View Full Version : If Roy would multiclass what would it be

2009-09-29, 09:08 PM
PPSSSSTTTT!!!!!!!!! I vote paladin:smallsmile:

Steven the Lich
2009-09-29, 09:09 PM
Maybe wizard, just to get Eugene off his case. :smallwink:

2009-09-29, 09:12 PM
i remember hearing about a prestige class somewhere that was like a general or a tactical soldier, it was a warrior class that gained bonuses for having high intelligence and charisma. seems right up roy's ally. then of course there the bearer of the ancestral weapon, but that seems to easy. bah, it doesn't seem like roy would want to, he takes a lot of pride in being a single class fighter

2009-09-29, 09:12 PM
he would have to be freedom paladin or else he would go ex paladin so quick:smallcool:

Raging Gene Ray
2009-09-29, 09:24 PM
Prestige Fighter? A Fighter/Fighter gestalt build? Warrior? Monk (If he was planning on taking Improved Unarmed Strike anyway)?

2009-09-29, 09:25 PM
Roy wouldn't multiclass.

Steven the Lich
2009-09-29, 09:41 PM
Roy wouldn't multiclass.
Emphasis on the "If".
Just go with the flow.

Although you are probably right.

2009-09-29, 10:19 PM
He could go barbarian so he could rage. (Rage has already helped defeat X and Nale)

2009-09-29, 10:25 PM
Psionic. He's got the Int for it.

2009-09-29, 10:28 PM
Probably cleric, if he could find usable rules to become one without service to a particular deity.

2009-09-29, 10:32 PM
Probably cleric, if he could find usable rules to become one without service to a particular deity.

I think you can already do that in core.

Alternatively, I think Roy should be a Sorcerer just to cheese off Eugene.

Edit: Although, Sorcerer is not the best choice.

2009-09-29, 10:45 PM
what are the warrior prestige classes?

Mugen Nightgale
2009-09-29, 11:47 PM
Well it'd be awesome but being a pure fighter is something Roy takes pride at. And I think after he got to meet his grandfather he is prouder.

IMO I always thought that Roy's intellect was wasted on the simple fighter maths. So I guess he should try something that could take advantage of it. Maybe something Psionic. Although I think there is a reason Rich doesn't use them for npcs let alone PCs.

But I like the idea of custom sword tricks. I mean nothing in the rules says that fighters can't do that right?

Elan's Modron
2009-09-30, 12:04 AM
As long as we're speculating:

I like the aforementioned idea of something psionic.
And do recall what his most-requested bedtime story was as a kid...

Roy with some psion levels? That would be seriously cool.

And yes, I know it's not going to happen, except on this thread...

Berserk Monk
2009-09-30, 12:16 AM
He could go barbarian so he could rage. (Rage has already helped defeat X and Nale)

What? When?

2009-09-30, 12:38 AM

He's already Lawful Good alignment, so no hangups there.
He's already got good Wis and at least passable Cha, so its suitable.

Realy, after picking up Weapon Specialization (already has) and a good assortment of feats, if Roy wanted to realy optimize his character, there is absolutely no reason for him to not multiclass into paladin. There would be no BAB progression penalties, he's human so no xp penalties, and he already falls within it's roleplaying and stat optimization parameters, so why not?

Barbarian makes little sense for Roy since the Raging fighter is the epitome of everything he hates about the Fighter Stereotype.

Ranger would be rather sub-optimal since he's already heavily speced into a 2h weapon, making either Bow or dual wield paths of little use.

And any non-martial class would of course, be ridiculously bad for him.

David Argall
2009-09-30, 12:45 AM
My knowledge of 3.5 psionics is quite limited, but the odds are that this is a distinctly bad idea. You get some 1st level abilities that mean about zip when you are in the teen levels, and lose out a very useful +1 to hit, a feat that probably adds another +1 to hit and damage, less hp, and delay that useful extra swing. Unless Roy is aiming at some prestige class that requires it of him, it is apt to be a drag on his ability.
Now a level or two of barbarian is a much better choice. That rage ability is really powerful. Of course, that require abandoning LG, which Roy is unlikely to approve of, even if he is a rather marginal LG.

2009-09-30, 12:55 AM
His rage helped him beat Xykon the first time they fought by enraging him enough to throw a lich into a portal of doom

And his anger at Elan that had built up for so long allowed him to trounce Nale

So yeah paladin or barbarian would both work pretty well but hes not pious enough to be a paladin

Turkish Delight
2009-09-30, 01:31 AM
Wizard would make the most sense, what with the intelligence and all. It would also make his jerkass father happy, so that's right out.

