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2009-10-12, 04:16 AM
There are few places as noisy as city streets, and those of Loftwick are no exception. With a population of well over ten thousand, the city is a trading port for goods coming from the south or west, across water or sand, beyond the lands of Flanaess.
It is summer, and the height of the western trading season is long past. These days, the path of trade turns east, away from the desert. But not your path.
The caravan master tells you that departure time is in an hour, emphasizing the point plainly that anyone not ready at that time will be left behind.
The sun rises slowly towards its zenith, leaving you to spend your last hour in civilization as best you can.

2009-10-12, 05:47 AM
Saphrin Peakane:

Saphrin had never been in a city this large before. She still felt a certain thrill in her, an upwelling of emotion that threatened to burst out at any second.

She laughed to herself. "Good thing I decided to pick Endure Elements as a spell." Still, she felt somewhat vulnerable. She had paid most of her money to travel with this caravan, and the only thing she had to protect herself were a a pitiful motley of first-level spells.

She needed money and weaponry, and quickly. But she could deal with that once the caravan left; there had to be a magic merchant somewhere in that caravan; perhaps she could work for him or her for the duration of the trip. For now, she would spend her last hour walking around, taking in the sights of the city as best she could.

She tightened her scarf and walked through the streets, grinning at the activity of the city, and all the different people. She had never before seen so many people in one place, especially so many non-elves.

In fact, Saphrin was so absorbed in this scene that she wasn't looking where she was going, and walked into someone's chest. Flustered, she managed to hastily blurt out, "Excuse me, I'm sorry, I'm...Hey...Didn't I see you before at the place where we signed up to travel with the caravan?"

2009-10-12, 06:32 AM
Cho Long was amazed at the amount of people in the city, the literal swarm of people that rushed over him as he was walking back to the caravan from a light meal before his caravan started off, when he accidental ran into a woman, an Elven woman, who he remembered from the caravan. "I am deeply sorry about that" He said, bowing "I have never been in a city this big before, and I must have not noticed you coming..."

2009-10-12, 06:37 AM
"That's okay. I've never been in a place this large before, either. Saphrin grinned awkwardly, then held out her hand for him to shake. "My name's Saphrin. I hitched a ride on the caravan to search for a friend. What's your name?"

2009-10-12, 06:44 AM
Cho bowed again. "I am Cho Long, disciple of the Thousand Fists" He said "I have come to this caravan in order to see the world and battle evil" He then grabbed her hand, not know what shaking hands meant really.

2009-10-12, 07:16 AM
"Cool! So, are you a cleric or a monk? I'm a wizard, though I haven't learned many spells yet..." Saphrin trailed off and rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly. "I joined onto the caravan to search for a friend." Saphrin frowned for a moment, realizing something. "Say...You're not from around here, are you? Have you ever seen an elf named Erikaf within the past year or so? Female, low-level fighter, white hair and brown eyes, a bit shorter than me?"

2009-10-12, 09:42 AM
Lucrid wanders around the town. Being in a large town again reminded him of his sister under the care of the magic shop owner. He wished she could be here with him, but knew it was better for her to train to control her powers.

After wandering for a bit, he decides to sit down and play his flute to pass the time.

(Perform: [roll0])

((Edit: Are you kidding me? A "1"? Oh well, it's not like he was trying or anything.))

2009-10-12, 09:51 AM
"Huh? What was that?" Saphrin turned to see a young man playing a flute. He seemed to be having an off day. Looking at the young man, Saphrin idly wondered if she could maybe set up shop for the hour, repair some toys or something. But there probably wasn't enough time left.

Saphrin came upon a new idea: Maybe she could do a dual act or something with the man, if he didn't mind, that is. "I'll see you on the caravan, Cho!" Saphrin walked over to the young man. "Excuse me, but would it be okay if we would perform together, maybe do a comedic act of some kind?"

2009-10-12, 11:33 AM
Lucrid stops playing and looks at the person who approached him. What he see's is a beatiful elf female.

Oh, uh, well I'm just really passing time until a caravan is scheduled to leave. I'm taking off with them shortly. They gave me about an hour to do what I want, but I realized that I'm already stocked for the dangerous road ahead, so I decided to just play on my flute for a while.

He shrugs sheepishly.

2009-10-12, 03:23 PM
Banj O'ana

Banj looked around. He had never been intimidated by large crowds. He quite enjoyed listening to the banter of the many cities he had visited.

A female voice caught his ear, he would recognise an elf voice anywhere. She was standing next to a flutist talking.

He decided to head in their direction and hopefully catch some sort of show.

2009-10-12, 05:15 PM
"Oh, you're on the caravan too? Hi! My name is Saphrin! ...Say, are you a bard? I'm a wizard!" Saphrin hesitated before finishing her request. "Uhm, well, I'm kinda short on cash and I see that you're trying to perform, so...Uhm, maybe we could perform a comedy sketch or a dance or something together? We might get more money that way and we can split it 50-50. If that's okay with you, I mean." she finished hastily.

2009-10-12, 05:39 PM
Short on cash for what? I still have over 40 gold pieces with me. Maybe I can purchase whatever you need for the voyage. You can pay me back later. My name's Lucrid by the way.

(Also, people don't really identify each other like they are a class. If you think about it, the name of each class has a certain title to it. A bard is known as someone who wanders. Since you really don't know that Lucrid's a wanderer, you really can't call him a bard for example. It's just good role-playing that way.:smallwink:)

2009-10-12, 05:44 PM
Cho casually walks over to the cart he's travelling in, and jumps into the back with an acrobatic maneuver.


2009-10-12, 05:56 PM
"Eh, it's okay. I, I kinda like to make my own money, you know? And what I want costs a bit more than 40. But thanks...Wait, you say you're a wanderer? Uhm, have you ever seen an elf named Erikaf? Female, with a sword and buckler, white hair, brown eyes, a bit shorter than me?"

(I figured she probably guessed, since he's got the flute and the gear and she could probably tell that the music was somewhat magical in nature.)

2009-10-12, 06:00 PM
Hmmm... Starts thinking. Sorry, no. I haven't met too many non-humans where I've been. And what is it that you're after? I may know how to find it real cheap.

(The flute isn't magical in nature. It's just an ordinary flute. Lucrid focuses his magic into it, which he hasn't done yet.)

2009-10-12, 06:08 PM
Saphrin frowned. "...Oh. Okay. Thanks though; I actually joined on to look for her. I'm actually, heh, I'm actually looking for stuff to summon a familiar." She grinned sheepishly for the second time in as many minutes. "I would have been able to summon one back at the academy once I finished my training, but I kinda...Ran out before then. Stupid, huh?" Saphrin felt as if everything she said made herself look like a complete and utter fool. She really didn't want to be seen as begging this guy. "Say, uh...Why exactly are you on the caravan?"

2009-10-12, 06:39 PM
Saphrin frowned. "...Oh. Okay. Thanks though; I actually joined on to look for her. I'm actually, heh, I'm actually looking for stuff to summon a familiar." She grinned sheepishly for the second time in as many minutes. "I would have been able to summon one back at the academy once I finished my training, but I kinda...Ran out before then. Stupid, huh?" Saphrin felt as if everything she said made herself look like a complete and utter fool. She really didn't want to be seen as begging this guy. "Say, uh...Why exactly are you on the caravan?"

Shakes Saphrin's hand. Well, they just needed someone to play music to calm down everyone while were traveling. I'm headed across the desert anyways and thought I could take the post. Gives a smile. Well, I cant really help with a familar. Notices she doesn't have a weapon. Do you have anything to defend yourself with? It's dangerous on the route the caravan's taking and I know that magic is exhausting work and you won't be able to use it all the time.

2009-10-12, 06:44 PM
"Well, uh...I was planning on picking up a crossbow or something along the way, maybe work off the debt if I can't pay it. Otherwise, it's just me and my spells, and hopefully anyone who would be kind enough to help me out in a fight. I know it was really dumb of me to just run out without even getting a melee weapon but..." Saphrin looked at Lucrid painfully. "Have you ever been so worried for someone's safety, someone whom you really care about, that you do something incredibly foolhardy, such as, I don't know, running off from the academy only a few months before graduating without the supplies for a familiar or even a melee weapon, to help them?"

2009-10-12, 06:49 PM
"Well, uh...I was planning on picking up a crossbow or something along the way, maybe work off the debt if I can't pay it. Otherwise, it's just me and my spells, and hopefully anyone who would be kind enough to help me out in a fight. I know it was really dumb of me to just run out without even getting a melee weapon but..." Saphrin looked at Lucrid painfully. "Have you ever been so worried for someone's safety, someone whom you really care about, that you do something incredibly foolhardy, such as, I don't know, running off from the academy only a few months before graduating without the supplies for a familiar or even a melee weapon, to help them?"

A smile appears on Lucrid lips when he remembered when his sister lost control of her powers. Well, I kind of know about that. My sister Maia is a sorceress and before we knew that she was, she lost control of her powers and she was destroying everything around. He looks down at his flute. I was scared she'd hurt herself or worse and the first thing that popped into my head was playing on this thing. Stupid right? But the suprising things is that it worked and she calmed down. He shakes his head and chuckles. Anyway, I saw a place selling crossbow's down the road here. If you want, we could fetch you a light one or something as a precaution.

2009-10-12, 06:49 PM
As Cho leaps into the cart that he is to travel within, he can't help but notice a small, red ball bouncing from underneath it. For an instant, it seems as if it might come to a stop, but the slight downward slope causes it to quickly vanish beneath the next wagon. Momentarily, a small child; a boy of perhaps eight years, runs around the side of Cho's cart, searching along the ground.

2009-10-12, 06:53 PM
Saphrin's eyes widened. "Really? Huh, I can't believe you didn't realize what she was sooner. Is she okay? And sure, that would be great! Could you please show me where it is?" She then realized something else he had said. "So wait, if your flute could calm her down, then does that mean you're a sorcerer too? Saphrin groaned slightly to herself. I knew I should have paid more attention during that lecture...

2009-10-12, 06:56 PM
Lucrid guides Saphirn through the street. It should be just over here. And yes she's ok. We met up with a wizard that owned a magic shop at a major city and the shop owner is teaching her how to control her powers. Here we are. Lucrid points to an arms vendor. And I'm not really sure. I certainly have magic in my veins, but not as powerful as her's. But I can control mine by focusing on the flute.

2009-10-12, 07:03 PM
As Lucrid and Saphrin enter the arms' dealer's store, the excited merchant wastes no time in beginning the obligatory customer-smooching.
"Oh, I see what you're looking for. I've got an eye for those sorts of things, you know. Tell you what, I'll give you a bargain deal on this here short-spear, only three gold pieces for something that's going to save your life, so what do you say, all sold? splendid! I'm sure a pretty couple like yourself has more than enough money, so, it's only three gold pieces!"
The words seem to tumble from the vendor's mouth naturally, and during his short rant he has already imposed a short length of spear upon you, and is clearly waiting to be given his three gold pieces, whether you like it or not.

