View Full Version : Need some help with a fanfic

2009-10-25, 01:12 AM
So I'm writing a JSA fanfic, with a character that, when in a jam, can combine the powers of two nearby characters, but gets a weird fusion of their memories, costumes, bodies and personalities with it.

Examples I came up with.

Captain Marvel + Sinestro = Captain Terror
When young Billy Niven was granted with the power of the magic Yellow Light. When he yells his magic word "Sinestro" he becomes the amazing Captain Terror, superpowered vigilante.

Blue Beetle (Jaime) + Green Lantern (Kyle) = Green Beetle
The Guardians of the Reach sent out the Green Scarabs long ago, to try to protect sectors and buy planets so that they can become part of the Reach homeworld of Ao. The Green Scarab of Earth was tainted by magic, when it was later discovered by Alan Garret and used to empower him, allowing him to shoot green flame, fly and become superstrong. It later was given to Hal Kord, who along with his lab assitant Ted Gardner (back up Green Beetle) and his ally Booster Green, Michael Stewart, fought crime in Hub Coast. Later, in the Infinite Twilight, Hal took Michael's armor and became Stereopsis. The scarab found young Kyle Reyes, who it bonded to, creating the first legitimate Green Beetle of the sector in 3000 years! The scarab, named Ganthet Ja, is more than willing to aid Kyle in his quest.

Now, to point out, these are all false memories. Everyone else knowns none of this stuff happened, but its everything about those heroes twisted to match the concept, and it's all in Shift's head until he turns back into Shift.

So, what combinations can you guys come up with?