View Full Version : World Building- [Sandbox 2]

2009-10-14, 05:35 PM
The streets of Renar are packed. The stench is overpowering.

People have been waiting a long time for these days to come. Three days would the man answer question. Only six people a day. Few were chosen, and those that were often went on to do great things. The six that had been chosen the day before hadn't been heard from quite yet; they were insignificant as now, barely worthy of attention.

For the time being, the people stood around the forum and waited. The messenger would be out soon.

2009-10-14, 06:40 PM

From the edge of a crowd, a short stout man arrived. Clad in hood and cloak, wearing a bow and blade, just last week he had heard of this eccentric man with the all the answers. He'd lost his temper then, the weasel with the information was not very cooperative. Today he would find his nemesis, and destroy him with his own two hands. But...

Stupid city. Stupid crowd. Stupid people...

He begins shoving his way through the crowd, probably knocking someone else over.

2009-10-14, 06:42 PM
Yet nothing to say and no time to say it.

Quarion slowly walked about the forum, anxious, mumbling a few words to himself every now and again for assurance.

2009-10-14, 08:06 PM
K paced back and forth sweating as he looks at the crowd. Naberius was becoming most annoying to him but he needed his quick wit and silver tongue to charm his way into the wise man. Any little advantage would do so long as he could find his fathers name. He hops to a ledge but resists the urge to just talk. He looks around for any sign of movement in the line.

Arq Kujos
2009-10-15, 12:15 AM
Walking around Renar at this time of day was incredibly annoying. Crowds flocked to see the wise man. Each one wanted to have their puny questions answered. Marcus could not imagine just how annoying it must be to be so bothered. If he had learned one thing about power, it was that it always had consequences.

Shaking off that last thought, Marcus decided to watch. If the old man was as good as he had heard, then surely he could help Marcus further his studies. Most wizards today were insane, weak, or untrustworthy. None that Marcus had encountered could provide any insight on how he could grow stronger. Maybe this one could.

Sweat started to form on his brow as the sun beat down on the crowd. Marcus tugged at his armor slightly and then double checked his pockets, making sure that no quick pickpocket had grabbed his coin purse. It was going to be a long wait.

2009-10-15, 12:41 AM

Though he was small, the crowd was thick, and even for him, it was becoming irritatingly difficult to pass through the crowd, the closer to the wise man he got. As it did so, he decided it would be ridiculous to find a place to walk past each time, and so began pushing and shoving even more. There weren't very many of them, but occasionally there was an armored wannabe knight or somesuch. He pushed one of these aside as he walked closer to his destination. He would not care for their ire, for he would disappear like a shadow. Yep, like a shadow, no one would dare grab him anyway, he must have looked so intimidating. Intimidating indeed with all of his three feet of height.

Frog Dragon
2009-10-15, 03:37 AM
The tall armored man pushed through the crowd. "I have to be close. I've been shoving through these damned crowds for ages" "Dammit" He kept on pushing through the crowd until he found the place. Finally he would be able to find the damnable thief who eluded him.

2009-10-15, 03:36 PM

Quarion hears a man pushing though the crowd, and he is approaching very quickly. Before the man even reaches him, he forges a telepathic link to the man. "Cease pushing, or when you hit me I will make you stop."

Intimidate: [roll0]

2009-10-16, 05:04 PM
Hint hint a good time for a DM post...

2009-10-16, 06:04 PM
Maybe you shouldn't control the NPC's.

Hint hint.

2009-10-16, 08:32 PM
Thorne isn't an NPC...

2009-10-16, 08:33 PM
He also happens to not have armor

2009-10-16, 08:35 PM

2009-10-16, 08:45 PM

He easily evaded the armored man. After he heard the voice in his head he knew it was magic. He could smell it in the air. He searched, and turned without moving, and after a few moments, he pinpointed the location of the user. He was on his way that way anyways. He pushed through the crowd and discovered him by sight, at that moment, he pulled the trigger of his sleeve blade and jumped up to the man's throat, knocking him over and poising the dagger to his throat. He shook him, and barks in a dreadfully hoarse voice

Don't threaten me, boy.


I don' know the utility of using intimidate skill on another player. Better just RP it without rolls, as I'm pretty sure its a static DC.

2009-10-16, 08:57 PM
Quarion views the knife and is unreasonably calm. ****, he's gonna slice me he thinks to himself. "My apologies, sir. Now if you don't mind," he says, wriggling a little bit.

