View Full Version : Zombiepocalypse! (The game)

2009-10-04, 01:17 PM
This is Zombieapocalypse, the game where zombies attampt to take over Earth and we fight them!

There are 2 teams you can join.

The Resistance-

The Resistance are the humans, built from any and every random person who can/wants to fight zombies.

The Zombies-

The Zombies are, well...the zombies! They're bent on destorying the world and turning all humans into zombies.

The Rules:

1. You cannot have more than 5 weapons on hand at once.
2. You can only have 1 vehicle in possesion at once.
3. No flaming out of game, do it in PMs please. (hehehhe pms hehehehe)
4. You can't change back from zombie to human, but, if you want, you can get one of the zombies to bite you and turn you into one.
5. No killing players without permission from them, and if your player gets killed, you can make a new one (this is the only way to go from zombie to human).
6. No mega-ultra bombs or anything that can only be survived with a bunker or something.
7. There are endless NPCs to talk to, fight, or kill, meaning NPC zombies/humans who are merely there to be killed/talked to/etc. by the opposite species.
8. You cannot wield lightsabers or things like them. Even through this is a futuristic setting, this is more like Gears of War or Halo mixed with real world than Star Wars.
9. The zombies are killable by:

-Chopping off heads
-Setting on fire and letting them burn
-Blowing them up
-Putting so many bullets in them they fall over and disintegrate
-Hitting them so hard they break into pieces or disintegrate

Now that the basics are covered, onto the story...

James Frostbite's Journal

Year 2738

Transcripting from Food Station 3B

I've got no idea what the date is, or when we're going to be able to leave this huge mall. I've only got notice on the year due to this digital clock on the wall. Zombies have practically taken over the world, but this place, the GigaMegaPlex Mall is keepnig us safe for the most part. Alex and Rob tell me we're going to be able to scout the area out soon, but after yesterday's breach around Gun Store C, I don't think they're correct. We lost Sally yesterday, she was caught in the invasion and we couldn't save her in time-or maybe one of us accidentaly got her. We couldn't tell, she had been bitten, probably. That or torn apart and eaten. I hate these days, we're barely allowed to leave HQ anyways. It's been decades since this war started. People say it was worse in the beginning, and I'm sure glad I wasn't born into this all. Well, it looks like there's a few zombies entering by Food Station H. Goodbye, and may the next person to read this be in a peaceful world.

-James Frostbite

The Zombie War is definetly not over, and has gotten worse. The GigaPlexMall is still standing in Year 3057, but more and more people and being transformed, but there's a reasonbly sized Resistance still around. Will they be able to save the world?

To make a character, fill out this form:


Age can be from 13 to 50.
Only Genders are Male and Female.

Have Fun! I'll make another post for the team lists.

2009-10-04, 02:14 PM
Name: Can I see what other people put for names first? ( Part of Role Playing)
Team/Species: Resistance
Weapons: Sub Machine Gun, Chainsaw, Sniper Rifle, Revolver, Blade
Vehicle: Motorcycle
Gender: Male
Age: 27

By the way, even though I post this, can I think about whether or not I want to join? (This is just prep, and to see if you approve of this example)

2009-10-04, 03:38 PM
The name thing is fine, and take as long as you want to decide whether to join or not. I'd accept that application in a heartbeat...or a bit slower, it's pretty much perfect.

Also, my character:

Name: Alex Grotstine
Team/Species: Resistance
Weapons: Machete, AK-47, Katana, Pistol, and sniper Rifle
Vehicle: Skateboard
Gender: Male
Age: 18

2009-10-04, 03:40 PM
This is the post for the Army Listings.


Alex Grotstine-Batrobin
Sheen Ark-TehSheen
Perigrine Skalitzky-Atronach
Ryan White-Moff Chumley



2009-10-04, 05:12 PM
Hi, I have a few inquiries. Is this going to be like avatar battle royal where people post comics about what occurs in ABR, or, well what do you plan on doing? Also, if one side has more members by quite a bit are you going to request that some change sides?

2009-10-04, 05:43 PM
This can be comics, paragraphs, * quotes (*hits zombie*, etc.), or...I think that's all you CAN do. I'll mainly be doing paragraphs or * things, since I don't have PowerPoint or Illustrator on this computer.

If the Resistance/Zombies gets more than the other side, it's fine. I'm not going to force people to switch, but people can always (with their own permission) be killed/zombified.

2009-10-04, 05:47 PM
I think I will join, why not? Also if I decide I do not wish to continue, will somebody control my character, or will he die?

2009-10-04, 06:19 PM
I'm pretty sure you'd get to decide what would happen if you stop playing.

2009-10-04, 06:22 PM
Sorry. Just thought it would be your decision since this is your idea.

2009-10-04, 06:34 PM
I'm not that evil. :belkar:

Moff Chumley
2009-10-05, 06:29 PM
Name: Ryan White
Team/Species: Resistance
Weapons: SCAR Assault Rifle, Sig Sauer Pistol, Sawed Off, Machete, Hunting Knife
Vehicle: Pickup truck
Gender: M
Age: 39

2009-10-05, 07:56 PM
:smallsmile:Name:Sheen Ark


Weapons:Modified Assault Rifle(Modified to hold more bullets and steady fire), Baseball Bat, Modified Beretta(Modified for pinpoint accuracy and firing speed), Modified Shotgun(Modified for a larger blast radius and more damage), Modified Sniper Rifle(Modified for silenced shots and better zoom)

Vehicle:Modified Hummer(Modified to withstand assault and has a mounted machine gun). Carries a plethora of weapons but I can only hold 5 at a time because of the weight, which means that we'll always have access to weapons, even if they are weaker.



The reason I have a LOT of modified stuff is because my character has a excellent talent for improving weapons, vehicles, fortifications, you name it.

If there are a lot of NPCs, we can always have something to do. Zombie hunting, anyone?

2009-10-06, 02:54 PM
Both accepted. Shall we begin? (also, ammo is pretty much unlimited unless you want to run out for some big CMOA where you beat down a horde of zombies with a shotgun)

2009-10-06, 03:24 PM
Name: Gurgle
Team/Species: Zombies
Weapons: Claws, teeth, Disease spit
Vehicle: Feet
Gender: Male
Age: 24 (been dead 20 years)

Anything special I can do with starting as a zombie? Like mutated powers and stuff? I added that I have claws and disease spit just because after being a zombie for an extended period I should have mutated something other than "i can bite you!"

2009-10-06, 04:24 PM
I'm not so sure about disease spit, but if you use it about as much as Iraq and North Korea shoot missles into the ocean, then no. It'd be fine in moderation. :smalltongue:

So, accepted.

Let's begin.

Moff Chumley
2009-10-06, 05:44 PM
Sure, but you're going to have to think of some kind of plot. Or at least prompt, get things started. :smallsmile:

2009-10-06, 07:02 PM
Sheen Ark

Sheen had just finished modifying most of the weapons he possesses in the weapons case in his vehicle, and puts the weapons away. He goes into the improvised kitchen in his Hummer and begins to eat some sandwiches he found while scavenging. He calls the other people that he found some food and awaits their reply.

2009-10-06, 07:06 PM
Since people are being creative with their names I will as well.

Name: Perigrine Skalitzky
Team/Species: Resistance
Weapons: Sub Machine Gun, Chainsaw, Sniper Rifle, Revolver, Blade
Vehicle: Motorcycle
Gender: Male
Age: 27

By the way, do you plan on advertising this? I might be able to do something on Gimp and put it on Photo Bucket.

Moff Chumley
2009-10-06, 10:50 PM
Sheen Ark

Sheen had just finished modifying most of the weapons he possesses in the weapons case in his vehicle, and puts the weapons away. He goes into the improvised kitchen in his Hummer and begins to eat some sandwiches he found while scavenging. He calls the other people that he found some food and awaits their reply.

Ryan White

Ryan slouches over, wordlessly grabs a sandwich, and begins munching like there's no tomorrow. Which, of course, there may not be. When done, he mutters 'thanks', looks curiously at Sheen's modified weapons, and wanders back to his jeep. After scanning the surroundings via binocular, he starts noodling on a lovingly maintained acoustic guitar. The rather pastoral chords are slightly at odds with the neatly laid out SCAR he acquired from a friend in Russia, his prized Sig Suear, his father's Remington, and the paired knife and machete he used when living in Thailand.

2009-10-07, 02:19 PM
Atronach, you could advertise it if you want, but I don't want to become the next Zombie Hannah Montana. And your char is in, I'll edit the lists soon.

Alex Grotstine

Alex was cornered by zombies. He swiftly kicked his skateboard into one and threw his machete into another. Pulling his AK-47 out, he fired 4 rounds nonstop and slashed the remaining zombies with his katana. Alex knelt down and pulled his machete out of the zombie it had sliced in half. Sheathing both swords and hiding his AK in his trenchcoat, he silently crept into the shadows and rode away on his skateboard towards Sheen's Hummer.

2009-10-07, 06:35 PM
Perigrine Skalitzky

While several zombies were near him, Perigrine pulled out his sub machine gun and fired multiple shots at the zombie's head. He then charged toward another and pulled out his chainsaw, seperating the first half of its body. Perigrine then pulled out his blade and thrust it into the zombies skull, ensuring that it was, indeed, dead.
While seeing if the other resistance members had killed the other zombies, he jumped onto his motorcycle, following the others.

2009-10-07, 07:04 PM
Alex Grotstine

Alex rode closer and closer to the Hummer, when suddenly an arm flew under his wheels and he flew from his skateboard. Alex looked up, seeing a bunch of zombies lumbering towards him before his head hit the concrete floor. The last thing he heard was the sound of a million bullets being fired.

Alex woke up in a bunker not far from where he had been attacked. A burly man named Baxter looked over and mumbled,
"He's awake." the others in the medical bunker put down their dented weapons and turned around. One medic named Kara looked down at me.
"You almost broke your arm, Alex. Those zombies almost bit you, but we managed to fight them off in time to save you. We got your skateboard too, it's over there. You're very lucky you survived bcause of us medics." Alex nodded and slowly stood up. The oldest man in the building, a male of 98 years who no one knew the name of approached Alex.
"Alex," he muttered. "I have a...task, for you. There are sniper zombies posted around the bunker, far away, but they have rifles with large scopes. It appears they're getting a tad smarter. They took out one of us on the way back here with you." The elder pointed out the thick bulletproof glass. Some 40 feet away, a dead woman lay, a huge chunk of her head detached from a bullet. Two slain zombies lay beside her, one's hand on her face. Alex shuddered and turned away.
"Alex," he started again. "I want you to get the zombies and their rifles. We've estimated 10 or more. We want you to go with Baxter and Sara, and return with 10 or more of their rifles. Now give me your sniper so you can't pass it off as one of theirs and slack a bit, this is war. Now head out, son, and take an extra pistol if you need it." Alex nodded and him, Baxter, and Sara, a brunette with a truckload of knives and swords hidden along her coat headed out.

Alex now has

Pistol-Replaced Sniper Rifle for now

2009-10-07, 07:18 PM
Name: Reth
Team/Species: Resistance
Weapons: Sword, sub-machine gun
Vehicle:None, usually tries to catch a ride with someone else.
Age: 23

2009-10-07, 07:22 PM
Name: Reth
Team/Species: Resistance
Weapons: Sword, sub-machine gun
Vehicle:None, usually tries to catch a ride with someone else.
Age: 23

Accepted. Join in.

Moff Chumley
2009-10-07, 07:43 PM
Ryan White

Sheen and Ryan had their vehicles in a parking garage, several blocks away from Alex's location. Ryan, after hearing the gunshots, walked to the edge of the garage, at the outskirts of the city. Suddenly spotting a zombie holding a huge gun, he ducked and cursed. Staying low, he ran to his truck, grabbed his SCAR, and screw on a suppressor. He carefully put two rounds into the zombie's head, and while scanning the area for more, noticed a group of heavily armed humans walking through the street. Grabbing his other weapons, he calls to Sheen "Be right back. I think I saw someone", and leaves without waiting for a reply. He stands about ten feet from the street, and as Alex's group walks by, he waves and says, in a low voice, "What are you doing in the street? There are zombies with rifles out there! Get in here!".

2009-10-07, 07:59 PM
Sheen Ark

Sheen looked as Ryan ran to go to a group of armed humans. He found zombies with GUNS around him as he looked around with his Sniper Rifle, and began to snipe off zombies. He reloaded, and one of those zombies slowly looked to his position. He immediately shot the zombie in the head, and said quietly, "Cr0wned.". He grabbed his weapons, and ran off to join Ryan.

