View Full Version : Rise of the Sleeping Salvation (IC)

2009-10-26, 11:26 AM
Out on the side of a mountain, a day's hard travel from any known civilization, lies a stone temple built low to the ground, as if to mimic the stature of the ones who would worship there. Pillars of enormous stone hold up the roof on all sides except the back directly facing the mountain, where the mountain itself was even doing its part in holding up this temple. Emblazoned on the front is the symbol of an iron hammer with a steel anvil in the background. This, was a temple of Moradin.

Inside the temple there was a great bustle. Large crowds were gathered just outside a room that held a golden circle with deep green runes. Slowly, the runes begsn to glow and a silhouette of six squat figures began to form. Both cheering and booing burst out from the crowds as money left one person's pocket and entered another.

As you materialize, the first thing that hits you is the noise of the crowd. But, that is quickly overcome by the massive ache of some parts of your body, as if you had just awoken from a nice sleep to discover that you had been sleeping on a number of your limbs oddly and they had fallen asleep and then when you try to wake them, they revolt and rush you with the needles of pain.

Standing directly in front of the circle stands a dwarf with brown hair the color of dry dust. His green eyes wide as he watches you materialize in the circle and his mouth slightly open. He wears long, tan robes (for a dwarf) and from the hammer-and-anvil emblem on his chest he looks to be a priest of Moradin. Someone possibly in charge.

In fact, as it should be noted, all the people in the crowd are wearing robes the color of caked, dry earth, and they all have the hammer-and-anvil symbol of Moradin. But they lack the...slight aura of divinity that the dwarf in front of the circle gives off.

(I'll wait for everyone to post here to describe their characters and what-not before continuing with the story.)

2009-10-26, 12:04 PM
Fargrim Earthshield arrives first. Swaying for a moment, he almost falls prone, but he catches himself and manages to merely fall to one knee. Pulling out his hammer, he places the head on the ground and uses it to push himself upright, eventually standing with both hands resting almost casually on the end of the handle.

Once he has drawn himself to full height, it is clear that he is quite large for a dwarf. He is dressed in full battle regalia, yet he does not carry himself like one about to enter battle -- perhaps he was taken from a ceremony, or some sort of training. His very presence is quite imposing, though not intimidating. Indeed, he seems to emanate an almost paternal warmth.

As he looks around, he smiles gently. If he is surprised, he doesn't show it. His gaze eventually settles on the robed dwarf in front of him, as he seems to be in charge.

"Can I help yeh, lad?"

2009-10-26, 12:23 PM
Osrik holds himself upright on his gnarled staff, peering around with a look of clear irritation on his face. His beard and hair are both dark, but shot with gray, and he wears a coat of chain armor. He had thick arms and body once, but they've begun to wither due to his self-imposed fasting, though there's still some of his old strength there.

He wears a pack and cloak--it's clear that he's prepared to travel. That's all he'd been told: get packed and start traveling. He hadn't known he'd be transported clear across the world to someplace he's never been before. Well, at least his journey was shorter than it could have been. He looks to the cleric who apparently summoned them and frowned.

When the other dwarf speaks, he glances at him, before saying, "I would like to know what's going on. Then we can talk about helping."

2009-10-26, 03:10 PM
Garkadon looks around him carefully, trying to spot the strongest dwarf around him. When he understands it is the priest before him, he shakes his hand and smiles sadly.

He has a gray beard, a hammer on his back and a shield in his left hand. He wears a scale armor, made of mithral, and he has a serious and reasonable look on his face.

"What am I doing here, and why did you summon me?"

King Tius
2009-10-26, 03:51 PM
Durvim Runefist

Durvim is stout and broad shouldered Dwarf. When he materializes, he sways a little from the dizziness and blinks a few times. At the sight of all these followers, Durvim cracks a huge smiles and pulls his shield off his back, holding it out with both hands and showing the emblazoned symbol of Moradin on it.

"Greetings Brothers! May the clang of Moradin's hammer ring forever in your hears!"

2009-10-26, 05:49 PM
Altarick appears, standing rigidly as a brooding statue, his off-white hood pulled low over his eyes in a manner he no doubt considered intimidating and brooding. Avenger Altarick, the Material Manifestation of Moradin's Metalworking Mallet Made Manifest munched more M&M's, stood ready for orders from his Divine Superior, awaiting instruction to hopefully go forth and purge the world of the vile impurities, his work in the glorious reforging of the world... or just do whatever the High Priest commanded, which hopefully involved smacking infidels.

2009-10-29, 11:19 AM
Baldric materializes suddenly. The imbalance from his unnatural arrival and his off-balance mordenkrad tip him backwards, unable to catch his balance before he lands flat on his back with a thud, his hammer chipping the stone under him. He stares up at the sky with a frustrated look for a short time before grumbling out "When I stand up. I am gonna hit whoever did this So yeh have til then to convince me otherwise. And Moradin help ya if ya decide ta piss me off even more before then.

