View Full Version : The Red Hand of Doom (IC)

2009-10-05, 03:30 AM
The Red Hand of Doom


Your small band of adventurers has been travelling the land for a while now. In certain regions you've made a name for yourselves, for better or worse. Grief has struck your intrepid group however.
During a small skirmish in a forgotten dwarven ruin, one of your companions, Zarin, had been struck down by the shivering touch of the ghost of Trugan the Terrible, the long dead tyrant whose grave you were about to rob.
Zarin's body has been teleported to his home town of Drellin's Ferry, a small settlement in the region called Elsir Vale.
You are on route to the Vale to attend his funeral and pay your last respects.

Chapter 1
The Witchwood

Where our heroes journey to their fallen comrade's hometown and stumble into an adventure larger than they had ever imagined.

Day 1: afternoon

The afternoon sun beats down on you; the air is hot and still. The sparsely settled lands of Elsir Vale are starting to grow monotonous, with a seemingly endless line of dusty flyspecks of towns. The town of Drellin's Ferry lies a few miles ahead of you. It's a settlement hard on the borders of the Witchwood, and the best place from which to begin exploring the nearby forest.

You have been travelling for nearly a tenday. From Zarin's stories you knew Elsir Vale was a remote region of the Kingdom, but you never expected to be this far removed from civilization. Seeing the woods around you, there is no doubt why Zarin was such a competent tracker, he must have spent his entire youth scouting the forest.

And we have begun!

You know the rules. Keep anything OOC in spoilers or in the OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=125101) thread.
I'm going to force Simba's rules on this game as well. Any rolls are to be made in the OOC thread. There shall be nothing but amazing storytelling here!

Good luck guys!

2009-10-05, 03:57 AM

SeriNox looks around with eyes tired of seeing more of the same: "I hope we reach that little speck on the map soon, I'm tired of this area."

OOC: orange is nicer than indigo...

2009-10-05, 06:56 AM

Casandra tugs her vest open another notch and wipes the sweat from her brow.
Im just hoping we find somewhere to have a drink before we die of thirst. It must have been a long journey for Zarin to make. At least, I see why he left here

(OOC: claiming blue for speech)

2009-10-05, 08:27 AM

"You have it easy, try lugging all this armor around with you in this heat! Are we out of water again? I could use a break and could create some for us if needed."

2009-10-05, 09:20 AM
Ortes gives a short, barking laugh. "And when he made his final journey back, he did it instantaneously. It's the rest of us who are stuck slogging along the long way."

He looks over at Seri. "I'd sooner reach the town quicker and be done with the trip than wait to get water here. It shouldn't be that much further."

2009-10-06, 01:44 AM
As you move on you find yourself slowing down. Unaccustomed to this heat, the horses look weary and tired until suddenly, SeriNox's horse refuses to move any further.

2009-10-06, 01:49 AM

"What is it, Lady? Come on, let's get moving, we need to go places, you know?"

SeriNox talks to her horse, a light warhorse she calls Lady, trying to find out what made her stop.

2009-10-06, 02:07 AM
The horse looks at you empathically, her eyes almost pleading. Sweat is dripping off her face and her breath pattern is heavy and irregular until finally, she just sags down.

2009-10-06, 02:18 AM

SeriNox gets off her horse and offers her and the other horses some water to drink. Then she looks around for a place to rest. "We should really rest now, the poor beasts are totally spent! Let's take shelter under those trees over there and let them recover."

2009-10-06, 06:24 AM

Looks like the question of whether we rest now or not was made for us. Come on Dancer, its cooler under the trees.

Casandra leads Northern Dancer to a cool spot under the trees, getting some water and an apple out of her pack for the horse. While the horse munches down on the apple, Casandra wipes her own sweat off, and practices with her rapier in graceful swirls and parries.

2009-10-07, 09:40 AM
As you sit down and rest in the cool shade of the trees you cannot help but admire the Vale. In the 10 days you've travelled so far, all the sights you've seen were beautiful, old and strangely, untouched.

Suddenly, a flock of birds flee from the nearby trees, disturbing the peace. Out of nowhere, arrows rain down on your party. One finds its way through SiriNox' thick armor. Another narrowly misses Ortes, who shifts his body reactively.

As you look around, you see glints of metal in the trees. A foul warcry can be heard and you suddenly realize you are surrounded by hobgoblins and a fiery, demonic dog.

2009-10-07, 12:15 PM
Ortes, from long habit when bound to Paimon, is offering a withering critique of Casandra's form while his horse drinks, when the arrows start flying. He watches one shoot towards him as if in slow motion, his body seeming to move without his direction to barely evade it.

An awareness not entirely his own seems to simply tell him where his enemies are, though he knows it's his eyes that spotted them. "Cas, I'll take the ones in the trees!"

With a snarl and a contemptuous gesture, he sends a bolt of arcane energy hurtling towards one of the hobgoblins on high.

2009-10-07, 02:36 PM

Casandra ignores Ortes critique as she goes through her forms, and mutters a curse when the arrows start falling. She turns to face the two hobgoblins in the trees in front of her (#1 and #2) and focuses her arcane power. An invisible wave of power surges into both hobgoblins, wearing away their will to fight.

2009-10-08, 02:12 AM

SeriNox jumps up as the arrows start to come, then charges the nearest enemy, the Hellhound. Swinging her Bastardsword in a mighty arc above her head, she brings it crashing down on the beast with all the might of her faith behind the attack, but misses as the hellhound jumps aside.

2009-10-08, 03:20 AM
Within moments this once tranquil road has turned into a warzone. As Casandra finishes her spell, the hobgoblins at the platforms clutch their heart, as if suffering from a stroke. Shaking visibly, they raise their bows again and fire another volley of arrows. Most of them miss, but one manages to graze the half-elf's shoulder.

SeriNox's charge is narrowly evaded by the fiendish hound. It retaliates by firing its deadly breath at the draconic elf, engulfing her in flames.

Just as Ortes finishes his incantation, he is tackled by a nearby hobgoblin charging out of the woods. The foul creature fails to connect as Ortes' supernatural quickness saves him once again. His own blast finds his target and the archer falls down in a scream of pain. A whimper is heard as the hobgoblin reaches for his horn. Suddenly the air is broken by the long drawn note of the horn and screams can be heard from a distance.
The arches manages to recover himself and readies another arrow, this time he fires true as the shaft pierces Ortes' lower leg.

2009-10-08, 03:35 AM
Shrugging off the flames as if they were not even there, SeriNox once more lifts her heavy sword, defiance written on her face. She will not fall to an infernal doggy!

2009-10-08, 07:30 AM
Ortes dances away from the raider charging at him, continuing the motion to take him to a safe distance before an arrow from his earlier target causes him to stumble. "Gh! Cas, brought a new playmate for you!" he calls for his sister, unleashing his wrath one again upon the enemy in the trees.

2009-10-08, 08:54 AM

Casandra has her hands full with both hobgoblin enemies in the trees, but likes her odds on dealing with them.

If you thought that one gave you a headache, wait until you feel this one.

Casandra concentrates again, and unleashes another whelming burst on the foes.

2009-10-08, 11:49 AM
Ortes' dark magic strikes true again and the archer dies a horrible death. Dark fires clutching to his body, the hobgoblin throws himself off the platform, hoping to snap his own neck in order to end the pain.
The two hobgoblins on the other side of the road were once again assaulted by Casandra's spell. They fall unconcious without a sound.

As SeriNox and the hellhound continue trading blows three shapes can be seen in the distance. You hear a yell in broken common. "Who dares challenge me, Zarr the powerful. I will cut your bodies like I did earlier today!" The voice belonged to a particularly menacing looking hobgoblin, dressed in furs and wielding a pare of short swords. By his side was another hobgoblin warrior and a second hellhound.

At that moment the hobgoblin who attacked Ortes stepped forward again, letting his blade surge down in a powerful strike. Casandra was not safe either as another hobgoblin charges out of the nearby woods, slashing wildly at her head.

2009-10-08, 01:47 PM
Ortes smiles unpleasantly as his target falls to his death, before the closer enemy charges at him again. Though he brings his shield up to meet the blow, it bears him down to his knees and numbs his arm. Gritting his teeth, he shakes off the blade and deftly spins away, slashing at his foe's ribs as he does so. Once again and more strongly than before feeling as though another will moves his limbs, he moves with a strange fluid, yet staccato, dance past Casandra and the enemy fighting her, a passing thrust from his blade finding a vital mark. Completing his motion, he turns towards Zarr and jeers.

"Zarr the powerful skulks in the woods and ambushes travelers! Oh, how mighty he must be that none would challenge him! Or else no one has heard of him, and he's about to be gutted like a fish by some who won't even bother to remember his name once they're done."

2009-10-08, 01:54 PM

Casandra changes to her rapier in a fluid motion, and attempts to skewer the hobgoblin that slashed at her.

Zarr the powerful? Sure you arent Zarr the third or is it the fourth, Ive forgotten how many Zarrs we've killed in the last month. I know hobbies arent bright enough to think up more than one name, but you really should stop all calling yourself Zarrs, it gets confusing.

2009-10-09, 01:51 AM

SeriNox takes another sweep at the Hellhound, hitting it hard. Seeing more enemies approaching she raises her sword, saluting them and taking guard position. "You, Zarr the dirty, are mine! Show me what you can do! Can you take an elven woman on your own or are you too chicken to do it?"

2009-10-09, 08:35 AM
Narrowly deflecting Ortes' short sword, the hobgoblin yells something in goblin as the half-elf dances away. Frustrated at Ortes' prancing ways, he moves to assist his fellow bandit who's heavily wounded from attacks by Casandra and Ortes.

Just as SeriNox cuts down the hellish dog, Zarr responds furiously at the taunts from our heroes. "How dare you belittle my grandeur, you will suffer elves! Gar, take your hound and let it feast on that freak elf!"

Satisfied with his lacky taking on the heavily armed woman, Zarr picks his own target. The slightly weaker looking Ortes. As he charges up to him he neatly deflects a swing from SeriNox, uses the momentum to spring up and make a diving charge. His blades neatly avoid the half-elf's shield as he pounces on Ortes.

2009-10-09, 08:52 AM
Ortes attempts to block the attack with his shield but is baffled by the movement of the two blades, the one slashing his arm while the other bites deep into his side. "Uk!"

Grimacing, he shuffles back from the hobgoblin leader, keeping his shield between them as best he can with his injured arm while with his right he pulls a crystal vial from the pouch at his belt, pops the seal and drains the contents. The flow of blood from his wounds stops, though movement is still painful...

2009-10-09, 11:41 AM

Faced with two hobgoblins, albeit one of them very injured, Casandra is not in a position to use her spells, so she continues with her weapon attacks, focusing on the more injured hobgoblin, hoping to finish him off first.

2009-10-12, 01:56 AM

Seeing Ortes in danger, SeriNox turns around, completely disregarding the hobgoblin and hellhound she now has at her back, and charges the hobgoblin leader to save her friend. Shouting "Face me, you coward!" she cuts across, slicing him accross the ribs. "Face me like a man!"

2009-10-12, 06:22 AM
The skirmish continues between Casandra and her two hobgoblin advesaries as all three continue exchanging blows without landing a hit.