2009-10-07, 08:10 PM
Technically there aren't streets, but the mall has been around for almost 500 years, so it's probably remodeled to look like anything anywhere. And as of this post, Baxter, Ryan, Sheen, Alex and Sara are in one spot, somewhere.

Alex sighed in relief at seeing some other humans and began to explain the situation to Sheen and Ryan.
"There's a bunch of zombies with snipers around here, and we were sent to collect 10 or more of their rifles. We'll be alright, but you said you saw a whole squadron of them or something?" Baxter and Sara sunk into the shadows with Alex. Alex grabbed Sara's dented rifle and hurled it into the street. At least ten zombies crowded around it, all heavily armed.
"They must've looted the bodies of ones they killed," Alex whispered. "Or they're just former humans." Alex took Sheen's sniper (muttering "excuse me" and carefully aimed a bullet at a pole behind one zombie. It ricocheted off the steel pole and bounced next to a zombie. It looked down and picked up the bullet, pointing in the direction of the pole. All the zombies turned in the direction it was facing and aimed their rifles at the pole and surrounding things that would provide cover. Alex handed the sniper back and slowly unsheathed his katana and pulled one pistol out. He stepped forward, partially out of the shadows.
"Now we charge them." Alex whispered.
For Alex's description right now, just imagine an 18-year-old Neo from The Matrix, minus the shades.

2009-10-07, 08:16 PM
Reth sat in the passenger seat of an SUV, his friend was driving. They were speeding down a dark highway at night. Trees were briefly illuminated by the headlights before whizzing out of view. Reth had a sword, and an Sterling 9mm SMG.
"Thanks for pulling me out back there."
"Thanks for slicing the head off that pouncing one. Nasty buggers."
"We're heading for the mall then?"
"Yeah, only place left. We're close now, but don't expect many havens once your inside. Everyone's at risk, all the time."
"What a flippin' surprise. Oh well, I'm never bored anymore."
"That's...one way of putting it. You didn't lose anyone in the takeover."
"You haven't 'lost' anyone for two years."
"You know, you can really-"

The heated conversation is abruptly interrupted as the SUV suddenly tilts and flips to it's side. Reth briefly passes out.

He wakes up a few instant later, with a zombie stumbling toward him. He flips onto his stomach starts crawling/running for his sword, lying nearby. He dives for the sword, then turns and hacks out the legs from under the creature, then administers a coup de grace to finish it off.

More are coming. Reth hastily seaches for his SMG and sees it two meters away. He sprinted for it, scooping it up as he ran past, then slowing to a stop and using it to shoot the heads of two zombies. He hears his friend yell for help, and notices a congregation of zombies over something on the ground.

Yelling at the top of his lungs, he fired into them and ran toward them at the same time. Quickly employing the sword again, he hacks off the seeking arm of zombie, then it's head. He knelt by his friend, then paused to fire another burst into a zombie sneaking up on them.

"We..we gotta go man. C'mon."
"No...no. You can't...can't carry me. And I've been bit, Reth. You have to leave me."
"No, don't talk like that, we gotta-"
"Go, Reth. But first...shoot me. I..I want to see Maria again. Do it."
"I..I can't."
"Do it!"
Reth shoots his friend before he thinks about it any longer. Then he turns and starts sprinting for the mall, a mere 200 meters away. The lighted entrance silhouettes swaying forms. Reth puts his head down and motors toward the entrance, shoving zombies aside and throwing himself through one of the windows. He hears people yelling and feels someone pulling him somewhere yelling "Go, go, go!" and lots of gunfire. Then he passed out.

2009-10-07, 09:11 PM
Perigrine Skalitzky

As Perigrine follows the other resistance members he notices a wave of zombies with rifles coming from a street to his right, and a wave to his left. He takes the street to his left with several resistance members, and puts up the kick stand on his bike. He grabs his sniper rifle, dives for cover, and aims for as many zombies as he can shoot. The group is not killing them fast enough, and they are overthrown. One resistance member yells "RUN!!!!", but some refuse, and Perigrine stays. The zombies were quickly approaching, and resistance members were shot. Peigine runs to his motorcycle, but decides to turn around, stop, and get a resistance member on his bike. He starts his bike, and hurries to the mall. As he enters he yells "Man Down!!!", and runs to the infimary wing of the mall with the resistance member on his back. The doctors of the infirmary ask him questions, and he exits. Perigrine then goes to the mall lobby, and rests.

Moff Chumley
2009-10-07, 09:17 PM
Ryan White

With a grin that has a bit of madness around the edges, Ryan calmly loads his Remmy and pulls out his machete. He stares at it for a second, with bullets flying around him and zombies lurching towards him, and suddenly turns to the nearest zombie. "You look like someone I once knew. Who would of thought I could do this to Jack? Again?" He mutters it, except for the last word, which he screams. He starts laughing madly, and throws himself into the horde. His machete swings are barbaric, angry. After they're a pile of rotting flesh, without a spark of undeath, the zombie that looked like Jack had his head sliced neatly down the middle.

2009-10-07, 09:40 PM
BatRobin perhaps you should come up with ideas for people to role play, instead of us doing what we want, which could destroy your story.

Moff Chumley
2009-10-07, 10:31 PM
Do the words 'Free Form' mean much to you? The role he seems to be taking as a psuedo-DM is more guiding than it is directing. Especially based on the context of the thread, and the thread it was a reaction to. Let it be; it is what it is. It's pretty fun so far, as well. :smallbiggrin:

2009-10-08, 08:00 AM
Indeed the phrase "Free Form" means something to me. All I meant was that he has sort of a "story" going, if you catch the drift; I would hate for one of us to basically tear that story to shreds, understand?

Moff Chumley
2009-10-08, 08:05 AM
No, I see what you're saying. I just think the story is more of a prompt than anything else.

2009-10-08, 03:25 PM
As long as you don't blow up the mall or kill people without permission or godmode, I'm pretty much fine with everything. 'Cept, ya know, the usuals.
Alex Grotstine

Alex jumped and brought his katana down on one zombie, cleanly making it split in half. He duck-and-rolled behind a crate and opened fire with his pistol, taking two zombies and knocking over 3. He kicked the crate open and, to his suprise, a few baseball bats fell out. Baxter and Sara were shooting zombies left and right, not letting them within spitting distance. Alex threw two of the bats and his machete, then charged forward with his AK-47. Blasting left and right, Alex watched as the rest of the people killed the other zombies. (not godmodding, that's just to get the fight over) Alex sighed relief and collected 9 rifles, all with scopes.
"Shocking...snipers in the streets?" Alex muttered and met back up with the others.
"We've been heard, no doubt. More zombies are probably on their way," Alex said, pulling his katana out of one zombie's skull. "We need to get back to Baxter and Sara's bunker." Alex took off on his skateboard, Baxter and Sara behind. He beckoned to Sheen and Ryan.
I highlighted the important thing that says where we should go (we can make up little quests from people there and stuff, maybe exchange weapons, etc.). I think it'd be a cool idea if we highlited (in random colors that are good on the eyes though) for important stuff, such as new weapons, quests, where you're going next, etc.

2009-10-08, 04:12 PM
Reth woke up in the infirmary. As per the template of infirmaries, it was white, clean. He was lying on a stark bed. Whatever wounds from the crash were bandaged. He put a hand to his head and halfway sat up.

He got off the bed just as someone entered through a door.
"Oh, good. Your up. Whatever happened out there, you didn't get hurt too bad. Minor abrasions, lacerations, whatever."
Reth nodded. "Thanks."
"I hate to push you out of here, but casualties from one of our raiding parties is coming back. We need all the room we can get, and your not injured so.."
"Yeah, I got it."

Reth pushed through the door into the Resistance basecamp. Everyone seemed to be doing something. Living their life. He looked left and saw someone strapping a knife onto the end of his gun, much to the teasing of his friend.
"Ach, wha' good be a knife doin' yae against a zombie ya daft fool..."

You haven't lost anyone. Now he had. The only person in the world left who knew him had died hours ago. He had no one left, but due to a natural psychological process, Reth just wanted to deny it. He needed to keep himself busy. Keep his mind off it, just for a while.

He suddenly noticed a distressed looking middle-aged woman off to the right. She looked nervous and was constantly scanning the crowds. What the hell, Reth thought, might as well.

"Miss? Is there a problem?"
"What? Oh..yes I suppose there is. My husband, he went missing not to far outside the base camp. No one's gone out to look for him, but...I have a bad feeling. If there's anything..anything left. Please, bring it to me."
"Yeah, I think I can handle that."

She smiled and thanked him, telling him that her husband's scouting party had gone to a nearby cooking supplies store. Reth nodded and started out toward it as per he directions.

2009-10-08, 04:33 PM
Sheen Ark
Sheen listens and follows the others to the bunker, riding in his Hummer with anybody that would like to join in. He checks his supplies: Only a little bit left. He'll need to restock on some more food soon. He grabs his Modified Beretta, making sure to take out any zombies on the way to the bunker.

He notices that the zombies have been getting stronger, faster, and smarter. This worries him, but he can still rest in the fact that no matter how strong they are, a gunshot to the head will seriously cramp their style.

2009-10-08, 05:08 PM
Perigrine Skalitzky

Perigrine exited the mall. He then jumped onto his motorcycle and drove to the spot he had last seen zombies with rifles. Perigrine found that all of the dieing resistance members were gone. " Zombies. We needed every man...", he muttered. He turned around to get back on his bike when he heard a bang. Blood oozed out of his side, then Perigrine turned around, and found a group of zombies with rifles. The last thing he recalled was the zombies approaching.

Perigrine awoke in the infirmary, and stared at his wound.

A doctor noticed that he was awake and said "Almost lost you. A patrol found you, and killed the zombies. You should recover soon enough".

"What in particular, do you mean by that?", he asked.

"Well...hmm... almost a week at best".

Perigrine sighed, but followed his orders.

2009-10-08, 05:25 PM
Alex Grotstine

Alex arrived at the bunker first, ducking in and blasting a zombie with his pistol in the same swift motion. He walked to the elderly man and gave him the 9 snipers he had collected. The old guy nodded.
"Not ten, but good enough. Good work, Alex. Take this as a token of appreciation, and here's your sniper rifle back." Alex quickly swapped his second pistol for his sniper and took the reward. It was a small necklace, made of gold chains and a small pendant studded with emeralds and rubies.
"Thanks," Alex mumbles, fingering the necklace and putting it on. "This is a really nice thing. I wonder if it does anything."
"Well, it's mainly there to look fancy, but I hear it increases your focus and things in time of utter need, but only when you really need it." Alex raised an eyebrow and went to meet up with the others.

Moff Chumley
2009-10-08, 05:50 PM
Ryan White

Back at the bunker, Ryan grabs a few rounds of ammo and a four or five cans of beans (his standard diet nowadays). He announces to no one in particular: "I gotta get my truck. Hold my calls."

The bunker, if he recalled, was about eight blocks from the parking garage where is truck was stored. Pulling on a torn jacket, Ryan took off at a jog towards the garage. The occasional zombie he glimpsed on a rooftop received a careful, silenced bullet to the head. Upon reaching where his car's area, he saw a huge horde of zombies clustered around his vehichle. Cursing, he jogged back to the base. Defending your property was one thing. Dying for a car was quite another.

Once again at the bunker, he ran into Alex walking purposefully down a hall. "So, my truck is a bit out of reach. What's the plan now? I'm stuck in the mall 'till we get rid of the zombies."

2009-10-08, 05:53 PM
Scuttling along a rooftop, Gurgle led a small pack of "spitter" zombies. He was a leader, a special zombie smart enough to give other zombies orders. He'd been able to survive constant encounters with hostile humans for two decades and this aloen hleped him learn to survive and grow strong. He spotted a small patrol of humans outside the walls of the mall. Moving fast he sent half his group to flank the huamns, each zombie spitting to try and hit a human in the face, which woudl disable and eventually infect their target. Gurgle moved forward, aiming with his tongue to catcha human right in the face. He lunged forward, slashing open two huamns as the others blasted into his group. Three of his fellow zombies dropped.

The flanking zombies fell on the humans from behind. In moments the humans were down and Gurgle and what was left of his pack feasted on them, while one of the corpses turned before it was devoured. It was able to use the machine gun it carried and Gurgle ordered it to find a position and shoto at any humans that it sees. Gurgle moves on, taking his pack to find more targets.

2009-10-08, 07:06 PM
Name: TJ Bekehn
Team/Species: Resistance
Weapons: 2 daggers, a longsword, 2 pistols
Vehicle: none
Gender: Male
Age: 17

Prefers to be stealthy

2009-10-08, 07:17 PM
Hey BatRobin, does everybody's resistance character know each other, because you have done "adventures" with other people, I would consider posting that my character sees you guys while doing a potral, and addresses everyone properly.

