View Full Version : Glee! High school worth watching!

2009-10-26, 12:14 PM
Okay, now before you start hatin', watch the show. Oh my Grosh, it's awesome.
It's got witty and well-written dialogue, tons of story to fill the hour, and song-and-dance numbers. Plus, even the "unattractive" girls are super hot. C'mon!

I just want to take this opportunity to say that, no matter who you are, or who you will be, you will always have a friend who loves Glee.

2009-10-26, 12:16 PM
I completely agree, this show is strangely entertaining and very humorous. Not to mention there are very pretty people in the cast. My girlfriend makes me watch it, but it's really not so bad.

2009-10-26, 12:19 PM
Plus, even the "unattractive" girls are super hot.

This is new to TV/Movies how?

Lord Seth
2009-10-26, 12:21 PM
This is new to TV/Movies how?Heh, so true.

2009-10-26, 12:39 PM
I also enjoy this show greatly. I haven't quite pegged why yet, I just... do.

2009-10-26, 12:43 PM
I also enjoy this show greatly. I haven't quite pegged why yet, I just... do.

It's weird, but I got the opposite position. I just don't particularly like glee, no idea why.

2009-10-26, 02:34 PM
I enjoy it. If nothing else, it's a great parody of the high school drama.

and the music isn't bad.

2009-10-26, 04:41 PM
Haha, I've been meaning to start this thread for weeks. I'm hopelessly addicted to it.

My favorite character is a guy who has only spoken one line to date though. Mike Chang (played by the amazingly talented Harry Shum Jr) is an amazing dancer.

2009-10-26, 04:43 PM
I watched the first episode up to that point a girl started singing that Katy Perry song: "I kissed a girl and I liked it".

I stopped there.

I hate that song.

Hate it.

Tell me, is it really worth to continue watching? I am a fan of House, Supernatural, Bones, Damages (for awhile, now-no longer)

2009-10-26, 04:49 PM
Yes, very worth it. While the songs can sometimes get a bit pop-y for my liking, they do have an awesome undercurrent of dark humor in there. :smallsmile:

And for the record, I hate that song too. :smalltongue:

2009-10-26, 05:35 PM
I hate that all the singing is obviously studio-altered to the point where I'm not sure they're not just lip-syncing.

I would say that it's worth watching though, it's just the best parts (songs) aren't even really being sung.

2009-10-26, 06:09 PM
I hate that all the singing is obviously studio-altered to the point where I'm not sure they're not just lip-syncing.

I would say that it's worth watching though, it's just the best parts (songs) aren't even really being sung.

Yeah, they've lipsync'd (or at least overdubbed) for all but one song, which is unfortunate, but at least they actually all do their own singing in the studio.

Part of it is just to get a polished sound, which wouldn't be possible otherwise... but I do think they muck with backup vocals too much.

2009-10-26, 09:09 PM
I view it as a way to et my musical fix for free every week. Oh, and Sue is amazing as a villain.

2009-10-26, 10:12 PM
I love Sue's "I will give you a cute baby kitty" threat. Hilarious. I threatened somebody with that today. It could only have been better if it was original.

Also, Shuester (sp?) is incredibly attractive, a great actor and a fantastic dancer. I don't think he's actually singing, though. Anyways, I've added him to my list of men I'd go gay for. It's not a long list, but it is a solid list. :smallwink:

2009-10-27, 06:36 AM
I watched the first episode up to that point a girl started singing that Katy Perry song: "I kissed a girl and I liked it".

I stopped there.

I hate that song.

Hate it.

Tell me, is it really worth to continue watching? I am a fan of House, Supernatural, Bones, Damages (for awhile, now-no longer)

I really hate that song too, but I love Glee. I just sort of shuddered for the duration of it, cleaned out my ears, and then went back to watching it normally.

And Shuschter (Can't spell it either!) is really really good looking. He's on the list of guys who keep me straight ^_^

2009-10-27, 12:06 PM
It's not a long list, but it is a solid list. :smallwink:

I read that as "sordid" list

2009-10-27, 12:35 PM
I read that as "sordid" list

Actually, "sordid" is how it's sorted.

