View Full Version : What is and isn't kosher to say?

Deth Muncher
2009-10-19, 12:54 PM
This is specifically pertaining to the OGL. I've been kind of confused as to how this works, and I get the idea that most people in the Playground are clueless too. For example, say I want to quote something from a Dragon Magazine. Say...a weapon, for simplicities sake. Let's say the article reads as such:

Bob's Mighty Fishing Pole
[insert possibly humorous flavor text about the weapon]

Small size = 1d4, medium size = 1d6. 50GP

So what are we allowed to post? Can we post the entire statblock for it? Or can we not, but still say it? Like just say that it does such and such damage? And if not, how is it that linking to Crystal Keep is okay?

Roland St. Jude
2009-10-19, 01:09 PM
If you want to say something about it, for purposes of discussion, you can say the name of the item, where it is located, as much description of the stats as are necessary to facilitate your discussion.

Now, if someone just wants to ask for non-OGL information (like what is the WBL for lvl 6 or what is the full text of Shocktrooper), we'd prefer you not post that, and we'll lock the thread when we see it.

Linking to somewhere that does the former, listing the name, location, and basic stat-ributes is generally fine (CrystalKeep) (you'll note they usually only give the first couple levels of classes and tend not to give all the abilities of items) but other places (like free download sites or others that reproduce things like feats pretty much in full) are not linkable here.