View Full Version : Test of Spite Exhibition: Mushroom Ninja v. Thelas

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-05, 08:44 PM
Alright, here we go! Do you have any map preferences? If not we can just use the columns map. Also, how many buff rounds do you need?

2009-10-06, 05:51 AM
Uh... it might be a little work for you, but... there was a map somewhere (I don't know where) that was kind of like columns, but about 2x the size (and with more columns). If you can't find that, I'll use columns, I guess.

Buffs: 4 + AD minimum, 6 + AD preferred.

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-06, 07:45 AM


The buff rounds are fine.

2009-10-06, 10:53 AM

- mage armor
- false life [roll0]
6 rounds:
1) Fly
Swift1) Greater mirror image [roll1]
2) Expeditious Retreat
3) Invisibility
4) Displacement
5) Spell Turning [roll2]
6) Shield

Starting position: (I'll take top) D2, 40 feet up.

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-06, 02:24 PM

Starting Position: G11

Initiative: [roll0]

Claudius Maximus
2009-10-06, 02:31 PM
In case you guys still want it, here's the other columns map.


Arena is typically 30 feet tall, worked stone. Normal lighting.

I'll delete this post if you don't want to use it. It would get in the way otherwise.

2009-10-06, 04:27 PM
I'd prefer the new arena , and if it's okay I'll start in E2, 25 ft up.
Still on top. Once you decide if the bigger one's okay, let me know and we can finally start!

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-06, 06:02 PM
Alright this one's cool too

Starting position:

2009-10-06, 08:54 PM
I won initiative...
I assume you don't have LoS to me, so.
Move to C11.

I don't think you have line of sight, but for when you do... vision modes, please.
Using all of my Scout's headband. True seeing for one minute.
End turn, unless I gain line of sight at some point.

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-06, 09:43 PM
Just to simplify things I'll tell you my position. I'm in A25, do you see me?

2009-10-07, 05:48 AM
Yes, I see you partway through my movement.

My description:
Only open if you can see invisible.

You see an human wizard in his thirties, wearing a cloak, a headband, a belt, two rings, two backpacks[I don't know how he does that...], and holding in his hand a single shuriken.
Unfortunately, you also see 8 more copies of the exact same thing.

Vision modes: Normal sight, true seeing. What do I see? I might have to change my movement from that point on.
My original movement was E2-D2-C2-B3-B4-B5-B6-B7-B8-B9-B10--C11. (11 squares, but since I have exp. retreat I can move 12 squares in a move action, I believe.) .

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-07, 07:07 AM
I see invisibility. Where do I see you.

2009-10-07, 08:17 AM
B3, moving to B11. Then I cast a spell (I'll give you this one: greater dispel magic.)
Turn not over, I'll finish after my dispel rolls. How many buffs?

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-07, 08:24 AM
Zero buffs :smallbiggrin:

EDIT: Wait a minute, You're casting? In that case you provoke an AoO.

2009-10-07, 09:13 AM
How do you threaten B11? You're in A25, right?
If you do threaten it, I'll cast defensively. DC is 15 + spell level, so 21.
Concentration: [roll0].
No buffs? Alright, I'll burn 2 charges off my belt of battle and hit you with a spellcraft DC 18 empowered ray of enfeeblement.
No save, SR applies. Spell penetration check and damage in new post.
End turn.
[Sorry about the post roll count, I deleted a few rolls when I was fixing my action. Just to prove I'm not cheating, I make the concentration on a nat. 1.]

2009-10-07, 09:19 AM
A coruscating ray springs from the hands of the wizard and his 8 copies.
Ranged touch attack: [roll0].
If you have SR, penetration: [roll1].
If I hit and your SR doesn't protect you (or you have none): Take (1d6+5)*1.5 STR penalty..
No save.
(Turn has been ended.)

2009-10-07, 09:20 AM
And I forgot my roll inside the spoiler.
If I hit and you fail SR:
[roll0] * 1.5 strength penalty.

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-07, 06:52 PM
Actually, I've got the mage slayer feat which means that any caster within my threatened squares (60ft reach) can't cast defensively.

