View Full Version : The Darklord's Echoes - Backstory Comic

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Lord Raziere
2010-06-24, 06:13 PM
Whoa, buddy, I didn't say it was bad, just... odd.

I agree.

plus I actually tried a similar art style months before on my own avatar, it looked odd as well, so I didn't bother to apply it to other things, it just didn't "click" you know what I mean.

2010-06-24, 06:34 PM
I think it looks quite good, though I found her eyes a little too small. Not sure why.

Otherwise, I approve.:smallsmile:

2010-06-24, 08:11 PM
I rather like the new art style. And I'm not sure why "complexity" is an issue, it's not like he's redrawing every panel from scratch or anything.

Green-Shirt Q
2010-06-24, 08:47 PM
its not wrong, its good but I think its a little too complex, don't overcomplicate it, I think Q himself said in his review of your comic not to go overboard on the details ok?

I don't remember saying that. I remember saying how awesome the comic is and how Tallydan, the main character, is the least interesting character of the whole bunch (but still quite interesting anyway) and how you should play up his angst. I kinda regret saying that, but luckily Darklord Bright has chosen not to take my advice, it seems. I don't think I brought up the art at all, except to mention that it was much better that most fancomics.

I like the new artstyle! :smallbiggrin: But still, I do think that maybe you should keep this one for a while. All this constant, huge amounts of artstyle changing is a little...disorienting. Like if somebody was reading all the comics first to last, it would be a little more difficult to immerse themselves in the awesome story because of the extreme artstyle changes that do not happen gradually. Still, this is a relatively minor issue at the moment, and unless Darklord continues in an even more extreme manner it shouldn't be a problem. :smallsmile:

Darklord Bright
2010-06-24, 11:23 PM
I like the new artstyle! :smallbiggrin: But still, I do think that maybe you should keep this one for a while.

This is as far as I can get without massive slowdowns in inkscape from all the objects on the screen at once.

Quite personally, I like this art style a lot, too. The templates have actually been designed to be easier to manipulate once they are made (making the original outfits takes the time, not positioning the characters in the comic from then on.) and thus anyone who suggests that I go back to the previous art style to make it "easier" for myself obviously doesn't realise that the opposite would occur.

Not only that, but it's not my obligation to change the art for anyone - I could decide to just stop writing if I wanted, but since I don't, I'm taking my opportunity to draw how I want. Having people like Cizak tell me that they flat-out hate one of the outfits I've spent the most time and effort making for a comic I don't have to write and draw for you guys in the first place is just kinda lame. So I've basically come to the decision that I'm not taking critique for the art anymore - not because I don't feel it could be improved, but because I don't feel it needs to be anymore. This is most likely where it ends, and where it stays, as I am incredibly satisfied with having come into my own in terms of style for this comic. The bottom line is that this style suits the comic more than the OotS style did, and part of the reason for the upgrade (apart for making the positioning easier and giving more options for mobility) was to finally divorce myself of anything that remained of the OotS style (Namely the faces) and stray closer to my actual art style (http://overlord-kay.deviantart.com/art/That-bloody-Melikandre-168791151?q=1&qo=1).

Now that the art is where I want it, I remain firm on my decision a few pages back "Not one step backwards". Now, I can focus on the story much more solidly and produce comics without wishing that Character A looked more like how I envisioned them.

I appreciate the people who were trying to help, but what I'm getting at is that is it is no longer one of my concerns. Continue to read, continue to enjoy, but since I've already poured so much of my heart and soul into the designs of my characters and received very little comment except "Weird" or "Odd" or nearly every upgrade someone saying "I liked the old one better!", I've pretty much gotten it to where I want it, and I don't particularly want to explore any further to preserve both my computer memory and my sanity.

Maximum Zersk
2010-06-24, 11:32 PM
I am NOT poking that post with a ten-foot pole. :smalltongue:

Now, I didn't say it's bad. It's better when you look at it closely, just a bit odd. Hey, The Scream is odd too, but that doesn't stop it from being well-known as a good piece of art.

It's just that when you see faces like this:


It kind of puts you off for a bit.

Darklord Bright
2010-06-25, 12:04 AM
I am NOT poking that post with a ten-foot pole. :smalltongue:

If you had, maybe you'd know that I'm no longer wanting comments about the art style. If you dislike it, that's your own business from now on, and I'd appreciate that you didn't continue with your "It's not bad, this face just puts me off!" stuff, it's just rude to do so after I've just said

...So I've basically come to the decision that I'm not taking critique for the art anymore - not because I don't feel it could be improved, but because I don't feel it needs to be anymore.

