View Full Version : ***Ptolus: City by the Spire IC***

Talking Donkey
2009-10-23, 07:13 AM
Over the past few weeks, months, and in some instances, years, the five of you have become friends or at least trusted acquaintances. Each of you, having had a long week of work in your given profession, has decided to meet up with friends your friends and enjoy a night out on the town. The five of you have met by the large bronze statue in the middle of Delver’s Square. The weather is slightly uncomfortable with a slight rain that has been going on all day coupled with the cooler than normal weather for this time of year (early fall). The last of you have just arrived and can now decide where you want to go for the night. There are many types of places including restaurants , taverns, theaters, inns, and other enjoyable areas here in Midtown. It is almost dark and there is still a little daylight left. Where do you wish to go?

Here a list of ideas:
The Ghostly Minstrel (Tavern)
Potter's Hostel (Inn)
Good Eats (Restaurant)
North Point Restaurant (Restaurant)
The Cloud Theater (Musical)
Midtown Dance Hall (Dance)
The Goat (Tavern)
The Open Kitchen (Restaurant)
The Black Swan (Tavern)

There are many other locations, but these are the closest.

OOC: Each of you would know that Midtown is the largest district in Ptolus, more than twice as large as any other district. As such, it is broken down into neighborhoods unlike the other districts. You are currently in Delver’s Square, a place to known to be frequented by those who make a living delving into the undercity. Midtown houses a wide variety of people from street urchins and the lower class up to nobles and clergy.

OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7175467#post7175467).

2009-10-23, 09:37 AM

The elf shivered against the evening chill, peering into the fog for the sign. The dwarf had said he'd be finished by now, at the latest. Ah! There it was, a sign with a black-feathered bird. She pushed open the door, and ducked inside.

Her eyes scanned the crowd, blind to anyone but the dwarf she searched for. Seeing him, she pushed her way through the smokey tavern, and settled into the seat across from him.

"Do you have it?" Her voice reflected her concerns for her family.

Talking Donkey
2009-10-23, 10:44 AM
The rest of the group can feel free to follow Nalain into The Black Swan where apparently the Kau is already waiting. If the other three decide to go somewhere else, you can all meet up later as well.

2009-10-23, 06:17 PM

Nathan attempts to look reasonably tough as he enters the Black Swan, and promptly has a coughing fit. So much for that.

He spots Nalain in the haze and tries to catch her eye.

Talking Donkey
2009-10-23, 06:42 PM
The sign over the door to this tavern has a faded black swan painted upon it. The inside is dingy, the floor is dirty, the tables are splintered wood, and the walls are bare—yet the clientele doesn’t seem to mind one bit. On the contrary, all who pass by on the street can hear raucous singing and laughter coming from inside. This is a jovial place full of drunk or half-drunk dwarves, the tavern’s primary patrons.

Aside from the members of your party who just entered the bar, the only non dwarf in the entire place is the bartender, a middle aged half-elf who is smiling and joking as he races around taking orders and preparing drinks. There are a few empty tables in the area; one in the back corner. it is dimly lit but has wonderful smells wafting through the door of the kitchen. One is near the bar, it was recently occupied and is being bused by a young dwarven barmaid. The other table is near the entrance, it is cool and drafty so few people ever sit here.

Feel free to sit where you like.

2009-10-23, 07:32 PM

The human priestess looked up at the statue of Abesh Runihan in the center of Delver's Square, before turning her attention to her friends as they entered the tavern. Having never entered the Black Swan herself, she felt the urge to follow out of curiosity, entering the tavern after Nathan.

Alika took a look around, her expression one of interest as she watched the mostly Dwarven patrons for a moment. Afterward she glanced at Nathan, noticing his gaze focused on Nalain."We should wait at a table." She suggested as she moved through the crowd towards the table by the bar, noting with some amusement that her and Nathan were the tallest people in the bar as she did so.

2009-10-23, 07:44 PM

"Right..." Nathan follows her to her table.

2009-10-23, 08:08 PM

The elf saw Nathan enter the bar, and she winced inside. Couldn't he have waited just a few more minutes? She hastily turned back towards the dwarf, hoping Nathan wouldn't notice her until the transaction was completed.

'Oh, why did Kau have to have sat down next to an empty table?', Nalain thought to herself.

Talking Donkey
2009-10-23, 11:12 PM
The Black Swan

Coming over to the table where Alika and Nathan sat, the dwarven barmaid has a warm smile on her plump face. "Nasty weather were havin', eh? What can I get for you ma'am? Sir?" she says, looking at each of you in turn.

