View Full Version : Arena Tournament, Round 69: Lil' Smasher & Quork vs. Macintosh & Forge

2009-10-26, 02:57 PM
Arena Tournament, Round 69: Lil' Smasher & Quork vs. Macintosh & Forge

The Arena walls for this map are 30 ft high, with a Climb DC of 30.

XP Award: 300 XP to each non-DQd member of winning team
GP Award: 300 GP to each non-DQd member of winning team

Lil' Smasher (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=30172) - Tanaric
Quork (http://pifro.com/pro/view.php?id=3409) - Sallera
Macintosh (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=145843) - Strangie
Forge (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=148732) - RPGAgmJAY

All Combatants, please roll initiative and declare any starting combatants.

Prior to the match start you may privately plan by spoiler or PM with your partner, but after the start any communications will need to be done in character inside the arena as rules allow.

2009-10-26, 03:06 PM
Init: [roll0]

Haven't decided on purchases yet, waiting for the moment.

2009-10-26, 06:05 PM
Let's get grab-happy!

Init: [roll0]

No purchases, reserve right, blah blah blah

2009-10-26, 09:19 PM
I don't see flaws on Lil' Smasher. Which flaws give you those bonus feats?

I'll definitely be making purchases. Wasted a lot of magic last game.

Good Gaming!

2009-10-26, 09:49 PM
Eep. :smalleek:

We'll call them Murky-eyed and Inattentive, then. Seems fitting, given the circumstances. :smalltongue:

2009-10-26, 09:50 PM
Oh, right, initiative.


Purchase list coming shortly.

Edit - Sallera:I'd rather not die to these two again. What say we chug a few invisibility potions and take one down before they can do anything?

2009-10-26, 10:10 PM
Buy spectacles [Tool, Masterwork (+2 to UMD checks)]
Scribe Scroll of Shield
Scribe Scroll of Beastland Ferocity
Scribe Scroll of Entangle
Scribe Scroll of Seeking Ray(CL:1st)
Scribe Scroll of Shillelagh

Reserve right for reactionary yadda yadda.

Initiative: [roll0]

2009-10-26, 11:04 PM
Tanaric:Sounds like a plan. Forge'll probably scribe a scroll of Invis or See Invis as well to counter, but we can still get Mac on FF touch. You'll be going first, so I'll follow as to when we attack, but perhaps two or three rounds to cast and get into position, then attack on the next?

Oh, and the Chronocharm's mostly a bluff, this match, just so you know. I probably won't be summoning anything. Although I'm mildly tempted to use it to quicken a summoning spell...

Purchasing a potion of Invisibility and a Chronocharm of the Uncaring Archmage.

Edit: Oh, and a tattoo of Force Screen.

2009-10-26, 11:10 PM
Purchasing a potion of invisibility and scroll of shield of faith, CL 1 version. Just the potion.

Anything reactionary?

2009-10-27, 08:13 AM
Might be reactionary. Waiting on a response from my team mate via PM.

2009-10-27, 08:50 AM
PM sent. Nothing for me yet. If he wants me to buy something in particular though I'll know. :smalltongue:

2009-10-27, 09:17 AM
Scribe Scroll of Obscuring Mist.


2009-10-27, 10:27 AM
If that's everything for you two, I believe we're ready to start?

2009-10-27, 10:32 AM
Fire away I suppose.

2009-10-27, 10:41 AM
Smasher, round 1

Starting in Y-10, holding a potion in the shield hand and a maceEdit: morningstar in the other.

Step 1: Drink potion
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Profit!

Smasher goes poof, and an empty potion bottle appears in his square a moment later.

Sallera:Smasher whispers "W-17 for me.

Refs/those with See Invisibility:
Standard: Drink potion.
Free: Drop vial.
Move to W-17.


Stats:AC 19/13/16

HP 9/9

Position: W-17

Spells: Virtue, Resistance, Cure Minor Wounds, True Strike, Light of Lunia, Blessed Aim

2009-10-27, 11:00 AM
Quork, Round 1

"Wait, I'm not going last?"

Starting in Z10, holding potion and spear (one-handed).
Standard: Drink potion.
Free: Drop vial.
Refs/LoS:Move: To X17.
Swift: Cast a quickened Light of Lunia. As per precedent, note that the glow is not noticeable due to matching normal light conditions.

Stats:HP 7/7, AC 17 (13, 14)
PP: 2/2
Psionically focused
Active effects: Light of Lunia 100 rounds
Inflict Minor Wounds
Light of Lunia
Shield of Faith

2009-10-27, 11:09 PM
Macintosh, Round 1

Start in B11 with sling in hand.

Free action: Frown.

Whisper: "We have a serious problem. Tangle 'em up and make life difficult for them."

Move to G14 and kneel, reading an action to set Dodge to and attack with his sling at an enemy who appears at range or with his unarmed strike if they appear in melee


Position G14
HP 9/9
AC 16

2009-10-28, 06:46 AM
Forge - Round 1

Start in A11 with 2 scrolls in hand.

Standard: UMD check to activate scroll in hand.
UMD check (DC21): [roll0]
If successful pop the spoiler, ignore otherwise as scroll fails to activate:

Entangle spell cast at the following intersection: R12/S13. 40' spread covers both paths. DC13 Reflex save or no movement & entangled. Successful reflex save still reduces movement by half.

Move: 20' to D14

Free Action: Whisper to Mac.

I can't buff you if you get too far away. Stay behind the post.


Location: D14
HP: 8/8
AC: 19 (ff18, t11)
Equipped: Scroll of entangle & scroll of obscuring mist
3/3 infusions remaining

2009-10-28, 09:07 AM
Er, Entangle has a somatic component. How do you cast it with a scroll in each hand?

2009-10-28, 09:37 AM
I never stated I was holding a scroll in each hand, just that I was holding 2 scrolls. It's not a weapon or a shield. I could technically hold a pile of scrolls in one arm, have one open over the top and cast it with my other hand. See the RAW below.

If a scroll required one hand to 'wield' and another hand to cast that would severely limit their use. Wands are treated as weapons in the rules, scrolls are just like sticks wrapped in paper.

Here's the RAW from Rules Compendium (which trumps the SRD) if anyone wants to reference it:

Activating a scroll requires reading the spell
from the scroll. The user must be able to see and read the writing
on the scroll. Using a scroll’s spell requires no material
components or focus, and its caster level is set, but the user
determines the specifics of the effect. Activating a scroll
takes the same amount of time as the casting time of the
spell stored on the scroll and provokes attacks of opportunity
as spellcasting does. Concentration is required, and
activating a scroll is subject to disruption just as casting a
spell is. Using a scroll is like casting a spell for the purpose
of arcane spell failure. A user can’t activate a scroll if he
would be prevented from casting the spell it contains, such
as casting a spell that has verbal components in the area of
a silence spell.

