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The Bushranger
2009-10-22, 01:01 PM
Been mooting these in my head for awhile, finally gave them a go...

The Jaffa staff is much more solid than the Ori one, which I'm not as sure about. Comments? Suggestions?

Jaffa Staff Weapon (Weapon, Exotic, Ranged)
Cost: 2000gp
Dmg (M): 1d12; alternatively as quarterstaff
Range Increment: 100ft
Weight: 10lbs
Type: Fire

The Jaffa Staff Weapon is a heavy ranged weapon that fires bolts of fire energy (plasma). It fires at the rate of one shot per round for 20 rounds, then must recharge for 1d6 rounds before being used again. After 1d100+50 recharges it becomes inert until a new power cell (cost 1200gp) is inserted.

A staff weapon must be armed (as a minor action, or swift action if you have the Quick Draw feat) before use. Disarming a staff weapon is a free action. The act of charging a staff weapon can be used to give a +5 bonus to an Intimidate check.

A staff weapon, charged or discharged, may be used as a (one-ended) Quarterstaff using the standard stats for such a weapon.

If somebody who does not have the appropriate Exotic Weapons Proficency feat attempts to fire a staff weapon and misses on their attack roll, there is a 20% chance of their hitting a undesired target for half damage, and a 5% chance of hitting an undesired target for full damage.


Ori Staff Weapon (Wondrous Item)
Cost: 5000gp
Dmg: 10d6 (See description); alternatively as quarterstaff
Critical: x3
Range: 200ft
Weight: 5lbs
Type: Fire

The Ori Staff Weapon is a heavy ranged weapon that fires Disintegrate spells, at the equivalent of 5th caster level, and using the normal rules for that spell. It fires at the rate of one shot per round for 20 rounds, then must recharge for 1d4 rounds before being used again. After 1d100 recharges it becomes inert until a new power cell (cost 3500gp) is inserted.

The possession of an Ori staff weapon gives the wielder a +5 bonus to any Intimidate check.

A staff weapon, charged or discharged, may be used as a Quarterstaff using the standard stats for such a weapon.

If somebody who does not have the appropriate Exotic Weapons Proficency feat attempts to fire a staff weapon and misses on their attack roll, there is a 25% chance of their hitting a undesired target.

2009-10-22, 02:01 PM
Wouldn't it be a bit more like Force damage? *Shrug*

Thrice Dead Cat
2009-10-22, 02:48 PM
Minor note, but, I Fiend Folio actually has similar weapons near the Ethergaunts. I don't remember the details off hand, but for something on the order of 1000 or less GP, you can something that fires no magical [force] bullets.

I want to say the damage is a little low, but, yeah, it might help you get a base-line down for this homebrew.

2009-10-22, 03:11 PM
You know, there's a perfectly good Stargate D20 system already out, we don't need to invent the rules for dnd, we can simply convert them.

2009-10-23, 12:20 PM
These look pretty good, and I think fire is the appropriate energy type for this. Will you be statting out the Zat'nik'tel and Staff Cannon, too?

2009-10-23, 01:09 PM
I'm pretty sure that minor actions don't exist in 3.5, though.

The Bushranger
2009-10-23, 01:38 PM
I want to say the damage is a little low, but, yeah, it might help you get a base-line down for this homebrew.

That's something I wondered about, trying to balance "not enough" with "too much." Perhaps a d20 instead of d12?

You know, there's a perfectly good Stargate D20 system already out, we don't need to invent the rules for dnd, we can simply convert them.

Not everyone has access to 'em, though. Like me, for instance. :smallwink:
Unless they're available somewhere on the web for free?

These look pretty good, and I think fire is the appropriate energy type for this. Will you be statting out the Zat'nik'tel and Staff Cannon, too?

Hopefully soon, although that will be on a as-I-have-time-and-motivation basis. :smalltongue: The Staff Cannon will come first!

I'm pretty sure that minor actions don't exist in 3.5, though.

Eh, point - call it a move action, then, akin to drawing a weapon (i.e. can be done while moving and the Quick Draw feat applies). :smallsmile:

2009-10-23, 01:43 PM
These look pretty good, and I think fire is the appropriate energy type for this. Will you be statting out the Zat'nik'tel and Staff Cannon, too?

I think you'd be hard-pressed to come up with stats for the Zat gun that isn't absurdly overpowered.

Edit: Speaking of which, when was the last time they've friggin' used those? They used to have crates of the buggers.

The Bushranger
2009-10-23, 02:03 PM
Edit: Speaking of which, when was the last time they've friggin' used those? They used to have crates of the buggers.

The fact they didn't send any to Atlantis is a pet peeve of mine.

2009-10-23, 02:23 PM
D&D Zats would probably have to be powered down a bit.

Example chain of attack:
Normal attack roll, then stun on failed Fort save, and then instant death on failed Fort save (only if you've been stunned by the weapon); and disintegration of the body (works on all corpses, and yes, it can do that).