2009-10-24, 01:47 PM

"Hm.. I'll have a dry stout." She decided after some thought as she took a seat, returning the smile. Dry stout, or 'black ale' was suppose to be a light drink. "Do you have any salted-pork? Roasted beef would be fine too." she added, realizing she was pretty hungry, having skipped a meal earlier in the day.

2009-10-24, 09:43 PM

"Uh... iruvass, please." Nathan had picked up a taste for Rafiir's favorite drink, a relatively cheap and mild elven beverage. "Thanks."

Talking Donkey
2009-10-24, 11:36 PM
"Sure thing, If you need anythin' else, just let me know." With that she takes off and delivers your orders to the kitchen, grabs your drinks and returns promptly. "Here you are". With that she turns and begins waiting on another table, this one full of raucous dwarves.

((OOC: Waiting to get the full group in here.))

2009-10-25, 01:51 AM

Kau sighs, and looks around the Swan before leaning closer to Nalain.

"Do you really want to take care of this here? Very well."

He slid a cotton bag across the table towards her.

2009-10-25, 02:50 AM

With a fugitive glance that indicated her inexperience with this sort of thing, Nalain took the package and tucked it inside her loose-fitting blouse, hoping that nobody had noticed. The weight was oddly comforting against her chest--those gangsters had better think twice if they thought they could manhandle her family!

Taking a deep breath, the elf tried to slip into small talk. "It sure has been drizzly this week. Anything exciting happen up here in Midtown?"

(OOC: I've got this on Nalain's character sheet. I assume that this is treated as a pre-game purchase, but if not, let me know how to fix it. Correct me if I'm wrong anywhere, as always.
Also, the other PCs may note that Nalain does not have a sleight-of-hand skill, for whatever it's worth. ^^)

Talking Donkey
2009-10-25, 06:49 PM
Seeing the new arrival, the Dwarven barmaid returns to the table, "Anything I can get you ma'am?"

Talking Donkey
2009-10-26, 11:50 AM
It takes the barmaid a moment, but after asking a few questions, and getting the appropriate head nods, she is able to understand you and makes her way to the bar before quickly returning with your drink.

((OOC: You guys can stay here as long as you like, but I have nothing planned, as I didn't really expect you all to just jump into a bar.:smallbiggrin: Either way, do as you like.))

2009-10-26, 07:30 PM

The dwarf glances appraisingly at the barmaid, and it's clear that something meets with approval. He indicates a desire for a top-up of his tea, and smiles faintly.

He turns his attention to Tania, indicating a seat next to him and across from Nalain.

"We haven't been here long - please don't worry. Your dress is very fetching."

Talking Donkey
2009-10-26, 08:04 PM
The barmaid refills beverages around your tables before going to check on her other patrons.

2009-10-26, 08:11 PM

Nathan nods at the two ladies sitting with him, still waiting patiently for Nalain to notice them. "So, what have you two been up to?"

2009-10-26, 11:59 PM

With the invitation from the dwarf, Nalain shifted slightly in her chair to look at the neighboring table. She nodded a greeting to Tania, but felt the need to cover for her rudeness to Nathan. "Oh, hi there. I didn't see you come in.", she greeted him, perhaps a bit more transparently than she'd have liked. "Mind flagging down the waitress for another cup? What brings you this way tonight?"

2009-10-27, 08:33 AM

She had been enjoying her drink as she watched Tania enter the tavern and approached, nodding to her. "I see... well... as for myself, I was spending most of my time offeri8ng assistance the churches in the temple district the last week" She responded with a smile while setting her drink down.

The human turned her attention to Nalian as she spoke to their table "We decided to get together for for a while, since most of us have been busy kind of busy lately."

2009-10-27, 10:03 AM

Kau smiles and, sensing the tension between Nalain and Nathan but not what to do about it, rises and moves towards a seat at other table.

"Good to see you! Mind if we join...?

He smiles, leaning a bit wearily on the back of the chair.

"It certainly has been a trying week. It's been vexingly difficult to find good solder, and that's meant that the final assembly on a pair of custom manacles that I've been commissioned to build - did you know that Littorians wrists are remarkably thick relative to the size of their hands, making it a fascinating challenge to build suitable - ah. But that's probably considerably more than you wanted to know."

He turns with a nod to Alika.

"And what news from the temple district? What's been keeping you busy?"

Sorry, NotANinja - I mis-read where you had settled. Thanks for coping.

2009-10-27, 03:44 PM

"Sure. No problem."

Nathan sighs and pulls out the amulet. "I've made little or no progress on finding my expert. Rafiir once said talk is cheap, but if that's true, then how come no one will talk to me without a fistful of gold?"

