View Full Version : A Simple Little Dungeon Crawl... [IC]

2009-10-10, 02:31 PM
If you are going to wait to see if I get enough players for a 2nd group, do not observe this thread.

You are all currently at the tavern on Ralet Street in Elasnet.
It's a small place, but it seems pretty cozy. It has 8 tables, each of which can seat 6 patrons.
It's a slow night, and there are only 10 customers in the tavern today.
Four of them are seated around a table, and seem to be workers of various types after a hard days' work.
A fifth is off in a corner by himself, a human wearing a dark blue robe.
And the other five? Why don't you tell me?

Describe yourselves, if you couldn't tell. Decide where you're sitting as well.

2009-10-10, 03:14 PM
A short, stocky man with several days of growth on his face and in worn but well maintained traveling clothes enters the inn, followed by what looks to be a large grey dog in barding. He sits at the nearest open table to the bar, and motions the barmaid over.
Hey now, I'll take a tankard of ale and a bowl of stew, if you've got some, and my friend here will take some dogmash. I just arrived in town, and news?

2009-10-10, 03:24 PM
A short, stocky man with several days of growth on his face and in worn but well maintained traveling clothes enters the inn, followed by what looks to be a large grey dog in barding. He sits at the nearest open table to the bar, and motions the barmaid over.
Hey now, I'll take a tankard of ale and a bowl of stew, if you've got some, and my friend here will take some dogmash. I just arrived in town, and news?

That'll be four silvers for the meal, two silvers for the ale, two silvers five coppers for the dogmash, and one silver five coppers in tax for the King. That's one gold piece in total. As for news... well, I haven't heard very much lately, but there was a mention of... goblins? Kobolds? If you're looking for an adventure, you could try asking around about them.

I'm reserving the following text colours for NPCs.
To avoid confusion, please claim your colours in the OOC thread.

2009-10-10, 03:44 PM
A kobold, short even by the standards of his race, sits alone at one of the tables, watching the other patrons placidly. His features are different than most of his race; his scales, still carrying a hint of their old luster, are of the purest white, a clear sign of his heritage to any who know of such things. Spiny ridges run up either side of his snout and above his eyes, giving him what might be a fierce appearance if not for the sparkle of hidden mirth in his eyes and the slight upward pull of his maw - what passes for a smirk among kobolds. He is dressed in nondescript clothing of grays and blacks, all cotton or wool, though the faint tinkling of metal links can be heard when he shifts. At his left wrist is a blackened metal bracer heavily filigreed with silver. A clear crystal in the shape of a miniature shield rests in a slot on the bracer, occasionally pulsing with an almost unnoticeable wave of force.

"We are here, yesss..." the kobold whispers, eyes flicking from a barmaid to stare at a support beam. The smirk on his face transforms itself into a full grin, revealing a mouth of yellowed fangs. "We came to thisss plassse asss you asssked. We came and sssaw, and we are not impresssed. Why did you asssk usss to come?"

The kobold's smile fades into nothingness as he tilts his head in the direction of the beam, looking for all the world as though he is listening intently. He shakes his head after a moment, setting his jaw determinedly as he spits out the words, still in his low, sibilant whisper: "We do not want that. We gave up that life long ago. Ssso long ago. They are dead and gone, taken by the windsss. We left them to sssee the world, and we have no regretsss. We will have our drinksss, and we will go."

2009-10-10, 04:16 PM


We gets to confuses the otherses, yes we doeses.
I'll just post random snippets, which once in a while may be useful.
You decide what you'll do about them.

Pah! Without a tribe, a kobold is nothing... you are nothing but a dragon's useless shedding! The only reason that a kobold can exist is to serve. You are not subservient. YOU ARE... USELESS.

The kobold attracts stares from the bar patrons.

Jesse Drake
2009-10-10, 07:05 PM
A silver haired elf with vivid violet eyes sits alone in the bar, asking simply for "Aidenberry wine." His voice is quick, his tone short, he doesn't mess around. Looking around, he observes several people come and go, and smiles.