He makes no immediate move to stand up, but he does look over what he can see from his back. Finally identifying it as a temple to Moradin. Of course, he might still follow through with his threat. Moradin would understand.. right?

2009-10-29, 10:09 PM
The crowd of dwarfs cheers at Durvim's words, echoing his cry thunderously and with much stomping of feet.

The dwarf in front of the circle, after watching the group appear in the circle and listening to them, suddenly jerks upright and remembers what he was there for and bows to the party before saying in a husky voice, "I am Drandor Ironstone. May I welcome you to the secret temple of Moradin at the base of the Cragtop mountains. Please follow me. I'll take you to the High Priest in charge of the temple where things will be explained." At that, he walks quickly out of the room and starts his way through the crowd, which quickly makes a path for the dwarf.

2009-10-29, 10:18 PM
"On yer feet, lad."

With the same warm smile, Fargrim reaches down and pulls the fallen dwarf up. Gripping his hammer near the head, he follows the priest while whistling a merry tune.

2009-10-29, 10:38 PM
Osrik snorts, but follows the dwarf. He'd rather have an explanation now, but he knows that some things have to be kept private.

2009-10-29, 11:39 PM
Garkadon also follows the priest. He would like to get an answer, but things can wait. He wonders who is that "High Priest" and what does he have to do with the dwarves around him (and him).

2009-10-29, 11:54 PM
Baldric grunts and accepts the hand up. He nods to Fargrim, looking around as he stands up. "I suppose if this the secret temple and all I oughta wait to hit someone. But I really hate going back on my word and all. High Priest better have a good explanation.. s'all I'm saying"

He follows the group in, looking over the other dwarves he assumes were summoned in the same manner he was. He always was a true believer.. he was just never really good at the whole reverance thing.

2009-10-30, 03:34 PM
Altarick follows silently, continuing to brood dramatically under his brimstone-scented hood. He was used to secret briefings, secret briefings have been his entire life.

The crowd parting for him was just and right, for he was humbly chosen (:smallyuk:) to be Moradin's divine hammer.

King Tius
2009-10-30, 07:37 PM

The crowd's response causes Durvim to crack a huge smile. He nods and follows Drandor.

2009-10-31, 01:22 AM
The majority of the party gets healthy slaps on the backs as they pass through the crowd. Except for Altarick, who just gets a few hesitant taps on the shoulder instead of the slaps on the back everyone else gets.

Drandor hurries along timidly, as if he felt that his entire career could be lost if he didn't get the party to the high priest in time. Down a gray stone corridor, past a four-way intersection, and then a sharp left immediately after leads to a dull gray stone doorway, with the stone door itself both bearing a golden symbol of Moradin and being open to reveal a spacious, and again dull gray, room with a stone tablet serving as a table for a tall, bald dwarf with golden braids in his beard and wearing a deep, damp-earth brown robe with a dryer earth brown trim. Drandor passes the door slightly and turns around, bowing and gesturing for the party to go inside to what must be the high priest of Moradin.

Inside the room, the high priest is busy sorting sets of parchment on the table into six groups. He looks up as the first of the group enters and smiles, his cloud gray eyes shining silvery, and speaks, "Greetings, greetings, fellow followers of Moradin! Let me start off by saying that it is a pleasure to have you here this wonderful day! If you would all please come stand in front of the table, please, I'll start explaining why you were summoned." His voice is unusually high for a dwarf, breaching the Bass-Tenor line.

2009-10-31, 07:54 AM
Garkadon steps forward to the table. "So? what's the story, Priest?

King Tius
2009-10-31, 09:45 AM

Durvim strides forward to stand in front of the table. He bows respectfully to the High Priest (who clearly outranks all of us!).

"Thank you for receiving us, Brother. How may we be of service?"

2009-10-31, 11:56 AM
Osrik merely frowns at the priest. He's not impressed by ecclesiastical rank.

2009-10-31, 12:32 PM
Altarik stands silent, taking his position and waiting for his divine instructions.

2009-10-31, 02:24 PM
Baldric follows the group in to the High Priests antechambers. He doesn't bow, but he stays quiet and respectful despite his bravado at the summoning. He rests his hammer on the flat top on the floor so the handle stays up for easy reach and crosses his arms, waiting for enlightenment as to his purpose here.

2009-10-31, 03:46 PM
As he takes his place at the table, Fargrim merely raises a single bushy eyebrow and waits in silence.

2009-10-31, 04:56 PM
"Again, welcome to the secret temple of Moradin. My name is Tigril Wyrmsmasher, and I am the one who ordered your summons. We at this secret temple stand appointed directly by Moradin as defenders of the realm from all those who would wish to destroy it. So, as I'm sure you can discern, that is what you all have been summoned for. Because, you see, there has come upon a new disturbance in the realm that threatens the very core of everything in our lives, even the very soil that we live on. 'The Sleeping Slavation,' a name I believe you've all heard before, is starting to crop up in the most unlikely of places. We did not believe it much of a problem until we had to," The balding dwarf blushes slightly and clears his throat noisily, "had to get rid of one of our own for worshiping this 'Sleeping Salvation' above even Moradin. The dwarf starts to pace from one end of the table to the other while he speaks, "So that would, obviously, beg the question as to what exactly you will be doing. Well, you see, while we still do not know much about this cult, Moradin has guided us to discovering where what we believe to be one of the leaders of this cult to be." Tigril motions for each of you to take one of the stacks of paper on the table.