Unless a ref wants to rule on this, I'd say the spell goes off as normal. Considering I've been using this technique in previous matches and no one has taken issue with it I'd be surprised if a ref would over-rule it at this point.

Good Gaming!

2009-10-28, 09:57 AM
Well, I'd like an official ruling on the matter all the same, unless you can provide a ruling precedent on being able to walk around with an armful of scrolls; the last ruling I had on the matter did indicate that you needed a hand free, and I've been playing it that way since, so I'd rather get the matter settled for future reference.

2009-10-28, 10:33 AM
and I've been playing it that way since....

Yes, except for our whole last game. Yeah, that would have made a lot more sense if you were playing in our last game. My bad. Different opponents.

Since you didn't post a request in the waiting room when you brought it up I figured you were just looking for a clarification, which I provided.

Now I'll wait for a ref to make a ruling.

Though I'd like to point out that the RAW as posted above does not require somatic, material or verbal components but lists criteria for activation which are being met. I can see and read the writing. I'm using the same amount of time as the normal casting of the spell. I am subject to attacks of opportunity, disruption, and arcane spell failure.

Last but not least I am not prevented from casting the spell which has verbal and somatic components. These components are not required apparently but the caster must not be prohibited from using them as per a verbal component spell in a silenced area.

That's RAW for you.

Good Gaming!

2009-10-28, 10:42 AM
Yes, except for our whole last game.

Really? :smallconfused: Because I just went through the archives, and, as I had thought, in our previous match, you dropped the two scrolls before drawing one and casting from that. With a free hand, hence why I didn't have reason to object.

2009-10-28, 10:45 AM

Activating a scroll requires reading the spell from the scroll. The character must be able to see and read the writing on the scroll. Activating a scroll spell requires no material components or focus. (The creator of the scroll provided these when scribing the scroll.) Note that some spells are effective only when cast on an item or items. In such a case, the scroll user must provide the item when activating the spell. Activating a scroll spell is subject to disruption just as casting a normally prepared spell would be. Using a scroll is like casting a spell for purposes of arcane spell failure chance.

We all know which component is used for ASF, right?

Somatic. Hand gestures. I.e., needing a free hand.

Edit: Also, since when can you carry more than one item in a hand? :smallconfused: That's what backpacks are for.

2009-10-28, 11:06 AM

We all know which component is used for ASF, right?

Somatic. Hand gestures. I.e., needing a free hand.

Edit: Also, since when can you carry more than one item in a hand? :smallconfused: That's what backpacks are for.

Since encumbrance doesn't dictate items on your back and carrying a pile of weapons doesn't count as being armed with a pile of weapons. If I were weilding a weapon or a shield it would be different, I don't need to be 'armed' with a scroll to fire it off.

I just need to be able to read the scroll. Heck, I can unroll it and drop it on the ground as a free action and cast it that way. The argument that a scroll in hand makes you unable to cast a spell with somatic components (which is nearly all of them) is nit-picking something that is not in RAW. I just broke down how the RAW of activating a scroll is fulfilled, if you want to dispute that then do so.

For the record, arcane spell failure doesn't apply to divine spells but they still have somatic components. Hardly a good example. Somatic requirements would come in that last line:

A user can’t activate a scroll if he
would be prevented from casting the spell it contains, such
as casting a spell that has verbal components in the area of
a silence spell.

I'm not prevented from using my hand to cast currently. This fulfills the requirements for activating a scroll.

I love a good rules discussion but someone needs to make the call.


2009-10-28, 11:09 AM
I wasn't even coming close to saying a divine spell was the same as arcane. ASF just applies to spells with somatic components. The line would be utterly senseless if "[the same as casting a spell] for the purposes of Arcane Spell Failure" read as "[the same as casting a spell] for the purposes of Arcane Spell Failure, except you don't need somatic components anyway, so it's cool, man."

Edit: Ah. I see. You're trying to say you can hold and read more than one scroll in each hand. Good luck, and I'm interested in seeing what the other refs say on that subject.

2009-10-28, 11:30 AM
I'm not saying you can hold and read unlimited scrolls in each hand. I'm saying that you can hold as much as you want in a hand or arm or tentacle within encumbrance limits. I'm also saying that having a free hand is moot, there are so many work-arounds that even the RAW only makes the distinction that you can't be prevented from using somatic or verbal components... actually getting those components out can be accomplished by a variety of methods, some of which I posted. Such as:

Carrying scrolls on one hand and casting with the other.


Carrying a scroll in hand, opening it and dropping it as a free action so the hand is free to cast.


Draping the scroll over your forearm so you can read it and wiggle your fingers.


Per RAW I must not be prevented from using somatic components, they don't care about the particulars because it doesn't matter.

That's how I read the RAW. If a ref disagrees then post the ruling and the RAW that reflects the ruling.


2009-10-28, 12:54 PM
GM Kyeudo

I believe that Jay has arena precedent on his side. IIRC, I previously ruled that holding multiple items in one hand was possible.

2009-10-28, 01:04 PM
That's... odd.

But such is life.

Out of curiosity, how many potions/scrolls/whatever can I hold in one hand, then?

2009-10-28, 02:47 PM
That's... odd.

But such is life.

Out of curiosity, how many potions/scrolls/whatever can I hold in one hand, then?

What's your Strength score?


2009-10-28, 02:51 PM
Refs:Spending a pp to boost the save. Reflex: [roll0] Edit: Scratch that, miscounted, I'm 5ft outside the radius.

2009-10-28, 03:35 PM
Refs:1 pp to boost saves.

Reflex: [roll0]


2009-10-28, 03:44 PM
Smasher, round 2

Sallera:Whisper "Cheeeeeeeeeeeese, pleeeeease. I'm stuck."

Refs/LoS:Full Round: Strength Check: [roll0]

5-ft step out of the Entangle's AoE if successful.


Stats:AC 19/13/16

HP 9/9

Position: W-17

Invisibility 2/30

Spells: Virtue, Resistance, Cure Minor Wounds, True Strike, Light of Lunia, Blessed Aim

2009-10-28, 04:05 PM
Quork, Round 2

Tanaric:Whisper: "Just missed me. I'll sit around here until you manage to pull yourself free; our invisibility will outlast their countermeasures. Let me know when you pull free so I can follow you around the outer edge. We've just enough room to sneak by, I think."

Refs/Tanaric/LoS:Standard: Attempt to cast Guidance on Smasher. [roll0] - miss on 1

Stats:HP 7/7, AC 17 (13, 14)
PP: 2/2
Psionically focused
Active effects: Light of Lunia 99 rounds
Inflict Minor Wounds
Light of Lunia
Shield of Faith

2009-10-28, 09:59 PM
Macintosh, Round 2

Same action readied as above. Whisper to Forge, "I'm not going up there quite yet. Hit me with whatever you've got."


Same as before.

2009-10-29, 08:27 AM
Forge - Round 2


Both of my opponents are invisible. Can I see anyone being entangled by my entangle spell? Don't know if I need a spot check or not. If I do, it comes with a -4 mod.