2009-10-12, 07:06 PM
Wow. Lucrid was tall. Really tall. Now I know how Halflings feel...

"Well, that's good. Hm, are you able to cast any spells? Maybe we could practice together. At the very least, it's a good thing you're able to focus it in your flute. We're going to have enough of stuff blowing up once I learn some more spells. Toasty!" Saphrin laughed to herself as they rounded the corner. "Let's hope I've got enough money." she said to herself as she went inside.

2009-10-12, 07:07 PM
As Lucrid and Saphrin enter the arms' dealer's store, the excited merchant wastes no time in beginning the obligatory customer-smooching.
"Oh, I see what you're looking for. I've got an eye for those sorts of things, you know. Tell you what, I'll give you a bargain deal on this here short-spear, only three gold pieces for something that's going to save your life, so what do you say, all sold? splendid! I'm sure a pretty couple like yourself has more than enough money, so, it's only three gold pieces!"
The words seem to tumble from the vendor's mouth naturally, and during his short rant he has already imposed a short length of spear upon you, and is clearly waiting to be given his three gold pieces, whether you like it or not.

(Bard senses tingling)

You seem pretty hurried to get rid of these. Why is that? ([roll0] sense motive)

2009-10-12, 07:09 PM

"Huh. Just an hour before we can leave this god-forsaken city. And guarding the caravan for practically slave labour! Well, at least the contract was open ended." Dvalr mutters to himself while wandering around. "And the booze here is dreadful. No dwarven bars, and all the humans drink is stuff I wouldn't piss on if it were on fire. Not that it's strong enough to actually catch on fire..."

2009-10-12, 07:11 PM
The merchant laughs, shaking his head.
"Oh, no, I simply thought I could help a young couple benefit. Now, then, well, if you don't want them, I can always take them back, nothing wrong with that. But they really are very good. Are you sure you don't want them? Tell you what, just for you, I'll cut the price down to two gold pieces! How good can it get?"

For Lucrid only:

The path of a bard often gives much experience in dealing with liars and their like, and you have little difficulty discerning that this man is lying through his teeth. His laughter has a nervous edge to it, and he seems jittery, glancing around and out the window every ten seconds. Now that you think about it, he never met your eyes once during his ranting.

(Edit: Whoops, called him a bartender. Damn me and being too used to starting in taverns).

2009-10-12, 07:13 PM
Saphrin glanced over at Lucrid nervously. Something wasn't right here.
"Uh, Lucrid? Is something wrong?

Something definitely wasn't right here with this guy's story. For one thing, she couldn't even use a spear...

([roll0] Sense motive)

EDIT: Damn it...

2009-10-12, 07:13 PM
The merchant laughs, shaking his head.
"Oh, no, I simply thought I could help a young couple benefit. Now, then, well, if you don't want them, I can always take them back, nothing wrong with that. But they really are very good. Are you sure you don't want them? Tell you what, just for you, I'll cut the price down to two gold pieces! How good can it get?"

For Lucrid only:

The path of a bard often gives much experience in dealing with liars and their like, and you have little difficulty discerning that this man is lying through his teeth. His laughter has a nervous edge to it, and he seems jittery, glancing around and out the window every ten seconds. Now that you think about it, he never met your eyes once during his ranting.

(Edit: Whoops, called him a bartender. Damn me and being too used to starting in taverns).

So, what kind of trouble are you in? He half-glances at Saphrin to let her know that something was wrong.

2009-10-12, 07:14 PM
"Greetings little boy" Cho says with a small bow "Can I help you find your ball?"

2009-10-12, 07:15 PM
Maybe it was just her, but there didn't seem to be that much wrong here, other than the fact that she had no clue to use a spear. Still, that look Lucrid gave her...

"H-hey! We're not a young couple! We just met! And I can't even use a spear anyway!"

She looked at Lucrid again, trying to decipher what he was trying to say without words.

2009-10-12, 07:16 PM
Maybe it was just her, but there didn't seem to be that much wrong here, other than the fact that she had no clue to use a spear. Still...

"H-hey! We're not a young couple! We just met! And I can't even use a spear anyway!"

Lucrid half-glances at her again to try to remind her that he was trying to warn her that something was wrong.

And I still stand on my point. What kind of trouble are you in?

2009-10-12, 07:19 PM
Code-speak. That's what it had to be. Saphrin listened intently to what the guy was doing; Lucrid was acting really jumpy here. He struck her as an honest guy; something was definitely up.

(([roll0])Sense Motive)

2009-10-12, 07:25 PM
Lucrid and Saphrin
The man sniffs indignantly. "If you weren't interested that's all you had to say. Now, get out, please, I have real customers to deal with."
Before you know it, the man is ignoring you, turning his regard to other potential customers, and leaving you with the spear in hand...

For both Lucrid and Saphrin:
It isn't difficult to see the lie etched in his features, but it doesn't seem as if he's going to relent. He seems focused on ignoring both of you.
For only Lucrid:
It seems he gave himself away. As he turned to ignore you, he glanced once, quickly, at the spear he had forced into your hands before, and you are absolutely certain that he did not forget you had it. In fact, it almost seems as if he wants you to leave with it.

Cho Long
The boy looks up at you, startled, apparently not having noticed you before. "Did you see it? I was playing and it dropped and started rolling away under the carts and I couldn't see it anymore!" He seems out of breath after that gush of words, and he begins to inhale sharply. It seems he's been running after the ball.

2009-10-12, 07:28 PM
Saphrin stared down at the spear. "That's odd...Did he just forget to take it back or something? ...Wait, why would..." Saphrin started to sweat a bit, she didn't think she liked where this was going. "Lucrid! Wait a moment! Detect Magic!"

Saphrin uses Detect Magic on the spear (And I guess whatever else gets caught in the cone), to see if there's something wrong with it.

2009-10-12, 07:31 PM
Lucrid and Saphrin
The man sniffs indignantly. "If you weren't interested that's all you had to say. Now, get out, please, I have real customers to deal with."
Before you know it, the man is ignoring you, turning his regard to other potential customers, and leaving you with the spear in hand...

For both Lucrid and Saphrin:
It isn't difficult to see the lie etched in his features, but it doesn't seem as if he's going to relent. He seems focused on ignoring both of you.
For only Lucrid:
It seems he gave himself away. As he turned to ignore you, he glanced once, quickly, at the spear he had forced into your hands before, and you are absolutely certain that he did not forget you had it. In fact, it almost seems as if he wants you to leave with it.

To Saphrin: Come on. He leads her out of the stand and in between 2 vending stands so that they will not be noticed. He puts down the spear. Can you detect if this spear is magic, Saphrin?

Edit: (Huh, beat me to it. Well which version will you use Tim?)

2009-10-12, 07:41 PM
As Saphrin examines the spear, she at first notices nothing out of the ordinary. After a moment's looking, however, she notices what seems a faint trace of magic, emanating from somewhere within, or along the outside of, the spear's haft.

(A mix of both. You went out, and she did her talking while you were walking. And Coffee, remember, NPCs ARE there, and while he was ignoring you, the merchant was well within hearing range. As pointed out often throughout OotS, NPCs can (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0420.html) hear you (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0340.html)).

2009-10-12, 07:45 PM
Saphrin panicked when she saw the faint emanation of magic. The past few minutes rushed in her head. The guy's eagerness, his lying, Lucrid's nervousness, the merchant's desire to get that spear off his hands...It all rushed together in one horrifying conclusion, pouring out without regard to who might hear.


2009-10-12, 07:45 PM
As Saphrin examines the spear, she at first notices nothing out of the ordinary. After a moment's looking, however, she notices what seems a faint trace of magic, emanating from somewhere within, or along the outside of, the spear's haft.

(A mix of both. You went out, and she did her talking while you were walking. And Coffee, remember, NPCs ARE there, and while he was ignoring you, the merchant was well within hearing range. As pointed out often throughout OotS, NPCs can (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0420.html) hear you (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0340.html)).

See anything? Lucrid asks Saphrin.

Saphrin panicked when she saw the faint emanation of magic. The past few minutes rushed in her head. The guy's eagerness, his lying, Lucrid's nervousness, the merchant's desire to get that spear off his hands...It all rushed together in one horrifying conclusion, pouring out without regard to who might hear.


Is that so? Looks at the spear more intently. Where do you see the magic?

(And Tim's right, it's best not to atract attention with magic. We're going to get into a fight soon, I just know it.)

2009-10-12, 07:49 PM
Saphrin became increasingly flustered and panicked; her voice was becoming higher and higher in pitch, getting even faster as she spoke."Somewhere in the shaft he wanted it off his hands so he forced it on us it's cursed there's no way it's not cursed drop it now drop it now DROP IT NOW!!!!!"

2009-10-12, 07:52 PM
Saphrin became increasingly flustered and panicked; her voice was becoming higher and higher in pitch, getting even faster as she spoke."Somewhere in the shaft he wanted it off his hands so he forced it on us it's cursed there's no way it's not cursed drop it now drop it now DROP IT NOW!!!!!"

Shhhh! Calm down! He grabs her hand and pulls her out of sight of the public. If this is really cursed, we can't let anyone else know. There will be panic everywhere and who know's what else! He looks at the shaft. He then puts the spear down and takes out his longsword. Stand back. He then swings at the shaft to see what happens.

(I think I did something incredibly stupid. But hey I'm honest, which always leads to stupidity.:smallbiggrin:)

2009-10-12, 07:56 PM
Saphrin had just started to calm down when she saw Lucrid take out his sword. Panic was back. She grabbed Lucrid, trying to hold him back. "Lucrid what do you think you're doing WE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!"

(([roll0] Strength Check to stop him from swinging (Which I'm sure will fail epically))

Edit: See? I was right. 4'10" elf trying to hold back a 6'2" human will almost never work well...

2009-10-12, 07:57 PM
Saphrin had just started to calm down when she saw Lucrid take out his sword. Panic was back. She grabbed Lucrid, trying to hold him back. "Lucrid what do you think you're doing WE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!"

(([roll] Strength Check to stop him from swinging (Which I'm sure will fail epically))

(Yup, you did. My turn.:smallamused: [roll0] strength

And of course he leaves.)

2009-10-12, 08:07 PM
Cho attempts do a hand stand and tumble under the cart to get the ball for the little boy.


2009-10-12, 08:09 PM
A very large part of Saphrin wanted to run in the other direction, screaming as loudly as possible. But the other part of her screamed equally loudly to protect Lucrid. She couldn't just leave him behind, even if he did just act like an idiot there. Saphrin did have one spell that might help him if he ended up activating a curse...