The stacks of paper primarily contain a small map depicting the surrounding villages and mountain range, a a multi-page paper titled "Statement of Faith". A dotted line on the map leads from one parthenon-looking structure right next to a range of mountains labled "Cragtop" leads up north to a castle labeled "Sleeping Salvation Hideout." The "Statement of Faith" seems to be a document that proclaims the holder to be a devoted follower of Moradin.

"What we need you to do," Tigril continues, his blush having faded, "is go to that keep and disrupt the cult's activities there while gathering information on what exactly this "Sleeping Salvation" actually is. Are there any questions?"

2009-10-31, 05:20 PM
Shifting slightly, Fargrim drew himself up a bit.

"So, yeh felt the lot of us were needed teh investigate this. Might I ask yeh if there was any particular reason?"

2009-10-31, 07:36 PM
"Moradin whispered in my ear about you lot, and that is the only reason I will ever need." Tygril said to Fargrim, his eyes seeming to shine like lighthouses with a silvery light, recalling what must have been the excitement of Moradin's whisper.

2009-11-01, 01:12 AM
"When Moradin speaks, we have no choice but to obey," Osrik admits.

2009-11-01, 01:33 PM
"Is there any other info about the cult? their tactics? their habits?" Garkadon asks, and adds, "And how long will it take?"

2009-11-01, 01:47 PM
Baldric listens with his usual grumpy demeanor. He looks towards Fargrim and Osrik as they speak, pretty much saying things he was going to so he waits for the answers to those before he asks more. He does, however, look at the map and documents given to him, reading them to see what wisdom he can glean from them.

2009-11-01, 03:09 PM
"The only thing else we really know about the cult is just the basics that we were able to gather from the betrayer in our midst: There seem to be four head leaders of the cult and the cult promises riches and peace to the world for those who join it. The goal of this cult is to, obviously, awaken this 'sleeping salvation' which is a supposed god that is said to be sleeping away somewhere, waiting for the day when the righteous come forth and awaken it so that it can banish the evil from the the world. As for how long it will take, it should only take a few days to get to the keep.

"Anyways, that is partly what you are going to be doing. Gathering information. But, you should get going! There was a... problem... in the summoning circle's design and it seems we have accidentally discovered the means to teleport someone very slowly across the realm. In fact, you are all about three weeks later than when we initially thought you would be... So... Get out there and smite the wicked with Moradin on your side!" This last cry is somewhat half-hearted, as if it were more to just get the topic off the circle than anything.

The Statement of Faith, Baldric discovers, has a clause in it that asks those higher priests of other faiths to aid the bearer of this document in anyway that they can.

2009-11-01, 03:46 PM
With a hearty laugh, Fargrim swings his hammer over his shoulder.

"No time teh lose, then! Let us go and bring glory to the name of Moradin!"

2009-11-01, 11:21 PM
Altarick nods after what seemed to be the conclusion of the briefing.. "IF THE SLEEPING SALVATION IS INDEED FLASSBEMY MEFORE BORADIN, THEN YOU HAVE WY MERD I SHALL PURGE THEIR TICKED WAINT FROM THE WACE OF THE FORLD!" he says with too eager conviction. "THEY WILL REGRET TURNING FROM OUR FATHER!" Concluding his oath, he proceeds to slink about the private office, searching under everything for hidden spies or scrying devices, or even entire super-secret cabals hidden right under the temple's nose, so to speak.

Hey, they weren't told where to start searching for cult whereabouts!

OOC: What skill do I use to make a search check? And Altair's 16 in INT is simply statistically speaking... I think he usually emulates a 6...

2009-11-02, 12:38 AM
Osrik watches Altarick depart, wincing at his speech. "I'm ready to depart when the rest of you are."

2009-11-02, 01:11 AM
(OOC: You use the Perception skill to make a search check. Feel free to roll in this thread for the checks/attacks you want to make.)

"Uhh... Lad?" Tigril says as he watches Altarick start to search the room, "You should really save that for when you're at the keep..." Tigril sighs and scratches the back of his head.

2009-11-02, 03:33 AM
Baldric watches Altarick start searching the office. "Eh lad. I doubt yer as daft as yer pretending ta be or Moradin wouldn't have picked ya for this. Save all that enthusiasm for searching the keep." He turns to the high priest, "I'm assuming since ye've brought tha lot of us here and not a buncha rogues, we're not going fer subtle."

He packs up the documents and keeps the map handy at his belt and slings his hammer over his shoulder. He looks to the rest of the group, "Aye. lets get going. Name's Baldric Stoneblood, by the way."

