View Full Version : Arena Tournament, Round 72: Chile IV vs. McToughy

2009-10-09, 07:22 PM
Arena Tournament, Round 72: Chile IV vs. McToughy


XP Award: 600 XP
GP Award: 600 GP

Chilepepper - Chile IV (http://tinyurl.com/5ch9b2)
Alterform - McToughy (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=92125)

All Combatants, please roll initiative and declare final purchases, if any

2009-10-09, 08:16 PM
McToughy Init: [roll0]

No purchases yet. Reserving right to do so once I get un-AFB.

Note to self: (and only self)
Investigate effects of antitoxin (and variations), and sleepsmoke. Also, potions of Delay Poison (Ranger).

2009-10-10, 01:46 AM

First purchase, dagger. I figure once I'm out of spells, I'll still have something to throw at you. It'll make an epic story when it wins the battle for me.

Reserve the right to counter-purchase.

2009-10-10, 09:30 AM
McToughy purchases a potion of Delay Poison (cast by a Ranger at CL1).

2009-10-10, 06:24 PM
Buy: Potion of Delay Poison[Rgr1] (50)
Net: 50 gp spent

That's cool, except that potion would cost 200, not 50.


2009-10-10, 07:01 PM
I think you refer to Rangers getting L1 spells at class level 4?

I think, in fact, that we may both wrong.

Looking at the Potion Base Prices (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/creatingMagicItems.htm#creatingPotions) table, a level 1 Ranger spell potion would cost 100 gp (presumably 50 gp * spell level 1 * caster level 2 (when spells are received at level 4)). However, I'm unaware of any other mention to the minimum spell level needed to cast ranger spells, so I'm putting up a request in the Waiting Room for such a reference.

2009-10-10, 08:51 PM
Changing my purchase to a potion of Delay Poison cast as a level 1 spell off the Ranger list by an Archivist at caster level 1.

2009-10-11, 06:21 PM
McToughy is done buying stuff, unless Chile wants to make a purchase.

2009-10-12, 01:42 AM
Changing my purchase to a potion of Delay Poison cast as a level 1 spell off the Ranger list by an Archivist at caster level 1.


I'm going to save my money for the loser's bracket. Let's rock.

refsTent in M1/N1. I'll start in N2. Scroll and wand in one hand.

2009-10-12, 09:16 AM
McToughy - Round 1

Start in M25
Holding the potion of Delay Poison I bought in one hand, nothing in the other.
Wearing my banded mail +1.
MW Spear, Backup spears, and javelins are on my person.
Beginning with Psionic focus.

Standard: Knock back the potion in hand. Not gonna risk going without it.
Move: 30 ft to M19, drawing my MW Spear into 2 hands as I go.

HP: 13/13
AC: 19 (7 armor, 1 dex, 1 deflection) (Touch 12, FF 18)
PP: 15/15
Delay Poison: Round 1 of 600 (:smallcool:)
Psionic Focus: Yes

End Turn
Position: M19

2009-10-12, 11:16 PM
Round 1 - Chile

To avoid the need for a ref, you (might) hear me casting a spell, from my starting position.

Ref only
Cast Mage Armor, 2 zero spell slots, sorcerer
Move to R1, hide [roll0]

HP 6/6
AC 19 T 15 FF 14
Mage Armor 1/1200
Position R1, hiding

Tent in M1/N1
In hand: Scroll, Wand // empty


2009-10-12, 11:24 PM
With a 40' move speed and being down an action for the spell I may or may not have heard (it doesn't matter), there's no way I can see that you could have established LoS. Thusly, I shall take my turn now.

McToughy - Round 2

Standard: Manifest power. DC 16 Psicraft to ID.
Vigor. Augment to 2 pp for 10 THP.
Move: 30 ft to M13


HP: 13/13
AC: 19 (7 armor, 1 dex, 1 deflection) (Touch 12, FF 18)
PP: 13/15
Vigor: Round 1 of 20
Delay Poison: Round 1 of 600
Psionic Focus: Yes

End Turn, LoS check required.

2009-10-13, 12:57 AM
Chile:No LoS.

McToughy:No LoS.

2009-10-13, 01:45 AM
Round 2 - Chile

Ref only
Cast Shield, 2 zero slots, as a sorcerer
Continue hiding [roll0]

A ref needs to roll listen because of my spell, DC 0 + distance.

HP 6/6
AC 23 T 15 FF 18 (+4 armor, +4 shield, +5 dex)
Mage Armor 2/1200
Shield 1/20
Position R1, hiding

Tent in M1/N1
In hand: Scroll, Wand // empty


Done, but need a ref.

2009-10-13, 04:53 PM

Exactly 100 ft. from one to the other on the shortest route, so he needs to make a ten for his listen.



No LoS


No LoS

2009-10-13, 11:37 PM
McToughy - Round 3

Manifest power. DC 16 psicraft to ID. (Refs: Note the auditory display on the power.)
Force Screen. No augment.
Move: 30 ft to N7


HP: 13/13 (10 THP)
AC: 23 (7 armor, 1 dex, 1 deflection, 4 shield) (Touch 12, FF 22)
PP: 13/15
Vigor: Round 2 of 20
Force Screen: Round 1 of 20
Delay Poison: Round 3 of 600
Psionic Focus: Yes
Position: N7

End Turn, LoS check needed.

