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2009-10-28, 03:48 AM
Radiant Monk

http://i.imgur.com/KELDCl.jpg (http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=elephant+paladin#/d24u0dh)
You, abomination, no longer exist.

-- Hungor, anthropomorphic elephant radiant monk, prior to bringing the light to an undead creature

The radiant monk is a harbinger of light and destroyer of darkness. She uses her powers of the sun and light to save and protect lives, restore the sick to health, and ultimately, bring her foes down, whether a physical being or not. Powers of the darkness beware--the radiant monks are here, and they're not much for conversation.

Adventures: The radiant monk adventures in the name of good and rightness. Sometimes, a deity will call upon a radiant monk to complete a quest for the upper-being. She follows these callings to the lettering, will fight until the death, and will perform any acts of sacrifice to get the job done. Radiant monks are often known as a serious lot, but sometimes there is one who will bring enthusiasm and cheer to a group.

Characteristics: The power of the light guides the radiant monk, and grants abilities allowing her to heal, protect herself and others, and defeat her enemies with brilliant power. One of the main abilities of the radiant monk is to fight unarmed.
Another power is bringing bright light to bear, striking open-palmed against an opponent. It's said that powerful radiant monks can blind foes with this ability. Many capabilities of the radiant monk deal with light, especially from the sun.
There have been tales telling of the radiant monk's most potent ability. It's said that if she had the heart (or lack thereof), a radiant monk could burn a whole village down within minutes. The flames are supposed to be blindingly bright, flaring strongly and often, vanquishing foes within seconds.

Alignment: The radiant monk is a creature of good. One could fight for the freedom of a people; another just doing what she can to bring the light to people and their lives.

Religion: Pelor is the patron deity of most radiant monks. Other deities are Heironeous, for those with a lawful bent, Ehlonna for nature-loving radiant monks and elves, Moradin for the dwarves, and Kord, for the combat-loving ones--the ones that like to crush faces (half-orcs).

Background: Radiant monks come from a variety of backgrounds. One may be from a monastery, trained in the knowledge of light and the use of it. Another may be from a farmstead in the country, who learned to spar as a young child, and grew to love the sun and its power; but learned to respect it as well. Wherever a radiant monk is from, all serve a common purpose--to work, fight, and protect the world for good.

Races: Humans answer the calling of the radiant monk often, following the path of the light. Elves often already follow the ways of the radiant monk, being a goodly race, and a nature-loving one at that, causing an inherent love of the sun. Half-elves often follow this course as well, feeling the same as humans or elves...or perhaps both. Sometimes dwarves will come into the mix, but this is more uncommon. They would usually rather stay underground, close to the stone. The other races are rare to see as radiant monks.

Other Classes: Radiant monks naturally like paladins, because of their strong moral fiber, and in the knowledge that they, too, feel the light within them. Good monks are similar to them in many ways, and radiant monks will often be eager to travel with these unarmed masters. Clerics often show great synergy with the radiant monk; especially the good clerics. They're able to shield and heal allies, and they often follow the light as well. Good rangers sometimes match up with the radiant monks, and feel a bit of kinship, although it's a thin line. Barbarians are viewed by the radiant monks in a neutral way. They're a wonderful way to get some chaos into a fight--sometimes, just what they need. Wizards and sorcerers are viewed neutrally as well. They can be useful, and often create even more chaos than the barbarian can, but they sometimes just can't get out of their books, or in the case of the sorcerer, their egos. Bards are viewed as good companions by the radiant monk. They provide entertainment, and in combat, will help the radiant monk to be able to better perform--just what they want. Rogues are often viewed at first as untrustworthy, but this may simply be because of the stereotypical shadow-following one.

Role: The radiant monk is able to perform admirably in straightforward combat, with the help of special abilities. She is particularly good at banishing darkness and those sensitive to the light, but against a radiant monk, any enemy ought to be afraid.

Radiant monks have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Strength improves the radiant monk’s unarmed fighting capabilities. Constitution is needed to stay alive on the front lines. Wisdom is important for the radiant monk’s special abilities.
Alignment: Any good.
Hit Die: d10.

Class Skills
The radiant monk’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex).

Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier


Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Dawn's Renewal

Unarmed strike, radiant palm, bonus feat

Aura of good, bonus feat

Radiant palm (sensitivity), exalted blaze

Revealing light, ki strike (magic)

Purity of body, repelling radiance

Low-light vision, evasion, bonus feat

Brilliant shield 1/day

Mettle, searching light

Radiant palm (blind)

Banishing radiance, ki strike (good)

Brilliant shield 2/day, bonus feat

Improved dawn's renewal

Purge 1/day

Sol ardor

Brilliant shield 3/day, purge 2/day

Scouring light, ki strike (adamantine)

Tongue of the sun and moon, purge 3/day

Perfect purification 3/week

Resplendent shield, purge 4/day

Dawn breaking

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the radiant monk.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A radiant monk is proficient with all simple weapons. Radiant monks are proficient with all armor, but no shields. When using a shield, the radiant monk is unable to properly strike unarmed, and will lose all extra damage on unarmed attacks and will not be able to use radiant palm, brilliant shield, resplendent shield, and ki strike is inactive.