Ya, your probably right

GitP stars out words? I never knew.

2009-10-16, 09:10 PM

Unemotionally, he retracts his blade with short sound. Then he rises and speaks with that horribly throaty, scratchy voice


Then he turns and realizes the others in the crowd were watching. He glares at all of them. The people will probably back up when his eye turns them.


Now he has parted the red sea! On to Canaan! sea of people. An easier path to the wise man opened up for him.

Yea they have a wierd filter. It filters a lot of things, but it doesn't filter bitch. :smalltongue:

EDIT ((Yay, I have like four other games going on. I guess it was bound to get confusing sooner or later.))

2009-10-16, 09:46 PM
Noticing a chance to have some fun K call upon the power of his Vestige. He cast Disguise Self on himself making him look an old man in peasants clothing. He walks over to them and bumps into one saying "Spare some change for an old man?"

[roll0] Disguise check
19 on bluff as I am taking 10 thanks to Vestige

Spot of 33 to notice I am not an old man
Sense Motive of 19 to suspect I am lieing
DC 14 will to see I am using a glamor

2009-10-16, 10:28 PM
Leng Tsei

A lithe cloaked figure makes his way through the crowd, towards where he hopes to have his question asked. The man's Eastern features are barely visible under his hood as he gently nudges people away with his stuff to get through the crowd. He begins to hacks as he goes, and stops at one point to double over and cough. As he stands and surveys the crowd, he dabs at his lips with a handkerchief, and catches sight of a pair of men going dangerously near a knife fight before disconnecting. Hm. Strange city.

2009-10-18, 02:09 PM
A sudden hush falls across the crowd. A handsome man with a scroll has stepped onto the forum's stage. Those who were present the day before would recognize him as the messenger.

"Master Athear has chosen the following to ask his or her question:
Rhaka Bhalake
Thorne Brackwater
Marcus Quinton
Leng Tsei
Quarion Skar
And the man known as 'K.'
Would the listed people kindly step forward so I may escort them to the master's manor?"

Discord rose through the crowd as they didn't hear any familiar names. A few attempted to step on the stage claiming to be one of the called names, but theman politely turned them aside.

2009-10-18, 02:23 PM
The old man walks forward as the spell of deceit falls from his form and his normal form appears. He walks to the announcer with a serious face and does not stop for anything. "I am the one know as K." He says to the man "anything I should know before we go? Such as what not to say or what might offend him?" He is so happy you could see his eye light up, finally! His ancestors name would his!

Arq Kujos
2009-10-18, 03:20 PM
Marcus smirked a little when he heard his name called. At last. He walked slowly towards the stage, unsure of how this man knew his name. A few people grabbed at him, trying to get him to listen, but Marcus simply waved them aside. When he approached the stage, he looked around. "I am Marcus Quinton." He said nothing else, waiting for the others to arrive.

2009-10-18, 08:06 PM

When Thorne arrived, there were only two of the other chosen. Some others who were claiming to be those among the chosen were causing some upstart over yonder. Then, an idiot arrived at the front claiming, "I am Thorne Brackwater!" Thorne clenches his teeth then he steps up and considers jumping the man like he did that other fellow in the crowd, but he decided that would be imprudent and make himself look like a fraud. So instead, he etched a mark consisting of a bundle of wheat and a coin into the back of his gauntlet and stood before the caller and said in an absolutely throaty (and batman-like) voice

He's a fraud. The Brackwater's wear this symbol

He shows the caller the crude symbol on his gauntlet.

Man of few words if you hadn't figured it out.

Arq Kujos
2009-10-18, 08:29 PM
OOC: I get the feeling we have more than a few of those men (and women) of few words.

2009-10-18, 08:58 PM
"Sir Brackwater, I assure you I don't need any made-up symbols telling me who you are. Master Athear gave me detailed descriptions of each of you."

[OOC:It's all right. I have a character of few words myself.]

Arq Kujos
2009-10-18, 09:14 PM
Marcus smirked at the messenger. He could only imagine the things he knew, or the things his master knew. Plus, it was funny to see him blow off this man's symbol. Marcus's symbol, a sword propping up an open book, was etched into his armor and on his gauntlet. It was symbol he created after he left the mercenary company. He wrung his hands in anticipation.

2009-10-18, 09:20 PM
"No worries, Sir Quinton. I know your symbol was not etched in haste or anxiety," the man told him, smiling.