2009-10-14, 12:40 AM
Refs:Listen for Chile: [roll0]

2009-10-14, 12:45 AM
Refs:And I forgot McToughy's Spot: [roll0]

McToughy:No LoS.

Chile:You hear a power being manifested, then McToughy moves into N7.

2009-10-14, 01:56 AM
Round 3 - Chile

refsDon't forget to mention the tent to McToughy, if you haven't already.

Also, I get to know what he's wielding.

Swift action: activate Law Devotion, attack bonus
Standard Action: Ice Knife
DC 8 Caster Level check [roll0]

Attack [roll1] possibly versus flat-footed
Concealment Check [roll2] (low=miss)

If a hit
Damage [roll3]
and DC 13 Fort save or 2 Dex Damage

If a miss
Direction [roll4] (1=North, moving clockwise) - within range, so it'll still hit with the splash damage
Damage [roll5]

Move Action: Move to S1, breaking LoS, then move back to R1 hiding [roll6]

Not done.

2009-10-14, 02:10 AM
Round 3 - Chile cont.

You see shards of ice hit N6 and explode in a shower of ice crystals doing 10 damage (reflex DC 13 for half damage). Tracing it's source, you see me standing in R1 waving 'hi'.

I say, "With that hefty armor of yours, I doubt you'll catch me."

Knowing the peril I face, I book it to the south, breaking LoS as I do.

HP 6/6
AC 23 T 15 FF 18 (+4 armor, +4 shield, +5 dex)
Mage Armor 3/1200
Shield 2/20
Law Devotion 1/10 (+3 attack)
Position R1, hiding

Tent in M1/N1
In hand: Scroll, Wand // empty


Done, I just need a ref to answer one question, at the top of my previous post.

2009-10-14, 03:11 AM
Initiate Ref Bayar:

LOS check !

He is wielding a Spear with two hands.

You see ChileIV dissapear into the clouds. You also see a tent in M1-N1.

McToughy's turn, but might wanna wait for another ref to answer my question...

2009-10-14, 03:13 AM

Wait, I need to roll his spot check, right ?


Edit: Would McToughy be able to see Chile now ?

2009-10-14, 09:08 AM
Refs:The spot check should be +6, but it's still not enough (distance penalties), so no.

Carry on.

2009-10-14, 09:32 AM
Reflex Save:[roll0] vs DC 13
McToughy spends 1 PP to negate 4 damage, soaks 1.
Turn will be in next post.

2009-10-14, 09:39 AM
McToughy - Round 4

A . . . tent? :smallconfused: I'll have to see if he's done anything with it in past matches later.

Move: 30 ft to R3
Move: 30 ft to X4

HP: 13/13 (9 THP)
AC: 23 (7 armor, 1 dex, 1 deflection, 4 shield) (Touch 12, FF 22)
PP: 12/15
Vigor: Round 3 of 20
Force Screen: Round 2 of 20
Delay Poison: Round 4 of 600
Psionic Focus: Yes
Position: X3

LoS check needed in case of rewind.

2009-10-14, 10:06 AM
Refs:Listen for Chile: [roll0]

McToughy:No LoS.

Chile:McToughy moves into the mist to the east of you, then you hear him heading off to the southeast.

2009-10-14, 10:09 AM
McToughy - Round 4

End Turn

2009-10-14, 02:28 PM
Round 4 - Chile

Staying hidden [roll0], move silently [roll1] to T1, pausing for LoS check.

HP 6/6
AC 23 T 15 FF 18 (+4 armor, +4 shield, +5 dex)
Mage Armor 4/1200
Shield 3/20
Law Devotion 2/10 (+3 attack)
Position R1 > T1, hiding, moving silently

Tent in M1/N1
In hand: Scroll, Wand // empty


Not done.

2009-10-14, 02:37 PM
Refs:Listen for McToughy: [roll0]
Spot for McToughy: [roll1]

LoS established as Chile moves into T1. McToughy is in X4.

2009-10-14, 11:03 PM
Round 4 - Chile cont.

"Ah!, you saw me! Return to base. You may be able to see through this mist, but you can't see through a tent. MuhahahaHAHAcoughcough." (I'm holding a scroll and a wand, if you didn't already know.)

LoS is broken as I move north toward my starting position.

Including previous movement: R1 > T1 > R1 > R4 > S4. Hide [roll0] (includes -5 for full movement).

Ready an action to use Bag of Boulders when he ends his turn.

HP 6/6
AC 23 T 15 FF 18 (+4 armor, +4 shield, +5 dex)
Mage Armor 4/1200
Shield 3/20
Law Devotion 2/10 (+3 attack)
Position R1 > T1 > R1 > R4 > S4, hiding

Tent in M1/N1
In hand: Scroll, Wand // empty


Done, the cloud mass blocks LoS from your position.