His attire is somewhat different for the setting. He wears a dark black vest with purple trim. His pants are roughly dark gray, and puffed out, in an Arabian style. He carries no weapons, just his wit. And he doesn't seem to want to speak to anyone, holding a small purple and gold crystal in his left hand, rubbing it with his thumb. "Look at the local color. Why am I even here?" (Psicrystal has resolved personality)

2009-10-10, 08:36 PM
A silver haired elf with vivid violet eyes sits alone in the bar, asking simply for "Aidenberry wine." His voice is quick, his tone short, he doesn't mess around. Looking around, he observes several people come and go, and smiles.

His attire is somewhat different for the setting. He wears a dark black vest with purple trim. His pants are roughly dark gray, and puffed out, in an Arabian style. He carries no weapons, just his wit. And he doesn't seem to want to speak to anyone, holding a small purple and gold crystal in his left hand, rubbing it with his thumb. "Look at the local color. Why am I even here?" (Psicrystal has resolved personality)
Is that fine wine or common wine? The price difference is quite high, so I won't pick for you.

Jesse Drake
2009-10-10, 08:43 PM
Is that fine wine or common wine? The price difference is quite high, so I won't pick for you.

That is most definitely fine wine. There's a price for it in Arms and Armor, it's just a custom fine wine, so if you don't have access to that book, it doesn't matter.

2009-10-10, 09:25 PM

Bahzel arches an eyebrow at the odd Kobold, then turns back to the barmaid.
Well, if it was Kobolds, I don't think we have much to worry about. Here's what I owe you then.
He hands the barmaid some money, then turns to the kobold, offering him a seat at his table.
Well, friend, we generally don't see many of you in these parts. What brings you out this way? I'm Bahzel, by the way, and this is Kaligos.
As he says this, he scratches Kaligos behind the ears.

Gave the barmaid 1 gold plus tip. How much should that be? I'd assume no more than 1 sp, but I'm not sure how it should break down.

Eternal Kanus
2009-10-10, 10:18 PM

A human leaned against a wall, dressed in immaculate leather armor, bearing a rapier at his waist, and wearing a badge carrying the symbol of the Order of the Swift Blade, crossed images of a branch and a sword, proudly on his chest. As he overhears the barmaid mention the local bit of trouble, he runs a hand through his short brown hair and takes a few grand steps forward, speaking rather loudly toward the barmaid.

"Who would be the right person to ask about thees creatures? I happen to be rather skilled with a blade, and I would certainly be willing to assist this town with its subhuman problems. Damn creatures cause nothing but trouble..." Haeker then notices the odd kobold, and begins stammering. "Er, that is, um, with the obvious exception of those that are members of a proper civilization."

2009-10-11, 08:21 AM
Just tip 1 sp if you feel the need to.

The barmaid comes over to the elf and looks around for a bottle of Aidenberry wine. She finally finds one stored carefully so that it would not break, handing it to the grey elf with a comment "That'll be 8 gold 5 silvers, plus 1 gold 5 silvers in tax. A total of 10 gold pieces."
Once the elf pays, she simply remarks "Enjoy your drink." before running off to greet the new human who had just arrived.
"About the creatures... I'm not really sure, I've only heard it as a rumor."
The man in the blue cloak interrupts softly, however.
"Ah, you are an adventurer? We are looking for some able-bodied adventurers to clear out this town's nearby caves from those dirty, rotten kobolds. If you feel you are capable enough, please feel free to come. We can offer a reward of 3750 gp, split among all the adventurers in the group that successfully routs those dirty little buggers."

Jesse Drake
2009-10-11, 09:34 AM
Sarric's pointy ears perk up. He slowly approaches the others, and then fills his wineflute (it's his everfull mug, just not shaped like a mug) and sits down, listening in.

Before anything, he sniffs his wine, and takes a small sip. He seems satisfied.