Dawn's Renewal (Ex): A radiant monk has the ability to heal herself and her allies with the power of the sun coursing through her veins. The radiant monk can focus this power through her hands, into a touch as a standard action. She adds Wis modifier x 3 to the total pool of hit points available to heal with. At 12th level, this improves to Wis modifier x 5. The daily allotment for curing can be split up among several separate uses. Additionally, a radiant monk can use this power to deal damage to undead. This requires a successful melee touch attack, and doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity. The amount of points spent is chosen after successfully touching an undead creature. At the dawn of each day (or the equivalent on planes other than the Prime Material), the radiant monk's dawn's renewal points are refreshed.

Fervor (Ex): The radiant monk's fiery soul powers the radiant palm, exalted blaze, revealing light, searching light, and scouring light abilities. At the dawn of each day (or the equivalent on planes other than the Prime Material), the radiant monk's fervor is renewed.

Unarmed Strike: See the monk's ability of the same name on page 41 of the PHB.

Radiant Palm (Ex): Fueled by her fervor, the radiant monk is able to punch open-palmed while infusing her hand with supernatural light, so bright and hot that it sears the skin and damages the eyes. A radiant palm attack adds a radiant monk's Wisdom modifier to damage, and forces an opponent to make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + ½ character level + Wis modifier) or be dazzled for 1d4 rounds + 1 round for every three radiant monk levels. At 9th level, the radiant monk can cause blindness instead of dazzling. At 3rd level, this improves to be more effective against undead. Add 1d6 + class levels damage, 1 extra round of dazzling or blinding, and 1 DC to the saving throw. Creatures sensitive to light are dazzled or blinded one extra round. Any feat that improves stunning fist also improves radiant palm. This ability may be used as long as there is an open hand to punch forward with, and the radiant monk has at least 3 fervor points remaining.

Bonus Feat: At 1st level, a radiant monk may choose a feat from Rapid Stunning, Roundabout Kick, Zen Archery, and Toughness. At 2nd level, a radiant monk may choose a feat from Clever Wrestling, Close-Quarters Fighting, Brutal Throw, Power Throw, and Toughness. At 6th level, she can choose a feat from Blind Fight, Point Blank Shot, Quick Draw, Heavy Handed1, and Toughness. At 11th level, the feat choices are Fists of Iron, Flying Kick, Snap Kick, and Improved Toughness. The radiant monk may choose any of these feats without meeting the prerequisites when choosing a bonus feat.

Aura of Good (Ex): See the paladin's ability of the same name on page 44 of the PHB.

Exalted Blaze (Su): At 3rd level, a radiant monk is able to concentrate the light and fires of the sun into a thin beam. Outside of combat, this may be used to start a fire, or burn through thin walls, for example. In combat, a radiant monk can make a ranged touch attack against an enemy within 60 feet for damage equal to 1d4 x the amount of fervor points spent + Wis modifier. Half the damage is fire damage; the other half is sacred damage. A successful Reflex saving throw of DC 10 + class levels + Wis modifier reduces damage by half. Undead and creatures sensitive to light, including those that have light blindness, take an additional 1d4 damage. The attack is a standard action.

Revealing Light (Sp): At 4th level, the radiant monk may use light at will. One fervor point may be used to allow a 30-foot range. In addition, the radiant monk gets a +2 insight bonus on Sense Motive checks.

Ki Strike (Su): As the monk's ability of the same name on page 41 of the PHB, but instead of ki strike (lawful) at 10th level, the radiant monk receives ki strike (good).

Purity of Body (Ex): See the monk's ability of the same name on page 41 of the PHB.

Repelling Radiance (Su): At 5th level, the radiant monk is better able to repel darkness with an aura of light. A radiant monk may negate the effects of any darkness spells and abilities within 30 feet. In addition, if any darkness spells or abilities come into effect within this range, they are immediately negated. Any evil undead creatures within the range of the aura at the end of the round take 1d4 - 1 damage (minimum 1), and are pushed back 5 + class levels (rounded to the nearest multiple of five) feet, at the radiant monk's option, unless they make a successful Will saving throw of DC 10 + class levels + Wis modifier. Activating the aura is a swift action. The aura lasts for 3 + class levels rounds, and can be used Wis modifier times per day (minimum 1).