He wouldn't go Paladin, either. Because stupid Paladins lose their stupid powers when their companions misbehave.

Monk would be pretty interesting, if only because it would be satisfying to see Roy beat someone down with his bare hands.

2009-09-30, 02:50 AM
Ok, anyone who thinks that Roy should multiclass to either Sorceror or Wizard is off their meds.

I doubt he has a intelligence or charisma over 14 and not being able to wear heavy armour (due to arcane spell failure) would make him significantly less useful than he already is. He'd be better off taking an NPC class level of warrior than he would by taking a level in either of those classes.

I don't know if it'd be worth multiclassing to Paladin. He'd have to put a considerable amount of levels into that class before any of the class abilities ever became useful. If he had a really high charisma, it might have been worth putting 2 levels into Paladin so he could get Divine Grace

Also, what the heck is a "Fighter/Fighter gestalt build"?

Does anyone think that if he multiclassed to Rogue, that it might be beneficial? 1D6 sneak attack damage might turn the odds in certain situations, and having access to the Rogue class skills is definately fun :smallbiggrin:

If he multiclassed to Rogue, what skills do you think he should invest in? I'm thinking sense motive (so that he won't fall for anymore of Xykon's Bluff(Reverse Psychology) attempts)

2009-09-30, 03:53 AM
No one in OotS would multiclass as Paladin until the whole party is non-evil. Belkar is still here.
I seriously doubt, that Roy can take any class with spellcasting, especially wizard, because one of his dreams is to prove, that his sword is better than any magic. For the same reason he wouldn't be monk - he prefer sword, not unarmed strike.
So I think, that the only choise, that really makes sense, is Kensai from Complete Warrior - it's made spesially for guys, that are really devoted to their weapon. By the way, when took the side quest to recover his sword, Roy acted exactly like Kensai.

2009-09-30, 04:19 AM
Probably cleric, if he could find usable rules to become one without service to a particular deity.

2nded > Healing = very useful.

2009-09-30, 04:44 AM
I think Warmind (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/prestigeClasses/warMind.htm) would suit him. He'd keep his good BAB progression, grab some psionic abilities, pickup a good reflex save while keeping his fortitude, and he'd also pick up some nifty abilities. He'd of course need to take a feat to get a powerpool first and get the required skills in order to start taking the class though.

2009-09-30, 05:02 AM
Anyone who is not saying Warblade here seriously needs to read up on some d&d books.

The Rose Dragon
2009-09-30, 05:08 AM
He'd dual-class instead.

Like, human fighter / fighter.

Twice the amount of fighting manhood in one man!

2009-09-30, 05:17 AM
SO...instead of being a single classed fighter hed be a dual class fighter!
maybe he could take a level in sexy shoeless god of war

Asta Kask
2009-09-30, 05:21 AM
I think he should take a level in Badass. (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TookALevelInBadass)

2009-09-30, 07:17 AM
What? When?
Rage: First fight with X, X destroys Roys sword, Roy rages and throws X against the gate protection.

First fight with Nale, Nale switches with Thog, Roy explains to Nale that he has been supressing urge to beat crap out of someone who looks like Nale for a long time.

2009-09-30, 08:02 AM
monk he's the right alignment and he needs the extra hits

2009-09-30, 09:16 AM
wouldnt he need to ditch the armour though? his dex isnt shown to be high enough to handle that

2009-09-30, 09:20 AM
Anyone who is not saying Warblade here seriously needs to read up on some d&d books.

I was gonna suggest warblade.

His Int is decent enough.

2009-09-30, 09:25 AM
He would prestige class into Kensai.

He's got the ancestral sword
He's Lawful, and he's taken an oath
He's loyal to Hinjo
He's very good at concentrating, so he could use that skill to not only ignore Elan, but to make Reflex saves and get stronger

It's a natural fit. He probably even has Combat Expertise already.

2009-09-30, 09:34 AM
I don't know if the whole 'love of battle' thing that seems to be the character motivation for a Warblade really sounds like Roy. He seems quite a bit more mellow than the typical Warblade, who lives for combat and sees battle as the greatest experience possible. Though he would otherwise qualify.

Two words: Future Psychic.

Also, I think some of us are forgetting that 'rage' the class feature is not the same as the idiomatic use of the verb 'rage.'

