View Full Version : [TOWN] Random Locations Thread II

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2009-10-19, 03:16 PM
This thread is for miscellaneous, random locations that don't each warrant a whole thread for themselves.
Please, when posting, show your character's location like so:

[Some House]
Some guy dies.
Or something like that.

2009-10-19, 03:42 PM
Delilah smiles at the compliment, pulls her blade free, and wipes it on the poor sap's shirt as his body starts to convulse. "Too bad - you were sexy. Just reminded me too much of Gene. Cheating bastard. Oh well." She kisses the lips before they grow cool, then wipes a hand across her face. The effect is smeared blood across her tan skin, a grotesque mask.
Vo grabs her and begins to hungrily lap the blood from her face.
Double-post, I know.
But yeah, Dirky, that happens.

Dirk Kris
2009-10-19, 03:48 PM
Delilah giggles, then rises from the dead man's lap. She tucks her knife away and turns to Vo, hands on her hips. "So, mission accomplished?"

2009-10-19, 03:55 PM
I just need to do one more thing.
She searches the corpse and gets out a pager.
Bing bing.
In comes a man who appears to be the leader of the thugs---not quite thuggish, actually a bit noble-looking---and someone who might be his right-hand man.
Er... hello?
We have just killed your boss.
You now answer to us.
Ah. I see.
May I ask who you two are? Polite, but to the point. He's got sense. Ex-military, maybe.

Dirk Kris
2009-10-19, 04:00 PM
"Sugar and Spice. That's all you need to know. Oh, that and we will gladly kill you if you disobey. Got it, handsome?" Delilah smiles coldly.

2009-10-19, 04:02 PM
... Yes ma'am.
Very good.
Now go back to your duties.
They go, a bit nervous.

She kicks the corpse from the chair and settles down in it, patting her lap as an invitation to sit there.
Well, we've just acquired a city.
Easy, huh?

2009-10-19, 04:24 PM
[Lumina Prospekt]
Something happens, I forgot what.

2009-10-19, 04:26 PM
Chris' eye twitches. He squeezes his death ray a bit.
(( Dinner. BAck in a minute. ))
Because of...

There appears to be nobody in the room.
That is because nobody else is in the room.
One screen is on.
It shows an empty cell...
The door opens.
A girl, about 15 years old, is thrown in. Her hair is long and black, and her skin is pale.
She screams and hammers at the door...

Oh, gods.
Thryza swallows hard.
Oh, no. No, no, no...
Chris, I'm sorr--- There is a sound like an indoor thunderclap. Chris, very likely, is blown out the doorway and into the wall.

2009-10-19, 04:28 PM
The hell?! Thryza!
He tries to get up and go back to her.

2009-10-19, 04:30 PM
The room is shrouded in smoke. Guess the screens are gone.
Thryza staggers out and hugs Chris.
Are you okay? I---
Oh, damn.
Out of the smoke walks... another Thryza (http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/0910/d14/1740/f23d715.png). And another (http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/0910/d14/1825/cb60332.png).
Yes, we have indeed been split.
I have a cool robey thingy! FINALLY.

2009-10-19, 04:31 PM
Dek Sk'malln. Are those your other personalities?
He's hugged.

2009-10-19, 04:34 PM
Er... sort of. We're all facets of Thryza.
I'm Restraint. She seems rather like it. Not crazy at all.
Resentment. The red-vested one nods. She seems... tired. Jaded.
I'm Random! The crazy one in the cool robey-duster-thing glomps Chris.

2009-10-19, 04:36 PM
Huh. ... No explanation of how you three got separated?

2009-10-19, 04:37 PM
Severe mental stress brought on by the memories stimulated by those videos. Resentment sighs.
I... well, yeah...
Honey, I'm really, really sorry about all this...

2009-10-19, 04:40 PM
How do we get you people together again? I don't like it when there's a higher statistical chance of my wife cheating on me.
He looks over at random.
You'd better watch it.
At restraint.
You're okay.
I'll just try not to piss you off.

2009-10-19, 04:55 PM
Resentment's eye twitches. Restraint looks hurt.
Random just looks shocked into next week.
How can you say that?! I---we---Thryza would never cheat on you! She---we---
... You don't think I'd do that, do you?

2009-10-19, 05:03 PM
I'm not thinking about your personalities, various Thryzas. I'm talking about primal emotion and energy, and the stuff it can do. Think about it. Randomness is equal to chaos, resentment is equal to revenge and anger. Restraint is equal to restraint, so it's fine. Think what each one of you is capable of without the other. Resentment without restraint leads to hate and war, randomness to anarchy and pain, restraint leads to inaction. This is why I'm so worried. People could get hurt.

2009-10-19, 05:09 PM
If our names had been entirely accurate, then that would be fully true.
However, they are not. Random made them up because she thought they sounded cool.

And now you listen to me.
Restraint is, yes, restraint. She seeks to keep Random in check. She worries, she plans, she seeks to keep things controlled. She is the concerned, quietly devoted wife.

Random is Restraint's inverse. She just wants to have fun, amuse herself and her loved ones, be happy. She's the crazy part of Thryza, but she's also the part that worships you and the children. If she held all the reins, Thryza would built you all monuments and temples, get nations to bow down to you.

And I...
I am the shield. I am the one who takes the hits.
Because the others can't handle it.
If not for me, your wife would be a whole lot more broken and a whole lot scarier.