Low-light Vision: At 6th level, the radiant monk gains low-light vision, as an elf's racial trait. If a radiant monk has low-light vision already from another source, sight extends to triple a human's.

Evasion (Ex): See the monk's ability of the same name on page 41 of the PHB.

Brilliant Shield (Sp): At 7th level, the radiant monk is able to conjure a shield of light as a swift action 1/day. It can be created to protect anyone within a range of 30 feet. At 11th and 15th levels, the daily limit increases by one additional use per day. It sheds light as a torch, blocks all 1st through 3rd level necromancy spells, and provides a +4 shield bonus to AC. This ability may also be used to counter darkness within range of the light, but lowers the duration by 1 round/spell level. It lasts 3 + class levels rounds.

Mettle (Ex): At 8th level, a radiant monk draws power from the light, allowing a Fortitude or Will saving throw against spells that can be reduced in effectiveness by an ordinary Fortitude or Will saving throw. This ability, however, allows the radiant monk to avoid all damage and negative effects from such spells.

Searching Light (Sp): At 8th level, a radiant monk may use light with a range of 30 feet at no fervor cost. In addition, the radiant monk gets a +3 insight bonus on Sense Motive checks. This does not stack with revealing light.

Banishing Radiance (Su): At 10th level, the radiant monk is able to keep creatures of darkness at a disadvantage with an aura of light. Any creature within 30 feet of the radiant monk who is made of, or otherwise infused with darkness, or hiding in any way takes a -6 penalty on hide checks, -2 on attack rolls, and -2 AC. Darkness-infused creatures are also pushed back 5 feet at the end of the radiant monk's turn each round, at the user's option, unless they make a successful Will saving throw of DC 10 + class levels + Wis modifier. Activating the aura is a swift action. The aura lasts for 3 + class levels rounds, and can be used Wis modifier times per day (minimum 1).

Purge (Su): At 13th level, a radiant monk is able to call upon the rejuvenating powers of the sun to cleanse the body by touch. Once per day, the radiant monk can remove fatigue or poison from herself or a willing ally. If the target was exhausted, the target is now fatigued. At 15th, 17th, and 19th levels, the daily limit increases by one additional use per day. Using this ability is a standard action.

Sol Ardor (Ex): At 14th level, a radiant monk gains spell resistance equal to her radiant monk level + 10. As well, a radiant monk is immune to all diseases, including magical ones.

Scouring Light (Sp): At 16th level, a radiant monk may use locate creature for 5 fervor points, with a caster level equal to her radiant monk levels. When the radiant monk turns and senses the right direction, light grows within her, and is released through the eyes, shedding light equal to that of a candle. In addition, the radiant monk gets a +4 bonus on Sense Motive checks. This does not stack with searching light.

Tongue of the Sun and Moon (Ex): See the monk's ability of the same name on page 42 of the PHB.

Perfect Purification (Su): At 18th level, the radiant monk has the ability to completely cleanse the bodies of all allies within 30 feet 3 times per week. Any fatigued allies are restored to normal status as if they had 8 hours of complete rest. This does not restore spellcasters' spell slots. If any allies are exhausted, they become fatigued instead. Perfect purification also removes disease and poison. Using this ability is a standard action.

Resplendent Shield (Sp): At 19th level, the radiant monk is able to conjure a shield 3/day, similar to brilliant shield, but with several advantages over it. First, it blocks all spells with the Light descriptor. Secondly, it provides a +6 shield bonus to AC. Thirdly, the range increases by an additional 10 feet, for a total of 60 feet. Finally, any physical attacks against the shield cause a bright flare to spark on the surface, causing the attacker to be blinded for 1d4 rounds, and all enemies within 10 feet of the shield to be dazzled for 1d4 rounds, unless they succeed on a Fortitude saving throw of DC 10 + class levels + Wis modifier. Undead and creatures sensitive to light, including those that have light blindness, are affected even more negatively, being blinded or dazzled for an additional round. The shield lasts for 3 + class levels rounds.

Dawn Breaking (Su): At 20th level, a radiant monk is able to release pent up energy in one move, resulting in a holy inferno. White flames spew from all around the radiant monk, avoiding allies and herself, but damaging enemies badly whenever possible. At the beginning of each round, if any enemies are within 15 feet of the radiant monk, they take 10d6 damage. As well, all enemies within 30 feet are blinded. A successful Fortitude saving throw of DC 10 + class levels + Wis modifier reduces damage by half, and nullifies the blindness. Enemies sensitive to light, including those with light blindness, take an additional 5d6 damage and are blinded one extra round, and undead take double damage. All darkness within 60 feet is dispelled because of the intense light emanating from the flares. The radiant monk also receives a sacred bonus of +4 Wisdom and 10 fire resistance while using dawn breaking. Activation takes a standard action. This ability can be used once per day, and lasts 3 + Wis modifier rounds.