2009-10-09, 04:12 PM
Most Resistance members know eachother because they work near eachother, but I'm pretty sure someone in one corner of the mall doesn't have a clue what the other people on the other side of the mall look like.

(TJ is in, I'll update later.)
Alex Grotstine

Alex nodded at Ryan.
"In that case, let's go. You and me, those zombies." Alex loaded his AK-47 and pulled his machete out.

2009-10-09, 04:59 PM
Sheen Ark

Sheen prepared himself to go assist Ryan in recovering the truck, and he swapped his Assault Rifle for a Gatling Gun. He also made sure that his own Hummer was parked somewhere that was hidden, so he could get back to it later without having to fight a horde. "Alright, let's go. Feel free to take any of the weapons in the hummer."

2009-10-09, 05:04 PM
Reth jogged up to the next doorway, then keyed in the "Open" code and moved in quickly, scanning the corners. He was under 100 meters from where the widow's squad had been lost. This was stupid, coming here alone. What had he been thinking?

Then he remembered that no one else would've been stupid enough to come anyway.

He moaning in the next room, which had a large window looking into it. Nothing was visible, however, due to the window being quite opaque. He thought he saw shadows moving beyond it and leaned in closer, squinting.

A zombie suddenly ran into the glass and screamed. Reth jumped backward and readied his weapon, but the zombie wasn't attacking. It was probably starving. He fired a burst into it, the bullets piercing the window, but not shattering it. Blood splattered over the glass and the wall behind the zombie. There was frantic shuffling inside as zombies hustled for a piece of the meat. Reth drew his sword.


And then kicked the glass with all his weight. A spiderweb of cracks raced out from the epicenter, and the 2nd kick broke the window. Reth jumped into the room and cut the head off a zombie, then spun and sliced the one behind him across the chest. One charged from the right, but he pivoted and held his sword parallel to the ground at hip level, the zombie impaled itself and Reth pulled out his sword and hacked off it's head. He administered the coup de grace to the second zombie and then scanned the area.

The zombies had devoured all the bodies of the squad, leaving only bits and pieces. He saw a small metal locket and pulled it from the grasp of a severed arm. It was a locket, inside was the widow's picture. This is what he needed. He turned and started heading back to the safe zone, still cursing at the one-man vulnerability he had.

2009-10-09, 05:08 PM
Perigrine Skalitzky

Perigrine exited the Infirmary Wing of the hospital. He checked his watch: almost noon, he should get a potral in. He jumped on his motorcycle, and checked the side streets for zombies. Nothing. Perigrine then drove to the nearest alley, and puled out his revolver. He walked somewhat slowly to the end. Perigrine then stopped. This certainly was odd- a zombie then jumped on his back, and clawed at him. He wrestled to get it off, but the effort was in vain. He ran to the nearest wall, and turned to have his back face it. The zombie was then dead. He put a revolver bullet in it to make sure.

Perigrine then sat down, but only for a moment, and then pulled out a grappling hook from a small area in his motorcycle meant to hold cargo. He threw it up the wall, but realised he gripped too much of the rope. Perigrine tried again. Failure. He then climbed on top of a dumpster and threw up the rope. Success. Perigrine then walked over to his motorcycle, and pulled out his sniper rifle. He placed it in his backpack, and climbed up the rope. When he reached to top, he looked for zombies. There was a small group at the other end of the building. Perigrine then stood on top of the ledge of the building, and made sure the grappling hook was still secure. He ten looked through his scope, and aimed for a zombie. Dead. The zombies then ran at him. He fired carelessly, in hopes that he would put them down faster. One zombie had enough reach to claw at him, but a point blank shot to the head prevented this. Perigrine then carefully climbed down the rope, put the grappling hook in his storage area, and drove off.

Moff Chumley
2009-10-09, 07:19 PM
Ryan White
Ryan looks at Sheen with a touch of contempt. "And where do you plan on finding ammo for that thing? One bullet is all it takes."

With that, he walks off towards the garage.

"On the other hand, if you have any frags..."

2009-10-09, 07:22 PM
THIS THREAD IS IN GOOGLE! Just search 'giantitp zombiepocalypse' and it's tharrrr!
Alex Grotstine

"FRAGS! The zombies are on the truck, you said, eh? I'm goin' to get a little head start, then, if you're wasting time not using what you have. There's plenty of strategies and weapons and ammo for us. We can do this!" Alex hefted a tire iron, dropping his sniper against the wall, and began walking towards where the van was.

2009-10-09, 09:58 PM
"Well you see, this is modified to fire any improvised items that I find at a fast speed. Kind of stinks that it's a pain to reload. As for ammo, I have tons of it located at the main base. I've been searching for ammo for a long time, and I've learned how to make bullets. Provided I have the time, that is. Besides, I've been looking through some magazines from the age when zombies weren't trying to eat you. I've seen this picture of a person called a "Heavy" from a sort of game called "Team Fortress 2". I'd like to test it out, if you will. I'm saving this baby for the leaders."

With that, he walks off to go kill some zombies.

OOC:I added in "At the main base" so if you guys want to do some sort of "Survival" round, we could do it. Once we're at the main base, I'll happily modify your weapons for you. BatRobin, if I'm doing anything overpowered or anything, tell me. I sort of get a bit off the edge when doing Zombie games.

2009-10-09, 10:39 PM
Reth leaned against the wall, resting for just a moment and shaking blood off his sword, behind him was a room full of headless zombies, a few were missing arms and legs. Yeah, it had been eventful.

He reloaded his Sterling SMG and kept moving. Everything was quiet now. He scanned left then right. Lowered his rifle, and started to move forward. That's when a zombie largely resembling a mass of muscle crashed though a wall to his right and roared a mighty challenge.

**** that. Reth thought, and started running. He could hear the rapid footsteps of the beast behind him, and sprayed randomly with the SMG. He heard it roar just before he dived through a doorway and shot the controls. The door sealed, but the abomination smashed against it. The doors wouldn't hold. Reth got to his feet and started running at the same time. The doors gave way just as Reth closed another set, and it immediately through itself against those too. Reth changed tactics.

When the creature burst through the doors. Reth ran up behind it, yelling and hacking with his sword. The creature stumbled and hit a wall, then turned and charged. Reth sidestepped, and slashed at it's legs. It crashed to the ground, and he hacked off it's head and riddled it with bullets. It kept going for another five seconds though, and it's enormous arm hit Reth and sent him flying into the wall.


It didn't hurt so much right now, but it sure as hell would in the morning. He stumbled back through a secondary gate into the encampment.

When he returned the locket to the widow, she did cry. Why though? Didn't she expect this? Reth thought. Whatever. She thanked him for his efforts, then went inside her home to mourn.

....What kinda guy carries around a locket anyway?

2009-10-10, 01:27 PM
Perigrine Skalitzky

Perigrine drove his motorcycle for a few minutes, and then stopped. He then realized he had not encountered zombies since he was jumped. It was odd; they usually came in swarms. He drove his motorcycle a little farther, when a zombie jumped on him. Perigrine fell off of his bike. While he skid across the ground, he pulled out his revolver. He fired at it until he was sure it was dead,
and another jumped off of a rooftop. He fired at that one but it had enough reach to bite him. Perigrine then dove for ground, and rolled so that his stomach would absorb the shock. While on the ground, he fired two revolver shots at the zombie, but one was enough. He could stand those zombies no longer; he yelled in anger. "Why will you abominations not die!". He fell on his knees, and just stood there for a while. How long, he did not know. Perigrine then stood up slowly, walked to his motorcycle, and drove off, once again.

2009-10-10, 10:44 PM

Slowly wandering through along the empty road, TJ sighs remembering the days when the roads were packed with people. Suddenly he hears some shuffling coming up the road and TJ quickly climbs a tree and readies his daggers. Suddenly three zombies wander under the tree and TJ jumps. Landing behind one he slashes quickly, decapitating the zombie while readying the other dagger to block. As the other zombies turned and swung at him, he jumped back while lining up his next strike. As one of the zombies swung clumsily at him he dodged to the side and decapitated it with a cross slash of his daggers. Suddenly the remaining zombie lunged and cut a shallow line across his chest. Staggering he half fell, half cut off the remaining zombies head. Then he was looking at the sky when he realized the cut wasn't as shallow as he thought. then it went dark.

2009-10-12, 08:38 PM
Alex Grotstine

Alex got tired of Sheen and Ryan waiting around pointlessly after 20 minutes. He walked around a bit, joining Baxter and 5 others at the base of a huge barrier of crates.
"Zombies on the other side, we sent some in, just made this barrier. any grenades on you?" Baxter speedily muttered, tossing a flashbang grenade over the wall, in still attached. Alex shrugged and peered through a small opening in the wall of crates. Three humans fired endless blasts at hundreds of zombies approaching.
"Uhhh...yeah, Baxter? We need backup." Alex pulled out a walkie-talkie and called Ryan and Sheen, stating his location.
Whatever that location is.

2009-10-13, 06:48 PM
Perigrine Skalitzky

While Perigrine drove his motorcycle for a while, when he saw several hundred zombies. He took a side street to see where they were headed. He drove for little more than a minute, and eventually saw a massive wall of crates. He soon found a small opening, and drove inside.

"Need any help?".

2009-10-13, 07:03 PM
Alex Grotstine

"I think we do. Got any grenades?" Alex asked, peering through a hole in the defense and firing a round of bullets into it.

2009-10-13, 07:49 PM
Perigrine Skalitzky

"Let me see..... One flash bang. Do you want me to throw it now, or save it? Since you seem to be leading this operation I figured I should ask you". Perigrine then pulled out his sub machine gun, and fired four rounds.

2009-10-13, 10:06 PM
Sheen Ark

"Affirmative. Headed your way, with some grenades for everyone." Sheen charges towards the base and reaches it, and passes grenades to everybody. "Alright, take a grenade, I have enough for 1-2 for everybody. These are a bit weaker though, but it's enough for our purposes." Sheen drops his Gatling Gun, as it is too heavy and charging really did a number on him, and he grabs his trusty Modified Machine Gun and fires through a hole in the barrier.

2009-10-14, 12:16 AM
Name: Morton Viomean
Team/Species: Resistance
Weapons: Electric Hedge Trimmer and battery, 2 MAC-11s, Stun Gun, FN F2000
Vehicle: Armoured Half-track with mounted bazooka
Gender: Male
Age: 28

2009-10-14, 08:17 PM
As he slowly wakes up in a strange hospital room with his wound healed. TJ tries to stand but fails. At that moment a nurse comes in and tells him he needs some more rest after his injury. TJ asks for a way to help the people who saved him from zombies.

2009-10-16, 06:38 AM
Sheen continuously fires his machine gun, although the zombie attacks are getting even more persistent. "We need backup to [Insert Location Co-ordinates here]! There's too many of them!" He waits for backup to arrive and he throws his remaining grenades, to take out some zombies.

2009-10-18, 12:53 PM
Alex Grotstine

Alex looked down at a large hole in the wall. A zombie lay 'dead' in it, unmoving. Suddenly four more began climbing through it. In one swift movement, Alex whipped out his machete and chopped the zombies to pieces.

2009-10-18, 01:01 PM
OOC: Oh, and... Batrobin...
Do you accept my character, then?

2009-10-18, 03:48 PM
Sheen throws all of his grenades in rapid movements, suppressing zombie movement for at least a little bit. He attempts to fix the large hole in the wall with improvised items and beckons the others to cover him while he does.

2009-10-18, 04:34 PM
Perigrine Skalitzky

"Well, since you say nothing...". Perigrine then threw a grenade at zombies coming over the wall. He then carefully climbed up the wall, and fired his sub machine gun at random undead targets. When more zombies approached the wall he threw another grenade. Now what to do with the flash bang? Perigrine then saw a group of zombies charging blindly forward just like the others, but faster. He threw the flash bang. Sucess. They charged in the incorrect direction. Perigrine continued retaining fire when he saw that some of the zombies were tripping. Wow, that flash bang took better affect than I expected. Fantastic. He then sprayed as many bullets into those zombies as he could. More zombies were coming over the wall. I never knew I would miss grenades so much. Die you abominations. He sprayed as many bullets as he could into the zombies. One sucessfully climbed over the wall. Resistance members were running in fear. Now Perigrine had the chance to attack. Dead. Perigrine then continued spraying bullets at the zombies. When will it end?

2009-10-18, 06:05 PM
OOC: Oh, and... Batrobin...
Do you accept my character, then?

Ooops, yeah! Accepted.

2009-10-18, 07:10 PM
"Guys! Get out of here! There's no way we can handle this many. I'll hold them off!" Sheen grabs his gatling gun and steps slightly back, and holds a position. He loads it up, and prepares to unleash death on the zombies.