And the very next comment you make is about the art. Can you see why this might bother me? Please people, I've said it once and I'll say it again. Once or twice was mildly annoying, but I took it in stride and continued to improve. But after all this "We don't think it's bad, we just passive-aggressively put a link on TVtropes saying that "Your Mileage May Vary" on whether or not the art actually evolved from comic 1!" stuff, all comments about it from now on will wind you up on the ignore list.

(As a note, YMMV wasn't applicable to the art evolution trope, since it was already covered in the trope itself.)

So please, for my sake, and for the sake of the continued existence of the comic, I'm asking you all to just stop.

2010-06-25, 12:06 AM
(As a note, YMMV wasn't applicable to the art evolution trope, since it was already covered in the trope itself.)

No, you can still put tropes down there if they're covered. I think it's just the trope it's named after you can't put down =/

... is there an 'i am your father' trope?

Darklord Bright
2010-06-25, 12:12 AM
No, you can still put tropes down there if they're covered. I think it's just the trope it's named after you can't put down =/

... is there an 'i am your father' trope?

"YMMV" was being used incorrectly in that instance, considering there is a trope called ":They Changed it Now it Sucks" which says exactly what the "YMMV" thing did before it was removed recently. Said trope is also linked to from the Art Evolution page.

"Artistic quality is also highly subjective, which can lead to some fans becoming displeased with the new art style over the familiar old one, even as others praise it."

And that is the very last I will say on the matter. Case closed.

Edit: Actually, "TCINIS" is pretty much this entire situation in the extreme, but it still applies on a minor level.

2010-06-25, 12:19 AM
All I can say is that it's pretty cool that you went from MS Paint with a character that people said looked cute to this now fancy art style.

I will say that there is no way you could get me to work on a single comic page for three hours. :smalltongue:

Maximum Zersk
2010-06-25, 12:19 AM
Whoa, hey, I don't mind if you choose this way, it's your choice.

And I did read the post.

Darklord Bright
2010-06-25, 12:21 AM
There's only so much a guy can take. Straw that broke the camel's back and all that. Honestly, I just want to drop the subject entirely and leave it in a box somewhere, but you know how things are.

Edit: In all honesty, I'm sorry for the drama-splosion, but I was serious about what I said. Any more comments about how you "preferred something the way it was" will be ignored. Persistence will get you ignored. I'm glad so many people surprised me by saying good things, but it really doesn't change the reason why I got angry in the first place.

Thank you for reading, everyone, and I hope to continue to write this thing from now on without any further drama.

2010-06-25, 12:29 AM
...In other news, does anyone actually think both combatants in this fight are going to leave it alive? Because I don't. Someone's gonna be dead. Soon.

2010-06-25, 12:34 AM
...In other news, does anyone actually think both combatants in this fight are going to leave it alive? Because I don't. Someone's gonna be dead. Soon.

My theory is Anathema gets thrashed, but the dude who claims to be god gets seriously injured (did DB give him a name?) and realizes that yes, the fallen could have killed him. Then Anathema gets teleported out before she dies.

2010-06-25, 12:37 AM
Yes, he has a name.

My theory is that he will die! And it'll be awesome! And there'll be blood!!

Down with Arkan!


Maximum Zersk
2010-06-25, 12:45 AM
Same here. All water under the spilled milk on a watermill now.

Anyhoo, something tells me a badass fight is going to go down.

Draconi Redfir
2010-06-25, 07:48 PM
my guess is that just as the epic fight iss about to hapen, we will get a clifhanger, and be teleported to a scene of DB(the charicter, not the artist) brushing his teeth or something :P

Darklord Bright
2010-06-25, 08:47 PM
Page Sixty-Eight (http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/1346/tde68.png)

2010-06-25, 08:50 PM
The Groundskeeper is going to be PISSED.

2010-06-25, 08:51 PM
Holy fire-punch of the Gods, Batman!

Methinks Anathema may have bitten of more than she could eviscerate.

2010-06-25, 09:19 PM
Whooa! So awesome!:smalleek:

Green-Shirt Q
2010-06-25, 09:53 PM

2010-06-26, 12:27 AM
... i pray for the day when i will learn to read/watch the material BEFORE reading the comments... i'm sure i would have liked this more if i had :smallfrown:

2010-06-26, 08:34 AM
Yep. Consumer information can ruin almost every product.