As Ortes retreats to swallow a potion, Zarr beams with pride. "Who is weak now? You will die by my blade, face your doom you will. The Re... aargh." His boast is cut short by SeriNox's blade striking him across the chest. He quickly regains his balance, but fails to pierce the elf's steel armour. Her concentration on Zarr provides Gar enough opportunity to slide his blade across a weak spot near her ankle, drawing blood.

Meanwhile, the hellhound, duty bound in the destruction of its targets focuses on Casandra. It runs up to it and breathes its foul flaming breath on the skirmish. One of the hobgoblins is caught in the blaze and screams as he dies a burning death.

2009-10-12, 11:00 AM

Your minions are as incompetant as you are Zarr, either that or your hell hound doesnt believe in your cause

Casandra decides to focus her attacks on the dangerous hell hound, and swings her scimitar at the beast.

2009-10-13, 01:38 AM

The hellhound SeriNox left behind in order to help Ortes charges by her, going for Cassandra and leaving himself wide open for a sideswing. She uses the oportunity, turning a full circle and cutting deeply into the beast's side.

Using the momentum of her turn to good effect, she strikes at Zarr once more, cutting deeply into his body. "Who is weak now?" she shouts!

2009-10-13, 03:42 AM
Somewhat bolstered by his potion, Ortes slices at the hell hound as it passes him, before backing up with more caution than he's shown up to this point and jabbing his sword in Zarr's direction, a threating gesture that turns into a bolt of eldritch fire.

2009-10-13, 04:38 AM
Already wounded by the swings against it from its reckless charge, the hellhound falls easily as Casandra slits its throat with a sweeping strike of her scimitar.

Zarr's ferocity had left him open to attack and his overconfidence is payed for as SeriNox slashes the hobgoblin leader across the chest again. Blood flows freely through the rip in his leather armour as he falls to his knees. "The Red Hand will slay you all." His words sound weak but zealous. His voice turns into a scream as suddenly he is engulfed by dark flames. As Zarr falls down, SeriNox sees Ortes standing behind the hobgoblin. The eldritch flames still visible on the blade he pointed at Zarr.

With the death of their leader, the other hobgoblins are demoralized and it takes little effort to strike them down. The road is quiet once again.

2009-10-13, 04:52 AM
Ortes winces as he makes his way back to the others.

"We should probably take their weapons. There may be a bounty once we reach the town."

2009-10-13, 05:53 AM

SeriNox takes a look at Ortes' wounds, waving him over: "Let me check those, you look bad, my friend! It will only take a minute."

Laying her hands on his shoulders, SeriNox calls on the power granted to her by her God, Hlal, and a wonderfull feeling of warmth floods over him, healing the rents in the fabric of his body.

"Now we can talk about bounties, the safety of your life comes first!"

2009-10-13, 06:16 AM

Casandra wipes her blade on the tunic of a dead hobgoblin.

Well, that was an interesting diversion, but they should have spent more time on their weapons training than thinking up a fearsome name. Red Hand indeed. Their own hands are the ones that are red.

With that, Casandra bends over to check their pouches for anything of value.

Too bad we couldnt take him alive, he could have lead us to his base, there might be more there. But lets check that hut, something interesting might be there.

2009-10-13, 04:08 PM
Ortes sighs in relief. "Thank you... that's much better." Though the bleeding had stopped when he'd quaffed his potion, he can now move with only a slight tightness in his side that he knows will clear up after a night's rest, in place of the earlier pain of bruised and torn tissue.

"Well, if I'd known Seri would hit so hard perhaps I'd have stayed my hand, but I didn't think it was a risk worth taking. I wonder what he was talking about at the end, though. Trying to curse us?" Ortes racks his brain, trying to recall if the words the hobgoblin had used held any significance he'd encountered before.

While despoiling the corpses and loading the results on to the cart, he looks ahead down their path. "I hope there's not more of them in whatever building that is... though I supposed they'd have come out by now if there were. A ruin, let's hope."

2009-10-14, 01:08 AM

"You are most welcome, my friend! And you are right, the building is likely deserted now. Maybe we should take a look."

Pondering the words of the Hobgoblin leader, SeriNox goes to get the horses back from where they fled, then checks them for any damage they might have suffered during the encounter. After leading them back to the others, she starts towards the ruins, curiousity once more beating other considerations.

2009-10-15, 01:48 AM
As you check up on your mounts, you are relieved to see none of them have been injured in the fight. Lady looks terrified, but the short respite from travelling has seen to done them some good. They look less tired and you are confident they can get you to Drellin's Ferry by the end of the day.

The ruined building comes up around the bend. It looks like it must have been an old tollhouse or watchpost. What ornaments there once were are long gone now. A waist-high rock is settled near the road, the markings on it suggest it was once a milestone. The etchings have long faded.

Checking inside, you gather that the hobgoblins must have used this as an outpost for at least a few days. Discarded food and trash is piled into a corner and the scorchmarks of a small campfire are visible through the dirt and dust.
As you walk into the building you see a group of bodies in the far corner. Two of the bodies appear to be mercenaries, while a third was dressed as a merchant. They have suffered grievous wounds, though evidence suggests the merchant has been alive a bit longer. The cause of his death was not a swift ambush. No, this man had been tortured for hours. The look of horror and pain is still visible on his face and his eyes stare off into the ceiling.
The bodies are still fresh, no more than a day old and you assume they must have been captured earlier this morning.

Checking the rest of the room, you notice Zarr hasn't divied up the spoils yet. You find a small pouch, filled with gems.

2009-10-15, 02:10 AM

"It seems we have done this area a service by defeating those Hobgoblins. Do we have the time to give their victims a decent burrial? I would hate to leave them here like this, they surely deserve better!"

2009-10-15, 04:05 AM
"Probably better to bring them to the Ferry. Someone'll probably want to try identifying the bodies." Ortes eyes the cart, wondering if they'll be able to transport them all. "Or perhaps we should leave them here and just inform the authorities, let them come and pick them up. Don't think we should bury them."

2009-10-15, 04:25 AM

"You may be right. What about those Hobgoblin and Hellhounds bodies out there? Do you want to leave them like that, out in the open?"

2009-10-15, 05:25 AM
Ortes groans. "Now I'm worried if we move things around too much we may get accused of tampering with evidence. I say we lay these unfortunates out with a little dignity in here, and pile the killers' bodies outside, and bring something identifying from both groups with us. Maybe the merchant's got some papers, or in a pinch those gems might distinguish him. Whichever, we should hurry to the Ferry once the horses are ready again."

2009-10-15, 09:16 AM
I agree with the part about piling the hobgoblin bodies outside and bringing something to identify both groups with us into town. But I dont think we should touch the bodies at all, even to lay them out more appropriately. Another day or so in this condition isnt going to hurt them.

With that, Casandra heads outside to start moving the hobgoblin bodies, as well, she looks to see if Zarr has any sort of Red Hand badge.

2009-10-15, 09:39 AM
As she inspects Zarr's corpse, Casandra finds a small metal choker stuffed into one of his pouches. The broken chain and scorchmarks on it suggest it has either seen a lot of battle, or that it was forcibly removed.

The symbol on the pendant looks vaguely familiar. You think you've seen it before somwhere.

2009-10-15, 11:30 AM
Casandra studies the pendant for a moment, and then heads over to here Ortes and Seri-Nox are standing

Can either of you figure out what this symbol is. I found it on the hobgoblin formerly known as Zarr. Im pretty sure Ive seen it somewhere.

2009-10-15, 11:42 AM

"A red hand. Let me think for a moment!"

2009-10-17, 06:00 AM
While you do recognise the symbol, you cannot recall what it's meaning is. You know it is Draconic in nature, but that is all you can tell.

2009-10-17, 08:43 AM

After finishing with the piling of the bodies, Casandra turns to the group.

Thats it for what we can do here. If the horses are ready, lets head into town and alert the local authorities. Maybe they know more about this symbol, and just how active these hobgoblins have been. I could also use a drink, of something more potent than water.

2009-10-18, 01:41 AM
You pack your gear and head out again. As you continue your travel, you realize you don't know a lot about Elsir Vale. There is not a lot of written knowledge about this area, though Zarin has told a tale on occation.

The vale stretches almost 250 miles east to west and averages
about 70 miles north to south. Several small mountain ranges
and dense forests form the vale's borders.

The scattered human towns and villages of the area grew up
along the Dawn Way, an important east-west trade road linking
the heavily settled lands that lie northwest across the Endless
Plains with the exotic kingdoms and goods of the coastal lands
lying to the southeast. Much of the Dawn Way was built by an
ancient dwarf-kingdom that spanned the Wyrmsmoke and
Giantshield Mountains more than a thousand years ago.While
the dwarves are long gone, their roads, bridges , and cisterns
remain in use to this day. After the dwarf-realm passed , the
presence of various monsters and raide rs kept traffic along the Dawn Way light for many years; few caravans dared the
long and dangerous trek. Few humans lived in Elsir Vale
during those years-only scattered settlements of druidic
folk who left behind little more than grassy barrows and stone
circles on the hilltops.
About five hundred years ago, the nearby city of Rhesr
came to control the vale and a large swath of land north of the
Giantshields as well . Soldiers from Rhest secured the roads
all the way to Dennovar and beyond, creating a safe passage
for trade. More and more traders traveled the Dawn Way, and
the kingdom of Rhestilor grew wealthy on the tariffs exacted
from the passing merchants. Under the kingdom's shield, the
towns along the Dawn Way - Brindol, Talar, Terrelron, and
the rest - grew up from tiny hamlets or lonely soldiers' posts
to flourishing human settlements.
The kingdom of Rhestilor eventually collapsed under civil
strife, monstrous incursions, and magical blights, Almost two
hundred years ago, the city of Rhest was burned by a savage
horde out of the Wyrmsmoke Mountains.Although the warriors
of Rhestilor killed many of the goblins and their kind, the city
was abandoned and the already weakened kingdom broken. The
locks and canals surrounding Rhest fell in to disrepair, and the
Blackfens swallowed rhe ruined city.
In the years since the kingdom's fall, the towns of Elslr Vale
have come to look after themselves. Most of the local lords,
such as Jarmaath of Brindol, still hold titles derived from the
old kingdom of Rhestilor. While everybody knows that the
kings of Rhestilor are long dead, no new realm has arisen in
the vale.

As you reminisce on Zarin's tales, you realize he has thought you more than you thought about the vale.

The rest of the journey to Drellin's Ferry is uneventful. As you approach Drellin's Ferry the road descends into a small town built mostly on the near side of a
broad, sluggish river. Six old stone piers jut from the water, marking the
spot where a bridge once stood, but the span itself is long gone. Instead, a
couple long thick ropes cross the river, each secured to a flat-bottomed
ferryboat. Brown fields and green orchards surround the town.
A group of armed townsfolk - three in leather, one in mail - stands
guard, watching you warily. "Halt and state your business, strangers," one of the guards says.

2009-10-19, 04:48 AM
"We have come to attend a funeral, one Zarin, a native of this town and companion of ours," Ortes answers the man. "And we have business with your leaders - we were waylaid not far from here, by bandits who had claimed other victims less fortunate."