Realms of Chaos
2009-10-11, 05:11 PM
I had completely missed that this campaign had already started. sorryy about that
Magnus is currently drinking some rather watered-down rum. :smallbiggrin:

A tall, broad man sitting in a corner near the door looks over towards the source of the commotion. He possessed a prominent forehead but his face is otherwise more or less forgettable. A stuffed sack rests on the ground near the chair he sits upon, a chair that groans under his weight.
The man is wearing a chain shirt over some travelling clothes, by the look of it. An overlarge greatsword hangs from his side, a sign of the man's great strength.

As the word "adventurers" is spoken, the man stands up from his stool and walks over.

"You want help with some kobolds, do you?" The man's voice is calm and gently but is somewhat gravelly. "I'm pretty sure I could be of assistance."

The man makes a facial expression that looks kind of like a fierce scowl, or at least like a jolly person's best impersonation of a fierce scowl.

2009-10-11, 08:49 PM

Bahzel arches an eyebrow at the odd Kobold, then turns back to the barmaid.
Well, if it was Kobolds, I don't think we have much to worry about. Here's what I owe you then.
He hands the barmaid some money, then turns to the kobold, offering him a seat at his table.
Well, friend, we generally don't see many of you in these parts. What brings you out this way? I'm Bahzel, by the way, and this is Kaligos.
As he says this, he scratches Kaligos behind the ears.

Kil'ak does not immediately react to Bahzel's greetings, instead continuing his murmured conversation with the support beam.

"Nothing and nothing isss nothing. One without ussse isss ussselesss. We are sssomething, and we have a purpossse. We do not believe what you sssay."

A moment later he blinks, then looks at Bahzel, grinning widely. "A friendly fassse, sssome interessting rumorsss... We believe that isss a common enough reassson amongssst thessse partsss, isss it not?

"It would ssseem, however, that our lesss sssavory cousssins are causssing sssome trouble thessse daysss," he continues, facial spines shaking as a brief, raspy laughing fit takes him. "That you are not ssso quick to judge warrantsss thanksss, we think." He extends a clawed hand toward Bahzel, slightly mad smile fixed upon his face.

2009-10-12, 12:06 AM
Taking the koblods hand, Bahzel gives it a good shake, chuckling as he does so.

"Never good to judge before you really get to know someone. Too often what really counts isn't worn on one's sleeve." Turning to the man who spoke of the kobolds, he continues, "Do you know anything more about the problem? Such as numbers? I'd be happy to help, especially if I have some comrades, but the information would be helpful.

Eternal Kanus
2009-10-12, 12:27 AM

Turning to the robed man, Haeker bows deeply. "I would be happy to assist in the matter. Simply point me in their general direction and I'll track down them down and be sure they never bother this town again." Haeker glances between the others who have offered their assistance in the matter. "I suppose an introduction is in order, then? I am Haeker Solen, Order of the Swift Blade, Scout, Third Class."

2009-10-12, 12:40 AM
"Sssuch hossstilitiesss our cousssins evoke," Kil'ak remarks with a chuckle. "It isss a sssmall wonder we have not yet been accosssted, asss we ssshare much the sssame blood. Asss most of you ssseem able to dissstinguisssh we of the sssnowfields from thossse of the cavesss however, we would offer our ssservices asss well. We hope we might turn mattersss away from bloodssshed, if you would have usss. We require no coinsss, only the chanssse to resssolve the isssuesss presssent, if sssuch a thing isss posssible."

Thelas:Yeah, he's lying through his teeth a little large bit. He doesn't much care about any kobolds other than his tribe (who all died quite a few years ago), nor does he make a habit of passing up gold coins. It's just easier to get on the good side of larger folk if one pretends to have naught but good intentions.

Realms of Chaos
2009-10-12, 02:01 AM
The big man seems to mull over the kobold's words for a moment before turning to the man in the blue cloak.

"What've the kobolds done so far? If it's not much, maybe theres a way to do this peacefully. I'm an adven... advent... wayfarer as you say and I've got a weapon but that doesn't mean I'm keen to use it"

2009-10-12, 05:19 AM
Bluff check, please?