He puts it away - probably best not to stare at it too long. "The thing is, I can't afford to pay people for information that I don't know is good, and living here is slowly draining the money I have. I need some kind of fast and lucrative job to get the money I need to pay people for services or information. Have any of you heard of anything like that?"

Talking Donkey
2009-10-27, 03:50 PM
As conversations are begun and the party is relaxing after a long week, the party hears a woman's scream. It came across very faint and could barely be picked up over the sounds of the now, packed tavern. It appears to have come from the alley next to the bar.

None of the other patrons seemed to notice, or care, in their inebriated state.

2009-10-27, 04:40 PM

The smiling dwarf was just about to sit when the faint sound made him freeze. He glanced up immediately at the others, his hand instinctively going to the small but sturdy knife at his belt.

"A disturbance of the peace, perhaps? Anyone care to join me in investigating?"

With an ease born of practice, Kau began slipping among the much taller patrons of the bar towards the alley entrance. He quietly drew and palmed his knife as he went.

2009-10-27, 04:52 PM

Nathan gets up wordlessly, picking up his sword from where it rested against the table. His path to the door is graceless and awkward compared to Kau's - every impact with another patron drawing an "Excuse me" from Nathan, but he gets to the door quickly enough and follows Kau outside.

2009-10-27, 05:29 PM

The elf ducks in her chair. Screams weren't terribly uncommon in her neighborhood, but they still surprised her sometimes--and she had yet to develop the martial reflexes of some of the others. Recovering herself, she rose to her feet and followed the others toward the door, shifting the sword on her hip for confidence as she did.

Initiative: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Spot: [roll2]

Talking Donkey
2009-10-27, 06:10 PM
As our curious group of adventures rounds the corner they see two male humans, their backs to the group. They are looking down at a woman cowering and whimpering in the corner, her arms and legs in a defensive position as if to fend off attacks. The large of the two men has a large club in one hand, while the smaller man has a blade. Upon hearing your footsteps, both men turn around.

The large of the two steps forward, "Unless you be wantin' me to kick the **** out of ya, I suggest you get the 'ell outta ere." "Yeah, you eard' em'... SCRAM!" comes the squeaky voice of the smaller, rat-faced man holding the blade.

FYI, I do combat rolls just like you, I don't pull punches... if I kill you, you know it's no hard feelings, if you win, then you know you did it by your own virtues. The only rolls I hide are knowledge rolls and spot, listen checks of my NPC's.

Ortry Initiative:[roll0]
Derral Initiative:[roll1]

Edit: We aren't in combat yet, you guys can RP this out, or send it straight to combat... up to you guys.

2009-10-27, 06:42 PM

Nathan's eyes flash with anger. I've been taught not to jump into situations blindly. They get one chance to explain. One.

"What is this?" He demands of the two, balancing his sword on his shoulder for the moment.

For when it's needed, Inititative: [roll0]

2009-10-27, 08:11 PM

Words were like lead for Kau - soft but heavy, awkward to work, apt to bend the wrong way at the worst possible moment. He'd trust Nathan to speak for him. In fact, it might be best if Kau wasn't noticeable at all. The dwarf slides off to the side of the alley.

Kau will attempt to use Nathan taking focus as a distraction to move up to 10' and conceal himself wherever there might be something (trash cans, crates, a doorway, etc) that would allow him to Hide [roll0].

Initiative: [roll1]

Talking Donkey
2009-10-27, 08:30 PM
"None a' ya' business... now pike off." says the larger man, obviously getting annoyed with the group. "Yeah, you tell'em... pike off." The smaller man's voice even more annoying this time than the first.

Seeing a chance to escape, the woman gets up and trys to run past the two thugs to safety, but is backed handed and sent sprawling back into the corner. She pulls her knees back up and begin sobbing, "Please... *sob* ...don't kill me... please *sob*."

2009-10-27, 11:59 PM

Nalain's stomach quaked a bit at the thought of one of the two men coming towards her. It was a rather dark evening, and she wondered if she could use that to their advantage.

With all the confidence she could muster, she called out, "The rest of the guard will be here any minute. Throw your weapons down now!" She put a hand on the hilt of her blade for effect.

Bluff: [roll0]

If it's supposed to be an intimidate roll, subtract two from the result (1d20+4)

Talking Donkey
2009-10-28, 07:06 AM
"Well, I guess we better be quick then" With that the men step forward, obviously with ill intent.

((OOC: Tolidur go, unless you are holding action. You aren't sure whether or not they see you, although they aren't really focusing on you in particular)).

