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View Full Version : Making a Cowardly Nobleman

2009-10-27, 08:44 AM
So, my PC's have angered a Nobleman with millitary pretentions. He thinks of himself as a great warrior, and certainly wants to give that impression, but any challenge from fights with him will come from the bodyguards he brings. His main tactic will be to flee as soon as it looks like they might damage his very expensive clothing.
So this guy is going to be fairly low level, however he will be loaded up with magic items to ensure he can survive and escape from the fights. Of course, this means that should the PC's manage to kill or capture him, they get a massive WBL boost, so I need to be sure he'll be able to escape.
So, what type of stuff should I give him. He needs to be able to
1) Show up and make a big talk, wave his sabre around.
2) Survive long enough to realize he might actually get hurt.
3) Flee like the coward he is.

Any advice on what I should give him?

2009-10-27, 08:53 AM
Any advice on what I should give him?

Monk levels?

I mean- if you can break WBL as DM, you can probably get around both the problems of MAD and their AC issues, without really making him overpowered.

You'd also have high movement rates (for running away), good saves (for not getting trapped and stuff), and semi-decent HP (while still being kinda pansy).

He also doesn't need to wear armor, so he can show off his very expensive clothing.

If you want him to use a sword, well, no one said he had to be proficient with it. :smalltongue:
He's a nobleman. He brandishes it around.
Maybe use the Perform (Weapon Drill) from Complete Warrior to make him look like he's got tricks and skills, and to be a bit impressive, but when it comes to fighting with it? Haha.

Depending on level, you should also either give him something like an Anklet of Translocation, or a Ring of Freedom of Movement, so that it is that much harder to trap him.

Monks also have access to some social skills, so socially he'd be set.

2009-10-27, 09:30 AM
Four words: Cape. Of. The. Mountebank.

Give him whatever class combination and other gear you want, but that one item is enough to satisfy the coward in any foppish noble (and his sense of style). He gets to teleport to a safe distance, leaving his bodyguard to deal with the problem. Not only that but at a mere 10,800gp, you shouldn't break the PCs WBL too badly should they manage to corner him (assuming they're not too low level themselves).

2009-10-27, 09:32 AM
Dimension Door is an amazingly useful escape spell. Why? Only verbal components. Thus, he can be grappled, tied up, etc, and still bail.

Spells like Hold Portal and Animate Rope are other good, reasonably low level spells that he might have an item for.

2009-10-27, 09:39 AM
To have a way of escape without breaking the bank, try Panic Buttons of Escaping (Complete Scoundrel 115). They're 750 gp a pop and he gets to Dim Door 30', very useful for when the PCs find out he's absolute rubbish with a sword.

2009-10-27, 09:40 AM
having the Gem Jump spell (SpC) set up for him by a high level mage or any other kind of immediate action teleport should do the trick.

2009-10-27, 09:54 AM
Actually, I think a Knight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=109429) build would be perfect for this. Have him go in, bluster about how everyone should fight him (Test of Mettle), and then "tactically withdraw" by moving away. If you focus on mostly defensive combos (creating difficult terrain, Fear, Stand Still, free movement, Bull Rush), you'd actually be quite useful to your group. They can pick on any enemy that passes the Test of Mettle Save one at a time, while you defend yourself and move away (making enemies follow you, provoking AoO from them).

2009-10-27, 09:56 AM
Actually, I think a Knight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=109429) build would be perfect for this. Have him go in, bluster about how everyone should fight him (Test of Mettle), and then "tactically withdraw" by moving away. If you focus on mostly defensive combos (creating difficult terrain, Fear, Stand Still, free movement, Bull Rush), you'd actually be quite useful to your group. They can pick on any enemy that passes the Test of Mettle Save one at a time, while you defend yourself and move away (making enemies follow you, provoking AoO from them).
Except this is supposed to be an NPC who is basically a non-factor in combat. As in, I don't even intend to factor him into the CR (As he flees as soon as he takes any damage, or looks like he might). You're describing somebody who could actually be useful in a fight.