2009-11-02, 02:15 PM
"And I'm Garkadon, the son of Gordor. You know, from Ooroom-Shard. Well, so we should be out there searching for cult members, eh? And you'll sit here and wait fer us?"

Garkadon starts walking toward the stone door.

2009-11-02, 02:59 PM
"My name is Osrik Irongate," Osrik says. He fails to add anything else.

King Tius
2009-11-02, 10:15 PM

"Aye, let's get a move on then"

2009-11-02, 10:42 PM
Perception to find anything that could possibly be taken as heretical, blasphemous, or just suspicious in the room: [roll0]

2009-11-02, 11:47 PM
Well, other than the occasional loose pebble or bit of mortar dust, the room is pretty darn bare, not counting the table. Pretty boring, even, so Altarick doesn't find anything really that screams blasphemous or heretical.

Tigril nods to each of you as you say your names, giving a short "Aye" to Garkadon in answer to his question, and then chuckles at Altarick for searching his obviously bare room.

And I'm going to glaze a little over the walking and head right outdoors.

Right out front of the door, you are faced with the middles of a large amount of trees in both the North and the South directions. If you should look at the map, you'll be able to easily notice that the keep is due North from the temple, approximately three days away.

2009-11-02, 11:55 PM
Squinting into the sun, Fargrim surveyed the landscape as others looked over the map. Securing his hammer to his back, he turned back to the group.

"To the north, then! Let us march for Moradin, and get teh know one another a wee bit better, eh?" he added with a wink.

2009-11-03, 12:06 AM
Altarick notes the unusual reaction to his search of the room, and responds with is burning conviction, "HERESY CAN LURK ANYWHERE, TAKE NO FOCATION AT LACE VALUE!" Still, after his search revealed nothing amiss, he followed his companions outside, resuming his quiet, brooding demeanor, offering no conversation points... Not that anyone in their right minds would want to converse with the single-volumed avenger.

2009-11-03, 12:43 PM
Osrik sighs. "Yes, I suppose we should head north."

2009-11-04, 10:17 AM
Garkadon exit to the trees and calls the others.
"So? Are you coming or what?"

2009-11-04, 10:26 AM
Baldrics trudges along, not particularly fast, he is a dwarf after all, but not particularly slow, either. "Aye lad, I'm coming.. If ya want fast so blasted much though, ya should go talk tha damned elves. I'll go tha speed what Moradin made me ta go though."

(OOC Besides, I keep walking but the background scene doesn't seem ta change)

2009-11-04, 12:23 PM
Osrik trudges along after Garkadon. "What are we going to do once we get to this place, anyway?"

2009-11-05, 08:25 PM
It's a light and warm day, full of lots of beautiful scenery for the next couple of miles, like flowers and birds and green trees and... great scaly beasts with long snouts and walk on four legs, dragging their bellies rubbing on the ground beneath them as they move. Four of them, to be exact, and they certainly don't look too friendly up ahead.

And so it is time to do something that has been done countless times before: Roll initiative!

http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/6343/map1e.th.png (http://img97.imageshack.us/i/map1e.png/)

2009-11-05, 11:59 PM
Osrik plants his feet and his staff, preparing to fight these... whatever they are.


King Tius
2009-11-06, 12:47 AM
Initiative: [roll0]

2009-11-06, 07:03 AM
Init: [roll0]

2009-11-06, 08:20 AM
Initiative: [roll0]

2009-11-07, 02:47 PM
Garkadon runs forward to the enemies, and then strikes them with his hammer.

EDIT: Damage roll if succeded is in the newer post
(OOC: sorry, I was very busy these days)

2009-11-07, 09:15 PM
[And my CP fails to let me know you updated.

Swearing to take down the largest, meanest, and most accessable of the unidentified angry creatures (#4) in the 'Lame of our Nord', Altarick charges forward, bringing his Mordenkrad around in a mighty sweep of divine might to snuff out the creature's life for the heinous sin of obstructing their divine investigation

First time in combat in 4e, so I hope I do everything right.

Swears Oath of Enmity on critter #4 as a Minor Action, during part of move.

Moves 9 spaces (5 as a move, 4 as part of his charge) from H-15 to H-6, and makes a normal attack.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]+2 And if either of those are a 1, Mordenkrad's brutal attack:[roll2]... And if that is also a 1, or both first rolls were 1's:[roll3]

King Tius
2009-11-07, 10:05 PM

Moves into range and attacks Garkadon's target, granting him a +2 vs the target.

Lance of Faith
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2009-11-08, 01:23 AM
Osrik hurries forward, raising his staff and shouting, "May Moradin strike you down." Lightning blazes, aimed at two of the creatures.

Scow2, don't forget that you roll twice for attack with your oath of enmity target.