2009-10-15, 12:23 AM
McToughy - Round 5

"...is that what that is? What, you make a pillow fort in there, too?" :smallamused:

Free: Speak above
Move: 30 ft to S2. X4 -> W4 -> U2 -> S2

Turn not over, breaking for a LoS check.

2009-10-15, 01:04 AM
((I wish! There's no pillow listed as equipment so I'd have to create it with a spell.))

2009-10-16, 09:31 AM
Maybe it'll help if I transfer the stat block from my last turn to this page.

I've got a readied action that triggers when his turn is done.

HP 6/6
AC 23 T 15 FF 18 (+4 armor, +4 shield, +5 dex)
Mage Armor 4/1200
Shield 3/20
Law Devotion 2/10 (+3 attack)
Position R1 > T1 > R1 > R4 > S4, hiding (rolled a 3, included penalty for movement)

Tent in M1/N1
In hand: Scroll, Wand // empty


2009-10-17, 10:46 PM
I hate cloud maps so much.

LoS coming shortly.

2009-10-17, 10:47 PM
I hate cloud maps so much.

LoS coming shortly.


2009-10-17, 10:51 PM
Refs:Listen for Chile, if it becomes relevant: [roll0]

McToughy auto-passes the spot check to see Chile.

Chile:You see your opponent move into W-4.

McToughy:You see Chile in S-4 as you enter W-4. You may revise your turn from this point.

McToughy's turn continues.

2009-10-17, 11:00 PM
McToughy - Round 5 cont.

LoS has been established.

Finish move: From W4, to U6, to T6, to S5.
Standard: Poke Chile with my large, pointy stick. (MW Spear)
Misschance: [roll0], [roll1] (Failure on 1-20)
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]


HP: 13/13 (9 THP)
AC: 23 (7 armor, 1 dex, 1 deflection, 4 shield) (Touch 12, FF 22)
PP: 12/15
Vigor: Round 4 of 20
Force Screen: Round 3 of 20
Delay Poison: Round 5 of 600
Psionic Focus: Yes
Position: S5

End Turn

2009-10-19, 01:01 AM
My readied action triggers at the end of your turn.

Activate Bag of Boulders, 1 charges.

Let me know if you're using resilience or not.

2009-10-19, 09:10 AM
Looking at the Bag in the MIC, you have to make a ranged attack (not ranged touch), right? If so, that's a miss that provokes an AoO.

2009-10-19, 07:18 PM
It is a ranged attack as opposed to a ranged touch, but it does not provoke an AoO.

Activating a Bag of Boulders is a standard action that includes both drawing and throwing.

The ranged attack is part of the activation and...

Spell Trigger, Command Word, or Use-Activated Items

Activating any of these kinds of items does not require concentration and does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

2009-10-19, 07:23 PM
Ah, clever combination of wording there. I wonder if it was intentional on the part of the writers.

Anyway, the boulder plinks harmlessly off McToughy. You may take your turn.

2009-10-19, 07:35 PM
Round 5 - Chile

Ready an action
refsTo cast sleep if attacked.

Also, reallocating Law Devotion to AC (non-action).

stats for refs
HP 6/6
AC 26 T 18 FF 21 (+4 armor, +4 shield, +5 dex, +3 sacred)
Mage Armor 5/1200
Shield 4/20
Law Devotion 3/10 (+3 ac)
Position S4

Tent in M1/N1
In hand: Scroll, Wand // empty

Bag of Boulders 2/3 charges remaining



2009-10-19, 07:39 PM
:smallconfused: I have a sneaking suspicion I know what's in that spoiler. All you wussies don't wanna fight McToughy man to man. Wussies. Always runnin' away an' stuff, like a wussie. Stay an' fight me, like a man!

McToughy - Round 6

5ft step to R5
Ready an Action
Trigger: Chile takes any action.
Action: Attack

HP: 13/13 (9 THP)
AC: 23 (7 armor, 1 dex, 1 deflection, 4 shield) (Touch 12, FF 22)
PP: 12/15
Vigor: Round 4 of 20
Force Screen: Round 3 of 20
Delay Poison: Round 5 of 600
Psionic Focus: Yes
Position: S5

End Turn

2009-10-19, 08:03 PM
Hold up.

Chile:Sleep has a 1 round casting time, and thus isn't a valid ready action.

Rewind to Chile's round 5 turn.

2009-10-20, 12:22 AM
@refsSorry, that was a typo, I meant "start casting" sleep which is a standard action.

So, the ref action was because of a mistake in my ready action, but fixing it didn't change what I was doing, and you didn't trigger it anyway, so I'm just going to assume that you're round 6 actions remain the same.

Round 6 - Chile

refsMaintain ready action (start casting sleep if attacked)

stats for refs
HP 6/6
AC 26 T 18 FF 21 (+4 armor, +4 shield, +5 dex, +3 sacred)
Mage Armor 6/1200
Shield 5/20
Law Devotion 4/10 (+3 ac)
Position S4

Tent in M1/N1
In hand: Scroll, Wand // empty

Bag of Boulders 2/3 charges remaining



2009-10-20, 09:19 AM
High Ref 02youeng

He doesn't trigger your ready action

Just some clarification, nothing stopping game.