Move: 15' to G13 and kneel.

Standard: Cast infusion into Mac.
Shield of Faith

Free Action: Whisper to Mac.

I've got one more for ya. Can you see either of them being entangled?


Location: G13 (kneeling)
HP: 8/8
AC: 19 (ff18, t11) (+2 vs ranged, -2 vs melee)
Equipped: scroll of obscuring mist
2/3 infusions remaining

2009-10-29, 01:44 PM
I know you have a ref question, but you didn't say whether it would hold up play or not, so...

Smasher, round 3

Sallera:Whisper:"Yeah, this is an inconvenience at best. I'll be out of here before too long, hopefully."

Refs/LoS:Full-round: Strength check with Guidance boost:[roll0]
5-ft step out of the AoE if successful.


Stats:AC 19/13/16

HP 9/9

Position: W-17

Invisibility 3/30

Spells: Virtue, Resistance, Cure Minor Wounds, True Strike, Light of Lunia, Blessed Aim

2009-10-29, 02:37 PM
Quork, Round 3

Refs/LoS:Standard: Cast Virtue on self.

Stats:HP 8/7, AC 17 (13, 14)
PP: 2/2
Psionically focused
Active effects: Light of Lunia 98 rounds, Virtue 10 rounds
Inflict Minor Wounds
Light of Lunia
Shield of Faith

2009-10-29, 04:56 PM
Macintosh, Round 3

Active Spot: [roll0]
Same readied action as before.

Mac simply shakes his head at Forge unless he actually DOES spot something, if so, change that to a nod and indicate their position, though I highly doubt we'll be seeing anything at this range...


Position G14 (kneel)
AC 18 (+2 vs. range, -2 vs. melee, Shield of Faith 10/10
HP 9/9

2009-10-30, 06:53 AM
Forge - Round 3


Second time asking:

Both of my opponents are invisible. Can I see anyone being entangled by my entangle spell? Don't know if I need a spot check or not. If I do, it comes with a -4 mod.


Move: Draw a scroll of Beastland Ferocity.

Standard: Attempt to cast spell off scroll.
UMD check (DC21): [roll0]
If successful, pop the spoiler. Otherwise ignore as the spell failed to activate.
Beastland Ferocity targeting Mac. Duration 1 minute. Spell description:
The subject becomes such a tenacious combatant that it continues to fight without penalty even while disabled or dying. While between –1 and –9 hit points, the creature gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength. If the creature is reduced to –10 hit points, it dies normally.

Free Action: Whisper to Mac.

Crap... let me try that again next turn.



Location: G13 (kneeling)
HP: 8/8
AC: 19 (ff18, t11) (+2 vs ranged, -2 vs melee)
Equipped: scroll of obscuring mist and scroll of beastland ferocity
2/3 infusions remaining

2009-11-02, 12:15 PM
Refs:I never got an answer as to whether the +20 spot DC from being invisible still applies.

Psionic Dog
2009-11-03, 07:59 PM
High Ref PsiDog

My first inclination is to keep ignoring this match and hope some other ref will take the call... but I suspect all the other refs have the same inclination as it has been nearly 4 days in waiting.

The Big Ref Ruling on Invisibility and Entanglement:
An entangled, invisible creature, is 'visible' by virtue of the entangling substance outlining their form, or portions of their form although they still retain simple concealment against beings that can not normally see the invisible.

The Reasoning: According to RAW visible objects that an invisible creature picks up remain visible. If coated with visible bits, an invisible creatures location is effectively marked. According to the water section, an invisible creature who's location is marked but is still hard to see benefits from Concealment rather than loosing a miss chance completely. This ref finds that any substance that is sufficiently covering and clingy to entangle a creature would also mark their location, although the marked creature would still retain basic concealment since they are still hard to see.

I'll pause here briefly before posting LoS just in case someone wishes to request a second opinion.

As to whether the +20 invisibility bonus to hide checks applies to what? :smallconfused:

2009-11-03, 08:11 PM
Refs:Not hide check. Spot DC. Unless I'm completely off my mark, any invisible creature is +20DC harder to spot accurately, and though entangled, Smasher is still invisible. Feel free to shoot this down, though, as it's entirely possible that I misread the passage.

Edit: This:
It’s practically impossible (+20 DC) to pinpoint an invisible creature’s location with a Spot check, and even if a character succeeds on such a check, the invisible creature still benefits from total concealment (50% miss chance).

Unless the ruling is not only that water/etc not only makes them detectable, but automatically makes invisibility moot?

My reasoning for this is the line in the Invisibility spell description stating
Of course, the subject is not magically silenced, and certain other conditions can render the recipient detectable (such as stepping in a puddle).

It says "detectable", not "visible", which seems to me to indicate a necessary spot check. If this is incorrect, could you explain why? I'm not usually one to argue ref rulings, but this situation is, I imagine, going to set quite a lot of precedence for future matches.

Edit2: Isn't saying that Entangle coats somebody with matter stepping a bit outside the bounds of what's written, by the by? It says that they are held fast and entangled, and while it's possible (in real life) that said plants would fling leaves and whatnot at people, this is a rules matter. I don't want to make this any more of a headache than it already is, but which rules say that I'm "picking up" sufficient plant matter to coat myself with it?

See Invisibility is a spell for a reason, after all.

This match has already delved deep into super-lawyer RAW territory ("it doesn't -say- that I can only carry one item in each hand, so -technically- I can carry as many as I can hold"), and I see no reason to acquiesce to the "but it makes sense that way" method of reading things at this juncture.

Again, I apologize for the lawyering and any headaches caused by it, but it seems to be a necessary tactic in this case. Fire with fire and all that.

2009-11-03, 11:37 PM
I don't understand what we're being delayed over. Kyeudo made the call that entangle gives the position of an invisible creature that is entangled but not one that is just moving through the area without being entangled. I'm just waiting on an LoS call and the match to continue.

At this point I don't feel like I'm giving away any secret tactics. If entangle didn't work I'd start using cloud spells and faerie fire effects. You want to go invisible, then I'll block your line of sight and use an effect that marks your position. Every spell has a counter or a weakness and as an artificer I hope to collect counters to most tactics. I haven't even blown my scroll of see invisibility yet.

I just don't understand why there is an assumption that invisibility is so powerful. A creature with scent can still track you down, you still make noise and you are still prone to environmental effects.

Post the LoS and let's get this show on the road. Thanks very much for the ref when no one else wanted to PsiDog.

2009-11-03, 11:50 PM
Because rule lawyering is an arena tradition. Because you lawyered sufficiently to prove that ommision of text is sufficient for certain things. Because Entangle doesn't say that it makes creatures visible (irrelevant to current discussion, already ruled on). Because there are points of contention that still need addressing. Because this is going to set precedent for all future invisible creatures.