2009-10-19, 05:01 AM
"Ah, Captain Soranna told us to look out for you. Zarin's wake is scheduled later this evening. When you enter the town, turn right before the old tollhouse - which now serves as barracks and town hall - you cannot miss old lady Yvanna's home. She is Zarin's mother, if you did not know. He pauses for a second. "A great shame, Zarin's death. I still remember him as a little boy, wild thing he was."

The guard doesn't look surprised as Ortes speaks of bandits, but his face takes on a troubled grimace. "There has been increased activity of bandits lately. Half the town is sealed and no one is to leave the Drellin's Ferry unattended. Tell me, your attackers. Were they hobgoblins?"

2009-10-19, 05:19 AM

"Yes, they were. Cassandra, Ortes" she introduces them with a gesture "and I, SeriNox, were travelling along the road when they attacked. They wore the sign of the Red Hand and were rather fanatic, despite being outclassed in the fight."

2009-10-19, 06:35 AM

Here is a badge from their 'leader', he called himself Zarr...the Incompetant. Unfortunately, we were too late to save a merchant and his entourage, but their bodies, along with those of the hobgoblins are in small hut, about an hour up the trail.

2009-10-20, 09:13 AM
"Well met Lady SeriNox, I am sergeant Hersk. Those hobgoblins have been stalking the town's borders for nearly a tenday now. I'm glad you managed to get rid of them." His face is still troubled as he takes the pendant from Casandra. He turns it over and gives it back to her. "Strange, we weren't expecting any merchants this week, but I'll send a patrol out regardless, maybe someone can identify him. I'm sorry miss, but I have never seen that symbol before. Maybe Captain Soranna can help you. Or old Sertieren, if that symbol has any magical meaning, he might know about it." He salutes and gestures his men to stand aside, allowing you to pass the baricade.

As you make your way into town an old woman greets you. She has long, grey hair and has to balance herself on a wooden walking stick. Her face looks sad, but peaceful. "Ah, you must be Zarin's friends. He's told a lot about you in his letters to me. Let's see," she moves closer to you and inspects you quite shamelessly. "You must be SeriNox, the elven lady he spoke of. You're as lovely as he described you. And if she's SeriNox, then you must be Casandra. How wonderful." She moves forward again and looks Sharply at Ortes. "I'm sorry dear, but you I don't recognize at all. And you are? Ah, not that it matters anyway. Come, come. The ceremony does not start for another hour, so why not join me for a cup of tea.
She does not wait for a response as she's already turned around and walking back home. It does not take you a great deal of effort to keep up though.

2009-10-20, 11:26 AM

You must be Yvanna then, Zarin's mother. We still miss him, greatly.
But, do you know of any hobgoblin activity around your village. We were waylaid by some, and defeated them. Would you happen to know anything about them?

2009-10-20, 03:35 PM
Day 1: evening

"Yes, yes I'm Yvanna, the old woman replies. She spits on the ground as Casandra mentions the hobgoblin attack. "Bah, those damnable beasts, I cannot even leave my home anymore because of those things. In fact, we're forced to be accompanied by an armed escort just to get to the cemetery!"

As you follow Yvanna to her home, the evening starts to settle. You banter about Zarin, life in Drellin's Ferry and some more light-hearted subjects, such as her famous blueberry pies. A little while later, you assemble near the town's gate to meet a small group of people who have gathered to pay their respects. The convoy is escorted by a handful of town guard, who seem nervous and ill at ease to be travelling while the sun is setting.

The ceremony itself is simple, but beautiful. Zarin's casket was already lowered into the ground, with the assembled gathered around the open grave. Brother Derny, the local priest read a sermon and prayed to St. Cuthbert, that Zarin may ascend peacefully to the heavens.
As the priest concludes his sermon he asks if one of you, his companions for several years, is willing to recite a eulogy in his honor.

2009-10-22, 02:08 AM

SeriNox steps up and faces the people gathered for the funeral, her face sad, but also smiling: "Zarin invited us to visit his home more than once, but we never thought it would happen like this. Ever since we first met, he was like a long lost brother to me, someone I had missed without knowing it. We shared a lot, he and I. Hlal, the god I worship and serve, preaches Humor as a way of life, and Zarin lived that life, even though he did not identify with my god. He made our lives easier, with his laughter and his knowledge, with his strength and his wisdom. I still find my self turning to him when I need someone to lift my spirits and his memory serves that purpose, if not as well as he did."

She pauses, looks around with tears in her eyes, but a smile on her lips before continuing: "Whenever someone is called to leave this world and go, he leaves something behind. Memories, achievements, results of their work. I dare say Zarin left behind more than most and he should be proud of that. We all miss him, but we should take his memories and build on them, make them count and make them last. I know I will. Thank you, my friend, for everything!"

SeriNox pauses, then nods towards the grave and raises her hands in blessing, uttering a few words in Draconic. Then she smiles through her tears, steps down and returns to Cassandra's and Ortes' side.

2009-10-22, 06:20 AM

Casandra has no words to speak, as she walks silently up to the grave. She pauses a moment with her eyes closed, and then tosses a single rose into the grave, with making a salute to it with her rapier. She then returns to Ortes side.

2009-10-22, 10:32 AM
Ortes reacts with thinly-concealed amusement to the news that apparently Zarin left him out of his stories to his mother about his adventures... or that whatever he'd said caused the old woman to want to avoid the subject. Through the ceremony, he can be heard faintly humming an unidentifiable tune to himself.

After his sister does her piece with the flower, he steps forward. There is a wry cast to his features, as though he's laughing to himself at a private joke. He takes a handful of grave dirt and slowly runs it out between his fingers as he speaks.

"Zarin was a good friend. We'll remember him. But now he has left this world, and we must let him go even as we hold our memories dear. May his journey now be an easy one."

His hand moves slightly in the meantime, as if making the sign of some benediction. It would take a sharp-eyed observer to note that the falling dirt traces a sigil on the casket beneath. It's a glyph of warding and abjuration, one used to banish vestiges and undo possession. It has no effect here, of course, but is Ortes' own gesture of respect, a godspeed to his fallen companion, whose death was clean and whose reward was imminent.

2009-10-23, 04:04 AM
[I]One by one, the other assembled move close to the grave and say a few words or drop a rose at the casket. You notice that despite the solemn atmosphere, you and Yvanna are the only ones grieving. It is clear Zarin has been away for a long time.

After the ceremony, Yvanna walks up to you and takes SeriNox' hands. "That was beautiful dear, thank you." She had a faint smile on her face, as though the burial or Zarin has brought peace to her heart.

As she walks away without further words, you are approached by a tall, balding man of about fifty and a capable-looking swordwoman. "Sorry to bother you at a moment like this, but I'd like a moment of your time," the old man says. "My name is Norro Winston and I'm the Town Speaker for Drellin's Ferry. This is our guard captain, Soranna," he says as he introduces the woman standing next to him. "I will get right to the point: We are in a lot of trouble, and I was hoping I could persuade you to help us out."

2009-10-23, 04:11 AM

"Town Speaker, Captain!" SeriNox nods at the two "We are Cassandra, Ortes and SeriNox, but I guess you know that already." she hesitates for a moment, then continues: "Do you want to talk this over right here? Let's go to a place where we can get some food and drink, we have just arrived and are tired, not to mention a little touched by the funeral. How about a decent meal first, business afterwards?"

2009-10-23, 04:32 AM
Norro Winston nods. "Of course, you will have to excuse my manners. We are in a bit of a bind. Come, let us be off to the Old Bridge Inn. I'm sure you can find a bit of food and affordable lodgings for you."

As you head back into town, the Town Speaker does not make any attempt to initiate a conversation. He looks worried and his shoulders are sagging, as if a great burden is weighing them down.

You make your way to an old, stone building, with a sign in front saying 'The Old Bridge Inn. The inn looks dwarven made and like most of Drellin's Ferry, you suspect it served a different purpose a long time ago.
The inn is fairly empty, a couple of local people are sitting at the bar and a few tables are occupied. Norro Winston leads you to a table in a corner of the inn and hails a waiter. A halfling man of middle age approaches you table and hails the Speaker. "Good evening mister Winston, miss Sorana. The usual I presume?" He starts writing a couple of things in his small notebook. "And for your guests?"

2009-10-23, 04:42 AM

SeriNox seems happy with the choice of establishment.

"Can I have a big steak, please? Medium rare, with some vegetables and lots of bread and butter. And some fruit juice, if you have it."

2009-10-23, 04:56 AM
"Lamb," Ortes tells the man. "And wine."

He assumes the innkeeper will know how to prepare it adequately. If not, the opportunity to lambast his competence and establishment will be a welcome diversion.

2009-10-23, 05:00 AM

As an afterthought she adds: "Do you have a room where I can get out of all this metal? It is cumbersome to dine in full plate, you know? I guess we will spend the night here, anyway. So: rooms for the three of us, please."

2009-10-23, 05:06 AM
"Of course my lady," the halfling responds. He takes the order of Casandra and Ortes as well and returns to the kitchen.
About ten minutes later he comes out again, managing to carry four plates in his small, stubby hands. The food looks wonderful and smells delicious.

As you are dining you engage in small talk with the Norro and Soranna. They patiently wait with business until you are finished eating. When the halfling comes to pick up the plates again, Norro speaks.

He bows closer over the table and lowers his voice, so the other patrons don't hear him. "Our town is under attack," the speaker begins. "Hobgoblin raiders have been harrying our lands for several weeks now. They've attacked and killed people in the outlying homesteads, and they've been waylaying travelers along the Dawn Way."
Captain Soranna adds, "We've had trouble with them before - a quick raid on the homesteads on the west side of the river, usually not that bad - but this is different. It looks like a large, aggressive tribe has moved down out of the Wyrmsmoke Mountains. Frankly, I fear they might be numerous enough to sack the town.
"Beyond the immediate threat to our homes, the road is our lifeblood, the speaker continues. "If the hobgoblins make the Dawn Way impassable to the west, trade won't come this way and we'll be ruined. Not only do we need to repel the raiders from our town, but we've got to keep that road open. Can you help us do it?"

2009-10-23, 05:16 AM
Ortes takes a sip of his wine. "We've met some of your hobgoblins. Maybe your guards told you," he says. "Took them for a puffed-up gang of bandits, but their leader did talk as if he had backing. They'd killed what looked like a merchant and his escorts, probably this morning. We've brought somethings that might identify both groups, and left the bodies there in case you wanted to investigate."

He holds the glass up, inspecting the fluid. "What precisely are you looking for us to do?"

2009-10-23, 09:08 AM

Casandra enjoys her food and ale (possibly surprising the townsfolk, but not her companions) with her choice of strong brew. When the talk turns to the hobgoblins, she pushes her plate aside and listens intently.

Was the Dawn Way the route we came in on? Sorry, but Im not too familiar with local geography. If it was, I think we have momentarily aleviated the chance of them cutting the road, we took out the "garrison" they had there. Do you have any idea of how many and where these hobbies are located?

2009-10-23, 09:23 AM

Finishing her meal, SeriNox leans back and listens to the others. If those Hobgoblins are organised and have strong backing, they might become a real danger for the area. Sounds like a worthy task.

