View Full Version : The Adventures of Steven Rosario Webcomic

2009-10-10, 02:03 AM
Hello everyone,

I know. It doesn't look so great that my very first post on the GITP forums is a plug of my own webcomic.

But, in spite of being a first time poster, I have been a long time fan. As a matter of fact, OOTS and Erfworld are the only webcomics I follow.

I have also observed that this community is very supportive and provides excellent constructive criticism for new webcomic strips. For this reason, I decided I'd see what the GITP community would have to say about my own little piece of the web.

The Adventures of Steven Rosario was originally started as a pencil-on-paper strip when I was in middle school back in the early 90's. The premise is that all the characters are myself and people that I know. (This does present a risk for legal liability, but in over 15 years no one has ever complained about being in my strip... and I hope that continues) It eventually evolved to being a regular fixture in a university newspaper with a circulation of 15,000 copies; and then med school happened, I got busy, and the strip fell by the wayside.

Since restarting this strip and giving it a limited release via my Facebook profile, I have gotten tremendous positive feedback, even from people who did not know the other characters portrayed. I would now like the unbiased comments of a community that has no idea who I am.

Some issues that I already have given thought to and probably won't require further mention in your respective critiques:

As the premise is that the strip takes place in an imaginary world of my own creation, with characters named and drawn after people that I have met sometime in my life, it is impossible to have a small number cast of well developed characters, hence no intro or cast page. That, along with the risk of legal issues, would probably be the greatest weakness of publishing a fictional strip about non-celebrity real people.
Yes, I know I use copy and paste. I am adjusting to doing the strip in vector design software with a graphics tablet, and trying to find the best way to draw people that does not take forever. Copy and paste is my friend and I wish I could have had that capability 15 years ago.
My layout in some strips can be fairly cramped. I've chosen a square format for the sole functional purpose of posting the strips on Facebook.
The strips do not currently have a dedicated site. I actually don't want this going *too* widespread yet, and besides Facebook you'll only find these strips on an improvised page running on my personal wiki server.
This isn't a gaming comic. It's more of an escapism comic. The only reason I chose to present it to this community is because I read OOTS, and you may see some OOTS influence in my art. There are planned combat scenes that will take influence from both OOTS and anime/manga.
Lastly, be aware that there is occasional profanity, along with adult situations and sexual innuendo but no outright depiction of sexual acts... as of yet. (Not that I plan on any but you never know where the plot goes.) Violence has not been introduced yet but will find its place at a later date.

Whew. Without further ado, please view my strip at http://stevenwiki.homedns.org/index.php/Webcomic and come back here to tell me what you think. Don't worry about being harshly critical either; if the humor in the comic is any indication, you'll see that I can take quite a bit of self-deprecation.