It will be taken care of as soon as PsiDog addresses my last ref spoiler, and rushing a LoS check on a matter that required GM intervention and ref headaches is... poor form at best, I think.

Edit: If that came off as biting, it shouldn't have. Text doesn't allow for tone of voice, which would have been... uh... not biting.

Psionic Dog
2009-11-04, 08:12 AM
I don't understand what we're being delayed over. Kyeudo made the call that entangle gives the position of an invisible creature that is entangled but not one that is just moving through the area without being entangled. I'm just waiting on an LoS call and the match to continue.

Thanks for mentioning that, the delay was because I never noticed that ruling before now and thought mine was the first.

Nah, don't apologize for the lawering. Its tradition after all.

The +20 spot DC. Correct, someone who makes their spot check to notice an invisible creature only pinpoints the location if the make the check by 20. So someone who say makes the DC 20 spot check to notice an invisible creature withing 30ft would only know there was an invisible creature within 30ft in X general direction, and would need to make a DC 40 spot to pinpoint your location by sight.

Detection vs Location: Sorry, the ruling stands by GM Kyeudo's earlier statement of the same thing. Since the GM has spoken any distinction to being covered in tangle foot goo, a net, or entangling vegetation is moot, they all have the same effect (entanglement) and entanglement has been rulled to, like water, specifically reveal your location and not merely just detect your presence. Since you are automatically "seen" the +20 spot is moot.

Does this make invisibility moot I prefer the term "partially negated" Since entanglement make not mention making invisible creatures 'easy' to see you would still be 'hard' to see and thus as mentioned previously still retain some concealment.

Rewind to start of Macintosh, Round 2

LoS Check:

you see your two opponents and may read their LoS spoilers. You also see the vegetation rooting you to the ground outline your legs.

You don't 'see' your invisible ally.

You see both opponents and may read there LoS spoilers.
You also see a pair of entangled legs outlined in W-17. You may target said creature, although it benefits from concealment.

You see your ally and also a pair of entangled legs appear outlined in W-17. You may target said creature, although it benifits from concealment.

You see your ally and also a pair of entangled legs appear outlined in W-17. You may target said creature, although it benifits from concealment.

2009-11-04, 06:39 PM
Macintosh, Round 2

I'm not sure if that triggers my ready action. Oh well. Fire away, then! Who cares about concealment.

Attack: [roll0] (-2 for range)
Damage: [roll1]

Reload Sling. Done.

Position G14
HP 9/9
AC 18 (+2 vs. ranged, -2 vs. melee)

2009-11-05, 07:29 AM
Forge - Round 2


Move: 15' to G13 and kneel.

Standard: Cast infusion into Mac.
Shield of Faith

Free Action: Whisper to Mac.

I've got one more for ya. Keep an eye out for them.


Location: G13 (kneeling)
HP: 8/8
AC: 19 (ff18, t11) (+2 vs ranged, -2 vs melee)
Equipped: scroll of obscuring mist
2/3 infusions remaining

2009-11-05, 11:56 AM
Smasher, round 3

Refs:I assume that if just my legs are visible, they can't tell which of us is entangled, yes?

Sallera:Whisper "Deja Vu. I don't think they can tell which of us is stuck, though."

Str check with Guidance boost: [roll0]

5-ft step out of the entangling area if successful.


Stats:AC 19/13/16

HP 9/9

Position: W-17

Invisibility 3/30

Spells: Virtue, Resistance, Cure Minor Wounds, True Strike, Light of Lunia, Blessed Aim

2009-11-05, 12:10 PM
Quork, Round 3

Tanaric:Whisper: "I'm going to Virtue you and move down to T20. The Entangle covers the whole path from there onward, but we can always wait for it to wear off. Move over and whisper when you're out. Oh, and if you get revealed, I'll start readying actions to attack when you do, once we're in range."

Refs:Standard: Cast Virtue on Smasher.
Move to T20.
Move Silently: [roll0]

Stats:HP 7/7, AC 17 (13, 14)
PP: 1/2
TU: 6/11
Psionically focused
Active effects: Light of Lunia 98 rounds
Inflict Minor Wounds
Light of Lunia
Shield of Faith

2009-11-05, 11:25 PM

Rinse and Repeat. Attack W-17 again.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Concealment - 1 misses [roll2]

Reload. Done.

Position G14
AC 18
HP 9/9

2009-11-06, 09:48 AM
Forge - Round 3:


Move: Draw a scroll
Beastland Ferocity

Standard: Attempt to cast spell off scroll.
UMD check (DC21): [roll0]
If successful, pop the spoiler. Otherwise ignore as the spell failed to activate.
Beastland Ferocity targeting Mac. Duration 1 minute. Spell description:
The subject becomes such a tenacious combatant that it continues to fight without penalty even while disabled or dying. While between –1 and –9 hit points, the creature gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength. If the creature is reduced to –10 hit points, it dies normally.

Not Done.

2009-11-06, 09:51 AM
Forge - Round 3: (con't)

Free Action: Whisper to Mac

crap... need to try that again. Once you're buffed what's the plan, going to leap over the entangle area and attempt a grapple?



Location: G13 (kneeling)
HP: 8/8
AC: 19 (ff18, t11) (+2 vs ranged, -2 vs melee)
Equipped: scroll of obscuring mist and scroll of beastland ferocity
2/3 infusions remaining

2009-11-06, 10:30 AM
Free action: Whisper to Forge (yay for speaking out of turn :U)
Providing I can do it without getting entangled myself. Hopefully I don't get pelted with light rays before then. Trees are my friends...

2009-11-06, 03:50 PM
Smasher, round 4

Full round str check: [roll0]

5-ft step out of entangling area if successful.


2009-11-06, 03:56 PM
Quork, Round 4

Refs:No actions. *yawn*

Stats:HP 7/7, AC 17 (13, 14)
PP: 1/2
TU: 6/11
Psionically focused
Active effects: Light of Lunia 97 rounds
Inflict Minor Wounds
Light of Lunia
Shield of Faith

2009-11-08, 02:51 AM

Fire away again.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]


Same as last time, go away.

2009-11-08, 03:05 PM
Forge - Round 4:


Move: Draw a scroll
Seeking Ray

Standard: Attempt to cast spell off scroll.
UMD check (DC21): [roll0]
If successful, pop the spoiler. Otherwise ignore as the spell failed to activate.
Beastland Ferocity targeting Mac. Duration 1 minute. Spell description:
The subject becomes such a tenacious combatant that it continues to fight without penalty even while disabled or dying. While between –1 and –9 hit points, the creature gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength. If the creature is reduced to –10 hit points, it dies normally.

Not Done.

2009-11-08, 03:07 PM
Forge - Round 4: (con't)

Free Action: Whisper to Mac

son of a... need to try that again. sorry.