2009-10-26, 07:27 AM
"My men have finished their investigation of your ambush this morning. The hobgoblins responsible are most likely one of the raiding parties stalking the Dawn Way and the Witchwood. Most of these bands number between eight and fifteen hobgoblins. We have also had reports of several demonic creatures serving the goblins, " Soranna takes a sip from her wine. "The merchant they captured is known to me. He usually comes to Drellin's Ferry every couple of months to peddle various odds and ends. It is a shame he was lost and it confirms our fears. The Dawn Way must be cleared."

She clears her throat and coughs. "As for their base of operations," Soranna seems to hesitate and considers her words carefully. "I have heard reports that they have holed themselves up in an abandoned keep in the Witchwood." "Nonsense," the speaker interjects. "You know as well as me Vraath Keep is haunted, Soranna. There is no way those hobgoblins have made that place their lair." Soranna's face hardens, but she composes herself. It seems to you they have had this discussion before. "Nevertheless," she says. "It is the only lead we have. It might be worth investigating."

2009-10-26, 07:46 AM
"Haunted?" Ortes lifts an eyebrow. "What makes people say that? And of course, even if it's true, your raiders could have a necromancer in their service."

2009-10-26, 08:08 AM
Norro Winston bows closer. "The keep has been haunted for over a hundred years. They say the ghost of Lord Vraath himself still roams around the keep. At night you can see lights from the top of the tower and people brave enough to get close have heard moans and screams." As the Norro speaks, Soranna folds her arms and straightens her back. "It is just a bunch of superstition, Norro. There is no such things as ghosts."

Norrow Winston seems upset now. "Don't you give me that tone, my own father has seen the spirit," he looks over to Ortes again. "It chased him through the Witchwood it did. Only when my pap was well within Drellin's Ferry did it turn around. A mad spirit, I tell you!"

2009-10-26, 05:13 PM
I think we should start with hitting a few more of the bands that are marauding the roadways. We have no idea of how many hobgoblins are holed up in that keep, and I have no desire to be surrounded and captured by them. We can deal with small groups of gobbies, but a hundred or so of them is a far different story. Especially if the spirit of the keep just happens to be organizing them.

Casandra fixes Soranna with an icy stare.

If you had seen half of the walking dead that I have, you would not be so quick to dismiss ghosts. Ive battled skeletons and zombies, and if they exist, who knows what sort of strange things a wizard skilled in the necromantic arts can create. And if there is a spirit there that is organizing them, thats another reason to stay away. Whittle down their numbers before we take on the main body.

2009-10-26, 05:52 PM
Ortes taps a finger against the rim of his glass thoughtfully. "Have you captured any of the raiders alive? Questioned them? Casandra's right, it would be unwise to charge in to the keep without at least verifying their presence and numbers. What are the reports you have?"

2009-10-27, 01:44 AM

"I don't know if running around in the coutryside looking for small bands of Hobgoblins will get us anywhere, but we might get lucky, catch one of them alive for questioning."

2009-10-27, 02:56 AM
"My apologies for being a sceptic miss Casandra, but all the reports on this so called ghost have been nothing but vague recounts from either elderly folk or drunks," a murderous stare from Soranna shuts Norro Winston up before he can speak. "As for capturing any of the raiders. I'm afraid we haven't been able to. My guards aren't trained to capture murderous bandits, most of them are lucky to survive a battle against them,'" she pauses to give the idea some thought. "Still, it's not a bad idea. If you are able to capture one, I would certainly be interested in what it has to say."

2009-10-27, 06:08 AM
The magic that I wield is far different from your typical mage, it tends to incapacitate rather than kill. If we go after one or two of these bands, we will certainly end up with a captive in short order. Then we can get some information from him, one way or another.

2009-10-28, 08:40 AM
"Perhaps then we should head toward this Keep, scout it out, and see if we can find a patrol or similar from which to bring back a prisoner." Ortes takes another drink of wine. "Is it far? Hard to get to? Do you have maps available? It would be well if we could proceed in the morning, but night may be better for our purposes. Of course, if it's far enough away tomorrow night may be the best time anyway..."

2009-10-29, 02:32 AM
Soranna nods at Casandra's explanation of her magical prowess. She looks hopeful suddenly. Norro Winston responds to Ortes' questions. "Vraath Keep is not far away, a day's travel at best, it is located between our town and Skull Gorge Bridge, one of our major trade routes."

"I suggest you seek out Jorr the Hunter after a good nights rest. He knows the Witchwoods like no other and might be able to tell you more about goblin movements in the forest," she produces a map of the vale from her pack and spreads it out on the table. She marks a location in the Witchwood with a crayon. "His cabin is here. He might also know of a faster route to Vraath Keep than trudging through the forest by yourselves."

"I have arranged for accomodations here at the inn. I expect a good night's sleep will do you some good," Norro and Soranna stand up and get ready to leave. "Good luck out there and report any findings to me and Norro."

2009-10-29, 03:16 AM

"Ok, so we have a plan. Thank you for your help!" SeriNox says, already yawning. "Let's get to bed now and start out first light tomorrow morning!"

2009-10-29, 06:34 AM

Tomorrow morning is the plan then. One thing before you leave, can you tell us anything about this Jorr you would have us seek? Is he likely to greet us well, or be some sort of crazyman of the forest?

2009-10-30, 04:07 AM
"Jorr might be... unwelcome to newcomers. Don't worry though, he has a good heart and if you can convince him, a great guide."

The night passes relatively quitely. Norro Winston paid for three seperate rooms, adjacent to each other. The rooms are clean and the beds have new linen. The ony thing keeping you up at night were the seemingly countless mosquitos, sharply buzzing past your ear and dissapearing out of sight again.

Day 2: early morning

After breakfast, you gather you possessions and head out for Jorr's cabin. You book passage on the ferry, which brings you on the second half of the Dawn Way. After a few hours trekking through the woods the trail leads past a small cabin in a deep forest glade. A ramshackle front porch is littered with fishing baskets and skinning frames. The cabin overlooks a dark bayou with old gray cedar trees draped in moss rising out of the water. And old skiff is tied up on the shore nearby and a litle smoke curls from the fieldstone chimney.

Outside the cabin, three big hunting dogs are lying under the porch, taking shelter from the heat. As you approach the old wooden building, they notice you and start barking violently. They run up to you, stopping a short distance away, growling and snapping ferociously.

2009-10-30, 06:26 AM

Casandra stops close enough to the cottage to be heard but out of range of the barking dogs. She calls out in a loud voice.

We seek Jorr, the hunter. We have been commissioned by the townsfolk of Drellin's Ferry to deal with the hobgoblin threat to the area. We came here to pay our final respects to Zarin, our former comrade, and have become involved in this problem.

2009-10-30, 09:13 AM
The cabin's door opens, and a lean woodsman of indeterminate age steps onto the porch. He has a seamed, leathery look tohis face and arms, and a big curved knife its in a sheath strapped to one thigh. "Zarin eh? Never heard of him.

Goblins on the other hand! I just can't stand them! The wood's rotten with 'em right now. How can I help you?"

2009-10-30, 10:22 AM
Ortes waits until the group are a little way out of town before stepping off the road and tracing his seal in the earth. Thus, the innkeeper and staff are spared the seeming explosion of feathers and flapping that ensues, and the brief conversation - alternating between argument, bargaining and pleading, though Ortes seems to have the advantage of the hoarse-voiced second party - that follows. When he returns to his companions, a strangely-behaved, glossily black raven is perched on his shoulder. As they resume their journey towards Jarr's hut, the bird takes wing and precedes them in the air, Ortes' eyes glazed and unfocused as he steers his horse after Casandra's.


"The Speaker and captain said you might be able to help us out," Ortes explains. "They want us to investigate the hobgoblins, said you might know something of their movements, and could point the way to Vraath's Keep quicker and surer than we might find ourselves."

2009-10-30, 10:56 AM
"Vraath Keep, now what would they be doing there? There's nothing there but that crazy spirit, moaning and rattling its chain every night, year after year." As you talk, two of the dogs have settled down, the third still growls menacingly at Ortes' newfound feathered friend.

2009-10-31, 12:55 PM
We dont know for sure if they are hiding out there, but thats the rumour. We arent really sure of where else to start, and that was suggested as a place. If you could just call off your dog, we could talk more, you know these woods inside and out from what we hear, maybe you have an even better place to look.

2009-11-02, 01:52 AM

"We would be grateful for your help and if we could find a sollution to the Hobgoblin probelm you would be better off as well!"

2009-11-02, 06:06 AM
"Well if the bird's bothering them, I'll send it away," Ortes says. And does so - it takes wing and spirals up to a height, circling slowly above. He makes no gesture or signal to it, which may puzzle Jorr, in which case his reaction is one of thinly concealed amusement.

"The captain has information that points to the Keep. It may be wrong, but it's a lead. Might be there's no ghost, might be the hobgoblins know how to avoid it, might be they have a mage who has the ghost working with them now. Whichever might be the case, our aim is to investigate, capture one of them if we can, find out where they're based and what they're up to. We're not asking you to put yourself in danger, just provide any information you might have - the captain said you knew the woods best and might know where to find their patrols. If the way points to the Keep, perhaps you can help us get there with the least fuss, but any poking around or dealing with ghosts you can leave to us. I'm sure the town speaker will be lavish in his gratitude."

Ortes wasn't sure of anything of the sort and wouldn't be surprised to find that Winston was a tight-fisted old skinflint, but he was confident he could wheedle whatever price Jorr named out of their employers.

2009-11-02, 11:59 AM
As Ortes' strange bird takes wing, the dog seems to calm down. Though it still follows it out of the corner of its eye.

Jorr listens intensly to your reasoning and requests, until finally he agrees. "Well," he says, pondering. "It would make sense for the goblins to occupy the keep, if they managed to get rid of that spirit. Alright, I'll lead you there. Wait here for a moment."
With those words he heads back inside and comes out again a minute later, a longbow and backpack have been slung over his shoulder and he seems to have donned a set of thick leather armour.

"Listen up, I move pretty fast in these woods. I suggest you follow on horseback, but you may have to dismount at several narrow passes. I expect you to follow my every word.
I want five gold coins a day and don't expect me to enter the Keep. I will only take you there. Understood?"
After those words he gives you time to mount and heads off into the forest.

You travel for several hours, finding several deserted camp sites and even a dead body or two. You see no trace of any goblins though. Jorr stops at several points to examine tracks before signaling you to continue.

Finally, you stop at a causeway. A wide expanse of dark water has flooded the woodland in this low valley. Trees still protrude from the calm, dark waters here and there, but many large reaches seem to be little more than oen pools of algae-chocked water. The thrill of frogs and the whine of insects fills the air. The forest road leads right down to the edge of the flooded section, up to a rickety-looking causeway made of thick planks of wood lashed together with mossy rope. The wooden causeway runs for several undred feet through the boggy patch, only a foot or so above the watr.

Up ahead you can make out the wreckage or a wagon, lying on its side and half-sunk in the flooded forest, about thirty feet from the causeway. You can see a reflection of sunlight coming from an item still laying on the wagon.

2009-11-02, 02:26 PM
"Hmmm," Ortes muses. "Did they run a merchant off the road, or is this something of their own that they've lost? Could be illuminating."

At his mental command, the raven spirals down to investigate the wreck, Ortes looking through its eyes.

2009-11-03, 02:54 AM

"There is something on that wagon, it looks like a snake or something."