Epic Levels
At 21st level, the radiant monk's unarmed attacks are able to bypass epic damage reduction. At every 5 levels higher than 20, the radiant monk gains a bonus feat to choose from the monk's epic feat list, except replace Self-Concealment, Epic Speed, Improved Combat Reflexes, Infinite Deflection, and Reflect Arrows with Permanent Emanation, Holy Strike, Devastating Critical, Combat Archery, Uncanny Accuracy, and Improved Exalted Blaze2. Also, dawn's renewal increases by 2 points per level past 20th, and fervor increases by 4 per level past 20th.

Ex-Radiant Monks
A radiant monk who ceases to be good loses all radiant monk abilities, except weapon and armor proficiencies, unarmed strike, bonus feats, and evasion.

1: The Heavy Handed feat is deuxhero's creation, and is now named Strong Style, to show that unarmed attacks can get the benefit without being a fist attack. This version is slightly modified for balance reasons.

Heavy Handed (Strong Style) [Fighter]
Prerequisites: Natural weapon or Improved Unarmed Strike.
Benefit: Your unarmed strike or a single type of natural weapon is affected by Strength and Power Attack as if you were using a one-handed weapon. Your strike still counts as a light weapon for all other (including weapon finesse and two weapon fighting) purposes.

2: The Improved Exalted Blaze epic feat is my own creation.

Improved Exalted Blaze [Epic]
Prerequisites: Wis 21, exalted blaze
Benefit: Exalted blaze now has a range of 120 feet. Damage is increased to the amount of fervor points spent x 1d6 + Wis modifier. Finally, the Reflex saving throw's DC is increased by 1.

2009-10-28, 07:26 AM
Most of the unsynergystic abilities of the monk (tongue of Sun and Moon, anyone) make sense in a "divine monk" light. They look somewhat powerful - it might be the Full BAB, full saves, and all those features throwing me off, though.

2009-10-28, 07:43 AM
Just the biggest problem I have with it: Purge makes the Dawn's Renewal feature look even more worthless than it already is, and is basically completely better than the higher level Perfect Purification ability.

You also have multiple issues of redundancy with dispelling/countering darkness spells.

2009-10-28, 04:49 PM
Just the biggest problem I have with it: Purge makes the Dawn's Renewal feature look even more worthless than it already is, and is basically completely better than the higher level Perfect Purification ability.

You also have multiple issues of redundancy with dispelling/countering darkness spells.

I removed the Purge ability's healing, and added poison removal. The reason it had healing was Dawn's Renewal was a last-minute ability--I added it basically right before posting, so I forgot to remove the healing on Purge.

What would you suggest otherwise?

Most of the unsynergystic abilities of the monk (tongue of Sun and Moon, anyone) make sense in a "divine monk" light. They look somewhat powerful - it might be the Full BAB, full saves, and all those features throwing me off, though.

This doesn't even compare to spellcasters, but it probably does compare to a powerful melee class. I was actually thinking of adding more base unarmed damage, but then I just added proficiency with heavy armor and the gauntlet, allowing for magical enhancements. Should I allow the radiant monk to use a gauntlet with the monk's unarmed damage progression? Or maybe do that, and add the extra damage for pure unarmed, so as to add incentive?

Unarmed Damage*

*The value shown is for Medium radiant monks. What do you think? I can also lower their d10 HD to d8 if that would make it more balanced. There have been some cases of classes having d8 and doing just fine as a fighter-type. Psychic Warrior comes to mind, although they have limited psionics too.

I slightly changed Brilliant Shield. It now takes a penalty to the length of time it stays around. 1 round/spell level if it dispels darkness. Fair now, to make Repelling Radiance more worthwhile, and to lower redundancy?

2009-10-28, 06:34 PM
Just a few things to make the wording look a little more professional. First, with your Shield abilities and Purge, list when they can use them more than once per day i.e. "He can use this ability one additional time per day at 10th level." Second, the wording on Dawn's Renewal is a little confusing. Do I add my Wisdom bonus to the pool of hit points, or each time I use the ability do I select how many points I want to pull from the pool and add my Wis to that? What kind of action is it? What range is it? Also, at level 20, 45 + Wis is a bit underwhelming. A paladin with a starting Charisma mod of +1 and a Cloak of Charisma +6 is still going to have 80 points of LoH.

Overall, the abilities look pretty cool, if a bit redundant (Darkvision isn't really needed with a constant Light effect on you). It's definitely a major improvement over the Core monk. As for balance, I wouldn't worry too much, it looks about on par with a Psychic Warrior (he made up for his lower HD with Psionics, so I think this could slide by with a d10) to me, but I'm not as good as others on this forum at determining the minutia of game balance.

