View Full Version : Of swords and sorcery IC

2009-09-30, 12:49 PM
You have recently arrived in the city of Ostcrest, capital of the great kingdom of Danarris. The king, an aged man, is king in name only. He relies heavily on the support of his grand vizier, Saeglir, a corrupt and vile man who rules the kingdom with an iron fist. Saeglir posses great power, and all those who dare oppose him disappear or are arrested and thrown into the dungeons below his tower. All this is widely known, but kept secret from the king, and Saeglir has his ear. They say he has but one weakness, his lust for the king’s daughter, Erina. Erina is destined to marry a prince from the kingdom of Kubyn, to the east. This is one law Saeglir cannot change.

Ostcrest is a thriving city that enjoys trade from the kingdom of Kubyn to the east, and the kingdom of Yarirarn beyond that. There is much going on in this city, it a port of call for traders heading east, mercenaries heading to distant battles up north (or down south), and scoundrels of all sorts looking to make some quick coin. Ostcrest itself is divided into four quarters, the royal quarter, where the palace is located; the docks district where merchant ships traveling along the Shiron river stop. There is also the bazaar district where merchants do business and craftsmen ply their trade and the commoners quarter, where most denizens of the city live.

You are at the lusty lady, a rather seedy tavern in the cheaper side of town. The drinks are cheep, the music is loud and so are the women. This is the sort of place that rents rooms by the hour. Your reasons for being here are your own, maybe your enjoying your most recent fortune, maybe your seeking your next. It doesn’t matter, but what does matter is that you are all here right at this late hour, and maybe with a little luck and a lot of courage, your destiny will be here too.

The players

Demon’s eye with Raku the cleric (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=156002)
Helinon with a self titled barbarian (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=156021)
Omegonthesane with Liam (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=156001) a sorcerer
Dariathalon with James “blackie” Reston (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=7219), a rogue.

2009-09-30, 02:43 PM
The cleric lands a seat by the bar. His armor clinks and clanks as he sits down, even tho no one can hear it, and he orders a quick mead. He did not like most of the people that came here. He did like the feel of a place like this tho, it brought him back to his first time in a meadhall. He had enjoyed it so much he did not leave for 3 days! But more then feelings made him come here, he was on down time as his armor smiting skill was not making him any money. He knew places like this drew adventures and thieves from their houses and he did not care witch bought his time so long as the payed with gold. His eyes room the bar as he looks for possible work as his hands feel over his last few coin. "One more mead please."

2009-09-30, 04:42 PM

Blackie slides gracefully onto a seat at the bar. He is a short and wirey man with short black hair and a round face. His small round eyes quickly scour the room for signs of trouble, but if there are none readily apparent he relaxes a bit, a wide smile forming on his face. Blackie wears a chain shirt and has several daggers strapped to his body.

As a waitress passes by him, he grabs her elbow. "Heya toots, mind getting me something to drink?"

2009-09-30, 05:11 PM
Helinon walks into the brew house and spies an open seat at the bar. He moves there quickly hoping no one will take it. That doesn't seem to be a problem, as many people move away from him as he walks there. He a tall man, with visible strength, more than most people would have anyways. He has somewhat long, dark brown hair and a scar on his cheek that looks like a blade wound. On his back is a greataxe, which identifies him as a barbarian. As he its down at the bar he motions for the barkeep to come over. In an oddly civil and respectful tone he asks the barkeep, "I'll take two ales please."

2009-10-01, 08:44 AM
Liam has been ferrying drinks to various people for the last hour or so now, since it's about all he can do for the owner without needing actual effort or exposing himself as a sorcerer, not to mention all the owner would trust him with even after being convinced he was 'of age'. Like the other pretty-boy waiters, he had the uniform and he hadn't got nearly as much attention as the women, or even as much as the older-looking males.

As he's handing some very strong spirits to a group of scholars, he notices a guy grabbing a waitress, but thinks nothing of it for now. For now; it can't be long until his shift's over and he can change into more practical gear than the uniform.

2009-10-01, 12:50 PM
The buxom lady working the bar hands over each of you a mug of beer, swiping up the coins you drop on the well-worn table. The beer is foamy and stout.