2009-10-18, 11:31 PM
Morton Viomean

Morton was driving along when he suddenly noticed something strange about the groups of zombies that were littering up the countryside around him. He had nothing to fear from them at this speed - any that came near his half-track would be sent flying and probably killed - and that gave him a better chance to examine them more precisely.
"They're all... going towards that point. I wonder what's there?"
Carefully he placed a half-brick on the pedal, swerved round and got onto the roof. He took out some binoculars.
"It's Base C! I'd better tell the guys at the 'plex and the rig about this. They should be able to get troops here within the hour."
He picked up two walkie-talkies and shouted excitedly into them, whilst taking out a Mac-11 with the other hand. Driving through that swarm could be fun.


He finally drove through the swarm to the base.
"Hey, Sheen! It's me, Vio! Not so fast, though - these zombies need taking care of. You can save the evacuation for a few minutes though whilst you introduce me to your new friends. I've got a load of 'nades and even a few Motlovs in the back, so we should be able to hold out a bit longer."
As he says that, he gets out both his Mac-11s.
"To be honest, Sheen, I thought they ate you in that raid on Training Room C. Not so, apparently."

Explanation: Morton is sort of a messenger, or a delivery man. He was currently going to pick up a load of rifles from the SuperUltraGigaPlex mall that were needed by some small groups of survivors elsewhere.

2009-10-19, 04:25 PM
Oooh, a messenger fighter person dude! Impressively planned.
Alex Grotstine

Alex looked up. The barrier was beginning to fail. Zombies were learning to climb. The boxes and crates began to topple. Alex watched as one landed two feet infront of him. He pulled it open. Thirty grenades piled out. Alex smiled at Vio and Sheen.
"I don't care if we should retreat, we won't."

2009-10-19, 05:20 PM
Sheen Ark

"It's not so easy for me to die, mate. And...you guys use the grenades. This Gatling Gun is all I need." Sheen watched as the barrier was getting destroyed by the zombies. He waits until the barrier get's completely destroyed, so he doesn't waste any ammo. "I'm going to wait for the zombies to break through, so I don't waste any ammo. I mean, I spent AGES finding ammo for this big gun."

2009-10-19, 06:37 PM
Alex Grotstine

"No prob there." Alex picked up a grenade and hurled it, clearing a large chunk of the barrier and send several zombies flying into him. His katana flew wildly and the zombies were in pieces before they could do so much as blink. Alex smiled and began firing from his Ak-47.

2009-10-19, 11:42 PM
"Hey! That's an idea!" Vio shouts whilst swinging his stun gun back and forth though a particularly thick crowd of zombies. They leap back, and lie curled up on the floor several meters away*. "Can we get the half-track and your Hummer out here? They have mounted weapons on them, and I think at this point a bazooka would be especially effective. In the meantime, another idea, though." Picking up a chunk of zombie meat from the ground, Vio pushes a grenade into it, pulls the pin out and flings it. "Go fetch!" He grins as it attracts a bunch of zombies away from the assault.

*Why does the stun gun have this effect on the zombies? Well, the electric charge, like in humans, sends a message through the nervous system for all the muscles to get to work. And they do. However, most zombies are stronger than humans, so the effect is greater. They go flying.

2009-10-20, 02:58 PM
Alex Grotstine

"Ok then, perfect plan. Go get the vehicles and I'll try to hold 'em off." Alex waved his hand back and pulled out both swords. His katana flew in crazy circles as his machete drove through multiple zombies. alex backfilpped and sheathed both swords at once, pulling out his pistol and unloading 2 rounds before landing.

2009-10-20, 03:05 PM
Gurgle moves silently, now with only two members left in his pack. They had run into another patrol and were not so lucky catching the huamns off guard. But no time to worry about being low on muscle. Gurgle had been given an order by a smart zombie, and an order from a smart zombie was followed through with. Gurgle moved towards the large mob of zombies where attacking a abnd of humans trying to get to some vehicles. Gurgle spotted the mob ahead attacking several huamns (Sheen, Alex and Vio). They were pretty much all shufflers, so the only chance they had at hurting these experianced humans was sheer luck. Gurgle sized up the situation and sent his pack members to try and get to the vehicles before the humans and clog up the engine. Gurgle moved along a roof to get a good angle at Sheen. Witha hack gurgle fires a ball of sticky, diseased mucus, aiming for the spinning barrels of his gaitling gun to try and jam it up.

2009-10-20, 07:53 PM
Sheen Ark

Sheen was firing his gatling gun when suddenly, a huge ball of some sort of mucus jammed the gatling gun. "Spitters!" Sheen screamed, as he pulled out his machine gun. He frantically fires at the oncoming zombies, and charges off to get his Hummer. Not before throwing a grenade, of course. The explosion held the zombies back, so that the zombies would be suppressed long enough for himself and Vio to pick up the vehicles.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-20, 08:29 PM
I have an idea for a character...what do you think?

She could be a human, but I could turn her into a zombie if necessary.
Name: Vanessa Wilder
Team/Species: Viva La Resistance! (or not)
Weapons: Flaming Longsword! (Sword with gas and chemicals so that, when swung fast enough, heats up until it ignites)(So, basically, a flamethrower mixed with a sword), Fireman's axe (Break down doors), Desert Eagle Pistol, Whip (Indiana Jones style), Spiked Gauntlets with Wolverine-like Claws(for fistfighting zombies) (or humans, depending)
Vehicle: Horse (Ha! Horses never run out of gas!)
Gender: Female
Age: 24

Vanessa comes riding into the mall, only half alive, with cuts and scrapes all over her. The only way she's still on the horse is that she tied herself to it. The horse trots its way to the medical lab.
Vanessa was definitely not from here.

Vanessa likes acting the paladin, charging into the fray, charging out last. :miko:

Although...if we need her as an undead, then I could make her, after charging, killing lots of undead, she falls (along with her horse) and they get turned. But zombie-zombies are really boring...so, if this happens, then I'm thinking that she would get turned by something scarier...since, after the beginning of the zombie war, "Zombie" would have become a title of any kind of undead that mutated/had the same origins, so she could become a vampire-zombie or a DeathKnight-zombie, zombies in name only.So would that new zombie-idea work, and should I make her a human or a zombie? (I'm going to go with human, though, if we want to keep zombies 'pure') ((meaning: I'll make her a zombie if it sounds interesting enough, lets her keep her memory (but corrupts her), and she isn't a branssssssssssmuffin-type zombie.))

What do you think? Am I in?

2009-10-20, 08:34 PM
OOC:Could I possibly ask what kind of infection process we're using? Is it "Get bit, scratched, you turn within a time frame" or is it "Get bit, scratched, spat at, and you are infected, but you shall only turn once you are dead"? Also Je Dit Viola, that looks like a sweet character. Especially the Deathknight Zombie. That would be a nightmare to fight on the human side.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-20, 08:41 PM
OOC: I know...that's why I thought up of it. And then, better yet, I thought "Why can't I let everyone else see her turn into one? Then, fighting against someone who was fighting against you just hours earlier would be pretty dramatic"...and I came up with her.

I also want to know the infection process, because then, I could twist it into the most interesting way...and it would clear up some details about my character.

Edit: Also, thanks for your compliment. It made me smile.

2009-10-20, 09:39 PM
Perigrine Skalitzky

Perigrine climbed down the crates. "Grenades. Fantastic. Thank you". He then chucked one over the wall. He then grabbed five grenades, and climbed up the wall. He threw all of the grenades, and began to fire his sub machine gun. How long until this ends?


What do you guys think of having this round end within a few posts? I am running out of ideas.

2009-10-20, 11:24 PM
Morton Viomean

Vio climbs onto the roof of his half-track, fixes some wires up to the bazooka, and gets into the cab. Then, looking out of the window, he sees a glob of zombie spit splash on the ground beside him.
"Darn it. Spitters." Quickly, before the spitter can get another shot, he rushes round into the boot and, after rummaging for a bit, takes out two shiny steel umbrellas. He tosses one to Sheen.
"You might need this. It's not the best protection, but it's better than nothing. Shame we don't have one for Alex."

2009-10-21, 03:08 PM

Ok, I didn't explain the infection process, sorry there.

If you get bit and the venom is still within you when you die, you become a zombie. The venom slowly hurts you more and more until you're on the brink of death, bascially.

Oh, and character accepted.

Atronach, don't worry, this will probably end as soon as Vio and Sheen come charging in.
Alex Grotstine

"Oh, Peregrine! Baxter! All others! Get back a bit, vehicles are about to come through with a mounted bazooka! Stay back and use guns! If they get too close or you run out of ammo, do not charge! They'll get you or you'll be blown up!" Alex said, backstepping and opening fire with his AK-47.

2009-10-21, 03:19 PM
Gurgle quickly returned to cover and watched as his last two packmates were brought down, one bya agrenade and the other a spray of bullets. Gurgle growled and spat several globs from cover then fled, doubling back and finding a way to flank the huamns. He spotted a large muscular zombie with thick skin milling about. It was a mindless Brute and must not realize the fight going on. He gets it attention, directs it, and it charges towards the huamns, tossing aside debris and throwing smaller zombies out of its way like rag dolls. This thing coudl easilyl tear a huamn in half or flip a vehicle. Too bad it was so stupid. At the least it would provide a good distraction for Gurgle to get around the other side. With any luck it might even kill someone.

2009-10-21, 03:35 PM
Sheen Ark

Sheen catches the umbrella, and stashes it. He gets in his Hummer and rides off to go and assist Alex. He also grabs the umbrella and prepares to throw it out of the window to Alex, as Sheen already has a baseball bat. He also keeps a watch out for that spitter zombie, who apparently has very good aim. He reaches the others, and throws the umbrella. He then proceeds to fire the mounted machine gun and cover their retreat. "The cavalry has arrived!"

2009-10-21, 04:19 PM
Alex Grotstine

Alex grinned and rolled backwards slowly on his skateboard, unleashing bullets carefully. Sheen's Hummer rolled by. Alex sped forward and knocked three zombies off the back, chopping off their heads. He proceeded to slide into the back, still firing his Ak-47.
"It's only me, Sheen, no worries. We got a big horde comin' up over there. Ready for a big fight?" Alex said, sticking his pistol out of the window and firing clips at the speed of light.

2009-10-21, 05:27 PM
Sheen Ark

"Don't tell me that's a brute...that's going to be bad." Sheen constantly fires his machine gun at the oncoming horde, and hopes that someone will get the bazooka and destroy that brute. He watched as the brute started flailing around and getting closer. "Can somebody take down that brute? I don't have any destructive weapons like that."

2009-10-21, 05:34 PM
Alex Grotstine

"Well, let's try this." Alex hurled a sticky bomb at the brute. It fell on the ground, 3 feet away, and began beeping. Alex chuckled. The brute directed his attention to the bomb suddenly. It attempted to pick it up, to no avail. The bomb suddenly blew up in its face, exploding it into a million little shards of zombie barf.

2009-10-21, 05:49 PM
Perigrine Skalitzky

More zombies. Fantastic. Perigrine then hurried over to Alex and Sheen. He then fired his sub machine gun at the wave. "If you see any more brutes, let me know, and I will focus my bullets on it. The guys on the wall seem to be taking care of the zombies over there pretty well". I am almost out of bullets, I should switch to my sniper rifle. Perigrine then pulled out the gun, and began firing, likewise.

2009-10-21, 07:35 PM
Sheen Ark

"If you need a gun, check this out." He drags his huge trunk and reveals guns of every type, with some corresponding ammo. There might even be a Handcannon in there. "Take your pick, a sniper rifle isn't good for a horde like this."

2009-10-21, 08:22 PM
Alex Grotstine

"Good point." Alex reloaded his AK-47 and shoved many packs of ammo into his pockets. He exchanged his sniper and pistol for a M1 Garand and a random machine gun.

Alex Grotstine:

-1 Sniper
-1 Pistol

+1 M1 Garand
+1 machine gun

2009-10-21, 09:27 PM
Perigrine Skalitzky

"Thanks". Perigrine grabs a chain gun. He then fire at the zombies.


Perigrine will not be using his sniper rifle during this round.

2009-10-22, 12:17 AM
Morton Viomean

Morton struggled with one of the explosives, but finally managed to fit it into the complex barrel of the launcher. It was designed to be able to take practically any type of rocket or shell, but because of this none of them fit very well. Still, it worked, though. Ducking low under the umbrella he fired the bazooka. It cast a line of fire across the battlefield which ended in a huge explosion, taking out sixty or so zombies. "Can someone help me with this?" He said, now lying on his back from the bazooka's recoil. "It's a wee bit heavy."

