View Full Version : The Health and Wellness Thread

2009-10-12, 10:42 PM
This thread doesn't immediately seem to be available on this board, and I think it's something we can all talk about here, so for all those who are feeling under the weather or just wondering what you should do for seasonal allergies, this is the thread for you.

Post your concerns about physical well-being (for mental well-being, go here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=113851)), and maybe offer some advice to those of us who are feeling a little less than full-speed.

Note that all the Playground Rules (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/announcement.php?a=1) still apply in this thread.

Now as for me...this is a health issue that has been going on for awhile. All of the time, I suffer from headaches. Not migranes, mind you. Not intense headaches, but dull ones, that last for a very long time and make my head feel like cotton. And when they stay for too long, occasionally I have a slight convulsion in my body. Now, I have seasonal allergies (both indoor and outdoor, lucky me), so the headaches might just be from that, but it seems like whenever I stay still for too long, I get a convulsion that shakes a part of my body that I can't stop (usually around my face and neck, but sometimes a leg or an arm). I take allergy medicine for my sinuses (Allegra now, though it used to be Zertec), and while the convulsions, which mostly took place last Spring semester, have mostly gone away, I still occasionally get one from time to time.

2009-10-12, 11:45 PM
Yeegh, that sounds really annoying. I've had a remarkably sturdy constitution with regards to that sort of thing myself, no allergies I'm aware of and I rarely get sick.

However, during the summer I was very slightly ill with the strangest sickness I've ever had: It was like a mild fever, but I only ever had one symptom at a time, changing overnight. Stuffed up nose, cough, temperature, it was always only one thing. It mostly went away after a couple weeks, and it was mild during that time. However, since then, for over two months, despite having completely recovered in every other way, my right nostril apparently never got the memo, and is still running. Not sure what's up with that, but it's getting rather annoying.

2009-10-12, 11:46 PM
However, during the summer I was very slightly ill with the strangest sickness I've ever had: It was like a mild fever, but I only ever had one symptom at a time, changing overnight. Stuffed up nose, cough, temperature, it was always only one thing. It mostly went away after a couple weeks, and it was mild during that time. However, since then, for over two months, despite having completely recovered in every other way, my right nostril apparently never got the memo, and is still running. Not sure what's up with that, but it's getting rather annoying.

I had a mild version of that for a about 5 days last week. It was really strange.

2009-10-12, 11:49 PM
Allergies are my bane. I don't have any severe allergies, just pollen and stuff makes my throat close up a bit and gives me a runny nose. The problem is that this in turn gives me things like sinusitis, and bronchitis, which I HATE (the feeling of not being able to breath is the worst thing I've experienced).
I'm also allergic to cat hair, which is a problem cause I love cats. A lot. As in "I would own a million cats if I could maintain them" love.
Luckily allergy medicines take care of all the problems, and they last long enough that I could probably keep a cat as a pet.

I also get very strong headaches as soon as I get even a bit sleepy. Does that happen to anyone else?

2009-10-13, 12:18 AM
At least it's only cats for you. ;p You name the animal and I'm probably allergic to it. Cats, dogs, birds, and most types of trees too. And I love all of them ^^; Allergies are very annoying...though at least I'm fortunate enough not to have food allergies.

I'm not sure about severe headaches when you get tired though...if maybe you're letting yourself get overtired, I could see that you might get a headache. Maybe try getting to sleep a little sooner than you usually do?

2009-10-13, 12:19 AM
Anemia + low blood pressure = spells of dizziness and lightheadedness. Happening more often now. I don't want to go in for a tilt-table test. x.x

2009-10-13, 12:31 AM
I've got mild asthma, seasonal allergies, and suffer occasional, unexplained, debilitating nausea.

2009-10-13, 12:33 AM
Anemia + low blood pressure = spells of dizziness and lightheadedness. Happening more often now. I don't want to go in for a tilt-table test. x.x

Ouch. :smallfrown: I know the pain. One of my best friends is anemic. She takes some iron supplements and she's prone to getting really tired, but is probably one of the coolest people I know. Combined with low blood pressure...Mmm...Of course, this is one of those few cases where red meat is actually a boon to your health, so if you like red meat, then take that as you will.

2009-10-13, 12:53 AM
I have a lot of friends who could use this thread...some pretty interesting conditions among them. I'm remarkably healthy though...