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2009-10-15, 08:29 AM
Pretty self-explanatory as far as thread titles go :smallbiggrin:
Who is your favorite D&D character?

Me, I like Artemis Entreri. More so now that he's written as a flawed, believable anti-hero as opposed to the god-like Gary Stu he was when he was the primary antagonist of Drizzt. Previously he was written as unbeatable, a silent predator able to exterminate all opposition. Now, he is matched up against opponents as high a level as he, if not higher.

Another character I like is Kimmuriel. Strangely, I'm less partial to Jarlaxle, probably more so because of his any-item-for-any-season clause. His personality and what he says is pure comedy gold though.

The Rose Dragon
2009-10-15, 08:35 AM
Alustriel, the Silver Lady of Silvermoon.

Followed by the Simbul, Storm and the rest of her sisters.

2009-10-15, 08:37 AM
Snails. Oh yes. I went there.

2009-10-15, 09:46 AM
TSR D&D: Black Dougal :smallcool:

WOTC D&D: Pimp Daddy Krusk

The J Pizzel
2009-10-15, 09:50 AM
Snails. Oh yes. I went there.

You are not welcomed here. You should probably leave. No, don't bother packing. Just go. It's best for everyone. Trust me.


The Rose Dragon
2009-10-15, 09:53 AM
You are not welcomed here. You should probably leave. No, don't bother packing. Just go. It's best for everyone. Trust me.

Dibs on his dice and books!

2009-10-15, 09:56 AM

And Drizzt - but more as a story character than as a D&D character. As a D&D character he wasn't half as cool.

2009-10-15, 09:56 AM
I used to like Artemis the most, but then Salvatore had to turn him into a wuss. Giving tragic pasts, and childhood abuses as a reason for his path. I was done with Entreri after that.

I like Gromph the most now.

2009-10-15, 09:59 AM
Boo, the miniature giant space hamster.

2009-10-15, 10:04 AM
Alustriel, the Silver Lady of Silvermoon.

She's one kinky lady. I like.

2009-10-15, 10:04 AM
Boo, the miniature giant space hamster.


*cough* Sorry about that anyway my favorite character is Raistlin Majere.

2009-10-15, 10:06 AM
haha...minsc... good times.

Tiax is pretty cool too, but I have to go with Jarlaxle. That guy has a plan for EVERYTHING.

PairO'Dice Lost
2009-10-15, 10:11 AM
Jarlaxle and Gromph for me as well.

2009-10-15, 10:14 AM
Mialee's pretty cool.

If I had to give a serious answer, I'd go with the Nameless One. Planescape: Torment counts, right?

2009-10-15, 10:26 AM
I like Mort.

"If it wasn't for me, chief, you'd just be walking around going, 'wuh-wuh-where are my muh-muh-memories?'"

But don't trust the skull!

2009-10-15, 10:29 AM
Flynn the Fallen from the first Penhaligon book (since the other two aren't allowed to exist.)

2009-10-15, 10:35 AM
Far too many alternatives to choose from.

The Lady of Pain.

Gromph, the only piece of testesterone that counts in Menzobarranzan.

Acererak, builder of the Tomb.

Drizz't, when he was young. (or maybe before he started sucking)

Artemis Entreri, also when he was young.

Sturm Brightblade, a proper paladin despite not actually being one.

Sarevok, for rocking.

Cyric the greater god.

Lloth, possibly the only deity to actually matter in day to day life of her followers.

Kurtulmak, everyone loves kobolds.

Jarlaxle, in small doses.

Azalin, the mix of suck and awesome is much more compelling than a fully awesome darklord like Strahd.