2009-10-23, 02:30 PM
Why should the Staff weapon be fire-able only once per round? I understand a little slower, but not only once per round.

The Bushranger
2009-10-23, 04:21 PM
Example chain of attack:
Normal attack roll, then stun on failed Fort save, and then instant death on failed Fort save (only if you've been stunned by the weapon); and disintegration of the body (works on all corpses, and yes, it can do that).

My thoughts exactly. :smallbiggrin:
The disintergration was retconned out, actually - you'll notice in later seasons it is never shown, and it is in fact lampshaded in the episode "Wormhole X-Treme" (Where Marty suggests the guns in his show do that, and the reply is "...that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard").

Why should the Staff weapon be fire-able only once per round? I understand a little slower, but not only once per round.
You're right, it should be based on attack bonus, the same as any other weapon. :smallsmile:


OK, here's the slightly-revised Jaffa Staff Weapon, and the muchly-revised Ori Staff Weapon (nerfed, primarily...).

Jaffa Staff Weapon
(Weapon, Exotic, Ranged)
Cost: 2000gp
Dmg (M): 2d8; alternatively as quarterstaff
Critical: x3
Range increment: 100ft
Weight: 10lbs
Type: Fire

The Jaffa Staff Weapon is a heavy ranged weapon that fires bolts of fire energy (plasma). It fires as a standard action for 20 rounds, then must recharge for 1d8 rounds before being used again. After 1d100 recharges it becomes inert until a new power cell (cost 1200gp) is inserted.

A staff weapon must be armed (the equiviliant of drawing a weapon) before use. Disarming a staff weapon is a free action. The act of charging a staff weapon can be used to give a +5 bonus to an Intimidate check.

A staff weapon, charged or discharged, may be used as a Quarterstaff using the standard stats for such a weapon.

If somebody who does not have the appropriate Exotic Weapons Proficency feat attempts to fire a staff weapon and misses on their attack roll, there is a 20% chance of their hitting a undesired target for half damage, and a 5% chance of hitting an undesired target for full damage.


Ori Staff Weapon
(Wondrous Item)
Cost: 5000gp
Dmg (M): 4d6 (See description); alternatively as quarterstaff
Critical: x3
Range increment: 100ft
Weight: 5lbs

The Ori Staff Weapon is a heavy ranged weapon that fires Disintegrate spells, at the equivalent of 2nd caster level, and using the normal rules for that spell. It fires at the rate of one shot per round for 10 rounds, then must recharge for 1d4 rounds before being used again. After 1d50 recharges it becomes inert and cannot be recharged.

The possession of an Ori staff weapon gives the wielder a +5 bonus to any Intimidate checks.

A staff weapon, charged or discharged, may be used as a Quarterstaff using the standard stats for such a weapon.

A Use Magic Device check is not necessary to fire the Ori staff seapon, however it does require the Exotic Weapon Profiency (Staff Weapon) feat to wield properly. Use of a If somebody who does not have the appropriate Exotic Weapons Proficency feat attempts to fire a staff weapon and misses on their attack roll, there is a 25% chance of their hitting a undesired target.

And all-new stats for the Staff Cannon, and the Zat.

Jaffa Staff Cannon
(Weapon, Exotic, Ranged)
Cost: 5000gp
Dmg (M): 6d8
Critical: x3
Range increment: 500 feet (see notes)
Weight: 40lbs
Type: Fire

The Jaffa Staff Cannon is a very heavy ranged weapon that fires bolts of fire energy (plasma). It fires at the rate of one shot per round for 50 rounds, then must recharge for 2d6 rounds before being used again. After 1d100 recharges it becomes inert and cannot be recharged.

A staff cannon must be armed (as a standard action) before use. Disarming a staff cannon is a free action. The possession of a staff cannon gives the wielder a +5 bonus to any Intimidate checks.

Creatures other than Jaffa who are smaller than Large size take a -2 penalty, in addition to any unproficency penalty, when attempting to use a staff cannon. If somebody who does not have the Exotic Weapons Proficency (Staff Weapon) feat attempts to fire a staff cannon and misses on their attack roll, there is a 40% chance of their hitting a undesired target for half damage, and a 15% chance of hitting an undesired target for full damage.

Staff cannons can be fitted to Death Gliders at the rate of two per Glider. When fitted to a Death Glider, these stats should not be used and the Glider's stats should be used instead. When salvaging cannons from a crashed Glider for individual use, there is a 50% chance that each weapon will be useable, and the DM should roll 1d100 for each cannon to determine how many recharges each weapon possesses.


Zat'nik'a'tel (Zat Gun)
(Wonderous Item)
Cost: 2000gp
Dmg: Special (see notes)
Critical: n/a
Range increment: 25 feet
Weight: 2.5lbs
Type: Electrical

A Zat'nik'a'tel (Zat) is a hand-held weapon that fires bolts of lightning (electricity). It fires at the rate of one shot per round and can fire 500 shots before having to be recharged (see Zat Recharger below). After 100 recharges there is a 1d20 chance of the weapon's burning out and becoming unoperative on each attempted recharge.