2009-10-27, 09:58 AM
As many rings of natural armor, or damage reduction as he can afford. Lots of other, nonmagical but flashy rings, to. perhaps a rapier that was enchanted to teleport the fist foe it hits away. Or the wielder of the rapier. Also, armor that bonuses hide checks, while still having lots of shine and polish.

2009-10-27, 10:02 AM
Have nearby wizards hitting the PCs with hold person, and have them arrested? I mean, if I were a coward and a noble, I would hire wizards to help me detain the foul people who stood against me.

2009-10-27, 10:06 AM
This guy's a noble, right? I know we make some contemporary liberal modifications to our "medieval" worlds but even the lowliest noble is the equivalent of a state official. He should have power that extends farther than mere magic items. If the PCs harm him passed what's exceptable for a gentleman's duel, the government should be on them so fast their heads will spin. If they beat him and steal his magic, the PCs might have to face assassins trying to get it back or even the entire military who wants to imprison them for theft.

I know this is Dungeons and Dragons but a noble is still a noble. The PCs are rarely on that same level of political power even if they're physically stronger than most political powers.

Edit: Think about it like this. What's the greatest detriment to a group of adventurers? Anything that hinders their freedom of movement. They beat up on this guy, steal his items, and now there's a warrant for their arrest. They can't walk in the streets, visit taverns, buy items, sleep in a city or do anything adventurers are expected to do until the heat dies down, they make ammends, or disguise themselves.

Edit 2: Here's how I'd go about making a cowardly nobleman. He challenges the PCs to a fair fight at an undisclosed location. That location turns out to be in a rival gang or guild's turf. After the PCs deal with the gang's enforcers, the nobleman appears with the city guard. "Guards, these whelps are conspirators and criminals. By the power invested in me I want them executed." Moral dilemma here; harm innocent guys doing their duty just to get at the pompous ******* or beat feet out of their to plan how to overthrow the jerk?

With the rival guild out of the picture, the nobleman's power rises as the PCs find a way to get back at him. They could team up with the guild but their angry the PCs killed their best men. They could try to convince the guild it was a setup but what if the guild's alignment clashes with the party alignment? You have a plot hook and a potential villain!

2009-10-27, 10:18 AM
This guy's a noble, right? I know we make some contemporary liberal modifications to our "medieval" worlds but even the lowliest noble is the equivalent of a state official. He should have power that extends farther than mere magic items. If the PCs harm him passed what's exceptable for a gentleman's duel, the government should be on them so fast their heads will spin. If they beat him and steal his magic, the PCs might have to face assassins trying to get it back or even the entire military who wants to imprison them for theft.

I know this is Dungeons and Dragons but a noble is still a noble. The PCs are rarely on that same level of political power even if they're physically stronger than most political powers.
The PC's in this case are Pirates. His family bought him a naval commission so he could be a Captain. The PC's stole his ship out from under him during the naming ceremony (The ship literally started pulling away when he was winding up to swing the bottle), which is why he's mad at them.

So yeah, while he could put up wanted posters and the like, it wouldn't do much good (as they are already wanted, on account of being Pirates). And (So far) they arn't even especially notorious pirates. The only thing they have that makes them stand out from most is this one jumped up blueblood that nobody else in the navy respects shouting for their blood.

Now, this means that if they are arrested, he can make things significantly worse for them. He could also post a bounty on them, leading to more problems,but that's pretty much the extent of what he can do besides coming after them personally.
Edit: also, the nation he's part of is currently at war, and so can't exactly spare alot of resources to hunting down one group of Pirates.

2009-10-27, 10:23 AM
The PC's in this case are Pirates. His family bought him a naval commission so he could be a Captain. The PC's stole his ship out from under him during the naming ceremony (The ship literally started pulling away when he was winding up to swing the bottle), which is why he's mad at them.