"And no, I cannot read minds. I just have a gift of excellent perception. Your hands give your worry away."

2009-10-18, 09:33 PM

Thorne smirks

I would say you're right... but it's not made-up.

It's the actual mark of the Brackwater tribe. He just didn't have one on him from abandoning them for so long. And its painful for him to talk, hence the reason for his short use of words.

Arq Kujos
2009-10-18, 09:34 PM
"Then you should know why I am here." He brushed his hair back and extended his hand in friendship. "I don't believe I caught your name."

2009-10-18, 09:48 PM
[OOC: Ah, I thought it was something on the spot. My bad.]

The man's face looked confused at the halfling's comment. "I'm sorry, Sir Brackwater, I did not know."

He then took Marcus's hand and shook it. "I am Ceax Levek, Sir Quinton. I must say, you are much more polite than most I am sent to escort."

Arq Kujos
2009-10-19, 07:02 AM
OOC: Well, in a sense, all symbols, family or not, are made up. He could be referring to the true symbols of magic like ancient runes. But that isn't really important.

"Thank you, Mr. Levek. In my line of work, one cannot afford to forget good manners. Enemies today could very well be employers tomorrow."

Marcus shook the man's hand carefully, examining his grip and his hand. Marcus was polite about it, and tried not to show it. This man was very welcoming,but Marcus was a naturally suspicious person. And this Brackwater fellow seemed a little off to him.

Frog Dragon
2009-10-19, 08:49 AM
Rhaka reaches the forum just as the names are called. He then wordlessly ascends to the stage, casting a mean glare at anyone trying to pose as him. He walked up the stage and reminded himself of proper code "I am Rhaka Bhalake as I believe you already know." He says in a courteous and polite manner "What would be your name?"

2009-10-19, 01:51 PM
"Quarion Skar.", Q said, making his way though the crowd. A slight bow was presented to both the messenger and the others that were there.

2009-10-19, 05:41 PM
K takes note to mentaly write down all the names and faces. He takes one last look around. "K is the name" K mutters to the others in a bleak show of manors. He just wants to find out the demons name and be done with this life goal.

2009-10-20, 09:27 PM
To Marcus's trained hand, Ceax's is obviously that of a well-trained swordsman. He wasn't an apprentice, but he wasn't a master either. The scar running down his cheek was clean, suggesting a skilled hand. It was a thin, faded scar, one that had healed wel overall.

Ceax lets go and return's Rhaka's handshake (again speaking his name) as well as Q's bow. He looks over those assembled on the stage and comments, "Good, only Sir Tsei is needed. We'll give him a minute and then we'll be on our way."

Arq Kujos
2009-10-20, 09:32 PM
To Marcus's trained hand, Ceax's is obviously that of a well-trained swordsman. He wasn't an apprentice, but he wasn't a master either. The scar running down his cheek was clean, suggesting a skilled hand. It was a thin, faded scar, one that had healed well overall.

Marcus smiled to himself, thinking of how fun this could be. He was serious about his job, but he knew that this adventure was going to shape up to be quite the challenge. Maybe one day, he and Ceax could duel. A chance to prove oneself was a precious thing.

Frog Dragon
2009-10-22, 04:09 AM
"Thank you" Rhaka says plainly and walks to wait... whereever the others are waiting:smalltongue:

2009-10-22, 02:24 PM
Dang it, Faulty, I know you're on here. Post, please, or I'll move on.

2009-10-25, 02:30 PM
"Sir Tsei?" the messenger called out.

"Oh dear," he said suddenly. "Yes, yes I unerstand. Right away, sir."

He called out, "Is there a Dagred Bronzebottom out there? If so, please step forward."

King Tius
2009-10-26, 03:56 PM
Dagred Bronzebottom

A stout dwarf with a pair of swords strapped to his back steps forward.

"I'm Dagred. What of it?"

2009-10-26, 06:20 PM

Thorne turned to see the new arrival. He said nothing, preferring to save himself the pain of speaking. He only thought to himself, Gods... he doesn't even know what he's here for... He sighs to himself inwardly, making no noise, this is going to be a long day...

2009-10-27, 08:01 PM
As soon as the dwarf appeared, Ceax took off, calling, "Follow me!"

He seemed worried compared to what he had been before he called the dwarf up. His pace was brisk, and he moved with purpose.

King Tius
2009-10-27, 08:23 PM
"Wha? This better be worth my time."

He follows.

