Der Arbol
2009-11-09, 06:00 PM
I was only playing; I am not a murderer either, I just thought that they needed a little motivation.

2009-11-09, 06:06 PM
OOC: Outsiders here means the tradiations definition: people from outside their civilization, possibly sea merfolk or goatmen, not nessesarily from another plane of existance.

"The river's all different than the last time we came here."
"The swamps are always moving. It's like they're alive.
"The camps are all about evenly spaced through out a north-south strip through the center of the swamp."
"No ground stays solid for long, so camps are always moving around the same general area."
"That was our third camp this year."
"We were on the fringe, but there was atleast another camp several miles to the southwest of where we were, and another five or six miles north."
"New camps might have come up since we got our last report two months ago; this area is developing rapidly."
"The horned ones probably went to a secret camp, although I can not guess where."
"The drylands are where you apemen are from."
"Saint Gurn is a horned one who passes through occationally and talks more than other horned ones. He is in charge of leading the expation around this area."
"He also contributes to military R&D."
"One time, around four months ago and after a few drinks, he mentioned that they were working on way to better take advantage of the sturdier foliage in the Western Swamp."
"Nothing came of it, ofcourse, they are just plants after all."

Arq Kujos
2009-11-09, 08:40 PM
"Tell me more about the outsiders that are helping the horned ones." Lethren then turned to Albert and whispered in his ear "Go tell the captain everything we have heard here, please. I think we may need to start considering moving on. The longer we wait, the more of a chance there is that we lose more crew members."

Der Arbol
2009-11-09, 08:45 PM
Right. Albert walks back to the ship and explains the gist of what the lizardmen said to the captain.

2009-11-09, 09:18 PM
"We don't know anything about the outsiders other than that the horned ones are willing to trade with them."
"They must have something grand indeed if the horned ones take notice of it."
"Most trading is simply don't by chieftains or camp leaders, you see."

Back at the ship...
"Interesting. Let me consult my charts."
"I have a map of what this area should look like at this time. There isn't anything unsual about it, wait. This general area is drier general than most part of the swamp. There are more trees here as a result. Those scoundrels have climbed into the trees and are travelling like chipmonks between branches!"

Sure enough, although they've consealed their movements at the bases of the trunks, higher up there are clawmarks you can follow.

Arq Kujos
2009-11-09, 09:38 PM
Lethren, finally out of questions, began rubbing his forehead again. "I'll go talk to the captain about your release." Lethren left the room, after making sure that the guards knew that if any harm came to the lizardfolk, that they would answer to him. He made his way to the captain. "Sir, I believe we have learned everything of value we can from our prisoners. I believe that we should let them go. Keeping them any longer would be kidnapping and killing them would be murder." He slowly paced for a moment while he struggled to gather his words. "I believe that we need to accept the fact that we cannot find your lost crew members and move on before we lose any others. I'll see this journey through to its end, no matter what you decide, but that is my opinion on the matter."

Roc Ness
2009-11-10, 12:12 AM
"I too" Caromire grasps his new spear tight.

Der Arbol
2009-11-10, 08:12 AM
Albert smiles as the Skipper explains his theory about the trees, and pats him on the shoulder when he finishes. This is why you're in charge.

Albert turns and steps aside as Lethren and Caromine enter.

He responds to Lethren before the Skipper can get a word in.
Actually, we can. Del'nax just figured out that the lizardmen are using the trees to hide their trail. If we track their trail through the tree tops we should be able to find them, and if they think they've lost us all the better.

2009-11-10, 06:13 PM
OOC: Actually, that was Skipper; Del'Nax speaks in Teal
Your point is still valid.

Der Arbol
2009-11-10, 07:27 PM
OCC: My bad. Partially edited, Albert actually says Del'nax by mistake now.

Arq Kujos
2009-11-10, 11:26 PM
Lethren was surprised to hear the news. It seemed that Lathander could not stop smiling on this little group. "Truly? That is fantasic news! Praise Lathander."

Der Arbol
2009-11-10, 11:41 PM
Yeah... praise lethander. I guess Caromire and I will start tracking these things, I still haven't forgiven these things for getting my cloths wet.

Albert heads out and starts looking for tracks in the trees.

Survival: [roll0]

Roc Ness
2009-11-11, 12:46 AM
"Time to get moving!"

[roll0] Survival