McToughy's up

2009-10-20, 09:25 AM
Interesting. He couldn't have refreshed his readied action then, since that takes a fresh standard action on his turn. What is he up to...:smallconfused:
Nothing for Chile to worry about. Just some musings.

McToughy - Round 7

Swift: Manifest power. DC 16 Psicraft to ID.
Dimension Hop
McToughy teleports to R7.
Standard: Charge!
Misschance: [roll0], [roll1] (Failure on 1-20)
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Ultrafail. :smallannoyed:

HP: 13/13 (9 THP)
AC: 23 (7 armor, 1 dex, 1 deflection, 4 shield) (Touch 12, FF 22)
PP: 11/15
Vigor: Round 6 of 20
Force Screen: Round 5 of 20
Delay Poison: Round 7 of 600
Psionic Focus: Yes
Position: S5

End Turn

2009-10-20, 01:35 PM
Refs:Readying is a standard action. When Chile readied his action in round 6, he triggered McToughy's readied action.

McToughy:Chile readied an action in round 6. Since this is a standard action to perform, it triggers your readied action. Please state if you'd like to take it. If so, we'll rewind.

2009-10-20, 01:40 PM
Rewind, please.

2009-10-20, 01:43 PM
Rewind to Chile's round 6 turn. McToughy's readied action triggers when Chile readies an action.

2009-10-20, 01:46 PM
McToughy's readied action (an attack) goes off immediately before Chile's triggering action (readying an action). Since Chile's last RA expired at the start of his turn, neither his last nor current RA can trigger off MT's attack (in case that's what you readied against).

The ready action lets you prepare to take an action later, after your turn is over but before your next one has begun.

McToughy - Readied Action Triggered

Action: Attack
Misschance: [roll0], [roll1] (Failure on 1-20)
Attack: [roll2] ...ya gotta be kidding me. 2 1's in a row. :smallannoyed:
Damage: [roll3]

That's a miss. Play continues just after Chile readies his action (since the triggering action still has to occur), unless I'm mistaken.

2009-10-20, 01:56 PM
You're correct. Interrupted characters continue with the interrupted action if they are still able.

2009-10-20, 04:38 PM
refsThat's completely the opposite of the way the Arena was run when I was last an active ref. However, since it's in keeping with RAW, I won't object. I'm sure I could find several instances of people maintaining RAs without it counting as a new action though.

So, since I can't assume things will be handled the same as it was back then, can I change the stipulations of my ready action, since it would still be the same action?

Holding on my turn in round 6.

2009-10-20, 04:53 PM
Chile:As you said, it's in keeping with the rules. I haven't seen anyone maintain readied actions, which would be a houserule on the Arena's part that I can find no mention of.

Unfortunately, you can't change your readied action at this point, so far as I know. You committed to it, and then his readied action interrupts that action. The SRD entry for readied actions states that you continue with the interrupted action if possible, and as far as I know, the trigger for the ready action is built in when you ready. If there's a legitimate argument for why you would be able to change the trigger for your ready action after taking it, then I'd consider the idea, but I don't know of any such situation in this case.

Holding for clarification.

2009-10-20, 11:07 PM
@refsNevermind. I don't feel like trying to squeeze every advantage out of a semantics debate. I also don't feel like it's worth digging up examples of how ready actions were previously handled. Let's just go with the flow.

Round 6 - Chile


2009-10-20, 11:16 PM
McToughy - Round 7

Swift: Manifest power. DC 16 psicraft to ID.
Dimension Hop
McToughy teleports to R7
Full Round: Charge! (To S5)
Misschance: [roll0], [roll1] (Failure on 1-20)
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Argh. Gettin' really old.

HP: 13/13 (9 THP)
AC: 23 (7 armor, 1 dex, 1 deflection, 4 shield) (Touch 12, FF 22)
PP: 11/15
Vigor: Round 6 of 20
Force Screen: Round 5 of 20
Delay Poison: Round 7 of 600
Psionic Focus: Yes
Position: S5

End Turn

2009-10-21, 12:16 AM
That'll trigger my readied action.

5' step to T3. Start casting a spell.

refsSleep, as previously mentioned.

Round 7 - Chile

Finish casting the spell.
refsSleep on S5/T6

I need you to roll a Will save.

Not done.

2009-10-21, 09:25 AM
McToughy spends 1 PP to gain a +4 bonus to saves until his next action.