2009-10-27, 08:24 PM
"The rest of you as well!"

2009-10-27, 08:28 PM
Q follows.

2009-10-27, 08:32 PM

Thorne hurries after Ceax, thinking how odd this situation was. What the hell is this...? First, they make us wait, and now we're running blindly in. Not that there should be any danger, but I hardly know where we're going as I'm sure the others are.

2009-10-27, 08:37 PM
K walks with the group but finds himself board again. He quickly changes form after form trying it on so to speak. From an old man to a young girl he from rarely stayed in one bit for to long. "So long as my question is answered"

Arq Kujos
2009-10-27, 08:54 PM
Waiting for the others to go before, Marcus followed after them. Whoever this dwarf was, he obviously did not know what was going on, or worse, he did and was simply hiding that fact.

2009-10-28, 08:50 AM
"Hurry, before--"

A sudden scream rang out. All of a sudden, more and more did. The seven assembled could hear it plain as day, along with people running.

"Get around me, quick!" Ceax cried, drawing the greatsword at his side. "Tell me, can you hear it?"

[Listen check]

Arq Kujos
2009-10-28, 08:58 AM

Marcus drew his sword in response to Ceax drawing his. "What is going on here?"

Frog Dragon
2009-10-28, 10:10 AM
"What's this?!" Rhaka whips out his maul and sets in front of Ceax, in a stance representing his will to fight off whatever caused them to halt (Martial Spirit stance. Should I roll for Crusader maneuvers?)

2009-10-28, 10:21 AM
Please do.

2009-10-28, 02:09 PM
"This is getting annoying...." K says as he pulls his sickle out with one hand as the other glows with a green aura

[roll0] listen

King Tius
2009-10-28, 05:27 PM
Listen: [roll0]

2009-10-28, 07:07 PM
Listen: [roll0]

2009-10-28, 08:07 PM

Thorne follows cautiously, this was becoming bizarre. Somehow, this man knew who he was, not that it mattered he realized by now, but more importantly after he had called everyone up something had started to happen. He didn't think he'd need a weapon for the situation however, probably just the man and the wizard leading them around for amusement. But he drew a dagger from its sheathe on his thigh anyway. Just in case.
Listen: [roll0]

2009-10-28, 08:14 PM
As the seven listen intently through the sounds of a stampede, only Q, K, and Thorne hear what Ceax was referring to: an eerie moan. To those who had heard it before, it was an unmistakable, unearthly sound.

K recognized it immediately, due to his knowledge of creatures of this nature (Answer in a PM).

Initiative, everybody. If Q and Thorne wish to make an untrained Knowledge check, go ahead.

2009-10-28, 08:23 PM

Wow, must be extraplanar because I have training in four knowledge skills. Wouldn't be a demon/devil would it? That would be harsh
Untrained Knowledge: [roll0]

Upon hearing the terrible sound, he sheathes his blade, whips out his bow, and nocks an arrow.

2009-10-28, 08:31 PM
"This level of dark magic for a mere answer? Would have been better to ask the gods then...." K says more to himself then to the others. He adopts a red skinned form similar to his own and his hands green aura grows brighter.


King Tius
2009-10-28, 08:54 PM
Dagred draws his two blades and readies himself.


Arq Kujos
2009-10-28, 09:09 PM
What was going on? Marcus summoned the magic that stirred inside him and then pointed at his blade with his index and middle finger. He ran them from the hilt of the sword to the tip, coating it in a white glow. If there was a battle to be fought, he would be ready.

Marcus will cast True Strike on himself from his Warmage spell list and the prepare for combat.

Int: [roll0]

2009-10-28, 09:23 PM
"This was not expected, warlock. I'm not entirely sure what the source of this is, but I have a terrible feeling. This was planned to coincide with the answers. I'm sorry it happened to you folks," Ceax said, twirling his sword in circles on either side of him. It was no attempt to show off; it seemed he was nervous.

2009-10-28, 09:37 PM

With his bow and arrow ready, Thorne still remains towards the back of the group.This is impossible and even more bizarre! Mindless undead? In the city? Who would be so bold?

EDIT: edit'd post because Thorne's reaction was innapropriate to the situation

Frog Dragon
2009-10-29, 08:52 AM
[roll0] (Init)

Arq Kujos
2009-10-29, 12:47 PM
"This was not expected, warlock. I'm not entirely sure what the source of this is, but I have a terrible feeling. This was planned to coincide with the answers. I'm sorry it happened to you folks," Ceax said, twirling his sword in circles on either side of him. It was no attempt to show off; it seemed he was nervous.