2009-10-28, 07:08 PM
Just a few things to make the wording look a little more professional. First, with your Shield abilities and Purge, list when they can use them more than once per day i.e. "He can use this ability one additional time per day at 10th level." Second, the wording on Dawn's Renewal is a little confusing. Do I add my Wisdom bonus to the pool of hit points, or each time I use the ability do I select how many points I want to pull from the pool and add my Wis to that? What kind of action is it? What range is it? Also, at level 20, 45 + Wis is a bit underwhelming. A paladin with a starting Charisma mod of +1 and a Cloak of Charisma +6 is still going to have 80 points of LoH.

Overall, the abilities look pretty cool, if a bit redundant (Darkvision isn't really needed with a constant Light effect on you). It's definitely a major improvement over the Core monk. As for balance, I wouldn't worry too much, it looks about on par with a Psychic Warrior (he made up for his lower HD with Psionics, so I think this could slide by with a d10) to me, but I'm not as good as others on this forum at determining the minutia of game balance.

The feedback is greatly appreciated. :smallsmile:

I fixed the problems you pointed out with professionalism and clarity. If you find anything else, don't hesitate to tell me.

Also, tell me what you think of Dawn's Renewal after this update. I was trying to be careful originally, especially with Perfect Purification and Dawn's Renewal, not to overshadow the paladin's Lay on Hands and Remove Disease abilities too much. To a point, I still am. Even at level 20 with a Wisdom modifier of +6 (not counting items, which could easily raise it to +9 or higher), the radiant monk is quite a bit behind the paladin in terms of Lay on Hands (20 x Cha modifier +6 = 120) vs. Dawn's Renewal (45 + Wis modifier +6 x 4 = 69). Of course, the paladin is extremely front-loaded, lacking abilities past level 5 that actually matter, other than spellcasting, which can be gotten through multiclassing in a much better way.

2009-10-28, 08:00 PM
Very sexy. Bit more fluff would be nice though.

The mechanics seem to work fine for a divine brawler, brawler used in the loosest sense of the word. :-)

2009-10-28, 08:03 PM
Fluff is upcoming. I guess I forgot to mention that. :smallredface: Ah, well. I just wanted the mechanics to be critiqued first.

2009-10-28, 08:05 PM
Fluff is upcoming. I guess I forgot to mention that. :smallredface: Ah, well. I just wanted the mechanics to be critiqued first.

PM me or something when you get the fluff up in case I miss it. By the way, their capstone ability sounds uber delicious in terms of how that would look.

2009-10-28, 08:30 PM
Can Dawn's Renewal deal damage to undead? Also, to emphasize the importance of a Wisdom modifier, perhaps its influence on Dawn's Renewal should be changed to Level times (wisdom modifier minus one) minimum zero. This would allow its influence to scale as you leveled.

Also, the monk seems to be lacking ranged attacks. Consider replacing one of the higher level abilities with the ability to make ranged touch attacks dealing fire damage (or sacred damage) from the same pool at Dawn's renewal.

2009-10-28, 08:48 PM
PM me or something when you get the fluff up in case I miss it.

Will do.

Can Dawn's Renewal deal damage to undead? Also, to emphasize the importance of a Wisdom modifier, perhaps its influence on Dawn's Renewal should be changed to Level times (wisdom modifier minus one) minimum zero. This would allow its influence to scale as you leveled.

Also, the monk seems to be lacking ranged attacks. Consider replacing one of the higher level abilities with the ability to make ranged touch attacks dealing fire damage (or sacred damage) from the same pool at Dawn's renewal.

Hmm...I hadn't originally planned to let it deal damage to undead. I'll raise the amount healed somehow--perhaps use your suggestion.

As for ranged attacks, you're right. I'll add heavy and light crossbows to the weapon proficiencies, and maybe get rid of tracking light in favor of a beam of sunlight or something.

2009-10-28, 08:52 PM
[QUOTE=Temotei221;721097.As for ranged attacks, you're right. I'll add heavy and light crossbows to the weapon proficiencies, and maybe get rid of tracking light in favor of a beam of sunlight or something.[/QUOTE]

Don't forget throwing stars.

I'm picturing the dawn's renewal as the central class feature here, and I'd like to tie as many things to it as possible (making it somewhat like power points). For example, Dawn's breaking could be activated for 10 DR points instead of a number of times per day equal to 3 + Wis Modifier. Note that this would require an increase in the number of DR points, at least to the levels I mentioned above.

2009-10-29, 12:42 AM
I'm picturing the dawn's renewal as the central class feature here, and I'd like to tie as many things to it as possible (making it somewhat like power points). For example, Dawn's breaking could be activated for 10 DR points instead of a number of times per day equal to 3 + Wis Modifier. Note that this would require an increase in the number of DR points, at least to the levels I mentioned above.