Will Save: [roll0]

2009-10-21, 06:22 PM
As much as I would love to let you waste a PP, I really don't want to rewind later. You don't have the action available to use Elan Resistance. Fortunately for you, you made the save without the +4.

finishing my turn in round 7

Break LoS moving west.

refs>T1>Q1>Q3. Hide [roll0]

stats for refs
HP 6/6
AC 26 T 18 FF 21 (+4 armor, +4 shield, +5 dex, +3 sacred)
Mage Armor 7/1200
Shield 6/20
Law Devotion 5/10 (+3 ac)
Position Q3 hiding

Tent in M1/N1
In hand: Scroll, Wand // empty

Bag of Boulders 2/3 charges remaining



2009-10-21, 06:32 PM
As much as I would love to save McToughy a PP, I did make a legal move. The immediate action for Resistance burns my swift action for my next turn, not my last one. Unfortunately for me, McToughy made the save even without the +4. [/snark]

2009-10-21, 06:38 PM
McToughy - Round 8

Move: 30 ft to R5. S5 -> S2 -> R3 -> R5
Standard: Ready an action
Action: Move
Trigger: LoS is established

HP: 13/13 (9 THP)
AC: 23 (7 armor, 1 dex, 1 deflection, 4 shield) (Touch 12, FF 22)
PP: 10/15
Vigor: Round 7 of 20
Force Screen: Round 6 of 20
Delay Poison: Round 8 of 600
Psionic Focus: Yes
Position: R5

Turn not done, need LoS check.

2009-10-21, 06:57 PM
Refs:McToughy gets a spot check when he moves into R-3.


McToughy:You see your opponent in Q-3 when you enter R-3. You may revise your turn from this point.

Chile:You see your opponent walk into R-3.

Play continues with McToughy's turn.

2009-10-21, 07:01 PM
McToughy - Round 8 revision

McToughy ends his move action as he enters R3.
Standard: Attack
Misschance: [roll0], [roll1] (Failure on 1-20)
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

HP: 13/13 (9 THP)
AC: 23 (7 armor, 1 dex, 1 deflection, 4 shield) (Touch 12, FF 22)
PP: 10/15
Vigor: Round 7 of 20
Force Screen: Round 6 of 20
Delay Poison: Round 8 of 600
Psionic Focus: Yes
Position: R3

End Turn

2009-10-21, 07:03 PM
You just can't catch a break, can you?

2009-10-21, 07:09 PM
You just can't catch a break, can you?

A compilation of McToughy's misses so far:
Round 5: Missed the second d100, possibly Chile's AC if he had buffs up
Round 7: Missed the second D100, and Chile's AC
Round 7 readied action: Rolled a 1 on the attack roll
Round 7 redux: Missed both d100s, and Chile's AC
Round 8: Rolled a 2 on the attack roll.

If I assume Chile has Mage Armor and Shield up (AC 23), I only have a 12.8% chance of hitting Chile in the mist. Fun fun fun.

2009-10-21, 07:38 PM
edit: clarified next post

2009-10-21, 07:39 PM
As much as I would love to save McToughy a PP, I did make a legal move. The immediate action for Resistance burns my swift action for my next turn, not my last one. Unfortunately for me, McToughy made the save even without the +4. [/snark]

Umm, no. You used a swift action during your turn, you don't have a swift or immediate available until your next turn begins.

2009-10-21, 07:41 PM
You cannot use another immediate action or a swift action until after your next turn if you have used an immediate action when it is not currently your turn (effectively, using an immediate action before your turn is equivalent to using your swift action for the coming turn).

Am I reading this wrong?

2009-10-21, 07:43 PM
My apologies. You are correct.

edit: Sorry, I was remembering Talic's tactics in dealing with an opponent who had swifts and immediates. Either I'm remembering wrong or he messed up too. Again, my apologies.

2009-10-21, 07:45 PM
My apologies. You are correct.

Much to my dismay. :smallbiggrin:

2009-10-21, 08:06 PM
Round 8 - Chile

Guess I'll ready an action.
To cast Lesser Orb of Acid when McToughy takes a standard action.

Also, redevoting Law Devotion to attack.

stats for refs
HP 6/6
AC 23 T 15 FF 18 (+4 armor, +4 shield, +5 dex)
Mage Armor 8/1200
Shield 7/20
Law Devotion 6/10 (+3 attack)
Position Q3, readied action

Tent in M1/N1
In hand: Scroll, Wand // empty

Bag of Boulders 2/3 charges remaining



2009-10-21, 08:15 PM
McToughy - Round 9

Standard: Attack (Again)
Misschance: [roll0], [roll1]
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

I just used up all my luck for the next several rounds, and you're probably going to tell me you have buffs up. Le sigh.

Your readied action probably triggers.

HP: 13/13 (9 THP)
AC: 23 (7 armor, 1 dex, 1 deflection, 4 shield) (Touch 12, FF 22)
PP: 10/15
Vigor: Round 8 of 20
Force Screen: Round 7 of 20
Delay Poison: Round 9 of 600
Psionic Focus: Yes
Position: R3

Turn not done (awaiting confirmation on your RA).

2009-10-21, 11:15 PM
It does. 5' step to P2. Cast Lesser Orb of Acid.

[roll0] vs touch AC
[roll1] damage
[roll2] concealment

edit: and your attack whiffs since it's not a reach weapon

2009-10-22, 08:53 AM
McToughy burns 2 PP to negate all 8 damage.