2009-10-22, 09:46 AM
Gurgle spotted some humans up on the walls where the zombie horde couldn't reach them. He began to systematically snipe at them, his spit either disabling their weapon or blinding and infecting them. He made sure to keep moving, aware that staying in one location would draw too concentrated fire and he would be taken down if he stayed in one spot.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-22, 04:18 PM
Time to introduce my character!

She's still a human right now...I promise, I'll turn her the next time it's convienent and dramatic. Maybe the next raid, she falls and turns while rescuing a little girl that's been captured by zombies...that'll be cool. Now, forget what I just wrote, I want it to be a surprise.

Off in the distance, away from everyone else fighting the zomibes (close enough to see but too far to make out details), there's a lone rider on an horse, with light gleaming off the horse's armor, and her long hair billowing majestically in the wind.
The woman is reaving a path of decapitated and flaming zombies, using a sword that spurts flames like a flamethrower. From atop her horse, she's cutting down the grade-one normal zombies.

If someone can zoom in to look at her, they'll notice that she's wearing the uniform of a Resistance that had contact with the GigaMegaPlex Mall's Resistance (That's y'all, I think...), several decades back before communications was severed.
But, anyway, she's off in the distance, slicing up zombies.
So, yeah. She's from another human resistance settlement, whose defences recently were overrun, and that's why she's here...she's the only one left...most likely. Other people could have gotten out, but she thinks she's the only one.
Does that sound good?

2009-10-22, 04:26 PM
Yup, the MegaGigaWhatever Mall is us. That's pretty fine. Don't worry, you'll fit in fine. I'm not that strict.
Alex Grotstine

"Ok, let's do this. FINISH THEM ALL! DRIVE THEM OUT!" Alex screamed, jumping out of the Hummer and blasting his machine gun and AK-47 everywhere. Zombies fell in random order. He put away both guns and began slamming the barrel of his M1 Garand into close zombies and blasting others away.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-22, 04:37 PM
Aawwww...I just noticed us two are the only ones here right now...so not much can happen. Wait...TehSheen's light is on.

Vanessa Wilder

Vanessa spots the zombies attacking the cars, and the nearby zombies also exploding...so there has to be some humans there. Yes...life... she says to her horse, galloping towards the Hummer, slashing through zombies on her way towards them.

2009-10-22, 09:07 PM
I am going to start this part involving my character a little before you guys get into your vehicles.

Perigrine Skalitzky

Perigrine noticed zombies being pushed back a lot farther than he expected. He then saw other resistance members climbing into a hummer. Perigrine then ran to his motorcycle, and hurried over to the zombies. As he stopped the bike, Perigrine pulled out the chain gun, and fired. Only a few zombies left. We may survive after all.

2009-10-23, 12:39 AM
Morton Viomean

"Hey! Look! There's another one of us out there!" Vio shouts. "Don't shoot her!" Vio sets off an explosion in the zombie ranks with the bazooka, and whilst getting another explosive to load into it he also grabs a megaphone.

"Hey! Lady! Can you hear us? Nod if you can!" He thinks he sees her nod. "Right, you're in a thick group at the moment, so move a bit to the east and I'll blow them up! And..." Vio's face turns white with horror. He yells "WATCH OUT! SPITTER!" as he sees the glob of spit tumbling in slow motion towards the woman.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-23, 12:44 AM
Vanessa Wilder

After nodding, she starts to move east, her horse trampling over a couple zombies...

The spit flew at her...she slid down the side of her horse, taking out a few zombies, until she was almost to the ground. But she was a split-second too late: The putrid oozes hit her long hair. Now her hair looks like someone sneezed on it - Shoot...I just washed it...and now I might get infected...I hope they have some antibiotics. And a shower. she says to herself.

After moving a ways to the east, she shouts It's all you! in her mezzo-soprano voice.

2009-10-23, 04:45 PM
Sheen Ark

Sheen defends Vio from incoming zombie attacks while he uses the bazooka. He also notices one of the very rare Berzerkers coming. "Great. Of all of the zombies, a Zerker is coming. And in this place, too. Guys, we got a Zerker! Focus fire!" The berzerker is possibly the most dangerous zombies, and the fact that it carries weapons to attack you with. Sheen constantly fires the mounted machine gun at it but it only slows it down by a little. The berzerker then begins to start its run.

2009-10-23, 06:10 PM
Perigrine Skalitzky

As soon as Perigrine hears Sheen yell "... Guys we got a zerker!...", he focuses the chain gun bullets on it. As Perigrine fires he notices a woman on a steed killing zombies with what appeared to be a sword that was on fire. What the?... Perigrine had so many questions that he demanded to know the answer to, however he just continued focusing his bullets on the berserker.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-23, 06:17 PM
Vanessa Wilder

Atop her horse, she glances at the Beserker. Unfortunately, she can't get close enough (friendly fire!), and her pistol wouldn't do much good compared to everyone else's big guns.

But, she has an idea...Fire works against Zombies.

For a moment, she stops lopping of heads, and, instead grabs a zomb' by the neck in one hand. In her other...her flamethrowing sword lights the undead on fire...and she uses her horse's momentum to launch her flaming zombie at the Bezerker.

The Beserker catches on fire. Congradulations. Oh, and it tripped also. Vanessa looks pretty smug at this trick.

2009-10-23, 06:51 PM
Perigrine Skalitzky

As Perigrine watched the slaughter of the zombie he thought that woman had made use of a particularly impressive tactic. He continued to spray chain gun bullets at zombies, and noticed only a few zombies left. Victory is in our grasp.


I think we have nearly stretched this round as far as we can. Unless one of you guys can think of something creative to do with this I say one of the next few people to post should finish this.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-23, 07:17 PM
Yes, I agree that it should be nigh finished, I'm saving my ideas for later.

Vanessa Wilder rides up to the Hummer. All that's left now is cleanup. she says.

Her flamethrowing sword cools down and de-ignites, she sets it in the sattlebag, and draws her pistols, which tear flesh upon hitting. She shoots at a couple of the remaining zombies, aiming for their heads, necks, and legs to disable them. Many of them go down helplessly after that.

2009-10-23, 08:07 PM
Sheen Ark

As the fight goes on, around twenty zombies are left. Sheen fires his mounted machine gun at them and wipes them out, maybe one or two left. "Alright! We win! Ok guys, let's regroup, and check on our status and ammo." Sheen checks the mounted machine gun. It's pretty much out of ammo, after all of the fighting. He takes a sniper rifle, sits in the back, and starts looking for stragglers. Speaking of which, the spitter was nowhere in sight. Must've escaped, it was probably a leader. He talks to the woman with the sword. "Nice to meet you, what's your name?"

__________________________________________________ _______________
So, does anybody have any ideas for the next round? I'm thinking, we could go to the main base, restock on supplies, and then we set out on some sort of quest.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-23, 08:17 PM
Vanessa Wilder

Hi - my name's Vanessa. she says. She has Zombie Disease Spit all over her hair...she'll need a shower before going out again.
She gets off of her horse, after putting her pistols in the sattlebags. She holds out her hand to shake. So where's this Resistance based? she asks.

Nice shooting, by the way.

I have an idea for the next quest...and it has to do with my character, so it might be a little selfish.

Since the base she was at just fell (oh, no!), there might be a couple survivors, and definitely some extra supplies.
Plus, it makes for a pretty sweet fall for her to become a Zombie. Using your last living act to save a little seven-year old girl being mobbed by zombies. :smallbiggrin:

2009-10-23, 11:13 PM
Sheen Ark

"Sheek Ark. The Resistance is based at the MegaGigaPlex Mall. We have good numbers of people, good fortifications, good supplies. Thanks for the compliment. That's...some sword you have there. Nice way to kill a zerker, never thought of that. You can come with us, it looks like you'll need to wash your hair." Sheen shakes her hand and he gets into the back of the hummer. "Can someone else drive? I'm feeling a bit woozy."

Je dit Viola
2009-10-23, 11:19 PM
Vanessa Wilder

The Mall sounds pretty good - well protected. says Vanessa. And the sword? I got it from my father...he made some useful modifications on it, like the flames.
And I had always wanted to throw a zombie like that. It was pretty fun.

And, she can't drive, since she'll be on her horse. So she swings herself back onto her horse.

2009-10-23, 11:27 PM
"I'll drive if you want. No, actually, I'll take the half-track. There's a makeshift bed in the back in case you want a sleep, Sheen. It's where I sleep on deliveries. Also, I'd better check the base's storehouses. I'm going to need to rustle up some more Spitter protection for us." He walks off. A few minutes later you start hearing cries of "Oooo! Tinfoil!"

2009-10-23, 11:30 PM
"That sounds like a good idea. I'm going to the half-track with Vio, if anybody wants to do anything with my Hummer, feel free." Sheen goes to the half track and goes to rest on the bed. "Wow, this is pretty comfortable!" Sheen then shouts out, "Alex, do you want to take the Hummer for now? I have some food stashed in there if you want."

2009-10-24, 08:52 AM
Perigrine Skalizky

As soon as Perigrine kills all of the zombies within sight he proceeds to the woman with the... interesting tactics. "I saw you kill that berserker back there. That certainly was an... interesting way of doing it. I am Perigrine Skalitzky, long time member of the GigaPlex Mall resistance. You are?".

Je dit Viola
2009-10-24, 12:37 PM
Vanessa Wilder

She says, "Vanessa. Vanessa Wilder, one of the surviving members of the Mountain Orchird Resistance..." she says, pointing to the insigna on her green and violet uniform. "How far's your base?" she asks, because she needs to clean her hair of the desiese spit.

2009-10-24, 02:25 PM
Alex Grotstine

"I'm Alex Grotstine," Alex shook Vanessa's hand. "Pleased to meet you. And yeah, Sheen, I'll take the Hummer with Vanessa back to my base, we have a shower in the medic bunker. Baxter works there." Alex pointed to the muscular black man with a dented rifle. He waved and jogged over.
"Follow me." Alex motioned to her horse as he and Baxter got in the Hummer and began driving off.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-24, 02:30 PM
Vanessa Wilder

"Okay, that's good." she says in response to the medical shower comment.

To her horse, she yells, "Hi-yah! and her horse breaks off up to full gallop, following the Hummer, holding on tightly to the reins of her horse.

2009-10-24, 05:03 PM
Perigrine Skalitzky

"I thought that all of the members of the Mountain Orchird Resistance died after a zombie raid. How did you survive, Vanessa?", Perigrine asks while driving his motorcycle next to her.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-24, 05:10 PM
Vanessa Wilder

"I survived through a combination of luck and timing...days earlier, before it got overrun, some of the other members and I were sent on a mission to find...something. We basically failed, and I managed to escape on my horse in time. She sighs, keeping pace with the motorcycle.

I came back to report our dismal failure, only to find that the base was infested. I didn't have the resources to search for survivors... so I rode in this direction, recalling there was a base set up down here.
Luckily, I ran into all of you, else I might have missed it and kept on riding. she concludes.

2009-10-24, 05:59 PM
Perigrine Skalitzky

"Well, I am glad that you survived. We only have so many members... By the way, how did you manage to get yourself a horse when most of the population were devoured by zombies? Better fate then becoming one, if you catch the drift. The next side street leads up to a shortcut to the mall, follow me", Perigrine states as he speeds up a little.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-24, 06:04 PM
Vanessa Wilder

All of the Mountain Orchird Vanguard had horses, she says before "Hi-yah"-ing her horse to catch back up with the motorcycle going on the short-cut.

The wind blew her hair behind her, but it was all glumped together due to the zombie mucus.

2009-10-24, 06:18 PM
"Are you serious? They all had horses? In that case they must have been well protected. On a side note we are almost at the mall", stated Perigrine.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-24, 06:25 PM
Vanessa Wilder

"Great, the Mall. It looks like a wonderful base. Vanessa says.

Yes, we were well-protected...but, unfortunately, that brought us into a false sense of security, and we deemed our offensive mission more important than maintaining our defences. We may have been right, but there's no way to tell now.

Now...to the showers. She gets off her horse and leads it to wherever the showers are, because her horse needs to be cleaned of undeath also. She gets directions to there.

(Psst...she locks the door to the shower. That means...she doens't want anyone barging in on her.)

2009-10-24, 06:37 PM
Okay then... I believe we would all assume in the first place that you would have the door locked, or atleast I would. I suppose it was right of you to clarify, however.


Perigrine Skalitzky

After Perigrine gets off of his motorcycle, he returns the chain gun to Sheen. "Once again, thank you", Perigrine then proceeds to the mall lobby, and rests.