(Saphrin casts Resistance on herself and Lucrid. If it only affects Lucrid, then she casts it on him, then runs in the other direction screaming as loudly as possible.)

((Saphrin's in Panic Mode here. This wasn't nearly as loud as what it was before.))

2009-10-12, 08:10 PM
A very large part of Saphrin wanted to run in the other direction, screaming as loudly as possible. But the other part of her screamed equally loudly to protect Lucrid. She did have one spell that might help him if he ended up activating the curse...

(Saphrin casts Resistance on herself and Lucrid. If it only affects Lucrid, then she casts it on him, then runs in the other direction screaming as loudly as possible.)

(Please don't scream. You remember what I said about making a scene.:smallsigh:)

2009-10-12, 08:27 PM
The elf and flutist walked away without doing a performance.

Damn Banj said to himself I thought I was about to get some entertainment

He walked back to the caravan. One of the travellers was doing handstands and tumbles.

Laughing he approaches the man You ok? You need some help there?

A young boy is also sitting beside the caravan giggling.

(am i allowed to do NPC actions like that?)

2009-10-12, 08:31 PM
Cho attempts do a hand stand and tumble under the cart to get the ball for the little boy.


(Oh, tough luck on the tumble. I think you failed there.

Banj: You can do what you want, as long as you're trained in it or you do an untrained skill.)

2009-10-12, 08:39 PM
(what is a pass?)

2009-10-12, 08:41 PM
(what is a pass?)

(A pass is what the DM says is a pass. But usually, it's an average of 10 or so. The fact he rolled a 3 means it's pathetic attempt. Remember, I got a "4"! (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0090.html))

2009-10-12, 08:47 PM
Banj laughs even louder as Cho falls flat on his face.

He walks over to the boy who has tears down his face from laughing.

Hey, little man. What's your name?

2009-10-12, 08:49 PM
(I just realised I forgot my gold roll, is it as per PHB or another? I'll work out my eq cost when i get my number and post it here)

2009-10-12, 08:53 PM
(I just realised I forgot my gold roll, is it as per PHB or another? I'll work out my eq cost when i get my number and post it here)

(Take the average amount from the PHB and subtract all equipment cost you have.)

A very large part of Saphrin wanted to run in the other direction, screaming as loudly as possible. But the other part of her screamed equally loudly to protect Lucrid. She couldn't just leave him behind, even if he did just act like an idiot there. Saphrin did have one spell that might help him if he ended up activating a curse...

(Saphrin casts Resistance on herself and Lucrid. If it only affects Lucrid, then she casts it on him, then runs in the other direction screaming as loudly as possible.)

((Saphrin's in Panic Mode here. This wasn't nearly as loud as what it was before.))

I'm just going to cut the shaft off the spear so I can inspect it better.

2009-10-12, 08:58 PM
Saphrin is shaking, but she manages to compose herself for a moment. "That is really, really dumb of you. Please, stop. I cast that Resistance but I don't know if it'll do enough. I suggest we back up and run away as fast as possible. I don't know if we can do that once you break it and presumably unleash that curse; I didn't prepare Expeditious Retreat this morning.

The previous sentence rushed out all at once. She knew it was no good trying to forcibly pull Lucrid away; she just wasn't strong enough. She had given him a bit of protection but that was all she could do. Saphrin edged away, ready to break into a sprint at the first sign of trouble.

2009-10-12, 08:59 PM
After such a great balancing act, cho slips on his tumble and lands...on his face. "The journey of a thousand miles" He says as he lifts himself back up "Starts with one step...or trip it seems!" He laughs at his own joke, before turning to the man who was laughing at him. "Greetings" Cho says as he bows "I am Cho Long, Disciple of a Thousand Fists. What is your name sir?"

(OOC: I am also heading off for tonight, see y'all in the morning)

2009-10-12, 09:06 PM
Saphrin is shaking, but she manages to compose herself for a moment. "That is really, really dumb of you. Please, stop. I cast that Resistance but I don't know if it'll do enough. I suggest we back up and run away as fast as possible. I don't know if we can do that once you break it and presumably unleash that curse; I didn't prepare Expeditious Retreat this morning.

The previous sentence rushed out all at once. She knew it was no good trying to forcibly pull Lucrid away; she just wasn't strong enough. She had given him a bit of protection but that was all she could do. Saphrin edged away, ready to break into a sprint at the first sign of trouble.

Lucrid lowers his sword a little. We can't just leave it. Someone else will come along and pick it up. Then something will happen to them. He looks at the spear a little longer. He then sheathes the sword. Come on. I have a safer idea. He picks up the spear and procedes out into the street.

(I have to go eat dinner. Back in a bit.)

2009-10-12, 09:09 PM
Saphrin sighed in relief. At least this immediate problem was gone. She felt like an idiot now though; she had just used up her only casting of Resistance available. Which made her realize...

"Lucrid, it's still...Please put that down. The curse might activate at any time, and I don't know when my Resistance spell is going to wear off. But..." Saphrin realized he was right. They couldn't leave it here for some hapless person to get cursed. That was wrong. "...What's your idea? I...I can't believe he...We've got to tell the authorities..."

2009-10-12, 09:27 PM
Authorities? No. They'll ask awkward questions and maybe not believe us. He walks down the street. We need to find a magic shop around here. They are excellent in finding out if something is cursed or not. We had a few people come in with cursed item's back at the magic shop my sister and I were staying at.

2009-10-12, 09:31 PM
"Well, I hope you know where to find one quickly, because any minute now this Resistance spell is going to wear off. And if I die here due to a curse, you're footing the Raise Dead bill. Plus the caravan will leave in half an hour. And I need some stuff there anyway," Saphrin frowned, thinking. "But going to a magic store instead of telling the authorites...That is a good idea at first, to figure out what exactly this thing is, but what if it is cursed? We can't just leave that guy free on the streets; we've got to try to bring him to justice! Or at least tell someone..."

2009-10-12, 09:54 PM
We'll worry about that later. After wandering for a bit, he spots a magic store. Here we are. He steps in.

2009-10-12, 09:57 PM
Thank the gods we got here before the curse activated. Saphrin slammed the spear down on the table, babbling, "This guy from a weaponry shop forced this spear on us I used Detect Magic and there's some magic on the handle and I think it's cursed!"

2009-10-12, 09:59 PM
Uhhh... Lucrid kind of chuckles. What she's trying to say is that this item may be cursed. Can you tell us if it is and if so, how is it cursed?

2009-10-12, 10:20 PM
The boy tells Banj that his name is Bev.

Hi Cho, me and Bev here were just admiring your skill Banj and the boy chuckle again or lack there of!

Banj lowers himself to the ground and slowly makes his way under the caravan. He reappears with the ball and places it back in the boy's hand.

Hey Cho, do you want to come with me to the weapons store? I'm fresh out of arrows and the caravan will be leaving soon

2009-10-13, 05:14 AM
Lucrid and Saphrin:
From across the counter, a bedazzled, small man adjusts the spectacles on his face. Upon closer inspection, you recognize him as a gnome.
"Cursed, you say?" he asks, picking up the spear. He waves his free hand around, intoning: "Detect Magic!" Looking at it for some time, he turns it around in his hands. "I don't think it's cursed. It seems that any magic in this seems to be emanating from the haft, and not the blade... most unusual." He adjusts his spectacles again, looking most serious.
"Give me a hundred gold pieces and one hour, and I'll identify any attributes it has." He places the spear back on the table, peering at both Lucrid and Saphrin. You can't help but notice that he's standing on a footstool behind the counter.

Cho and Banj:
The boy smiles as the ball is returned to him, thanking them both before he runs back the way he first came.

2009-10-13, 05:33 AM
Saphrin sighed in relief. "But then why did he want it off his hands so badly?"

Then she realized what he was asking. "Uhh, I don't think we have the time or the money...Lucrid, how much money do you have?"

2009-10-13, 09:11 AM
Saphrin sighed in relief. "But then why did he want it off his hands so badly?"

Then she realized what he was asking. "Uhh, I don't think we have the time or the money...Lucrid, how much money do you have?"

Not enough, that's for sure. He picks up the spear. Well atleast we know it's not cursed. Thank you.

2009-10-13, 02:26 PM
Cho bows. "It would be an honor to accompany you to the weapon shop, but we must be swift! I don't want to be left behind in a city I know nothing about!"

2009-10-13, 05:44 PM
Saphrin frowned. "Hang on a sec. I think I may have heard something about this." She turned to Lucrid. "Lucrid, think. Have you ever heard stories about magical weapons? We talked about them for a bit in the academy, maybe this was covered..." Saphrin thought back, trying to remember if a weapon like this was ever mentioned.

([roll0] Knowledge: Arcana)

2009-10-13, 06:10 PM
Banj O'ana - Human Fighter

Cho and Banj walked down the street at a quickened pace until they found a weapon shop. They stepped inside and before the dealer could get a word in, Banj asked Arrows. How many. 20gp

He looked the man up and down. There was something perculiar about him but he couldn't put his finger on it.

Cho, you need anything?

Banj leant closer and whispered in Cho's ear Just don't take your eyes off him

2009-10-13, 06:34 PM
"No thank you Banj, My fists are weapons all their own" He says, then whispers back"Alright..."

2009-10-13, 06:51 PM
Saphrin frowned. "Hang on a sec. I think I may have heard something about this." She turned to Lucrid. "Lucrid, think. Have you ever heard stories about magical weapons? We talked about them for a bit in the academy, maybe this was covered..." Saphrin thought back, trying to remember if a weapon like this was ever mentioned.

([roll] Knowledge: Arcana)

(Oh, why not. [roll0] Know. Arcana)

Yes, I remember hearing about weapons like that. But we have no way of determining it for sure. Well, come on Saphrin, lets not occupy this gnomes time. He picks up the spear and leaves.

2009-10-13, 07:37 PM
"Well, maybe there's a magic shop on the caravan; I may be able to get something there. We many have talked about a weapon like that in the academy, but...Guh, I can't remember right now. At least it's not cursed, though we shouldn't use it until we know exactly what it is." Something chewed on her mind for a moment. "Lucrid...I'm sorry I acted like that. I should have listened to you and kept a level head, not made a scene like that, screaming and tackling you and casting spells in the streets. I just...I saw what you were doing and panicked. No, I'm 119 years old; there's no excuse as to how I behaved back there. Can you forgive me?

(Man, how do you get a higher roll than I do; Saphrin's the one who spent over 50 years in a magic academy!)

2009-10-13, 07:48 PM
(Man, how do you get a higher roll than I do; Saphrin's the one who spent over 50 years in a magic academy!)

(He worked in a magic shop. Case closed. And you tackled him out of sight.)

Of course I can, Saphrin. Actually, I'm glad you did tackle me when you did. Now that i think about it, it was pretty stupid of me.