2009-09-30, 09:38 AM
I know he didnt actually rage but seeing as how he uses it twice to great effect he could use it more
not to mention he had kind of a Smartass Fury against Miko
and his rage helped convince X to take him seriously
and activated his green glow
yeah i think theres potential for a barbarian

2009-09-30, 10:11 AM
wouldnt he need to ditch the armour though? his dex isnt shown to be high enough to handle that

that would just mean he couldn't use ki as effectively.
probably just needs the no-wep fighting

2009-09-30, 10:15 AM
He's probably got all the wrong feats for it by now, but with a decent Dex and Int it'd be possible to take the prereqs for Weapon Master. If he's serious about using the Greenhilt Family Sword come Hell or high water, he might as well get a ton of bonuses while using it.

Then again, most of a Weapon Master's abilities focus on critical hits, and with their main nemesis (for now) being undead...

Allan Surgite
2009-09-30, 10:56 AM
Sorry to busy anyone's bubble, but neither Barbarian nor Paladin are legible for Roy.

As the deva has proven, Roy commits Chaotic (and sometimes Evil) acts; due to this, he doesn't really apply for Paladin. Since as Miko (and anyone who has a basic grasp of D&D rules) has proven, a single evil act turns you into a Fallen Paladin and Roy has done some pretty morally-grey things (See: "Was Roy's Attack On Miko Morally Justified" for an example) in his life.

On the other hand, Roy likes being Lawful. Taking a level in Barbarian has the requirement of being Chaotic; but (once again, as the deva has proven), Roy is almost certainly Lawful-Good-With-Chaotic-Tendencies.

B. Dandelion
2009-09-30, 12:21 PM
Sorry to busy anyone's bubble, but neither Barbarian nor Paladin are legible for Roy.

As the deva has proven, Roy commits Chaotic (and sometimes Evil) acts; due to this, he doesn't really apply for Paladin. Since as Miko (and anyone who has a basic grasp of D&D rules) has proven, a single evil act turns you into a Fallen Paladin and Roy has done some pretty morally-grey things (See: "Was Roy's Attack On Miko Morally Justified" for an example) in his life.

On the other hand, Roy likes being Lawful. Taking a level in Barbarian has the requirement of being Chaotic; but (once again, as the deva has proven), Roy is almost certainly Lawful-Good-With-Chaotic-Tendencies.

I don't find your arguments against Paladin very persuasive. The Deva never said he'd committed an evil deed, but discussed chucking his file in the True Neutral bin. Being morally "gray" is not being evil, and even most of the people inclined to criticize Roy in that thread-which-shall-not-be-named aren't inclined to go that far. As for Miko, we don't even know if it was the fact that the deed was evil that caused her to fall, or if it was the fact that Shojo was her liege lord (which Haley later exploited by dressing Belkar up as Shojo to break the spell on Thanh). The definition of "evil," when it comes to classifying what Paladins can get away with, is frankly rather murky.

But he does willingly associate with Belkar... and Vaarsuvius (though he should be excused on grounds of ignorance for the second)... but then again, Belkar's gonna be dead fairly soon.

Not that I think he'd go Paladin or should, but eh.

2009-09-30, 01:12 PM
So far, David Argall has been the only one saying things like

"You hurt somebody, you are doing evil. That is the default standard. Roy hurt somebody, so he has done evil, and those wishing to defend him have the full duty of proving he is not doing evil. "

Taking a level in Barbarian has the requirement of being Chaotic; but (once again, as the deva has proven), Roy is almost certainly Lawful-Good-With-Chaotic-Tendencies.

Technically, its Any Non-lawful.

Its unlikely Roy would try though, if being Neutral Good would bar him from Celestia.

Allan Surgite
2009-09-30, 02:40 PM
Hm, good points, B. Dandelion~ Although I think killing a Chaotic Good person who was trying to defend the multiverse would probably come pretty heavily under "Neutral Evil" or some such. Although we haven't seen any indication of either being true, and I doubt we will.

@hamishspence; ah, my mistake~ But that is what I was getting at, nevertheless. I would imagine he would probably want to see his Grandfather and younger brother again, so Barbarian is rather unlikely.

B. Dandelion
2009-09-30, 03:01 PM
Hm, good points, B. Dandelion~ Although I think killing a Chaotic Good person who was trying to defend the multiverse would probably come pretty heavily under "Neutral Evil" or some such. Although we haven't seen any indication of either being true, and I doubt we will.

Thanks. Although I'd just like to clarify that I'm no fan of Roy for that, in fact it's the most inexcusable thing he's ever done as far as I'm concerned. Still, he didn't try to kill Elan, he refused to accept responsibility for his fate. Which was a failure as a friend (not good) AND as a leader (not lawful), but not active murder.