Move to G14

Lightning's Revelation centered at I3; targets Reflex

+2 damage from Covenant of Wrath (forgot to include it in the damage roll)

On hit, -3 to all target's defenses until end of Osrik's next turn

2009-11-08, 07:21 AM
Better version of the rolls:


Casts Moradin's Resolve


Moves and charges from G15 to G7, basicattacks victim no.1


Weapon: Lightning Warhammer+1
Attack roll was 4 (in the previous post), Plus:
Half level - 2
STR - 4
Prof - 2
Enh - 1
Charge bonus - 1
Moradin's Resolve - 2 against Large or bigger opponents
So the attack is 16, and the damage is:
Weapon - 1d10
STR - 4
Feat (Dwarven Weapon Training) - 2
Enh - 1
Damage is 1d10+7, which I'll roll manually because of problems in the board...

Sorting the Bonuses for future uses (and because I'm bored :smallsmile:)
I just hope I succeeded, cause I hate to work for nothing.

EDIT: forgot Durvim's bonus, so the attack roll should be 18, not 16.

2009-11-08, 11:45 AM
Second attack roll for Oath of Enmity (thanks for reminder): [roll0]

That's just irritating. 2's both times! :smallfurious:

2009-11-08, 04:14 PM
OOC a few questions...

do I need to wait to be told I'm up. I thought with that low of an initiative roll I'd end up going after the monsters or do we have a surprise round on them?

Where did everyone else get to? Which number are they attacking? Only Scow2 announced which critter they attacked and only DScrankshaw announced what square they moved to.

can the square at D10 be moved through. (it looks like it could be squeezed, but I'm not certain)

sorry if i'm taking too long :/ but I need to know where I can get to and if the monsters go first

2009-11-12, 04:28 PM
Seeing his fellow warriors leap into the fray, Fargrim happily follows them. Moving forward, he draws an enormous battle standard from a strap on his back, and plunges it mightily into the earth.

Ok, wow. I was certain I had posted this, but it didn't go through or something.

Move: Walk to G10
Minor: Divine Challenge on creature 1
Standard: Battle Standard of Healing at G9

The BSoH creates a burst 5 Zone of Healing. Whenever one of us spends a healing surge inside this zone, every friendly inside the zone regains 1 HP. Anyone in the same spare as or adjacent to the BSoH can remove it as a standard action.

2009-11-12, 06:07 PM
Baldric unshoulders his hammer and laughs, "I thank ye Moradin for this gift ye have given us so we might prove yer glory." He charges into the fray with a loud battlecry


If i hit,

and some d6 rerolls just in case for the Mordankrad's Brutal


2009-11-13, 10:17 AM
Garkadon's lash out with his electrified hammer smashes into the ground just where the scaly beast's foot was moments earlier.

Altarick stumbles a little on his way to his creature, causing him to swing over its elongated head.

A bolt of lightning strikes into Beast number three's hind leg, causing the beast to roar, lifting its head into the air to reveal dozens of pointed teeth. The shock wave passes over Beast number four, but it manages to shrug it off.

Fargrim's challenge to the first beast draws its beady eyes for a short while before it turns its attention back to Garkadon and moves to bear its great jaws down on him, but feel's the burn of the challenge going unnoticed and ends up hitting the ground directly next to Garkadon. It then roars at Fargrim, frustrated at the fact that it can't get to him through Garkadon.

The second beast moves up to the side of Altarick and tries to clamp its jaws down on him, but Altarick manages to jump back just out of the reach of the deadly looking jaws.

The third creature goes to mimic its brother and get its jaws around Altarick, but Altarick really seems to be on the ball after that stumble and manages to avoid this monster's jaws as well.

The fourth beast sits back, waiting for an opening to present itself, roaring at the crowd in general.

Durvim's golden lance streaks out towards Garkadon's target, but it strikes the ground just before the beast.

Baldric's charge manages to surprise the beast, but it recovers before Baldric can strike, managing to move out of the way of Baldric's attack.

Begin Round 2!

http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/4913/map1hj.th.png (http://img687.imageshack.us/i/map1hj.png/)

2009-11-13, 03:13 PM
Osrik steps forward and raises his staff, and a beam of light shoots from it toward his target. "In the name of Moradin, I compel you!" he cries.

Move to H10

Penance Compelled v. 3
If hit, when Monster #3 deals damage to anyone, Monster #2 will take 8 radiant damage.

HP 44/44 AC 19 Fort 17 Ref 15 Will 19

2009-11-13, 05:16 PM
Baldric shifts one square higher (D7 i think) calling out towards Garkadon, "Aye, Brother Garkadon, let us place this fiend between th' hammer and anvil of Moradin"

Attack with Priest's Shield
another +2 to that if we're flanking it by then
Damage [roll1]
also, if I hit I get +1 to ac from the at will and +1 to all defenses from rebuking chainmail. :D

2009-11-14, 01:17 AM
Garkadon strikes again, hoping to hit this time.


shifts to G7


Attacks with the Warhammer.

We're not flanking it yet, right? if we do, may Moradin grant me another +2 to attack.


Also, Shardan, you can (and should) spoiler your actions.

2009-11-14, 08:43 PM
It dodged! The cowl feature deliberately dodged the purging blow from Altarik's Mordenkrad! Surely it was an indication of heresy, to refuse to accept one's fate as ordained by the vengeful hand of Moradin's living legacy! With his belief in the creature's foulness truly established, Altarik focused the divine judgement invested in him against the creature.