As you look about the room you spy what seems to be a few of the local nobility, probably out “slumming” for the evening. They’re on the balcony, drinking and harassing the bar’s wenches. One or two of which get up and head to the closest door, apparently they’ve decided to pay for some private entertainment.

As Blackie turns back to his seat to drink, a thin, scruffy man in leathers pushes into Blackie. He apologies for bumping into him, after all it is a full house tonight. As he begins moving away, James grabs the man’s arm, which is criminally close to his purse. Knowing his attempt at theft is busted, he pulls hard and breaks Blackie’s grip, and tries to flee out of the building, crashing into poor Liam as he picks up a new tray of drinks. Helinon and Raku notice the slight confrontation at the bar. The commotion at the bar causes heads to turn.

Thief: slight of hand +10= 14 (+10 and I still bomb it.)
Spot checks
Hellion: 14
Raku: 16
Blackie: 17
Liam: 8

Str checks
Theif: +2= 21
Blackie +2= 9

each of you buying drinks spend 4 cp

2009-10-01, 02:58 PM
Helinon watches the scene unfold carefully. He slowly pulls out his axe and leans it against the bar, so that he could get to fighting quicker, if the situation led to that.

2009-10-01, 06:44 PM

James stands and approaches the would-be pickpocket, his dagger in hand. He leans over to the man and whispers in a very harsh tone, "I don't appreciate that sort of treatment, friend. You try that again, and you'll find that instead of my purse in your hand, you'll have my blade in your gut."


2009-10-02, 12:17 PM
The thief stands up and closes with James and says quietly,
You’re new in town, so you don’t know the rules. Everyone pays up and no-one crosses the black blades. Those that do, are made an example of.

2009-10-02, 02:32 PM
Helinon gets up from the bar and confronts the thief, axe in hand. "And what happens if you fail at that too. I'm not that afraid of your little 'Black Blades', especially when you can't even pull off a pick pocket and get away. You're in no position to be making threats. Plus, by this mans clothing, he was obviously the worst choice here, yet you didn't realize that. Pathetic."
Knowledge - Local (if i can)[roll0]

2009-10-02, 05:21 PM
Raku gets up after the huge man and walks over to the group. "He is right my friend. Poor style and bad luck maybe but you got caught, give him his money back and we can all walk away fine."



2009-10-02, 05:32 PM

Blackie smiles a toothy grin and the large man with the very large axe who has come to his aid. He turns back to the theif. "Trust me, I understand the need to set rules, but where I come from it is those with the skills that set the rules. I used ta do that. You obviously don't have the skills so I'll give you a rule to live by." He begins speaking very slowly as if trying to give the man time to understand what he is saying. "What_____is_____mine_____is_____mine.______Keep yer grubby hands offa it."

I dont' know if Know: Local will help much since as the man pointed out Blackie's not from around here, but it doesn't seem like trying a roll could hurt either. [roll0]

2009-10-03, 05:33 AM
Liam turns and watches the thief who crashed into him, and the ensuing scene, with more than a little trepidation. He doesn't particularly see any need to help out either victim, but if a fight broke out he might have some serious difficulty escaping the building alive. Especially if he wants to get out and not reveal his nature; not for nothing does he fumble for the sling in his pocket and a rock to load it with.
Loading sling, then readying action to draw loaded sling.

2009-10-03, 02:06 PM
The din of the room quiets down, and all eyes turn towards the three strangers confront the thief at the bar. He turns his body to try to face everyone at once. A dark grin spreading on his face.

Everyone fears the black blades. Best you do the same, or you might wake up with your throat cut!
The thief says, his voice low, his dagger slipping out of its sheath.


James make his knowledge check:
He has heard of the Black Blades. They are a ruthless thieves guild that essentially rule the roof tops. The black blades pride themselves are watching out for their members. They are known for much more than just thievery, they run brothels, gambling dens, protection rackets and even resort to blackmail, bribery, intimidation, assassination and kidnapping. The general population fears them, and even the city guard rarely confronts them directly. They are as bad as they come, they crave power as well as wealth.

