View Full Version : [X] Possible Artificer ACF (Actual rule found)

2009-10-14, 11:36 AM
I let someone playing an Artificer in one of my game's use this ability. Possibly foolish but that still needs to be seen.

Anyway I'm asking the good homebrewers of the forum to read through it and let me know if it's in any way balanced, and if so what form should it take; ACF, Feat, multiple Feats etc?

Stingy Craftsman

Some Artificers don't feel the need to waste their talents on improving allies in the heat of the moment, they prefer to be ready weeks before hand.

Lose: Infusions (maybe in the same manner as a Battle Sorcerer instead of a Blanket loss)

Gain: Your focus on crafting Magic Items has unlocked within you the ability to drain another's life force into an item the same way you do your own.

1. To draw XP from a person they need to be willing. No mugging enemies for XP (maybe at higher levels).

2. Any XP drawn must be infused into the creation of an item withing 1 hour of extraction or it is lost.

3. You can draw as much, or as little as you want at any one time, but if you draw more than you need (eg. if you're feeling particularly malicious at the time), excess is also lost if not used.

4.Every extraction takes 10 minutes (100 rounds) to complete. If either participant is interrupted during the process they must make a DC 20+(your character level + 1/2 the other participant's character level) Concentration check or the process fails and must be started again, but the donater still gains a Negative Level (see below).

5. The person donating XP gains a temporary Negative Level every time they participate. After 1 hour has passed from the end of the process you make a DC 10+(your character level + 1/2 the other participant's character level) Fort Save to remove it. If you fail it persists for 23 further hours before disappearing. These Negative Level never become permanent. You must Save against each Negative Level separately, and they stack with each other and Negative Levels from other sources.

6. XP drained can never make the person lose a level. If an attempt would place the participant at a lower XP total han was required then the process fails, but the donater still gains a Negative Level (see above).

Any thoughts?

2009-10-14, 11:40 AM
I'm not too familiar with Artificers, but doesn't crafting already work as "anyone in the crafting group can contribute to any part of the process"?

If I'm remembering wrong, it sound pretty cool.

2009-10-14, 11:45 AM
I'm not too familiar with Artificers, but doesn't crafting already work as "anyone in the crafting group can contribute to any part of the process"?

If I'm remembering wrong, it sound pretty cool.

Really? :smalleek:

This might be a tad embarrassing if you're right.

2009-10-14, 12:01 PM
Nope. It's an optional rules from Unearthed Arcana or whatever that book of alternate rules was called. A decent rule in a crafter-heavy party, but still an optional rule.

2009-10-15, 12:19 AM
There's also something similar in the PHB2 web enhancement (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060526a).

2009-10-15, 05:31 AM
There's also something similar in the PHB2 web enhancement (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060526a).

That's pretty much exactly what I was thinking. The negative levels in my version were basically just my way of showing that you'd had your life drained (like how you feel woozy after you give blood).

Thanks much Ranos.