Lix Lorn
2010-06-26, 09:19 AM
Awww, someone already said Falcon Pawwnch. XD
Also, Gicko, if you're right, I shall Meteor Swarm you.

Darklord Xavez
2010-06-26, 08:06 PM
Wow, count on you guys to start telling me the stuff I was working on for more than three hours is "all wrong". :smallannoyed:

I like all of the new art, except I think that everybody is just a bit too tall. Just my opinion, though.

Darklord Bright
2010-06-28, 01:04 AM
Page Sixty-Nine (http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/3049/tde69.png)

I think I went a little overboard with this one. It was just... so... pretty...

2010-06-28, 01:15 AM
That... Was... AWESOME! :smallbiggrin:

2010-06-28, 01:52 AM
I concur.

Still, she's here for Arkan, she can't run around mook-killing forever!

{Unless she gains enough XP to level up and gains the ability to kill him! :smalleek: }

Draconi Redfir
2010-06-28, 07:22 AM
reminds me of that movie 300 XD

Darklord Xavez
2010-06-28, 11:49 AM
Good job, Bright! I liked the red-and-black part quite a lot.
P.S. Post #531! Anyone who knows how that is significant gets a no-prize!

2010-06-28, 12:16 PM
Good job, Bright! I liked the red-and-black part. I still think that the new Anathema is just a bit too wierd-looking though.

Anathema is a constantly smiling homocidal maniac. She's SUPPOSED to be weird.

Also: DEMON.

Lix Lorn
2010-06-28, 01:20 PM
See, this is why I wanted to date Anathema. Would I have a chance if I dedicated myself to slaying demons?

2010-06-28, 01:31 PM
See, this is why I wanted to date Anathema. Would I have a chance if I dedicated myself to slaying demons?

She IS a demon :smallannoyed:

I meant her body shape. She's too tall. It unsettles me. Old Anathema (before the realistic art upgrade) is much better in my opinion.
Still loving the old Anathema,
Darklord Xavez
ALSO: Demans are cool.

It bothers me too but it's DB's decision. Not ours. And he already asked for the comments about his art to stop. SO STOP.

Demons're supposed to be creepy psychotic, which is creepy. >.>

Darklord Bright
2010-06-28, 02:03 PM
Guess who's on my ignore list!

Maximum Zersk
2010-06-28, 02:16 PM
Guess who's on my ignore list!

I wanted to date dated the old Anathema, and still am. They new Anathema is a seperate entity unless Bright changes all of his comics to match the last two.

Lessee here, it's on the tip of my tongue...


2010-06-28, 02:17 PM
Guess who's on my ignore list!

Is it me? Please tell me it's not me! I've wanted to be on someone i know's ignore list since i learned what it was! :D

Darklord Bright
2010-06-28, 02:28 PM
See, this is why I wanted to date Anathema. Would I have a chance if I dedicated myself to slaying demons?

I think anyone who's not a demon would be largely ignored, unless they leapt in the way of the strangely artistic killing sprees. :smalltongue:

2010-06-28, 02:36 PM
I know DLB has stated he dosn't care about our opinions of the new art style, but I'm going to talk about it anyway.
My main fear was that such a complex art style would make it difficult for you to pull off the great action scenes you had previously done. I had always envied your ability to show motion with your characters (Whenever I try to show action, it always looks like my characters are posing, with you it looks like they are actually in-motion.)
Anyway, I was worried that a more complex style would hinder that. My fears have since been proved unfounded. Keep up the good work.

Lix Lorn
2010-06-28, 04:07 PM
She IS a demon :smallannoyed:>.>
Except the psychotic insane creepily smiling loyal, god fearing ones like Anathema, of course.
Besides, she paid attention last time. She ran off. Teehee.
Maybe I can earn her respect with an artistic killing spree...
(Monkey Grip to use two Large Bastard Swords)

Draconi Redfir
2010-06-28, 10:50 PM
what you need to do Lix, is find a bunch of sinners, and follow them around for awhile. if/when Anathema shows up, either A. run in and steal all her kills, showing how awsome you are, or B. wait untill she seems to be in trouble, and run in and save her XD

Darklord Bright
2010-06-28, 11:12 PM
I'm still surprised that no one has noticed that Anathema is left-handed.