Thief vs diplomacy: 1d20+1=15
The diplomacy check has no effect

2009-10-03, 02:19 PM
Helinon sees the thief pull out a dagger and his mind is set on what to do. "This was your choice, man! Not mine!" He then twirls his greataxe around his head, preparing to strike.
Initiative - [roll0]

2009-10-03, 04:43 PM
Liam has a sling in his pocket and combat has started. He decides the biggest threat is the guy from the 'Black Blades' or whatever, and that he's probably going to have to blow town anyway over this if nothing else, so he draws his sling and prepares to take a shot.
Initiative [roll0]
((I'd make Knowledge (local) about the area but Garm the Magnificent isn't the king here, so it definitely isn't Liam's home kingdom))

2009-10-04, 03:51 AM

Sensing that a combat was now inevitable, Blackie tightens his grip on his daggers.


2009-10-04, 09:05 AM
"Damn it" Raku says as he hurriedly pulls out a weapon. It bangs into a table and he curses again. He was not made for indoor fighting.


[roll1] Weapon pulling out 1= spear 2=javelin

2009-10-05, 01:42 PM
Years in the wild has readied Helinon the barbarian for anything. His natural danger sense kicks in he dodges the attack from behind. He’s fast, but not quite fast enough to completely avoid the short sword that was aimed at his back.
Out of the corner of his eye, Raku manages to catch the action with the barbarian, he dodges to the left just in time to avoid a short sword aimed at his back.
Meanwhile, the rogue that Blackie is confronting lunges a headlong attack at him with a concealed dagger no one noticed, fortunately Blackie sees it coming and bats it aside.


Ok sorry for my brief absence, spent the weekend playing battletech.

[Combat stuff]
Ok surprise round is over. You may all act normally, actions happen in the order they are posted in. Try to keep in mind that I’m rolling group initiative (highest initiative modifier) for each side of combat. I know its different than what you’re used to, but it’s the best way I’ve found to facilitate forum combat. Also I will have a map up as soon as I can.
Just so we’re all clear the enemies are the rogue that tried to steal from blackie, and two more (one behind both Raku and Helinon).

[Surprise round]
Players: 1d20+7=8 (ouch epic fail there guys)
Enemies: 1d20+7=19 (12+7)
Damage and conditions:
Helinon and Raku are caught flat footed, but surprise round is over so they can act normally.
Helinon takes 8 damage from a sneaky surprise attack!

2009-10-05, 01:51 PM
((I love how the three guys actually involved in the fight already benefit from the fast reactions of a waiter who isn't in melee range to help them :D))

Liam has his sling out and loaded by now, and while he doesn't instantly notice the two others who joined in the fight, he definitely sees how the would-be thief is starting a fight. Not under his eyes he isn't. Aiming carefully, the boy first shouts a warning to the customers.
"HEADS DOWN!" Having thus cleared his aiming a bit, he utilises his sling to punt a rock in the instigator's general direction.
Attacking the rogue who Blackie is confronting.
Attack roll [roll0] Shouldn't be any penalty if they're in 50 feet.
Damage [roll1]

2009-10-05, 02:32 PM
Helinon completely ignores the wound inflicted upon him, instead going into a rage that few can compare to. "HehehehehHAHAHAHA! Now you face the wrath of Tz'arkan! Prepare to face your doom!" Helinon then strikes at who attacked him with all his might.

OOC) For those of you who did not check my char sheet bio, Tz'arkan is Helinon's alternate personality for when he goes into rage. Just imagine what he is saying in a demented ton of voice. Like REALLY demented.

Combat- Activate Rage- +4 Str +4 Con -2 AC +2 Will for 6 rounds
to hit - [roll0]
dmg - [roll1]

Edit- Sweet!

2009-10-05, 02:41 PM
Raku raises his spear as he dodges the first attack. He thrust his spear at his assailant and he yells "For Odin"

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Damage

2009-10-05, 06:03 PM

Blackie jumps a little at Helnion's proclamation. He side-steps trying to manuever to place the thief between Helnion and himself, possibly to get a flanking position, or maybe just to put something between himself and the barbarian's rage. He quickly thrusts out with both of his daggers.

