View Full Version : Blue ghost vs yubel.

2009-10-09, 01:58 PM
yubel walks into the arena on the red side and pull out a deck

you will fall against the darkness.

1 mystical space typhoon
2 dark horus
3 dark necrofear
4 allure of darkness
5 grand tiki elder
6 tribute doll
7 masked beast des gardius
8 lightning vortex
9 yubel
10 yubel - terror incarnate
11 yubel - the ultimate nightmare
12 gravity bind
13 bottomless trap hole
14 Archfiend Soldier
15 magic jammer
16 magic jammer
17 Relinquished
18 trap jammer
19 dark illusion ritual
20 dark eyes illusionest
21 magic jammer
22 Metallizing Parasite - Lunatite
23 dark valkyire
24 Magic Cylinder
25 dark voltanis
26 gravity bind
27 Exile of the Wicked
28 allure queen LV3
29 allure queen LV5
30 gravity bind
31 dark valkyria
32 cyberdark edge
33 Dark Grepher
34 Draining shield
35 chaos burst
36 Ring of Magnetism
37 Mystic Plasma Zone
38 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
39 Melchid the Four-Face Beast
40 Ancient Rules


9 yubel
24 Magic Cylinder
12 gravity bind
27 exile of the wicked
14 Archfiend Soldier
23 dark valkyrie

stats 8000 lp



First i will play the great dark valkyria in ATK mode and play one card face down, that will do for now.
face down
magic cylinders


DV=Dark valkyria (1800/1050)
F=face down

Blue Ghost
2009-10-09, 06:03 PM
Blue Ghost confronts his opponent with a confident smile. The darkness has made many attempts on me, but it hasn't succeeded yet. Let us duel.



Life Points: 8000

Hand: 5

Ojama Blue
Creature Swap
Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu


1. Snipe Hunter
2. Sangan
3. Ojama Yellow
4. Ojama Yellow
5. Ojama Yellow
6. Ojama Green
7. Ojama Green
8. Ojama Green
9. Ojama Black
10. Ojama Black
11. Ojama Black
12. Ojama Blue
13. Ojama Blue
14. Ojama Red
15. Ojama Red
16. The Tricky
17. The Tricky
18. Future Fusion
19. Heavy Storm
20. Lightning Vortex
21. Lightning Vortex
22. Hand Destruction
23. Hand Destruction
24. Pot of Avarice
25. Pot of Avarice
26. Polymerization
27. Ojamagic
28. Ojama Country
29. Ojama Country
30. Ojama Country
31. Ojama Delta Hurricane!!
32. Mystical Space Typhoon
33. United We Stand
34. Mirror Force
35. Backup Soldier

Extra Deck:

3x Ojama King
3x Ojama Knight



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Blue Ghost
2009-10-09, 06:07 PM
OOC: Can you please post your field up, so I can tell what cards you have?


Let's start things off. I summon Ojama Blue in Attack Position!
Yes, he's not much, and that's exactly the point. I activate my Creature Swap, swapping him with your Dark Valkyria. Then I shall have Dark Valkyria attack Ojama Blue. Any response?

-|-|OB (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ojama_Blue)|-|-
-|-|CS (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Creature_Swap)|-|-[/table]

OB: Ojama Blue (0/1000)
CS: Creature Swap (activating)

Life Points: 8000

Hand: 4

Creature Swap
Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu
Pot of Avarice

Face Down: Ojama Blue


1. Snipe Hunter
2. Sangan
3. Ojama Yellow
4. Ojama Yellow
5. Ojama Yellow
6. Ojama Green
7. Ojama Green
8. Ojama Green
9. Ojama Black
10. Ojama Black
11. Ojama Black
12. Ojama Blue
13. Ojama Blue
14. Ojama Red
15. Ojama Red
16. The Tricky
17. The Tricky
18. Future Fusion
19. Heavy Storm
20. Lightning Vortex
21. Lightning Vortex
22. Hand Destruction
23. Hand Destruction
24. Pot of Avarice
25. Polymerization
26. Ojamagic
27. Ojama Country
28. Ojama Country
29. Ojama Country
30. Ojama Delta Hurricane!!
31. Mystical Space Typhoon
32. United We Stand
33. Mirror Force
34. Backup Soldier

Extra Deck:

3x Ojama King
3x Ojama Knight



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2009-10-10, 08:54 AM
Ha, i activate my face down, magic cylinder, even in your control, my dark valkyria can still hurt you.

Anything else

Blue Ghost
2009-10-10, 11:55 AM
Though you may have drawn the first blood, I have the advantage. I have your Dark Valkyria, while you're stuck with a rather use-impaired blue blob. Your move.