Location: G13 (kneeling)
HP: 8/8
AC: 19 (ff18, t11) (+2 vs ranged, -2 vs melee)
Equipped: scroll of obscuring mist, scroll of beastland ferocity, scroll of seeking ray
2/3 infusions remaining

2009-11-08, 03:10 PM
Out-of-turn speaking action, whispering to Forge:
I hope you get that off before the entanglement ends... or before we get shot with something.

2009-11-10, 01:21 PM
Smasher, round something

Full round str check: [roll0]

5-ft step out if successful.


2009-11-10, 01:32 PM
Quork, Round 5

Refs:Move around to X18.
MS: [roll0]
Standard: Aid Another on Smasher's next strength check to escape, DC10. [roll1]
Whisper to Smasher: "Head south if you get out, I'm in your way here to the southeast." (if the refs could mention this in the LoS check, I'd rather not broadcast my position)

Stats:HP 7/7, AC 17 (13, 14)
PP: 1/2
TU: 6/11
Psionically focused
Active effects: Light of Lunia 96 rounds
Inflict Minor Wounds
Light of Lunia
Shield of Faith

2009-11-12, 06:38 AM

More of the same.

Attack on W-17: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]


Bleh. Nothing much changing here.

2009-11-12, 10:19 AM
Forge - Round 5:


Standard: Attempt to cast spell off scroll.
UMD check (DC21): [roll0]
If successful, pop the spoiler. Otherwise ignore as the spell failed to activate.
Beastland Ferocity targeting Mac. Duration 1 minute. Spell description:
The subject becomes such a tenacious combatant that it continues to fight without penalty even while disabled or dying. While between –1 and –9 hit points, the creature gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength. If the creature is reduced to –10 hit points, it dies normally.

Not Done.

2009-11-12, 10:26 AM
Forge - Round 5: (con't)


Free Action: Drop the scroll he just attempted to cast as he can't access it for 24 hours now.

Free Action: Whisper to Mac

Well... that blows. Can't even use this scroll anymore today. Might as well get to it. You want me to move out and possibly draw their fire?

Not Done, waiting on Mac's response.


Location: G13 (kneeling)
HP: 8/8
AC: 19 (ff18, t11) (+2 vs ranged, -2 vs melee)
Equipped: scroll of obscuring mist, scroll of seeking ray
2/3 infusions remaining

2009-11-12, 02:53 PM
Speaking action, whispering to Forge:

Hell no. If they fire light rays at you you're just gonna get slammed and die. We oughta stay right here until they turn not invisible or we know they're close.

2009-11-12, 03:25 PM
Forge - Round 5: (finishing..)


Move Action: Draw another scroll
Magic Missle

Free Action: Whisper to Mac

My entangle will end before their invisibility. I could throw up an obscuring mist a few rounds after they are free but even that has a limited duration. In the end I think I'm going to have to take the hit so you can see them. I think they'll be pretty low on tricks by that point.



Location: G13 (kneeling)
HP: 8/8
AC: 19 (ff18, t11) (+2 vs ranged, -2 vs melee)
Equipped: scroll of obscuring mist, scroll of seeking ray, scroll of magic missle
2/3 infusions remaining

2009-11-12, 04:12 PM
Smasher, round 6

Full round str check again. [roll0]

5-ft step out if successful.


2009-11-12, 04:40 PM
Quork, Round 6

Refs:Standard: Aid another on Smasher's strength check again: [roll0]
Whisper: "Don't forget you can move as soon as we get this off you. Head straight south, as far as you can."

Stats:HP 7/7, AC 17 (13, 14)
PP: 1/2
TU: 6/11
Psionically focused
Active effects: Light of Lunia 95 rounds
Inflict Minor Wounds
Light of Lunia
Shield of Faith

2009-11-14, 02:08 AM

Blah. And again.

Attack at W-17: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Concealment - 1 misses: [roll2]


AC 18, Position G14, kneeling, HP 9/9, etc.

2009-11-15, 09:10 PM
Forge - Round 6


Move Action: Draw Scroll See Invisibility
Standard Action: Attempt to Cast spell from scroll
UMD check (DC 21): [roll0]
Pop spoiler below if successful and made a spellcraft check to identify casting, otherwise ignore as spell failed to activate:

See Invisibility Spell, targeting self.

Free Action: Whisper to Mac.

Let's see if I can't do some damage next round...



Location: G13 (kneeling)
HP: 8/8
AC: 19 (ff18, t11) (+2 vs ranged, -2 vs melee)
Equipped: scroll of obscuring mist, scroll of seeking ray, scroll of magic missle, scroll of see invisibility.
2/3 infusions remaining

2009-11-15, 09:19 PM
Spellcraft: [roll0]

Whisper to Smasher: "Well, the golem can see us now."

2009-11-16, 01:05 AM
Refs/LoS:Whisper to Sallera:As long as it isn't the monk. If I get strangled to death again, I'll cry.

Full-round str check: [roll0]

Will post movement if successful.


2009-11-16, 11:38 AM
Quork, Round 7

Refs/LoS:Standard: Cast a spell, DC16:Shield of Faith.

Stats:HP 7/7, AC 19 (15, 16)
PP: 1/2
TU: 6/11
Psionically focused
Active effects: Light of Lunia 94 rounds, Shield of Faith 10 rounds
Inflict Minor Wounds
Light of Lunia
Shield of Faith

2009-11-18, 03:38 AM

Attack W-17, blah blah blah.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Concealment - 1 misses [roll2]


Same crap as last time, of course...

2009-11-18, 10:18 AM
Forge - Round 7


Move Action: Draw Scroll Light of Lunia.
Standard Action: Attempt to cast off scroll.
UMD check (DC21): [roll0]
Pop spoiler if successful, otherwise ignore as scroll fails to activate.

Light of Lunia cast, bathing Forge in radiance. 10min duration.



Location: G13 (kneeling)
HP: 8/8
AC: 19 (ff18, t11) (+2 vs ranged, -2 vs melee)
Equipped: scroll of obscuring mist, scroll of seeking ray, scroll of magic missle, scroll of light of lunia.
2/3 infusions remaining

2009-11-19, 03:14 PM
Smasher, round 8

Refs/LoS:One more time: [roll0]

Will post movement if successful.


2009-11-19, 03:26 PM
Quork, Round 8

Refs/LoS:Standard: Aid another on Smasher: [roll0]

Stats:HP 7/7, AC 19 (15, 16)
PP: 1/2
TU: 6/11
Psionically focused
Active effects: Light of Lunia 93 rounds, Shield of Faith 9 rounds
Inflict Minor Wounds
Light of Lunia
Shield of Faith

2009-11-21, 09:37 AM

Attack on W-17: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Concealment, 1 misses: [roll2]


Yep. Nothing to see here. :B

2009-11-23, 08:50 AM
Forge - Round 8


Move Action: Stand from kneeling position.
Free Action: 5' step to H12 sneakily.
Standard Action: Attempt to cast spell off scroll.
UMD Check (DC21): [roll1]
Pop spoiler if successful, otherwise ignore as spell fails to activate.

