View Full Version : Old lady costume (Princess Bride) for Halloween

2009-10-08, 07:38 PM
So I wanted to be Valerie (Miracle Max's wife for halloween) Is there any good way to get realistic face wrinkles? How about frizzy white hair? (I don't want to get a wig. Does flour work? Baking soda? I don't want to make a cloud wherever I go; I'll be dancing.) I've heard latex paint for the wrinkles, but one of my friends is really allergic--will that be a problem? I guess I especially want to get the wrinkles right...
anyway, thanks!

2009-10-08, 08:30 PM
So I wanted to be Valerie (Miracle Max's wife for halloween) Is there any good way to get realistic face wrinkles? How about frizzy white hair? (I don't want to get a wig. Does flour work? Baking soda? I don't want to make a cloud wherever I go; I'll be dancing.) I've heard latex paint for the wrinkles, but one of my friends is really allergic--will that be a problem? I guess I especially want to get the wrinkles right...
anyway, thanks!

I have no idea about any of this. But awesome costume idea! And it's good to see you! *snuggles* =3

2009-10-08, 08:44 PM
Well it is entirely possible to do wrinkles using Latex, but probably not paint. I would suggest finding a place that sells stage makeup. I don't know the best ways to do it, but I'm sure you can find instructions online.

As for the white hair same advice, they sell stuff that will make it white. It washes out pretty easy but will stay in better then flour I bet. You probably have time to order online if you want, but it might be expensive.

Also you would be amazed what you can do with just some makeup to get really realistic wrinkles. They might not look as good from close up, but it would be easier then latex.

The latex shouldn't be a problem unless your friend touches it a lot.

Ben Nye makes a lot of stage makeup.

2009-10-08, 08:50 PM
Latex allergies *USUALLY* aren't aggravated by being in the presence of someone with latex--they're not as severe as peanut allergies. If your friend got latex paint all over themselves, then it would be a problem, but by being around someone wearing latex paint and not touching the latex paint, it wouldn't be a problem.
I'm more concerned that you'd sweat the paint off or something. =3

2009-10-09, 12:03 AM
From personal experience I say go with make-up for the Wrinkles. wait..I bet your all thinking "Wrath wears makeup?!?"

Lemme 'splain...
nah.. too long to e'splain lemme sum up.

I'm an actor and have to do stage make up. Wrinkle up your face and scrunch it and it'll form natural creases in your skin...then take the make up pencil and draw light lines on the wrinkles. then..highlight them and blend. Thats the best I can offer.

For the Hair: I find the thicker your hair is, the more of the hair spray stuff you have to use to get the color on the bottle. they usually are a problem. I have very thick long hair (yay for my native american blood :smallbiggrin:) so while I do not recommend this.. I will tell you how I made my hair (impossible to change without bleaching it) white.
I had to play an old guy..which means lots of white hair. We used silver shoe polish stuffs. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS!!! It took me weeks to get it out. And i tried to shower it out 1 to 3 times every day. It did the trick though.

Flour i don't suggest.

also: what are you going to do for her witchlike nose? :smallamused:


2009-10-09, 05:45 AM
Humperdink Humperdink HUMPERDINK!


2009-10-09, 09:12 AM
You have to post pictures when it's ready.