-|-|DV (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Valkyria)|-|-

DV: Dark Valkyria

Life Points: 6200

Hand: 4

Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu
Pot of Avarice

Face Down: Ojama Blue


1. Snipe Hunter
2. Sangan
3. Ojama Yellow
4. Ojama Yellow
5. Ojama Yellow
6. Ojama Green
7. Ojama Green
8. Ojama Green
9. Ojama Black
10. Ojama Black
11. Ojama Black
12. Ojama Blue
13. Ojama Blue
14. Ojama Red
15. Ojama Red
16. The Tricky
17. The Tricky
18. Future Fusion
19. Heavy Storm
20. Lightning Vortex
21. Lightning Vortex
22. Hand Destruction
23. Hand Destruction
24. Pot of Avarice
25. Polymerization
26. Ojamagic
27. Ojama Country
28. Ojama Country
29. Ojama Country
30. Ojama Delta Hurricane!!
31. Mystical Space Typhoon
32. United We Stand
33. Mirror Force
34. Backup Soldier

Extra Deck:

3x Ojama King
3x Ojama Knight


Creature Swap

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2009-10-10, 02:42 PM
I draw
card drawn
magic jammer

hm, fine. I summon archfiend soldier and play two cards face down, i also switch my useless beast to defence mode.


Archfiend soldier 1900 ATK
Ojama blue 1000 DEF

face downs
gravity bind, magic jammer

Blue Ghost
2009-10-10, 03:01 PM
No attack? I'm surprised. You could have taken out Valkyria. No matter, I draw.


I will now Gemini Summon Dark Valkyria, and use its ability to destroy your Archfiend Soldier. Then Valkyria will attack Ojama Blue. Response?

-|-|DV (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Valkyria)|-|-

DV: Dark Valkyria

Life Points: 6200

Hand: 4

Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu
Pot of Avarice
Ojama Red


1. Snipe Hunter
2. Sangan
3. Ojama Yellow
4. Ojama Yellow
5. Ojama Yellow
6. Ojama Green
7. Ojama Green
8. Ojama Green
9. Ojama Black
10. Ojama Black
11. Ojama Black
12. Ojama Blue
13. Ojama Blue
14. Ojama Red
15. The Tricky
16. The Tricky
17. Future Fusion
18. Heavy Storm
19. Lightning Vortex
20. Lightning Vortex
21. Hand Destruction
22. Hand Destruction
23. Pot of Avarice
24. Polymerization
25. Ojamagic
26. Ojama Country
27. Ojama Country
28. Ojama Country
29. Ojama Delta Hurricane!!
30. Mystical Space Typhoon
31. United We Stand
32. Mirror Force
33. Backup Soldier

Extra Deck:

3x Ojama King
3x Ojama Knight


Creature Swap

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2009-10-10, 06:42 PM
Ha, I activate my greatest trap, Gravity bind, shame, your whole stealing stunt was useless.

End your turn?

Blue Ghost
2009-10-10, 06:47 PM
Heh, I guess I will. Go on ahead, and do what you may.

2009-10-10, 07:05 PM
I draw.
drawn card
dark grepher
Ha, this has to be my lucky day
I summon dark grepher in attack mode, and end my turn

dark grepher 1700 ATK
Ojama blue 1000 DEF
Gravity bind

Blue Ghost
2009-10-10, 07:09 PM
OOC: Can you please post your field? It's difficult for me to keep track right now. Right now you have Dark Grepher and Ojama Blue, Gravity Bind, and a facedown Spell/Trap, right?


I activate Heavy Storm! Your Gravity Bind is gone, as is your other defense, whatever it is.
Now I have Dark Valkyria attack and destroy Ojama Blue. When my Ojama hits my Graveyard, his effect activates, and I get two Ojama cards from my deck. The two I choose: Ojama Country, and Ojamagic. I will then set a card face-down and end my turn.

-|-|DV (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Valkyria)|-|-

DV: Dark Valkyria
F: Face-down

Life Points: 6200

Hand: 6

Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu
Pot of Avarice
Ojama Red
Ojama Country

Face-down: Polymerization


1. Snipe Hunter
2. Sangan
3. Ojama Yellow
4. Ojama Yellow
5. Ojama Yellow
6. Ojama Green
7. Ojama Green
8. Ojama Green
9. Ojama Black
10. Ojama Black
11. Ojama Black
12. Ojama Blue
13. Ojama Blue
14. Ojama Red
15. The Tricky
16. The Tricky
17. Future Fusion
18. Lightning Vortex
19. Lightning Vortex
20. Hand Destruction
21. Hand Destruction
22. Pot of Avarice
23. Polymerization
24. Ojama Country
25. Ojama Country
26. Ojama Delta Hurricane!!
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. United We Stand
29. Mirror Force
30. Backup Soldier

Extra Deck:

3x Ojama King
3x Ojama Knight


Creature Swap
Heavy Storm

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2009-10-10, 07:11 PM
OOC: Can you please post your field? It's difficult for me to keep track right now. Right now you have Dark Grepher and Ojama Blue, and a facedown Spell/Trap, right?


sorry, just doing that now.
your turn

Blue Ghost
2009-10-10, 07:16 PM
Posted my turn, in case you missed it.