2009-10-28, 11:47 AM

Alike followed the group outside as she heard the scream. making sure to put her shield on her left arms as she left the tavern. She hurried after the others, walking into the alley as she saw what transpired, her eyes narrowing when the woman was struck, but she decided to at least try to solve this without violence.

""Hold on now, there's no need for violence. Why are you harassing this woman?"

Diplomacy check: [roll0]
Initiative check: [roll1]

2009-10-28, 03:18 PM
Kau Gilk

It would seem that these two men were determined to be obdurate. Popping up from behind a crate, Kau tosses his knife at the big man with as much force as he can muster, then pulls his club to hand and brandishes it in both hands.

Attack: [roll0] - less any range penalties, and hopefully catching him flatfooted
Crit Confirmation (if above is a 19 or 20): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Sneak attack damage: [roll3]

Talking Donkey
2009-10-28, 05:38 PM
The big man takes a step forward right as Kau lets his dagger fly, floating harmlessly over his shoulder. With out missing a beat the man continues forward. "I'm gonna enjoy this..."

With that the large man closes the distance between himself and Nathan, seeing as he can't reach Kau because of the crate in his way.

Attack Roll:
Attack Damage:[roll1d10+4
Incase of Crit:

Target AC: 16 (You guys were ready for combat, so I am not going to say you were flat-footed)

Seeing his friend fly into combat, the rat-faced man, takes a step to his left while pulling out a crossbow and lets a bolt fly at Kau.

Attack Roll:[roll2]
Attack Damage:[roll1d8
Incase of Crit:[roll3]

Talking Donkey
2009-10-28, 05:39 PM
Rerolling both damages because I"m a dork.



Talking Donkey
2009-10-28, 05:44 PM
The large man's Greatclub smashes into the mighty paladin, nearly knocking Nathan's breath away. Nathan thinks he may have cracked a rib... or worse.

The rat faced man's bolt flies true, but strikes the corner of the crate the dwarf his standing behind. Battle favors those using good tactics.

Ok, I think it's Nathan, the Tania, then Nalain, then Aika... unless Aika posted initiative somewhere and I missed it.

2009-10-28, 05:49 PM

Well, we're off to a great start.

Nathan pales when stabbed, although he doesn't scream. He looks for a moment like he's about to pass out - he staggers a bit, and the blade of his sword drops behind him, but then his eyes narrow, the sword blade shimmers a bit, and he whips the 5 foot blade over and down at his opponent.

Using smite attack:

Smite: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Talking Donkey
2009-10-28, 06:00 PM
Ortry's grin fades as he sees the Paladins blade swinging towards him. He doesn't even have time to scream as Nathan's cold steel bites into his neck at a downward angle, nearly cleaving the man in two.

The rat faced-man drops his crossbow and falls to his knees.

"Please, please don't urt' me, it was Orty's idea... e' made me!"

The man is unarmed.

[You cut it close on that smite... AC was 14.]

2009-10-28, 06:26 PM

Nalain step forward, alongside her father's charge. "Are you alright?" She winced a bit at the sight of the blood, however minor. While waiting for an answer, she glanced across at the woman and called out more loudly to her. "And you? How are you doing?"

(If the woman doesn't answer, or answers in the negative, she'll quickly step over to take a look.)

2009-10-28, 06:28 PM

Nathan leans heavily on his sword, trying to concentrate. When he notices Tania's gaze, he says, "Please, could you, Alika, or Kau - or better yet, all of you - take him to the guard? Thanks in advance. See if he'll answer any questions on the way. Tell them where we are and ask them to send someone here." He winces. "Nalain, could you see to the lady over there, and - ah, you're already on it. I'm going to make sure the body isn't disturbed. And try to stop bleeding."

With that, he focuses, and begins recovering from the wound extremely quickly. In under a minute, he's fully healed.

Using Healing Devotion to fix the 7 hp of damage.

2009-10-28, 06:47 PM

The Priestess winces as she watched the man fall dead. looking disappointed as she knelt down, picking up the crossbow that Tania kicked over in their direction. "I'll assist in taking him to the guard... but first." she walked over to the corpse, kneeling down and saying a quick prayer

Talking Donkey
2009-10-28, 07:09 PM
The healing magic flowing through Orty patches him up enough that he will not die. He regains consciousness, but is out of it.

The rat-faced man squeals as Tania lifts him up by the manacles, the metal digging into his wrists. He puts up little fight.

The woman, says nothing, still cowering in the corner, not from any threat, but because of the ordeal she has just been through.

Just as Tania prepares to march the thug down the nearest guard post, a patrol of three City Watch approach from behind. "What's going on here?"

((OOC: Nathan, don't use your healing devotion. He was only down 1hp. I'll say that between the two of you, you were able to stop the bleeding and help him regain consciousness.))