2009-10-15, 10:37 AM
Pharaun Mizzrym, who seems to me to be about as accurate a portrayal of a Drow one could attempt beyond Jarlaxle, who has accumulated too many resources for my tastes. Lolth and the Drow are meant to be near chaos incarnate, but considering the rigidity of the matriarchal priesthood, how the Houses function, roles based on birth order, and more, I merely see murderous order reminiscent of the Zhentarim. Pharaun, though, has relationships with other characters, schemes without necessarily trying for personal attainment, and upends the power structure as often as possible. As well, he shifts based on the situation whereas many Drow merely gnash and yell and appear all too static.

Honestly, towards the end of War of the Spider Queen, I swore Pharaun would be the newest incarnation of Lolth. Could you imagine the chaos which would ensue? Ched Nasad fell to the bottom of a chasm, Maerimydra was conquered, and others were destroyed due to a male uprising. Lolth would change everything about Drow society by assuming the body of a male arcanist who concerns himself with the entertainment aspect of chaos rather than the affluence aspect of malice.

2009-10-15, 01:55 PM
Tordek! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03ri-YfZ5Bw)

Also, here's the original. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNrLMob39qI)

2009-10-15, 01:58 PM
I have to give my opinion to Graz'zt and Iggwilv. For reasons, check my sig and avvy. :smallcool:

Really, any character called the Demon Prince of Lust? Yeah, I'm a big damn fan. :smallbiggrin:

Fax Celestis
2009-10-15, 01:58 PM
Tordek! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03ri-YfZ5Bw)

Also, here's the original. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNrLMob39qI)


Also, Malcanthet is pretty awesome.

2009-10-15, 01:59 PM
Raistlin Majere. Helped get me into D&D, and still all around awesome.

2009-10-15, 03:05 PM
Pharaun Mizzrym, who seems to me to be about as accurate a portrayal of a Drow one could attempt beyond Jarlaxle, who has accumulated too many resources for my tastes. Lolth and the Drow are meant to be near chaos incarnate, but considering the rigidity of the matriarchal priesthood, how the Houses function, roles based on birth order, and more, I merely see murderous order reminiscent of the Zhentarim. Pharaun, though, has relationships with other characters, schemes without necessarily trying for personal attainment, and upends the power structure as often as possible. As well, he shifts based on the situation whereas many Drow merely gnash and yell and appear all too static.

Honestly, towards the end of War of the Spider Queen, I swore Pharaun would be the newest incarnation of Lolth. Could you imagine the chaos which would ensue? Ched Nasad fell to the bottom of a chasm, Maerimydra was conquered, and others were destroyed due to a male uprising. Lolth would change everything about Drow society by assuming the body of a male arcanist who concerns himself with the entertainment aspect of chaos rather than the affluence aspect of malice.

Here, here! I am torn between Pharaun and Taurem (I think that is his name) the Deva with his morality conflicts. Aside from Vhok, anything that little mynx touches is okey in my book.

2009-10-15, 03:26 PM
Liddia. Most friendly face in the entire PHB which was the first D&D book I ever got, also heard her commentary on the new D&D movie, made me giggle. Krusk too. Yet to find any novels with her in it but I'd love to. She seems to have the most personality. Plus, I just can't help but vouch for the underdog little people doing their own thing wonderfully.

Dragonlance, I like all the companions of course, Everman especially, but I find a kinship with Tasslehoff. I just enjoy Kenders themselves actually. I like characters who have the most fun, and are kind. *shrug* Odd that it always seems to be little folk. Kender, halfling. Huh... never really like elves or dwarves, Flint is cool, I dunno Tanis seems too emo, Rast seemed to "i'm so dark BOO!" and Cameron seemed to "I am meat Popsicle dur...", Strum was the closest to what I'd probably play myself, but I love Tas's personality. I don't like gnomes though... eh. So.

Strum, Everman, Liddia and Tas mostly.

But if I had to choose just one I'd say Liddia because again, first character I saw and attached to in D&D. None of the character class images really fit for me, but Liddia was at least entertaining. *shrug*

Crafty Cultist
2009-10-15, 03:46 PM
Tarmuid the god of illumians. A human who created a race and became their god. without any help from existing gods or ancient artifacts

2009-10-15, 03:49 PM
The Nameless One, from Planescape: Torment.