2009-10-10, 07:17 PM
I draw
Drawn card
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

I end my turn.


dark grepher 1700 ATK

Blue Ghost
2009-10-10, 07:21 PM
You seriously left yourself with no protection other than your pitiful warrior? Knowing what I have in my hand? Let me teach you a lesson, shall I? Draw!


I activate Ojama Country (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ojama_Country)! Now, when there is an Ojama monster on the field, the ATK and DEF of all monsters are reversed. And that's not all. Once per turn, I can discard any Ojama card to Special Summon an Ojama from my Graveyard. Let's get this rolling!
I discard Ojamagic (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ojamagic) to Special Summon my Ojama Blue in Attack Position. When Ojamagic is sent to the Graveyard, its effect activates, and I get the three Ojama Brothers, Yellow, Green, and Black into my hand.
Then, I activate my face-down Polymerization, fusing the three Ojama Brothers to summon Ojama King (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ojama_King)! Not only does he have 3000 ATK under the effect of Ojama Country, he makes you unable to have more than two monsters on the field.
And I still have not Normal Summoned yet this turn. So, I Tribute your Dark Valkyria and my Ojama Blue, to summon the Elder Evil, Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Earthbound_Immortal_Aslla_piscu)! All your monsters are mere shadows compared to the true darkness of Aslla Piscu!
Now, Ojama King attacks your Dark Grepher, inflicting 1400 damage, and Aslla Piscu attacks directly.
I end my turn there. Have you had enough yet?

-|-|AP (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Earthbound_Immortal_Aslla_piscu)|OK (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ojama_King)|-

Field: Ojama Country (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ojama_Country)

AP: Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu (2500/2500)
OK: Ojama King (3000/0)

Life Points: 6200

Hand: 4

Pot of Avarice
Ojama Red
Pot of Avarice


1. Snipe Hunter
2. Sangan
3. Ojama Yellow
4. Ojama Yellow
5. Ojama Green
6. Ojama Green
7. Ojama Black
8. Ojama Black
9. Ojama Blue
10. Ojama Blue
11. Ojama Red
12. The Tricky
13. The Tricky
14. Future Fusion
15. Lightning Vortex
16. Lightning Vortex
17. Hand Destruction
18. Hand Destruction
19. Polymerization
20. Ojama Country
21. Ojama Country
22. Ojama Delta Hurricane!!
23. Mystical Space Typhoon
24. United We Stand
25. Mirror Force
26. Backup Soldier

Extra Deck:

3x Ojama King
3x Ojama Knight


Creature Swap
Heavy Storm
Ojama Yellow
Ojama Green
Ojama Black

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2009-10-10, 07:44 PM
I fall to my knees after the attack, but I quickly recover.

HA HA HA, since i have no monsters on the field and i took damage i can activate my gorz's effect sommoning him and one token.

i draw
magic jammer

elder evil... ha i am about to summon an evil like you have never known, i destroy my two monsters to summon...

There is a change in my voice as the next words are spoken.

now my greatest monster is here and i won't end at that, now i play exile of the wicked to destroy my yubel to summon...

yubel - terror incarnate

and with that my master plan is done, i play one card face down and end my turn. Oh and yubel's effect destroys your immortal.
which in turn destroys my yubel, i may lose 800 life points but now i can summon...

yubel - the ultimate nightmare

It's all up to you now.


yubel - the ultimate nightmare 0 ATK

lp: 3300
face down
magic jammer

Blue Ghost
2009-10-10, 09:10 PM
Impressive. I still have a few more tricks up my sleeve, though.


Blue Ghost
2009-10-10, 09:12 PM
I activate Pot of Avarice. I return Aslla Piscu and my Ojamas Yellow, Black, Blue and Green to my deck to draw 2 more cards.


Blue Ghost
2009-10-10, 09:14 PM
Next, I activate Hand Destruction. Both of us discard 2 cards from our hands, and draw 2 more cards. I discard Ojama Red and Ojamagic.


And now, Ojamagic lets me add the three Ojama Brothers back to my hand.
Let's finish this! I activate Lightning Vortex, discarding my Ojama Yellow to destroy Yubel.
Next, I summon Ojama Red! His effect then lets me summon three more Ojamas, each with 1000 ATK. Green! Yellow! Black! Red! Attack directly!
If your face-down card cannot protect you, that is the game.


Field: Ojama Country (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ojama_Country)

OR: Ojama Red (1000/0)
OG: Ojama Green (1000/0)
OY: Ojama Yellow (1000/0)
OB: Ojama Black (1000/0)

Life Points: 6200

Hand: 1

Pot of Avarice
Ojama Green


1. Snipe Hunter
2. Sangan
3. Ojama Yellow
4. Ojama Green
5. Ojama Black
6. Ojama Black
7. Ojama Blue
8. Ojama Blue
9. Ojama Blue
10. The Tricky
11. The Tricky
12. Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu
13. Future Fusion
14. Lightning Vortex
15. Hand Destruction
16. Polymerization
17. Ojama Country
18. Ojama Country
19. Ojama Delta Hurricane!!
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. United We Stand
22. Mirror Force
23. Backup Soldier

Extra Deck:

3x Ojama King
3x Ojama Knight


Creature Swap
Heavy Storm
Ojama King
Pot of Avarice
Hand Destruction
Ojama Red
Lightning Vortex
Ojama Yellow

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2009-10-11, 03:56 AM
Nice try, but i discard my allure of darkness to play MAGIC JAMMER, ha ha ha ha. so my yubel is still here.

Now, what else.

Blue Ghost
2009-10-11, 12:55 PM
My move still stands. No attack, however.

2009-10-11, 01:25 PM
Well then, I draw!
drawn card
magic jammer

oh just the card i need, i play one card face down and now my yubel will attack ojama green, i will also equip yubel with Ring of Magnetism and then i end my turn.


yubel - the ultimate nightmare 0 ATK
Ring of Magnetism
lp: 3300
face down
magic jammer

Blue Ghost
2009-10-11, 01:36 PM
Let us see what this next turn will bring.


I switch all my Ojamas to Defense Position. I then set a monster face-down and end my turn.


Field: Ojama Country (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ojama_Country)

OR: Ojama Red (1000/0)
OY: Ojama Yellow (1000/0)
OB: Ojama Black (1000/0)
F: Face-down

Life Points: 5200

Hand: 2

Pot of Avarice
Ojama Green

Face Down: Ojama Blue


1. Snipe Hunter
2. Sangan
3. Ojama Yellow
4. Ojama Green
5. Ojama Black
6. Ojama Black
7. Ojama Blue
8. Ojama Blue
9. The Tricky
10. The Tricky
11. Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu
12. Future Fusion
13. Lightning Vortex
14. Hand Destruction
15. Polymerization
16. Ojama Country
17. Ojama Country
18. Ojama Delta Hurricane!!
19. Mystical Space Typhoon
20. United We Stand
21. Mirror Force
22. Backup Soldier

Extra Deck:

2x Ojama King
3x Ojama Knight


Creature Swap
Heavy Storm
Ojama King
Pot of Avarice
Hand Destruction
Ojama Red
Lightning Vortex
Ojama Yellow
Ojama Green

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2009-10-11, 01:42 PM
I drawtribute doll

bah, my yubel will attack your ojama red and i end my turn.

yubel - the ultimate nightmare 0 ATK
Ring of Magnetism

Blue Ghost
2009-10-11, 02:05 PM
I assume you're equipping that Ring of Magnetism to Yubel?


I will end my turn.


Field: Ojama Country (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ojama_Country)

OR: Ojama Red (1000/0)
OY: Ojama Yellow (1000/0)
OB: Ojama Black (1000/0)
F: Face-down

Life Points: 4200

Hand: 3

Pot of Avarice
Ojama Green
Ojama Country

Face Down: Ojama Blue


1. Snipe Hunter
2. Sangan
3. Ojama Yellow
4. Ojama Green
5. Ojama Black
6. Ojama Black
7. Ojama Blue
8. Ojama Blue
9. The Tricky
10. The Tricky
11. Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu
12. Future Fusion
13. Lightning Vortex
14. Hand Destruction
15. Polymerization
16. Ojama Country
17. Ojama Delta Hurricane!!
18. Mystical Space Typhoon
19. United We Stand
20. Mirror Force
21. Backup Soldier

Extra Deck:

2x Ojama King
3x Ojama Knight


Creature Swap
Heavy Storm
Ojama King
Pot of Avarice
Hand Destruction
Ojama Red
Lightning Vortex
Ojama Yellow
Ojama Green
Ojama Red

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2009-10-11, 02:24 PM
I draw
trap jammer

I play one card face down and attack your ojama yellow with yubel, then i end my turn.


yubel - the ultimate nightmare 0 ATK
Ring of Magnetism

face downs
trap jammer, magic jammer

Blue Ghost
2009-10-11, 02:26 PM
This will come to an end eventually.