If I'm picturing this right, a 5' step will put Blackie into a flanking position with Helnion, so I've incorporated that into these rolls. If I'm wrong subtract 2 from each attack roll and ignore the sneak attack.

[roll0], [roll1], [roll2]
[roll3], [roll4], [roll5]

Edit: Okay, definitely forget the sneak attack and the +2s from flank. Blackie will still take a 5' step to make the flank a little easier eventually. He steps to N8.

2009-10-05, 06:06 PM

Attack 2 was a crit threat! :smallbiggrin:
[roll0], [roll1]

2009-10-05, 11:38 PM

Ok I was expecting to get this map up sooner than I have. So I’ll allow you guys to reposition yourselves accordingly. I’ll try to get one up at the start of combat.

Map key
Light brown: tables, bar etc
Dark brown: tavern patrons not involved
Black: enemies
Blue: Raku
Red: Helinon/Tz'arkan
Green: blacky
Yellow: Liam

2009-10-06, 01:32 PM
((I'm thinking more like 7R, as Liam was trying to get away before the fight started))

2009-10-06, 06:43 PM
ooc: put me at 9N, i saw myself fairly close to the theif

2009-10-07, 12:18 PM
Liam’s shot flies wide of this mark, and barely misses the barkeeper, but it arches over the bar and slams into one of the other patrons watching the fight unfold. He slumps to the floor dead or unconscious.

Tz'arkan faces the rogue that stabbed him and with one mighty swing, drops his enemy to the floor in a bloody mess. While Raku stabbs at his opponent, which side steps the attack. His spear thrusts into the air threatening to stab an onlooker. His opponent manages to slash him across the arm with his sword.

Blackie and his opponent are dancing a deadly dance, a slash high, and then a stab low finds it’s mark between the thief’s ribs. The dagger comes out dark with blood. The thief yelps in pain and is clearly injured. The thief realities with a wide slash that finds only air.




Thief 1A vs blackie: 1d20+5=12 (misses AC 18)
Thief 2a vs Raku: 1d20+2=20 (so totally hits AC 16)

Damage and effects:
Blackie: unscathed
Helinon /Tz'arkan: unscathed
Liam: unscathed
Raku: suffers 5 damage, ouch!
Rogue 2b: dead
Rogue 1A: suffers 3 damage, still alive
Rogue: 2A untouched.

Other notes: blackie can’t make it to square 9N, due to a full attack (5foot step only for combat). We’re in round one, its your turn to act.

2009-10-07, 04:03 PM
Helinon quickly whirls around and moves in to attack the thief who had his attention before. "You're next! DIE!"
Move to O8 and attacks Thief A1
attack -
dmg - [roll]1d12+5
edit: it ate my roll

2009-10-07, 04:13 PM
dmg - [roll0]

2009-10-07, 04:54 PM

Blackie ducks and weaves back to his previous position. When he feels the moment is right, both he swings around with his arms outstretched in an attempt to deal two slashes to his opponent's torso.

Oops. I must have had a typo or looked at the map wrong or something. I think I had meant to be in N6 instead of N9, oh well, he'll begin working his way back around there this round.

Free: 5' Step to N7.
Full Attack:
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]

2009-10-07, 05:22 PM
Liam curses his poor aim, loads another stone, and fires again at the same thief. Less of a risk than blasting with sorcery in a public place.

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2009-10-07, 05:45 PM
Raku cuses as he almost hits the patrons and steps to the side so he does not threaten them. He grasp the spear with both hands and brings it down on the man.

5 foot steping to N5 and attacking
[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Damage

2009-10-09, 02:04 PM
The thief that both Helinon and Blackie are fighting has gone totally defensive after blackie’s strike. He manages to dodge and avoid both Helinon and blackie’s attacks. Meanwhile, Liam’s shot flies out of the sling and skips along the ground, missing everything. Raku on the other hand, manages to find his mark, and strikes the thief deep in the chest with his spear, the rogue crumbles to the ground dead.

The rogue, seeing his friends fall, flees from the combat, heading for the door. The crowd parts for him and he’s gone into night. However Helinon manages to glance him with his axe, but its not enough to drop him.