Edit: Quick archive-surf turns up that yes, she's been left handed from the very first appearance and I've never forgotten.

Draconi Redfir
2010-06-28, 11:57 PM
obviously its because we all play too much legend of zelda :smallwink:

Maximum Zersk
2010-06-29, 12:27 AM
Or that some of us are left-handed and don't care. :smalltongue:

Lix Lorn
2010-06-29, 04:03 AM
what you need to do Lix, is find a bunch of sinners, and follow them around for awhile. if/when Anathema shows up, either A. run in and steal all her kills, showing how awsome you are, or B. wait untill she seems to be in trouble, and run in and save her XD
If I went with B, i'd be waiting forever. I cannot imagine her in trouble.
I could go with A... or I could approach her like a 'normal' person. Her embarrassment when I asked her out, assuming that was IC, shows that she does, when not being psychotic, act normally. Flowers, serenades, and death to her enemies. The same thing any girl wants!

Haha. So she is. Another thing I have in common with her! (Fights left handed)

Darklord Bright
2010-06-29, 04:12 AM
Funnily, I've just discovered that it's only in the cover and the Anathema AaC! that I have her holding it with her right hand. I could go back and alter both, but I dunno whether I care enough to alter what isn't in the actual comic...

Edit: Scrap that, just changed the AaC! in the first post... (And yes, I preserved the handedness but didn't preserve the dress direction. I'm laaazy!)

Lix Lorn
2010-06-29, 04:17 AM
It's unlikely people will notice. Unless this becomes an actual money making franchise, you're probably fine. XD

Darklord Xavez
2010-06-29, 09:44 AM
I'm still surprised that no one has noticed that Anathema is left-handed.

Edit: Quick archive-surf turns up that yes, she's been left handed from the very first appearance and I've never forgotten.

I thought she always used her sword in two hands, so I didn't notice until you told me. I can be amazingly unobservant at times.

what you need to do Lix, is find a bunch of sinners, and follow them around for awhile. if/when Anathema shows up, either A. run in and steal all her kills, showing how awsome you are, or B. wait untill she seems to be in trouble, and run in and save her XD

Or C. kill her and inherit her karma! Just kidding!

Lix Lorn
2010-06-29, 01:59 PM
Or C. kill her and inherit her karma! Just kidding!
That would kinda ruin the point of seducing her.
(Takes at face value) Unless I then made her undead... Hmm...:smallamused:

Darklord Xavez
2010-06-29, 02:03 PM
That would kinda ruin the point of seducing her.
(Takes at face value) Unless I then made her undead... Hmm...:smallamused:

1. Why seduce her? I have changed my opinions on her (the new art looks pretty good, come to think of it) and don't really care about her anymore (why date someone who doesn't actually exist in the material world). So killing her would be fun. I like the most recent couple of comics because you can tell that she is probably going to lose.:smallbiggrin:

2010-06-29, 02:03 PM
That would kinda ruin the point of seducing her.
(Takes at face value) Unless I then made her undead... Hmm...:smallamused:

Lix, you are like a hooker in the sense that one look at you creeps me out... and that you want to seduce everything, apparently >.>

Darklord Xavez
2010-06-29, 02:04 PM
Lix, you are like a hooker in the sense that one look at you creeps me out... and that you want to seduce everything, apparently >.>

Isn't that sort of... insulting? Just a thought.
P.S. It's not what she looks like, it's what she says...

2010-06-29, 02:07 PM
Isn't that sort of... insulting? Just a thought.
P.S. It's not what she looks like, it's what she says...

Not really. It's neutral.

@PS: And i have to LOOK at what she says since it's in text.

Darklord Xavez
2010-06-29, 02:16 PM
Not really. It's neutral.

@PS: And i have to LOOK at what she says since it's in text.

You're right. Now, saying it repeatedly to break down her psyche and destroy her mind... that's lawful evil. But not my kind of lawful evil, so you're safe, Lix.
P.S. @@PS: But she's still saying it.

2010-06-29, 02:30 PM
You're right. Now, saying it repeatedly to break down her psyche and destroy her mind... that's lawful evil. But not my kind of lawful evil, so you're safe, Lix.
P.S. @@PS: But she's still saying it.

Noooo, she's typing it.

Darklord Xavez
2010-06-29, 02:33 PM
Noooo, she's typing it.

Then why do I hear her speaking?