I'm sorry. You cannot get better than a guy who finds his own arm, preserved in a sewer, and decides that it might be a pretty good weapon.

Surfing HalfOrc
2009-10-15, 03:54 PM
Escalla and the Justicar from the Greyhawk books, written by Paul Kidd. Finally, someone writing D&D books who has a sense of humor!

Oh, and Lidda is in several of the Iconic series by T.H. Lain (A pseudonym for several staff writers ay WotC), and yes, she had the most "personality."

2009-10-15, 04:16 PM
The Nameless One, from Planescape: Torment.

I'm sorry. You cannot get better than a guy who finds his own arm, preserved in a sewer, and decides that it might be a pretty good weapon.

Yes, Nameless One is beyond competion, but for the sake of argument let's just assume that any other can even compare to him, that'd be Drasek Riven. He's the guy who backstabbed Mephistopheles and lopped off one of his horns. So yeah.

2009-10-15, 04:33 PM
I have two picks. The first is Ellminster solely for creating a powerful magical smoking pipe.

The second is Pikel Bouldershoulder. Nothing like a hippie dwarf with green hair and just.... insanely awesomeness?

Aron Times
2009-10-15, 04:36 PM
All hail Raistlin Majere, Supreme God of the Multiverse!

2009-10-15, 04:49 PM
Lady of Pain, for her cool look, and her daily ability to keep out Greater Gods. Plus she is just plain bad-ass.

van Ritchen of Ravenloft: Cursed with awesome, killed stuff of nightmares, made books of his experiences so that later generations could fight the good (and unwinnable) fight against creatures of the night.

Mina of Dragonlance: She was well written and the only reason I continued to read the god-awful war of souls trilogy. Everything about her oozed with tragedy, and that was the point. She was surprisingly vulnerable for a former goddess.

Orcus: The prototypical demon. Guy was killed and came back even stronger. In fact he killed 2 greater gods before he even got his staff back.

Amodues: after reading the intro on Baator in fiendish codex, and how he manipulated the gods into making the nine-hells and even getting them to allow him to draw power from souls. You can't help but think "this guy rule lawyered a whole council of lawful gods!" He also has my favorite line: "read the fine print!"

2009-10-15, 04:50 PM
If fanmade characters count, Lord Winsome, the Quasit from "Desire and the Dead". If not, the Nameless One. Maybe the Friendly Fiend as well.

2009-10-15, 04:54 PM
Roy Greenhilt. :roy:

Thane of Fife
2009-10-15, 05:09 PM
Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunson is probably my favorite, but I like the Seven Sisters and Sammaster as well.

Basra, from the Complete Book of Villains, was pretty neat, and I shall always have a soft spot for Aribeth de Tylmarande.

2009-10-15, 05:25 PM
Well, I've been a Greenskin fan for well over two decades now and I never really grocked with any of the characracters in any of the books like I have Obould Many-Arrows

2009-10-15, 06:31 PM
The answer to this query would be discovered faster

if someone just thought to mention Halaster

Tequila Sunrise
2009-10-15, 06:50 PM
It's a tough choice...pretty much all D&D characters in print have the depth of Sunday morning cartoons and/or become repetitive nuisances after the their first novel. (Heck, often after their first chapter.) If I had to choose I'd want to say the Lady of Pain, but to be fair she's a fixture not a character. I'll have to go with Raistlin Majere, or Laurana the Golden General.

2009-10-15, 07:27 PM
Halisstra Melarn. Pure badass rolled in awesomesauce and served with wincakes.

Turned into the Lady Penitent by Lolth because she could.
Why is it that a lot of our favorites are Drow? :smallconfused:

+1 for Malcanthet. My group just needs to get Shami Amorae out of her prison...