I think I'll keep with the daily uses, after giving it some thought. I did take your advice on powering dawn's renewal up some, though.

Don't forget throwing stars.

Thanks for reminding me. :smallbiggrin: Shuriken shall not be neglected!

Anybody have ideas for a ranged attack to replace tracking light?

Oh, and as for dawn breaking, I'm not sure. Should it be supernatural, or extraordinary? I'm thinking supernatural, but I don't want antimagic fields to work against it.

2009-10-29, 08:09 PM
Well, I'd be remiss if I passed up the chance to help you out with some of your homebrew, now wouldn't I?

With the radiant palm ability, does it deal extra damage to creatures with light blindness (such as orcs)?

Ah, Mettle is basically Evasion for the Fort and Will crowd. Nice. I'm trying to think of a way to reword it, but it's just not coming to me.

Anybody have ideas for a ranged attack to replace tracking light?

Oh, and as for dawn breaking, I'm not sure. Should it be supernatural, or extraordinary? I'm thinking supernatural, but I don't want antimagic fields to work against it.

I do. Burn 1 (or 2) point(s) of dawn renewal's healing, deal 1d4 + Wis fire damage (or sacred, or both fire and sacred damage). You can burn up to, say, the radiant monk's class level in points on this ability, increasing by 1d4 points each time. Thus, if you went with 1 point per d4, it'd cost 5 points to deal 5d4+Wis damage to a target with a ranged touch attack. Might want to be able to add that to his melee attacks, too.

Supernatural. It's definitely supernatural. Have you considered adding bonuses to Wis and Cha while it's active, as well as fire resistance and enhanced damage reduction?

EDIT: That said, I'm not really seeing a problem with the radiant monk having a fluffed-up version of locate object to give him something outside of direct combat and healing to work with.

2009-10-29, 08:41 PM
Well, I'd be remiss if I passed up the chance to help you out with some of your homebrew, now wouldn't I?

Thank you, Solaris. :smallbiggrin: I was hoping you would.

With the radiant palm ability, does it deal extra damage to creatures with light blindness (such as orcs)?

Orcs have light sensitivity, so by the wording of radiant palm, yes. I'll reword it to make it clear that light sensitivity AND light blindness are included.

I do. Burn 1 (or 2) point(s) of dawn renewal's healing, deal 1d4 + Wis fire damage (or sacred, or both fire and sacred damage). You can burn up to, say, the radiant monk's class level in points on this ability, increasing by 1d4 points each time. Thus, if you went with 1 point per d4, it'd cost 5 points to deal 5d4+Wis damage to a target with a ranged touch attack. Might want to be able to add that to his melee attacks, too.

You put ideas in my head. Wonderful ideas. Although, 1 point for 1d4 damage is a lot if class levels is the limit on spending. 20d4 + Wis modifier is better than dawn breaking by 20 damage on the maximum damage, 10 on bottom, against a normal enemy. Maybe I'll say it takes two points per 1d4, or you can only do half your radiant monk class levels to use it. I was hoping to avoid using dawn's renewal for anything but healing, but the paladin can damage undead with lay on hands, so I suppose this class deserves something--especially since it's much weaker than lay on hands.

Supernatural. It's definitely supernatural. Have you considered adding bonuses to Wis and Cha while it's active, as well as fire resistance and enhanced damage reduction?

I thought so. I'll also add +2 Wis, +2 Cha when using dawn breaking, along with some fire resistance.

EDIT: That said, I'm not really seeing a problem with the radiant monk having a fluffed-up version of locate object to give him something outside of direct combat and healing to work with.

Hmm...you're right. They're not much for versatility outside of combat, other than being a bluff-sensor, back-up healer, and having a few useful skills.

EDIT: Tell me what you think of exalted blaze, the new dawn breaking, and the mechanics/balance of the two. Also, there are some very slight changes to dawn's renewal in the table.

2009-10-29, 10:16 PM
Thank you, Solaris. :smallbiggrin: I was hoping you would.

Orcs have light sensitivity, so by the wording of radiant palm, yes. I'll reword it to make it clear that light sensitivity AND light blindness are included.
Excellent. That makes this class the scourge of the Underdark like no other.
Also, this far without shining finger jokes? Shame on all of you.

You put ideas in my head. Wonderful ideas. Although, 1 point for 1d4 damage is a lot if class levels is the limit on spending. 20d4 + Wis modifier is better than dawn breaking by 20 damage on the maximum damage, 10 on bottom, against a normal enemy. Maybe I'll say it takes two points per 1d4, or you can only do half your radiant monk class levels to use it. I was hoping to avoid using dawn's renewal for anything but healing, but the paladin can damage undead with lay on hands, so I suppose this class deserves something--especially since it's much weaker than lay on hands.
Hm. I really would keep the dice at one of the common ones. Rolling a bunch of d3s is awkward when I don't have any, y'know? Maybe instead of a cap like you have, just make it cap out at 10d. Save a few words.