Damage inflicted by a Zat varies based on previous exposure to the weapon and how recent the victim's last exposure was. On the first shot, a victim must make a Fort save against DC 20 with a -15 penalty; on a failed save, the victim is rendered unconsious. This unconsiousness lasts for 1d10 minutes. If the victim is shot again within this time, they must make a Fort save against DC 20 with a -15 penalty; on a failed save, the victim immediately drops to -10 HP and dies. If the victim has previously been stunned with a Zat 1d100+25 times, the penalty for avoiding unconsiousness drops to -5.

If electrically-based equipment is shot with a Zat, there is a 75% chance of it being rendered inoperative.


Zat'nik'a'tel Recharger
Cost: 2500gp

Recharges two Zats in 2d20+8 rounds.

2009-10-24, 08:27 AM
Looks good, but won't it be kinda annoying to have to keep track on how many times you've been zatted? Also, I don't know if it matters at all, but the zat's primary effect is caused by extreme pain. Don't remember if pain is an actual game mechanic or not.

2009-10-24, 08:43 AM
200ft range increment seems a bit much, The Warrior showed that even for a decent marksman, staff weapons are quite inaccurate beyond [anyone who remembers the episode have a better distance estimate?] 100ft or so. Plus, in nearly all examples we see, Jaffa fight at very close range.

The Zat mechanics seem to work (just Zat'nik'tel, by the way, at least according to Stargate Wiki), but I'm not sure where the stacking penalties for being hit multiple times come from. Not that anyone gets a fort save to resist stunning in the series, but I don't remember any reference to it getting more difficult to resist.

PairO'Dice Lost
2009-10-24, 08:58 AM
Don't remember if pain is an actual game mechanic or not.

There are several abilities that say they're pain-based, and pain abilities tend to get grouped under "morale effects" for certain spells, but otherwise it's not really an official descriptor.

2009-10-24, 09:11 AM
Ok, what's the DC for this fort save? A fort save at a -10 penalty is pretty huge, but I don't know if it's DC 10 or DC 78901234567890123456.

The Bushranger
2009-10-24, 10:16 AM
@LordXavius: It might be, but it fits with canon...

@GallóglachMaxim: First point, that's a good point, I'll cut the ranges in half.

Second point, it's cannon if you've been zatted a number of times you build up a resistance to its effects - Jack, at least, is shown exhibiting this ("Prodigy"). Although, perhaps not to the extent I have, I think only one step is necessary.

@Milskidasith: I realised shortly after I posted that I should have said something. :smalltongue: A DC 20 sounds good to me - that way it's still Super Effective, but people with very high Forts do have a chance at resisting. Perhaps if you make your fort save against being stunned you're still immobilised by pain for 1d2 rounds?

Also, the length of time of the zat's stun effect has been changed to better fit the canon. Instead of 1d10 rounds (maximum 60 seconds...) I've changed it to 1d10 minutes.

2009-10-24, 10:37 AM
Perhaps zat resistance could be a feat?

2009-10-25, 10:14 AM
I'm wondering about the Ori staff weapon's disintegrate effect. Mostly because i plain don't remember than happening other than the first time they're encountered; resistance members turn into blue haze when shot but SG members in later episodes just die.

The disintegrate thing might work, but more likely it's along the lines of 'when fired within the range of a Prior, it deals double damage and counts as a Disintegrate effect' or something.

That and they were shown being used as spears during assaults...

The Bushranger
2009-10-25, 10:20 AM
@LX: Hm, that's a distinct possibility. Preresquitute: being zatted 10 times?

@MMA: Well, like I said, the Ori staff is very tenative. The main reason I used Disintrigrate was because I was looking for a spell that had a blue or green effect. :smalltongue: But considering that, that does sound like a rather better description. I might rework it later...

2009-10-25, 01:05 PM
Zat'nik'tel Resistance
Prerequisite: Great Fortitude, must have been rendered unconscious by a Zat'nik'tel at least ten times.
The Fortitude save penalty for resisting unconsciousness when struck by a Zat'nik'tel decreases by 10. In addition, you remain unconscious for one minute less than usual when rendered unconscious by a Zat'nik'tel (to a minimum of one minute).

Good feat or not? Also, does immunity to electricity make you immune to the Zat, and if so, does resistance to electricity make you more Zat-resistant? If this is the case, you should note it.

The Bushranger
2009-10-25, 08:40 PM
I like it. :smallbiggrin:

Electrical resistance...hmm. Perhaps it simply infers the effects of that feat as part of the resistance?

The Bushranger
2009-12-21, 05:56 PM
I've made a few revisions to the Jaffa Staff Weapon. Completely overhauling the Ori weapon will be next.