2009-10-24, 08:12 PM
Sheen Ark

"No problem, my man. Take anything you want anytime you want." He gets out, and goes to get some supplies. He also talks to various Resistance members about modifying weapons. "Alright, I'll modify your shotgun if you give me five charged batteries."


Being that supplies are rare in this case, a offer to modify a shotgun for batteries seems like a fairly good deal.

2009-10-25, 02:20 AM
Morton Viomean

A few minutes later, Vio arrives back at the mall.
"Hey, Sheen. Mind lending me some of your tools? Some of my things have got a bit dented, and they need fixing. Specifically, the trimmer here. The top blade's a whole one point nine degrees out of line, and it isn't cutting properly." Looking at Sheen's most recent trade, he adds, "I've got a whole load of batteries if you want them. Rechargeable. Got them from that big tower, all the way up in Cherynobyl. Yeah, I've been there once. They seem to get all the weird types of zombie. Zombie cats and zombie sharks and all these weird zombie crabs that try and latch on your face. Not a good honest shambler or spitter for miles."

2009-10-25, 03:25 PM
Sheen Ark
"No problem, take what you want. I'll actually fix it for you, if you want. Also, could you hook me up with those batteries of yours? I'll turn your weapons into a real weapon for Zombie Hunting. Oh man, those zombie animals are pretty intense. I would personally fight a Brute instead of those. Not that I'd WANT to fight a brute, but...you got what I'm saying, right?"

2009-10-25, 04:03 PM
By the way guys, the mall is about 300 sq. miles total. So...yeah, it's a bit bigger than Peregrine is sayint it to be. But there are hills and it's not the tallest ever, so Vanessa could've easily missed it.

Mmkay, this post and the next few I wanna stop RPing for a bit so we can get a few things straightened out and stuff. We have:

Shamblers/Walkers/Normal Zombies
Zombie Spitters (aka what Gurgle is)
Zombie Animals

Are there any more species of zombie? I'm getting things straightened out with you guys, not at you guys, don't feel like you're doing wrong, because you're not. :smallcool:

2009-10-25, 05:25 PM
So the mall is in the wilderness, basically, and this is not like a New York City setting, okay, thank you for clarifying. Can you clarify what the inside of the mall looks like? Thanks. I figured it would look like a standard mall with, instead of where stores once were, there are rooms for resistance members. However, since you say that it is 300 square miles long then I would presume that it is like a mall with an apartment inside, and all of the stores you need with some area for a resistance base, right?

2009-10-25, 07:32 PM
Alright, I think that there are going to be many diverse species of zombies, since Vanessa Wilder will be spawned as a "Death Knight". I'm thinking, the ones that are listed should be the more "Common" zombies, as you won't really find a Death Knight hanging around everywhere, am I right? Also, I'm going to go and make up some more diverse zombies, to really make everyone feel that they can't win.
Hunter: A zombie that retains at least an ounce of intelligence, it can stalk it's victim without being noticed until it's too late. Usually travels in pairs and sometimes appears in a group with shamblers.
Basilisk:When it stares at a victim, it immediately lowers the target's will and it stops the victim. Only experienced humans can resist against it, but the damage is still sufficent enough to damage a human. Fortunately, the Basilisk must recharge this power by waiting a few minutes after.
Banshee:One scary zombie. It has the ability to wail every ten minutes, and the sound almost instantly knocks those close unconcious. Those that are a bit further in range suffer temporary shock.
Smart Zombie:A very interesting zombie and very dangerous. This is a zombie that has the knowledge of a normal human. It can fire guns, lead other zombies, and it's appearance makes it look like a normal human with some scars. Can almost blend into the society of humans.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-25, 07:42 PM
Wow, those look really exciting. Must've taken a lot of thought...I would have never thought of those, that's how amazing they are.
So the 'normal zombies' are more of the army/navy/marines/whatever else...while those other ones are more of the Secret Police-FBI-Millitary Commanders...well, that's what I'm seeing it as.

Yes...she'll be a 'Death Knight'...if permission is granted for that.

And...I have an idea for the origins of the new kinds of zombies.

Here it is:
Years and years after the zombie infection spread as a pandemic...
There was a scientist survivor, who greatly believed in the 'evolution of mankind'. He saw the invading zombies as the next step in mankind's evolution. So, he genetically altered the main strain of zombie, and infected himself with it...and it was a success. He turned into a zombie, but was able to keep his memories and thinking.

So, now, as a Zombie, he began experimenting with different strains, genetically altering them...creating a Spitter Strain, a Beserker Strain, Tougher Strains, and so on. He also found out how to apply these strains as 'Templates' to already-infected zombies...and he mutated them. And the ability to infect more kinds of animals (mostly evolved naturally, but he pushed it further). (The Hunters evolved naturally, without help from him)

Out of his growing controlled zombie-army, he continued to experiment. The strongest strains that he created, he made more of. Out of those, he chose the best Zombies, and created a leading Zombie-Commanding group called the "Dark Lords". He still leads that group to this day.

They continue to evolve the zombie strain, bigger, stronger, and faster. By chance and science, they created even stronger zombie-inspired strains: The Death Knight. The Basilisk. The Ghoul. The Banshee. And so on. They named these after folklore that he's heard growing up. Because that's what they resembled.

The zombie armies are growing, and the Dark Lords have reign over the Earth. These newer strains are toppling Resistance Forretress one by one. And the zombies keep on evolving.

Will it ever be stopped? ...So, how does that look? Acceptable?

The Mad Scientist became the first 'Smart Zombie'. Then he evolved the other strains.

2009-10-26, 08:46 PM
I really like the concept of the "Mad Scientist" and how he injected himself with the virus and began to make various strains of the virus. Also, the Dark Lords are also pretty cool, would be awesome to see one. Not so much to fight one, though. I love it!:smallbiggrin:

2009-10-27, 02:22 AM
Mmm. Now we just need a few plot tokens so we can interact with them.

2009-10-27, 04:34 PM
Okay, I like how this is getting along.

The mad scientist thing, beyond genius. Never woulda thought of something like it!

Death Knight/Mounted Zombies are good.

Now, would Basilisks be like, snake-y things, or like, mutated human zombies?

Plot tokens...hmmm...what about, everyone gets an important item stolen, and we need to get it back?

Also, I was thinking of the mall as sort of in the middle of nowhere...like, a few roads around it, very few trees, mostly packed sand/desert-ish landscape. I'm trying to get a pic online that would suit it.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-27, 04:43 PM
I have an idea how plot tokens could be used, following a few simple steps. :smallwink:

1. Think positively. It will all turn out alright in the end.
2. If the Resistance is going to the Mountain Orchirds Forretress (my character's fallen fort), to find survivors, salvage supplies, and learn how they fell (namely, looking at the security cameras, etc), then:
A. There'll be a Death Knight in charge of the zombies there...and (since Vanessa is going to get caputured/fall/whatever), he'll have a little girl (survivor) as a hostage, as a Batman Gambit...a few choice words will be given, like "As the Dark Lords command" and so on.
B. Obviously, we'll put long-distance microphone-like things on each of our characters (for the guys at the base to analyze), then, when my character is brought to the Dark Lords to be infected as a Death Knight (It's still a little experimental...), then recordings about where one of the Dark Lords will be next will be found out (free plot hooks!)
C. Tapping into the survalience system = more free plot hooks.
D. Plus...going on this mission will give an excuse to use the other kinds of zombies - Banshees, zombie elephants, zombie birds...without putting the GigaMegaSuperPlex Mall in danger. So, they have an opportunity to find weaknesses in the zombies, etc.
E. Find supplies, recordings, and survivors to be analyzed later = more Resistance workers, more supplies, and more Plots.

...That's it. Nothing more. I know, boring, right?

((I'm imagining 'Death Knight Zombies' as 'Fresher Zombies' - not rotting - because they got Zombified while still alive, rather than dying. But their blood has been replaced completely with a zombification chemical (black) so it would be pretty obvious that they're zombies (greyish skin rather than pinkish). I'm also imagining 'Smart Zombies' as "Fresher Zombies" also, for the sheer fact that they can disguise themselves as human..does everyone agree on this?))

2009-10-27, 04:50 PM
Basilisks are still human in shape, but their eyes glow red and if you look them in the eye the light that makes their eyes glow sets off a visual signal in your brain that basically paralyzes you. Heavy duty sunglasses can help.

I've been running various zombie games and can come up with a few creations. The Spitter and Brute were off the top of my head. Also, note, Gurgle is a Spitter but also a Smart zombie as he can lead other zombies and thinks like a human. But he's been around so he's deff zombie looking.

I thought up the following three kinds of special zombies:
Roper - These zombies seem to have bulging stomachs and what looks like intestines stick from their mouth. They can spit the intestines to try and wrap around preya nd reel them in. (like smokers from Left 4 Dead)
Spiderling - These zombies have mutates so they have blade-like bones from their knees and arms. Shooting them in the head of body only slows them down, shooting off their limbs though seems to put them down for good.
Handsy - Reanimated hands, basically like Thing from the Adams Family. They are used like scouts and forward sabatoge agents, and rely on following heat or being commanded by a Smart zombie. Without a Smart zombie they tend to go for the greatest source of heat.

2009-10-27, 04:59 PM
Handsy...reminds me of Teen Titans and how Cyborg's hand could unattach and turn into a little spy-bot!


Anyways, so...when we come back to the game, we could all be at one base (preferrably at the medic center me and Vanessa left off at), ready to go in a copter to the Orchid Mtn. Base?

2009-10-27, 05:03 PM
And Gurgle continously hounding after your group, commanding other zombies. :smallwink:

2009-10-27, 05:10 PM

Je dit Viola
2009-10-27, 05:48 PM
Yes, it would be no fun without Gurlge following us.

...and at least one of the survivors that we rescue could be a "Smart Zombie" disguising itself as a human to infiltrate...maybe. How could someone tell the difference between a Survivor and a Zombie-disguised-as-a-Survivor?

2009-10-27, 06:04 PM
The same way you could tell a ShapeShifter from a real thing in The Lost Years of Merlin.

There's always a flaw. Whether it be missing a leg, or no belly button.

2009-10-27, 07:16 PM
Wait a minute, I have a plan! You can only tell the "Smart Zombies" from the Humans by some sort of "Marking" on their body. So of course, you'll need a body examination to find them. So that means that it'll be tough, but doable to find out a Smart Zombie. Also, Smart Zombies are pretty rare in this barren world.

I'll have you know that Banshee's are pretty scary. As you'll need some serious earplugs to block out that screaming. Also, the Basilisk is exactly as what Croverus said. Human, but with eyes that'll give you nightmares. A lot of nightmares. Unless if you're dosed with the improvised "Basilisk Insta Vaccine" made of pain killers, relaxants, and sleeping pills. Some therapy would be nice, also.

How about we bring some random NPCs to help us out on our little raid on the Mountain Base? I mean, they can kill some zombies and they can be used to replenish Gurgle's supply of Spitters.

2009-10-27, 07:41 PM
Well, Baxter's an NPC.

2009-10-27, 07:45 PM
Well, it depends. Is he a major NPC, or a minor NPC? It depends, y'know.

2009-10-27, 08:13 PM
Anyways, so...when we come back to the game, we could all be at one base (preferrably at the medic center me and Vanessa left off at), ready to go in a copter to the Orchid Mtn. Base?

It would make for an intersting story arc... Perhaps you could think of a reason why all of us are going with possibly the NPC Baxter. Kind of ironic, correct? If not, I would still take part.

2009-10-27, 08:16 PM
Baxter is like Alex's right-hand man in battle. He's a big black guy with huge muscles, red wifebeater T-shirt, and cargo pants, tan color.

He has an old dented rifle and a small-ish chainsaw. Sorta major, as he'll appear a lot.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-27, 08:34 PM
I could think of a lot of reasons to go...you just have to pick one!

1. You think there might be survivors, more survivors = less work your character has to do around the base
2. Attack the zombies! Show them that they can't beat up on humans and expect to get away with it.
3. An entire base fell, they might be forming an army. Pre-emptive strike.
4. It was a well-stocked base. There's gotta be some supplies...
5. Learn why the Mountain Orchird base fell
6. Bloodlust = kill zombies for fun
7. More knowledge about zombie command
8. Help a fellow human
9. The Mountain Orchird Base might have architectual/engineering/medical knowledge that we don't have
10. Maybe get a horse of your own, if any survived? (unlikely, but possible)
11. Re-capture the base, and re-build its defences, so that the SuperMegaPlex Mall is now the main base, and the Mountain Orchird Forretress is the secondary base
12. Chance to find a zombie weakness/more knowledge about zombies/discover where zombies will strike next
13. Security camera recordings = able to protect the GigaSuperMegaPlex Mall better
14. Tired of the scenery around the base, want to see more of the world, even if it is just another base
15. They had special modifications of weapons that you've never thought about, but is really effective (example: Flamethrowing Sword that Vanessa has)?
...it goes on and on.