Seeking Ray directed at the opponent currently entangled (Dex reduced by 4).
Ranged Touch Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] electricity damage + special targeting next round.

Free Action: Drop to kneeling position once again.



Location: H12 (kneeling)
HP: 8/8
AC: 19 (ff18, t11) (+2 vs ranged, -2 vs melee)
Equipped: scroll of obscuring mist, scroll of seeking ray, scroll of magic missle.
2/3 infusions remaining

2009-11-24, 10:37 AM
Refs/LoS:Full-round str check again, w/ Aid Another bonus: [roll0]

Will post movement if successful.

Done. Not done yet.

2009-11-25, 06:13 PM
Refs/LoS:Whisper to Sallera:"He zapped me pretty good. Got any healing laying around?

Moving to X-20."

Move half speed to X-20.


Stats:AC 19/13/16

HP 1/9

Position: X-20

Invisibility 9/30

Spells: Virtue, Resistance, Cure Minor Wounds, True Strike, Light of Lunia, Blessed Aim

2009-11-25, 06:28 PM
Quork, Round 9

Refs/LoS:5ft step to X19.
Standard: Cast a spell, DC16: Spontaneous CLW on Smasher for [roll0]

Stats:HP 7/7, AC 19 (15, 16)
PP: 1/2
TU: 6/11
Psionically focused
Active effects: Light of Lunia 92 rounds, Shield of Faith 8 rounds, Invisibility 22 rounds
Inflict Minor Wounds
Light of Lunia
Shield of Faith

2009-11-27, 10:15 AM

More of the same! Unless something has changed to where this wouldn't make sense, I'm going to keep plastering that spot that has entanglement all over it. Even though my rolls really suck. And I don't know what that spell does that Forge used.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Concealment: [roll2] - 1 misses. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-


Position G14, HP 9/9, AC 16, kneeling. You know the drill by now I would hope.

Edit: Spoilertag fail.

2009-11-29, 10:22 AM
Should have my turn done by tomorrow evening at the latest.

Gotta Love Thanksgiving.

2009-12-01, 08:53 AM
Forge - Round 9


Move Action: Draw Scroll Magic Missle
Standard Action: Attempt to cast spell from scroll.
UMD Check (DC21): [roll0]
If successful pop the spoiler, otherwise ignore as scroll fails to activate.

Magic Missle targeting Quork.
Damage: [roll1]



Location: H12 (kneeling)
HP: 8/8
AC: 19 (ff18, t11) (+2 vs ranged, -2 vs melee)
Equipped: scroll of obscuring mist, scroll of magic missle.
Light of Lunia - 10 minute duration
See Invisibility - 10 minute duration
2/3 infusions remaining

2009-12-02, 12:46 PM
Refs:Strangie's last turn was invalid, as he would have seen that nobody was still entangled. We'll need a rewind.

Psionic Dog
2009-12-02, 07:53 PM
High Ref PsiDog


How did you get the move action after spending a full round action to break free?

2009-12-02, 08:37 PM
Refs:In... the Entangle spell description? :smallconfused:

The creature can break free and move half its normal speed by using a full-round action to make a DC 20 Strength check or a DC 20 Escape Artist check.

Psionic Dog
2009-12-02, 08:43 PM
My Bad. I just saw "full round action" and "move". LoS/Rewind coming soon.


No way either of those makes it by 10 on the casting/movement. Simple successes.

Rewind to start of Macintosh's last turn.

You see Macintosh and Forge, and hear Quork cast a spell, after which you feel 9hp better.

You see Macintosh and Forge.

Smasher breaks free and whispered to you:

"He zapped me pretty good. Got any healing laying around?

Moving to X-20."

Before your turn you see the entangled creature break free. You hear movement and some chanting to the East.

You see Forge, but no other LoS

You have LoS to everyone.

Before Mac's turn you see the entangled creature break free. You see Smasher move to X-20 and Quork follow to X-19 and cast a spell.

You see Macintosh, but no other LoS

2009-12-02, 09:31 PM
Okie dokie then.

Macintosh turn redux

Whisper to Forge:
They're castin' some kinda crap over there. I think the other one broke free. Get ready for a fight soon, I think...

Reload sling as move, Ready an action as standard. Get into melee range with the first enemy that becomes visible.


Position G14, AC 16 (kneeling), HP 9/9

2009-12-03, 08:46 AM

My character has 'See Invisibility' active, how is it that I have no LoS all of the sudden?

I'll post once this quick question is resolved.

Psionic Dog
2009-12-03, 08:55 AM
Bad assumption on my part, you do indeed see both of them. Now correcting LoS.

2009-12-03, 02:24 PM
Forge - Round 9 (redux)


Move Action: Draw Scroll Magic Missle
Standard Action: Attempt to cast spell from scroll.
UMD Check (DC21): [roll0]
If successful pop the spoiler, otherwise ignore as scroll fails to activate.

Magic Missle targeting Quork.
Damage: [roll1]

Free Action: Whisper to Mac

I can give you some basic direction as to where they are if you want to keep slinging stones in that direction... you might pop one in the head. They're both standing infront of that tree in the South-East corner of the arena. I'll let you know where they go...



Location: H12 (kneeling)
HP: 8/8
AC: 19 (ff18, t11) (+2 vs ranged, -2 vs melee)
Equipped: scroll of obscuring mist, 2 scrolls of magic missle.
Light of Lunia - 10 minute duration
See Invisibility - 10 minute duration
2/3 infusions remaining

2009-12-04, 08:47 PM
Smasher, round 10

Free: Whisper to Quork:"This doesn't look good. He has enough of those to bring us down unless we get really lucky. I'm going to try to end this before he can."

Standard: Cast a spell (DC 16 spellcraft to open):Light of Lunia

Move to Q-20. I believe this path is clear of entanglement. If not, I'll change the movement.


2009-12-07, 02:47 AM
Quork, Round 10

Refs/LoS:Spend 1pp to negate 2 damage.

Standard: Tap tattoo.
Move to T20.

Stats:HP 5/7, AC 23 (15, 20)
PP: 0/2
TU: 6/11
Psionically focused
Active effects: Light of Lunia 91 rounds, Shield of Faith 7 rounds, Invisibility 21 rounds, Force Screen 10 rounds
Inflict Minor Wounds
Light of Lunia
Shield of Faith

2009-12-08, 10:32 AM

Whisper to Forge:
Okay, if you can see them, now would be a good time to tell me where they are...

Not done, waiting on response from Forge.

2009-12-08, 01:30 PM

Whisper to Mac:

They're both up against the southern wall, east of the bog. One is right next to the bog, the other is 15 feet behind him.


Umm... want to make a save for moving through the area I entangled? Might result in a quick rewind. =)

2009-12-08, 01:32 PM
Refs/Forge:The entangle was centred at R12/S13, was it not? So it only extends to S20/T19.