As I believe Tanaric remarked in the other thread...
"Ooh, secret conversations! Mysterious."

The Kobolds have attacked travelers on a few of the trade roads leaving this town. If they keep doing this, we won't be able to get shipments of food. I think that speaks for itself.

Jesse Drake
2009-10-12, 07:33 AM
Sarric sits closer yet. He's really interested in what's going on. Ever since his departure, he's been desperately trying to prove his power. That is, the power of the elven mind.

2009-10-12, 02:20 PM

That it does. Well, it's late now, but I'd be willing to head out on the morrow and check things out. Anyone else with me?

2009-10-12, 03:24 PM
"Asss we sssaid, we would come if our talentsss could be of any ussse. Though we am not truly of their rassse, we believe that we may be able to form a compromissse with our troubled cousssinsss."


Whoohoo! :smallyuk:

Realms of Chaos
2009-10-12, 04:19 PM
"I'll be more than happy to assist," says the large man, "Anyone object to meeting up back here, say crack-of-dawn-ish?"

The large man looks among the people assembled before seeming to remember something important, "Oh, sorry, didn't introduce myself. The name is Magnus, Magnus Crusher. It is a pleasure to be of your Acquain...Acquantee... it is a pleasure to meet you."

With that, Magnus makes a shallow but kind of awkward bow. He is clearly not used to any of this quite yet. Either that, or he is already a bit drunk from earlier.

Jesse Drake
2009-10-12, 04:52 PM
Sarric's stare becomes intense, as he focuses his mind on Bahzel. I'm using mindlink (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/mindlink.htm)

Okay, that's a DC 17 Will Save if you've got a problem with it. But it's harmless. "You seem to be taking charge here. I would like to aid my talents to your venture, for my talents are indispensable, and invaluable, and I believe you may need me." He smiles a wicked smile, knowing that this would confuse most. And he holds secret the fact he's running low on funds.

2009-10-12, 05:33 PM
Sense Motive: [roll0]
I believe the proper term is Woohoo!


Do you guys want to RP more or should we just cut to the hack & slash?

2009-10-12, 10:30 PM
That sounds like a go... Bahzel fades off in mid word, furrows his eyebrows for a moment, and then slightly moves his mouth, almost as if in conversation, and then continues where he left off.
good idea. Sorry, I think we might just have someone else willing to help. So, tomorrow morning then, right?
After saying his piece he returns to his meal, eating with gusto.
@SarricUhh....okay. That sounds good. Want ot point yourself out so I know who I'm talking to?

Non-meta, I have no idea what the spell does, so I'll be resisting it.
I think once everyone agree's to go, that we should just do a skip.
Oh, and have I been served yet? I'd assume so, and my post reflects that, but I wasn't sure.

Jesse Drake
2009-10-12, 11:46 PM
To Bahzel

"I'm here." He smiles, waves slightly, and tips his wine glass. "My name is Sarric."

2009-10-12, 11:57 PM
Bahzel looks up, and locks gazes with the elf in the corner.
@SarricAh. Well, any problems with what I've suggested? And any reason you prefer to talk like this?

Jesse Drake
2009-10-13, 12:01 AM
Continuing Mindlink

"No, I'm fine." Then a small mental chuckle. "No, no, my breath is far too valuable to waste in idle conversation. But I shall join you no less."

Realms of Chaos
2009-10-13, 02:55 AM
OOC: I have no preference as to whether we skip or not. It seems like some of us are getting an interesting opportunity to role-play right now (Even I didn't know that Magnus would have trouble with big words when I typed him up) but if people want the crunchy gore of the battlefield, that's good as well.

Perhaps a compromise and skip to the next morning, right before we're given the instructions on where the kobolds are and such. I don't know. :smallconfused:

2009-10-13, 06:30 AM
As you are leaving next morning, I should be able to provide you with directions to the kobolds' lair at that point.

The Next Morning

Assuming everyone's sleeping in the inn, the blue-cloaked man returns at the crack of dawn. As soon as everyone is awake and down back where you were last night, he greets you and hands you an old, tattered map.