He suddenly dives down an alley, grabing Saphrin's hand and drags her in. He puts a hand over her mouth and a finger to his lips. He then looks around to make sure the alley is deserted. Once he finds it is, he lowers his hand from her mouth and takes a look at the spear suspiciously.

2009-10-13, 07:53 PM
"Heheh, than--WOAH!"

Saphrin was dragged into the alley by Lucrid. When she noticed what was going on her insides seemed to freeze. Again. "Lucrid, what is it? What's wrong? I hope you're able to cast spells with that sorceror's blood, because I'm all out of Detect Magic for the day. Resistance too. Did I also mention that I didn't prepare Expeditious Retreat this morning?"

2009-10-13, 07:54 PM
What's wrong is that this spear didn't belong to that shop owner.

He turns it around in his hands, inspecting it.

2009-10-13, 07:57 PM
"Wait, hold on a moment. First off, how do you know that? Second, then why would he force it on us unless... Saphrin's voice trailed off as her eyes grew wide with understanding. "...Dear Elven gods. Lucrid, I'm too afraid that what I'm thinking is right. What are you thinking?"

2009-10-13, 07:59 PM
I'm thinking that someone is after this spear for some reason and the shop keeper knew it. He was trying to get rid of it to save his skin.

2009-10-13, 08:02 PM
"......" Saphrin's face went blank. "Oh Gods. We've got to get out of here. Should we...Should we confront the shopkeeper? We may get some info if we press the lying bastard. Or should we just run for it? I don't want to attract any attention to the caravan, or myself, or you."

2009-10-13, 08:07 PM
It's going to be worse for him then for us. Since they are going to have to question him to get to us. And besides, he doesn't want to see this things again so he won't answer any of our questions. Our best bet is to take the spear with us along the caravan. We don't know why they're after it, but I have a feeling that we shouldn't just leave it in this city. Besides, the caravan has some protection. Not to mention a desert we have to cross. It's our best bet.

He then covers the spear in some cloth.

Come on, lets get to the caravan.

2009-10-13, 08:09 PM
Saphrin gulped. "Okay, if you say so...Just remember, if I die, you're footing the Raise Dead bill. I hope you know how to cast healing spells. You can cast healing spells, right? Saphrin could tell right now: This was only going to end very, very badly.

2009-10-13, 08:11 PM
I don't really know. All I'm skilled at doing is play my flute. But I can certainly feel a tingle of magic when I play it. I started traveling to expand my magic skill.

He then leaves the alley.

2009-10-13, 08:14 PM
"So are you able to cast any spells at all? Even simple ones like projecting images?" Saphrin smiled again. "Hey, I just got an idea! Maybe we can work on our magic together! What do you say about that?" She then laughed to herself when she consciously noticed that she only came up to about the height of Lucrid's chest. "Heh, you know, you're very tall. Taller than most normal humans, I mean. Now I know how Halflings feel."

2009-10-13, 08:19 PM
I guess we could try learning together. Maybe you can help me with some things.

He then grins sheepishly. He looks down at her.

Yes, I know I'm tall. Always have been for my age.

He meets her eye's and turns away quickly, feeling embarassed.

2009-10-13, 08:38 PM
"Okay then. I guess we can learn together. Say, how old are you?" Saphrin pointed to his flute, not noticing that his face flushed a moment beforehand. "The thing is that since I'm a wizard and you've got sorcerer blood, the initial process is different. You've got natural magical ability while I've had to struggle and do it on my own. However, I'm able to focus and control it more easily than you can, since that came with the whole 'Make it yourself' package. But once the spell's in my head and ready to cast, I think the process is similar with you. Focus the magic, focus on the spell and what you want it to do, and just let it go. Try using something like Prestidigitation on your flute, or maybe cast an illusion or something if you feel up to it." She was walking all the while.

2009-10-13, 08:40 PM
Ummm... Thinks for a minute. Isn't prestidigitation a versitle spell? A 'do what you want simply' spell?

2009-10-13, 08:42 PM
"Yeah, it's a nice, simple spell to start off on. It's actually the first spell I ever learned."

2009-10-13, 08:43 PM
The weapon shop keeper looks at Banj and Cho whispering to each other with a suspicious eye.

"20gp will get you 20 arrows for that shortbow" he said.

Sounds good to me! Banj said pulling the last of his coins out of his pouch But now I'm broke

The shop keeper pulled out a bundle of arrows bound together with cheap string at two places. Banj quickly counted them by sight (Gather Information [roll0]) to confirm that there were 20 arrows and then exchanged his coins for them.

Ok Cho, lets get back to the caravan. It'll be leaving soon

(did I do the rolling right? First time and all. I wanted to give the shop keeper a dodgyness so if I fail the roll maybe he gave me less arrows than I paid for. Let me know if i did it correctly, cheers)

2009-10-13, 08:45 PM
Lucrid looks at Saphrin, imagining what he wants done. He concentrates on casting something, but nothing happens.

Hmmm... I can't do it...

He then thinks on it.

2009-10-13, 08:52 PM
"Hmm..." Saphrin picks up a brown twig off the street. "How about you...How about you try to change the color of this twig? Make it blue or yellow or something. That should be simple enough."

(Oh, do you still have the spear?)

2009-10-13, 08:54 PM
"Hmm..." Saphrin picks up a brown twig off the street. "How about you...How about you try to change the color of this twig? Make it blue or yellow or something. That should be simple enough."

(Oh, do you still have the spear?)

(Yes I have the spear. And where'd you get that twig? Aren't we in a city that is on the edge of a desert?:smallconfused:)

No. I'm having trouble calling upon the magic. He looks at his flute. Wait a minute...

I think I may know how to get it to work.

2009-10-13, 08:59 PM
(It fell off of someone's shoe or something.)

"Well, what are you waiting for?"

2009-10-13, 09:03 PM
(It fell off of someone's shoe or something.)

"Well, what are you waiting for?"

(Fair enough. But I'm ignoring it.)

Lucrid turns back to look at Saphrin and puts the flute to his mouth. He then plays on it, a serine sound comes out and he feels the magic building inside him. He then lets it out at what he was focusing on. Hey I did it!

(Your robes are now bright pink. I couldn't resist.:smallbiggrin:)

(Dinner. Be right back.)

2009-10-13, 09:08 PM
Saphrin grinned. "Awesome! I knew you could do it! So I guess you use that flute and..." Saphrin's voice trailed off as she realized that her previously turquoise robe was now a bright glaring pink. "What the--HEY! Come on! Change it back! I'm a blue-green elf, not a pink elf!"

2009-10-13, 09:26 PM
Lucrid laughs. Are you sure? You look good in pink.

2009-10-13, 09:29 PM
Banj O'ana - Human Fighter

As Banj aproached the caravan, he saw the same elf and flutist who denied him some entertainment before. The only difference now was that the elf was wearing a bright pink robe. Banj had no idea how you would even make that colour in the middle of the desert.

Hi, are you two going to be on the caravan too?

My name's Banj, Banj O'ana

2009-10-13, 09:32 PM
Cho turns to Banj "It has been an honor to meet you, goodbye until we meet again" He says as he bows, and returns to the cart.

2009-10-13, 09:36 PM
Saphrin chuckled, though she was still miffed at this. "If you don't change it back now, then I'll return the favor in full tomorrow morning! Just, please."

She noticed the human fighter standing before them. "Oh, hello. My name's Saphrin. You're on the caravan too?"

2009-10-13, 09:38 PM
Saphrin chuckled, though she was still miffed at this. "If you don't change it back now, then I'll return the favor in full tomorrow morning! Just, please."

She noticed the human fighter standing before them. "Oh, hello. My name's Saphrin. You're on the caravan too?"

So you're going to change the color of my clothes to pink too? Sorry, I can change mine back.

To Banj. Hello, my name's Lucrid.

2009-10-13, 09:46 PM
"So can I. Remember, Prestidigitation was the first spell I ever learned. Or I can knock you out with a Sleep spell and doodle on your face. Good luck trying that on me; I don't sleep."

She turned to Banj. "Sorry about that. Bozo the Musical Lamppost here thought it would be funny to turn my clothes pink."

2009-10-13, 09:52 PM
"So can I. Remember, Prestidigitation was the first spell I ever learned. Or I can knock you out with a Sleep spell and doodle on your face. Good luck trying that on me; I don't sleep."

She turned to Banj. "Sorry about that. Bozo the Musical Lamppost here thought it would be funny to turn my clothes pink."

Come on Banj. You agree she looks good like this. Right? Grins widely.

2009-10-13, 10:02 PM
Banj O'ana - Human Fighter

I've got to say Saphrin, you pull it off Banj smirks charmingly.

Good to meet you both he scans from Cho to Lucrid and finally Saphrin where he holds his look and laughs quietly again to himself I can see this is going to be a fun trip

2009-10-13, 10:05 PM
Saphrin glares angrily at Lucrid. "Lucrid, I swear to the gods if you don't change back the color of my robes right now, I am going to get angry. To tell the truth, it was funny, but the only reason she wasn't laughing was that she really didn't want to have to use up a spell slot tomorrow just so she could change the color of her robes back to normal.

2009-10-13, 10:07 PM
Ok, ok. Lucrid puts the flute to his mouth and whistles a tune. Saphirn's cloth change to black. Is that better? He smiles childishly.

2009-10-13, 10:10 PM
"..." Saphrin just glared at him, though she was unable to suppress a snort or amusement. "...Look, Lucrid. It is funny, but I don't know how many times you can cast that today. I didn't prepare Prestidigitation this morning, and I really don't want to have to waste a spell slot tomorrow just to change my robes back to normal."

2009-10-13, 10:19 PM
Alright, for real this time. He put's the flute to his lips and starts playing. But this time, noting comes. It's just a void. That's odd... He keeps trying, but nothing comes. Uhhh... Saphrin? I think we have a problem...

2009-10-13, 10:20 PM
Saphrin's eye twitched. "...................."

2009-10-13, 10:22 PM
Saphrin's eye twitched. "...................."

Hey! It's not my fault! Well, not entirely! I didn't know how many times I could do this! I thought I had enough magic to change it back! I'm sorry!

2009-10-13, 10:25 PM
"...If I don't see my robes back to normal when I wake up from my trance tomorrow morning..." She sat down on the cart, obviously pissed off.

2009-10-13, 10:26 PM
I'm almost afraid to ask. What are you going to do? He looks at her with a worried look.

(By the way, how long until the day is over:smalleek:)

2009-10-13, 10:30 PM
"Let's just say that it will involve Color Spray, Acid Orb, and some very creative uses of Prestidigitation."

(When Tim-Tat say's it's tomorrow.)

2009-10-13, 10:32 PM
Right... He sits down opposite her, avoiding her gaze while looking very uncomfortable and apologetic.