2009-12-08, 03:48 PM
Refs/Quork & Smasher:

My bad, I thought you moved to Q20... that was Smasher. How'd he get there without getting entangled?

2009-12-09, 03:30 AM
Refs, Forge
Should I concern myself with the little spoiler exchange going on or should I take my turn? If it doesn't matter I'm going to take a shot at the closest target that Forge pointed out to me, but I'll hold off on making the roll just yet.

2009-12-09, 08:04 PM
Refs/Forge:Simple: my addled brain said the entanglement didn't go that far, but was clearly mistaken. I made a note in my last turn that I would revise my movement if the path actually had entanglement. What's the furthest square west from Smasher's previous position that's clear of entanglement?

2009-12-10, 09:17 AM

T-20, which is the same square Quork is in right now.

Mac should wait a moment. Good thinking.

2009-12-10, 11:02 AM
Refs/Forge/Quork:Well, Smasher would be in T-20, then. Where do you want Quork, Sallera?

2009-12-10, 11:32 AM
Refs/Forge/Smasher:In that case, we'll put Quork in U20.

2009-12-10, 04:57 PM

Whisper to Mac:

They're standing next to each other against the southern wall. 15' and 20' east of the bog. Hit one of 'em!

2009-12-11, 02:12 PM
Macintosh, Continued

Mac can't really differentiate which is which, so he'll shoot whoever is closest.

Attack: [roll0] (I am at work and can't see much in the way of maps so I don't know what range penalties apply here)
Damage: [roll1]
Concealment, 1 misses: [roll2]

Reload! End turn.

G14, AC 16 kneeling, HP 9/9, blah.

2009-12-13, 01:26 PM
To Mac/Refs:

I think you need to pick a specific square to attack when you don't have LoS. Hate to nit-pick but I'd like to know how things played out before taking my turn.

I'll post my turn once this is resolved.

2009-12-13, 07:09 PM
Fine, fine... though I'm not sure if it'll matter much. S20?

2009-12-14, 09:06 AM
Forge - Round 10


Move Action: Draw a scroll Magic Missle

Standard Action: Attempt to activate scroll
UMD Check (DC21): [roll0]
If successful pop spoiler, otherwise ignore as scroll failed to activate:

Magic Missle at Quork.
Damage: [roll1]

Free Action: Whisper to Mac:

Just missed. The closest one is 5' east, the other next to him eastward. Decent shot though. I'll let you know where they go from here.



Location: H12 (kneeling)
HP: 8/8
AC: 19 (ff18, t11) (+2 vs ranged, -2 vs melee)
Equipped: scroll of obscuring mist, 2 scrolls of magic missle.
Light of Lunia - 10 minute duration
See Invisibility - 10 minute duration
2/3 infusions remaining

2009-12-16, 02:37 PM
Quick question.

Forge/refs:The entangle effect runs out on the start of your next turn, not this one, right?

2009-12-16, 09:39 PM

yup. At the begining of my turn, entangle drops.

2009-12-18, 04:40 PM
LoS/refs:Ready action: Move once the entanglement goes away.


2009-12-18, 04:57 PM
Quork, Round 11

Refs/LoS:Free: Declare Hatred on Forge.
Move: Attempt to move to P20: [roll0] - on failure, stop in S20.
Standard: Ready action:Move if Forge casts a spell.

Stats:HP 1/7, AC 23 (15, 20) (+2 vs. Forge)
PP: 0/2
TU: 6/11
Psionically focused
Active effects: Light of Lunia 90 rounds, Shield of Faith 6 rounds, Invisibility 20 rounds, Force Screen 9 rounds, Hatred (Forge) 10 rounds
Inflict Minor Wounds
Light of Lunia
Shield of Faith

2009-12-18, 06:18 PM

Forge/Refs: Whisper to Forge:
"Okay, where are they now? Are they carrying anything I should know about, as well?"

Not done, waiting on reply.

2009-12-18, 09:06 PM

Free: Whisper to Mac

Both on the Southern wall still. One stayed put 25 feet east of the bog. The other just stepped into the bog... eastern most part. He's injured. They both appear to be... glowing. Maybe same tactics as last time?

2009-12-20, 10:58 PM
Yikes. Sorry guys, I'm still here.

LoS, Ref
Attack the one that stayed put(I think that's S20)


Had an unexpected incident recently involving a relative's house burning down, so I might be out every now and again to support them. Sorry about the inconvenience. Done.

2009-12-21, 09:31 AM
Forge - Round 11

Entangle drops.


Move Action: Stand from kneeling position.
Free Action: 5' step to I12
Free Action: Kneel.

Standard Action: Attempt to activate scroll
UMD Check (DC21): [roll0]
If successful pop spoiler, otherwise ignore as scroll failed to activate:

Magic Missle at Quork.
Damage: [roll1]

Free Action: Whisper to Mac:

Good shot but no one was even close to that position. I'll try to be extremely specific on the next one.



Location: I12 (kneeling)
HP: 8/8
AC: 19 (ff18, t11) (+2 vs ranged, -2 vs melee)
Equipped: scroll of obscuring mist, scroll of magic missle.
Light of Lunia - 10 minute duration
See Invisibility - 10 minute duration
2/3 infusions remaining

2009-12-21, 03:48 PM
And unfortunately for Quork, Forge remembered his 5ft step. :smalltongue: Quork's down.

2009-12-21, 03:50 PM
I... don't see where concealment was rolled. Am I missing something?

Not the sling shot. I see.

Just don't pummel my face too badly. :smallfrown:

2009-12-26, 01:11 PM
Um... whose turn is it now? Did I miss something or what. Isn't it Smasher's turn now?

2009-12-26, 04:58 PM
It probably is. Sorry for the holdup. Holiday stuff and all that.

2009-12-26, 05:32 PM
It's all good, I just wanted to make sure this fight was still going on, haha. :smalltongue:

2009-12-28, 05:35 PM
Smasher, round whatsit

LoS/refs:Ready action triggered as soon as the Entangle dropped. Smasher moves to O-19 at this point.

On his turn, Smasher casts a spell, then moves to the northwest, breaking line of sight with Forge at H-18.

Spellcraft DC 16:Quickened True Strike

Refs:Finish movement at G-15.

Edit: Done. Statblock unavailable at this time, as I can't seem to access my character sheet.

2009-12-29, 11:39 AM

Whisper to Mac:

Crap! Lost sight of him, he ran around the otherside of this post from me. Since I'm on the North side, he's somewhere south of us. Either wait til my turn or run arround and attempt to grapple him. Jeez he's a crafty one.

No hold up here.

2009-12-29, 02:19 PM
Whisper to Forge:

Well that stinks. No, I'm going to wait. I don't want to bungle into a trap or anything by running out there blindly. Go ahead and do what you can.

Macintosh will delay (until after Forge's turn)


G14 HP 9/9 AC 16 kneeling blah.