Do you have any questions about your mission, or are you prepared to go?

The map seems to follow one of the trade roads before going off and into a cave. However, it also diverges from that road at certain points.

Do you have any questions for the man?


the wheel will turn... with you or without you...

2009-10-13, 11:52 AM
Looks straightforward enough. Follow the trail, clearing out any on the way, and then clear out the cave.

2009-10-13, 01:23 PM
"Asss the voissse of reassson, we would be remisss if we did not asssk a few quessstionsss," Kil'ak says in his soft voice. "Do you know of any reasssonsss our cousssinsss might have to resssort to banditry? Do you know how many of them we ssshould exsssspect to fassse?"

Eternal Kanus
2009-10-13, 09:11 PM

"Seems simple enough. Track them down and make sure none of them dare raise a hand against you ever again." Haeker glances at the map before speaking again. "Though I do wonder what those movements off the road are. If this was the path the kobolds followed, how do you know their exact path?"

Realms of Chaos
2009-10-14, 01:53 AM
Magnus stifles a yawn as he listens to his new companions. It's not that they are being boring but that Magnus is not a morning person. The rest of his party seems to get the picture, although the little guy does raise a valid point.

"Well, I suppose it's not strictly necess... needed but could you give us some idea of when they got here and when they started robbing? If they're new to the area, the cave won't be as dangerous. If they've been there awhile but the robbing thing is new, something might be up."

Magnus thinks for a moment and then continues to talk, although more to himself than anyone else, "we'd better check out the roads where kobolds have been ambushing people when we're done. Maybe their strongest are still out there..."

Magnus looks down at the kobold and gives a small smile, "the only other questions I've got are for you, I'm afraid. Being a kobold yourself, you know what we're up against."

2009-10-14, 06:33 AM
Unfortunately, I am unaware of the purpose of those bizarre paths off the road. This map was given to me by... a superior, and I was told to have it while looking to hire adventurers. They have arrived... well, that I do not know, but they have only started their banditry relatively recently. Perhaps two weeks?

If you haven't yet guessed, I use RotD. Therefore, feel free to mention stuff about kobolds like... well, the entire 3rd chapter of it. And please feel free to confuse them by acting just your teensy bit insane while doing such. :)

Jesse Drake
2009-10-14, 09:26 AM
Sarric approaches the group and looks around. "Do it! Just talk to them, don't waste your powers." "No, I..." He looks at the group and smiles weakly. "Hi guys..." He's speaking through his teeth. "Well, I'm Sarric Sarroc, a mighty and talented psychic, and..." He thinks for a moment. "I suggest you keep an open mind in case I need to get a hold of anyone."

Realms of Chaos
2009-10-14, 03:27 PM
Magnus turns around, completely surprised to hear Sarric for the first time. He had pretty much assumed that the man was a mute. Grinning, he extends one hand for a handshake.

"Pleasure to meet you, Sarric. I'm sure that a psychic like yourself will scare those kobolds to no end. Inciden...incidental...by the way, what's a psychic?"

Magnus has no idea that he is a psychic warrior. He knows that he does stuff that isn't magic but doesn't know what it is.

Jesse Drake
2009-10-14, 04:36 PM
Sarric doesn't move. "Shake his hand!" "No, he's dirty." "Don't you feel that." "Feel what?" "Nothing, just be polite." Sarric extends his hand and firmly shakes with Magnus. "A psychic is one who uses his mental prowess to affect the things around him. Much cleaner than magic, none of that spell book nonsense that mages use."

2009-10-14, 09:44 PM
Moving over, Bahzel claps Sarric on the back.
A mind-mage, eh. So that's how you were talking to me last night. Well, glad to have you with us Sarric.
Turning back to Haeker, he continues.
Those additional trails are probably just hunting footpaths. We should check them out to be on the safe side, but there probably won't be much there. Well then, is everyone's ready?

Realms of Chaos
2009-10-15, 04:54 AM
"Mind Magic, huh? Sounds useful. Probably great at parties, too..." Magnus releases Sarric's hand and stops speaking as Bahzel speaks up.