2009-10-13, 10:36 PM
Saphrin glanced over at Lucrid. She knew he didn't mean to do that, but it didn't stop her from being ticked off. She felt kinda bad for him though; he was a good kid, if a bit unpredictable.

She looked out at the vast expanse of likely scorching desert and groaned inwardly. The rest of the day was not going to be fun.

2009-10-13, 10:44 PM
Lucrid glances out at the desert. With a groan, he realizes that Saphrin's robes are going to cook her in the heat. Embarrasment crept into him as he though about it, but what choice did he have. He put her into this, it was his fault. If she declines, she declines. He might as well put it out there.

Ummm... Saphrin? He flinches under her sight It may get hot out there in the desert... and the fact that your robes are now... well... suffice to say it's going to get hot out there and... I have some extra set of clothes, if... you want to try to get into something more, uh... comfortable?

He looks at her feet feeling completely ashamed.

2009-10-13, 10:48 PM
Saphrin smiled at him. "Thanks, but no thanks Lucrin. You're almost a foot and a half taller than me; your clothes won't fit." She dug through her pack for a moment. "Luckily I have a spare set of clothing here; I'll get changed in a bit. But now we know. It's not a good idea to fool around with spells unless you're sure of your abilities and limitations. Thankfully this was something easily fixed than a bigger problem, like in the middle of a fight."

2009-10-13, 10:50 PM
Banj O'ana - Human Fighter
Average hight - average appearance - light hearted nature

You shouldn't worry too much Saphrin, you almost look scary with that black robe

Banj looks at the sky It's going to be night soon and I have a need for some desert ale. What's say we head over to the nearest inn?

He looks back over the group waiting for an answer.

2009-10-13, 10:51 PM
Ya, ok. He feels relieved that she forgave him and solve the problem. Don't worry. First chance I get, I'll turn your robes back. Though I can't really help you find a place to change...

And no thanks Banj. He was planning to play jokes in the bar. But the first on in his head was going up to the bartender and asking for a glass of his finest drink. Then when he brought it out, he was going to reply that he didn't drink.

Thinking it over, it probably wasn't wise.

2009-10-13, 10:53 PM
Saphrin looked around. Other than Lucrid and Banj, nobody else seemed to be watching.

"Turn around, the both of you," she said while grabbing her spare robe.

(Banj, it's noon. The caravan will be leaving soon)

2009-10-13, 10:56 PM
Y-you're going to change out in the open?! He asks dumbstruck. Saphrin, this is a major city! People pop up everytime you don't want them too! Trust me when I say that you'll be half way out of your robes and some group of people will come around the corner and see you! He looks around. Let's find someplace for you to change...

2009-10-13, 10:59 PM
She blushed. "Oh. Heheh...I've...I've never been in a city this large before. I really need to learn my street smarts." Saphrin followed Lucrid, still embarrassed over her latest idiotic blunder.

2009-10-13, 11:01 PM
That's alright. He finds a dead end alley. Here should be nice. I'll stay here at the end and look the other way. You can change back there.

(Decisions, Decisions. Should I make him a perv? He has a mirror. Edit:I've decided against it. Edit:Edit: Nevermind again. But Saphrin doesn't see him peeping, ok?)

2009-10-13, 11:03 PM
Saphrin grinned. "Thanks, Lucrid!" She removes her black robe and swaps it for her spare turquoise one. "Okay, all done here," she said while buckling her belt. "Back to the caravan!"

(Do whatever you want here. Heck, I'm going to sleep; I won't even see until tomorrow morning.)

2009-10-13, 11:09 PM

Knowing that the caravan, and therefore, his employer, was shortly leaving, Dvalr stops wandering aimlessly around the town, and heads back to the caravan. "Stupid bloody stupid human town with stupid bloody stupid pissweak grog and stupid bloody stupid barstools...it'll be good to finally get the hell out of here."

Turning around the corner, he sees a young elf, apparantly about to get changed. "Then again, maybe this city ain't so-oh. She's putting the robes back in her bag. A minute too late it seems...bloody stupid bloody elves."

2009-10-13, 11:19 PM
"Okay, all done here," she said while buckling her belt. "Back to the caravan!"

(Do whatever you want here. Heck, I'm going to sleep; I won't even see until tomorrow morning.)

Saphrin grinned. "Thanks, Lucrid!"
As Saphrin walks down the alley, Lucrid slowly takes out a small steel mirror. The elf really attracted his attention. He loved her personality and how she acted. He now understood when the stories meant that elves were beautiful creatures. Her ears were also a perfecting feature. Why did he like them so much?

He waits until he hears the sound of movement behind him, he takes a tiny peak through his mirror. How did elves look bare skinned? he thought. Saphrin had her back to him so she didn't see that he was peaking at her. What he saw was a the elfs frail body and he stared in amazement. She certainly was a thing of beauty. She never even once looked over in his direction, even though she was rotating around when she was changing robes. He got to see every inch of her. Though she was wearing undergarments.

He felt himself becoming very red in the face. He felt even ashamed at doing something like this. What was with him? It was like the elf had cast a spell on him, imparing his judgement. Finally, she was getting the last of her spare robe on. Lucrid quickly tucked the mirror away.

"Okay, all done here," she said while buckling her belt. "Back to the caravan!"

Umm... ya. Sure. Let's go. He hoped she didn't notice his red face. But then again, she didn't notice him flush earlier, so he was too worried.

(I feel dirty inside.:smallfrown: But, now we know I can go pack to crack-pairing. Right?:smallwink:)

2009-10-13, 11:26 PM

Seeing the human drag the elf off, Dvalr, with nothing better to do, follows. Putting his head around the corner, he sees that the human is standing guard. Hmph. Stupid bloody stupid human and his self righteousnes-wait...a mirror? What's he...hmm.

Waiting around, he watches the human studying himself in the mirror, rather intently. When the pretty young elf wanders out of the alley, in different clothes. Hmm. Maybe he's not so self-righteouss after all.

And, with his information, he happily wanders back to the caravan.

2009-10-13, 11:32 PM
Banj O'ana - Human Fighter
Average hight - average appearance - light hearted nature

Banj looks towards the alley and sees Lucrid and Saphrin walking back. Lucrid had the most peculiar look on his face. Almost a look of embarrasment. If it was embarasment Saphrin sure didn't know what happened as she strode back proudly in her new colours.

He looked again at Lucrid He's blushing!. He gave an obvious smirk towards Lucrid but decided not to pry any further into what actually happened in that alley.

Banj has worn that look too many times and he knew what it meant. He didn't want to get the poor guy in any trouble.

2009-10-14, 12:01 AM
(You guys are mean!:smallmad: Well, SoD is anyways.:smallannoyed:)

2009-10-14, 05:39 AM
Saphrin walked back smiling. Fix her robes tomorrow morning, get on the caravan, and get out of here! "Heh, pretty funny what can happen in only an hour, huh Lucrid? Teh, I just wanted a crossbow and I dragged you into this mess." She noticed that he was bright red now. Hm. I guess he's really sensitive to the sun. Let's see how I endure the heat; I might use that Endure Elements spell on him instead.

(Yeah, Saphrin can be oblivious at times. But she is going to use this obliviousness to inadvertently make him feel as guilty as possible. Oh, and it's not like she was naked under that robe; elves do wear underwear.)

2009-10-14, 05:54 AM
Banj O'ana - Human Fighter

So what are you all traveling with this caravan for? Me, I'm just trying to fill the hours of the day, days of the week and weeks of the year. Something to do really a puzzled look came across his face as he realized how it must sound.

2009-10-14, 06:20 AM
As you stroll back to the caravan, you see that people are getting ready to leave. One of the other hired guards calls, then walks towards you.
"Right, about time you showed up. We'll be heading off soon. I've already set men to all the posts, so you'll just have to take the night shift today." You remember seeing him before, when you signed up to join the caravan.

Back at the caravan, you note that people are preparing themselves to leave. You see the boy from before getting into one of the carts; apparently he'll be travelling with the caravan as well.

The Rest
As you draw near the caravan, you see that everyone seems about ready to leave. The caravan master spots you, and he briskly walks close.
"You're not a moment too early! Now, hurry up; flute-boy, you're in that wagon over there with the food crew," he indicates the third nearest wagon, "Banjo, you're going to the second wagon from here," he gestures towards that very wagon, "and you, my lady, will be with the other dames in this wagon." As he talks to Saphrin his expression changes noticeably, and he even half-bows, gesturing towards the nearest wagon.
At that, he walks off, going back to his own wagon at the front of the caravan.

(You were going to be a hired guard, weren't you, SoD? I remember that Hired Dwarf joke.
On that note, everyone should post why they're traveling with the caravan. I know you've probably all said it somewhere already, but having it summed up in one place is easier).

2009-10-14, 07:25 AM
Cho smiles and waits patiently for the caravan to start...

2009-10-14, 09:12 AM
Well... I'm just here because I'm going in that direction, and this caravan is offering to pay me to play music and keep everyone's nerves down.

Before going to the wagon he was ordered to, he whispers in saphrin's ear. I'm keeping the spear with me. He then hurry's off.

2009-10-14, 06:06 PM
Saphrin smiled "Okay. Bye everyone, I'll see you later!" Heh, looks like what what my classmates said about most humans IS true: they go gaga at the sight of a girl elf! She chuckled inwardly at the thought. At least Lucrid, Banj, and Cho act dignified about it.

(Saphrin hitched a ride on the caravan to search for her friend Erikaf; she went this way a few weeks before she vanished. Saphrin will probably help out a magic merchant here or something similar.)

2009-10-14, 06:12 PM

Stupid bloody stupid humans...by all rights I should be on night shifts anyway, not because there's no room on the day shift. Let's see how well the others on night shift cope with the darkness.

And with that, he wanders over to take a seat in one of the wagons, not being paticulary fussed where. Unless there's a wagon specifically for off duty guards somewhere. Struggling a bit to clamber up onto the human sized wagon, and cursing under his breath in Dwarven, he rufuses any help which might be offered. Once up, he looks around at his companions here.

2009-10-14, 06:27 PM
Banj moved to his allocated wagon and took a seat near the back

2009-10-14, 07:16 PM
(First bit describes the trip as a whole, specific sections describe each of your personal experiences at the start of the trip. Feel free to reply as if the caravan is still travelling and hasn't stopped to rest yet.)

It didn't take long after you had arrived for the caravan to start moving, and within half an hour it had reached the start of the dunes. To the west, the only landscape to be seen was a blistering ocean of sand, whereas to the west, the walls of Loftwick could still be seen in their grassier environment.
The horses moved at a plodding pace, two set to each wagon. The hours passed, long and uneventful, and by the time the caravan was stopped to set up camp, the walls of Loftwick could still be seen in the east.