2009-12-29, 04:04 PM
I believe that would make it Smasher's turn since his action went off when the entangle dropped on my initiative count. That puts him at the initiative count just ahead of me. =)

2009-12-29, 04:08 PM
In that case...

LoS/refs:True Strike Psionic Weapon bash Mac's head in!

[roll0] vs flatfooted, for [roll1] + [roll2]

You've gotta be boopin' kidding me.

Strangie, you can look in the above spoiler. I suspect that's game right there.

Strangie:I'm in G-15.

2009-12-29, 04:28 PM
Nevermind, I'm undelaying now. >:O


"Ouch! You want to brawl with me, huh? I'm gonna beat you so hard you're going to have a TWITCH."

Stand up straight (was kneeling, so no AoO), initiate Flurry!

Attack 1, Touch to begin Grapple: [roll0] - what
Grapple Check if Success: [roll1]
Damage, if success: [roll2]

Attack 2, Touch to begin Grapple (if last one missed or last grapple failed): [roll3]
Grapple Check if Success (or Grapple check for damage if last grapple succeeded): [roll4] - Damnit.
Damage, if success: [roll5]

Er, subtract two from all of those grapple checks and attack rolls, forgot about the flurry penalty. Bah, what a bunch of loser rolls that was.


G14 HP 2/9 AC 16

2009-12-29, 04:31 PM
Where are the rules for kneeling? Last I heard, standing from a kneel provokes an AoO just as being prone does. The only advantage is that you can use ranged weapons while kneeling, and you can't while prone (specific exceptions aside).

2009-12-29, 04:46 PM
There aren't any rules for kneeling, really, so we've been treating it exactly like prone, aside from being able to use ranged weapons. So, yeah, AoO. That said, however, I think the init's a bit off. Mac should have taken his turn after Forge killed Quork, due to the readied action. Then it would have been Smasher's turn from the same post as the readied action, then Forge. Of course, I can't actually rewind things, since I'm technically still in this match, but just so you know.

2009-12-29, 06:21 PM
Mac goes before forge and didn't have a readied action. During my turn Smasher moved, then I killed Quork, then it was Mac's turn where he decided to delay until my action. Smasher goes just before me in the initiative count, so he goes then Mac goes(delayed action to this count) then I go.

Init now reads:

As for the AoO, that would have to be a house rule. I'm not finding anything that reads standing up from kneeling provokes an AoO in the RAW.

2009-12-29, 06:25 PM
Since there are no rules for it, the Arena uses the rules for prone, except for the different bonuses/penalties, and the ability to use ranged weapons. So it's an "official house rule", as it were.

AoO: [roll0] for [roll1]

Grapple, if that doesn't kill you: [roll2]

Edit: Smasher smaaaaash! Smasher crush puny orc-man for daring to choke the life out of Smasher... repeatedly... cruelly... horribly... crushing, crushing, crushing... Smasher have nightmares for rest of Smasher's life now.

2009-12-29, 10:11 PM
Forge - Round 12


Move Action: Stand from prone position
Hide Check: [roll0]
Free Action: 5' Step to H12

Need LoS Check please.

Not Done.


Location: H12
HP: 8/8
AC: 19 (ff18, t11)
Equipped: scroll of obscuring mist
Light of Lunia - 10 minute duration
See Invisibility - 10 minute duration
2/3 infusions remaining

2009-12-30, 04:13 AM
... what? Since when does standing from kneeling provoke an AoO? I want to see something official on that from a ref before we go any farther.

If it stands, though, that hit would knock out Mac to -6.

Also, wouldn't attacking make him visible again? I thought Invisibility goes away when you take some kind of offensive action. Unless it's something else apparently.

2009-12-30, 04:24 AM
It broke my Invisibility quite nicely, which is why I gave you my location and you didn't have to roll total concealment.

Edit: I believe there was a discussion on the effects of kneeling two(?) Waiting Rooms ago, or in a match created around that time. If you feel like looking for it, the decision is there.

2009-12-30, 04:33 AM
I haven't really been keeping tabs on the Waiting Room discussion since I haven't really had the time to pan through it, and I've been dealing with other life crises. But I guess it's not a big deal. If someone just wants to throw down a quote or something for me, that's fine. Just keep going with the match then.

Psionic Dog
2010-01-06, 09:25 AM
LoS is established:

Mac lies dying in G-14,
Forge is in H-12,
Smash is in G-15.

And for anyone with see invisibility
You see Quork lie dying in P20

2010-01-07, 04:41 PM
Forge - Round 12 (con't)

Standard Action: Release Light of Lunia as two ray attacks at Smasher.
Ray 1 Attack [roll0]
Ray 1 Damage [roll1]

Ray 2 Attack [roll2]
Ray 2 Damage [roll3]



Location: H12
HP: 8/8
AC: 19 (ff18, t11)
Equipped: scroll of obscuring mist
See Invisibility - 10 minute duration
2/3 infusions remaining

2010-01-07, 05:06 PM
Smasher, round...13?

Move around the post, southeast side then north, ending in J-12.

Release both rays of LoL at Forge.

R-Touch 1: [roll0] for [roll1]
R-Touch 2: [roll2] for [roll3]


Edit: Free to whine "Why won't you just die already?"

2010-01-07, 08:46 PM
Forge - Round 13

Move Action: Draw Scroll
Standard Action: Activate Scroll
UMD Check (DC21): [roll0]
If succesful, pop spoiler... otherwise ignore as scroll fails to activate.

Color Spray at Smasher. Will Sv DC 13.



Location: H12
HP: 3/8
AC: 19 (ff18, t11)
Equipped: scroll of obscuring mist, scroll of color spray
See Invisibility - 10 minute duration
2/3 infusions remaining

2010-01-07, 08:47 PM
1 pp to boost save.

Will: [roll0]

2010-01-07, 08:49 PM
Move up, pray for some luck.

Attack: [roll0] for [roll1]

2010-01-07, 08:50 PM
That'll do, dice, that'll do.

Crit confirm: [roll0] for [roll1] bonus damage.

What... the... boop. Why can I never roll 20s when I really want them? :smallfrown:

2010-01-08, 04:05 PM
For all the magic I used in this fight it was still less than the cost of a potion of invisibility. Just kinda ticked off that we didn't pull a win on this one.

Probably retire Forge at this point. I'm in the middle of my first fight with my new artificer build using some interesting rules Tanaric found for true dragons that just happen to benefit artificers.

Good Game all around. Darn Elan Clerics...

2010-01-08, 04:17 PM
And once again, Quork serves as a bullseye while Smasher does all the work. At least one of us is competent. :smalltongue:

2010-01-08, 04:19 PM
By "competent" you mean "blessed with preternaturally good rolls", right? Seeing as how I can't even quicken two spells in a row? :smalltongue:

Also, those damage rolls should each have been 1 higher, not that it matters.

"Smasher smash!"

2010-01-09, 10:57 AM
Ref Terran

Smasher and Quork vanquish their foes and collect the spoils due them.