2009-10-19, 05:12 PM
Well geez, if you had told me that earlier, I wouldn't have said it.
That reminds me, why haven't you guys been talking? Chris forgot about us. Look, we're all dusty!

2009-10-19, 05:16 PM
Resentment blinks her strange crimson eyes once.
Either way, be glad you didn't make Random cry.
Don't ask why.

Random is staring at Chris with adoring eyes, eyes that outshine the lamps of the world for him.
Thankfully, they're dry.
I think we should get out of this hellhole before worse happens.

2009-10-19, 05:20 PM
Why not?
He smiles at Random, then starts to jog towards the exit.

2009-10-19, 05:22 PM
Random smiles back, all hurt feelings utterly forgotten.
Isn't he just darling when he puts his foot in his mouth?
Yep! Well, yes...
Rhetorical question.
Anyway, Chris, I would have hit you... and you would not have enjoyed it.
They follow him to le exit.

2009-10-19, 05:29 PM
(( Crap, deadtime))

2009-10-19, 07:54 PM
((Isn't this also the directory?))

A random moth flies around and squeaks and the nearest character.
Squeaks? Oh dear.....
It bursts into a small cloud of smoke.
Like really small.
Like not enough to disturb the plot.

2009-10-19, 07:55 PM
No. Celty is doing that.

2009-10-19, 07:57 PM
((Ahhh okie.))
The smoke fades away into nothingness........

2009-10-22, 03:10 PM
[Lumiya Prospekt]
The Thryzas follow Chris.

Vocusta is there with Lilah.

2009-10-22, 03:12 PM
He opens the door to the surface, and is greeted by something. S.P.I.R.E soldiers.
Hey, guys.

2009-10-22, 03:14 PM
I have an obligatory bad feeling about this.
Hiya guys!

2009-10-22, 03:16 PM
Hello, sir, we were sent for you.
... Why?

2009-10-22, 03:19 PM
Oh, gods.
Is Andrew Wogal involved in this? Seems Resentment is also the most military Thryza, despite wearing slacks and a sweater-vest.
What, dad-in-law?
He's mean.

Trifecta of evil mad scientists.
Lawful Evil (I think!) Andy Wogal, Chaotic Evil (sometimes) Chris, and Neutral Evil Vocusta.

2009-10-22, 03:28 PM
Sir...s, we weren't informed of the situation, we were just sent as bodyguards.
Um... Okay...

It's not exactly that simple...

2009-10-22, 03:29 PM
I'll just stay politely suspicious.
We might as well go, then. She sighs.

2009-10-22, 03:32 PM
A speeder hovers over. Chris gets in.
Um... This is just a wee bit suspicious...

2009-10-22, 03:34 PM
Thryza...s... get in.
Which is why I am taking the liberty of not trusting anybody who isn't us four.
Er... right.
Ooh, I found the cupholder!

2009-10-22, 03:39 PM
And god damn, what a cupholder. Anyway, they begin to speed off. On the trek, another speeder appears. This one is dark red, as opposed to S.P.I.R.E's dark teal.
Oh, s[WING LOW]t.
Chris' eyes slightly widen.

2009-10-22, 03:41 PM
Oh, bloody bleeding blimey.
... Oh.
Orks say that the red ones go faster.
I hope they're wrong.
I really do.

2009-10-22, 03:44 PM
It speeds closer to the speeder. They're pretty much adjacent.
What the hell are they doing here?
A person in red techna armor pops out of the top. He's holding a rather large plasma rifle.

2009-10-22, 03:47 PM
Resentment's blade extends with a snikt...
But it's not the regular razorblade.
It's a sort of serrated vibroblade.
I say we ram into them.
Not much else we can do, if you think about it.
Random whimpers quietly.
Restraint stays silent.

2009-10-22, 03:56 PM
... You heard her!
WHAMP. The armored man falls into the speeder. Chris shoots him.
What is the rebellion doing out here...?
Don't act like I know! Ask Redna!
The rebellion's speeder rams back, and hooks on a few grappling chains.A few soldiers stand up on both sides.

2009-10-22, 03:59 PM
Random whimpers again.
A resistance?
Oh, dearie me, look at the clock. It seems to be CRACKDOWN TIME.
Resentment takes a swipe at one of the chains.

2009-10-22, 04:04 PM
It chips a bit.
Honey, i wouldn't underestimate these guys, even I have trouble with them.
He pulls out a chainsword, And the fighting starts. A rebel tackles a soldier off the speeders, and Chris locks into combat with one. A few rush over at the Thryzas, brandishing chainswords and a rivet gun. These chainswords look a lot less advanced than the soldiers'.

2009-10-22, 04:08 PM
Random cowers back; Restraint extends her wrist-razor and engages one soldier, while Resentment goes for the other, trying to destroy the bolt gun first. While Restraint fights with simple and efficient tactics, Resentment lets her bitterness fuel her.

2009-10-22, 04:14 PM
Their wrist razors will carve gashes in the armor, but won't lay a scratch on the rebels themselves. One swings his chainsword, the other shoots at her several times.

(( Oh, bugger, deadtime... I'll be back tonight. ))

2009-10-22, 04:16 PM
Restraint blocks and counters; Resentment luckily gets off with a gash along the shoulder and tries (again) to make the guy's gun be broke'd.
Random just cowers back.

And I'll seeya tonight.

2009-10-22, 07:18 PM
The gun gets cut pretty deep, but her wristblade may be sorta wedged in there.

Restraint manages to push the rebel off the speeders. He's probably not dead, but he's not a problem anymore, as he's already a good five miles away.