Blackie cannot move into square N7 because its occupied by the guy your fighting, I’m assuming you meant M7. The rogue withdraws, taking an Attack of opportunity from Helinon.

Helinon aoo: 1d20+6=18 damage: 1d12+5=10
The rogue has taken 13 points of damage.

2009-10-09, 02:30 PM
Helinon goes to the door and calls out to the theif, "Come back here and die coward....Urk!" Helinon then leans heavily on his axe, obviously drained. "It's....over....Tz'arkan, Retreat," Helinon mutters under his breath in his normal tone of voice.

Helinon is now Fatigued, and suffers -2 Str and Dex and cant run or charge for a time up to the DM's discretion, because the encounter is over.

2009-10-12, 12:40 PM
Helinon leans out the door yelling at the thief, as he does so, he spots a group of six or seven heavily armed men marching towards the tavern you are in. they are wearing scale mail, helms and crimson cloaks, that are attacked with a large pendant. Helinon can clearly see the long swords at the waists and the shields and spears they are carrying. Helinon can tell they are the city guards, someone probably contacted them when the fighting broke out. Its a good bet they aren't here to discover the truth of what happened.

2009-10-12, 01:09 PM
Helinon staggers back into the tavern, out of breath. "Well," Helinon says to the others who fought, "Looks like the Guard is here to arrest us for the fight. We might be able to persuade them to not arrest us but I'm not so confident that will work."

2009-10-12, 05:30 PM
Blackie quickly glances around, looking for other exits. "Yer right about that. I've never known a guard who would listen to much of anything. Not without a little bit of shiny encouragement anyway. I didn't want to give my coins over to those thieves and surely don't want to give it over to the guards if I can get away with it."

If there are no other exits, he bends down over one of the fallen thugs and begins checking it over for any valuables.

If there is another exit, he begins moving towards it.

2009-10-12, 05:38 PM
Raku is in a slightly different path "Hello officer's nice day is it no?"

[roll0] Diplomacy

2009-10-13, 01:46 AM
"Well since it's apparently 'we' now, maybe we take a different tack." Since he took part in the fight, Liam is reasoning that he's at risk of being arrested too, and after hitting a customer he's not going to be able to count on protection from his boss. His first act is to try just sweet-talking the guards; sure, he has no formal training in negotiation, but damned if he can't bluff people. "I saw the whole thing. That guy who just ran out of here? He and his two friends started the fight. Your boss won't be happy if you catch the wrong guy."

Bluff [roll0]
Could you put the guards on a combat map?

2009-10-15, 12:54 AM
As the soldiers get closer to the tavern, more people notice them and they begin to scatter. Many head out the back, many more spread out into the street and run off. The noise rises to a roar as people run into each other and start shoving and pushing to escapee before the guards arrive to make arrests.

You hear the guards calling for the ones who escape into the street to stop. You see them break into a run to make it to the tavern before more can get away. Even the owner of the lusty lady a fat jovial man, busty woman behind the bar and a few of the others escape through a secret panel in the wall. No one else notices them go through, or maybe no one cares.


Sorry for the delay, things are a little busy though its noting I can’t handle. The guards are not to the Inn yet, do you still want to stop and try to talk to them? Also our big barbarian friend is no longer fatigued from raging.

Also Blackie finds 5 gold coins on one body and 8 on the other, totaling 13 gold. Also there are their weapons and armor, two short swords, two daggers and two suits of studded leather, which will take a few moments to remove from the bodies.

2009-10-15, 02:46 AM
((Thought they had stepped in already.))

Liam slips through the crowd to the stairs, so he can grab his staff and pack before he runs for it ('cause he's got no guarantee that it's worth the risk to come back...). If everyone is being arrested, then of course everyone is going to be fleeing, and there's every chance he might not have to zap the guards to the floor after all if he's one of the lucky ones. And with this many fleeing, there's going to be some that get lucky...