2009-10-07, 08:01 PM
Doesn't matter, unless you're not in A25 like you said, because I'm 14 squares (70 ft.) from you.
So no AoOs, and does the second spell hit?

Claudius Maximus
2009-10-07, 08:37 PM
Just a quick note: you can not move diagonally around a corner. It doesn't have an influence on the present situation, but keep it in mind for the future.

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-07, 09:36 PM
17 STR damage? In that case, I think I'm down.

Claudius Maximus
2009-10-07, 09:43 PM
It is a strength penalty, actually. It can not reduce your strength to zero. You may have to worry about encumbrance, though. Also, it's -16, not -17.

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-07, 10:26 PM
Oh, so I have 1 STR. Cool.

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-07, 10:35 PM
My Turn:

Free Action: Dimension Door to A15

Full Round Action #2: Lots of Arrows aimed your way

Damage: [roll1] +1 CON damage + Poison (Fort Save DC 17) ([roll2] CON damage on a failed save)

Damage: [roll4] +1 CON damage + Poison (Fort Save DC 17) ([roll5] CON damage on a failed save)

Damage: [roll7] +1 CON damage + Poison (Fort Save DC 17) ([roll8] CON damage on a failed save)

Damage: [roll10] +1 CON damage + Poison (Fort Save DC 17) ([roll11] CON damage on a failed save)

Damage: [roll13] +1 CON damage + Poison (Fort Save DC 17) ([roll14] CON damage on a failed save)

Damage: [roll16] +1 CON damage + Poison (Fort Save DC 17) ([roll17] CON damage on a failed save)

Damage: [roll19] +1 CON damage + Poison (Fort Save DC 17) ([roll20] CON damage on a failed save)

Damage: [roll22] +1 CON damage + Poison (Fort Save DC 17) ([roll23] CON damage on a failed save)

Swift Action: activate belt of battle, spending 3 charges, to get another fullround action

Full Round Action: Lots of Arrows aimed your way

Damage: [roll25] +1 CON damage + Poison (Fort Save DC 17) ([roll26] CON damage on a failed save)

Damage: [roll28] +1 CON damage + Poison (Fort Save DC 17) ([roll29] CON damage on a failed save)

Damage: [roll31] +1 CON damage + Poison (Fort Save DC 17) ([roll32] CON damage on a failed save)

Damage: [roll34] +1 CON damage + Poison (Fort Save DC 17) ([roll35] CON damage on a failed save)

Damage: [roll37] +1 CON damage + Poison (Fort Save DC 17) ([roll38] CON damage on a failed save)

Damage: [roll40] +1 CON damage + Poison (Fort Save DC 17) ([roll41] CON damage on a failed save)

Damage: [roll43] +1 CON damage + Poison (Fort Save DC 17) ([roll44] CON damage on a failed save)

Damage: [roll46] +1 CON damage + Poison (Fort Save DC 17) ([roll47] CON damage on a failed save)

2009-10-08, 12:40 PM
The last attack misses, for all the others roll total concealment and mirror image (8 images, so 1d9.)

By the way, you are a jerk.

Claudius Maximus
2009-10-08, 01:06 PM
If he can not see your mirror images, they have no effect on his chances to hit you. He only has to deal with the 50% miss chance, unless he can see them.

2009-10-08, 03:59 PM
If he can see me, he can see my images, right?

Claudius Maximus
2009-10-08, 04:02 PM
Yes. This of course assumes he doesn't have True Seeing or some other means to overcome them.

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-08, 06:28 PM
I have true seeing 100ft.

2009-10-09, 06:45 AM
Ookay... I should be dead, but I think I have one chance left.

I'm going to cast myself a celerity.
Celerity's an immediate action, so I believe you get no AoO for its casting.
Wall of force: A13 to L13.

I don't know what happens in terms of the previous attacks, but I'd assume they hit the wall. Take your AoO for the wall of force, if it is technically provoked. ["As if you had readied an action"? I assume that means it goes before all your attacks.]
Concentration check: [roll0]. DC is 10 + damage dealt, IIRC.

Claudius Maximus
2009-10-09, 09:57 AM
I'm fairly sure it works like this: MN attacks, Thelas casts Celerity>Wall of Force, which blocks the attack. However, MN has at this point only made a single attack, and unless he is using certain abilities he can keep it as a standard action attack if he wants. Thus, he may be able to move.