"Ceax!" Marcus said quickly with a sharp tone. "Steady your blade and remain calm. If there is a threat, I am sure that we can handle it. Your master did not choose us arbitrarily." His words were firm but there was no malice in them. Marcus knew that if they were to survive whatever it was that was coming, they all needed to be calm and prepared. Marcus moved up and stood at the front of the group and readied his blade.

2009-10-29, 12:54 PM
"I'm not nervous about fighting. I haven't been for years. No, I'm nervous about what we're fighting, because zombies don't ever randomly appear. Ever. Like I said, someone planned this. You're right, we can handle them, I'm sure, but the ramifications of this fight are more troubling."

Arq Kujos
2009-10-29, 01:27 PM
OOC: Ok, I'm officially ready to get this fight started.

"Zombies? That is a different matter all together. Perhaps swords are not the answer to this problem." Marcus took his sword and changed his stance after he sheathed it. He kept his shield arm parallel with his body while his right arm extended out. His right hand started to glow with a dim green light as he pointed his finger at the slowly approaching zombies. "Ceax, if this was planned to coincide with our selection, then perhaps their master is headed towards your master. Perhaps we should not tarry here any longer than absolutely necessary."

2009-10-29, 01:34 PM
"Oh, trust me, he couldn't get to Master Athear even with Hell's Legions. This is a test."

You can't tell where the zombies are. They haven't appeared through the crowd yet. We'll fight as soon as Guru gets initiative, which will be soon.

Arq Kujos
2009-10-29, 01:44 PM
You can't tell where the zombies are. They haven't appeared through the crowd yet. We'll fight as soon as Guru gets initiative, which will be soon.

OOC: Oh, damn. Well, then I am double prepared. I'll blast the first group of zombies I see and then engage in melee as needed.

2009-10-30, 09:39 PM
As Guru has failed to respond within the requested time period, I shall roll for him.

Guru: [roll0]
Zombies: [roll1]

Initiative Order:

K's up!

2009-10-30, 10:03 PM
K hesitates at begin called warlock for a split second, for few people in the world knew him as a warlock or a binder. He keeps his eye out for the first wave of zombies and a sick glee appears on his face as he twirls his sickle and moves into eh crowed thirsty for combat.

"Well lets kill them fast. We have questions to answer."

K readies an action move 30 & blast the first Zombie he sees that in range.
[roll0] Attack vs Touch
[roll1] Damage

King Tius
2009-10-30, 10:06 PM
Dagred wades into the crowd, swords out. He'll hack the first zombie he sees (let me know if I should roll).

Arq Kujos
2009-10-31, 12:10 AM
OOC: Well, I have true strike cast on my sword and a readied Orb of Acid, Lesser, I'll open fire on the first zombie I see and then prepare to attack in melee the first zombie that gets close.

Frog Dragon
2009-10-31, 03:37 AM
Rhaka charges at a zombie not attacked by Dagred and attempts to smash it's head in with the maul

[roll0] (Power Attack)
[roll1] (If this attacks succeeds I heal everyone within 30 squared by 2, but no one's injured anyway right now.)

2009-10-31, 10:47 AM
Woah, big fella, you can't charge: there isn't a direct line between you and any zombie. The crowd is in the way.

Frog Dragon
2009-10-31, 11:43 AM
Then I'll just manifest Offensive Prescience (+2 Damage) expending one power point and walk into the crowd.

2009-11-01, 08:07 PM
I take it Thorne just has his bow ready?

A couple of zombies wander out of the crowd, heading for the heroes not wading in the crowd itself. Dagred manages to see one through the thinning crowd, shambling its way after the other two. Rhaka does not see one yet.

Ceax stops his sword. He seems poised to attack once a zombie has come within range.

Zombies 1 and 2 are about 70 ft. from you all. Dagred's is about 10 feet from him.

2009-11-01, 09:46 PM
Q utters a word as he looks at one of the zombies.

Mind THRUST! [roll0]

2009-11-01, 11:19 PM
Thorne has his bow ready, yea. Sorry about that, should've said it OOC. I'm going to go right ahead and assume I have LOS. If I'm wrong correct me quickly.


As soon as the zombie leaves the crowd, he sights it, and re-aims and looses an arrow at it. He mutters to himself after the arrow flies. A very gargle-y and hoarse mutter.