2009-10-15, 09:48 AM
"Well, normaly I wouldn't run from a possible fight, but I think it would be best to run." Helinon states, "Those Black Blades seem like they are a gang that have a good amount of control over the Gaurd, either directly or indirectly. I am going to take that secret panel the innkeeper took out of here. Good luck, you're going to need it." Helinon then walks over to the panel and goes through it, if that is possible.

2009-10-15, 06:53 PM
Blackie grabs the two coin pouches and empties their contents into his hand, tossing the pouches under a table. He almost grabs the weapons too, but realizes they'd be a little unwieldy to carry and it would take too much time to get off the sheathes and all. "Damn," he mutters and leaves them behind.

"Hey, wait up!" Blackie calls urgently, though not too loudly. He follows Helnion figuring it is better to stick with the big guy who'd stood up for him, even if he had the tendency to suddenly turn scary when upset.

2009-10-21, 12:39 AM
The group of guards to the front of the tavern, they begin subduing as many people as they can, quite harshly. Most are rounded up. A few try to fight back but are killed. After a few minutes the guards step inside the tavern to arrest anyone else they can find.

Helinon and Blackie slip into the secret panel and find themselves in a very small room with stairs going down. The room is dark and cramped. They have to squeeze their way through. When they reach the bottom of the stairs, the room opens up into section of the city’s sewers.

Looking around you see the people that slipped down here before you, as well as a few crates and boxes. It’s quite dry for a sewer and it doesn’t smell. Its still poorly lit though. The walls and floor are stonework and there are three large circular exits that probably lead to other sections of the sewers, they are blocked off with wood.

Two of the people that came down here are armed with crossbows and have them aimed at Helinon and Blackie.

what do you want? one of the crossbow men says, quietly

2009-10-21, 05:47 AM
Helinon sees the men with crossbows and slowly puts down his greataxe. "We just saw some people you come down here to escape the Guard and we decided to do the same."
Diplomacy check: [roll0]
(plz not a low roll)
(Damn it! nat 1. It seems we all suck at diplomacy checks.)

2009-10-23, 07:15 AM

"Yeah, we're just here hidin'. Same as you. Got no quarrels with you, so why don't you just put that crossbow down and we'll wait it out with you. Then soon as the guards are gone we'll leave you alone in your little hidey hole." Blackie says with a smooth smile.


2009-10-26, 11:26 PM
The Sewers
sorry, not a good enough answer!” the first cross bowman says.
The two take aim and slowly begin squeezing the trigger. But just before they fire, a woman bursts into the room and orders them to put down their weapons. They don’t but they at least lower them enough to pose less of a threat.

You were two that got in that fight that started all the ruckus up stairs aren’t you? the woman asks. You notice immediately this woman is the same buxom bartender from earlier. She has long brown hair running down her back, it’s curled. Upstairs she had it tied up and apparently she let it down earlier.

So what do we call you two by? the woman says, as she places her fists on her hips.

The Lusty Lady

the guards entering the building find they are beset with a tidal wave of bodies that franticly trying to escape. The guards begin swinging their swords wildly, trying to cut a swathe into the building. Fortunately most of the people leap back and only a few of the slower patrons get hurt. Slowly the guards begin to push the tide back, and start to create a foot hold into the building. Soon they will have everyone arrested.

Liam is upstairs, watching this take place, and Raku finds himself down stairs watching as well. they haven’t been noticed yet

2009-10-27, 03:44 AM
Liam decides that he cannot countenance the mass arrests, not least because he is no athlete and can't safely jump out of the building from the top floor. Consequently, having put on his pack and grabbed his staff, he pushes his way as close to the guards as is practical, and his eyes flare with a white light that is terrible* to behold.
"Begone!" There seems to be an unnatural reverberation to his voice that was never there when he was a waiter. A flash of searing, blinding light leaps from his eyes, and he's positioned himself so only guards get caught in the blast.
Casting Color Spray. Even if it miscasts, most people in a low-magic setting will be terrified of a sorcerer. EDIT: It didn't miscast, by RAW of your low-magic rules.
* "Terrible" like Cthulhu, not Epic Movie.

EDIT EDIT: That's a DC 14 Will save for any guards caught in the blast, by the way. And I'll have tried to get as many as remotely possible.