2009-10-22, 04:01 PM
McToughy - Round 9 cont.

Move: 15 ft to P3 via Q4.

HP: 13/13 (9 THP)
AC: 23 (7 armor, 1 dex, 1 deflection, 4 shield) (Touch 12, FF 22)
PP: 8/15
Vigor: Round 8 of 20
Force Screen: Round 7 of 20
Delay Poison: Round 9 of 600
Psionic Focus: Yes
Position: P3

End Turn

2009-10-22, 08:24 PM
Round 9 - Chile

Ready an action
same as last time, Lesser acid orb on a standard action


2009-10-22, 08:52 PM
McToughy - Round 10

Let's keep playing this game, shall we?

5ft step to Q2
Standard: Attack
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Not done, need you to step out of the way before my next action. :smallannoyed:

2009-10-23, 01:40 AM
Ready action triggered by your attack

5' step to O2.
Cast Lesser Orb Acid again.

[roll0] ranged touch
[roll1] acid

2009-10-23, 09:01 AM
McToughy - Round 10 cont.

McToughy spends 1 PP to negate 4 damage, soaks 1.

No further actions.

HP: 13/13 (8 THP)
AC: 23 (7 armor, 1 dex, 1 deflection, 4 shield) (Touch 12, FF 22)
PP: 7/15
Vigor: Round 9 of 20
Force Screen: Round 8 of 20
Delay Poison: Round 10 of 600
Psionic Focus: Yes
Position: P3

End Turn

2009-10-23, 10:59 AM
Round 10 - Chile

Ready an Action
Same thing


2009-10-23, 04:36 PM
McToughy - Round 11

Standard: Ready an action
Action: Attack
Trigger: Chile takes any action

HP: 13/13 (8 THP)
AC: 23 (7 armor, 1 dex, 1 deflection, 4 shield) (Touch 12, FF 22)
PP: 7/15
Vigor: Round 10 of 20
Force Screen: Round 9 of 20
Delay Poison: Round 11 of 600
Psionic Focus: Yes
Position: P3

End Turn

2009-10-24, 11:05 AM
Triggers my readied action.

[roll0] ranged touch
[roll1] acid damage

5' step to M1, breaking LoS.

refsHide: [roll2]
stats for refs
HP 6/6
AC 23 T 15 FF 18 (+4 armor, +4 shield, +5 dex)
Mage Armor 11/1200
Shield 10/20
Law Devotion 9/10 (+3 attack)

Position: M1, in tent
Tent in M1/N1
In hand: Scroll, Wand // empty

Bag of Boulders 2/3 charges remaining


Waiting for reconfirmation that your turn it done.

2009-10-24, 11:16 AM
McToughy - Round 11 cont./revision

Spend 1 PP to negate 4 damage, soak 2.

Move: 20 ft to M2 via M3

HP: 13/13 (6 THP)
AC: 23 (7 armor, 1 dex, 1 deflection, 4 shield) (Touch 12, FF 22)
PP: 6/15
Vigor: Round 10 of 20
Force Screen: Round 9 of 20
Delay Poison: Round 11 of 600
Psionic Focus: Yes
Position: M2

End Turn, need LoS check

2009-10-25, 02:20 PM

Chile:5ft step from O2 to M1? Also, how exactly does this tent of yours work? Why is it 1x2? Why does it take no time to set up? And how do you set it up on walls of force anyway?

...I'm going to stop asking questions now. But answers to the first two would be nice. :smalltongue:

2009-10-25, 08:57 PM
I don't see any reason to keep this spoilered yet. My opponent might raise debate over some of the answers, and I'd rather he have a chance to do that now instead of not doing it because he doesn't want to start the match over again.

5ft step from O2 to M1?

Typo, N1 is what I meant.

Also, how exactly does this tent of yours work?

It's solid so it blocks LoS and LoE. I always treated it as being enterable on the 5' ends because that's how I picture a basic tent, but that can be debated.

Why is it 1x2?

Asked by Kyeudo when I first purchased it, it 'sleeps 2 people'. Medium creatures take up a 1x1 square, therefore the tent is 1x2.

Why does it take no time to set up?

Also asked by Kyeudo originally. The tent is described as being set up and there are no rules for setting one up or tearing one down. Therefore, by RAW, it is always set up.

And how do you set it up on walls of force anyway?

It doesn't require any type of ground to be set up, and by RAW doesn't exist in a state of being 'not set up'.

2009-10-25, 09:14 PM
Those last three questions weren't serious, but thanks for the answers anyway. :smalltongue:

Hmm. So, near as I can tell, wouldn't this mean you couldn't diagonally 5ft step into the tent, due to solid corner?

2009-10-25, 10:09 PM
If you moved to N1, I need to change my turn, but it's a fairly simple change we can deal with after this tent business.

The last 3 questions, despite apparently not being serious, make perfect sense with their answers. Since the arena runs on RAW, the 1x2 size makes the most sense in lieu of a rule mention a change in size for sleeping medium creatures.