2009-09-30, 03:31 PM
Going by the deva's words (its the only act she describes as capable of moving him to the True Neutral afterlife) she thinks the same way.

Scarlet Knight
2009-09-30, 03:41 PM
Cleric would be best... heal + buffs .

But since Roy stated that he disliked the idea of being a cleric, I recommend:

Swordsage : " With their contemplative, almost scholarly approach to fighting, swordsages have much in common with monks of both a scholarly and an academic bent. "

Sounds like someone who spent a lot of time in the library while at Bash U.

2009-09-30, 04:13 PM
First thing to note is that Roy isn't the sort of control freak who wants to do everything himself. He was happy to hire a team of specialists to take care of the spellcasting/traps/lockpicking/tracking/healing for him - I don't see why he'd suddenly change his mind and try to muscle in on their turf now...

We know he doesn't want to be a cleric - he doesn't take religion that seriously. The idea of being a "cleric of a cause/concept" might appeal, but I think it would strike him as cheesy.

Paladin? The defining characteristic of a paladin is their unwavering loyalty to an established order of some sort. Roy is obsessed with his (good, but essentially private, personal) quest. No way he'd turn around and agree to devote his life to something else, certainly not until Xykon is done.

Barbarian? Would require changing alignment, and for what? The ability to lose his rag once a day? Heh.

Monk, sorceror, wizard - you're kidding, right? Roy likes wearing armour, and he likes being a fighter.

Rogue? +1d6 sneak attack sounds tempting, but nothing we've seen of Roy suggests that he's got a sneaky bone in his body. His idea of an attack is a frontal charge (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0164.html), not a flank.

Overpowered prestige class? I think the "cheesy" objection would apply here too, even if he did qualify.

2009-09-30, 04:23 PM
He could become a Kensai as said before
Maybe a Warmage,there is a feat that would make him capable of using Medium armor without Spell Fail Chance.Hell he could get that Spellsword prestige class later also

Allan Surgite
2009-09-30, 04:28 PM
I think both of those fit into the "overpowered Prestige Class" section, but my lack of D&D expertise means I am not sure as to how overpowered they are.

2009-09-30, 04:34 PM
Warlord and/or Marshal.

C'mon, people.

2009-09-30, 04:40 PM
howsabout a warmage? blowing stuff up never gets old.

2009-09-30, 04:55 PM
Totally Lightning Warrior: although I'm not surwe how he'd get over the inability to specialize or have a familiar.

Raging Gene Ray
2009-09-30, 05:14 PM
Bearer of the Ancestral Weapon? I mean, he loves that sword and he views it more as the family sword instead of his own.

2009-09-30, 05:17 PM
Warlord and/or Marshal.

C'mon, people.

This. His most powerful ability isn't his fighting skill, but his leadership. Origin proves this beyond a doubt, and any prestige class he got would reflect it.

So far, David Argall has been the only one saying things like

"You hurt somebody, you are doing evil. That is the default standard. Roy hurt somebody, so he has done evil, and those wishing to defend him have the full duty of proving he is not doing evil. "

As much as you have me cheering with this, let's not derail THIS one too...

What? When?

"YOU! BROKE! MY! SWORD!" (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Ptitlegf1u3pozudh8?from=Main.ThisIsSparta)

2009-09-30, 10:15 PM
Bearer of the Ancestral Weapon? I mean, he loves that sword and he views it more as the family sword instead of his own.

he needs a lot of Magic for that ^^ I am pretty sure everyone here who read the Gaming area though "Why don't Roy take this class?"
he would need to cast a at least 3rd level spell(Greater Magic Weapon).He would be almost epic by the time he fits the requirements

2009-10-02, 12:48 PM
I agree that paladin would be too late at this point of the story for him to bother (especially after so many bad experience with them (Shinjo, O-Chul, and their immediate commandeers are probably the few he still respects/trusts)
Barbarian I highly doubt, as he already dismissed Thog as an oaf for level dipping for the 2 fighter feats.
Ranger as well, wouldn't be useful now, as would rogue, for the lower HD and BAB.
Any of the other caster classes wouldn't happen, both for being kinda useless now,and for him wanting to go full warrior.
Warblade would be interesting if he had access to non-core books (he would get to yell his maneuvers, at least).
Marshal (the one that gives bonus to allies) would be interesting, except for the low BAB.

Now, Kensai, that, definitivelly, would fit him as a glove!

Elan's Modron
2009-10-02, 01:17 PM
Well, if I can't vote for Future Psychic I'm going to go with kensai.

