View Full Version : my Motion Comic entry

2009-10-10, 02:32 PM

Just sharing my 3 weeks worth of work for this contest.

The comic pages and audio were provided by the organizers and participants added the animation and their adaptation of the art and story.

Thanks in advance if you checked my piece out. Comments and crits are definitely welcome. This is my fist motion comic work so I'm not even sure if it meets people expectations of what a motion comic is supposed to look like. I just tried to make mine as entertaining as I can possibly make it to be, given the contest's time and art restrictions.

2009-10-11, 10:51 AM
I can't tell if that was pure awesome or awesome mixed with ridonculous. I loved the mesh of comic and crisp, c-gen style art. My only complaint is the fact that they sometimes talked while their mouths were closed, but that was probably because of a copy+paste job (Unless you drew even the comic characters yourselves... In which case, Nice job!

2009-10-11, 05:05 PM
Pure awesomeness. Wolverine did have a okay chance of defeating Hulk.

2009-10-13, 08:33 AM
Thank you Tired N' Drowzy and geek666.

If I go to the next round we're supposed to animate the concluding part of the story which includes this panel (not the exact drawing, but same Hulk ripping Wolv into 2 action panel):
