View Full Version : Incursion

2009-10-18, 09:13 AM
Link for those who want to give it a shot. (http://www.incursion-roguelike.net/)

Lately, I've become addicted to this little game. In short, it is a roguelike trying its best to adhere to d20 rules as closely as possible. Needless to say, to a DnD player, this is a big thing.

My only gripe with the game is that it get too easy after clvl 5 or so. If I can win a roguelike multiple times, then it really needs some tweaking. Of course, the game is still in a rather early point of development and riddled with broken things (*cough*religion*cough*), but still.

So far I've won the game with following builds:

Michealis Jinlar, Human "Tough guy" Warrior 11
Quevven Tilntarn, Drow Rogue 6 / Priest of Xavias 5
Fivefold Ghost, Lizardfolk Druid 4 / Monk of Essiah 3 / Tattoo Mystic 4, using natural attacks
Human Necromancer 10 / Ranger 1
Human Monk 2 / Priestess of Mara 3 / Paladin 6, using two weapon fighting
Human Priest of Immotian 5 / Loremaster 6
Human Druid 6 / Black Guard of Zurvash 5
Human Polearm Warrior 1 / Bard 5 / Necromancer 5
Ulgen the Elfslayer, Orc Barbarian 4 / Ranger 2 / Underdark Warrior 5

I'm pretty pissed that my laptop crashed and took with it all but three of the dumps, because the spellcasting classes were by far the most awesome characters I've had. Ulgen, a character I managed to win with today, is an expection: he had perhaps the most awe-inspiring equipment I've ever seen. Unfortunately, I lost them. How? Well...

Ulgen was doing great, rage-tumble-roof-climbing trough the goblin fortress, great cleaving trough goblinoid ranks with his vorpal bastard sword. He got to Murhgash without trouble and with three strikes, beheaded him. I didn't get to bask in my badassery for long though, because one of the goblin viziers zapped me with Balefull Polymorph, turning me into a rat, and another killed me... with acid. I was very dumbfounded at seeing "You die" after effortlessly plowing trough the end game; luckily, I was still in good terms with my goddess, Essiah, and she offered to resurrect me. This saved me the trouble of climbing back up from the dephts of the dungeon, but I'll forever miss his equipment. I mean, you don't get to see following in every game:

Luckblade [+3,+3] of Warning +3
Blessed Holy Keen Sunblade of Terror +3
Gracefull Auspicious Elven Field Plate Armor of Great Invulnerability +5
Keen Vorpal Thundering Bastard Sword of Wounding +5

2009-10-18, 03:34 PM
Never heard of it, I may have to check it out!


Found it, checked it out. It doesn't look... done. Classes are missing and class abilities are missing from the classes that are present, unless the manual is not up to date. I'll probably play it at some point, probably to distract me from the fact that I really need to be working on some sort of project... But such are roguelikes, eh?

Otherwise it looks pretty interesting. Based on 3.5 sounds like fun, I would be tempted to recreate some of my favorite characters of D&D past...:smallcool:

2009-10-18, 08:23 PM
So, I tried it. I died. A lot. Then I died some more, then I got frustrated with the controls, then I quit. Before gaining more than ~500 Experience :/.

Funniest moment: My first rest after failing a lock, waking up to this:


2009-10-19, 10:31 AM
Incursion is a harsh mistress, like many other roguelikes. Especially because it does its best to replicate such features like coup de grace and nightly encounters. It's not like Angband, where you can step around a corner and rest to full health every five seconds.

However, I like it for not putting too much weight on equipment. Sure, there are few essential things, but those are easily attained. Most of the time, magical abilities are a nice bonus, not absolutely necessary to keep on going. Compare to Angband, where that mile long list of resistances isn't there for nothing: you MUST have all of those if you want to descend beyond a certain point. In Incursion, it sometimes is enough to just be able to suck it up, like my first win taught me.