2009-10-27, 03:39 PM
I love Sue's "I will give you a cute baby kitty" threat. Hilarious. I threatened somebody with that today. It could only have been better if it was original.

Also, Shuester (sp?) is incredibly attractive, a great actor and a fantastic dancer. I don't think he's actually singing, though. Anyways, I've added him to my list of men I'd go gay for. It's not a long list, but it is a solid list. :smallwink:

Yeah, that threat was awesome. :smallbiggrin:

From what I recall, Schuester's actor is a Broadway actor, so I'm fairly sure he is singing, haha. :smallsmile:

2009-10-27, 04:15 PM
I really enjoy the show (I have the first soundtrack on pre-order), but my roommate and I feel like the story's just getting ridiculous. I mean, I know it's a comedy and they're going for audacity, but seriously, is Schue the most ignorant guy in the world that he can't realize his wife isn't pregnant? Is Finn that ignorant of biology that he honestly believes Quinn got pregnant from them making out in a hottub whilst clothed?

Also, you can't possibly know the sex of your baby at ten weeks (at least, not from an ultrasound). I felt that was a bit of a sloppy job research-wise.

I like the show, but I know that the writing could be better. I like watching just for the musical numbers and Kurt (honestly, I wish they'd give kids other than Rachel-Finn-Quinn-Puck some screentime more often).

2009-10-27, 09:24 PM
Yeah, Will's ignorance is really getting to me as well.

As far as Finn goes however, I believe he has a very high emotional IQ, so he's really good at reading people, but not so smart on the regular IQ.

I hear that the show is getting delayed until November because of some American sporting event or other though?

2009-10-27, 10:49 PM
I hear that the show is getting delayed until November because of some American sporting event or other though?

Yes, the World Series starts this Wednesday; Glee's not back until the 11th (Veteran's Day here in the States).

2009-10-29, 06:14 AM
Yes, the World Series starts this Wednesday; Glee's not back until the 11th (Veteran's Day here in the States).

The World Series... Why even play? The US wins every year. :smallwink:

(P.S.- Stupid sports getting in the way of my "me" time. Rassem frassem.)

2009-10-29, 08:24 AM
I was sold in the pilot when they did Amy Winehouse's "Rehab" as a big cheery production number. That was hilarious!

2009-10-29, 10:01 PM
I was sold in the pilot when they did Amy Winehouse's "Rehab" as a big cheery production number. That was hilarious!

I was completely sold when they had n entire football team but out to Beyonce's Single Ladies mid-play. :smallbiggrin:

2009-11-15, 07:40 AM
Glee is back. Can't say I enjoyed the "Very Special Episode" feel of the episode. Or the softening of Sue's character. Or Quinn being so unpleasant to Finn over a baby she knows isn't his.

So yeah, not impressed this week. Thoughts?

2009-11-15, 07:56 AM
Glee is back. Can't say I enjoyed the "Very Special Episode" feel of the episode. Or the softening of Sue's character. Or Quinn being so unpleasant to Finn over a baby she knows isn't his.

So yeah, not impressed this week. Thoughts?

I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one who was not impressed by the most recent episode.

I got really excited when I heard about it before it aired-- finally, they'd focus on Artie, and I believe one of the critics at EW said the episode made him cry more than once.

That being said, I really didn't like what they did do with the episode. God, the Glee club kids were just brats when the question first came up of helping Artie! Were they never taught compassion for the disabled?

I really didn't like what was done with Sue's character. It felt like a plot point pulled from nowhere that screamed, "Look! You must feel sorry for her!" Way too sudden and blatant for me to feel any sympathy for the character.

I did feel bad for the Artie/Tina thing. I do have hope for that pairing, because I'd be intrigued to see how they'd handle that relationship.

Quinn: Yes, I still can't believe how meanly she's treating Finn. My roommate said it best: if the actual father of the baby wants to help, why the heck don't you just go with him? She could still say the baby is Finn's if she wants to; she could just go with Puck...