2010-06-29, 02:41 PM
Then why do I hear her speaking?

Because you're crazy.

Darklord Xavez
2010-06-29, 03:03 PM
Because you're crazy.

Or maybe she reads out loud what she's going to post before posting it and I'm scrying on her. Just maybe.

Lix Lorn
2010-06-29, 03:27 PM
If you scry on me, I'm gonna Mind Thrust you hard enough to make your brain pop and your eyes bleed.

Also, I am not a hooker. They get paid. I'm a free spirit with no moral attachment to lust.

Slut might be more accurate than hooker.

But we go off subject.
I always like to hit on fictional characters. They tend to be interesting. XD

Darklord Xavez
2010-06-29, 03:40 PM
If you scry on me, I'm gonna Mind Thrust you hard enough to make your brain pop and your eyes bleed.

Also, I am not a hooker. They get paid. I'm a free spirit with no moral attachment to lust.

Slut might be more accurate than hooker.

But we go off subject.
I always like to hit on fictional characters. They tend to be interesting. XD

Mind Thrust has a range of Close, you know. Also, you have a point there with the fictional characters. Some of them are... very interesting.

Lix Lorn
2010-06-29, 03:44 PM
25ft +5ft/2 manifestor levels.

I know leave you to tremble in fear of my manifestor level.

And don't admit to a special ability allowing me to treat things I can scry/ be scryed by as physically closer.


Darklord Xavez
2010-06-29, 03:55 PM
25ft +5ft/2 manifestor levels.

I now leave you to tremble in fear of my manifestor level.

And don't admit to a special ability allowing me to treat things I can scry/ be scryed by as physically closer.


Oh yeah? Well: You didn't do anything to me yet, because I'm still here. Besides, why kill me?

Lix Lorn
2010-06-29, 03:57 PM
Of course I didn't. You didn't scry on me.

If we must continue this, let's use PMs, and not derail this thread more.

Darklord Xavez
2010-06-29, 03:59 PM
Of course I didn't. You didn't scry on me.

If we must continue this, let's use PMs, and not derail this thread more.

Back on track then:

*forgets what he was going to say*


Darklord Bright
2010-07-08, 08:53 PM
Page Seventy (http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/1196/tde70.png)

Sorry for the lack of updates, been on holiday.

Darklord Bright
2010-07-09, 12:04 AM
If you are squeamish, the following chapter end is unprettyful. :smalltongue:
Page Seventy-One (http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/9003/tde71.png)

2010-07-09, 12:13 AM
Nooooo, Arkan. :smallfrown:

That was very well-drawn, though. Nicely done.

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-09, 12:15 AM
...Okay, new WMG time.

Anathema (I think that's her name, right?) is Azrael.

Lix Lorn
2010-07-09, 07:40 AM
WMG is what?

Holy...! Badass! GO ANNIE
...annie is short for Anathema.

Darklord Xavez
2010-07-09, 02:47 PM
My comments:

#70: Really good! I still don't get how the missing part of Anathema's dress (over her left leg) is still there in the form of a couple of intersecting lines though, not that it really matters. I also liked to heartbeats in panel #5.

#71: I liked to heart-removal thingy. Good job with the ribs. Keep up the good work!

2010-07-09, 04:38 PM
This comic is so überly overpowered awesome that it shades all the other comics all together

Darklord Bright
2010-07-09, 04:45 PM
Just throwing my working design of the LeGuarde update out there.

2010-07-09, 05:54 PM
Even though making the comics themselves don't take you too long, these guys themselves look like they took at least half an hour. You can not get me to spend that much time.

I really like them though.

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-09, 05:56 PM
So why is he always looking to the right? Did somebody just undress or something.

Darklord Bright
2010-07-09, 05:57 PM
Even though making the comics themselves don't take you too long, these guys themselves look like they took at least half an hour. You can not get me to spend that much time.

I really like them though.

It's the shading that takes up the time, because I have to do it for both flipped directions. Even LeGuarde here only took maybe 15 minutes without shading.

So why is he always looking to the right? Did somebody just undress or something.
Because the template has him looking to the right?

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-09, 06:02 PM
I stay by the idea that he's watching something... interesting. :smallamused:

2010-07-09, 06:19 PM
It's the shading that takes up the time, because I have to do it for both flipped directions. Even LeGuarde here only took maybe 15 minutes without shading.

Because the template has him looking to the right?

Could you just take the shading you already did on one and then on the other, just reverse or darken the colors already there?

Darklord Bright
2010-07-09, 06:41 PM
Could you just take the shading you already did on one and then on the other, just reverse or darken the colors already there?

If I can, it's the first thing I try, but the shapes of the objects are not the same when flipped, and so I have to reform the shadows anyways. It's not just a matter of "Altering the hue" a bit, parts of objects will be covered more often than not, not just whole objects.

2010-07-09, 07:01 PM
he's looking to his left. :smalltongue:

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-09, 07:40 PM
His left, our right. :smalltongue:

Darklord Bright
2010-07-09, 10:12 PM
Well guys, I'm afraid I'm outta here. I have my reasons for really wanting gone, but for the most part let me just say that I'm angry enough to not be too upset about finally leaving. I might pop in to say something once in a while, and I'll still follow the threads, but the forum has really become a painful experience for me.

I'm sorry for those of you who feel 'betrayed' because I'm leaving the comic, but really, the forum was stifling what I could and couldn't do with my creativity anyways, and this comic was not what it could have been. So long, chaps. If you really need me, you can reach me via email or talk to me on Deviantart, linked in my signature.

2010-07-09, 10:16 PM
Well guys, I'm afraid I'm outta here. I have my reasons for really wanting gone, but for the most part let me just say that I'm angry enough to not be too upset about finally leaving. I might pop in to say something once in a while, and I'll still follow the threads, but the forum has really become a painful experience for me.

I'm sorry for those of you who feel 'betrayed' because I'm leaving the comic, but really, the forum was stifling what I could and couldn't do with my creativity anyways, and this comic was not what it could have been. So long, chaps. If you really need me, you can reach me via email or talk to me on Deviantart, linked in my signature.

:smallfrown: sad to see you go.

Lord Raziere
2010-07-09, 10:33 PM
ok see ya.....

its a shame really.

2010-07-09, 10:38 PM
Darn, this comic is really good. Sad to see you go away. :smallfrown:

2010-07-09, 11:10 PM
Well guys, I'm afraid I'm outta here. I have my reasons for really wanting gone, but for the most part let me just say that I'm angry enough to not be too upset about finally leaving. I might pop in to say something once in a while, and I'll still follow the threads, but the forum has really become a painful experience for me.

I'm sorry for those of you who feel 'betrayed' because I'm leaving the comic, but really, the forum was stifling what I could and couldn't do with my creativity anyways, and this comic was not what it could have been. So long, chaps. If you really need me, you can reach me via email or talk to me on Deviantart, linked in my signature.
And thus, the Fan Comics board loses a giant.
Moment Of Silence.

Maximum Zersk
2010-07-09, 11:14 PM

Damn. :smallfrown:

Darklord Xavez
2010-07-11, 04:18 PM
*removes hood and observes the moment of silence*

Goodbye, Darklord Bright. You were well liked here.

The Succubus
2010-07-11, 04:51 PM
But....I want to know how it ends. It's too awesome to stop now!

Lix Lorn
2010-07-11, 06:44 PM

(moment of silence)

This is a sad day...

2010-07-11, 08:02 PM
Fare thee well, Darklord Bright. You will be missed.

2010-07-12, 03:21 PM
I will miss you and comics 1-66.

2010-07-12, 03:22 PM
We'll miss you, darklord bright. You and your annoyance at how sucky the human race is even though we all kinda knew about it already.

Darklord Bright
2010-07-12, 04:45 PM
I will miss you and comics 1-66.

Telling me you will miss me and then doing one of the very things that caused me to loathe this forum is one of the reasons I won't miss you.

2010-07-12, 05:01 PM
Im beginning to understand one reason why you're leaving / have left.
Another one i'm speculating over, both are/would be understandable. I should've followed your comic more actively. But is there no chance you continue it somewhere else?

Darklord Xavez
2010-07-12, 05:03 PM
We'll miss you, darklord bright. You and your annoyance at how sucky the human race is even though we all kinda knew about it already.

Not ALL of the human race, just most of it. Some of us (James Lovell for example) actually get things done.

Darklord Bright
2010-07-12, 05:05 PM
Im beginning to understand one reason why you're leaving / have left.
Another one i'm speculating over, both are/would be understandable. I should've followed your comic more actively. But is there no chance you continue it somewhere else?

Were I to run a comic elsewhere, I would first have to find an elsewhere, and it would not be this comic.