2009-11-03, 03:24 AM

As your magical bird flies over the wagon, you spot a number of hobgoblin skeletons piled on it. Corrosion has set in over time and their armour and weapons are rusted and useless, except for a single spotless breastplate. The highly polished metallic armour reflects the sun's rays and you conclude it must be magical in nature.

Your vision swirls to the right as your bird notices a large serpent's head resting on the mossy side of the wagon. You trace its neck back to the source and a are surprised to spot a large body of water resting underneath the brackish water. Four similar looking heads are resting nearby in the bushy undergrowth.

The creature hasn't noticed your approach yet.

2009-11-03, 06:25 AM
"You're right. There's a creature there. I don't think it's seen us - hold still.

"The wagon was the hobgoblins'," Ortes tells the others. "There are a few of them dead out there. Been there a while. That shine is from what looks like an enchanted piece of armour. But there's something big, unpleasant and multi-headed hiding in deep water right beside it. I think it's asleep..."

2009-11-03, 07:33 AM

"Do you want me to wake it?" SeriNox asks, an evil smile on her lips "Or will we do the sensible thing and try to sneak part, waking it accidently during the process?"

2009-11-03, 07:46 AM
As you consider your options, you hear a large snort coming from the brackish water.

"Will you guys quiet down please. Any loud noises could disturb this beast," Jorr advices as he unslings his bow, just in case.

2009-11-03, 07:52 AM
Ortes answers SeriNox as quietly as he is able. "I'd like to get a look at that armour and inspect the bodies, but besides the risk, a fight might draw attention we don't need yet. Best to try to sneak past, if we can, and perhaps we can look again when we're returning and sure of our surroundings."

2009-11-03, 12:29 PM
in a whisper
Trying to sneak past would be the sensible thing to do, but Im not sure if I trust that causeway not to collapse and dump us into the water, costing us any sort of surprise advantage, and putting us in water during the fight.

2009-11-04, 01:51 AM
SeriNox (whispering)

"That's what I was saying. Now we have an advantage and I am not sure we will be able to sneak past. I know some spells that will help, but still..."

2009-11-04, 05:21 PM
still in a whisper
If I use a whelming blast spell, it might knock out several heads at one time. Even if it doesnt affect multiple heads, it can at least target one head per round. When a head drops down, you be ready to sever it, shouldnt be too hard when it isnt moving. But before we attack, IF we are going to attack, I want to cast a mirror image on myself. Those horses, clip clopping on the bridge will likely wake it

2009-11-05, 02:17 AM

"I can cover us all in a globe of obsolute silence, if needed."

2009-11-09, 07:51 AM

Casandra, being her usual hot-headed self, tires of all the whispered planning and opts for action. She gives a nod to both her companions to be ready to use whatever surprise attacks they have, and then turns face the hydra, concentrates and then launches her whelming burst on the beast.

2009-11-09, 07:58 AM
Ortes, seeing his sister's signal, starts his horse forward along the bank and fires off a blast of arcane energy at the hydra, quickly following it with another.

2009-11-09, 08:01 AM
SeriNox, surprised by Cassandra's impulsiveness, starts to cast Bull's Strength on herself, starting off towards the Hydra and the wagon.

Her walk changes into a charge and she runs at full speed, aiming for the base of the creature's necks.

2009-11-09, 02:00 PM
Within seconds the quiet of the forest is replaced by the sounds of combat as your band of adventurers charge in at the sleeping beast.

The hydra wakes by surprise as Ortes' dark energy sears its skin. Before it can recover, Casandra overwhelms it with blast of magic and SeriNox charges the beast head on.

"Oh, for the love of...," Jorr says as he sees you charging the monster. He quickly grabs his bow and readies an arrow. It strikes true, piercing the neck of one of the hydra's many heads.

You are surprised at the amazing speed with which the create seems to heal and as you battle you notice the wounds you've caused all but close up.

With a furious howl the creature throws itself at SeriNox, the mass of heads catches her off guard and two of the heads manage to connect with the draconic woman.

2009-11-09, 02:10 PM

Casandra concentrates on the hydra once again, loosing forth another one of her whelming burst spells on it.

2009-11-09, 02:22 PM
Ortes' raven caws impotently at the beast as its master sends another bolt of black flame lancing at the main body.

"Well, I guess we weren't likely to make it across unmolested anyway," he sighs.

2009-11-09, 02:31 PM

Who cares about being unmolested. Life is too short not to live a little. Fortune favours the bold.
Casandra sends forth another whelming burst of magic at the hydra.

2009-11-10, 12:35 AM

As if her wounds had given her more power, SeriNox lashes out once more, hitting the beast with all her might.

2009-11-10, 02:35 AM
The hydra shrieks as your swords and spells cut deep into its body. With a loud roar, it retreats further into the water. Only its flailing heads are visible now.

With animalistic fury it throws itself at SeriNox, stomping and biting with her heads. The draconic elf is once again overwhelmed as one of the heads manages to take grip of her leg and set its teeth in it, blood flows freely through SeriNox's armour plates.

Jorr curses as the creature submerges, he moves closer to the rest of the party and tries to get another shot in.

2009-11-10, 08:04 AM
Ortes spurs his horse closer to the water. Seeing the creature lashing at SeriNox, he snarls, and the water around the hydra boils.

2009-11-10, 08:31 AM

Casandra as well moves closer to the edge of the water (5 ft. step) and continues to unleash whelming blasts on the hydra.

2009-11-11, 01:53 AM

SeriNox uses the chance to recover and moves a few steps back. When she sees that the beast does not follow her she prays to her god for protection and casts Shield of Faith on herself.

2009-11-11, 03:25 AM
The hydra cries in fury as more spells continue to berate her. They seem to have little effect as every cut and burn on the monster almost instantly heals.
With SeriNox stepping out of its reach however, the creature decided it had enough. It submerges underwater and retreats back into the murky dark.

2009-11-11, 03:36 AM

"Let's leave!" she shouts "Shall we take a look at that cart as we go?"

SeriNox does not stop looking for the Hydra as it might return, but is happy to see it leave.

2009-11-11, 05:30 PM

And if you come back, theres plenty more where that came from.

Casandra snorts in satisfaction.

Do grab that shield before we leave. I dont use them, but it might fetch a decent price.

2009-11-11, 05:50 PM
"This is almost ideal, actually," Ortes observes. "If we've hurt it enough it'll leave us alone for the time being, but it'll still be here to cause the hobgoblins trouble until they're driven off. And yes, let's take whatever they've left behind, if only to deny it to them."

He sends his bird soaring on high to watch for the hydra's return, or anyone attracted by the sound of battle, and spurs his horse toward the cart.

2009-11-13, 10:50 AM
Just as Ortes directs his horse to move toward the wagon, his eldritch bird flies over the marsh.
He reaches he cart and succesfully pulls the skeleton of the hobgoblin wearing the magical breastplate onto his horse. At that moment, his bird cries, but it is too late as five long necks burst out of the water, attacking the dark magician with all their might.

2009-11-13, 11:00 AM
Playin' possum are you, ye durrn hydra? Well chew on this instead.

Casandra rushes toward her stricken brother, brandishing her rapier and taking a swing as she arrives.

2009-11-14, 06:52 AM
SeriNox, ashamed that she did not spot the monster earlier, tries to get close enough to attack it once more.

2009-11-14, 08:35 AM
"Whoa!" Ortes escapes unscathed, one head tearing at the leg of the hobgoblin corpse and another clattering off his shield, but his horse is slashed and bludgeoned and collapses, eyes rolling up, knees buckling. The warlock is sent sprawling, narrowly avoiding being crushed under his mount. Scuttling away as best he can, he lashes out at the beast.

2009-11-15, 07:53 AM
Reeling under the quickly recovered attack of its intented target, the hydra shrieks in pain and annoyance before submerging again. Judging from the trail on top of the water, it is moving for good.

Jorr comes running up to the fallen horse of Ortes. "This looks bad," he says. "Do any of you have any healing powers? We might be able to save this horse. If not, I think the humane thing would be to kill her now and spare her all this suffering."

2009-11-15, 08:30 AM
Ortes rights himself and brushes off the dirt of his fall, turning then to the horse. "Seri, can you do anything for it?"

2009-11-15, 11:53 AM

Healing is not a talent of mine, nor do I have spell casting capabilities. I do have some potions, but I have no idea of whether or not they would cure a horse, nor do I know how to make the beast drink it.

2009-11-16, 01:53 AM

SeriNox moves up to the horse and prays to her god to save the poor beast from death. She lays her hands on the horse's flanks, drawing on the power of her faith to heal it.

2009-11-16, 02:06 AM
Jorr was still holding the beast's head when SeriNox used her magical powers to restore it. "That is powerful magic you control there," the woodsman said. "Be sure to use those powers responsibly. In any case, thank you for sparing this animal."

With that, Jorr stands up and inspects his surroundings. "If you are ready, I suggest we move. We have made a lot of noise this battle and it could have attracted unwanted onlookers, the hydra might also come back and I do not want to face that thing again."

2009-11-16, 08:26 AM

Casandra settles her things once more, and looks to her companions.

Im ready to move out now, the beast was not able to damage me in anyway. If either of you are hurt however, I do have some potions to do some healing for you.

2009-11-16, 08:34 AM
"My horse took the only wounds," Ortes pats its neck as he speaks. "If Seri's good to go, I say we follow Jorr's advice."

He straps the breastplate to his saddle. "This thing has a simple defensive charm on it. Either of us could get some mileage out of it, Cas."

2009-11-16, 08:39 AM

When the horse is healed, SeriNox says another prayer, this time healing some of the damage the Hydra's bites did to herself.

Then she turns to her friends: "All set to go!"

2009-11-16, 09:29 AM
Day 2: evening

Jorr nods at you and binds his longbow back on his back. With uncanny speed, the elderly woodsman guides you deeper into the forest. After a few hours he motions you to stop.

Looming out of the shadowy woods ahead is a haunting sight - a ruined keep. The old castle sits on a small rocky hillock, and you can catch glimpses of a broken tower between the trees. A moss-covered stone at the side of the road you're following marks a footpath that looks like it leads up to the keep.
Jorr kneels down and inspects the path. "See these tracks here. Numerous humanoids and several large wolves have been using this trail recently," the woodsman turns around and looks at you. "If I were to guess, I'd say that you were right. These might have been goblins." He spits in disgust before standing up again. He looks around and spots a reasonably steep climb on the side of the road. "I suggest you hide your horses in the woods and follow me."
He waits for you to finish and then guides you up the slope. After a twenty minute scramble up the forested hillside you are in a good view of the keep.

The old keep is in very poor repair. The gatehouse is partially collapsed as is a section of wall to the south. A small wooden building sits next to the remains of a long-abandonded garden in front of the structure. The walls surrounding the keep are about fifteen feet high, with a two-story tower looming in the southwest corner of the courtyard within. Large boulders lie strewn amid the ruins of the two watch towes, and a massive humanoid skeleton slumps amid the ruins of the northern one. This skeleton still wears tattered fragments of hide armor, and a large club lieds next to one of its bony arms.
You can see smoke rising from the southern section of the keep, a campfire by your guess.
A sickly greenish-yellow light flickers inside the second floor of the ruined tower, and a faint sound of eerie moaning can be heard from within.