The cart intended for off-duty guardsmen was packed tighter than a stick up an elf's arse. Their races were as varied as they were many, and amongst them you spot a few half-orcs, half-elves, halflings and even gnomes. It seems all the humans were set on the day shift.
As you look over the floor, there doesn't seem to be any free bedding for you to use, but upon closer inspection, you see that one of the half-orcs is laying across two sets.

Cho Long (Joining him: Banj)
The men in your wagon are few, but pleasant. Apparently, this is the wagon allocated to all male travelers seeking to travel with the caravan without being part of the crew. It isn't overly populated, the only other men within being two humans and an elf. They all nod amiably when you enter.
A few minutes behind you, the man you recognize from before as Banj joins you in the wagon, as well.

Maybe it's the caravan master's idea of humor; or maybe it's simply a fact. Regardless, the wagon you were told was to house every female traveler does just that; it houses you. On the bright side, however, you have plenty of space, and the single set of bedding rolled out on the floor seems roomy and comfortable; more so than you might expect.

The food crew smells of one thing, quite distinctly; garlic. The stench of it is extreme to the extent that it would send a vampire running out into the desert, and the source quickly becomes obvious as well, for it seems the crew uses the time while they're travelling to ready the ingredients.
And someone clearly likes garlic.
There's a set of bedding, clearly set out for me, located a distinct distance from the three sets allocated to the food crew, which itself is composed of a badly groomed gnome, currently slicing garlic, a man, currently running garlic through a sieve, and a fleshy, old woman shouting at them on how to do it better.

2009-10-14, 07:20 PM
Lucrid sits down out of the way, and rests for the journey.

2009-10-14, 07:28 PM
".............." Saphrin sighed. "Well, this is brilliant. Here I am, thinking I'd have some female company, and I'm stuck with the Testosterone Patrol. Ah well, as long as they don't spend all their time hitting on me, I'll be fine. Besides, no need to worry about anyone disturbing my trancing. And at least I've got a lot of space." She looked around for a moment. "I'm bored. Maybe I should go see if there's one right now..." Saphrin headed out of the caravan, looking in each of the different carts to see if there were any traders specializing in magic goods.

2009-10-14, 07:47 PM
As you move along the caravan, many of the hired guards give you second glances, and one of the humans even winks. You're in luck, however, as while the very first wagon you walk past emanates a strong stench of garlic, the one past that contains a single gnome, sorting out what is obviously a hefty amount of spell components. As you look within, he drops a pouch to his side, and leaning over to pick it up, he notices you.
"Oh, hello! Can I help you?" he pipes politely, with a friendly smile.

2009-10-14, 07:54 PM
Saphrin groaned to herself. Were there any humen men around here who thought with their brains instead of their pants?! Maybe I should tell them I'm 119 years old. That should chase them off.

She smiled when she saw the gnome, glad that there was someone employed here who didn't think of her purely in terms of sex appeal. "Hi! Um, I was wondering if maybe I could purchase some items for my use? If I can't afford them up front, perhaps I could work off the debt by assisting you during this trip?" Saphrin shuffled her feet somewhat nervously.

2009-10-14, 08:00 PM
"Oh, well that's certainly something new. I usually don't sell much during the trip!" he laughs as if he just told the funniest joke in the world, seeming to expect you to find it equally funny.
"Anyway, of course! I've got plenty for sale, and another pair of hands can always be useful to have around. What was it that you needed?"

It seems that your fellows in the wagon have finally finished with the garlic. At any rate, the two men seem to have started chatting, and before long, the woman is shouting at them again. Moments later, she's shouting at you! "Get out of cart! You disturbing my cutters, and then we late with food! Out, out!"
As she shouts, she sprays spittle all over, and her eyes narrow as she looks at you.

2009-10-14, 08:03 PM
Lucrid wipes the spittle off. Ummm... excuse me miss, but all I'm doing is relaxing here. How am I distracting the cutters?

2009-10-14, 08:05 PM
"Well, it would be helpful adding a couple of new spells to my spellbook. More important right now would be the stuff to summon a familiar; I ran out before I could get them, and..." Saphrin trailed off. "Oh, there's something even more important. Could you please hold on for a second?" Saphrin ran into the garlic-smelling caravan, where she had seen Lucrid go earlier before.

2009-10-14, 08:08 PM
"I say you go out! Or I make sure you thrown out!" It's easy to get the impression that this is the local bully, and she doesn't look like she's going to back down.

You enter Lucrid's wagon just in time to see him being screamed at by what almost seems like a frothing monster. Upon closer inspection, it appears to be a human female.

2009-10-14, 08:16 PM
The woman looks like she could easily crush her spine with a single well-aimed punch, but Saphrin steps in to defend Lucrid regardless. "Hey, come on, leave him alone! He didn't do anything to deserve that! Lucrid, come with me and bring that spear." She goes back to the gnome's cart and mentions for Lucrid to follow.

2009-10-14, 08:20 PM
Lucrid welcomes the well timed arrival of Saphrin, but is shocked by what she said. He quickly gathers his things an hurry's after her. Saphrin! You shouldn't talk about it so easily in public. We don't know what it all is or who's after it. Where are you taking me by the way?

2009-10-14, 08:22 PM
"I found a gnome who sells magic supplies. He might be able to identify what it is. By the way, what was going on in there?" She walks inside the wagon. "Ah. Here we go." She says to the gnome, "Lucrid--That's the guy standing here--and I were forced to take a spear from a dodgy weapons salesman back in the city. There's some kind of magic in the shaft, but neither of us have seen it before nor have any idea what it is. Could you possibly identify it, please?"

2009-10-14, 08:24 PM
I seemed to piss her off on the fact that she's a bully and had nothing better to do. So, you think he'll help us? Remember the last gnome wanted us to pay 100 gold pieces.

2009-10-14, 08:26 PM
"I volunteered to work off the debt."

2009-10-14, 08:32 PM
The gnome blinks, listening to the story aptly. "Oh, sure. Here, hand it over, please." The gnome reaches for the spear, taking it back to his table. He sits down on his high stool, peering down at the weapon. "It doesn't seem of good enough quality to be enchanted in any way; you don't do that to just any weapon, you know." He rubs the bridge of his nose, frowning slightly. "You say there was some magic in the shaft? Peculiar." He pulls his gaze up, turning to look back at you. "If you could come back in an hour, I'll have more answers to give you. Does that sound alright?"

2009-10-14, 08:35 PM
That sounds alright to me.

2009-10-14, 08:37 PM
Saphrin grinned. Things were looking up. "Okay! See you in an hour!" She left the caravan, then asked Lucrid, "So, uh, now what do you want to do? Since you were apparently kicked out of the mess wagon?"

2009-10-14, 08:38 PM
I don't know. But the first thing is to try to find another wagon to be able to rest at.

2009-10-14, 08:41 PM
Saphrin smiled. "Oh, I know! For some reason I'm the only girl here who's not employed. I have a wagon all to myself; you can rest there for now if you want. Don't expect to get any sleep though, I want to learn more about you! You seem to have traveled a lot. Here we are." Saphrin stepped inside her wagon. "Come on in. Don't worry, I haven't made that much of a mess...Yet." She laughed a bit at that statement.

2009-10-14, 08:44 PM
Uh... thanks. He sets down his equipment in the wagon and climbs in.

2009-10-14, 08:45 PM
As the two of you leave the cart, the same guard as winked before begins throwing second glances again. As he's turning in your direction, however, what looks like a small pebble flies out from the door of the wagon behind you, embedding itself in the man's eye. He screams, falling onto his back, as you hear the gnome, standing at the door to his wagon, muttering "Now where did that pearl of mine get off to," before bursting into laughter and shutting the door again.

2009-10-14, 08:51 PM
Saphrin snorted in laughter. "Thank you!" she called out to the gnome before bursting out in laughter herself. "That guy deserved it," she explained to Lucrid. "He's been winking and wolf-whistling at me ever since I walked past him! Gods, my classmates back at the academy warned me that humans go gaga over the sight of elves, but I never thought that every single one of themwould forsake their brains in favor of their pants!" She threw up her hands and sighed before looking at Lucrid. "Not you though. You've been looking out for me this whole time. Back in the city, you stopped me from almost certainly exposing myself in front of dozens of people, even though I had no intention of doing so. You're a really great guy." She hugged him quickly before moving on to another topic. "So, tell me a little about yourself."

2009-10-14, 08:52 PM
Cho bows to the entire group. "If we're going to be on the same cart together" He says with a smile "We should get to know one another. I am Cho Long, Disciple of a Thousand Fists. This is not my first caravan, but it is the largest I've been on."

2009-10-14, 08:54 PM
(I see what you mean now. She's good.)

Lucrid feels his cheeks reddening. Oh, well... I have been traveling to try to increase my skill in magic. My sister is staying at a magic shop. That's pretty much everything. I believe I told you earlier.


2009-10-14, 09:21 PM
Saphrin looked at him. "But that can't be all of it. From what you told me, neither you nor your sister expected to have any sorcerer blood. How did you find that out? And why did you decide to travel in the first place?" Saphrin studied his features. "You don't seem to be that old. Uhm, how old are you anyway? I know humans don't live nearly as long as elves, but if you were an elf, I'd say you about my age, give or take a few years."

2009-10-14, 09:25 PM
Removed post

2009-10-14, 09:41 PM
Saphrin looked at him. "But that can't be all of it. From what you told me, neither you nor your sister expected to have any sorcerer blood. How did you find that out? And why did you decide to travel in the first place?" Saphrin studied his features. "You don't seem to be that old. Uhm, how old are you anyway? I know humans don't live nearly as long as elves, but if you were an elf, I'd say you were eight, nine years younger than me."

(I calculated this out. Remember, he didn't start out right when he became an adult and Saphrin left before her minimum trained age)

Well, I'm only 18. But if I were an elf, I'd be about 128 then. He then shifts his position. His face showed an obvious sadness. As for sorcerer blood, it's really my sister Maia who developed it first. At home when she was 10, she'd kept doing things physically impossible. Moving things without touching them, stuff like that. Our parents became fearful of her and there were rumors in town about how she was a freak and a witch. Then one night, about a year ago, when I was 17 and she was 12, I overheard my father talking to some town folk. He takes a deep breath and sighs. They were talking about burning her alive the next day, in public so that everyone could be sure she was gone for good. A stern expression came across Lucrid's face. I knew I couldn't let that happen. And I couldn't believe what my dad was doing. That night I grabbed her and most of our stuff and set off.

2009-10-14, 09:45 PM
"Heh, only 18, I was still in diapers when-- Saphrin's eyes widened when she heard the rest of his story. ...Oh my...Oh Gods. I...I've never even heard of such a thing. What kind of sick being would decide to kill someone like that? How could anyone do that? Especially a kid? Especially their own daughter? I...It just..." Saphrin fell silent, at a loss for words.

2009-10-14, 09:47 PM
I didn't really understand it too. But it did happen. Lucrid stares down at the floor.