2010-07-12, 07:54 PM
I'm sorry to see you go. But if I may ask, why are you leaving?

Mad Mask
2010-07-12, 08:28 PM
I'm sorry to see you go. But if I may ask, why are you leaving?

I believe it is because of a few negative comments by some posters about his change in art style, a very heated debate with a now-banned poster a year ago, and because of his belief that the forum rules were restricting his artistic freedom.

Darklord Bright
2010-07-12, 09:32 PM
I believe it is because of a few negative comments by some posters about his change in art style, a very heated debate with a now-banned poster a year ago, and because of his belief that the forum rules were restricting his artistic freedom.

If you had at all read the contents of the goodbye notes, I wouldn't have to now specify that "arguments" was not Gremlin-specific, and that similar arguments have occurred between other posters and myself numerous times over the course of this year, most of which were started by others for very silly reasons. I also believe that the forum rules are overly strict and restrictive, yes, but that had no bearing on my artistic freedom - what did was the fact that I couldn't change the slightest thing without negative comments and I generally found many of the people here to otherwise be rude and abrasive at best, minus a few key persons here and there who made life here almost enjoyable at times.

Furthermore, I wasn't having fun with being here anymore. Certain individuals have made being on the forum rather unbearable, and I no longer wished to deal with it. I'm still here, but apart from all of these clarifications I have had to do I am not intending on being an active member of the community anymore.

2010-07-12, 09:36 PM
Oh, I'm sorry about that. I can't say I've encountered jerks on this forum, but I certainly have on others. I hope you enjoy yourself wherever you go next.

2010-07-13, 05:13 AM

Green-Shirt Q
2010-07-13, 06:25 AM

Yeah, I gotta say that while you definitely could've phrased this differently (this could be considered flaming by some, and rude by everyone else), I actually agree with this point.

Every time you make a change, you risk people disliking it. That is a fact that comes with any art form. But if it's your passion, you have to overlook those people and instead try to please the fans that have enjoyed the change. There has NEVER been a single change in the history of ANYTHING that every single person liked. Ever.

But still, there are other reasons you're leaving. As for forum rules. I agree they can be pretty strict, as they SHOULD be. This is probably the nicest, flame-less, troll-less forum in the whole internet, and that's because of the rules. The only way I could see you having a better time is to create your own forums and be the administrator, with the ability to ban at will if something gets on your nerves.

As for the fun, that is the most important thing. If you are no longer having fun, I agree you SHOULDN'T continue making comics. We can tell if you're making comics if you feel you have to and do not actually enjoy it. If you can't enjoy it, and find the pleasentness in it, you should leave. A comic ending when it's good is better than a soulless comic. I'll miss you. :smallfrown:

2010-07-13, 08:13 AM
If you had at all read the contents of the goodbye notes, I wouldn't have to now specify that "arguments" was not Gremlin-specific, and that similar arguments have occurred between other posters and myself numerous times over the course of this year, most of which were started by others for very silly reasons. I also believe that the forum rules are overly strict and restrictive, yes, but that had no bearing on my artistic freedom - what did was the fact that I couldn't change the slightest thing without negative comments and I generally found many of the people here to otherwise be rude and abrasive at best, minus a few key persons here and there who made life here almost enjoyable at times.

What Q said. There is no way in the world something changing would appease to everyone in the world. (probably even if the ozone layer suddenly regenerated and the athmosphere spontaneously cleaned up just like that, there would be plenty people to complain about it)
If you don't want people to dislike changes in your work, you'll have to keep your work the same way for as long as it exists.

The forum rules sometimes tick me off too, but looking back at the things that could've and woul've happened if someone commented on restricted matter #X here or that and looking at other forums they do an amazing job at keeping the community civil.

I cannot comment much on those rude people as I do not bother enough to check the whole thread, but in the last few pages a lot of admirers of yours made their voices heard. And you know everyone at ABR respects you. But of course you can just ignore those people because a few people with little understanding of articulating their criticism made you angry. You really shouldn't have to deal with such people. Not on the internet.

Darklord Bright
2010-07-13, 02:58 PM

Roland St. Jude
2010-07-13, 05:12 PM
Sheriff of Moddingham: The Forum Rules expressly prohibit namecalling and telling others to "shut up" or "stop posting." The comic is ending and poster is leaving, so leaving this open to degrade further seems pointless. Thread locked.