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View Full Version : Exalted 3.5: Sword of Righteousness

2009-10-05, 05:39 PM
hey, i was wondering if anyone had any advice for my character. i am planning on taking the prestige class Sword of Righteousness. i have a few questions that i would appreciate any help/advice with.

first of all, i am required to take one of three feats, Favored of the Companions, Knight of the Stars, or Servant of the Heavens. they all are similar and i can only take one, but there are differences in whom i pledge my service to. any advice on which i should do or what each of these groups are committed to?

secondly, i am required to take a second exalted feat. i am thinking between touch of golden ice or Nimbus of Light. any other suggestions are welcome, but any advice on between the two of these? i am leaning towards nimbus of light at the moment.

third of all, with this prestige class, i get three bonus exalted feats (which is good because the PC is three levels long). what feats should i be taking with it?

right now i am a two weapon ranger, level 5. i am a human too. my feats are EWP bastard sword, Two weapon D, and Oversized Two Weapon Fighting (so i can use two BS's with only the penalty for having a light off-hand weapon)

my DM said he could work a cool story in with this if i take my first level in it around level 12.

2009-10-05, 05:56 PM
Power-wise? Virtually none of the Exalted feats are worth anything, so take whatever you feel like. Exalted Companion can be good, but your effective Druid level is low enough already for being a Ranger. Nymph's Kiss is probably the most powerful, with a bonus to saves against spells and an extra skill point/level (Knight of Stars is probably the most appropriate loyalty choice for that one, IIRC.) Touch of Golden Ice is decent if you plan to be an unarmed combatant, but if you're not it's a waste of a feat. Let's see.. the feats that require Nimbus of Light at least do something, although not anything especially useful. Gift of Faith gives another save bonus against fear and some other rare effects..

*shrug* If you're going Exalted, just grab anything. You'll run out of bonus Exalted feats before you run out of useful Exalted feats.

2009-10-05, 11:09 PM
Power-wise? Virtually none of the Exalted feats are worth anything, so take whatever you feel like. Exalted Companion can be good, but your effective Druid level is low enough already for being a Ranger. Nymph's Kiss is probably the most powerful, with a bonus to saves against spells and an extra skill point/level (Knight of Stars is probably the most appropriate loyalty choice for that one, IIRC.) Touch of Golden Ice is decent if you plan to be an unarmed combatant, but if you're not it's a waste of a feat. Let's see.. the feats that require Nimbus of Light at least do something, although not anything especially useful. Gift of Faith gives another save bonus against fear and some other rare effects..

*shrug* If you're going Exalted, just grab anything. You'll run out of bonus Exalted feats before you run out of useful Exalted feats.
yeah, i think i am actually going to go with nymphs kiss. i dont know the difference between the required feat that i must choose of those three i mentioned earlier. what is the difference between serving the eladrin vs an archon? i am unfamiliar with the groups that i would be pledging to and i dont know where to look for them

2009-10-06, 12:21 AM
Each of the three groups is described in the monster manual and in BoED itself.

Basically, it's one feat each for LG, NG, and CG characters. The Archons (and I think all Angels, but I forget) are LG. The Guardinals are NG. The Eladrins are CG. If memory serves (and it's been a while since I've read Manual of the Planes, so I might be wrong on this) they reside primarily on Celestia, Elysium, and Arborea, respectively.

2009-10-06, 12:29 AM
Each of the three groups is described in the monster manual and in BoED itself.

Basically, it's one feat each for LG, NG, and CG characters. The Archons (and I think all Angels, but I forget) are LG. The Guardinals are NG. The Eladrins are CG. If memory serves (and it's been a while since I've read Manual of the Planes, so I might be wrong on this) they reside primarily on Celestia, Elysium, and Arborea, respectively.


see, i thought that they were very specific groups that were detailed somewhere else. this makes more sense, thank you. then the eladrin one would fit best i think, i am chaotic good.

2009-10-06, 12:36 AM

see, i thought that they were very specific groups that were detailed somewhere else. this makes more sense, thank you. then the eladrin one would fit best i think, i am chaotic good.

oh dear god, i just found where it is in BoED, even though i read through the glossary before and forgot about it or wasnt reading close enough. i feel a fool