So yeah, while he could put up wanted posters and the like, it wouldn't do much good (as they are already wanted, on account of being Pirates). And (So far) they arn't even especially notorious pirates. The only thing they have that makes them stand out from most is this one jumped up blueblood that nobody else in the navy respects shouting for their blood.

Now, this means that if they are arrested, he can make things significantly worse for them. He could also post a bounty on them, leading to more problems,but that's pretty much the extent of what he can do besides coming after them personally.
Edit: also, the nation he's part of is currently at war, and so can't exactly spare alot of resources to hunting down one group of Pirates.

If they're pirates then movement restrictions are even more penalizing. It's pretty hard to unload your cargo and refuel when every port knows your name. Rumors are powerful, especially in island settings where information is hard to come by. I'd have the noble begin spreading rumors. Start drumming up hate and anger for these not-so-notorious pirates to suddenly become a-bit-more-notorious.

"Say, I heard these guys slew thirty soldiers to steal that ship! I hear their cabin boys are whipped daily and fed rations of termites and salt water. Those pirates slaughtered an entire merchant vessel then marooned the captain without any rum!"

A few low-level bards with high bluff can spread some pretty disastrous rumors.

2009-10-27, 10:28 AM
If they're pirates then movement restrictions are even more penalizing. It's pretty hard to unload your cargo and refuel when every port knows your name. Rumors are powerful, especially in island settings where information is hard to come by. I'd have the noble begin spreading rumors. Start drumming up hate and anger for these not-so-notorious pirates to suddenly become a-bit-more-notorious.

"Say, I heard these guys slew thirty soldiers to steal that ship! I hear their cabin boys are whipped daily and fed rations of termites and salt water. Those pirates slaughtered an entire merchant vessel then marooned the captain without any rum!"

A few low-level bards with high bluff can spread some pretty disastrous rumors.
They'll be doing most of their unloading and resupplying at secret pirate ports anyway. Though they will have to be very careful when docking at any other port, even ones where the harbormaster can be bribed to look the other way when pirate ships come in to dock. Given some time, his influence could be a fairly serious issue.
Considering his character, he'll probably try to confront them himself a few times. Then once it's apparent that won't work he tries more indirect methods like sending Bounty hunters or beginning a smear campaign. He could spread rumors that they have a habit of killing the people they deal with so they don't have to pay, which would make the smugglers cautious about dealing with them. The PC's may find crewmembers deserting because they don't want to be associated with them (even though they know the rumors arn't true, other people don't).

2009-10-27, 10:41 AM
Just remember that cowards fight behind others. I wouldn't bother having him face the PCs directly because that usually leads to a dead villain and no DM fiat can save someone the PCs keelhauled and quartered.

Unless... he rises from the dead to become a ghost pirate! After being defeated his body is raised to become a zombie pirate! After being defeat yet again he resurrects as the ghost zombie pirate!

2009-10-27, 10:43 AM
Just remember that cowards fight behind others. I wouldn't bother having him face the PCs directly because that usually leads to a dead villain and no DM fiat can save someone the PCs keelhauled and quartered.

Unless... he rises from the dead to become a zombie pirate!
By "Confront them directly" I mean "Show up with a bunch of very skilled Bodyguards, and maybe a squad of Musketmen for backup." He intends to take the credit for their defeat or capture though.
He won't start using indirect tactics like bounty hunters and rumors until his hatred for the PC's gets more intense than his desire for glory.

Guinea Anubis
2009-10-27, 11:36 AM
Im not 100% sure but I want to say there is an item called ring of escape that will teleport the user back to a set point. But for the life of me I can not remember where I saw it.

2009-10-27, 01:18 PM
Heroic Destiny -> Fearless Destiny -> Protected Destiny from Races of Destiny, and Luck feats from Complete Scoundrel.
They are all second chances to make saves, with the biggest ones providing death protection.
Then add some way for his unsconscious body to escape.

If the NPC is to get additional plot immunity, try the Death Pact spell, or just some pre-paid return to life, so even if the PCs kill him, an unnamed cleric off-screen is ready to bring him back to life for another shot at revenge.