Goddamn... they get nastier every time.

Longbow: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2009-11-01, 11:28 PM
Q's attack does nothing to the zombie. It simply doesn't have any sort of thought process to overload.

Thorne's arrow narrowly misses the zombie. He shakes it off, blaming nerves.

2009-11-02, 03:19 PM
When it becomes K's turn he moves another 30 into the zombies and keeps his readies action.

OoC: None one checking the other thread?

2009-11-02, 07:05 PM
Nope, not really.

Whoops, zombies don't have minds!

2009-11-07, 04:22 PM

Thorne curses and moves quickly as he draws another arrow from the quiver on his back and nocks it. Still not close enough, but it'll have to do. he thinks as he looses the arrow against zombie #1

Move 30 ft. towards the zombies then fire one arrow.
Longbow: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Arq Kujos
2009-11-14, 01:59 PM
OOC: Man, it has been over a week. Where is everyone?:smallconfused:

Frog Dragon
2009-11-14, 04:28 PM
OOC: I'm waiting for my turn to come up.

Arq Kujos
2009-11-15, 12:33 AM
OOC: I was referring to Woodsman, specifically. I liked this character. I would hate for this to die.

2009-11-15, 12:34 AM
Ooc: Dito ....

2009-11-15, 12:44 AM
Oh, I'm around. If King Tius would post his actions, we could get somewhere.

Arq Kujos
2009-11-15, 12:51 AM
OOC: YAY, this thread has been revived. King Tius, we await your post, sir.

King Tius
2009-11-16, 10:19 PM

OOC: Sorry everybody. I must have missed the thread notification with my spotty internets. Updating now!

Dagred rushes forward and attacks the closest zombie.

attack: [roll0]

2009-11-17, 09:58 AM
Dagred's sword cuts easily through the zombie; however, it barely seems to notice.

Rhaka's turn

Frog Dragon
2009-11-17, 10:48 AM
There's that Marcus ahead of me in init, but I'll act.
Rhaka looks around for zombies, and if he sees one, he will walk up and smash it

2009-11-17, 11:27 AM
Woops, my bad.

No worries, combat isn't really affected.

Arq Kujos
2009-11-17, 11:28 AM
OOC: Marcus is holding his turn unless the zombies are within range of his Lesser orb of Acid spell. If they are, Woodsman, then he will open fire on the first zombie he sees. And could we get a map of some kind? That would really make this easier.

2009-11-25, 07:41 PM
Suddenly, the zombies crumble into dust. A slight breeze picks up and carries the remnants away. Ceax looks surprised and sheathes his sword. "Well, that's odd," he states.

"All right, follow me," he says and motions for you to follow. "It's a bit of a walk, though."


You reach a massive wall of stone an hour's walk. The iron gate is locked tight, and Ceax doesn't have a key. "No worries, I'll find a guard," he says walking adjacent to the wall. "Stay here," he commands.

That was getting us nowhere, and it served its purpose. Things will hopefully move faster now.

2009-11-25, 11:08 PM
Thorne Brackwater

He had just drawn an arrow and lifted his bow to launch it when suddenly, the zombies vanished from existence. Confused but not completely convinced, he still held his bow in the direction of the zombies as his eyes darted around the area. Finally, he slowly let down the bow and its string and retrieved the arrow. What happened? Does that mean whoever's doing this is gone? he wonders to himself.

Arq Kujos
2009-11-30, 11:07 AM
Marcus let the energy spell in his hand dissolve as the zombies turned to dust. "That was a fun exercise in futility." Marcus moved on with Ceax and the group. When they reached the wall, he seemed slightly annoyed that the gate was not ready to be opened. Bad form, he thought to himself. Still, Marcus tried to remain calm and polite. After all, he was searching for a more permanent and stable employer than some two bit tyrant trying to hold on to whatever land he could see. That, and Marcus needed whatever help he could obtain magically.

King Tius
2009-12-07, 07:39 PM

The Dwarf looks at where the undead had just been in front of him. He chuckles and sheaths his sword. "Well, that was interesting." He follows Ceax to the stone wall and waits impatiently.

OOC: Sorry, I was real, real sick. This thing still on?

Frog Dragon
2009-12-12, 06:31 AM
"Peculiar." Rhaka comments and sets his maul back in his back.

2009-12-12, 10:53 AM
K passes the time by changing is appearance every 5 minutes. He talks to the others if asked a question but does not engage them.