Personally, I would do it for 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 15, with the bolded ones as my favorite

2009-10-27, 08:48 PM
If you are addressing my points, then well, I would go anyway, just because I do not have much choice, and probably everybody else is. Those are good reasons, however. Especially the engineering knowledge for my character, a complete knowledge hog.

Speaking of descriptions, BatRobin, perhaps we should all describe what our character's appearances are, just to conjure a better mental image, since I figured Baxter was a caucasian man with darkbrown hair, (a stereotyped sargent, if you know what I mean).

2009-10-28, 02:00 AM
Oh, and I did actually think of a flamethrowing sword. I just thought I liked the hedge trimmer better.

In a 1-on-1, the hedge trimmer would win. Sort of. If you didn't mind the fact that the flamethrowing sword backfires and explodes in a giant ball of flame.
This is presuming it is powered by gas of petrol flowing out of vents in the sword and being ignited, though.

So yeah, let's say they've had a quieter time, what with all the zombies attacking the SMGPM, and have been able to develop better technology to fight zombies with. However, when they actually tried attacking the zombies with this technology, the zombies noticed them and wiped them off the face of the earth. Kind of.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-28, 01:24 PM
Anyway, I was imagining the Mtn Orchird Fort to be under complete siege, not peaceful, because it logically makes more sense, and relates to Real Life History better - Because technology grows in wartime, not peace, especially weapon technology (look at WWI, WWII, American Civil War...Chinese vs Euro archaeological findings...and so on), so the MOF would have better under-siege technology (with horses) than the Gigaplex Mall, but not neccessarily total technology better
Meaning, the MOF would have better food-storing tech, better defensive structure tech, and better horse-back attacking tech, but worse vehicular tech, worse offensive-tech (guns/etc, exlains the use of swords there), and worse medical tech (After 40 years of no outside contact, that stuff suffers a bit)
(Probably my fault for being so vague)

Also, under-siege also explains why communication was cut for ~4 decades. (I'm pretty sure I mentioned that earlier...but it was in passing)

Then, after 40 years of siege, the newer banshee-types, the increaesed use of Smart Zombies, and the increase in Spitters finally broke the defenses in conjunction with the MOF sending out their best attackers to try to cut the siege at its source. (They were running out of medical supplies, so they had to do something, or they would fall anyway).
Also, that would be a good way to introduce the newer kinds of zombies - by looking at the security clips about how it fell.

But, it really doesn't matter what I say happened, what matters is what's the most fun, and what makes the best story. I'm not really a good judge of that kind of thing (:smallfrown:) so, if the MOF being in peace rather than siege makes for more fun...

Anyway, I've milked this OoC for all I can, and I'm repeating a bunch of things I've said, so...is everyone ready to go back to IC, or is there more we want to discuss?

2009-10-28, 01:35 PM
As the only person playing AS a zombie, could I maybe have some creative freedom with how new zombie types work? The types that someone mentioed basically sounded to em like they read The Zombit Hunters webcomic (which is awesome).

2009-10-28, 04:48 PM
Hey guys! Guess whose back?
I figure I am well enough to fight and i'll head to this fortress

2009-10-28, 04:50 PM
Hey guys! Guess whose back?

Slim Shady? :smallbiggrin:

2009-10-28, 04:52 PM
Slim Shady? :smallbiggrin:

Sorry i couldn't get on for awhile by the way...

2009-10-28, 05:26 PM
As the only person playing AS a zombie, could I maybe have some creative freedom with how new zombie types work? The types that someone mentioed basically sounded to em like they read The Zombit Hunters webcomic (which is awesome).

You pretty much have that, yup.

2009-10-28, 05:49 PM
Sweet, I'm heading home. Night guys.

2009-10-28, 07:46 PM
Shall we begin the Mountain Orchid Base mission? I believe we all know as much background for this part as we need.

2009-10-28, 08:06 PM
I suppose we should start soon, yes. Also Croverus, I do read the Zombie Hunter comics. Those are pretty awesome, mate. Also, the reasons that I would go for that Je dit Viola stated would be 1,2,4,6,8,15. I guess Vanessa can start first, as that's one of the primary reasons we're going there to the base.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-28, 08:10 PM
Vanessa Wilder

Okay, Vanessa and her horse are done showering. Finally.

She walks out to the entrance that she came in, bringing her horse with her. She just sits there...thinking. About how everyone would feel, if they knew that she ran for help instead of charging in to save the others, regardless of how hopeless it seemed.

2009-10-29, 01:10 AM
Morton Viomean

In the training area, Vio is training some of the younger zombie hunters how to attack Spitters with the umbrellas. "Okay, so you keep it aimed to stop any spit hitting your nose and mouth, like so..."
"Like this?"
"Yes, exactly like that. And then, you drop your arm down and shoot under it at the zombies weak spots. You know, like you saw in that training video? Try it on one of the practice spitter models."
Vio watches from the side as the youth gleefully shoots at the fake model whilst blocking the water jets coming out of it's mouth with an umbrella. After a while he says,
"Okay, that's enough for today. We don't want to waste ammo."

2009-10-29, 03:30 PM
Alex Grotstine

Alex watched as Vio taught the younger ones, smiling. He turned around and dropped his pistol and katana on a table, picking up as many rounds of ammo he could carry and a bow and quiver of arrows.
"What, no other weapons? This is gonna be a huge trip, and you might need a bit more." Baxter startled Alex, holding his battered old Garand. Alex shrugged and picked up a rifle.


Alex G's current weapons are:


2009-10-29, 04:02 PM
Hey guys, I just arrived, mind if i tag along? Trust me, i know how to fight.

Still has
2 swords
2 knives
1 pistol

2009-10-29, 04:27 PM
Sheen Ark

Sheen also watches the younger trainees, and watches as the trainee is delighted after the lesson. The trainee obviously couldn't have a chance out there fighting the real zombies, but of course, they could assist. He ponders the chance of bringing along one of the trainees on a "Green" level mission, so that he could gain experience much faster. He goes to his room, takes some weapons, and returns.

He also gets the aid of some soldiers to assist in the battle, in case the battle gets too fierce.
Weapon Change

Sheen's Weapons

Modified Shotgun
Modified Pistol
Modified Machine Gun
Electric Gun
Baseball Bat

2009-10-29, 04:30 PM
OOC((Note on spitters: Umbrellas will save you froma generic spitter, but Gurgle's spit is corrosive and will slowly eat through many materials (its not acid like an Alien, but basically an umbrella is good for one use and after that you better run for cover.))

A small figure moves silently thorugh the vents. A finger pokes out and pivots around, the top is cut open and seems to direct itself. The finer withdraws as the hand it is attached to moves along to another opening, "watching". It can feel vibrations in the air and is sending what it picsk up to Gurgel, who sits silently on the corner of a run-down building. He's motionless and could be mistaken for a statue. Severl spitters and hunters are hanging about the building, Gurgle's new pack, as well as a pair of brutes sitting on ground level and a small swarm of Handsy that Gurgle has started using as scouts.

2009-10-29, 09:02 PM
I suppose that just leaves me and a few other other poeple.

Perigrine Skalitzky

After enjoying a nice cup of coffee, Perigrine watches the young zombie hunters. He was recently notified about the Mountain Orchid Base mission, and decided to take part in it. Instead of focusing on the trainees' practice, he spends his spare time thinking about the mission.

Weapon Change

Sniper Rifle
Sub Machine Gun
Assault Rifle

2009-10-30, 12:55 AM
Morton Viomean

"Well, that's his training session over. I'm keeping my weapons as they are - the stun gun is super effective against those muscly Brute guys. It's all the muscle. Everyone got their squads?"
As he says this, two tall men with huge sniper rifles walk up behind him.
"Introduce yourselves to... I can't pronounce their names, but they're some blokes I picked up from Cherynobyl. Scientists. They're learning English, coming to study our zombies, and they've got good weapons."
"Greetings," says one of them in a faintly russian accent. He extends a hand for you to shake. "Your zombies... strange, more variety. We are much interested."

2009-10-31, 11:44 AM
I have a zombie idea. How about zombies with gau-8's (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GAU-8) protruding from their stomach?

2009-10-31, 08:34 PM
Sure. :thog:

2009-11-01, 12:13 PM
Atronach, that is an epic idea. I just hope that I don't run into that zombie. :smalltongue:

2009-11-01, 04:28 PM
I was actually thinking of saving those for some sort of "warzone" round where we could have tanks and such. Too bad GAU-8's are tank killers, though.

2009-11-03, 05:45 PM
Tanks? Warzone? Let's save that for the explosive finale. Where half of the humans die. It'll be fun! :smallsmile:

2009-11-03, 07:56 PM
After all of that battling and deaths, I am sure we could all think of interesting epilogues. Cool.

2009-11-04, 12:41 PM
Gurgle will be transformed into asome horrendous boss-zombie before the end by some chemical and then kill at least 1 person before finially being brought down. And the hordes he was controlling going wild.

2009-11-04, 03:43 PM
I think Vio will probably end up dying in a massive fireball form a 1-on-1 sword battle with Vanessa. Y'know, from the sword and it's fuel tank expoldering.

2009-11-04, 04:34 PM
And Alex will live, and mourn the deaths of people, grabbing the most intact person and going "NUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" to the sky.

Je dit Viola
2009-11-04, 06:11 PM
I think Vio will probably end up dying in a massive fireball form a 1-on-1 sword battle with Vanessa. Y'know, from the sword and it's fuel tank expoldering.

Ha, yeah.

And you have to make sure it's dramatic. Like your saving someone from Vanessa. Those are always awesome.

2009-11-04, 06:52 PM
I suppose that Sheen Ark will die in an epic battle with Gurgle. Perhaps while firing a rocket launcher and the spitter spit hits me head on. Hey, I absolutely love epic battles.

2009-11-04, 08:41 PM
Shall resume zombie killing?

2009-11-04, 09:13 PM
Let's resume.
Sheen Ark

Sheen Ark finished fixing up some weapons, and he loaded his backpack with ammo. He then went off to put some basic supplies into his backpack, and prepared to get in one of the helicopters. "Alright guys, I'm ready. Let's go!"

2009-11-04, 09:21 PM
Perigrine Skalitzky

After Perigrine finishes packing all of the bullets he thinks he will need, he enters a helicopter.

Je dit Viola
2009-11-04, 09:26 PM
Vanessa Wilder

Vanessa's debating whether it's possible to fit a horse in a helicopter...or if she should leave it here.

No, leave it here. Horses aren't too good with heights.

She finds someone to take care of her horse, and grabs her meager possesions, climbing into a helicopter also.

2009-11-04, 09:49 PM
TJ slowly walks into the helicopter double checking his supplies.

2009-11-05, 12:38 AM
Morton Viomean

Vio looks around the garage. After safely parking his half-track, he realizes that all the helicopters are gone. However, he does spot an old Harrier jump jet, probably from the 20th, 21st century, and takes off in that.

Note: We're in the 24th century, amirite?

2009-11-05, 04:55 PM
Sheen Ark

Sheen begins to look at the various capabilities of the helicopter. Pretty good armor, with machine guns placed on the bottom of the helicopter. It'll help out in the siege, especially against massed shamblers. He also stashes medical items and heavy weaponry in the back, and proceeds to signal the pilot to get ready. He sits in the helicopter, and eats a sandwich.

2009-11-05, 05:07 PM

Alex Grotstine

Alex finished packing his supplies and jumped into a copter with Baxter and Sheen. He nodded to the others.
"This'll be tough. I think we should grenade the place a bit, assuming we don't see slaves. Thin out the number, ya know? So, what weapons you guys bringing? I have my AK, a M1 Garand, a Sniper, my Machete, and a bow and some arrows." Baxter lifts a dented rifle.
"I got my rifle here, a bunch of knives concealed in this here jacket, a chainsaw, another, better rifle, and a katana. you guys?"

2009-11-05, 05:53 PM
The handsies report back to Gurgle and he awakens his new pack. The Spitters and Hunters begin forming up into pack, Handsies attaching to random zombies to go along for the ride as the nimble corpses begin moving building to building. The two brutes move out with a large number of shamblers. Among the shamblers, three basilisks and five banshees blend in, moving along as if they were just another shambler. Gurgle moves at the front of this imposing force, moving out of sight of the humans and heading towards the besigied location. He planned to meet up with a pair of Brain zombies, the elite of smart zombies. Brain zombies where even smarter than they were in life, able to command even shamblers to run or use weapons, as logn as they weren't distracted by giving other orders. They were also rare. To Gurgle's knowledge, there were 5, in the world. The other three were on other continents, commanding large armies. One in asia and another in Europe, rumors among the smart Zombies was those two were actually making their armies fight eachother. The fifth was in Australia, comfortable in his isolated location. The two besieging the mountain fortress were supposedly related in life. They worked together to make even the worst zombies act just like people. It was rumored that these 5 Brain zombies started the whole mess, but honestly Gurgle didn't think about how this started. He just wanted to end the humans.