2009-11-16, 10:07 AM
CASANDRA (Ret-con)

As they tie up the horses, Casandra claims the mithral breastplate from Ortes horse, tying her old chain shirt in its place. She outfits herself in the new, lighter armour, and takes a few practice swings to settle herself.

It is better, this should do me well.

She joins the group in climbing the hill.

(whisper) The south part of the wall appears to be collapsed, and thats where the camp smoke is rising from. Maybe we should take a look there and see how many guards are at it. If we can take them quietly, we could get some information from them. Either that, or sneak in through the old gatehouse.

2009-11-19, 03:35 AM

"It looks like this keep was destroyed by giants before the Hobgoblins moved in. And there appears to be no trouble between the potential ghost and the new inhabitants. What do you sugest we do? I would prefer to gather some intel before we decide on a plan!"

2009-11-19, 03:48 AM
"Let me take a look," Ortes advises. His raven, perched above them, takes wing and flies north, curving around to approach the keep from about ninety degrees away from the party's hiding place. Under the warlock's direction, it wheels high over the keep, circling lower to investigate the campfire and courtyard, before heading for the tower and - if it can - hopping in one of the windows showing light.

All the while Ortes is hunched in his saddle, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose, eyes closed. The sight comes regardless, but it's far less bewildering if his own senses are shut out. "Let's see if it's a necromancer or an illusionist they're working with," he grins.

2009-11-19, 07:38 AM
As the magical bird flies over the keep, it starts sending black and white images directly to Ortes. You can clearly see the make up of the ruined building.
In the courtyard, next to the crumbled wall you can make out a small number of shapes sitting around a freshly lit campfire. They appear to be fairly inattentive, most of the shapes seem to be focused on the campfire itself, meaning their vision of the darkness further on is unfocused and it will take a while for them to adjust their darkvision again.

As the bird flies to the top of the tower, it silently lands on the windowsill. To your amazement the "ghost" of the tower is nothing more than a loose collection of wooden planks rigged in front of an endless torch. The moaning appears to come from a small, enchanted stone near the window. If you had to guess, it seems the goblins had used the legend of this keep to make sure no villagers would dare investigate it.

2009-11-19, 07:40 AM

Casandra chafes at the delay, her hot-headed nature urging her to get casting or sword-swinging, but she behaves herself...for now...

2009-11-19, 07:47 AM
Ortes snorts. "Hah! The ghost's fake. If there is or ever was a haunting in the Keep, it seems it wasn't reliable enough for the hobs. They don't even have an illusion, just a light show and a soundstone."

He opens his eyes. "There aren't many guards, and they're not keeping much of a watch. I'd say we could suprise them readily enough. It'd still be risky though. I'll see if there's a patrol about - if we can take on just a couple of hobs and take a prisoner, that's our job done and no need to risk our necks at the Keep, and leave the town knowing no more than they did to start with."

That said, he closes his eyes again and has the bird spiral out from the walls, looking for any smaller groups of hobgoblins that may be on patrol or otherwise cut off and easy pickings.

2009-11-19, 08:07 AM
"Can't see anyone else about," Ortes grumbles after a pause. "It'll have to be a surprise attack or nothing."

He leaves it to the others to decide their plan of attack...

2009-11-19, 08:12 AM

"How many of them are there? Are you sure we can take them? I don't want to jump in and be surprised at their numbers. I am fine with attacking and taking prisoners, though!"

2009-11-19, 08:20 AM
"The light wasn't great, but there shouldn't be more than four."

2009-11-19, 08:22 AM

(in a whisper) Plan of action? Sneak in as close as we can get, using magic if we have it to maintain cover and silence. Once we get close enough to launch a surprise attack, I use whelming burst to give them all a good crippling. Then you two move in and start mopping things up while I continue to use spells until one of them falls. At that point, we finish off the rest.

2009-11-19, 08:25 AM
"Seri, do you have any stealth magic prepared? I can turn myself invisible, so if Cas uses her stunning spell on the lot of them, and then I get the drop on any who aren't affected, we should have a good chance." Ortes thinks for a moment. "For that matter, Cas at least could disguise herself as a hobgoblin..."

2009-11-19, 08:37 AM
OOC: I really have to get more familiar with the Beguiler spell list, I can do both silence and invisibility

Casandra whispers a spell, cloaking herself in invisibility. She then picks up a small stone, casting silence on it, and carries it with her as she sneaks up into range of the hobgoblin camp fire, watching for her companions to follow.

2009-11-19, 08:47 AM
Ortes grasps at where Cas' arm had been before she can cast anything beyond invisibility. "My own doesn't last too long. If we're to sneak up to them all the way from here, it'd be best if you cast that on me, too."

He looks over at Jorr. "Will you join us, or stay here?"

2009-11-19, 08:58 AM

"As you know Hlal has blessed me with both Silence and Invisibility, so I can get close easily!"

2009-11-20, 08:24 AM

Casandra creeps forward until she reaches a point where she feels that she can cover the remaining distance between herself and the hobgoblins under the cover of her stealth spells. (4 minutes of moving at normal speed, since she will be both silent and invisible) She then cloaks herself in her invisbility spell, casts a silence spell on a small pebble that she can discard just before casting, and moves forward to engage the hobgoblins.

2009-11-23, 02:23 AM

SeriNox prays to her god and turns invisible, then follows the others' tracks towards the enemy fortress.

2009-11-24, 07:32 AM

Casandra bursts into the camp with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer. Attempting to catch all of the hobgoblins that are lounging around, she unleasehes her whelming burst spell in a cone at all of them.

2009-11-24, 07:43 AM
You slowly approach the courtyard of the keep as you move under the guise of invisibility and silence. Adjusting to the light of the campfire, you can now clearly make out four hobgoblin warriors lounging around the fire. They look tougher and better equipped than the ambushers you encountered the previous day.

Just as one of the attempts to stand up to grab another bottle of booze, Casandra shakes off her invisibility. The surprised hobgoblin can only watch as a whelm of hot air and magic overtakes them. This seems to have slowed them down as both Ortes and SeriNox step into view, each striking a target.

2009-11-24, 07:56 AM
Ortes chortles at the surprised hobgoblins, taking another shot. "Surrender and you'll merely be taken for questioning, instead of killed on the spot," he calls out to them.

2009-11-24, 08:34 AM

Casandra continues to take advantage of the fact that she has the initiative over the hobgoblins and releases another whelming burst on the one in front of her, hopefully hitting any that are in line with her as well.

2009-11-24, 08:37 AM

SeriNox continues to attack the Hobgoblin threatening Cassandra, but his mighty swing misses its target.

2009-11-24, 08:52 AM
Before the hobgoblins have recovered you strike again. SeriNox fails to connect with the hobgoblin standing in front of Casandra, though the warrior is felled by another burst of Casandra's spell. The hobgoblin falls down unconcious.

Meanwhile, Ortes' barrage takes down the hobgoblin archer at the edge of the campfire. Dark flames sear the goblin's body as he hits the ground. In retaliation, the leftmost warrior cries and charges at Ortes. His sword slashes across the dark magician's chest.

The last of the hobgoblin veterans quickly draws the horn hanging on his side and blows on it with all his might. A long drawn out note can be heard resonating throughout the courtyard. Immediately, you can hear barking and the sound of yelling goblins.

2009-11-24, 08:57 AM

"Well, so much for stealth..." SeriNox muses as she jumps across to attack the Hobgoblin with the horn.

2009-11-24, 09:02 AM
Ortes swears as the hobgoblin's sword skitters past his shield and draws blood. Bringing his hand up, he points it between his enemy's eyes.

"Stop that."

Unwholesome energies burn out the goblin's skull as the warlock turns toward Casandra. "Let's take that one -" he points at the unconscious hobgoblin fallen at her feet "- and get out of here quickly."

2009-11-24, 09:08 AM

Casandra moves to help her brother finish off the last of the hobgoblins, using her rapier now, instead of her spells.

If we down this one, each of us carry out one, since my spell doesnt kill, they will all recover. Then we will have 3 potential sources of information

2009-11-24, 09:25 AM
The hobgoblin facing Ortes reels back as the dark flames engulf his face. He quickly recovers and strikes at Ortes again.
The other veteran and SeriNox are enganged in a series of repostes and blocks as both combatants try to find a weakness in their opponents defense.

Suddenly, the howl of wolfs can be heard and arrows fly narrowly over Casandra's head. On the other side of the hole, two goblin worgriders can be seen over the rubble of the fallen wall.

At that moment, a door leading into the keep is smashed open and a massive figure steps into the courtyard. "Who dares awaken Karkilan," the minotaur shouts. When he sees the battle taking place, he raises his giant axe and bellows. "Wyrmlord, we are under attack!"

2009-11-24, 04:09 PM
"Oh, that is just not any kind of a good thing at all," Ortes laments. He still blasts the goblin attacking him, though.

2009-11-25, 01:37 AM

Seeing a more worthy oponent SeriNox brings her Bastartsword around in a mighty swing, trying to end this fight quickly so she can take on the Minotaur.

2009-11-25, 07:36 AM

Seeing what Seri-Nox is planning, Casandra shouts a warning at him.

Are you out of your mind? Take on the minotaur? We were just planning for recon, not engaging the whole damn group of them all at once. Get in, get out, remember?

She then takes another swing at her hobgoblin opponent.

2009-11-25, 08:38 AM

"But... But... But he is there!" SeriNox stammers, perplexed that Cassandra would not let her fight a perfectly good enemy, one worthy of her talents and powers. "I never get to have any fun!"

2009-11-25, 10:05 AM
Almost simultaniously both hobgoblin veterans drop under the assault of Ortes and SeriNox. Though you do not have a chance to catch your breath as more arrows fly into the courtyard. One of the arrows grazes Casandra's shoulder, causing a flash of pain.

The minotaur - clad in a battered beastplate which depicts a blood red hand - snorts and sniffs before lowering its head and charging SeriNox with all its might. The lithe elf easily absorbs the blow by shifting her stance and blocking the horns with her shield.

A sudden gust of air can be felt and you can spot a large shape flying over the keep. Huge draconic wings momentarily graze the courtyard as the creature settles itself on the roof of the building. Its wings are attached to a lion's body, its tail features a great number of spikes and you can make out a fairly humanoid face in the gloom. The creature relaxes and streches out its legs on the roof. It has a slightly amused look on its face as it watches the proceedings in the courtyard with interest.

2009-11-26, 05:15 AM

"See, I got him!" SeriNox shouts as she swings her sword once more, this time at the Minotaur in front of her: "Let's see what he's worth!"

2009-11-26, 05:20 AM
Long experience tells Ortes that any attempt to help Seri with her enemy would only be taken as unwelcome interference, at least unless and until he starts really wiping the floor with her... but it's the only enemy within reach, so he shrugs and blasts it anyway.

"We'll want to take these two down and run for it as soon as the way's clear," he suggests to Cas, nodding towards the worg riders. "Do we try to haul one of these unconscious ones?"

2009-11-26, 07:18 AM

Casandra is dubious about the way being clear after the hobgoblins are dealt with, seeing as there is still the minotaur, and perhaps the manticore as well. However, the hobgoblins are still an immediate threat, and since they are out range of her best spells, she decides to make it a lot tougher for them to deal with her, and casts a mirror image causing 4 images of herself to appear.

