View Full Version : The Ghost King

2009-10-24, 03:36 PM
When I read the Orc King, I was disappointed. I felt like Salvatore was giving up. I got the same impression in Pirate King, + felt like he was wrapping up the whole Drizzt thing (Bringing all the characters together in one book, starting to kill them off, and making the heroes not win).

So, I get the feeling that Salvatore doesn't care anymore (and rightfully so, given that EVILCORP merged with wotc and starting ****ing **** up) and that the Ghost King is going to be a huge disappointment.

Anybody read it? Is it worth it?

2009-10-29, 12:38 AM
Well ive read it and i must say im kinda torn. the book was good but it wasnt your typical Drizzt book, kinda like how the last two were not either. {Scrubbed} Its got a really emotional ending.

The trilogy is called transitions for a reason. He is incoporating the change from 3.5 to 4th in the story lines and how fearun is in fourth.

If you read the last two i suggest reading this one. I also hear he wants to do some Jarlaxxle and Zak books next..... man would that be sweet

2009-10-29, 07:50 AM
Jarlaxle and Zak books would be great. Mostly because it would be something he wants to write about and I truly enjoy his writing when he's enjoying it.

As to the Ghost King, I felt disappointed by it. Salvatore seems to be so tired of Drizzt that he could barely write about Drizzt in the final book in a Drizzt trilogy.

The ending wasn't emotional to me, it felt forced. As if he knew what the end was going to be, but he wasn't sure how to get there from where the book was at the 3/4ths mark. Then he just kind of crammed a square peg ending through a round hole plot.

Spoilered for random character cameo you may not want to know about.
Also throwing Valas Hune in for three lines was annoying. If you want to include one of the more awesome characters from the War of the Spider Queen, don't use him as a throw away grunt to ask Kimmuriel stupid questions that any "Random Drow #2" could have done.

2009-10-29, 01:42 PM
I really dont think the last trilogy was a "drizzt Serries". Like i said the its the transition serries its all about the transition of 3.5 to 4th. After the Orc king i stopped lookign at them as drizzt books and more stories that tell a story on the scope of the world rather then centralizing around one character. the hunters blades was the last true Drizzt serries.

While i do agree it did seem kinda rushed it was jus the fact of what happend to a certain few that was crushign to me.