He raised his hammer high, then brings it down with the fury of his self-righteousness, dealing a resounding blow. The hammer flashed with divine heat, from the divine guidance of the blow, while the nature of Altarick's wrath forged a divine bond of retribution with the still-unidentified creature. If any of it's allies were to strike at him, the creature marked as a blasphemer would be smitten by the divine purity of pure divinity.



Should have waited to Oath of Enmity the target this round... Both drawing my weapon and Oathing it probably broke action economy. And the Oath of Enmity makes sense in this context more.
Swift: Oath of Enmity against 3 (Retroactively applying it here.)
Move: Shifting to surround myself in enemies.
Standard: Bond of Retribution

Attack Roll 1: [roll0] CRITICAL HIT!
Attack Roll 2: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2] [17] CRITICAL HIT!

The first creature to attack Altarick causes Monster #3 to take 3 points of Radiant Damage.

2009-11-14, 08:56 PM
Critical fire damage [roll0] :(

King Tius
2009-11-16, 08:18 PM

Cursing his bad aim, Durvim attempts again to strike his foe and bolster Garkadon's attack (+2 vs the target).

Lance of Faith
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

OOC: If/When you need healing, just call out to Durvim and he will grant his blessing upon thee. I am not nearly OCD enough to keep a running tally of everybody's HP.

2009-11-16, 10:07 PM
Moving forward, Fargrim brings his hammer down with a satisfying thud. The very sound of it warms his heart, as his eyes flash a challenge at the beast.

Move: Walk to F8
Minor: Divine Challenge monster 1

Bolstering Strike


On hit: Fargrim gains 4 temporary hit points.

2009-11-18, 11:35 PM
Garkadon's hammer strikes true and lands with a sound thud on the creature's back, forcing out a satisfying grunt.

As for Altarick's blow, it solidly smashes into the beast's head, driving it into the ground and charring his temple fiercely. For a while it doesn't move, but after an agonizing moment it lifts its head up and roars, painting the ground in front of it with blood and the occasional tooth.

Right at the end of the creature's roar, it gets blasted in the snout with the light blast from Osrik, literally ripping the surface of the creature's scales and skin right off, letting loose lots of blood and revealing the muscle tissue.

On the other side, dealing with creature 1, it just received a lovely gash along its forearm from Fargrim, causing a lovely stream of blood to start to trickle down into the grass.

In response to this blow, Creature 1 stares down Fargrim and goes to try and take a bite out of him, managing to sink his teeth into Fargrim's waist.
10 damage dealt and Fargrim is grabbed until he escapes.

Creature 2 looks at Altarik and sees the lovely meal he might make, so he follows the lead of his buddy and bites into Altaik too, sinking his teeth deeply into Altarik's chest (causing Creature 3's wounds to bleed a bit fiercer for a moment), getting a hold on him. 12 damage and Altarik is grabbed until he escapes

Creature 3 fortunately does not have the same luck as his friend, probably due in part to his severe injuries, and misses Altarick entirely when he goes for a bite.

Creature 4 sees Altarick in his friend's jaws and snaps hungrily, obviously wanting a piece of that delicious Dwarf meat.

Durvim's beam strikes true, thankfully missing Fargrim and instead hitting the beast's tail, cooking it to a nice, medium rare.

Baldric moves and beats down the creature that held Fargrim in its jaws, causing its eyes to glaze over, his jaw to go slack, and his legs to drop out from under him. It's pretty obvious that this monster is good and dead.

Suddenly, out of the trees race two sleek, black, large cats with yellow eyes and huge teeth, the first pouncing upon Osrik and knocking him to the ground, the cats claws finding purchase and digging deeply.
14 damage and Osrik needs to make a save or be knocked prone

The second cat races towards Durvim, finding the same luck as his brother and digging into Durvim deeply with his claws along with pushing him over.
6 damage and Durvim needs to make a saving throw or be knocked prone as well

http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/2931/map1h.th.png (http://img692.imageshack.us/i/map1h.png/)

Once those throws are made, round three begins!

(Edited to include the push from the throw.

2009-11-18, 11:48 PM
Osrik fights to keep his feet and succeeds. He glares at the cat, and radiant power pours off of him, knocking it back. "Moradin protects his own. I dare you to try that again!"


Use Channel Divinity: Armor of Wrath as Immediate Reaction, to do 3 radiant damage and push it back 2 squares, so it's adjacent to Garkadon

King Tius
2009-11-18, 11:52 PM
Saving Throw! [roll0] Still up!

2009-11-19, 09:34 AM
Garkadon roars in glory, raising his weapon and smites the cat fiercly, trying to push him to the rock behind him.

Staggering smite

smites cat 1. On success, pushing him to J6 left to the stone.

STR vs. AC:


King Tius
2009-11-19, 10:29 AM

The cleric takes a step back and drops a Sacred Flame on the cat.

