View Full Version : GalaGalaxia vs. DuskEclipse

Dusk Eclipse
2009-10-08, 10:20 PM
standar 200 ft force cube starting in the middle of opposite sites
2 rounds of prep no hostile or movement

2009-10-08, 10:21 PM
The dark human on the other side of the room disappears from your sight.

Round 1: Hide in Plain Sight
Round 2: Activate fly on boots



Dusk Eclipse
2009-10-08, 10:23 PM
The hooded figure in the far side of the room, is engulfed by darkness and then a black horse apears

round1 activate shadow blend
round 2 activate obsidian steed

Edit: Initiative 1d20+6

Dusk Eclipse
2009-10-08, 10:26 PM
rolls not functioning so I am repeating them

Initiative [roll0]
Spot [roll1]

2009-10-08, 10:28 PM
Although you have yet to roll for initiative, I know you can't beat my 32, so:

Ready attack for when "opponent" comes adjacent


Dusk Eclipse
2009-10-08, 10:31 PM
Round 1: Start riding the Obsidian Steed, and activate overland flight fly up 40 feet

2009-10-08, 10:34 PM
Move 65 feet and remain hidden, still readied attack.


Dusk Eclipse
2009-10-08, 10:37 PM
Round 2: Activate Etheral Jaunt (Power from the Obsidian Steed, the SRD doesn't list duration, and since Etheral jaunt is round/levl and the CL for the obsidian steed is 15 I am assuming that it is 15/rounds)

Spot [roll0]

2009-10-08, 10:38 PM
What does Shadowsight do again?

Dusk Eclipse
2009-10-08, 10:39 PM
What does Shadowsight do again?

Darkvision up to 60 ft, seeing through magical darkness

2009-10-08, 10:43 PM
Argh! Etherealness!

Run (fly) diagonally towards where the steed disappeared, since it's up, I can only fly at half speed -- 60 x 2 = 120 ft.


Dusk Eclipse
2009-10-08, 10:45 PM
Take assassin's dagger from assassin's charm (free Action)
Spot [roll0]

2009-10-08, 10:54 PM
Darkvision can see though Shadow Blend, right? (assuming that's what you used)
... since you are "hiding in the shadows" and since, according to SRD:

Ignoring Concealment
Concealment isn’t always effective. A shadowy area or darkness doesn’t provide any concealment against an opponent with darkvision. Characters with low-light vision can see clearly for a greater distance with the same light source than other characters. Although invisibility provides total concealment, sighted opponents may still make Spot checks to notice the location of an invisible character. An invisible character gains a +20 bonus on Hide checks if moving, or a +40 bonus on Hide checks when not moving (even though opponents can’t see you, they might be able to figure out where you are from other visual clues).

2009-10-08, 10:56 PM
As for my turn ...
Continue moving to where the steed disappeared ... need 20 ft
Ready attack again


2009-10-08, 10:57 PM
OOC knowledge:

At this point, I am at the spot where you were when you and the steed disappeared. I will remain hidden with a readied attack until you appear adjacent to me.

If you do not appear within 10 rounds, I would cease hiding, but keep a readied attack for when you appear adjacent to me.

Dusk Eclipse
2009-10-08, 11:01 PM
move directly above you but 40 ft higher thus 80 ft over the ground level if my spot or listen check succeds I start studying for death attack

Spot [roll0]

2009-10-08, 11:05 PM
With those modifiers you can't beat my Hide or Move Silently :smallwink:

So, proceed to 10 rounds later, when I cease to remain hidden. I will stay visible for 3 rounds (moving 40 ft each round), and then pick up my normal turn again ...

Readied attack kept throughout

Alert me to when 12 more rounds of yours have passed, the last three of which I will be visible to you.

Dusk Eclipse
2009-10-08, 11:09 PM
Ok ten more rounds trying to find youwhen you start being visible I study you for two rounds and lower myself to 40 fts over ground level etheral rounds left 1

2009-10-08, 11:12 PM
This is the third and last round I remain visible still keeping the same readied attack

For simplicity's sake, I have moved my 40 ft back into the square you disappeared from, 40 ft above ground.

Dusk Eclipse
2009-10-08, 11:19 PM
Last round of study and I become corporeal again According to the SRD I can still study an enemy for a Death Attack and take other actions as long as my attention is on the enemy, I think that I could cast an spell and still study is it not?

in any case I cast Greater invisibility and finish my round of study

2009-10-08, 11:23 PM
As soon as you become corporeal, my readied attack triggers:

Melee Attack (scimitar, 15-20 crit threat, S damage, ignores 5 DR/hardness)
[roll0] [roll1] + [roll2] skirmish
[roll3] [roll4] + [roll5] skirmish
[roll6] [roll7] + [roll8] skirmish
[roll9] [roll10] + [roll11] skirmish
[roll12] [roll13] + [roll14] skirmish
[roll15] [roll16] + [roll17] skirmish
[roll18] [roll19] + [roll20] skirmish

Crit Confirmations

[roll21] [roll22]
[roll23] [roll24]
[roll25] [roll26]
[roll27] [roll28]
[roll29] [roll30]
[roll31] [roll32]
[roll33] [roll34]

Dusk Eclipse
2009-10-08, 11:26 PM
If I did my calculations right, now I sit at -17 hp so I am dead

2009-10-08, 11:28 PM
If you are still alive, on my turn, I would use a swift action to activate my Skirmisher Boots (one extra attack). I would then enter Dervish Dance and use the A Thousand Cuts ability. Total, 15 attacks, albeit at 50% miss chance (above "50" is a success).

Dervish Dance (scimitar, 15-20 crit threat, S damage, ignores 5 DR/hardness)
[roll0] [roll1] [roll2] + [roll3] skirmish
[roll4] [roll5] [roll6] + [roll7] skirmish
[roll8] [roll9] [roll10] + [roll11] skirmish
[roll12] [roll13] [roll14] + [roll15] skirmish
[roll16] [roll17] [roll18] + [roll19] skirmish
[roll20] [roll21] [roll22] + [roll23] skirmish
[roll24] [roll25] [roll26] + [roll27] skirmish
[roll28] [roll29] [roll30] + [roll31] skirmish
[roll32] [roll33] [roll34] + [roll35] skirmish
[roll36] [roll37] [roll38] + [roll39] skirmish
[roll40] [roll41] [roll42] + [roll43] skirmish
[roll44] [roll45] [roll46] + [roll47] skirmish
[roll48] [roll49] [roll50] + [roll51] skirmish
[roll52] [roll53] [roll54] + [roll55] skirmish
[roll56] [roll57] [roll58] + [roll59] skirmish

Crit Confirmations

[roll60] [roll61]
[roll62] [roll63]
[roll64] [roll65]
[roll66] [roll67]
[roll68] [roll69]
[roll70] [roll71]
[roll72] [roll73]
[roll74] [roll75]
[roll76] [roll77]
[roll78] [roll79]
[roll80] [roll81]
[roll82] [roll83]
[roll84] [roll85]
[roll86] [roll87]
[roll88] [roll89]

2009-10-08, 11:30 PM
If I did my calculations right, now I sit at -17 hp so I am dead

Ouch! Bummer there!

Well done, though! Annoying fight (but take that as a compliment).

I bet your death attack would have done me in, though. What's the DC for it? Well, maybe not ... 17, right? Unless you have something else that boosts it. 10 + Assassing class level (2) + Int modifier (5) = 17

But, I would still have been in for a world of hurt with the sneak attack, assuming I'd fail a check to remain hidden (1d20+8) ...

Then again, it's questionable whether it would work, since:

While studying the victim, the assassin can undertake other actions so long as his attention stays focused on the target and the target does not detect the assassin or recognize the assassin as an enemy.

Dusk Eclipse
2009-10-08, 11:32 PM
The first attack didn't kill me but the first attack of a thousand cut sent me to the afterlife....

2009-10-08, 11:37 PM
Well done, though!

Etherealness and spells to grant invisibility are the way to go! Had you been up against anything other than stealth (or someone who can reliably see ethereal and invisible creatures), the tables would have been turned.

Dusk Eclipse
2009-10-08, 11:42 PM
Yeah that was an good duel, maybe I can convinve KB to switch some of my ranks in Tumble and UMD (I am part warlock so I can take 10 on any UMD so no big loss there) and put them in Spot and or listen, and for my Death Attacks DC is 30 (TSL and Assassin level stack, plus assassins dagger, plus high int bounus plus assassins glove plus Ability focus)

2009-10-08, 11:48 PM
Death Attacks DC is 30


Hypothetically ... [roll0]

Edit: Lucky roll there! But, you would still need to hit my AC 42 to deliver the attack.

36 base + 2 for moving at least 10 feet + 2 for moving at least 20 feet + 2 for moving at least 40 feet (Dervish Dance allows me to move my speed while attacking)

Dusk Eclipse
2009-10-08, 11:50 PM
You would still save 50% of times