2009-11-05, 07:56 PM
Perigrine Skalitzky

"I concur we should thow grenades down. I for one, have my sniper rifle, assault rifle, sub machine gun, blade, and revolver. On another subject, are bows not a bit... primitive? Your choice I suppose, but...", Perigrine says, hesitantly while making sure he has all ten of his grenades.

2009-11-05, 09:12 PM
Sheen Ark

"Primitive? You must've not seen them in combat before. They are excellent weapons, primarily used for hitting tough targets such as Brutes. I've seen a guy one-hit a Brute before with a bow. As for my weapons, I have a machine gun, a pistol, a shotgun, a fancy electric gun that I picked up, and a baseball bat. As for grenades, I'm fresh out. Also, I'd like to introduce you to my apprentice behind me."

With that, a young zombie hunter walks from the back of the helicopter, wielding heavy weaponry. You can also see a bazooka on his back.

"Hi, I'm Conner. I hope that we'll get to know each other better and to kill some zombies."

OOC: I introduced Conner because I didn't have a team of NPCs. Sue me.

Je dit Viola
2009-11-05, 09:12 PM
Vanessa Wilder interjects and responds to Perigrine.

"You can light arrows on fire, though. And zombies are weak against fire, especially when there's hoards of them too close together."
Vanessa is also trying on her clawed gloves to reassure herself that they still fit. She didn't wear them on horseback because she'd hurt her horse. But, on the ground, they are more useful.

She still has the same weapons as before; An axe (fireman-style), flaming sword, Desert Eagle pistol (tearing flesh), Whip, and her clawed gauntlets in case the zombies get too near.

2009-11-05, 09:25 PM
Perigrine Skalitzky

"I have seen bows in battle before, but in one case the man using it did not kill the target, or spitter in a one-hit down. The arrow struck the zombie right in the gullet, but it seemed to hardly do any damage. I suppose the guy was not entirely proficient with the weapon, but still", Perigrine says, shrugging. "By the way, Sheen, do you want to take a few of my grenades? I prefer to use my sniper rifle in a scenario like this, even though grenade launching is better tactics".

2009-11-05, 09:37 PM
Sheen Ark

"Sure, I'll take some of your grenades. Also guys, what's the battle plan? We fly there, drop some grenades, land, and have the helicopters provide covering fire?"

Sheen pauses, and signals the pilot to go a little bit more east. He also makes sure that there is enough banshee and basilisk protection on the helicopter so that while the shock will probably hit them hard, it won't knock them out immediately.

" The bow is a very hard weapon to master, but it is a very efficent form of zombie killing in the hands of a professional. On an unrelated note, do you guys have any sunglasses? They'll provide a moderate protection against those darn basilisks."

OOC:Hey man, if you get three basilisks and five banshees, we at least deserve some protection from them, correct? I mean, even one basilisk would seriously mess us up.

2009-11-05, 09:50 PM
Perigrine Skalitzky

Perigriine hands Sheen five grenades, then searches through his pack. He finds an old spyglass, and one old pair of sunglasses and one pair that has a slightly damaged lens (scratched a bit at the side). He hands Sheen the newer ones. "Keep them. The older ones provide less protection, but they shall suffice", Perigine says while searching for more items.

2009-11-06, 12:31 AM
Morton Viomean

A short distance behind, Vio radios the helicopter. "I think I see a group of people down there. I'm not sure, but they could be zombies. They're going the same way as us. No, wait a sec... It's looking at aaaargwargee..." *thud*.

About 20 seconds later you here a faint voice over the radio. "No, they're certainly zombies. One of 'em's a Basilisk, so don't examine it too close."

Je dit Viola
2009-11-06, 12:54 AM
Vanessa Wilder.

"Shoot, my pistol doesn't have good range." she says. "Someone else better take them".

If only she put the scope on her pistol...

2009-11-06, 11:48 AM
OOC: Basilisks need to focus on a target and make eye contact, and ten to keep eye contact with that one target, moving in for the kill. The banshees effective range of causing unconciousness is 10ft I think. They're more dangerous in that they alert all zombies to the presence of humans. Sunglasses DO help against basilisks, you'll still feel lethargic, btu can move. And earplugs will only make a Banshee scream cause you to feel queesy and maybe make you flinch.

2009-11-06, 04:19 PM
Alex Grotstine

"Ok then...time for some sniping." Alex slightly leans out of the copter, observing the horde behind them.
"That's...big." Alex hops back in and grabs his sniper rifle and a grenade. "Cover me, guys, with anything." Alex carefully grabs a bar on the bottom of the helicopter and swings down, holding on to the bottom, swinging to and fro. Looking through the unsteady scope with one eye, he fires and takes out a shambler.
"Wrong shot..." Alex throws the sniper back in and puts his own sunglasses on. He grabs the bar and swings out again, hurling the grenade. Baxter leans ou the other side and begins rapidly firing his rifles at the zombies, taking out a bunch of shamblers and hitting one brute, but barely damaging it. Both men hop back in.
"We've thinned it a tad, but barely. I saw some big hitters there, some brutes, looked like a few spitters, and maybe even a basilisk or two!" Alex shrugs and signals the pilot to speed up a bit.

2009-11-06, 05:36 PM
Perigrine Skalitzky

Perigrine leans out the window, sniper rifle in hand, and uses his scope to aim at zombies. He hits a few, and leans back inside.

2009-11-06, 08:22 PM
Sheen Ark

Sheen watches as the helicopter starts speeding up and he grabs his machine gun. He leans out of the helicopter and fires at the heavy hitters, hopefully slowing them down, and gets back in.

2009-11-06, 10:31 PM
Perigrine Skalitzky

Perigrine resumes searching through his pack, this time resorting to side pockets, finds what he is looking for, and puts a fidora on his head. He then leans out the window, and fires his sniper rifle at zombies.

2009-11-07, 04:33 PM
Sheen Ark

"Fire that bazooka, Conner!" Sheen exclaims, assisting Conner so the recoil won't be that much. Conner fires the bazooka and successfully hits a brute, taking it down along with some shamblers.

2009-11-08, 06:03 PM
Alex Grotstine

"Yes! One brute down!" Now, just fire lightly into the hordes, don't aim for nothing in particular." Alex pulls out his M1 Garand and begins firing at shamblers, avoiding any zombies with red eyes.

2009-11-08, 09:13 PM
Perigrine Skalitzky

"Hey, Alex I do not think an M1 Garand is appropriate for this moment. You should probably just use your sniper rifle, really", Perigrine says, in a particularly serious tone.

2009-11-09, 12:51 AM
Morton Viomean

Vio sends another message over the radio. "I'm going to do something crazy. Please don't shoot me." He jumps out of the plane, with a makeshift jetpack made out of rockets on his back, and opens his parachute. Firing to keep the zombies away, he chops down a group of shamblers with a wild swing of his hedge trimmer, before ducking and sliding under a charging Brute before finishing it off with a few swift bullets in the back. Carefully avoiding the Basilisk, he runs back a few paces before shutting his eyes and strafing the whole area with fire from his Mac-11s.
He jetpacks up to the helicopter before looking down to see his work. To his despair, he sees three Basilisks and about a dozen shamblers which must have survived being shot. He frowns, and pulls a switch on his jetpack. It falls into the middle of the group and explodes. He then calls up to Sheen and the others: "Job done. Can you drop me off at the Harrier? I left it floating over there somewhere."

2009-11-09, 05:58 PM
Alex Grotstine

"Great job Vio, but there's still hundreds more, probably." Alex turns to Peregrine.
"My sniper won't work in the small bit of turbulence we have. Too shaky, not worth wasting bullets on missed shots instead of firing wildly when I know I'll hit."

2009-11-10, 09:08 AM
Perigrine Skalitzky

"I know, but I happen to be doing fine with a sniper rifle", Perigrine says then continues to fire.

2009-11-10, 09:14 PM
Sheen Ark

"...Spitters!" Sheen exclaims, pointing at the mass of green coming at them. Sheen takes out his pistol and with a few shots, explodes the stuff. "Looks like these spitters are a bit more experienced, that was nicely aimed right there." He fires at the zombies with the pistol, and steps back inside.

2009-11-10, 09:30 PM
Perigrine Skalitzky

After Sheen yells about spitters, Perigrine focuses his bullets on them. One dead, in a moment.

2009-11-11, 12:50 AM
Morton Viomean

"Sorry guys. I'm not able to help right now. I have one of those weird hand things clinging to my arm, but I can't brush it off because I currently happen to be clinging to the underside of a helicopter with a long drop below me. Okay, it's trying to tickle my armpits and make me let go and fall off. This is annoying. No, seriously. Don't mind me!"

Je dit Viola
2009-11-11, 01:01 AM
Vanessa Wilder

Vanessa, finally deciding to do something on this trip, leans out the helicopter door, and says Here, I'll help you.

She hooks her foot onto one of the seats to keep herself in. She reaches down with both of her hands for Morton to grab, if he really was kidding and he wants to get back up.

Suddenly!, since those hands always travel in pairs (a right and a left, usually), another of the hands that was hanging onto the bottom climbs up Vanessa's arm into the helicopter.

There's a creepy hand in the helicopter!
And Vanessa is dangling herself out to help Morton!

2009-11-11, 03:49 PM
Alex Grotstine

"Vanessa! Keep focused." Alex says, whipping out his machete and slicing the hand clean off Vanessa.
"Get Vio, try best you can."

2009-11-14, 07:27 PM
Perigrine Skalitzky

After Perigrine kills the last spitter he can see, he finds a brute, and focuses his bullets on it. "Brute!".

2009-11-16, 05:03 PM
Alex Grotstine

"Brute? Again? Durn." Alex pulls out his bow and arrow, steadying the bow and firing. The shot misses, but hits a shambler in the head and takes it down.

2009-11-17, 10:45 PM
Sheen Ark

"Another brute? I'm on it!" Sheen grabs his machine gun and tries to fill the brute's body with lead. The brute doesn't have any reaction to the bullets, but then notices a sensation. A large flaming sensation, in fact. He is now running faster, on fire but a lot faster. With flaming fists, noticeably."I'm not quite sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

2009-11-19, 06:03 PM
Alex Grotstine

"Ummm...not good, I presume."

2009-11-20, 08:59 PM
Sheen Ark

Sheen fires at the Brute, with no avail. The Brute is almost ready to jump on to the helicopter and take them all down! "Guys, help!" He keeps shooting at the brute, with hopes that the others will lay down the firepower.

2009-11-21, 12:56 AM
Morton Viomean

"Don't you worry, it's not gonna get here."
Vio brings out his hedge trimmer and tenses, ready to take a swing at the zombie.

Je dit Viola
2009-11-21, 01:01 AM
Oh, sorry.

Vanessa Wilder

Vanessa, I assume, is back up and is firing her short-range pistol down at the Brute. I should've brought longer ranged weapons. she says. That's always been her weakness.

Some bullets hit, because its so close to the 'copter, and they tear through its skin. However, they're only fairly minor wounds. If only it would jump...

2009-11-22, 02:48 PM
Alex Grotstine

"Hey, pilot, take us lower! Close to the ground! Vanessa, get your pistol ready." Alex says, whipping out his machete.

2009-11-22, 06:12 PM
Perigrine Skalitzky

"Perhaps now I could use my sub machine gun, set to full auto", Perigrine says as he pulls it out, and begins to fire.

2009-11-23, 08:08 PM
Alex Grotstine

"Ok, we're low enough, stay low, pilot!" Alex yells over the noise and begins firing at the brute with his M1 Garand, Baxter leaning over and firing with a rifle.

2009-12-08, 09:06 PM
Perigrine Skalitzky

Perigrine makes use of his sub machine gun, and fires at a group of spitters.

Je dit Viola
2009-12-08, 09:09 PM
Vanessa Wilder

Vanessa aims with the pistol, holding it out at arms length, and fires.

The bullet tears through the Brute's leg muscles.

She fires again, shredding its shoulder.

2009-12-12, 12:43 AM
Perigrine Skalitzky

Perigrine then notices the brute, aims at it, then fires.

2010-03-06, 05:17 PM
Hey, can we start this back up?