View Full Version : Elistan vs Inirlan!

2009-10-05, 03:37 PM
Standard 200' cube. We start on opposite sides, in the middle.

If you need prep rounds we can, but I don't.

2009-10-05, 03:41 PM
No prep for me, so I'll just roll Initiative, and you can do your prep rounds.

Initiative: [roll0]

2009-10-05, 03:48 PM
Ok 200 miles yards feet cube.

I have the 24h primal instinct buff on and my warning dagger is drawn, each giving me a +10 bonus to init.

The prep :

round 1 : Mirror Image : [roll0] (maximum 8) mirror images
round 2 : Lightning Ring


Ok, you win initiative. By the way, if you go into melee, you must make a reflex save or get 10d6 cold damage(normaly electricity, but the elemental(water) sorcerer bloodline allows me to substitute cold to any elemental damage of my spells if I want to), or only half on a succesful save, but you got evasion anyway.

You can't tell which is the real guy between the mirror images.

2009-10-05, 03:54 PM
Elistan spreads his wings, flying towards his rival at a speed that seems almost impossibly fast. As he lands his feet, fists, and elbow lash at the man, aiming for head, groin, and torso.

Charge Attack, Power Attack for -5 AC/+5 Damage. If the first attack hits, make a Fort Save DC 26 or die.
Attack [roll]1d20+29 Damage [roll0] + [roll1]
Attack [roll]1d20+29 Damage [roll2] + [roll3]
Attack [roll]1d20+29 Damage [roll4] + [roll5]

Activating Belt of Battle for all three charges. Full Attack, same PA.
Attack [roll6] Damage [roll7]
Attack [roll8] Damage [roll9]
Attack [roll10] Damage [roll11]
Attack [roll12] Damage [roll13]
Attack [roll14] Damage [roll15]
Attack [roll16] Damage [roll17]

2009-10-05, 03:57 PM
Crap! First three attack rolls here, I suppose.

Crit Conformation: Attack [roll3] Damage [roll4]

And just in case those Crit:
Attack [roll5] Damage [roll6] + [roll7]
Attack [roll8] Damage [roll9] + [roll10]
Attack [roll11] Damage [roll12] + [roll13]

2009-10-05, 04:04 PM
Okay, so I didn't see your edit. Here's my Ref Save: [roll0]

And how do I figure if I hit the guy? I didn't read in the spoiler box (because I'm not allowed), so I didn't know you had Mirror Images. I seem to remember that if I hit the real on once, I know which it is, and don't have to make the checks again. I could be wrong, though. Just let me know.

2009-10-05, 04:07 PM
/Edit : Damn, ninja'd/

You forgot something, you have to roll in order to see if you hit the right thing.


Ok let's roll(A roll that is the highest of the die used is a hit on the right target and you then know who to attack)

(see the other thread where I accidentally posted it).

Well you found the right one on the first hit. ****. That over 200 points of damage. I knew I should have summoned a golem between you and me. I'm not going to bother with the fortitude roll, since I'm already dead. Rematch?

2009-10-05, 04:10 PM
Umm, maybe later. I need to rethink my character a bit, I think. As you can see, I'm kinda a one-trick pony. So even though I do that well, it means that if I get shut down, that's it.

Edit: And I would have just flown over a Golem, since I got to go first...:smallwink:

2009-10-05, 04:15 PM
He is quite big, I'm standing behind him and you have to charge in a straight line.

2009-10-05, 04:17 PM
I can just charge to the space behind his right or left. If he take up 10' x 10' there has to be one space beside him that is adjacent to you.

2009-10-05, 04:21 PM
There is no such kill as overkill : two golems.