A rebel gets kicked off the speeders, and a soldier is shot in the chest with a laser blast. He slides off the back of the speeders.

Chris punches through the armor and skull of the rebel he's fighting. His hand's stuck now.

A rebel is rushing towards Random.

2009-10-22, 07:20 PM
Random... goes spare.
Her blade extends.
It's a miniature chainsword.
She swings at the nearest weak-point in the guy's armor, shrieking.

Resentment tries to yank the gun from his hands.

I got a new lappy, and will get it working tomorrow.

2009-10-22, 07:26 PM
He is PWNT right in half. Oil and blood spew out of his lower half, as his top flutters away. It actually takes out Resentment's rebel. She now has a halved rivet gun. Chris manages to rip his robotic arm out of the skull of the dead rebel. All the rebels are dead, and only one soldier is left.
God... Damnit.


2009-10-22, 07:28 PM
Restraint immediately rushes to him.
Are you alright?
Random wipes oil off her face.
... Can we please not do that again?
Any idea who leads these rebels?
Resentment discards the gun and goes, also, to check on Chris.

2009-10-22, 07:33 PM
Mercuccio Ramirez. He broke off from S.P.I.R.E when Mom died, with half of our forces. D[oodle]k.
The rather disgruntled soldier nods.
He starts unhooking the grapplers.

2009-10-22, 07:35 PM
Restraint checks any wounds Chris may have.
Random wipes her nose on her blueblack duster's sleeve.
Is he or Vocusta worse?

2009-10-22, 07:38 PM
Chris has a few lacerations. Nothing too big.
Vocusta. This guy is just kind of a jerk.
The red speeder is left behind, and they keep moving.

2009-10-22, 07:42 PM
Am I the only one who considers setting them at each others' throats?
Or is that because I know too little of the circumstances?
Random hangs close to Chris; Restraint does too.
Resentment drifts off a little to the side, but not---let it be known---without a certain reluctance.

2009-10-22, 07:43 PM
Um... They have no motive.

2009-10-22, 07:45 PM
If they have any sort of animosity we could probably...
Nah, forget it. Wasn't a good idea.
The corner of her mouth twitches. Not up.

2009-10-22, 07:49 PM
You have to wonder why the rebels were out so far. And why we got random backup. ... Jinkies.

2009-10-22, 07:51 PM
She nods.
Sorta moves toward him... but, of course, bumps into Restraint, and thus goes back to her little off-to-the side position.
How far are we from... hell, anywhere?
Wait, are they in a speeder or walking?

2009-10-22, 07:56 PM
We'll be home in around ten minutes, so that would mean... 300 miles.
Fast car.

2009-10-22, 07:57 PM
She nods silently, then stares out the window.

Wipes the corner of one red eye.

2009-10-22, 08:00 PM
He looks over at her.
You get hit?
He indicates her gashed shoulder and pulls out a first aid kit.

2009-10-22, 08:03 PM
Restraint gets up so Resentment can move over to Chris and get treatment'd, taking Resentment's previous seat.
Resentment scoots over to him.
Yeah... I guess. Didn't really notice.
Either I'm just figuratively (FIGURATIVELY) wanking my own character, but in a way I find Resentment to be the most noble of the three.

2009-10-22, 08:11 PM
You can say it, it's okay. It hurt like a bitch, huh?

2009-10-22, 08:12 PM
She hesitates.
Scoots a little closer.

2009-10-22, 08:22 PM
He sutures her up, and cuddles a bit.

2009-10-22, 08:24 PM
The others give 'em some space.
It seems Resentment has, OH EM GEE, some issues.

Whenever you and Thryza went at it in bed... I always was off pulling maintenance duty... Repairing the bits of her mind I could.

I never got to partake in any of it, really... But I could hear everything going on.

When we get home, c-can we...?

2009-10-22, 08:30 PM
He looks at her for a second.
Now I know the pain of someone who has never been in bed with me. It must be... Horrible.
He wipes a lone tear from his eye.
I am such a stud. HELL YEAH!

2009-10-22, 08:32 PM
She sighs, smiling wryly.
My idiot genius.
Or, as TV Tropes would say, Genius Ditz.
She's definitely a Knight in Sour Armor.

2009-10-22, 08:37 PM
My little Beansy boy is growing up to be a troper. *Sniff* It all happens so fast.
My malicious little teddy bear.

2009-10-22, 08:39 PM
I prefer "cynical sentient void", but that kinda works too.
Vocusta shall be a Magnificent Bastard... well, Magnificent Bitch... soon enough.

2009-10-23, 06:07 PM
He smirks. The town is in sight, as well as a few more S.P.I.R.E soldiers.

2009-10-23, 06:10 PM
What're they doing?
Hush, Randi. It's some well-deserved bonding and... stuff.

Resentment sighs contentedly.

2009-10-23, 06:13 PM
They pull up to the soldiers, and hop out. The soldier hugs his girlfriend, also in techna armor.
At ease, gentlemen...
He rolls his eyes, then starts walking.

2009-10-23, 06:15 PM
The Thryzas get out and come with him.

2009-10-23, 06:16 PM
To the DFI, then.

2009-10-23, 10:34 PM
What I said in the metro thread.

2009-10-23, 10:35 PM
Remember that one time I nearly got raped by that jock?

2009-10-23, 10:43 PM
Probably. Is he dead?

2009-10-23, 10:44 PM
By his own hand.
The one you didn't make him eat.
Where be's we's going, seriously?