Sacred Flame
attack: [roll0] vs reflex
damage: [roll1]

Altarik gets a free saving throw to get out of being grabbed!

2009-11-19, 08:20 PM
Athletics Check Vs. Fortitude: [roll0]

Overwhelming Strike: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] (+5 wis, +2 Brutal, +3 INT)

If first hits, slide #3 left 1 space, and shift Altarick south 1 space.

"Gerroffme, bowel feast!" Altarick roared at the creature that dared to prevent him from distributing justice to the blaspheming creature beside it as he attempted to pull away, striking at his designated foe to drag it between him and the subversive assailant.

2009-11-19, 09:15 PM
After recovering from the slight shock of being bodily lifted from the ground and then dropped again, Fargrim practically fell forward into the new threat. Hammer-first, of course.

Move: Shift to G8
Minor: Divine Challenge "Tan 4"

Bolstering Strike


On hit: Fargrim gains 4 temporary hit points.

Also, thanks for the help -- my Acrobatics and Athletics checks are 0 and -1, respectively. Hurray for heavy armor.

2009-11-20, 12:03 PM

Glad that he's still on his feet, Osrik turns to the other creature, and sends visions of its own death pouring over it.

Sorry for the delay. I missed the DM's confirmation.

Visions of Blood
Close blast 3 covering I11-K13
If hit, P2 also takes -1 to all defenses and is slowed (thanks to Power of Earth)

HP 30/44 AC 19 Fort 17 Ref 15 Will 19

2009-11-21, 02:49 PM
Although being pushed back and damaged shocks cat 1, it's instincts prevail and it manages to get out of the way of Garkadon's swing.

As for Altairck, he manages to slip out of the Beast's jaws, but his strike doesn't quite make the mark.

Osrik's visions sucessfully terrify the cat into bowing its head and causing it to whine.

Fargrim smashes into the cat, having intercepted it as it dodged out of Garkadon's swing.

Beast 2, feeling pretty angry that it's food had the nerve to escape the inevitable, tries to bite Altarick again, but seems to be having a bit of trouble getting his mouth around Altarick.

Beast 3, on the other hand, starts taking a few steps away from Altarick, obviously more interested in saving its own life than eating him. But, as it moves further away, it's eyes suddenly become lifeless and it collapses to the ground, dead.

Beast 4, feeling Fargrim's challenge, starts to walk around Beast 2 to meet Fargrim head on, deciding to avoid Altarick for now.

Cat 1 hisses at Fargrim and turns to bite him, but can't penetrate his plate mail. Seeing that, the cat disappears, reappearing a moment later some feet away in between a few trees, crouched down and looking at Fargrim menacingly.

Cat 2, still whining at the images in its head, tries to bite Durvim, but is having troubles fighting the persistent images in its head and just can't seem to get past Durvim's armor.

Durvim's own flame misses the cat, as it had dropped it's head (to try and cover it's eyes against the visions) just in time to be missed by the flame.

Current map:http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/4184/map1q.th.png (http://img99.imageshack.us/i/map1q.png/)

2009-11-21, 04:06 PM
Garkadon steps back, and then charges and attack the creature with a roar.

moves left and back a few steps, (doesn't matter how much) and charge Beast 2.

2009-11-21, 08:57 PM
With the collapse of his target'd foe, Altaric was reinvigorated to press on the assault.

"Nothing attacks the lozen of Moradin and shivs!" Altarick cursed at the monster that seemed so adamant in attacking him, then brought his hammer forward in a mighty arc, the head bursting into flame and the metal glowing red-hot as he channeled the fire through it. "BY PYRE BE FORGED!"

Blessing of Vengeance activates, giving Altarick 13 THP.
Minor: Oath of Enmity on #3
Standard: Halo of Fire
Free: Flaming Mordenkrad Daily
Attack: [roll0],[roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Fire + [roll3] Fire + Ongoing 5 Fir
Enemies that end their next turn adjacent to #3 take 8 fire.

I just realized I forgot to add my +1 per (W) damage for using a 2-handed weapon.

And was there ever an Ugly Scaly Beast #1? If so, whatever happened to it?

2009-11-21, 10:37 PM
The Ugly Scary Beast #1 died from a smack by Baldric, after it had grabbed Fargrim.

2009-11-21, 11:14 PM
Baldric looks around, spotting the two cats that attacked from the back. "Oh no ya don't, ya blasted beasties. Ye'll na be chewing on my friends." He moves quickly to the sides of his new allies, planting himself and taking a swing at the cat still at Durvim's side.

Move Action: Move to I-11 Adjacent to osrik, Durvim, and P2
Free Action: Divine Fortune myself for a +1 to hit
Standard: Healing Strike on P2
If I hit. [roll1] damage and Osrik can spend a healing surge +4

Luckily none of the beasties hit this round.

2009-11-22, 03:53 AM
Osrik is grateful for Baldric's healing, whether it works or not. Meanwhile, he again sends visions of death and destruction at the cat.

Since I'm out of encounters and don't want to spend my one daily...