Which one is the real one, stupid hobbies?

2009-11-27, 09:05 AM
The word riders continue to be a menace as more arrows are shot into the courtyard. Casandra's magic protects her as they are unable to locate their true target, instead two of the mage's images are disrupted as the arrows pass through them like air.
As quick as they came into view, the word riders once again vanish. Preferring their geruella tactics to straight up combat.

Karkilan is under heavy assault from both SeriNox and Ortes. Shrugging off the damage, the great beast lifts his massive axe and shouts. "Wyrmlord!" With those words, he brings the axe down in a heavy swing, SeriNox evades the attack easily.

Meanwhile, the manticore yawns. It looks bored.

2009-11-27, 09:07 AM

Casandra uses the "cover" provided by her spell to pull out her rapier and charge at the hobgoblins, ready to attack as soon as she gets in range.

Missed again, and again, you guys are really pathetic shots, you know that? Come on, try one more time.

You indicated they were not in range for charge attack, so Casandra is charging and presumably next round can get in her attacks

2009-11-27, 09:12 AM
As Casandra runs after the worg riders, she jumps over the rubble in the gap and looks around. She can clearly see both riders circling back toward the hole. One is circling left, the other to the right.

The goblin to the left has made a shorter circle and apperantly, it hasn't spotted Casandra yet. She might be able to surprise it when it turns back.

2009-11-30, 01:48 PM
Ortes hesitates, unsure whether to help his sister or the elf... but they'll all need to follow Cas soon, and the sooner Seri's fight ends and they can make a run for it, the better. Focusing arcane energies in his hand, he blasts them at the minotaur again.

2009-12-01, 01:32 PM
As soon as the leftmost worg rider turns around, it spots Casandra standing on a pile of rubble by the broken wall. It is too late however as a burst of energy from the woman's fingertips engulfs the goblin. The rider and its partner fire another volley of arrows in retalitation, but both miss their target completely.

Meanwhile, SeriNox manages to find an opening in the bull-headed creatures' thick hide and armor, Karlikan lets out a howl as blood is drawn from his side. He responds in kind by headbutting the draconic elf with force and ramming the end of his greataxe into her stomach. SeriNox staggers back slightly, but composes herself.
Ortes' dark magic continues to find its mark. Karlikan looks weakened, his breath heavy.

2009-12-02, 08:32 AM

SeriNox tries to finish the Minotaur off as fast as possible, but her strike goes wide, inballancing her.

2009-12-03, 08:23 AM

Casandra selects the biggest rock, closest to where the hobgoblin passes when he circles around to fire more arrows. She readies her rapier and crouches down, planning to spring out and strike the moment the hobgoblin makes another pass.

2009-12-08, 05:36 AM
Ortes blasts at the minotaur again, the distraction of keeping an eye on the manticore sending him wide of the mark.

2009-12-08, 12:22 PM
Karlikan grunts in rage as SeriNox dodges blow after blow. "Die already metallic one!" the brute yells as he prepares his greataxe for another swing.

On the other side of the wall, the goblin that was hit by Casandra's magic falls unconscious into his seat. After a few paces, he is about to fall from his mount, an opportunity the worg uses to drag his rider off of it and chow down.
The other goblin rider watches in horror as his partner is eaten by his own mount. He quickly scans the wall again and brings his worg to a halt as he cannot see his mark anymore.
With a swift kick to the mount's backside, the goblin speeds off to a different direction, away from the keep.

Ortes' blast ends up burning a chunk from the keep's tower. Time has obviously not been gentle to this old fortification.
As the man keeps half an eye on the manticore, he feels a sharp sting in the back of his head. For a moment, all vision is lost to him. It returns after a second, but Ortes knows enough about the arcane to know a magician was responsible for that.
He scans the courtyard and sees a slight shimmer a few feet above the ground. He can almost make out a humanoid shape in the dark, but looses sight of it as the shimmer fades back into darkness.

Meanwhile, the manticore's interest is piqued and he stands up, unfurling its wings.

2009-12-08, 12:28 PM

Thats right, run away, you coward
Casandra mutters as she watches, one might almost think she feels deprived of a chance to kill. She turns and surveys the battle with the minotaur, and comes to that battle at a run.
Time to feel a new blade, beast

2009-12-08, 02:11 PM
"Khhh!" Ortes blinks hard, noting the manticore's movement with alarm before turning again to the minotaur. "Seri, there's a mage about! Invisible! We have to get out of here!" Impatient, he blasts at the paladin's opponent once again.

2009-12-08, 02:18 PM
The minotaur falls to his knees, despite being beaten a look of victory can be seen on his face. "Koth will destroy you," the bull-headed man coughs. "For the Red Hand!"
With those words, he falls. Dead.

2009-12-08, 03:08 PM

Casandra gives a whoop as the minotaur falls dead, and grabs the closet knocked out hobgoblin to her. She picks him up in a firemans carry, and shouts to the others.

Grab at least one more hobby, and then lets get out here. Keep an eye on that manticore in case he decides to impede our exit.

2009-12-09, 08:02 AM

Seeing the Minotaur drop dead in front of her, SeriNox looks around for an unconscious enemy to grab. If she spots one she will pick him up and follow Cassandra, else she will help Cassandra with her prisoner, keeping her eyes open for Manticores or invisible mages.

2009-12-09, 08:45 AM
Just as Casandra and SeriNox pick up an unconcious hobgoblin, Ortes calls back his bird to try and get a better view of their invisible attacker.
He brings the bird around to the south side of the courtyard and to his surprise a dark haired bugbear appears hovering above the large wooden door as if stepping out of the shadows. Its long red robes flow in the wind as the bugbear brings his arms together, only to release a magical ball of flame hurling toward Ortes and SeriNox.
"You will pay for this intrusion with your life, elven scum!"

Meanwhile, the manticore slowly, almost grudgely gets ready for combat as its master arrived at the scene. It stretches its body wide and makes a half turn on the spot. With great force, the manticore swings its tail and half a dozen spikes shoot towards Casandra. One of the spikes pierces the neck of her hobgoblin captive, killing it instantly.

2009-12-09, 08:55 AM

SeriNox quickly steps outside the area affected by the Fireball, then Casts a spell of her own, enhancing the strength of her limbs to better cope with the dangers ahead.

"Seems like we will not get away that easily. Shall we face them or run?" she quietly asks her friends

2009-12-09, 10:10 AM
The only ranged spell I have left would take forever to drop that manticore, and I dont have a ranged weapon. Unless you have a plan to get it to land, I cant help with it

Casandra looks around for another dazed hobgoblin, hoping to pick it up and make an escape from what has become a very dangerous situation.

2009-12-09, 10:19 AM
Ortes manages to take the brunt of the magical blast on his shield. "Can we run? They can both fly, maybe faster than we can flee if we're carrying a prisoner. Cas, maybe one of the hobs left a bow... or maybe if we can take down the mage the beast will lose interest."

As he speaks, he concentrates, and abruptly disappears from view.

2009-12-09, 02:38 PM

Casandra changes her focus from looking for a living but stunned hobgoblin, to just finding a bow on one. When she finds one, she will pick up his arrows as well, and launch arrow attacks on one of her foes.

2009-12-10, 12:53 AM

Without another word SeriNox sheathes her sword and grabs her bow, then fires a single arrow at the mage: "I can shoot a little, but I'm afraid it is not my best attack!"

2009-12-12, 06:09 AM
After Casandra sprints to one of the hobgoblin corpses and produces a bow from it, she is now standing next to her draconic elven ally. The manticore uses this opportunity to fling another set of spikes their way.

At least one of the massive bone spikes pierces the half-elven woman's leg, causing her to drop to one knee. The spikes directed at SeriNox hardly have any effect.

Meanwhile, Koth is slightly surpised by Ortes' sudden disapearance. Instead of trying to find the now hidden half-elf, the bugbear arcanist flings another ball of fire at Casandra and SeriNox.

2009-12-12, 08:24 AM

One of the bone spikes from the manticore does appear to pierce the leg of Casandra, and it sinks to the ground, however, it just disappears as that happens.

Not this time, you overgrown porcupine, you'll have to do better than that

Casandra retaliates with her bow, but misses her first shot.

2009-12-14, 05:33 AM

Again SeriNox fires at the mage, trying to disrupt his casting.

2009-12-14, 08:26 AM
Hit hard by a ray of dark energy, Koth responds in kind by cursing Ortes with a blindness spell. The half-elf overcomes the darkness however and within moments, his vision comes back.

The manticore flings her last set of spikes at the elven couple in the courtyard. Two of the spikes pierce SeriNox's thick armour, but fail to do any serious damage.

2009-12-14, 08:41 AM

Casandra continues to fire the hobgoblin bow, managing a hit, but barely gaining the manticores notice.

How do these stupid things kill people?

2009-12-15, 07:50 AM

Annoyed by the mage's resistance to damage but seeing no other way, SeriNox retreats a few steps towards the keep's wall and fires another arrow.

2009-12-15, 08:25 AM

Casandra fires another arrow at the manticore, this time reacting with some satisfaction as the bolt plunks into a meaty part of the beast.

Take that one, you stupid porcupine

2009-12-17, 02:45 AM
The bugbear winces as another burst of energy pierces his defenses. He focuses his energy once more and another ball of fire scorches the courtyard.
He yells something in a harsh, gutteral language* before flying off to the tower. The eerie sounds of the fake ghost can still be heard in the background.

Just as Koth flies away, the manticore roars and flaps his mighty wings. It leaps into the air and pounds on Casandra. One of its claws rakes across her chest, causing serious injuries.

* Ortes

You can clearly understand the language spoken: it's infernal.
"Beast, kill those damnable pests. They must not find the plans!"

2009-12-17, 02:57 AM

Seeing the Manticore so close to her, SeriNox fires one more arrow at point blank range, then exchanges her bow for the sword again.

2009-12-17, 09:55 AM

Casandra yelps in pain from the manticore attack, and drops her bow, opting for her more dependable and effective rapier, and takes a stab with it.

with a 17, likely not a hit, unless theres a lot of luck involved

2009-12-22, 03:19 AM
The manticore growls in pain as Casandra's rapier sinks deep in the creature's hide. Both SeriNox and Ortes miss their shots.

In response, the manticore throws itself at the half-elven woman and mauls her. The claws of the creature sink deeply into Casandra's flesh and with a powerful bite it rips a chunk of meat from the woman's shoulders.

Casandra falls to the ground, unconcious and bleeding.

2009-12-22, 03:21 AM

Seeing Cassandra fall, SeriNox rams her sword into the creature's side. She tries to place herself in front of her, between the monster and Cassandra.

2009-12-29, 04:47 PM
"Sis!" Ortes calls out in anger and alarm. Running towards the melee, he blasts again at the manticore.

2009-12-31, 04:32 AM
Looking triumphant, the manticore spits out the chunk of flesh it had taken out of Casandra. It howls in pain as both SeriNox and Ortes focus their rage on it.

With a great swipe, the monster manages to pummel SeriNox as well. The blow sends her reeling to the ground and opens her up to a bite attack from the magical creature.