Blue Ghost
2009-10-11, 02:28 PM
I activate another Pot of Avarice. I return Ojama King, two Reds, Yellow, and Green to my deck to draw 2 more cards.


I summon Ojama Green to the field. Then, I use Ojama Country's effect, discarding another Ojama Country, to Special Summon Ojama Yellow in Attack Position.
Now, I activate Ojama Delta Hurricane!! (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ojama_Delta_Hurricane!!) Response?

2009-10-11, 02:36 PM
ha deja vu, now i activate my 2nd magic jammer to discard allure queen LV 3 to protect yubel.

Blue Ghost
2009-10-11, 03:01 PM
Fine. I end my turn thus.


Field: Ojama Country (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ojama_Country)

OG: Ojama Green (1000/0)
OB: Ojama Black (1000/0)
OY: Ojama Yellow (1000/0)
F: Face-down

Life Points: 3200

Hand: 3

Ojama Blue

Face Down: Ojama Blue


1. Snipe Hunter
2. Ojama Yellow
3. Ojama Yellow
4. Ojama Yellow
5. Ojama Green
6. Ojama Green
7. Ojama Black
8. Ojama Black
9. Ojama Blue
10. Ojama Red
11. Ojama Red
12. The Tricky
13. The Tricky
14. Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu
15. Future Fusion
16. Lightning Vortex
17. Hand Destruction
18. Polymerization
19. Ojama Country
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. United We Stand
22. Mirror Force
23. Backup Soldier

Extra Deck:

3x Ojama King
3x Ojama Knight


Creature Swap
Heavy Storm
Pot of Avarice
Hand Destruction
Lightning Vortex
Pot of Avarice
Ojama Country
Ojama Delta Hurricane!!

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2009-10-11, 04:00 PM
I draw
Metallizing Parasite - Lunatite

oh i am lucky, i summon grand tiki elder and play tribute doll to destroy him to summon Metallizing Parasite - Lunatite, so i can equip him to my yubel to protect him from all spells, now i attack ojama black with yubel and end my turn.


yubel - the ultimate nightmare 0 ATK
Ring of Magnetism
Metallizing Parasite - Lunatite

Blue Ghost
2009-10-11, 07:03 PM


Blue Ghost
2009-10-11, 07:04 PM
I activate another Hand Destruction, discarding Sangan and Ojama Blue to draw 2 more cards. You do the same.


Blue Ghost
2009-10-11, 07:09 PM
Another draw, as necessary.


It looks like you've won this one, Yubel. I will end my turn.


Field: Ojama Country (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Ojama_Country)

OG: Ojama Green (1000/0)
OY: Ojama Yellow (1000/0)
F: Face-down

Life Points: 2200

Hand: 2

Ojama Red
The Tricky

Face Down: Ojama Blue


1. Snipe Hunter
2. Ojama Yellow
3. Ojama Yellow
4. Ojama Yellow
5. Ojama Green
6. Ojama Green
7. Ojama Black
8. Ojama Black
9. Ojama Blue
10. Ojama Red
11. The Tricky
12. Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu
13. Future Fusion
14. Lightning Vortex
15. Polymerization
16. Ojama Country
17. Mystical Space Typhoon
18. United We Stand
19. Mirror Force
20. Backup Soldier

Extra Deck:

3x Ojama King
3x Ojama Knight


Creature Swap
Heavy Storm
Pot of Avarice
Hand Destruction
Lightning Vortex
Pot of Avarice
Ojama Country
Ojama Delta Hurricane!!
Ojama Blue
Hand Destruction

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2009-10-12, 02:41 PM
I draw

drawn card
dark necrofear

First i will remove my gorz, grand tiki elder and my yubel terror incarnate from my grave to summon dark necrofear in attack mode, who has 2800 AK thanks to the ojama country then I will attack your ojama green with yubel and your ojama yellow with my dark necrofear, meaning after my great dark necrofear's attack, you lose.


yubel - the ultimate nightmare 0 ATK
Ring of Magnetism
dark necrofear 2800 ATK
Metallizing Parasite - Lunatite

The holograms disapear, as yubel wins, Good game!

Blue Ghost
2009-10-12, 06:21 PM
Good game sir, quite an impressive duel it was.