Oh and just because I can, Tarrana, the Sanctified One of Kord

2009-10-15, 07:36 PM
Deekin....because everyone loves a kobold bard.

2009-10-15, 08:42 PM
+1 for Pharaun Mizzrym, and also, the bard from the new Haunted Lands trilogy from Richard Lee Byers, Bareris. He is a tragic character, but rocks as no bard has before!

2009-10-15, 09:51 PM
Elaith Craulnobur.

"And he gets away with it, because most people wouldn't expect an elf to be evil." Hahahaha. We lived in simpler times, then.

2009-10-15, 09:54 PM
The answer to this query would be discovered faster

if someone just thought to mention Halaster
Ah yes, the Mad Mage of Undermountain! Yet another excellent one. I can get behind this suggestion.

2009-10-15, 10:56 PM
Jon Irenicus. Badass bookworm.

Also, Neeshka. She coo.

PairO'Dice Lost
2009-10-15, 11:34 PM
Well, if we can count gods and Powers among our choices, then Asmodeus and Lady of Pain would be my top two, in that order; I thought we were just talking "prominent in D&D fiction" characters, not all of the lore.

2009-10-15, 11:52 PM
Jon Irenicus. Badass bookworm.
Oh. Well. Yes. If we're counting the CRPG's, then he's on my list too, for being frikkin' SCARY creepy. Those eyes haunt me to this day...

Also, you know, badass. That really helps. :smallamused:

2009-10-15, 11:55 PM
Well, if we're not counting CRPGs, then I couldn't contribute at all, as the two D&D books I've read, I loathed.

But yeah. Utter badass, and yet some really good motivation and goals ... and the voice acting was awesome. What's that actor's name?

2009-10-16, 12:57 AM
Raistlin was down right awesome. but i think my favorite of all time is a close call between Tasselhoff and Flint. or both when they are in the same room lol

2009-10-16, 06:46 AM

2009-10-16, 11:32 AM
Mordenkainen. Or Elmo, from ToEE.

Honorable mentions to Iggwilv, Iuz, Lareth, Rufus & Byrne.

2009-10-16, 11:51 AM
Right, Raistlin too. Speaking of badass bookworms ... the man was a powerful enough mage that he would have killed all the gods including the gods of magic if he hadn't voluntarily sacrificed himself. Not to mention that the Dragonlance Legends trilogy was my go-to book series in middle school, and one of my first experiences with non-Tolkien fantasy. Nowadays, it's not so hot in my eyes, but Raistlin is still awesome.

Tanis was pretty cool, too, even if he did get a really lame death.

2009-10-16, 12:24 PM
Escalla and the Justicar from the Greyhawk books, written by Paul Kidd. Finally, someone writing D&D books who has a sense of humor!

Yes! You can't forget Cinders or Polk, though! You can't go anywhere without your ball of hairy string!

Other beings of awesome include Cadderly, Shandril Shessair, The Lord of Blades and Tenser (for he is the wizard who just won't stay dead. clones are bloody everywhere, I swear!).

2009-10-16, 12:51 PM
What? No Cadderly?
EDIT: Cieyrin, you devilish ninja you!

+1 for Raistlin and Mordenkainen. Tormuid also, for reasons mentioned.

From the dark side, I vote Manshoon; founder of the Zhentarim, and Xanatos extraordinaire.


Rumor has it Bane only came back because he planned it.

Night Monkey
2009-10-16, 01:04 PM
From CRPGs, Irenicus and Dak'kon. Typing that, I just had an image in my head of an awesome fight between the pair of them...

2009-10-16, 01:07 PM
Bigby, for inventing a whole line of spells about frickin' hands (come on, I mean wtf? Giant hands? He must have been smoking something)

Ravel the Night Hag...I just thought she was cool. Mazed by the Lady of Pain and just sitting there in her black-barbed maze because she didn't feel like leaving...