2009-10-23, 10:46 PM
She skids to a halt at a small hamlet. People mill around in it, minding their own business.

2009-10-23, 10:48 PM
She probably gets back on the ground.
Heh. Nice little place.

2009-10-23, 10:58 PM
This is a village I started when Chris and Sam ran off. It's my home.
A few villagers wave to her.
It turned into a big town, and eventually a city. I tried to run it, but eventually crime started happening, and drug lords ran the place. I tried to take out the drug problem, and the crime, but by the time I had wiped out one gang, three others popped up. So eventually, I found the big boss of the big gang. He pretty much ran the city now. So I ripped him apart, and the place just imploded on itself. So then I hurled the entire damn place into orbit, and started over. Now I let it run itself. If I had waited the crime out, the place would probably be fine, now. But, who cares, everyone I didn't like in this place is off at saturn now, so that story basically had no point.

2009-10-23, 11:01 PM
You make your point well.
Subtlety isn't in your dictionary.

2009-10-23, 11:02 PM
She shrugs.
The moral of the story is to not try to control other people. Just let them run themselves.

2009-10-23, 11:04 PM
Then I hope those people in Gesston are electing their own officials by now.

2009-10-23, 11:06 PM
Either that or their entire economical and governmental structure collapsed. Let's hope for the former.
She plops down in the sand.

2009-10-23, 11:07 PM
She sits down beside her.

2009-10-23, 11:08 PM
She sees two kids fighting over a doll, rolls her eyes, and drops her foot down on the sand. A small ripple shoot out and lands the kids on their butts.
... What? You can control little things like that.

2009-10-23, 11:11 PM
She smiles at that.
An errant wasp tries to sting Vo's leg.
Oh, hey, prosthetic.
She flicks it... and it vaporizes.
I hate wasps.

2009-10-23, 11:12 PM
Without wasps, how do you get honey? ... Oh, wait, that's bees. ... Yeah, I hate wasps, too.

2009-10-23, 11:13 PM
Wasps lead to anger. Well, for me.
Anger leads to booze... and drunken anger.
Cycle happens.
I do dumb stuff.

2009-10-23, 11:15 PM
If I ever see you drink again, I break your legs, and Sam's neck. Most likely because Sam likes giving you beer. I don't know why...

2009-10-23, 11:17 PM
... You fit violence into everything.
I guess when you have a hammer the size of a dolphin, most things become nails anyway.

2009-10-23, 11:18 PM
I don't use a hammer. Sledge uses a hammer.

2009-10-23, 11:19 PM
I hate my metaphors.
And him too.

2009-10-23, 11:20 PM
At least Chris and his bastard son killed him. You have to give them credit for that.
(( WHYY JJK, WHYYYY!!!! ))

2009-10-23, 11:23 PM
Wait, a son too?
Next you'll be telling me Chris and whatshername have another daughter who leads a society of goths.


2009-10-23, 11:26 PM
It's funny 'cause it's true.

(( I bet she'll come back one day, and nobody will remember her but Chex. Chex always remembers. ))

2009-10-23, 11:27 PM
Hear that?
That's pure facepalm.

((I'll always remember her.

2009-10-23, 11:29 PM
(( As will I. ))
... Damn kids and their internet.

2009-10-23, 11:30 PM
Damn internet and its kids.
She scratches a love-bite from Delilah. On her neck.

2009-10-23, 11:31 PM
... Damn, Sam was right.

2009-10-23, 11:32 PM
Damn you both and your dyke-boots-jokes.
I just love her. If she were a dude, I'd still love her.

2009-10-23, 11:33 PM
This does not change the fact that I owe him ten bucks...

2009-10-23, 11:34 PM
She boinks her head against Angie's shoulder.

2009-10-23, 11:35 PM
Angie puts an arm around her.
It's great to see you again, Vo. You're the only friend of Chris' I actually like.

2009-10-23, 11:37 PM
Vo smiles.
It's great to see you too, Ang.
She pulls out that nice little picture of them.
I've been looking at this more and more these days.

2009-10-23, 11:37 PM
Things were a lot less complicated back then...

2009-10-23, 11:39 PM
I wore more eyeliner, had more piercings, and wore more black, though.

By the way, how long have you had that bet with Sam?

2009-10-23, 11:40 PM
... Since you were in 6th grade...

2009-10-23, 11:42 PM
But Vo didn't meet Chris till age 15...
... Oh, come on.
That's just terrible.

2009-10-23, 11:42 PM
I know. :smalltongue:
You're speaking to the Wogal family.

2009-10-23, 11:46 PM
... It's still annoying.
I mean, whether I questioned any of you guys's sexual orientations or not, I never put money on it.
Which is why you're out ten bucks and I am not.

2009-10-23, 11:47 PM
Vocusta, If I hadn't questioned your sexuality, you'd be dead right now. Actually dead. Not undead. Like in the f[rak]king ground.

2009-10-23, 11:49 PM
Have I mentioned exactly how lesbian I am?
Because I am... a lot... and... you get the point.
Cue the laugh track.

2009-10-23, 11:53 PM
(( ... I liked that bit. ))
Goddamn right.

2009-10-23, 11:55 PM
And now it's time to ask you the question that sticks in my mind.
Chris's daughter. The redhead. Her eyes bleed.
... Why?

2009-10-23, 11:57 PM
She wasn't conceived in the normal manner. She's a rage echo, born out of Thryza's pent up hate and anger. Vomited into existence.