The only thing I did like about this episode? Kurt. Give this kid more screentime! The scene at the end with his father made me cry; it was heartbreaking when he said that the judges wouldn't accept a guy singing a girl's song and that he didn't want to hurt his dad. I really, really like how they've had Kurt's dad, the man's man, accept his son like that. That scene and the scene where Kurt came out have been the most well-handled things the show has done, in my opinion.

2009-11-15, 08:10 AM
The only thing I did like about this episode? Kurt. Give this kid more screentime! The scene at the end with his father made me cry; it was heartbreaking when he said that the judges wouldn't accept a guy singing a girl's song and that he didn't want to hurt his dad. I really, really like how they've had Kurt's dad, the man's man, accept his son like that. That scene and the scene where Kurt came out have been the most well-handled things the show has done, in my opinion.

My God, yes. Kurt's dad is pretty much the best dad ever. I have gay mates who would have killed for parents as understanding as him, and the scenes with him and Kurt are brilliant.

I also like the little lines that Brittany and Santana (and the other footballers) are getting that are slowly estabishing their characters.

Green Bean
2009-11-15, 10:28 AM
So, at a friend's urging, I finally sat down to watch this show. Admittedly, I've only seen the episodes from the football game onwarwd, but who has ever let incomplete information stop them from forming an opinion? :smalltongue:

I pretty much watch the show to hear what's coming out of Sue's mouth next. She is absolutely off her rocker, and amazingly so. I still laugh at the way she described herself as Ajax, Greek warrior in the middle of a shouting match. Her, and occasionally Kurt, are why I keep tuning in. I'm not so hot on the rest of the show, though. They seem to be trying to hit as many cliches as they can, and while I can't help but feel this is supposed to be a parody or satire of some sort, they haven't really done anything with it. It's like I've watched five episodes of setup, but they haven't told the punchline. Also, this is relatively minor, but they're spending so much time building Terry up as some sort of evil manipulative shrew so it's okay for Will to cheat on her that I can't help liking her out of sheer contrariness.

Still, I'll probably watch it again, because I love Jane Lynch and every third song they sing. I just wish they gave that guy autotune a little less screentime.

Shas aia Toriia
2009-11-15, 10:46 AM
I pretty much watch the show to hear what's coming out of Sue's mouth next. She is absolutely off her rocker, and amazingly so. I still laugh at the way she described herself as Ajax, Greek warrior in the middle of a shouting match. Her, and occasionally Kurt, are why I keep tuning in. I'm not so hot on the rest of the show, though. They seem to be trying to hit as many cliches as they can, and while I can't help but feel this is supposed to be a parody or satire of some sort, they haven't really done anything with it. It's like I've watched five episodes of setup, but they haven't told the punchline. Also, this is relatively minor, but they're spending so much time building Terry up as some sort of evil manipulative shrew so it's okay for Will to cheat on her that I can't help liking her out of sheer contrariness.

This exactly. Especially the part about cliches.

2009-11-16, 11:45 AM
I love the series. The last episode made me literally say, "Oh wow, Sue is a person!" which isn't really a bad thing, but I kind of miss her just being the horrible person that you love to hate.

2009-11-17, 12:59 AM
I love this show too. It's actually the only show I sit down at my tv to watch every week. I love the fact that every episode starts with a new problem that is sure to be resolved by the end of the episode. I can actually feel happy about watching it. Plus I love their performances. The only question I have is, what are they going to perform at sectionals? Every episode starts with Shuester walking in a dn handing them a new piece to perform.

Green Bean
2009-11-17, 11:44 AM
I love the series. The last episode made me literally say, "Oh wow, Sue is a person!" which isn't really a bad thing, but I kind of miss her just being the horrible person that you love to hate.

I was actually a little weirded out by the whole thing. When she's an elemental force of ego and insanity, you don't have to take her seriously. That's why, for instance, her putting the school nurse in a coma is funny rather than horrifying.
In a way, trying to humanize her makes her more evil, but not in a funny way.

2009-11-18, 10:41 PM
Thoughts on tonight?