2009-10-28, 07:17 PM
I should have been more clear. Nathan is using healing devotion on himself. He'd already written the other guy off. :smallamused:

Although if I can nonmagically revive him, I guess that works.

2009-10-28, 07:21 PM
And I had assumed by the whole 'nearly cleaved in two that he was dead/in the negatives ^^;

Talking Donkey
2009-10-28, 07:21 PM
((OOC: My fault, you can heal check, or let him die... your call Mr. Paladin.:smallwink: Sorry, you said to make sure no one disturbed the body. And try and stop the bleeding. I thought you meant him. No problem.))

2009-10-28, 07:27 PM
Kau skirts the conflict, ferrets out his knife from the other side of the alley.

"Of course, I'll help take him away."

Settling his knife back in its sheath, he reached into his pack for the bit of rope he usually kept there - although usually it was to hold wood together while the glue dired, not something like this. He was just about to start applying it to the unconscious Ortry's hands when the watch arrived. Instead, he simply laid a foot gently on the fallen thug's backside. When the watch call out, Kau looks around at the others, and simply pointed down to Ortry on the ground, and then over at the rattish man.

"It would seem that these two were attacking this woman. We intervened."

He shrugged.

Talking Donkey
2009-10-28, 07:47 PM
((OOC: Yeah, I got liberal with it because he took him from max to negatives in one "Smite". I didn't expect you guys to heal him. Bad RP on my part.))

"Is that so?" The watchman looks around, assessing the situation.

One of the other city watchmen points to the rat-faced thug, "Looks like he's one of the Pale Dogs, look at his ring."

"You're right" Walking over to the woman the first watchmen he begins talking to the battered woman. "Ma'am, are you ok?" He extends his hand to help her up. She slowly, almost reluctantly takes his hand. "There everything is going to be all right. Is there some place we can take you? Some place you can stay for the night?"

The woman nods, "St. Gustav's, Brother Fabitor will let me stay at the chapel tonight. I... I don't want to stay alone tonight."

"Ok ma'am, we'll get you home." Walking back towards the group the lead watchmen speaks in a hushed tone so the woman can't hear. "Look, we need to take these two down to the station, would you five mind escorting her to the church? It's on the other side of the district, and kind of out of our way."

2009-10-28, 09:21 PM

She nodded to the lead watchman, holding out the crossbow "This belongs to the man that's still conscious." She gestured to the rat faced thug. "And it would be an honor to bring her to St. Gustav's." she added before turning to the others, wondering what they'd do "Of course I can't speak for my friends."

2009-10-29, 01:07 AM

(Talk about a flurry of action as soon as I look away!)

Nalain, having comforted the woman until the guard arrived, listened to the questioning. So these men were Pale Dogs too--they clearly were reaching quite a ways out of the Warrens, not just the few blocks to her flat! Without hesitation, she agreed with the priestess. "It would be no trouble for us to escort her. After all, I hardly feel like continuing our revelries, and it's not late at all." She'd have done it merely out of compassion, but was all the more eager for the chance to ask her a bit about the Pale Dogs.

She aimed to get a glance at the ring the Watch mentioned as they escort the prisoners away.

2009-10-29, 01:13 AM

"I'd be happy to head to St. Gustav's." Nathan wipes off his sword and puts it back in the cloth sling on his back.

2009-10-29, 01:39 AM

Kau helps the watchmen lift the unconscious thug to a semblance of a standing position, and then slips his rope back into his pack. He nods to the still-shaking woman.

"Of course I'll come along."

Talking Donkey
2009-10-29, 07:02 AM
"Thank you, the City Watch appreciates upstanding citizens such as yourselves. Alright, let's get these two out of here." With that the other two guards grab one of the thugs each, while the lead guard picks up the weapon handed to him by Alika. Looking over to the woman whose life you save the head guard says, "These five will take you to St. Gustav's, we'll make sure these two are punished." And with that the guard began began escorting the two thugs to jail.

The woman, still obviously shaken up from her ordeal, thanks you for you kindness. "Thank you, I... I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't stepped in. I wish th-that there was something I could give you in exchange for your help." As the group begins walking away, one of you notice a small piece of paper on the ground that is still mostly dry, even in this wet weather. It is obvious it fell out of one of the two thugs pockets.

It reads:

Phon Quartermail. 3rd door westarn side
of Crispin Street. Blak hair, yung. After:
the red wairhuse on Able row, 2 hours
after dusk. Theoday.

Tomorrow is Theoday and this young woman matches the short description, although many women in the city would as well.

The young woman pays no attention to the small note you found, instead beginning to make her way to St. Gustav's, although checking to make sure you are all following.

2009-10-29, 07:41 AM

As soon as the woman stepped up to leave, Nalain was on her feet and walking alongside, confident that one of the others would pick up the note, though she thought she understood the general meaning at a glance.
"Did you know them before they came from you? Have you ever encountered the Pale Dogs before?"

As Nathan caught up with the two women she looked at him, remembering and relying on his youthful idealism. "You know, I match the description. Once our charge here is safe, would you come on a little errand with me?"

2009-10-29, 10:21 AM

As the young woman heads off towards St. Gustav's, and the watch march the two men off, Kau spies the note as it flutters on the ground, and quietly scoops it up. As Nathan, Nalain and the young woman take the lead, he moves over to Talia and Alika and holds out the paper for them to read as well. He invites them to join him as he trails after the first three, glancing around to make sure no one is following as they leave the alley. He keeps his voice as low as he can, given the noise of the street.

"Interesting. It does raise the possibility that the young woman is in fact not the real target, but simply someone who matches the description. It also does nothing to answer the question: why."

Talking Donkey
2009-10-29, 11:48 AM
The woman slows to address Nalain. "No, I'd never seen them before in my life, I think they are just common thugs. The what? No, I've never even heard of a Pale Dog."

The woman begins walking again. "Thanks again for stopping them, I hate to think what would..." She trails off before speaking again. "I'm Phon, nice to meet you." She says, stopping and holding out her hand.

2009-10-29, 12:24 PM

Nathan nods to Kau as they catch up with the others. When Nalain asks her question, he simply says, "Sure."

2009-10-29, 05:44 PM

Nalain puts a comforting hand on the woman's shoulder as they walked. "Oh, sorry. I'm Nalain. I'm a fencing instructor down near Salt Street." She generally tried to avoid saying 'right by the Warrens' when she talked about her abode. "Do you go to St. Gustav's often?"

Talking Donkey
2009-10-29, 06:51 PM
The woman, still a bit shaken answers Nalain's questions. "Yes, I go a few times a week for prayer, and most of the day on Theoday for services. I also speak with Brother Fabitor occasionally. H-He's a good man."

2009-10-30, 12:29 AM

"Ah, I see. Brother Fabitor sounds like a good man. I'm sure he'll be able to help." Nalain tried to comfort the woman, to distract her from what had almost happened. "You said you lived alone?"

(OOC: I'm mostly continuing the conversation because I can, rather than because I think she has pertinent information--don't slow up the game on my behalf!)

2009-10-30, 09:28 AM

She walked with the group in the direction of St. Gustav's Chapel, listening to the others talk with the woman before speaking up "It's always a pleasure to meet another strong in the faith. I'm Alika Pegason, Priestess of Lothian... though there's still much for me to learn." she added, removing her shield from her arm finally, carrying it under her arm as they walked

Talking Donkey
2009-10-30, 12:19 PM
"Ah, that explains alot. Brother Fabitor preaches that Lothian takes care of his followers." A small smile comes to her face. "The chapel is only about 5 more minutes from here. Thank you all, so much."

The last few minutes of the walk to St. Gustav's goes uneventful. Alika, as well as an other party member who worships Lothian would know the following information; St. Gustav's is a somewhat smaller satellite chapel in Midtown. Lothians Holy Cathedral, and incidentally where Alika received most of her training, was at St. Valien’s Cathedral. The Cathedral and each of the eight chapels around the city are named after the Nine Saints of Lothian, each having a different title and area of influence. While St. Valien's area of influence are clerics, church hierarchy, the Holy Emperor, it seems fitting that St. Gustav's are of influence was protection of the innocent and the helpless.

Arriving at the chapel, you notice that St. Gustav’s seems dingy and run down compared to other temples in the city, particularly Lothian’s. It’s hearsay, but the common wisdom is that St. Gustav’s exists to give adventurers a place to go so they don’t come to St. Valien’s Cathedral. The non-adventuring populace likes it that way, particularly the nobles and wealthy citizens who contribute heavily to the St. Valien’s coffers. Meeting you halfway down the aisle is a man who stands just under six feet tall and has long brown hair that he is pulled back away from his face. Like the chapel, this man is slightly disheveled.

"Phon, it is good to see..." He pauses seeing her facial expression, "Is everything alright?" He looks to her and then to each of you, "I'm sorry, where are my manners, I am Brother Fabitor Thisk, priest of Lothian." However without waiting for further niceties he sits Phon down and ask her what is going on. She breaks down in tears and explains everything to him. After a moment, he comforts her before rising. "Of course, you are always welcome her my child." Brother Fabitor turns to each of you, "Thank you for what you have done for one of my flock." With that he turns and takes Phon to get her settled for the night.

If you are still there when he returns he will answer any questions your may have.

2009-10-30, 12:34 PM

Once they were alone, Nalain turned to the others. "Shall we take another look at that note?" She huddled close to Kau, who still held it. "She says she's never even heard of the Pale Dogs, but it seems they've heard of her." Nalain didn't have any reason to disbelieve the woman. "Nathan and I were thinking that we could go take a look at this place tomorrow. I almost match the description, so I bet that could get us inside, especially after dark. Somebody there should know what's going on, don't you think?" She wasn't completely sure what she intended to do once inside, but it was the kernel of a plan.

2009-10-30, 01:10 PM

Nathan scratches his head. "I guess it depends on what kind of investigating you want to do."

"Rafiir was fond of saying that people can't plan for what they don't know about. What if Alika and Kau pretend to be with Nalain, while Tania and I serve as backup in case something goes wrong?"

2009-10-30, 02:32 PM

Kau nods. The Pale Dogs were a blot on the order of Ptolus, and if it could be wiped clean, even a little...

"I would be honoured to try with you, tomorrow. I am not much for convincing others of my stories, but I'll do my best."

Talking Donkey
2009-10-30, 02:49 PM
((Please check OOC Thread ASAP.))

2009-10-30, 08:21 PM

"If we're going to separate, I have a little knack I've been picking up, one that could let us communicate at a distance. Just one of these little arcane talents that I've gotten these past few years. It'd let us stay connected for a little bit, at least. I could give a yell if there's a problem.

"Or if we all wanted to go in together, we could just go check it out now. Either surprise the fellows now, or set one up for when they arrive tomorrow."

(OOC: Since the spell is "Message", would this stop working if they closed the door?)

2009-11-01, 08:48 AM

The dwarf nodded.

"Scouting things out in advance, this evening, makes very good sense to me. We might, at the very least, be able to determine an observation point for the two who are not going in with Nalain. Knowing the gedrau viuk tyiginbidker1, the topography, would certainly be reassuring to me as well. That is, if Nathan feels well enough to travel. That was a nasty stroke you took back there in the alley, sir!"

1 A dwarven phrase meaning literally, "the way to the kitchen", but more acurately akin to the phrase "the lay of the land."

2009-11-01, 05:39 PM

Nathan grins. "I'm fine." Indeed, the wound Nathan took earlier is completely gone.

2009-11-02, 12:02 AM

"Sound like a plan. Let's make a little trip out to Able Row. We can discuss tomorrow's details as we walk." If she had been thinking clearer, Nalain would have wanted to prepare her newly-purchased pistol for use.

2009-11-02, 06:01 PM
(If there's no further discussion, we can move to the alley now, right?)

Talking Donkey
2009-11-02, 06:36 PM
You make your way to the appropriate place. Located in Midtown, in the neighborhood known as Longbottom, the red warehouse is on Able Row. It is an innocuous-looking rectangular wooden building with a partial second floor. The warehouse is closed, dark, and locked up, with all of the workers gone home for the day.

((Sorry, thought you were still talking amongst yourselves.))

2009-11-02, 07:17 PM

Kau is all business once they arrive at the warehouse.

"I wonder if one of you would consent to join me in attempting to make our way to the rooftop - it would be an ideal location from which the other two of our group might observe tomorrow. Perhaps the rest of you can check out the adjacent buildings - look for nooks, unlocked doors, possible guard posts for the Dogs.

"What do you think?"

Safe to assume that it's dark? And that there are other buildings nearby?

Talking Donkey
2009-11-02, 07:21 PM
Yes and yes, the buildings the road is only about 15 feet across with a few small 5 foot alleys between buildings.

2009-11-03, 03:23 AM

"I'd be happy to climb with you, but I wonder if one of the watchers tomorrow would gain more from the experience. Can I give you a boost up, Nathan?" She thought for a moment. "Well, we should definitely take a look up there, but if the three of us have trouble on the morrow, how quickly can someone up there get inside to aide us?

"Oh, and as a trial run and so we don't alarm people with yelling..." The elf began whispering mystical words of some stripe as she stared intently at the young squire.

Nalain casts "Voices on the Wind" (message) on Nathan.

This is an Aid Another: Climb roll for Nathan. If he declines to go, treat it as a climb roll for Nalain to make the trip in his stead.

2009-11-03, 03:26 AM

"If you don't mind. It's not going to be easy to get up there in armor..."

Assuming he isn't going to hurt himself, Nathan takes 20 on the climb check, for a result of 22.

2009-11-03, 08:20 AM

Assuming he isn't going to hurt himself, Nathan takes 20 on the climb check, for a result of 22.

I don't know if taking twenty is ok, but by my math you should have a net +4 to whatever the final roll is: +2 for strength and +2 for stepping into Nalain's cupped hands.

2009-11-03, 09:08 AM

Kau shrugs.

"I'll see if I can find an attachment point to drop a rope to help whoever decides to join me, then."

Looking for a rougher patch of wall, Kau braces himself and starts to climb.

I've never heard of taking 20 on a climb check, but what the heck. Kau will be opting to take 10, if possible. If not, his climb check: [roll0]

Talking Donkey
2009-11-03, 10:04 AM
Kau is able to climb up the side of the wall, sticking his fingers in between loose boards on his way up. It only takes a few moments to get to the top. He is able to tie a rope of for the rest who wish to climb up as well.
(DC-10 will let you climb the rope. Take 10 is you wish.)

Once to the top, the group sees a locked door that leads into the warehouse. Aside from that nothing up here seems of any value, information or otherwise.

2009-11-03, 12:57 PM
Sorry about that. I was thinking of SWSE rules.

2009-11-03, 05:51 PM

With Nathan safely up the rope, Nalain moves down the street, looking at first the door to the red warehouse, then at the surrounding buildings.

Once a good distance down the street, she looks back at the two on the roof. and whispers quietly to herself. "Squire Wildfire, can you hear me? Wave if you can."

2009-11-04, 01:38 AM

Having lost track of Nalain in the dark, Nathan hops a bit and and waves both arms.

2009-11-04, 05:42 AM

Alika followed the Nalain down the street, her shield strapped to her arm. She glanced toward the roof, keeping close to her companion "Maybe we should have alerted the City Guard at some point..."

2009-11-04, 07:31 AM

When Nathan is finished waving, Kau gestures for him to stay low, and to stick with Kau.

"I appreciate you coming up here with me, Nathan. I'll suggest we do a quick examination of the roof's peak, looking for ventilation or access hatches that you might be able to use tomorrow, and then move off to examine the edges to look for points where you might most easily climb up tomorrow, should you choose to use this point to observe. Stay low - for this kind of work, dwarves actually have a slight advantage - and stay close, so that we have a chance to catch each other if we fall."

I'm assuming a sloped roof, centre peak. Search: [roll0]. Hide [roll1]. TD, let us know if you need anything else. I'm good to fast forward through this if there's nothing of particular interest.

Talking Donkey
2009-11-04, 02:44 PM
No, this is actually a flat topped roof, also there are a few windows at the top that you can see into. They can't be used to gain entrance (without falling 20ft). When looking through the window you see a warehouse with several crates in the room, but it is dark and there is no movement. There is really little of interest here. If someone needed to, they could set up a rope and grappling hook and bust in through the window, assuming they have no compunction with breaking the window.

((I will assume you guys make it back to your respective places for the night, feel free to roleplay etc. I'll be back in 6-7 days and will progress the story.

2009-11-09, 01:26 AM


Alika followed the Nalain down the street, her shield strapped to her arm. She glanced toward the roof, keeping close to her companion "Maybe we should have alerted the City Guard at some point..."

"You think they would be concerned? The girl in question is safe, after all." Nalain wasn't as jaded about the guard as it sounded, but she was used to a guard that took a proper emergency to brave the rougher parts of the city. "We could alert them, if you think it best. Or ask my mother to alert them, should we not return on schedule." Nalain wouldn't have made the latter suggestion if she was wasn't confident in their abilities--dragging her family into the middle of this sort of thing was the absolute last thing she wanted.

"How does this doorway look, for Nathan and Tanya to hide in?"

(OOC: I'm ready to move on as well, since it sounds like the warehouse is, at least superficially, simple.)

(OOC: This is a bit to insert later, once they've all retired for the night.)

It was long after dark before Nalain was alone to examine her package in the dim candlelight in her cramped bedroom. The pistol looked smaller than she would have imagined, but felt oddly heavy in her hand none the less. Moving ever so carefully, she practiced loading shot in and out of the device. She pictured the two thugs this afternoon, remembering the malice in their eyes, and tried to imagine actually using the pistol. Finally she reached her limit and settled herself into bed, sleeping fitfully until the next morning.

2009-11-22, 11:56 AM
Kau walks back to the temple with those who are staying there, and makes his way through a not-entirely-direct route back his own small, shared rooms. Stripping off his gear, he settles back on his bed. I tried to kill a man today. What am I getting myself into?