View Full Version : Final Fantasy Overworld

2009-10-23, 07:12 PM
In the magical Kingdom of Mysidia, often dubbed the 4th Superpower of the Overworld, the Heroes are about to meet. It seems that Mysidia has outlawed slavery, and so all slavers are out of work. Mundane warriorship is needed here, however, and Mysidia is taking mercenaries from everywhere in the known world to survive the class of the Three Great Empires.

It seems that a clash of the Three Great Empires are regarded as something to be avoided at all costs, and would be an Apocalyptic event. The world is looking out for what's going to happen next.

2009-10-24, 02:26 PM
Ceyln arrives in Mysidia as evening approaches. He pulls his cowel low over his head and wanders the streets until he finds a tavern that suits his needs, the Stuck Pig. Upon entering, he immediately goes up to the bartender and orders a beer. Ceyln proceeds to spend the rest of the evening surveying the crowed and listening in for any news of a job.

2009-10-24, 06:52 PM
Terodal looks at the entrance to the city looking just as dirty and disheveled as ever (though oddly smelling of peppermint at the moment) sigh's and begins to check his pockets (or what could be considered them as where he and his clothing begin and end seem to be questionable) to see what he currently has and begins to catalogue them in his mind. Hmm, lets see. I have about 10 dirt covered things that I think are coins, a chocobo's feather, a... he pulls out what appears to be a purple puff ball at the end of a string and looks at it for a moment intently what appears to be a pon pon from the top of a moogle though I have no idea where I got that, a knife I got from that nice goblin like creature, aaaannnndddd the leftovers of my squirrel like creature lunch. Right, I'm ready. He walks into the city's main street and begins to look around for some place interesting to be, preferably somewhere he can get something nice tasting to drink.

2009-10-27, 12:53 AM

Kina walks into the Kingdom of Mysidia, dressed in her white and red rimmed robes of the white mage. She looks a little plump, but only because underneath her robes shes got loads of loot carefully stuffed into her vest pockets.

"Hmmm... just have to make it a few more blocks to find a pawn shop... ugh... why did I insist on walking this whole way? All this absurdly massive amounts of valuables and swag is making my feet hurt. Just need to convert all this loot into gil." he thinks to herself while trying to keep the serene face that people expect from healers.

"If I run into another sick child wanting to get healed I swear... *grumble* *grumble*"

She makes her way towards the commercial district, keeping an eye out for pick pockets.

Name: Kina Tani
Age: 18
Race: Hume
Occupation: Slaver
Focus: Healing/Status Effects
Archetype: White mage with the skills to pay the bills! (also multiclassed black mage)

Kina grew up in one of the great cities in the world and showed great promise in learning the art of white magic. However, her teacher and parent drilled into her the standards of peace, purity, and pacifism that comes with the healers duty. That didn't sit well for her, she had the power to save people lives... shouldn't she be able to charge whatever she wants for it? And heck, she has to go into dangerous situations with barely any ability to defend herself aside from her *snort* team mates.

Naturally, Kina decided to leave soon after she had mastered the the basic healing spells... not that she was lazy but she couldn't stand another lecture on how white magic is a sacred responsibility to the blah blah blah... skilled people can use magic to heal others end of story!

She soon joined up with a team of slavers who were in desperate need of a healer. They initially tried passing themselves off as regular adventurers (like that means anything) but she knew slavers when she saw them. Her team mates did some of the regular adventurer jobs when they couldn't get better work but their big money makers consisted of traking down people that nobody would miss (mostly all those stupid bandits that wander the roads) beat them near death and then tie them up and sell them on the black market. A healer like herself was in high demand not only for helping her team mates but keeping the 'meat' alive for resale.

She liked this job much more than her other times with adventuring teams, these guys didn't have any illusions about who they were and knew that they should treat the healer with respect. Besides, normal 'adventurers' leave a bloody trail behind them, slavers leave hardly anything behind if they are good at it. People kill less when their enemy is worth more alive than dead!

She kept at this for several years, keeping up with her healing magic and branching out to black magic. This proved quite helpful when she could defend herself from attackers and blind or paralyze their targets.

Then things went bad, while the local guards didn't bother them (not that the guards ever do anything other than let random people know what city they are in) he little group ran afoul of a tough adventuring team who wanted a share of their hard-stolen goods... and maybe somebodys sister back, who knows. Long story short, half of her fellow slavers were killed by adventurers and the other half grabbed whatever loot they could stuff into their pants and fled off for parts unknown. Kina didn't mind that, heck she not only stuffed her pants with treasure and fled but had already been swiping 'office supplies' for close to three years now.

Well, now she's heading for a new city to find a new gang to join.

2009-10-27, 01:26 AM
All Three Discover the Same Tavern. . . :)

So, as fate, or luck would have it, all three people discover the same Tavern. . . not really noticing eachother as they enter into the Tavern.

There is a large show going on at the moment.

2009-10-28, 12:07 PM

Terodal starts out looking for the bartender and fishes out a few of his coins, polishing them up and finding out that they are indeed gold coins and then attempts to order some Gremlin juice. Failing that and getting weird looks from the bartender, he grumbles and changes his order to some ale. He starts to watch the show while wondering what he should do next.

Hmm, I SHOULD probably start looking for a job since these coins of mine won't last long and as I've found out city's have are very unfairly prejudice about hunting things within city limits...hmm, I wonder if the my little 'hunches' are going to get in the way this time?...uh oh

Terodal starts to look like he's about to sneeze, and he suddenly grabs his mouth and nose shut, holding it in. It might be hard to tell but people looking directly at him would have sworn they saw some fire going out of his ears.
"Oh for the love of, darn dragon sinuses" is all he says about the incident.

2009-10-28, 03:21 PM

By this point in the evening, Celyn has given up hope of finding any job tonight and has contented himself with drinking away the evening and any lingering memories from his past. The show holds little appeal for him and instead spends his time watching the crowd. To his shock, it appears that one of the patrons had flames shoot out his ears! Looking down at his mug:

Well, I guess this ale isn't so bad. Funny looking man though...

shrugging, he orders another ale and continues to scan the crowd. However his gaze always finds it's way back to the strange figure.

2009-10-29, 05:12 PM

Terodal shakes his head, still trying to clear his head, and then coughs up some dust like substance. Looking up at those looking at him he smile's embarrassed and holds up some of the dust "Ash, happens sometimes when I sneeze with something in my mouth. Hehe, ever since I hung out with that fire drake my allergies have gotten downright nasty."

He looks around with a bemused expression on his face and asks loud enough to be heard from several table's away "Anybody hiring or looking for a partner to work with? I prefer hard manual work, but I can do just about anything I set my mind to." After saying this, Terodal's face suddenly changes from bemused to confused, and he seems to be looking around with his eyes as if wondering who just said all that. He then just shrugs and sips his ale, waiting for someone to respond either with an offer of a job or to throw him out. He wondered for a bit which action that brief compulsion of his was aiming for, each being a rather common reaction to his presence just about anywhere.

2009-10-30, 11:50 PM
(Has anyone heard from the other Player (s_)

2009-11-04, 05:42 PM
Nope, did you send them a PM? Otherwise, I say we open it back up to recruitment

2009-11-04, 07:37 PM
(Yeah let's do that)