This one was probably the one that made me laugh the most, because the humor was real for the most part and not the awkward kind that they usually strive for. Matthew Morrison (Shue) was BRILLIANT in the opening scene as he watched Rachel singing to him. Hilarious!

Kurt is still my favorite. I aww-ed a couple times and I did feel bad for him with his whole crush-on-Finn thing (they've mentioned this before, right?).

Finn telling Quinn's parents in song = most awkward thing ever. Only in TV land. I still agree with my friend that Quinn should just let Puck take the freaking responsibility already! Mercedes' advice was WAY off the mark.

Green Bean
2009-11-19, 07:40 AM
I was disappointed in the lack of Sue. :smallfrown:

Otherwise it was okay. Not sure how I feel about Kurt sabotaging another person's relationship for his shot at Finn, but whatever. Quinn's kicking out was about as drama-tastic as expected, but I do admit Finn's mom is surprisingly awesome. The teacher crush storyline squicked me out a bit, probably because I have a teacher parent, but I'm glad it at least ended okay. Relatedly, my contrary love for Terri continues to grow. This episode had a slightly worse ratio of listenable to mutable songs, but that was more a matter or personal taste than a decrease in singing quality.

Mercedes' advice was WAY off the mark.

I guess it all depends on whether she knows if Finn knows.

2009-11-25, 02:33 PM
I laughed more than I should have at "Other Asian". I guess he'll never have an actual name, his only claim to fame is being able to pop and lock.

And one thing I can't figure out, are the two Cheerios still working for Sue?

Greatest crossever ever? Greatest crossover ever.

2009-11-25, 03:04 PM
A good high-school drama will just make me miss Veronica Mars more.

2009-11-25, 03:10 PM
Good show, good show. Though I really wonder what those baked goods tasted like... "Awful".

Green Bean
2009-11-26, 02:49 PM
Well, it's that time of week again.

The good news is Sue's back. Otherwise, the episode wasn't great. Sue's becoming a generic antagonist. Where's the possibly legally insane Sue I know and love? Also, what's up with Kurt sabotaging people's relationships? He did it last episode and it didn't go so hot, and he's still at it? If he were old enough to know better, I'd lose all my sympathy for him. As it is, he's borderline. They need to bring back the funnier, less manipulative Kurt. Finally, I'm getting tired of all the 'inspiring' scenes where they deal with disabilities or racism. It's all so unsubtle. What happened to the subversive show that got Finn on the team by framing him for pot possession?

Lord Seth
2009-11-26, 03:31 PM
This was probably the worst episode of the series I've seen. The previous episode was a little weak as well, so I'm getting worried about the future of the show.

2009-11-26, 05:32 PM
Glee! is losing steam fast.

2009-11-27, 12:42 AM
Yeah, many people were disappointed by that 'inspiring' scene where the Glee kids joined in on the deaf choir...

I wasn't. I was too busy staring in awe at the fairskinned brunette on the second row. My god, she was gorgeous, I'd learn sign language just to get to know her better. :smallsmile:

Lord Seth
2009-12-03, 10:30 AM
I thought this newest episode was way better than the previous one.

2009-12-03, 06:01 PM
I thought this newest episode was way better than the previous one.

Most definitely. I didn't so much like the last one (everyone got so mean! Puck and Kurt especially!). But this last episode, geez. It's getting so intense.

So glad Will finally found out about his wife. Such, such a good job acting in the scene where he yelled at her about it. I really wanted to cry for him when he slept in his office, and Charlie Chaplin's "Smile" playing over the end scenes was heartbreaking. Can't believe he technically can't go to sectionals.

An aside, the photographer was Kripke from The Big Bang Theory and that excited me greatly.

2009-12-07, 10:47 AM
I find the episodes are starting to get a little fuzzy, but I still love the show. Loved it when Will found out about Terry.

Hopefully this week's "Sectionals" will bring the whole thing together nicely.

What do they mean by "mid-season finale"? Is it already ending for the year?

2009-12-07, 11:49 AM
What do they mean by "mid-season finale"? Is it already ending for the year?