I thought so. I'll also add +2 Wis, +2 Cha when using dawn breaking, along with some fire resistance.
You're right, just Wisdom falls in line better with the class. You made it pretty much last forever, though. I think I liked it better when it lasted 3 + (improved) Wis rounds rather than 3 + class rounds.
... Even if I have this mental image of a radiant monk 20 running through an army, lighting them all on fire.
Oh, that's right. You might want to mention that this ability requires concentration (though not necessarily an action) to maintain so that someone can't be spamming out spells while they're on fire. Not too much of a concern, being it's the capstone ability for a 20-level class and all, but still...

Hmm...you're right. They're not much for versatility outside of combat, other than being a bluff-sensor, back-up healer, and having a few useful skills.
Versatility is always a good thing to have.

EDIT: Tell me what you think of exalted blaze, the new dawn breaking, and the mechanics/balance of the two. Also, there are some very slight changes to dawn's renewal in the table.
Ja, I sez what I has to say up above. I think I like the dawn renewal as it is. Is it positive energy (IE: can it harm undead) or not? I think that might be a good thing to specify.

2009-10-29, 10:36 PM
Hm. I really would keep the dice at one of the common ones. Rolling a bunch of d3s is awkward when I don't have any, y'know? Maybe instead of a cap like you have, just make it cap out at 10d. Save a few words.

The dice are now d4s. The ability is limited anyways, in that it's one attack, as opposed to dawn breaking, which is technically 3 + Wis modifier. Check it out.

You're right, just Wisdom falls in line better with the class. You made it pretty much last forever, though. I think I liked it better when it lasted 3 + (improved) Wis rounds rather than 3 + class rounds.
... Even if I have this mental image of a radiant monk 20 running through an army, lighting them all on fire.
Oh, that's right. You might want to mention that this ability requires concentration (though not necessarily an action) to maintain so that someone can't be spamming out spells while they're on fire. Not too much of a concern, being it's the capstone ability for a 20-level class and all, but still...

My bad. I must have made a typo last time I edited. Concentration check is added, with a scaling difficulty depending on how long it lasts. I'd appreciate feedback on this, though.

Ja, I sez what I has to say up above. I think I like the dawn renewal as it is. Is it positive energy (IE: can it harm undead) or not? I think that might be a good thing to specify.

The changes to dawn's renewal were minimal. Just a few point changes at a couple levels. Do you think it should be positive energy? It would be another option. I'll add it in for now.

EDIT: Under dawn breaking, it says a successful Reflex saving throw negates blindness and reduces damage by half. I don't really picture blindness being associated with reflexes, though. Then again, the saving throw could be made to see if the creature moves fast enough and can turn away in time to avoid the brightness and flames. Speculation.

2009-10-30, 12:56 AM
The dice are now d4s. The ability is limited anyways, in that it's one attack, as opposed to dawn breaking, which is technically 3 + Wis modifier. Check it out.

I think I'm liking this.

My bad. I must have made a typo last time I edited. Concentration check is added, with a scaling difficulty depending on how long it lasts. I'd appreciate feedback on this, though.

A way to make a non-spellcaster fully appreciate Concentration? I think I like this plan. Yes, I definitely like it. The Reflex save kinda bugs me, too.

The changes to dawn's renewal were minimal. Just a few point changes at a couple levels. Do you think it should be positive energy? It would be another option. I'll add it in for now.

EDIT: Under dawn breaking, it says a successful Reflex saving throw negates blindness and reduces damage by half. I don't really picture blindness being associated with reflexes, though. Then again, the saving throw could be made to see if the creature moves fast enough and can turn away in time to avoid the brightness and flames. Speculation.

Isn't Fortitude the one traditionally associated with avoiding blindness?

2009-10-30, 01:12 AM
Isn't Fortitude the one traditionally associated with avoiding blindness?

Yes. That's why I'm feeling a bit odd about making both included in a Reflex saving throw. I'm thinking about changing it to a Fortitude saving throw.

2009-10-30, 01:15 AM
This... is a core class?

The abilities, IMO, seems to be quite too flashy to be a core class. AFAIK, this class has about twice as many class-specific feats compared to the other core classes, significantly more than that of the Monk and outclassing the paladins in late-level feats.

Or maybe it's just me. This is just an opinion, in and of itself.