2009-12-31, 04:42 AM

The pain seems to inspire SeriNox to greater hights of prowess as she brings her sword across and cuts deeply intot he body of the monster. "Take that! You will not get me as easily!"

2010-01-04, 01:06 PM
The manticore howls in pain as the elven woman's sword drives deep into its body. It retaliates by taking another swipe at SeriNox, cutting a deep whole into the full plate's steel.

Distracted by SeriNox, the manticore does not notice the lithe half-elf sneaking behind it. With a burst of dark energy, Ortes fells the mighty beast.

2010-01-04, 04:50 PM
"Check Cas, that last hit looked nasty," Ortes tells the paladin. Keeping his attention on the fallen beast, he places his hand on its head and sends a bolt of unholy fire in to it at point-blank range. Meanwhile, his raven has taken wing again and flies towards the Keep's tower.

2010-01-05, 02:22 AM

Breathing heavily from the fight, SeriNox drops her bastard sword and immediately checks on Casandra. She curses as any healing power she might have will be in vain, the half-elf is not breathing anymore.

"She's... dead," SeriNox says in shock.

Quickly she investigates the body. Besides the numerous cuts, the manticore had ripped a large chunk of flesh out of the woman's left shoulder and there is a huge slash across the chest. "My own holy powers fall short, but I am confident she can be resurrected."

2010-01-08, 06:20 PM
The blood drains from Ortes' face and he stands in shock for long seconds. "If there's anyone near who can do it!" he snaps, urging himself back to action. "...I'll get her ready to move. Will you go check the tower? There are no more goblins..."

2010-01-11, 06:25 AM

Shock and grief written clearly on her face, SeriNox starts to search the tower, carefully looking for traps and leftover enemies. She is glad for something to do while she works on the pain. On her way she stops for a moment and runs her hands over her own body, healing some of the damage she sustained with a short prayer to her god.

2010-01-11, 07:43 AM
SeriNox searches the keep and finds the following locations:

Just to the side of the courtyard are the stables. From the smell of it, horses haven't been kept here for a long time. The air reeks of worgs. A sidedoor reveals how the two Worg Riders were able to sneak out of the keep and ambush you from behind.

Manticore Lair
Across the courtyard you find a room littered with half eaten bones. You can make out bovine, canine and even humanoid carcasses. In the far corner of the room hay is laid out, supposedly the manticore's bed. You search the hay and find some gold and gems. Apperantly the manticore had a fascination for shiny things. The large hole in the roof served as the creature's main doorway.

SeriNox goes back outside and enters the last (and largest) block of the keep.
The first room looks like a gathering hall. Old tables are overturned, or set up in a chaotic fashion. The kitchen has not been used for a while, the goblins preffered their meat raw it seemed.
A doorway leads to the barracks, you count bedding for at least twenty goblins.

Koth's Quarters
Just as SeriNox investigates the barracks, she hears a shout from upstairs. She walks up the narrow winding staircase and finds Ortes standing in the room, bend over a large table.
Ortes had carried his sister upstairs and laid her gently on the wyrmlord's bed.

His grief replaced by steely resolve, a dark shadow loomed over the warlock's face. "This must be that bastard's quarters," he says. "Come, look at this. He was planning a raid on Drellin's Ferry." Ortes points to the map laid out on the table. The map details the entire Vale, with various notes scribbled on it. Ortes then produces a stack of notes. "Found these as well. This must be his journal. All of them are writtin in Infernal, which I can read. Though some of it is encoded." He waits a second before continuing.
"From what I can gather from his uncoded notes, Koth and his lackies moved in here a number of weeks ago. They set up the fake ghost to keep away any locals. Most of this stuff is useless, mostly personal thoughts," Ortes shuffles through the notes. "Ah, this is what I saw earlier. Apperantly Koth had been studying the history of this keep. There is some stuff about the assault by Forest Giants and how Lord Vraath defended the keep. Not really important, but what might be useful is this: apperantly Vraath never fought to the end, he was rumoured to have a secret treasury in the Keep and he had fled there during the final assault. Koth has been looking for the treasury for a while now.
He had found this ward stone," Ortes shows SeriNox a sleek, black stone. "If we find this treasury, there may be treasure expensive enough in there to fund Casandra's resurrection?"
Ortes looks over to his sister. A look of sorrow passes his face, but is quickly replaced by that dark shadow. "Seri, take the stone. Find the treasury, I will try to decode Koth's notes."

2010-01-12, 05:10 AM

SeriNox takes the stone from Ortes, some hope returning to her eyes: "I will do my best to find it though I am not a person used to searching buildings. If I guess correctly, treasure vaults are usually under the main building, beneath the cellars or close to them. I will see what I can find!"

SeriNox moves throught he building more carefully now, looking for any signs of hidden doors or concealed staircases. She is convinced of having to go down, but does not narrow her search down to that option.

2010-01-12, 08:25 AM
Vraath Vault

After searching the keep thoroughly, SeriNox notices something unusual about the stonework in the kitchen's pantry. The stone is of a darker hue and when she closes, the wardstone starts to hum slighty. Simply touching the stone to the wall is enough to dispel the illusion and a rusty ladder is revealed, leading down into the darkness. After a short climb, SeriNox enters the vault.

The walls of this small vault are of worked stone, the ceiling twelve feet overhead. The air is thick and smells stale and slightly smoky. Three alcoves have been cut into the walls, two to the north and one to the east. Each alcove is sealed by an iron gate and locked with chains and a large padlock. Beyond one alcove are several shelves bearing no less than ten small iron coffers. Beyond the second is a small desk and chair, the desk piled high with papers and books. Beyond the third sits a large trunk.
A human skeleton lies slumped against the eastern alcove's gate, still dressed in tattered chainmail. A sharp kukri lies in his hand and from the position the skeleton is laying, you venture Lord Vraath must have taken his own life.

2010-01-12, 08:36 AM

As a reflex when seeing undead, SeriNox looks if the feel of evil is in the air. If she feels no threat she approaches the skeleton, saying a prayer for the departed.

2010-01-12, 08:43 AM
You sense no evil in this room.

As you enter the vault further, you see a rack of weaponry near the second alcove. You also the padlock on the third alcove is off its hinges.

2010-01-12, 08:55 AM

As there seems to be no evil in the room, SeriNox will search it, starting with the weapons' rack and going to the open alcove next. Whatever she deems worthy of keeping she will collect.

The padlocks on the closed alcoves should be no obstacles for her steel.

Casting Detect Magic should also help her find stuff that is enchanted.

2010-01-12, 09:17 AM

Once every door is opened, every container examined and every locker emptied, SeriNox heads back up to her friends, her hands full of treasure, but her heart full of grief. She hopes this will be enough to get her friend back from the dead!

2010-01-12, 09:26 AM
Back upstairs, SeriNox sees Ortes putting the finishing touches on the notes. "There, I cracked the code. Apperantly Koth's forces were but a vanguard. There are numerous references to the 'Red Hand', which I assume can be nothing other than an army, come." Ortes motions SeriNox closes and points to a location on the map, marked Skull Gorge Bridge.
"The horde is on the move as we speak, according to Koth they will cross this bridge in but a few days. If they manage to cross it, the Vale will be overrun in a manner of days!"

2010-01-12, 09:35 AM

SeriNox looks at the map, looks at the distances, then says: "We should hurry up, then. There is much to be done if we want to keep them from taking that bridge. We might be able to hold it with sufficient support, else we will have to destroy it before they get there!"

2010-01-12, 09:40 AM
"We'll have to get to Drellin's Ferry as soon as possible then. Let's hope Jorr is still waiting for us, he should be able to get us there quickly." Saying that, Ortes wraps up the notes and rolls up the map before looking at SeriNox. "Have you found anything of value?"

2010-01-12, 09:48 AM

"I found some useful stuff down there. I wonder if it will be enough to bring her back...." SeriNox shows what she has found, giving those things she did not identify to Ortes.

2010-01-12, 09:57 AM
[I]Ortes carefully examines the items given to him. "This bastard sword, it looks powerful. I cannot say what it does exactly, but considering the way the spells are woven into it and the details taken into its activation sequence I'd say you have to attune to this weapon before you can use it. Maybe the wizard in the village can tell you more about it." He hands the sword back to SeriNox and takes the rod. After a few incantations he suddenly starts to cry.
"This rod, it restores life! Seri, we can bring Cas back!"

2010-01-12, 10:02 AM

SeriNox looks as if she had just witnessed a miracle: "We can bring her back? Can we use it? When can we do it?"

2010-01-12, 10:37 AM
Ortes' face displays more sadness than joy. "To activate it requires a sacrifice. One life for another."

Without any further words, Ortes walks over to Casandra and kneels by her. He firmly grips the rod and speaks its dark activation. Within seconds the torn flesh of Casandra knits itself and with a gasp of air the half-elven woman comes back to life, as if awakening from a nightmare.

Ortes slumps lifeless to the ground.

2010-01-12, 11:36 AM

The manticore!...Its coming at me again... what?

Casandra looks around, totally confused by her situation. She looks around for Seri-Nox and Ortes

What happened to me...and to the manticore? Where am I?

She suddenly sees the dead and lifeless body of her brother Ortes.

MY GOD, what happened to Ortes? One moment Im fighting for my life against a manticore, the next Im in a room I havent seen before and Ortes is dead. How did it happen? How can we restore his life?

2010-01-13, 01:26 AM

Picking up the dark rod, SeriNox looks at Cassandra with conflicting emotions on her face: "He used this thing to sacrifce himself for you. Bringing you back cost his life."

2010-01-13, 08:26 AM

Casandra's face falls when she hears the news

Then his is the dark spirit I feel hovering in me. Given time, I know I can bring him back. But what have we learned of this so-called 'Red Hand'? Do we have enough information to return to Drellins Ferry to let them know whats up?

2010-01-13, 08:34 AM

"Well, we have very little concrete data, but we know an army is coming to ruin all lands on the map so we should hurry to get the information to the people in Drellins Ferry!"

2010-01-14, 02:05 PM
Then lets get moving, and hopefully that stupid hydra doesnt try to stop us on the way back

Casandra makes sure she has all of her stuff, and then gets ready to move as soon as Seri-Nox is ready as well.

2010-01-15, 01:30 AM

"What about Ortes' body? We should take him with us, he has earned a better resting place than this!"

2010-01-15, 11:34 AM

His body was only a shell, I have his spirit within me. Im sure we will need the most powerful resurrection there is to get it out of me, and we wont need his body for one of those. Take the items that are useful, but with his spirit bound to me, they cant even re-animate him.

2010-01-16, 03:16 AM

Looking a little sad, but accepting Casandra's advice, SeriNox looks for a place to bury her friend. With stones and earth piled upon his body, even a little hole in the ground should serve. Then she speaks a prayer over the improvised grave and gets ready to leave.

"Let's go!"

2010-01-21, 05:08 AM

As they travel back to Drellins Ferry SeriNox takes the Bastardsword in hand, testing the weapon with a few swings. She looks unsure if it is the right weapon, but will continue handling it if it feels right to her.

"As you already have one I will take that cloak if it is fine with you. This sword might be a fine weapon for me as well, but I want to know what it is capable of before I lay claim to it. Let's sell the rest and buy something nice for you, Cas!"