"Oh, I'm ready to go when you all are."

Eternal Kanus
2009-10-15, 08:01 PM

Nodding in agreement with the very large man, Haeker raises one of his arms in a dramatic flourish. "Very well! Let us be off! Good sir, we shall return shortly, victorious." Haeker turns and exits the building before waiting for the rest to join him.

2009-10-15, 08:40 PM

Bahzel follows Haeker, giving a short whistle as he does so. In response, Kaligos gets up and follows him out.

Handel animal, Heel. Taking 10 on the check, so auto success.

Realms of Chaos
2009-10-16, 02:46 AM
Magnus walks over to Haeker, humming a small tune to himself as he does so.

Jesse Drake
2009-10-16, 09:20 AM
Hands at his side, Sarric walks on, keeping a wary eye on the party. He doesn't speak. "I should have let them think I was a mute." "Oh, yeah, that would have made things better for you." "Wouldn't it? A mute psychic sounds like a great idea. I wish I was mute." "Don't wish that on yourself. It's bad luck." "There's no such thing as luck. There's just me."

2009-10-16, 11:55 AM
((Apologies for the lack of posting. Please consider Kil'ak to be following, perhaps musing aloud to himself about the intricacies of lace doilies. I'll be sure to contribute as necessary.))

Realms of Chaos
2009-10-19, 12:53 AM
I think that we're waiting for you to say what happens/what we find as we follow the map

2009-10-19, 05:19 AM
Right, thanks.
As you follow the map through the lands outside town, it's an easy walk across the main trade roads so far. However, you then reach the first diversion of the map from the trade roads: it goes through more difficult hills and rocks, which will require much more effort to pass through.
What will you do?

2009-10-19, 12:12 PM
Bahzel scans the terrain for a moment, then turns back to the group.
I think we should take the detour. If there are Kobolds around, it's likely that they're be there, and I don't think we should split up if we can avoid it.

Eternal Kanus
2009-10-19, 11:45 PM

"I concur. Though I suppose the decision would most likely lie on the hands of those less..." Haeker begins to search his mind for the least insulting term. "Those less experienced in traveling through more difficult terrain. I judge by your companion you certainly do possess that ability, and I certainly do... but I am unsure of these three."

Realms of Chaos
2009-10-20, 04:13 AM
"Eh, I've been hiking before," Magnus shrugs. "I'm fine taking the trails. Just so you know, though, I'm not a very quiet person. If you're planning something sneaky, I might get in the way"

Jesse Drake
2009-10-20, 07:56 AM
Sarric doesn't answer. He just kinda nods, showing he'll go with no matter what.

2009-10-26, 04:26 PM

Tanaric? Did you forget?

2009-10-31, 09:06 AM
Tanaric has informed me he will no longer be able to continue in the game. For now, his kobold will follow you.

You proceed through the more difficult terrain for about 10 minutes, and you are now about 10 feet above the path. Below you, you see four kobolds hiding in the bushes, waiting to jump out and spear an unwary traveler.

What will you do?

Eternal Kanus
2009-10-31, 10:32 AM

Glancing down at the path, Haeker whispers to his allies. "Any of you capable of dealing with them from here? We can't simply leave them there, they may hurt an innocent later, but I'd rather not have to jump down if I can avoid it. I can probably pick one of them off with arrows, but most likely one of the rest would get away, and we can let none of them survive."

2009-10-31, 01:25 PM
I can enspell at least one of use so that we might climb down and back up. Beyond that, and a simple flame spell, I have nothing that will reach them. Still, at this point I think we should either all go down, or just leave them. It's not a good idea to split up.

Realms of Chaos
2009-11-09, 04:31 PM
Magnus seems to think for a moment before saying:

"Why don't I just jump down there and take them out?"

2009-11-09, 04:32 PM

Jesse Drake has informed me he has to drop out, as well.
If any observers are reading this and would like to join as a replacement, send over a PM.