2009-10-23, 11:59 PM
Least fun way to be born ever.

2009-10-24, 12:00 AM
Think about that next time you act like a bitch to her.

2009-10-24, 12:01 AM
... Audible silence.

2009-10-24, 12:03 AM
She leans back and looks up at the stars.
I like stars, don't you?

2009-10-24, 12:05 AM
I'd make a Resident Evil joke, but meh.
Get it?

2009-10-24, 12:06 AM
You ever been to space?
I get it. Lulzorz.

2009-10-24, 12:08 AM
But if my sources are right...
In space, the stars are no nearer.
It just glitters. Like a morgue.
And I dreamed I was a spaceman, caught like a moth in a flame.
And our world was so truly gone.

Okay, enough Manson for now.

2009-10-24, 12:10 AM
Yeah. Stars aren't that great up close. And the problem with being in space is that you can't get back down without propulsion. I got stuck up there for two weeks once, just from jumping too high.

2009-10-24, 12:12 AM
Yeah, I'll take being a lily-licker and having three prosthetic limbs over your ultra-strength any day.
Being gay never got me stuck in space, I'm glad to say.

2009-10-24, 12:14 AM
She stands up.
C'mon, I'll take us home.

2009-10-24, 12:15 AM
She stands up too.

2009-10-24, 12:16 AM
Angie holds out her hands to Vo.
You'll want to hold on.

2009-10-24, 12:16 AM
She holds on.
Just like old times.

2009-10-24, 12:17 AM
Ready to see if the stars really do get closer?

2009-10-24, 12:18 AM
... Yeah, sure.
I might have to tell Mr. Manson he's wrong.

2009-10-24, 12:21 AM
She crouches down a bit, and pumps her legs. They go soaring into the air. Gravity seems to stop working, as they fly over cities and desert. It's absolutely beautiful. Oh, and the stars actually do look closer. Who knew? Angie lets go of Vocusta, and just sort of enjoys the view.

2009-10-24, 12:21 AM
... Whoa...
I know kung-fu.

2009-10-24, 12:22 AM
Yeah. There's the DFI. Ten bucks says they have a skylight on it.

2009-10-24, 12:23 AM
... Sure, why not?

2009-10-24, 12:25 AM
She grabs Vocusta, and makes a nose dive towards the DFI.
Whoops, looks like I owe you ten bucks.

2009-10-24, 12:26 AM
I think my ribs and ovaries are still intact.
You have bad luck with bets.

2009-10-24, 12:28 AM
They'd most likely me inside the DFI by now, if you catch my drift. Ow.

2009-10-26, 03:06 PM
Vo is here, yes she is.

Dirk Kris
2009-10-26, 03:10 PM

2009-10-26, 03:11 PM
... Yes ma'am.
Very good.
Now go back to your duties.
They go, a bit nervous.

She kicks the corpse from the chair and settles down in it, patting her lap as an invitation to sit there.
Well, we've just acquired a city.
Easy, huh?
That happened.

Dirk Kris
2009-10-26, 03:15 PM
Delilah perches lightly in Vocusta's lap, grinning. "So what now? We get to be sexy evil dictators?"

2009-10-26, 03:17 PM
Well, we'll be working very much behind the scenes. But yeah, pretty much.
Remember those "toys" I mentioned?
She wraps her arms around Lilah's waist.

Dirk Kris
2009-10-26, 03:25 PM
Delilah squirms and nods. She is pulled in tighter against Vo's lap and slips her own arm behind the other woman's head. "Is it time for that already?" She grins eagerly.

2009-10-26, 03:28 PM
She nods... and a black briefcase hovers into the room.
I'll go to this place's bedroom and... prep myself a little for you.
I'll call when I'm ready...
And I'd suggest the blue... toy. The one that straps on.
She slides Lilah into the chair and gets up, planting a kiss on her lover's nosetip as she heads to the bedroom.

Dirk Kris
2009-10-26, 03:37 PM
Delilah shivers and doesn't bother waiting for Vo to leave the room before opening the case and peering inside. She sees a few promising options, and trembles as she waits for her lover.

2009-10-26, 03:39 PM

I'm ready, baby. The voice calls.

Dirk Kris
2009-10-26, 03:46 PM
Delilah gathers the neccessary items and follows the sound of the voice. She kicks the door open and grins wickedly as her eyes search the room for Vo.

2009-10-26, 03:50 PM
Well, hey, there's a big bed... with Vo on it.
But none of Vo's clothes are on her.
She lays on her back, scars and mechanical limbs plain and shameless as day... but damn, she looks fine.
I love you, Lilah.
Now love me.
Love me 'til I scream your name so loud I lose my voice.
Love me so that it feels so good it hurts.

... Please.

Dirk Kris
2009-10-26, 03:56 PM
Delilah wastes no time in drawing the curtain and doing just as Vo asked.


2009-10-27, 03:50 PM
The curtain rises on a blissfully happy, half-awake Vo.

2009-10-27, 04:24 PM
Angie, Chris, Vo, and the three Thryzas walk along the desert towards the Spire.

2009-10-27, 04:26 PM
[Dessert Desert And There's SPIRE Somewhere Too]
The Thryzas stick by Chris, while Vo stays nearer to Angie.
((Dinner pretty much now, I think.))

2009-10-27, 04:44 PM
They sorta walk along, whistling to themselves. They don't seem too talkative. A bit lost in memory.