Move to H11

Visions of Blood I12-K14 v. Will
If hit, -1 to all defenses, slowed

HP 30/44 AC 19 Fort 17 Ref 15 Will 19

2009-11-22, 01:59 PM
And unfortunately for Baldric, he doesn't hit either.

Begin Round Four!

Garkadon's sudden roar surprises the beast long enough for Garkadon to get a good smack in.

2009-11-22, 05:16 PM
Seeing the second great beast fall, Fargrim leaps forward with a mighty roar, inspiring all who can hear it. He lifts his shield and swings his hammer into the nearest foe.

Move: Walk to F7

Righteous Smite (Encounter)

EDIT: Should be Tan 2

Effect: I and all allies within 5 squares gain 9 temporary hit points.

Minor: Divine Challenge Tan 4

King Tius
2009-11-22, 05:41 PM

With Baldric moving in, Durvim shifts away from the cat and attempts to stun Cat#1, using his Command ability.

ENCOUNTER, Charm, Divine, STANDARD, Ranged 10
Attack: [roll0] vs. Will
Hit: Target dazed, slide 6 (upwards on the map)

EDIT: Boom! Critical!

2009-11-23, 01:57 PM
Garkadon strikes the foe again, now with divine power inside him.

Radiant smite Mon 4.
[roll0] vs AC
[roll1] radiant damage.

2010-01-08, 12:48 PM
After dusting yourselves off from your encounter with the crocodiles and panthers, you continue your journey north. After another hour or so of traveling, you begin to hear the sound of dozens of footsteps and wagons. Not much later, you come out of the forest and onto the side of a dirt road that seems to be lined with merchants and families all headed towards Antiar.

Snippets of conversation float to your ears and you hear things like "undead got my poor..." and "too dangerous to make a profit" and "We'll find a way in Antiar, its safer..."

On your side of the crowd, you see a woman rushing around from family to family in a rather desperate manner. She seems to be saying something to the people leaving, but your too far away to hear what exactly.

2010-01-08, 07:48 PM
Osrik leans on his staff as he watches the goings on. "Does someone more diplomatic than I want to talk to her?" he asks, nodding at the woman.

2010-01-08, 09:27 PM
Baldric steps forward. Not that he's the most diplomatic person in the party, but he's gonna make sure that Altarick isn't the first one to start conversing with the refugees. They've had enough trauma already.

"Aye, Lass. Greetings. May Moradin' Strength Support ye in yer time of Crisis. What, pray tell, has happened to all of these people and what is disturbing ye so?"

2010-01-08, 09:41 PM
Altarik had relapsed back into his "dark, brooding" persona, hood pulled down just over his eyes as he scanned the crowd for those who could possibly be heretics. He had nothing to say to these people, but his task required constant vigilance against the forces of Evil.

2010-01-08, 10:09 PM
The woman turns to look at Baldric with more than a little surprise, but that only lasts for a moment before she begins to speak urgently, "Please, you must help me! I come from the town of Stratwick, just down this road," the woman points down the path where all the people are coming from, "it's a good town, really, and I've lived there with my two sons for many years now. But not long ago, the town had an outbreak of zombies and they've barricaded off a lot of the town! My sons were behind that barricade when the zombies started attacking and I don't know what's happened to them! Please, you must find my sons as I don't know what I'd do without them!"

At a closer distance, the woman's age is more apparent as her hair is full of gray streaks and her face is rather grimy. She seems to have passed the prime of her life a while ago and was steadily advancing into old age. Her life of apparent hard work had most likely not helped either.

2010-01-08, 10:40 PM
Baldric listens carefully, frowning at the mention of the zombies."Aye. I think there be little doubt we wil go ant investigate this. The walking dead be an affront to Moradin, but pray tell me, Madame, who are yer sons. how might we know them when we find them?"

2010-01-08, 11:14 PM
"Well, one of my boys has, Justin, has a limp in his left leg - from a farming accident - and a scar down his right cheek," She pauses to outline the location and shape of the scar before continuing, "My other son, Billy is his name, is the younger of the two and the feature that most stands out about him is probably his arm, which has a tattoo of an odd looking beast, but basic looking beast. It doesn't look like any specific beast, though, just a thing with four legs and and a tail. Oh, your really going to go and rescue my boys?" She looks hopeful, but a little doubtful at the same time, almost like she doesn't quite want to get her hopes up.

2010-01-09, 12:43 AM
Garkadon steps forward. "We'll do what we can, miss."


:roy: I hate side quests.


2010-01-09, 12:57 AM
Osrik grunts. They had other duties, but the hand of Moradin had given them this task, so he would not shirk it.

2010-01-11, 12:06 PM
"Oh, bless your souls! Thank you, you have no idea how long I've been looking for some kind soul to help me. And now, it seems I've found six!" The woman smiles at the dwarves before continuing, "I'll be waiting at the entrance to town for my boys, so you can just bring them there when you rescue them." And at that, she starts off down the side of the road to Stratwick, walking at a slow, steady pace.