2009-10-27, 03:47 AM
ooooops, forgot to roll miscast 30%

2009-10-27, 10:21 AM
Helinon sighs in releif as the woman stops the men from shooting him. "My name is Helinon, ma'am, and I mean no harm to anyone here."

2009-10-27, 04:42 PM
A look of fear crosses Blackie's face as the crossbows are almost fired, but it is quickly replaced by a look of relief when the woman enters. He glances back and forth between the crossbows and the woman as he speaks.

"Yeah, we were. That pickpocket was the one who started it all, but we made sure it got finished. You can call me Blackie, most people do."

2009-10-30, 02:04 PM

“Well you’ve done us a bit of a service, despite the annoyance of the guards. So I suppose some thanks are in order. The black blades have been a bit of a thorn in our side for a while now. It’s about time someone bloodied their nose. The only problem is that they’ll be looking for revenge. So it looks like you’ve managed to make some powerful enemies. Which means I can’t let you stay here. However since we’re somewhat indebted to you, we’ll let you leave.” the former bartender says

Lusty lady tavern

With a blast of light from his eyes and the thundering of the word “begone” four troops drop to the floor, unconscious. The path is clear for Liam to escape. Several of the other patrons still in the bar spots this spectacle and scream as they run for it. fortunatly it looks like they are just running from the guards, not the newly discovered sorcerer.


The four guards are stunned for 8 rounds, they are also blinded, and unconscious.

2009-10-30, 02:16 PM
"Thank you miss." Helinon says. "We will leave immidiately, but is the an exit not located at the Tavern?"

2009-10-30, 04:33 PM

Blackie glances around nervously. "Yeah, I mean, I'd be glad to keep giving the black blades trouble. Cocky little sh**s deserve it, but that'll be impossible from the jail cell that the guards back there will toss us into."

2009-10-31, 06:29 AM
Since the path is clear, Liam makes a break for it in the way that's now clear, not bothering to check if anyone is after him, nor to finish the guards off. After all, some of them are still standing, and he's no expert in killing people anyway - even helpless people.

2009-11-05, 08:12 PM
You can get out through the back, it leads into the sewers, it’s about the only place that isn’t watched by the black blades or patrolled by the city guard. Take the first left you come to, and then make a right at the intersection. Down that way there should be a ladder going up onto the street.

The woman says, before jutting a thumb behind here. As you pass, she grabs Helinon’s arm and says,
be careful out there

Lusty lady
Liam makes it outside, it looks like the other guards are too busy with subduing people to notice him and he's able to duck into the ally unnoticed.

2009-11-05, 08:22 PM
"I will. Thank you for your help." Helinon then continues on, following her directions.

2009-11-05, 08:43 PM
"Yeah, thanks," Blackie says trotting behind Helnion like an exciteable puppy.

2009-11-12, 06:10 PM
Helnion and blackie step out into the sewers and are immediately assaulted by the stink of the place, which is decidedly worse than inside the hideout. After your eyes adjust to the darkness you see the tunnel continues onward for an unknown distance into the darkness. You also hear the faint sounds of running water coming from ahead.
The tunnels themselves are round with a sidewalk step running along either side of the tunnel. The space between looks like its supposed to be filled with water, this area is dry. There is a variety of different types of refuse scattered about, noting you can’t easily walk around. The tunnel is about 20 feet across and about 10 feet high.

2009-11-12, 06:17 PM
Helinon takes in the look of the place after he gets over the stench. "Let's go Blackie," Helinon says over his shoulder. "It's only a matter of time before we're found."

2009-11-12, 06:50 PM
Liam starts looking around, and taking whatever roads he can to escape any guards out on patrol. Mind you, he can probably look innocent and lie convincingly if anyone actually catches him, especially once far enough away from the Lusty Lady - but then again, the ones who saw him use sorcery aren't going to forget that pretty face.

2009-11-12, 08:16 PM
Blackie shrugs, "Don't know about that. I been on the run for awhile now from someone else. I ain't been caught yet. These blackblades'll probably be a problem if we stick around here though. You're right." He begins trudging through the sewers, though he seems not to mind his current situation too much.