2009-10-27, 04:53 PM
Vo glances at Angie now and then.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-28, 10:47 PM
[Old, Dipilated House]

The house is in complete disrepair, the paint peeling, shingles falling off, some boards broken. It looks pretty much like a haunted house.

Richter follows Nel here, assuming Nel leads.

2009-10-28, 10:52 PM
[Abandoned House]

Nel has led the way here, keeping a watch for Violet.
Hello? Violet?

Je dit Viola
2009-10-28, 10:55 PM
{Ye Olde House}

No answer...
It's really dusty, dust flying up in the air as the door opens. But that's good! You can follow her footprints around the house.

The footprints wind around a lot, with occasional handprints. Richter follows the footprints around the house.

But...it could be fairly obvious about where she went.
There's a trail of footprints going up the stairs, but none coming down.

2009-10-28, 10:57 PM
[That poor house:smallfrown:]

Nel follows them slowly up the stairs. Anyone here? She could have left by the window again, after all.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-28, 11:00 PM
{Yeah...so sad}

There's a little groan... *groan* upstairs, in one of the rooms.

Richter is still, unfortunately, following the tracks downstairs.

2009-10-28, 11:06 PM
[House Upstairs]
Richter! Nel yells out. Up here!

While running into the room he heard the sound from.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-28, 11:13 PM
[House downstairs]
Richter runs up the stairs, to the
[House upstairs]

Violet is lying on the ground...one of her feet has fallen through the rotting floor, and there's a large beam and some roof stuff that's fallen on her. There's a hole in the ceiling above her.
And she's clutching onto something.

Richter catches up. What is...

2009-10-28, 11:14 PM
[The room in the house that they're all in]

Violet! Nel tries to shift away the roof stuff and beam to get her out.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-28, 11:20 PM

She groans again, then looks up.

Richter helps take the stuff off of her.

The beam seems to be the worst thing.

2009-10-28, 11:22 PM
[Broken room? Nice 4th note to self, by the way.]

I'm sure together they can lift it off. Which is what Nel will try.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-28, 11:31 PM
[Room with a hole in it so that light shines in at noon]

Richter helps lift it off. But, boy, was it heavy.

Thanks, says Violet, shivering. Her foot's still stuck in the rotton floor. But she could probably get that out herself.

2009-10-28, 11:33 PM
[Room that's dangerous to vampires]

You're welcome. Are you okay? Need healing or anything? He asks, concerned.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-28, 11:36 PM
[And she was right under the hole...and you don't even want to know how she managed to stay out of the light}

No, I'm good... She muscles her foot out of the floor, tearing up a couple boards along with it. Just...a little tired... she says weakly. But she's clutching onto a couple sheets of paper.

2009-10-28, 11:40 PM
Nel goes to help her up, if she needs it. What is that? You found something?

Je dit Viola
2009-10-28, 11:44 PM
Yes...they were here...up until last year... she says. She knows where the next hint could be. She also realizes that they almost destroyed the space-time continuum, accidentally. And that she met them in her own past, twice. (Mind twister!)

2009-10-28, 11:48 PM
So recently? Where did they go?

Je dit Viola
2009-10-28, 11:50 PM
...I don't know where they went after that. she says. But they visited where I grew up, a couple times. she says.


2009-10-28, 11:52 PM
Wait, so you...knew them here in the past? He tries to think how that works.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-28, 11:54 PM
Well...didn't really know them...but I caught them sneaking around, once or twice...we talked a bit...I can't believe they didn't tell me! she says.

2009-10-28, 11:58 PM
Maybe they went back there, to look for you? And I guess they didn't want to interfere in the future too much?

Je dit Viola
2009-10-29, 12:01 AM
Yes, that makes some sense...
Her eyes grow wide. Oh, my.
They must hate their grandfather by now...

2009-10-29, 12:07 AM
We'll have to go there.
Nel frowns, worried.
How well did they know your father?

Je dit Viola
2009-10-29, 12:12 AM
They probably knew about him pretty well...I can't believe I didn't connect this before. I told my own children about how nasty my dad was! she says. And they could even see the bruises...
Yes, she had a hard childhood.

2009-10-29, 12:14 AM
He still winces to hear that.
Still, he is family.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-29, 12:16 AM
Yeah...I was planning on teaching them that he wasn't as bad as he really was... she says.

(Okay, goodnight)

2009-10-29, 10:52 PM
Cleo is walking to the pond, where it's too old to post now. Carrying a bag she grabbed off of the coat rack in the DFI.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-29, 10:55 PM
Zophiel's following her, and he's a bit nervous...and he's lagging behind a bit.

2009-10-29, 10:59 PM
Are you sure? You seem a bit nervous, protesting and falling behind.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-29, 11:01 PM
Oh, no I'm fine... he says. It's just that .,,.. ., ,,.,.,. he says something unintelligible.

2009-10-29, 11:03 PM
Just what? I didn't hear that. She stops and listens to him.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-29, 11:04 PM
I...uh... ...and we already walked out here... still don't have a swimsuit... sorry...

2009-10-29, 11:06 PM
Cleo sighs. Then narrows her eyes in suspicion.Then why did you suggest swimming in the first place?... Oh, it's okay. Um...

Je dit Viola
2009-10-29, 11:08 PM
...I thought there wasn't any water close enough...sorry he peeps out.

2009-10-29, 11:10 PM
Oh, is that all? She steps back and tries to hug him. We'll figure something out.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-29, 11:11 PM
...really? He gets hugged. Okay...thanks...

