View Full Version : Taming a Hydra

Cero Oscura
2009-10-07, 01:31 PM
So, our party discovered a mistreated 7 headed Cryohydra that was part of a trap in the same sewer demiplane I wrote to you about a month ago. Same party as before: Rouge, favored soul/sorcerer, swordsage. My Justiciar (with 2 levels in ranger) has decided to try to tame it and make it his animal companion. Not mount, just another frontline fighter which we really need. I've got to get it out of the sewers and onto our ship so I can start taming it. FOr getting it out of the sewers, I plan to use a portable hole, stuff like that, to get it through the docks since I can come out of the sewers near the ship.

Are there any ways I can make this training go faster? I have no ranks in handle animal since I really didn't forsee something like this happening. I can still roll nat 20 per day and have about 10000 gp to spare.

The DM has already said that there are no Hydra trainers in this town, so I'm basically on my own. What sort of people/spells/items should I be seeking to make this thing happen? Are there any caveats I should be watching for?

2009-10-07, 01:42 PM
The DM has already said that there are no Hydra trainers in this town, so I'm basically on my own.

Damn, shouldn't every town have at LEAST a good hydra trainer, I know for a fact all MY towns have at LEAST a place to train my pet Tarrasque. :smallamused:

Sinfire Titan
2009-10-07, 01:50 PM
Damn, shouldn't every town have at LEAST a good hydra trainer, I know for a fact all MY towns have at LEAST a place to train my pet Tarrasque. :smallamused:

Why would the party Psion want an NPC Expert to train him?