As for being solid, unless there's a source for tents other than the PHB, the description of a tent makes no mention of whether or not it is solid. Since the arena runs on RAW, I can see no reason to assume it is solid for the purposes of LoS; that is, it is effectively negligible for the purposes of calculating LoS.

Corollary to the above, the issue of entering the tent is mostly an issue of having no rules to use. Openings on the ends of the 1x2 tent is certainly an easy model to conceptualize, but is by no means the only model of tent possible; a tent could just as easily have entry flaps on all 6 edges of its 1x2 space, as silly as such a design would be. How, then, is this decided? Is it set upon purchase? Set as a general Arena precedent? Variable somehow?

I find it interesting (though quite possibly irrelevant), as well, that the description of the tent was removed when the info in the PHB was transferred to the SRD.

And another note/thought: The Standard Guidelines from the Arena Rules say "any items you may have can be in either hand." I doubt it mattered for this match, but I think Chile would have to begin a match "holding" (:smallconfused:) the tent in one hand, and spend a free action to drop it, at which point it would be (oddly enough) set up on the ground and leave Chile with a free hand. Just...a thought.

2009-10-26, 02:49 AM
Actually, Paladin Lathum set the precedent for my tent being in my space instead of in hand when he bought a wagon to hide in.

2009-10-27, 11:03 PM
Are we just waiting for an okay for McToughy to redo his turn, or is there something else?

2009-10-27, 11:04 PM
If precedent shows that the corners of the tent don't count as solid corners, then I believe all is fine.

2009-10-27, 11:25 PM
I'm not going to bother arguing Kyeudo's interpretation of how the tent works. Something about doing so strikes me as rather frivolous. Let's continue this match with the current interpretation, and we can hash out any problems with it in the Waiting Room afterwards.

McToughy - Round 11 revision 2

Just after Chile's readied action triggers, and McToughy's attack is foiled again:
Move: 25 ft to K2

End Turn

2009-10-28, 03:28 AM
@refsReactive Listen [roll0] vs DC 0 or 5 depending on how far he moved, and if he moved

Psionic Dog
2009-10-28, 07:47 AM
Ok My understanding is:
1) McToughy Ready's an action [standard]
2) This triggers Chile's action
3) This triggers McToughy's action - but since all this happened on McT's turn he still has a move action.
4) McToughy takes a move action to move 25 ft, greater than half speed.

No M.S. was specified, so McT takes 5. 5 -5(speed) -4(M.S. modifier) +1 distance = DC -3 Chile beats this by 20

Chile IV
Not sure how you got 5 and 0: the numbers I found were lower.

Low enough that you hear McToughy circle north and end in K-2

2009-10-28, 02:35 PM
@refsThat's right, he's wearing heavy armor. It'd be like 0 if he moved half speed or -5 if he moved more. Certainly low enough for my high roll to beat by 20 for the pinpoint.

Round 11 - Chile

Move to R1 while hiding and moving silently, the tent gives me cover from his position.

Ready an Action to cast lesser acid orb in response to a standard action.

stats for refs
HP 6/6
AC 23 T 15 FF 18 (+4 armor, +4 shield, +5 dex)
Mage Armor 11/1200
Shield 10/20
Law Devotion 9/10 (+3 attack)

Position: R1 hiding
Tent in M1/N1
In hand: Scroll, Wand // empty

Bag of Boulders 2/3 charges remaining



2009-10-29, 08:34 PM
Refs:Listen for McToughy: [roll0]
Spot for McToughy: [roll1]

McToughy:No LoS.

Chile:McToughy is still in K2.

2009-10-29, 09:26 PM
McToughy - Round 12

Move: 10 ft to M1. Not ending action.

Waiting on LoS check. Turn not done.

2009-11-02, 06:11 PM
Refs:*insert inane babbling here*

McToughy:No LoS.

Chile:McToughy moves to M1.

McToughy's turn continues.

2009-11-02, 06:18 PM
As expected. Wish I could have pinned him down in the tent, but there's only 1 way he could have gone and not broken stealth. Hopefully I'll bump into him...

McToughy - Round 12 cont.

Move, cont.: 20 ft to Q2
Move: 10 ft to R3, 5 ft to S2, 5 ft to T2

HP: 13/13 (6 THP)
AC: 23 (7 armor, 1 dex, 1 deflection, 4 shield) (Touch 12, FF 22)
PP: 6/15
Vigor: Round 11 of 20
Force Screen: Round 10 of 20
Delay Poison: Round 12 of 600
Psionic Focus: Yes
Position: T2

End Turn, LoS check needed before Chile's turn.

2009-11-02, 06:35 PM
Refs:I'm uncertain as to whether McToughy would be allowed another spot check after breaking LoS to Chile's square in the clouds and then gaining it again after, but it doesn't matter in this case. He can't beat Chile's hide roll.

McToughy:No LoS.

Chile: McToughy comes down from the north into Q-2, then breaks LoS heading to the southeast. LoS is reestablished a moment later when he enters S-2, and is broken again when he moves south.

2009-11-03, 12:59 AM
refsCan I get a distance check on his movement?

SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/movementPositionAndDistance.htm)-
If you do nothing but move (that is, if you use both of your actions in a round to move your speed), you can move double your speed.

K2 to R3 via M1 would be 40' total.

2009-11-03, 01:11 AM
Yes you can:
He's good to go, he can make the move.

2009-11-03, 01:29 AM
refsFrom the LoS checks, I see him move at least 55'. That's not possible.

2009-11-03, 02:03 AM
Initiate Ref Bayar:

Refs, McToughy:
How does McToughy move at 30 ft speed when his listed speed is 20 and still have standard actions ?

2009-11-03, 02:04 AM
High Ref Tanaric

Refs only:McToughy is psionically focused. His movespeed is actually 30 because of his freedom mantle.

McToughy does not have a standard action available, having traded it for a second move action this round (double move)

Chile:His stated movement is correct and entirely possible. All necessary info as to why is included on his sheet.


2009-11-03, 02:50 AM
refsAhhhh, the stupid mantles. Sorry about that.

Round 12 - Chile

Start casting sleep. I figure it's the only way I'm going to win this. Also, switch Law devotion to AC for the last round.

stats for refs
HP 6/6
AC 26 T 18 FF 21 (+4 armor, +4 shield, +5 dex, +3 sacred)
Mage Armor 12/1200
Shield 11/20
Law Devotion 10/10 (+3 AC)

Position: R1 hiding, casting a spell
Tent in M1/N1
In hand: Scroll, Wand // empty

Bag of Boulders 2/3 charges remaining


Done, you hear spellcasting to the north-west-ish.

2009-11-03, 03:05 AM
Refs:Listen for McToughy:[roll0]

McToughy:You hear spellcasting nearby, to the north-northwest. No LoS.

Chile: No LoS, obviously. Need to know where exactly you're casting that Sleep, though.

Hold for clarification.

2009-11-03, 04:49 AM
refsNot yet you don't.

2009-11-03, 09:18 AM
McToughy's Freedom Mantle grants a +10 ft enhancement(?) bonus to speed while psionically focused. I don't include it on the sheet because the effect is not permanent, and it might let me catch one of my opponents off-guard one of these days.

McToughy - Round 13

Move: 5 ft to S1, 5 ft to R1, and hold on the rest of my action.

Turn not done, need LoS.

2009-11-03, 10:42 AM
Chile:...I think that might be the third time this week that a mistake has been made in regards to Sleep. You're right about the targeting, of course.

McToughy enters the clouds at S-1, then enters your square at R-1 unless you choose not to let him pass.

One moment.

Psionic Dog
2009-11-03, 12:46 PM
High Ref PsiDog

@Refs, Chile
Pardon the interruption, but how is Chile IV hiding? I can't seem to find any hide checks for Round 12, and was unaware that an old hide result could be held if the hider takes any new actions.

2009-11-03, 06:57 PM
refsUnless I'm mistaken, he can't enter my square. His movement is illegal and refs inform him that his movement ends at the last legal square he was in, as per RAW.
As for the hide check, the last hide check does not carry over only because my spell has a somatic component and therefore includes some form of movement. I did state my intentions to hide, so the hide is legal, it just needs a roll. [roll0]

2009-11-03, 07:04 PM
Chile:This was ruled on after some recent debate. It's been decided that a hiding/invisible character has the option to let their opponent pass as if they were an ally.

2009-11-03, 08:31 PM
Refs:Spot for McToughy:[roll0]

McToughy:You see Chile in R-1 when you enter S-1. He is still chanting something.

Chile:You see McToughy in S-1.

McToughy's turn continues.

2009-11-03, 08:50 PM
McToughy - Round 13 cont.

Since McToughy isn't hiding, LoS has been established between both combatants.

Move(cont.): 5 ft to R2. Provokes an AoO.
Standard: Initiate Bull Rush. Provokes an AoO as I enter R1, but it won't cancel the Bull Rush.
[roll0] vs Chile's STR check result.

McToughy has bad luck with BR rolls. :smallsigh:
Let's see how this plays out.

2009-11-04, 06:21 PM
Opposed Str check [roll0]

2009-11-04, 06:23 PM
And that's a win. Good job.

edit: to be clear, I'm not taking any of the AoO's since I was casting a spell

2009-11-04, 06:30 PM
High Ref Sallera

Chile goes sightseeing, and McToughy claims victory.

2009-11-04, 06:32 PM
Well played. I was really afraid your constant shifting tactics would do McToughy in.

If you don't mind me asking, how many more orbs could you have launched at me?

2009-11-04, 06:44 PM
I could have thrown 6 orbs total, but I had decided it wasn't going to be enough and was trying to catch you rolling crappy on a Sleep save.

At the end, I had 2 warmage spells left, one of which I was using to cast Sleep again when you bullrushed me. I hadn't thought of that tactic. I was hoping the concealment would mean a missed attack. I also had two charges left on the bag of boulders.

All-in-all, I was at a loss for how to defeat you. I had several strategies that all involved buying scrolls of spells, but it would have given away the strategy.