(Modron) Cube Hero...I just love that little guy. What's that Cube Hero? You think Nordom should be on this list too? No, Nordom just doesn't compare to you, not by a long shot. Oh ok then, seeing as it's you... Cube Hero says that Nordom should be on this list too.

I'll put a vote in for Lidda the Rogue too...she's about the most feminine of the 'iconics' (i.e. she actually looks like a woman) and she's a leather-dressed rogue...what more could you want?

2009-10-16, 01:31 PM
I'll put a vote in for Lidda the Rogue too...she's about the most feminine of the 'iconics' (i.e. she actually looks like a woman) and she's a leather-dressed rogue...what more could you want?

She's also between 3 and 4 feet tall... if you're into that sort of thing.

Hida Reju
2009-10-16, 10:25 PM
She's also between 3 and 4 feet tall... if you're into that sort of thing.

Well you know at that point its just rude. But moving on....

Sarevok the man was just too cool for words.

Arilyn the Half Elf who wields her Mother's Moonblade. I always loved her stories.

2009-10-16, 10:43 PM

Seriously, I've given it a ton of thought. This guy has lead the perfect life in my opinion.

2009-10-16, 11:09 PM
Can I elect the entire Harpell family from the Drizzt books? Nothing like a crazy family of mages. One gets turned into a dog and the family decides to keep him that way. Another uses his almighty mount Puddlejumper the half-horse, half-frog.... So awesome.

2009-10-17, 01:15 AM
I love Pikel and Ivan. Also i always liked Bruenor and Regis. First book i read was Crystal Shard so I attached to them. I dont like Drizzt because he is too powerful. Wulfgar i didnt like because Salvatore brought him back to life after killing him.

In Dragonlance I like Tas the best simply because he provides the humor. I dont like Tanis because he is rather dull. Sturm is ok, though he was a pain in the ass in the books sometimes. Raistlin is pretty cool though when reading the books where he time travels i got a little confused as i was only in 4th or 5th grade.

Though i think my favorite is Oliver DeBurrows from the Crimson Shadow by Salvatore. He is just hilarious to me but i hate the main character Tristan.

2009-10-17, 01:23 AM
Kolven the Poet, Master of the Forbidden Craft and Creator of Fear, from pages 60 and 61 of Complete Scoundrel. So much said with so little... Someone needs to write a book about him.

Crafty Cultist
2009-10-17, 01:48 AM
Jon Irenicus. Badass bookworm.

ah yes. Jon Irenicus. because when a god curses you, you should get better then get even:smallamused:

2009-10-17, 02:17 AM
I'd say Raistlin... although I liked all of the party from the original Dragonlance Trilogy but especially the Majere twins and Tas... and Sturm (he was EPIC); Raistlin was well Raistlin, I just don't have other words for it and ever since I've wanted to play a mage with golden hourglass eyes.

Outside of Dragonlance... I haven't read too many D&D novels I can really remember, but Asmosdeus and the Lady of Pain were cool too.

2009-10-17, 02:20 AM
WOTC D&D: Pimp Daddy Krusk

word word BALLS UP

2009-10-17, 05:23 AM
Minsc and Boo!

If not them than O'Chul, Paladin of the Saphire guard.

Milo v3
2010-12-17, 01:39 AM
Here is my list of the top of my head (and reasons):

1. Deekin Scalesinger (The funniest, cutest, and friendliest person in D&D history)

2. Raistlin Majere (Do I realy have to say? I think we all know why. Note: My inspiration)

3. Halaster (His greatest prank is the Undermountain's "Treasure")

4.Taselhoff (We all know why)

5. Bishop (His personality, and conversations with the rest of the team)

6. Neeshka (Her personality, and conversations with the rest of the team)

7. Gilthas (From Dragonlance) (He is a great and intelligent leader of the now exiled Elven Nation)

2010-12-17, 03:00 AM

Y'all are small time.

Zeb The Troll
2010-12-17, 06:19 AM
Troll Patrol: Old thread. Locked.