2009-10-29, 11:13 PM
Really. An' you're welcome. Cleo thinks it over for a bit.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-29, 11:14 PM
Zophiel tries to think of something too, but his mind is so distressed from the almost-embarrasing scene.

2009-10-29, 11:17 PM
We could just go on through the woods. Or you could swim in some of your normal clothes. Or I could just not look at you the whole time. she jokes. Or something else?

Je dit Viola
2009-10-29, 11:19 PM
I-I...whatever...your choice. he says. This way, he won't mess it up again.

2009-10-29, 11:21 PM
Oh, do I have to? She frowns. She could make the wrong choice just as easily.
Well, then just wear a little of your normal clothes. You have others somewhere to change into, right?

Je dit Viola
2009-10-29, 11:23 PM
:smalleek: ...yes... I know! He'll wear is boxers! They have cute little pink dragons and silver unicorns on them.

...okay, let's do that.

2009-10-29, 11:26 PM
Why be worried? :smalltongue:
Mkay. Give me a minute to change. She walks a ways off, looking through the bag.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-29, 11:28 PM
He turns around, just to be safe...and takes off his clothes besides the silly pink-dragon and pretty rainbow unicorn boxers...if they're close enough to the pond. Otherwise...he won't other with that yet.

2009-10-29, 11:31 PM
Yes, they're close enough. So Cleo changes into a blue swimsuit. Which like a reasonable person, she has.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-29, 11:31 PM
Zophiel's not really a reasonable person, then.
(His boxers don't match the rest of his clothes!)

When he turns around, and if Cleo's done changing, he says to her Umm...ready? :smallredface:

2009-10-29, 11:33 PM
Or she's not actually like a reasonable person.
Yeah. When Cleo comes back, she blinks in surprise, and looks at Zophiel kind of funny.

(Obviously. Why does he wear those?)

Je dit Viola
2009-10-29, 11:36 PM
...what? he says....hoping the look was because of his intense muscles, not his boxers.

(...well, would you rather have him not wear them?) [/joking]

2009-10-29, 11:39 PM
Both. Nothing, nothing. she says, heading over to the water.

(I don't think so.)

Je dit Viola
2009-10-29, 11:41 PM

Zophiel dives into the water, careful to make a large splash.

(Good, neither would I)

2009-10-29, 11:43 PM
Since she's already wet from that, Cleo jumps right in after him.

((What we would want doesn't come into things anyway, does it?))

Je dit Viola
2009-10-29, 11:46 PM
Zophiel...likes the water. He should get a swimming suit so that he can go swimming more often.

Mmmm...this water's good.

((I'm sorry, you're too vague. So I can't understand what you just said. :smallamused: ))

2009-10-29, 11:50 PM
Cleo thinks it's alright. But he still should.

You have that right.

((I'm saying it's not up to me to decide your characters' clothing, or lack thereof. :smallamused:
And probably 1 more post.))

Je dit Viola
2009-10-29, 11:54 PM
Yeah... He starts smiling, and splashes her with water. Apparently, he forgot the color of his boxers already.


2009-10-29, 11:56 PM
Was it pink?[/joking]

Cleo grins and splashes him back before ducking underwater.
And deadtiming. I hope she doesn't drown.


Je dit Viola
2009-10-29, 11:57 PM
Zophiel gets a faceful of water.

And I hope she doesn't, either. Because, then Zophiel would have to do CPR on her.


2009-10-30, 05:28 PM
[Desert and Stuff]

Vo glances at Angie now and then.
This is happens.

2009-10-30, 05:39 PM
Luckily, she survives and comes back to the surface.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-30, 05:41 PM
[The pool]

Awwe...I was hoping Zophiel could do CPR...

He splashes her again.

[Wherever those other people were that we aren't RPing right now, but I'm just doing this so I don't forget what she was doing]
Violet's whereever.
Richter is whereever also.

2009-10-30, 05:43 PM

Why? I suppose he can save some NPC later.

She splashes back, and swims away a bit.

[That old house, upstairs]
So, how do we get to this farm? says Nel.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-30, 05:47 PM
But...in case you haven't seen the statistics, about 89% of NPCs are old men. The other 11% are chainmail bikini-wearing farmers.

Zophiel gets hit by the water and swims after her.

[Old, dipalated house]

Well...it's not very far... she says. [I]only about 50 miles away... There's a 'but' hanging on the tip of her tongue, but she decides not to say it.

Richter's examining stuff to see if there's an obvious clue that Violet blatantly missed.

2009-10-30, 05:51 PM
[Probably freshwater sharks or something]
No, I must have missed that. Well, he shouldn't mind the farmers so much, right?

Cleo starts swimming faster. It's a race! That Zophiel will probably win.

[Broken House]

But we shouldn't go there. Because . . . He waits for an explanation after that.

((Goodbye for a while.))

Je dit Viola
2009-10-30, 06:26 PM
(('kay. But I oddly deadtimed, so...))
[That's what they're swimming from]

Zophiel slows down when he catches up so that he loses. But it's close!

[Broken Home]

Well...it got abandoned... she says. My father and I moved away two years ago...

2009-10-31, 01:47 AM
((It's fine.))
[Shark-free area]
Cleo looks back to Zophiel and smiles. Good race.

Oh. And where did you go?

Je dit Viola
2009-10-31, 01:50 AM
((Whoah, you're up late))

[Watery depths]

Zophiel smiles back. Thanks. It was tough to keep up with you.