Thelas, a ruling was recently made that makes Celerity's daze unavoidable, in case you had a means around it.

Also, I think there is no AoO from casting an immediate spell such as Celerity.

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-09, 03:48 PM
How high up does the wall of force go?

2009-10-09, 07:49 PM
How high up does the wall of force go?

The arena is 12 squares (60 ft) across.
Wall of force produces a vertical wall that is one 10ft square per caster level.
I has 13 caster levels.
I believe that means it's 21.16 ft high, if you care to be that precise.

2009-10-10, 08:37 PM
I don't know if you forgot about this or just haven't been on in a while, but I'm bumping it both for that and to make it easier to find for me.

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-10, 10:08 PM
Alright, after my first attack was blocked by the wall of force, I'll end my turn.

2009-10-11, 07:04 PM
Dazed. Go.

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-11, 07:59 PM
Free Action: Dimension door to A9

Full Round Action: Arrows, lots of Arrows

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] +1 CON damage + Poison (DC 17 Fort) [roll2] CON damage on failed save

Attack 2: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] +1 CON damage + Poison (DC 17 Fort) [roll5] CON damage on failed save

Attack 3: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] +1 CON damage + Poison (DC 17 Fort) [roll8] CON damage on failed save

Attack 4: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] +1 CON damage + Poison (DC 17 Fort) [roll11] CON damage on failed save

Attack 5: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13] +1 CON damage + Poison (DC 17 Fort) [roll14] CON damage on failed save

Attack 6: [roll15]
Damage: [roll16] +1 CON damage + Poison (DC 17 Fort) [roll17] CON damage on failed save

Attack 7: [roll18]
Damage: [roll19] +1 CON damage + Poison (DC 17 Fort) [roll20] CON damage on failed save

Attack 8: [roll21]
Damage: [roll22] +1 CON damage + Poison (DC 17 Fort) [roll23] CON damage on failed save

Swift Action: Burn 3 charges on belt of battle for extra full round action (NOTE: I'm assuming that because I couldn't target you after my first attack last round I didn't use the belt of battle then.)

Full Round Action #2: Arrows, lots of Arrows

Attack 1: [roll24]
Damage: [roll25] +1 CON damage + Poison (DC 17 Fort) [roll26] CON damage on failed save

Attack 2: [roll27]
Damage: [roll28] +1 CON damage + Poison (DC 17 Fort) [roll29] CON damage on failed save

Attack 3: [roll30]
Damage: [roll31] +1 CON damage + Poison (DC 17 Fort) [roll32] CON damage on failed save

Attack 4: [roll33]
Damage: [roll34] +1 CON damage + Poison (DC 17 Fort) [roll35] CON damage on failed save

Attack 5: [roll36]
Damage: [roll37] +1 CON damage + Poison (DC 17 Fort) [roll38] CON damage on failed save

Attack 6: [roll39]
Damage: [roll40] +1 CON damage + Poison (DC 17 Fort) [roll41] CON damage on failed save

Attack 7: [roll42]
Damage: [roll43] +1 CON damage + Poison (DC 17 Fort) [roll44] CON damage on failed save

Attack 8: [roll45]
Damage: [roll46] +1 CON damage + Poison (DC 17 Fort) [roll47] CON damage on failed save

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-11, 08:01 PM
Attack number 7 in full round attack #2 is a natural 1.

2009-10-12, 05:16 AM
Let's just get this over with.
Celerity (the sequel) -> Spellcraft DC 22 Finger of Death

DC 25 Fort save, please.

If you pass

Take [roll0].
If that doesn't drop you, I lose.

If you fail


Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-12, 07:38 AM
Spellcraft: [roll0]

Save: [roll1]

Mushroom Ninja
2009-10-12, 07:40 AM
Blarg, I am dead. Curse you casters!

Nice match. It was fun. :smallsmile:

2009-10-12, 08:23 AM
Thanks, it was fun for me as well.
And I need more save-or-dies that aren't Fort-based. I was lucky your fort wasn't astronomical.