Well originally it was only picked up for 13 episodes. When it became successful, more were commissioned, but they still have to be made. So yeah, it'll be going on hiatus for another few months after this week.

So... expect cliffhangers.

2009-12-09, 08:22 PM
Well originally it was only picked up for 13 episodes. When it became successful, more were commissioned, but they still have to be made. So yeah, it'll be going on hiatus for another few months after this week.

So... expect cliffhangers.

Plus, Americal Idol or somesuch is taking over its timeslot until April.

2009-12-09, 08:46 PM
Tell me, is it really worth to continue watching? I am a fan of House, Supernatural, Bones, Damages (for awhile, now-no longer)
Yes. I, like you, hate Katey Perry with a passion, and I, like you, almost carved my eardrums out of my head when Tina started singing it. I also love Glee.

I still agree with my friend that Quinn should just let Puck take the freaking responsibility already! Mercedes' advice was WAY off the mark.

Look. Mercedes' advice is NOT way off the mark. Puck is remarkably base and immature, to a level that is almost absolutely insane, which is part of why the show is so awesome. While Finn isn't very bright, he's a very sweet (if naive) boy who's going to do everything he can to be there for Quinn and the baby.

Puck on the other hand just wants the girl he had once. Finn deserves better than quinn, but that baby deserves a hell of a lot better than Puck.

2009-12-10, 07:29 AM
Glee 13: Sectionals!

Well that was interesting. I like the episodes with an emphasis on singing, not drama. The last dance number was pretty much a tribute to every other dance they've done so far, which was cool in a nostalgic sort of way.

Anyone else catch Brittany's reference to sleeping with Santana? I would have thought that would cause more of a stir, but whatever.

2009-12-10, 07:42 AM
A good high-school drama will just make me miss Veronica Mars more.

I know, I wish they continued the series. They had a promo and everything. I'd love Veronica as a FBI agent.

2009-12-10, 11:14 AM
Look. Mercedes' advice is NOT way off the mark. Puck is remarkably base and immature, to a level that is almost absolutely insane, which is part of why the show is so awesome. While Finn isn't very bright, he's a very sweet (if naive) boy who's going to do everything he can to be there for Quinn and the baby.

Puck on the other hand just wants the girl he had once. Finn deserves better than quinn, but that baby deserves a hell of a lot better than Puck.

What you're quoting me on is an opinion based on the characterization we had of Puck at that time. He looked like a decent guy who'd be willing to shoulder the responsibility for the baby, at least financially (whereas Finn was struggling to find a job).

Now, given what we know of him, I'd say Quinn's making the right choice in deciding to go at it alone. Finn's not the father and shouldn't have to be in the life of a baby who isn't his unless he wants to. I wouldn't have Puck in that baby's life, either. Please remember that what you're quoting is based on my opinions at the time, not how I've felt since then.

I thought last night's episode was pretty good. Very sad that Schue couldn't be there, but glad that he got through to Finn and helped him realize the team needed him (although I really think that Kurt and Artie are better singers than Finn is).

I wasn't all that impressed with their sectionals routine, though. I know that it was a plot thing, that the writers had to come up with a way for them to perform new songs since we wouldn't want to see repeats of old ones, but still. I didn't feel like it was all that inspired. And Rachel getting a mostly-solo song counts as a glee club performance how?

Very glad that Will came to his senses and left Terri. Could sort of see Emma's point in leaving the school, but it looks like she stays in the promos. I was also glad to see that Sue got what was coming to her.

It was pretty obvious that this was originally intended to be a season finale, but that's happened with other shows, too. I don't know what they'll do in the remaining ten episodes, though. I know they've got regionals, but it'll get really boring really fast if they just keep building up to competitions every half-season.

2009-12-10, 09:07 PM
I know they've got regionals, but it'll get really boring really fast if they just keep building up to competitions every half-season.

I have a feeling it'll stay interesting... Sue's little threat near the end makes me crave the rest of the first season, now. I watched the show mostly for her and Kurt at the beginning, but I've been missing her insanity over the episodes building up to the fall finale. :smallbiggrin: