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View Full Version : Non-XP Character Rewards

2009-10-23, 03:00 PM
I've been running a campaign for close to a year now in which the PC's are unwittingly participating in a struggle between the primal origins of Good and Evil. Now, in the next few sessions they'll be learning some details about these forces and receive various blessing from the now-fractured primal spirit of good. While I could have this take the form of XP or equipment, I would prefer something more flavorful and tailored to the PCs. So, my question becomes what rewards have you other DM's given out that didn't involve overt levels or wealth, but still managed to be interesting and unique?

2009-10-23, 03:03 PM
Allies and story. If your PCs are masters of seperating character knowledge from player knowledge, then give them some character knowledge about your world. If not, do it anyway, just make sure they can't use it against you in a later campaign. A good story is, in fact, it's own reward. Also, having influence with, say, the High Elven Decision Committee can get you into some places a lot more easily than if you had to work your way behind the backs of the people.

2009-10-23, 03:03 PM
Not a DM, but the first thing to come to my mind was a free feat or template.

Flying Dutchman
2009-10-23, 03:05 PM
The dm in the vampire campaign i am in let us have the choice between 500 gp or a ritual scarring for +2 against fear effects for helping some evil monks.

I liked the idea of giving people various cool boosts to things. Maybe a weird chemilion tattoo for your rouge that helps his hide checks. Or you could give a ranger a magical pet of some type that gives him bounuses. I agree with your ideas though XP or items for rewards do get dull. Something talior made for your char though always feels good as a player.

Temet Nosce
2009-10-23, 03:06 PM
Templates, SLAs, underlings/allies, reputation, action points, etc.

2009-10-23, 03:11 PM
You could open up a cross-class skill as a class skill, or give them points in a potentially useful skill. If the players see the use for the skill, and it's valuable to them they'll see that as a good reward. This can also be a good reward for the creative, and a good plot hook. In a Renaissance Italy campaign I ran one of the characters ended up with dragon riding as a skill. That had him absolutely worried that they were going to be encountering dragons at some point, but he managed to use it in a fight against a large crocodile in the sewers.

You could also give them access to an exclusive spell or spell-like ability. Again, make it something with interesting flavor and something they couldn't normally have access to, but that won't unbalance your campaign. If it has a high cool factor, it often doesn't have to be terribly powerful.

2009-10-23, 03:36 PM
I don't know what edition you're running, but if it's D&D 4e, you could grant them a Boon. Boons are similar to an item enchantment, but there's no item. Basically the player themselves is enchanted. Some are gifts from gods while others are bonuses for a certain level of training or for knowing/doing something.

Example: Moradin's Blessing of Iron (level 3) - Moradin grants the strength of the mountain and the toughness of iron to followers who win his favor. His blessing augments both body and mind, instilling bravery and toughness in his chosen.
Property: When you're pushed, you can reduce it by 2. When pulled adjacent to the puller, you can make a melee basic on them as an opportunity action
Daily: Interrupt - Reduce damage you take by 5.

If I had any idea what level they were, I would've instead used a boon of around that level that matches the idea of "good" as an example.

2009-10-23, 03:41 PM
A permanent bonus to a specialized skill is nice. For example, in my last campaign, heroes who performed a boon for a pirate captain's first mate received special tutelage while aboard ship, and got a +2 competence bonus to Profession (sailor) checks. Characters who sought out the Glenda of the Thousand faces, a halfling gatekeeper druid of the coral isle, and convinced her to aid them in their war against an illithid army, receive a +4 competence bonus to Knowledge (dungeoneering) to identify aberrations, as Glenda spent hours sharing with them the secrets of her order's centuries-long war against aberrations.

2009-10-23, 03:51 PM
Good day,

If you're looking for a totally non-mechanical reward, then I would suggest a prestige title of some sort.

"The Order of Celestial Champions"

"The Holy Order of Light"

"Knights of the Celestial Way"

"The Light's own Crusaders"

Or you can take a page out of first edition and grant them their 'name' levels such as Lord, Wizard, Lord Wizard, etc.

If you feel that you want to add some small mechanical benefit than you can add a +1 or 2 modifier on diplomacy checks for allies and a +1 or 2 intimidate modifier against enemies.

Other rewards may be in the form of small parcels of land to large fiefs with castle present. Or even a demi-plane for the PC's to call home.

Rewrite an old Ballad to reflect the party and their exploits Have them over hear it in a tavern. Feel free to embellish those exploits a little. Have NPC's recognize the PC's and respond accordingly.

Reward the PC's with appropriate mounts.

2009-10-23, 04:56 PM
I give out ability points every so often for roleplaying. But it is in an attribute of my choice.