[Homeless...homeless...Like the (guess what comes next? Actually, don't)]

We went all over... she says...but we stayed in the Abyss the longest, until I ran away.

2009-10-31, 01:54 AM
((Halloween parties to have been at.))

[Watery surfaces]

You're welcome. And you were just about to catch me.


Okay, I'm going to stop suggesting things now. What should we do? asks Nel, confused.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-31, 01:58 AM
((Oh, fun!))
[Davvy Jones's Gym Locker]

Oh, yeah. I was so close. But I didn't catch. he says.

[Yeah, good idea]

Well, we could check the farm. After all, they did leave several months after I did.

2009-10-31, 02:02 AM
((Yeah. And also, it's the weekend.))

You want to try again? she asks jokingly.

[Reminds me of metaphorical houses]

Oookay. Maybe we should wait for you to rest a bit? OR at least till night?

Je dit Viola
2009-10-31, 02:05 AM

[No, it's Mr. Jones to you]
No, thanks. I'm all tired out. Zophiel says. Besides...his suit is close to coming off...
[Broken Heart]
Yeah...that would be a good idea. says Violet.

2009-10-31, 02:10 AM
[Yes sir, Mr. Jones sir.]
Oh, already? says Cleo, not noticing.

[Where the heart is?]
Right. Let's get on downstairs, away from the light.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-31, 02:16 AM
[Good. And don't forget it!]
No, just not to race again. he says. 'sides, he doesn't want to beat her. Ladies first.

[...close enough]

Yes, good idea. says Violet

Richter follows.

2009-10-31, 02:20 AM
[Yes, Mr. Jones]

Okay. Something calmer then. She goes to slowly swim around him, in a big circle.

[Below the heart. The lung?]

Nel goes along, wondering how they'll ever find the kids.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-31, 02:23 AM
[At ease, soldier]
Yeah, probably. Zophiel follows her around in the circle. Maybe trying to cast ""Whirlpool".

[...no. The radioactive super-power-granting object lodged next to the heart]

Violet...sits down, downstairs.

2009-10-31, 02:27 AM
[* Nod *]
Cleo gets pulled into the whirlpool keeps slowly swimming. Not everything's a competition, after all.

[Getting superpowered]
Nel sits across the area, and closes his eyes.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-31, 02:30 AM
[How did we get to that, anyway?]

Yeah...I agree. Zophiel says. Swimming, following her.
LIttle did they know what was lurking at the bottom of the pool...

[Which superpowers?]
Violet leans back.

Richter...just stands there.

2009-10-31, 02:34 AM
[Davy Jones's Locker]
It's more fun to work together, ah? Cleo stops and floats on her back.
I imagine it's a dragon turtle.

[Super-speed, of course]
Nel starts to absently hum.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-31, 02:38 AM
Yes, that sounds about right. He floats up next to her and stops.


Violet just listens...and harmonizes...

2009-10-31, 02:40 AM
Mhm. Cleo stays there a bit more, resting, relaxing.
Now, as long as they don't bother it...

[Yeah. Not the best one, but pretty good]
Nel glances at Richter. He's not humming yet.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-31, 02:43 AM
[Above the apocolyptic dragon-turtle]
Zophiel also rests, floating with him.

Oh, all right. Richter starts humming too.

2009-10-31, 02:45 AM
[Below the stars]
Cleo goes to lightly touch his hand. Now, what bothers turtles?

[Triet? Not a word?]
Thank you. Now Nel's back to humming.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-31, 02:48 AM
[*Cue Little Mermaid song "Kiss the Girl"*]

Zophiel smiles at her, then looks up at the stars.

[I think wrong language]

So...they're all singing. Guess what song? Yup, you guessed it.
(In case you didn't, look higher up)

2009-10-31, 02:52 AM
[The place the song should be]
Cleo smiles back, and looks for any familiar constellations. There probably aren't any.

[The place the song is]
Nel's humming has gone in an unexpectedly Disney direction.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-31, 02:55 AM
[I agree]
Zophiel just looks at Cleo, smiling.

[Go Disney!]

So has everyone else's.

And...it's really late.
Probably should go to bed.

2009-10-31, 02:57 AM
Once she notices, Cleo looks back to Zohpiel with a smile.

You're right there. Goodnight.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-31, 02:59 AM

And Happy Halloween.

Zophiel just continues to smile.

2009-10-31, 12:07 PM

And Happy Halloween to you too.

Cleo is smiling more and more as she watches him.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-31, 12:09 PM
Zophiel asks...What are you smiling about? His face is all serious-like.

2009-10-31, 12:13 PM
You smiling so, and it being fun being here. She says, looking more serious now. Why were you?

Je dit Viola
2009-10-31, 12:15 PM
I guess, for the same reasons you were. Zophiel starts smiling again!

2009-10-31, 12:18 PM
Great. She joins him in smiling.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-31, 12:21 PM
So.... He splashes water at her again.

2009-10-31, 12:26 PM
Yes...? She gets splashed, and just tries to splash him back.

Je dit Viola
2009-10-31, 12:29 PM
He gets drenched...what are you going to do today? he says, spashing back.

2009-10-31, 12:33 PM
Cleo stops to think, and gets soaked by the splash.
Build that anti-mind reading machine I got plans for. Or try to. How about you?

Je dit Viola
2009-10-31, 12:34 PM
I don't know. Maybe build an anti-anti-mind-reading device, after I learn how to read minds. he says casually.