Good points for that one made by various posters above.

2009-10-02, 02:39 PM
Roy will never multiclass because he wants to prove that a single-class fighter is capable of being effective to his dad and everyone else. If he *was* to multiclass it would be as either sorcerer to annoy his dad, or more likely bard because he has lost all his faculties and wants to be like elan.

2009-10-02, 02:42 PM
Even if Roy had an infinite amount of xp on hand he still wouldn't be able to take a level in O'chul.

2009-10-02, 02:48 PM
Even if Roy had an infinite amount of xp on hand he still wouldn't be able to take a level in O'chul.

ah yes, the class that lets you roll natural 20s with extremely suspicious regularity

2009-10-02, 06:29 PM
ah yes, the class that lets you roll natural 20s with extremely suspicious regularity

I believe that's the "DM PC" template.

If at some point O-Chul became a party member, I could see there being some exchange like, "wait, O-Chul, how did you survive so long as a prisoner if you're getting wounded so badly by blahdeblah?"

"You're right. I think I may have spent all that time in a cutscene."

2009-10-02, 07:58 PM
I can't see Roy multiclassing to anything with spell levels or spell-like abilities.

Maybe a knight, or even a knight protector.

2009-10-02, 08:57 PM
On the other hand, Roy likes being Lawful. Taking a level in Barbarian has the requirement of being Chaotic; but (once again, as the deva has proven), Roy is almost certainly Lawful-Good-With-Chaotic-Tendencies.
A quick search using google: Barbarian can be neutral (http://dnd.wikia.com/wiki/Barbarian)

As you point out Roy is on the low end of Lawful, and especially with the chaotics he hangs out with, it wouldn't be a stretch for Roy to become Neutral Good.

2009-10-06, 08:05 PM
I think he would prestige into Deulist. he's smarter than a fighter but not quite smart enough for caster.

2009-10-06, 08:12 PM
I think he would prestige into Deulist. he's smarter than a fighter but not quite smart enough for caster.

I think that Roy wouldn't multiclass so that he can be just like his grandfather, but if he did I think that it would be something more useful than Duelist.

2009-10-06, 09:01 PM
his grandfather was from AD&D,the rules are different now they didn't had those fancy prestige classes... (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0222.html)
so he CAN get a prestige class and still don't be different from his grandfather because the rules changed...

2009-10-06, 09:04 PM
his grandfather was from AD&D,the rules are different now they didn't had those fancy prestige classes... (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0222.html)
so he CAN get a prestige class and still don't be different from his grandfather because the rules changed...

Grammar aside, they could still multiclass in AD&D, and being a fighter with a few levels in rogue is similar to being a fighter/duelist.

2009-10-06, 09:13 PM
or,they can already be in 4ed...
what's wrong with my grammar?

2009-10-07, 08:52 PM
Emphasis on the "If".
Just go with the flow.

Although you are probably right.

This thread is not a flow, it is a paradox. You can't solve a paradox with brainstorming.

2009-10-07, 08:55 PM
or,they can already be in 4ed...
what's wrong with my grammar?


his grandfather was from AD&D,the rules are different now they didn't had those fancy prestige classes... (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0222.html)
so he CAN get a prestige class and still don't be different from his grandfather because the rules changed...

Should be

his grandfather was from AD&D, the rules are different now they didn't have those fancy prestige classes... (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0222.html)
so he CAN get a prestige class and still follow in his grandfather's footsteps because the rules changed...

Nothing bad by internet standards, but the verbs tenses were ambiguous and there was an unnecessary use of negatives.

2009-10-07, 09:57 PM
I think he would prestige into Deulist. he's smarter than a fighter but not quite smart enough for caster.
Er, becoming a Duelist would be useless for Roy. Duelists have to use light weapons, but Roy prefers his family greatsword, a two-handed weapon. He also wears armor, which a Duelist can't do. And he doesn't seem terribly acrobatic (no evidence of tumble ranks or anything of the sort), which is a prerequisite for Duelist. Nor any indication of ranks in a Perform skill, another prerequisite. So, no, doesn't seem likely that he'd become a Duelist.

I honestly can't think of a multiclass option that strikes me as good for Roy. I guess he could dabble in the arcane and go Fighter/Wizard/Eldritch Knight, but I doubt he would, given the reaction it would elicit from his father. Beyond that I can't think of anything in Core that fits him (Dwarven Defender, maybe, if it weren't for the whole "you have to be a Dwarf" thing), and I'm not well versed in splatbooks, nor do I have mine handy.