2009-10-14, 09:52 PM
"..." Unsure of what to do, Saphrin awkwardly hugged Lucrid. Erikaf often did that when she was upset, and just knowing someone's there to support you can help you feel so much better. "Well...Is she okay now? But, how could they not know? Once someone manifests their powers, it's pretty obvious whether or not they're a sorcerer...How could they think she was something bad? And along that line, how can they think magic is inherently bad?"

2009-10-14, 09:58 PM
Lucrid doesn't feel at all akward when Saphrin hugs him. His depressed mood about recalling his past left no room for embarrasment.

I guess you elves see magic happening alot, but not where I'm from. Magic hadn't been seen in my town before her. They were all afriad of it, afriad of the unknown power it possed. He looks of into the distance. In a way, they were right to be scarred of her. When we were traveling, her magic spirled out of control. She kept destroying things unintentionally and setting things on fire. Then that night I played the flute to calm her down. This happened a few times on the road before we came to this major city. (Input major city name here, Tim-tat) We wandered around and found a magic shop and went in to investigate... he trails off.

2009-10-14, 10:10 PM
"And that's where you learned she was a sorcerer and you had some magical abilities, and you worked there for a year or so? Well...At least she's okay. Saphrin stared at the floor for a moment. "Have you...Have you tried sending a letter or hiring someone to do a Sending Spell to you family? So you can explain what happened?"

2009-10-14, 10:13 PM
No, nor do I want to. After what they tried to do, they're not my family anymore. Nor my sister's for that manner. We both agreed to forget them all and move on.

2009-10-14, 10:17 PM
"I completely understand. If I were in your situation, they'd be dead to me too." Saphrin thinks for a moment, then looks at Lucrid with a mischievous grin. "You know, if they're that scared of an untrained sorcerer, then if you want, once I get a bit stronger I can go and give them something to be really scared about. Oh, nothing too harmful or destructive, but I can assure you that they'll be sleeping with the lights on for the rest of their lives."

2009-10-14, 10:19 PM
Lucrid shakes his head. No. I don't care about them anymore. Doing something like that will bring no pleasure or anything.

2009-10-14, 10:26 PM
"Okay, I understand. Just putting that idea out there. But the two of you are fine, and if your family was just going to kill Maia instead of figuring out what was the matter, then.... Saphrin sat there for a while just holding him, until she broke the hanging silence. "Hey, Lucrid," She reached into her bag and took out the jar of honey, fishing out two small pieces of honeycomb from inside. "Want some? I love this stuff. Maybe it'll make you feel a bit better."

"...Maia's a really nice name."

2009-10-14, 10:29 PM
... Sure, thanks Saphrin. You're really nice. He smiles at her.

2009-10-14, 10:34 PM
Saphrin smiled and blushed slightly. "It's nothing, really. I'm just glad that you're both safe and okay now. Saphrin chewed on the honeycomb, smiling slightly at the sweet taste.

2009-10-14, 10:35 PM
Lucrid takes a bite of his honeycomb. He felt cheered up a bit that Saphrin blushed at his comment.

2009-10-14, 10:40 PM
Saphrin was contentedly sucking the last bits of honey off of her fingers when she remembered the gnome. "Wait, Lucrid, it's been an hour! Remember the gnome?"

2009-10-14, 10:41 PM
Oh ya! Let's go and see.

2009-10-14, 11:32 PM
Removed post

2009-10-15, 07:45 AM

Stupid bloody stupid half breeds...

Dvalr wanders up to the half-orc taking up the extra bedding and firstly thinks about trying to get it without waking the orc, before realising that this would be impossible. grr...

After looking at him for a moment, he cracks his kneck, and takes on an air of authority, before giving the half-orc a shove with his feet (not quite a kick, but with a decent amount of force to it). "ON YOUR FEET, WATCHMAN!" he shouts. Once the half-orc is roused, but before he has a chance to speak, Dvalr continues. "I've seen some lousy guards in my time, but I never thought I'd see someone dumb enough to sleep on their watch IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY!" draging the half-orc to be face to face with him, Dvalr goes on. "You, are meant to be guarding-" he falters slightly, having to suddenly improvise, "A young elven lady and her human companion! You've got one minute to get out that door to go and find them from when I finish speaking! Remember these; One; you're sleeping on the job, and could get fired and kicked off the caravan! Two; get out quickly and I'll forget I saw you here, you lousy excuse for a guard! Three; When you're standing up, my scythe's blade is at half your height, and when I'm angry I make sudden movements! NOW MOVE!" he finishes with a roar.

2009-10-15, 07:45 PM
removed post

2009-10-15, 08:17 PM
Saphrin walked to the gnome's wagon. "Come on, Lucrid!" She turned to the gnome. "Excuse me sir, but we're back."

2009-10-15, 08:19 PM
Any new information on the spear?

(Banj, can you please do what I suggested you do in the OOC thread. It would make the game go more smoothly.)

2009-10-15, 09:55 PM
(ok, so where am I and what am I doing?)

2009-10-15, 09:57 PM
(ok, so where am I and what am I doing?)

(Why you're here, and your waiting for Tim-tat to get on.:smalltongue:)

2009-10-15, 10:07 PM
Banj O'ana - Human Fighter
Average hight - average appearance - light hearted nature

(I had a more boring reason I stated before but I'll make a better one now)

(Banj is here because in the viliage he came from there was a terrible famine suspected to be caused by some sort of curse or spiritual activity. Crops were dying, couples were having trouble reproducing and many other bad things happening all at once. Banj was chosen because he is an orphan and is the only one in the viliage to have some real combat training. He was also seen as being a brave man. He is on this particular caravan because the spiritual leader of the viliage had a vision about the place the caravan was heading and believes that something in that location is causing all of the bad things to happen)

2009-10-16, 05:46 PM
Saphrin looked around. Where had the gnome gone to? "Uh...Excuse me, sir? It's me and Lucrin."

2009-10-16, 07:19 PM
Maybe he's not here...

2009-10-16, 07:29 PM
"Huh...I guess you're right. We should stick around until he gets back." She thinks for a moment. "HHave you been able to contact your sister since you started traveling?"

2009-10-16, 07:31 PM
No, but I know she's in good hands. I hope to be able to contact her soon, but without owing anyone something.

2009-10-16, 07:37 PM
"Well, once I learn Sending or Scrying, I'll let you check up on her, no charge. Well, after I use it to contact Erikaf, of course."

2009-10-16, 07:39 PM
You'd do that? Thanks. By the way, why don't you tell me more about your friend Erikaf.

2009-10-16, 07:47 PM
Saphrin smiled. "Well, she's about an inch shorter than me, with white hair and brown eyes. We think she might have a bit of Drow blood, but we're not quite sure. Not like it matters. Eri's kinda shy, but once you get to know her, she's really friendly. She's really mischievous and loves to play pranks. Unlike my jokes however, Eri's not really one for nuance and subtlety. She loves swordplay and has a longsword. We've been friends for years and promised to go adventuring together once I graduated, but she got impatient and left. She sent back messages and was going to come home, but...She never returned." Saphrin stared at the ground. "...That was eight months ago. Eventually, I couldn't wait any longer and ran out to search for her, even though I hadn't yet finished my training. I figured I'd finish on the road."

2009-10-16, 07:50 PM
Gee... That's rather unfortunate. Sits down next to her. So... What have you done all of your 119 years you've been alive?

2009-10-16, 07:58 PM
Saphrin smiled. "Well...When I was your age I was still in diapers. I learned to read when I was about 27, which is pretty young. I went to school, basically lived my life, learned basic archery and swordplay, though I'm not very good at it. Erikaf took more of a shine to it than I did. We spent a lot of time playing in the forest where I live. There's a beautiful spot, where a little stream run beside a grove of trees and the ground and rocks are covered with moss that's so thick and soft you can use it as a pillow..." Saphrin sighed wistfully as she continued, "When I was 50 I enrolled in the magic academy. I've always wanted to be a wizard, so I was thrilled when I got accepted. The academy accepts sorcerers and druids too; if you and Maia had lived closer you could have gone there. Where I live there are mostly elves, but definitely some humans and half-elves too. It's kinda sad though, how quickly you guys live...In any case, I enrolled in the magic academy. The first few years were the hardest, it was incredibly difficult for me to grasp how to harness magic at first. But eventually, something clicked, and," Here Saphrin began laughing "I accidentally released a bunch of dire bears that the druids were studying from their pen.".

2009-10-16, 08:00 PM
Heh. You got in trouble for that, didn't you?

2009-10-16, 08:09 PM
"It would have been more, but nobody got killed, we all went home early, and everyone agreed that it was hilarious. Saphrin started laughing again, holding Lucrid's shoulder to steady herself. "Imagine trying to cast a spell in front of the class, nothing happening, feeling humiliated, then seeing an entire class of druids running past the room screaming bloody murder, being chased by six Dire Bears.

2009-10-16, 08:11 PM
Lucrid laughs. That would've been funny to watch.

2009-10-16, 08:13 PM
Saphrin grinned. "It was beyond hilarious. If you ever come to my town, you can talk to the headmaster. I'm almost certain that there's a recording of it on file somewhere."

2009-10-16, 08:15 PM
Maybe... If I was able to get to your town.

2009-10-16, 08:21 PM
"What do you mean? It's not exactly as if it's behind a magical barrier or something." She chewed her lip for a moment, thinking. "Besides, maybe Cho and Banj could join us and we can all be a little adventuring group, and then maybe we'd all visit each other's homes or something."

2009-10-16, 08:26 PM
Well, what I meant is that we're currently going the opposite way. Maybe I made that sound too absolute. Anyways, sure. When we're done with this caravan and we find your friend, I'd love to come to your town.

2009-10-16, 08:32 PM
"Yay! What about your--Oh, right. You know, the offer to blow it up still stands."

2009-10-16, 08:33 PM
I know it is.

2009-10-16, 08:37 PM
Saphrin gave that mischievous grin again, then pulled out a sheet of paper and a pencil. "So once my control of the arcane magic arts grows, how shall we conduct our roaring rampage of revenge? I suggest we start with an entire stack of Explosives Runes and increase in the explody factor from there. Toasty!"

2009-10-16, 08:38 PM
We'll have time to decide that when you get the magic to do what you propose.

2009-10-16, 08:43 PM
"Okay! Do you have any preferences? No killing, but once I'm done with them, I promise that everyone in your town will be on their knees begging you and Maia for forgiveness. And will sleep with the lights on for the rest of their lives. If you want that, that is."

2009-10-16, 08:44 PM
Is there something else you'd like to talk about apart from punishing my entire village?

2009-10-16, 08:46 PM
Saphrin shrunk a bit, looking at Lucrid guiltily. "...Sorry. I tend to go on a rant, and then I forget that other people are around me when I just keep going and going with the ideas..."

