View Full Version : Test of Spite Exhibition: Mushroom Ninja v. Sofawall

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-03, 02:03 PM
Do you have any map/buff-round preferences?

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-03, 07:30 PM
Lets use this map


2009-10-03, 11:24 PM
I took forever to get back, sorry.

I have no preference on map or buff rounds. Anything from all-day to 10 rounds is a-ok.

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-04, 11:46 AM
Alright, lets do All-days active and no buff rounds.

All-Day Buffs:

Starting Position:


2009-10-04, 11:17 PM
Starting PositionFG12, 10 ft. underground.

Init: You go first :P (I can't match it)

All day buffs None

Also, holy crap I took a long time. Sorry.

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-05, 07:42 AM
I've got true sight 100 ft. Do I see you?

2009-10-05, 09:58 PM
You do not see me.

EDIT: I'm assuming 'true sight' means True Seeing, am I correct?

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-05, 10:09 PM
EDIT: I'm assuming 'true sight' means True Seeing, am I correct?


I activate Blink and ready an action
Shoot the next creature I see (not myself)

EDIT: and I end my turn

2009-10-05, 10:42 PM
Move to just below surface

[roll0] Medium sized centipedes small vipers (wrong class...) appear, in spaces...

EDIT: E5 and G5. Turn not over.

Does that trigger your readied action? If not, I will continue.

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-06, 06:55 AM
Yes, that triggers my readied action to shoot the next creature I see. I attack the snake in G5.

Miss chances (Miss on 1)

Attack rolls (I've got a splitting bow)

[roll4] +1 CON damage +Poison (Fort DC 17) [roll5] CON on failed save
[roll6] +1 CON damage +Poison (Fort DC 17) [roll7] CON on failed save

2009-10-06, 11:25 PM
Little snake is horribly horribly murdered.

2nd snake... Wow, am I ever silly. I thought for some reason it had 30 ft. move.

Ok, he moves to I2, behind the pillar.

EDIT: Turn over.

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-06, 11:26 PM
My turn:

Free Action: Dim Door to A1 -- What do I see?

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-06, 11:29 PM
Double move to L1. Do I see you now?

2009-10-06, 11:42 PM

Also, for anyone who gets confused, we're also on live chat, so some things may go unsaid here.

I summon large snakes in squares...

EDIT: I'll just summon one, adjacent to the left. Stupid rules, saying I don't have enough space... Small one moves up as well.

Large: [roll=attack]1d20+4

Small: 1d20+4

Fort save if any of those hit. Come on nat 20...

2009-10-06, 11:54 PM
Large: [roll0]

Small: [roll2]

Fort save if any of those hit. Come on nat 20...

2009-10-06, 11:58 PM
Aaaaand I miss.

Ok, move to L1 and surface from below ground. Makes saves against Prismatic Wall, save DC 22.

Turn's not over.

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-06, 11:59 PM
Will save:

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-07, 12:05 AM
Saves for everything else:

Reflex v. Red:

Reflex v. Orange:

Reflex v. Yellow:

Fort v. Green:

Fort v. Blue:

Will v. Indigo:
Last post

Will v. Violet:

2009-10-07, 12:10 AM
Aaand, you're insane.

Also, you're in the middle of a ****ing tornado.

http://www.d20srd.org/srd/weather.htm (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/weather.htm) Fort Save :D

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-07, 12:11 AM
So I take 45 + [roll0]

2009-10-07, 12:12 AM
45? Shouldn't it be 70?

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-07, 07:05 AM
Mark of the Baatezu makes me immune to fire and gives me a 15 acid resistance

2009-10-10, 05:31 PM
Ah, ok.

Still, Insane, and make a fort save vs. Tornado.

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-10, 10:05 PM
Sorry for the delay, I forgot we were waiting on me.

Fort Save: [roll0]

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-11, 04:40 PM
Is your turn over?

EDIT: Also, I'm using Moment of Succor to delay the effects of insanity.

2009-10-12, 10:02 PM
Go ahead, Insanity is permanent :P

Umm, so, you are sucked up into the funnel cloud for [roll0] rounds, and take 6d6 damage every round. This round is [roll1]

End Turn. Your life, however, will soon also be ended.

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-12, 10:16 PM
Free Action:
DimDoor to A1

Ready action:
Shoot any creature if I should happen to see it

2009-10-12, 10:25 PM
I'll assume your turn is over, then.

Ok, the tornado suddenly disappears and you are left alone. There is a 10*10 square hole in the extreme top-right corner of the map.

Move 10 feet underground, then to A1, 10 feet underground

End turn.

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-12, 10:26 PM
DimDoor to J1. What see I?

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-12, 10:30 PM
Ready Action:Shoot next living creature I see
Also: on your turn I'm going to use my last use of Moment of Succor to delay Insanity another round.

2009-10-12, 10:32 PM
A 10*10 cube of rainbow colours pops up in space A1B2.

Turn not over.

2009-10-12, 10:40 PM
I ram you. Saves against Prismatic Wall. DC 22.

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-12, 10:43 PM
Actually, half damage against the yellow color kills me, so there's no real point rolling.

Blarg I am dead.

I'm still not sure what this monstrosity of yours does, but it seems to do it well.