2009-10-16, 08:48 PM
Understandable. He looks off into the distance...

2009-10-16, 08:49 PM
Saphrin felt guilty again, afraid that she really hurt his feelings. "Did I...Did I do something wrong?"

2009-10-16, 08:51 PM
Oh, no. I'm just a little tired from the day's excitement.

2009-10-16, 08:53 PM
"Same here. I wonder what's for dinner tonight? Heh, tonight's trance is going to be fun." She looks at Lucrid. "Say, uh...This is kinda stupid, but, uh, how exactly are sleeping and dreaming different from trancing? I mean, I know the genreal differences, but not really the details."

2009-10-16, 08:55 PM

What's trancing like?

(And speaking of dinner...)

2009-10-16, 08:59 PM
Saphrin chewed over his words for a moment. How best to explain trancing to someone who had never experienced it? "Well, it's basically a high-speed replay of memories. While resting, my mind goes over the memories of the day, committing them to long-term storage. It's in excruciating detail; the most subtle things often become much more obvious after a good night's trance. Really important events tend to play over and over and over again, and sometimes I make comments on the memories and decisions I made. The problem is that it can be pretty rough when there's a really bad memory, or you did something you really regret."

2009-10-16, 09:35 PM
Wow... It sound like trancing is really useful.

Well when we humans dream, our mind goes into a state of calm. What happens is that we have images and visions going through our head, but it's not from the same day we experienced. It's just a random series of dreams, some of which make no sense what so ever.

2009-10-16, 09:39 PM
"It can be, but sometimes, when there's a really traumatizing memory...

But dreaming sounds like it's really entertaining. So for example, in a potential dream...You could be a talking fish who swims through lava and and eats dragon scales for breakfast or something?"

2009-10-16, 09:41 PM
Or something like that. But not all dreams are pleasant. I once had a dream that I was caught smuggling my sister and was burned alongside her. We call those kind of dreams nightmares.

2009-10-16, 09:44 PM
Saphrin winced and shuddered. "That sounds...That sounds horrible. But it didn't happen, were you able to force yourself out of it? I mean, when you dream, are you convinced that what you dream is real?"

2009-10-16, 09:46 PM
Most of the time yes. You become one with the dream and you think it's real. You only realize it's a dream mostly when you wake up. Though sometimes you can realize it's a dream while still dreaming it, but that's rare.

2009-10-16, 09:50 PM
"...Oh man..." She now began to realize just how bad a "nightmare" really could be. "That just...Man, nightmares sound like they really suck."

2009-10-16, 09:52 PM
They do. But we don't have them all the time when we go to sleep. He grins. My sister once had a dream that she got a unicorn for a pet once.

2009-10-16, 09:56 PM
Saphrin snickered again. "Even with the risk of nightmares, it would be worth experiencing this dreaming even once." She looked at Lucrid. "What's the funniest dream you've ever had?"

2009-10-16, 09:58 PM

Well to tell you the truth, I don't really remember. Most dreams people forget after the first day or so. Though some will stick with you like that one nightmare I had. But if I remember it, I'll let you know immediately.

(In other word, I still need time to think of one.)

2009-10-17, 06:03 AM
"Okay, don't rush yourself...Say, uh, is it possible to guess what you'll be dreaming about that night?"

2009-10-17, 11:01 AM
Nope. You usually have no idea what you'll dream until you dream it.

2009-10-17, 07:18 PM
"Hm. That's funny." She looked at Lucrid again and smiled. "It's funny how alike and different we can be."

2009-10-17, 10:04 PM
Ya, it is funny.

(You know what else is funny? The fact that we're trying to come up with stuff that's completly random while we're waiting for the plot to start.)

2009-10-18, 10:23 AM
"Heh." There was that silence again. It was starting to make her feel vaguely uncomfortable, like she should say or do something, just to break it. "...You know, the gnome's been gone for a while. I hope he's okay... Should we go look for him? ...You know what? We should go looking for him. Want to help me out?"

Saphrin searches the wagon. She also looks around and listens for anything unusual or otherwise out of the ordinary.
([roll0] Search)

([roll1] Spot)

([roll2] Listen)

(EDIT: Oh ****ing brilliant)
(I concur. It's been 4 days!)

2009-10-18, 11:18 AM
Lucrid helps looking around.

[roll0] Listen
[roll1] search
[roll2] spot

(Here goes nothing.)

2009-10-18, 05:09 PM
Banj coughs and then smiles in Cho's direction So what do you do for fun where you came from?

He was hoping a conversation would stave off the effects of boredom.

2009-10-18, 08:22 PM
"We play Dragonball. What you do is you use your martial arts techniques to launch a leather ball into your opponent's goal. It's quite fun." Cho Says to Banj

2009-10-18, 08:54 PM
Sounds like it would be. Are you any good?

2009-10-18, 09:53 PM
"I was ranked fifth in the academy" Cho said "Out of a hundered, its pretty good..."

2009-10-18, 10:36 PM
Well I'm the only trained swordsman in my viliage so needless to say I'm the best. I'm out here to save my viliage but I'm also hoping to come across some challenges

A sudden sadness covers Banj's face.

I really hope my villiage will be fine. None of them deserve what they're going through

2009-10-19, 08:01 PM
"What are they going through?" Cho asks "Tyranny, opression?"

2009-10-19, 08:14 PM
Famine mostly, among many other things. No child has been born in over a year, no woman is falling pregnant. The crops are not growing and people are starving. A determined look came across Banj's face That is why I am here. The spiritual leader of the viliage had a vision and told me where to find whatever it is that will break the ... curse

2009-10-19, 08:46 PM
Cho bowed "A quest I hope to help you finish" Cho said "I am on a quest to defeat Evil wherever it may be"

2009-10-19, 10:09 PM
Banj regained his confident smile I'm glad to hear that, Cho. I'm sure we'll make a formitable team.

2009-10-20, 06:12 PM
Banj looks at his hands Hmm

2009-10-22, 06:32 PM
Saphrin looked over at Lucrid. "I can't find him. ...Lucrid, what is it?"

2009-10-22, 10:29 PM
Banj looked across the desert in the afternoon sun. It's beautiful when it's like this. It's going to be cold tonight! He had some experience with deserts. He knew they looked so simple and plain but can be unforgiving and unpredictable. He was glad he had Cho beside him. Even though Banj was so laid back and Cho was more formal he could see that they would complement each other's skills in a battle if need arose.

So Cho, do you travel often? Ever been stuck in a desert before? I hope you brought some warm clothes, it's going to be cold tonight. He looked back to the sun deep in thought and awaiting an answer. Things move slow in the desert

2009-10-23, 06:41 AM
"I haven't travelled much, ever. I have just been iniated into the Order of the Thousand Fists in a few weeks" Cho said "But I do not mind the cold, I have been in blizzards atop mountains many times, keeping warm through my Ki alone."

2009-10-23, 11:14 AM
Lucrid spots the Gnome over at another cart, speakign to a tall elf with deeply tanned skin and an exotic appearance, even more so than normal elves. The elf was examining the spear, nodding and speaking to the gnome, but you can't hear what they're saying from where you are.

The caravan was already forming a circle as the merchants were getting camp set up early. They were on a prime trade route so other travelers would probably come upon the caravan before the sun sets.

A few miles behind the caravan, two carts move along, heading towards the caravan. Aboard are a pair of merchants that left late, a scholar who has come along to study the desert, and young human in scale mail holding a holy symbol. (Steilos, this is you)

2009-10-23, 01:27 PM
Adrian examined the holy symbol-ring lying in his palm. It had taken a while, but he'd gotten it reasonably shiny. Reasonably dull, at least. After putting it back on his finger he did a quick rummage of his pack. Nope, nothing left. He'd already checked it several times in the forlorn hope that there was something in there, but unfortunately he was clean out of supplies. According to the merchants, the caravan he was in was meeting up with a larger one further down. That was fortunate. It meant he might be able to fix the supply problem he was having. Wearily, he trod through the car to the back and began quietly and barely audibly praying, his mind subconsciously and rather cynically waiting for something to happen.

2009-10-23, 07:51 PM
Hey, I see the gnome. He's over in the next cart. Points to it.

2009-10-23, 08:06 PM
"Huh? Oh!" She looked over at where Lucrid was pointing to see the gnome talking to an elf. "I wonder what they're saying. Can you hear what they're saying?"

Somewhat guiltily, Saphrin tries to listen in on the conversation.
([roll0] Listen)

EDIT:Finally, a decent roll.

2009-10-23, 08:13 PM
"Huh? Oh!" She looked over at where Lucrid was pointing to see the gnome talking to an elf. "I wonder what they're saying. Can you hear what they're saying?"

Somewhat guiltily, Saphrin tries to listen in on the conversation.
([roll0] Listen)

EDIT:Finally, a decent roll.

(Wow. Good for you)

Listen: [roll0]

(If Lucrid fails this listen check.)

Well, why don't we go over and talk to him?

2009-10-25, 08:10 AM
Saphrin grabs Lucrid by the back of his shirt. "Shush! Don't move or make any noise," she whispers. "I can barely hear them as it is." She looks at Lucrid curiously as she whispers. "Can't you hear what they're sa--Oh, right. Human. Just keep quiet and don't move."

(Running off of the 18 Listen check from before, Saphrin listens in on the conversation)

2009-10-26, 10:03 AM
You can faintly make out some of their conversation. A light wind breaks up some of their words.

Gnome: "I don't know ... ..ey fou.. ... I swear I t....d it w.... noone wou.. ..nd it."

Elf: "What are you ...ng to do now, Be.....? Tell them it's wor.....s and buy it fr.. ..em. It is too po.....l for them to keep."

The gnome seems ot be agreeing with the elf. He begins to make his way back to his cart.

2009-10-26, 11:29 AM
What did you hear Saphrin?

2009-10-26, 02:11 PM
What did you hear Saphrin?

Saphrin paled slightly. She couldn't make out all of it, but she could make out enough.

"Some bits were covered up, but I caught most of what they said...And I don't think I like it." She took a deep breath. "Apparently the gnome knows what it is and got rid of it for some reason. Or gave it to someone. In any case, he has no idea how we got it and he doesn't seem to like that we got it. The elf said...'What are you going to do now? Be...' Be... might be the gnome's name, but I'm not sure. And then it was broken off. The gnome's going to tell us it's worthless and buy it from us. But...It's really powerful. He said it's too powerful for us to keep. I dunno if that means it's cursed or an artifact or something...But I think we should keep our hands on it. And keep quiet about it. I don't think these guys are trustworthy." Saphrin sighed and muttered, "Guh. Times like these I wish I accepted the Jade Patrol's offer just for that Detect Evil spell."

2009-10-26, 02:14 PM
Well, it seems that we need to get it back. Let me do the talking.