2009-10-30, 01:23 AM
Of course, it's a homebrew. Paladins are very lacking, in my opinion. If anything, I'll work with them later--rebuild them. We have the technology. :smallsmile:

Monks are also weaker in comparison to most classes. This is one solution, although it can be used with the original monk as well, as a separate class. This is what I originally intended, so it's in the fluff.

In terms of power, they're about equal to the psychic warrior. Or at least I hope so. That's about what I wanted to balance to.

They're supposed to be flashy. They're a light-based class. :smallwink:

2009-10-30, 01:19 PM
This... is a core class?

The abilities, IMO, seems to be quite too flashy to be a core class.

... Compared to?

AFAIK, this class has about twice as many class-specific feats compared to the other core classes, significantly more than that of the Monk and outclassing the paladins in late-level feats.

Or maybe it's just me. This is just an opinion, in and of itself.

Like Temotei said, the monk's really kind of underwhelming. Note that the radiant monk lacks the ordinary monk's bonuses to AC, flurry of blows (hey, I like it), and fast movement. I'm not saying that balances it out - far from it - but it leaves the monk a distinct entity from the rad monk. Better than the normal monk? Hell yes. Better than a paladin (who, if he's worth anything at high levels has a Holy Avenger)? Debatable. They can both wear armor, but I'd say the Paladin's signature weapon evens things out. Compared to a cleric (the best comparison, I'd say, so long as we're not talking about a healbot), the rad monk has a lot more special abilities but loses out against its spellcasting.

Now, if you wanna see something that's overpowered, you should see my base classes.

2009-10-30, 04:15 PM
I changed dawn breaking to have 10 fire resistance included in the effects, and I slightly changed dawn's renewal points, although so insignificantly, it's barely noticeable. Tell me what you think of 10 fire resistance, and if it should be a Fortitude saving throw instead of a Reflex saving throw.

2009-10-30, 04:30 PM
I changed dawn breaking to have 10 fire resistance included in the effects, and I slightly changed dawn's renewal points, although so insignificantly, it's barely noticeable. Tell me what you think of 10 fire resistance, and if it should be a Fortitude saving throw instead of a Reflex saving throw.

Fire resistance 10: Good plan. Not a whole lot for a short-duration ability at level 20, but it's good enough to notice.

I do believe it ought to be a Fortitude saving throw, but that's just me.

2009-10-30, 04:54 PM
Fire resistance 10: Good plan. Not a whole lot for a short-duration ability at level 20, but it's good enough to notice.


I do believe it ought to be a Fortitude saving throw, but that's just me.

And...done. :smallsmile:

If anyone has anything else to say about the class, I'd appreciate it. Fluff or mechanical. I'd also like examples, or suggestions, if you don't think something fits, or it's not balanced, etc.

2009-10-30, 05:11 PM
Eh, it's a step up from PHP Monk to be sure, not saying a lot though.

The class is still suffers from unarmed strikes being light weapons and as far as I see (may have missed something) no way to augment damage. Allow them to have STR and Power Attack effect them like 2 handers and they a competent melee fighter.

The 2nd level bonus feats are oddly very bad in selection and power (boost a save or gain a small amount of hit points) while the other ones are fairly good in selection and power. Why?

2009-10-30, 08:34 PM
Eh, it's a step up from PHP Monk to be sure, not saying a lot though.
Sadly, this is obvious.

The class is still suffers from unarmed strikes being light weapons and as far as I see (may have missed something) no way to augment damage. Allow them to have STR and Power Attack effect them like 2 handers and they a competent melee fighter.
Also true.

2009-10-30, 09:44 PM
Just to be clear "way to augment" means something like sneak attack.

2009-10-31, 12:00 AM
The 2nd level bonus feats are oddly very bad in selection and power (boost a save or gain a small amount of hit points) while the other ones are fairly good in selection and power. Why?

Because I forgot to change it from my first draft. Thanks for pointing that out. I'll add something new. Just have to dig up some books. :smallamused:

The class is still suffers from unarmed strikes being light weapons and as far as I see (may have missed something) no way to augment damage. Allow them to have STR and Power Attack effect them like 2 handers and they a competent melee fighter.

I offered a suggestion for increased unarmed damage in an earlier post, but this doesn't add a super-powered power attack. Look that up, and if you're still not satisfied, I'll most likely add something to make a power attack build more viable for the radiant monk.

Just to be clear "way to augment" means something like sneak attack.

No way I'm ever adding sneak attack to the class, but if you gave an example or suggestion of another ability that actually fits the class appropriately, that might be good.

Although...while it may not compare to the casting classes, it's better than a lot of melee classes.

deuxhero: I added Heavy Handed as a possible feat at 6th level. Is that okay? With the other 6th level feats, I figure a non-power-attacking radiant monk can fight in other ways as well. It seems a plausible solution to your problem with unarmed fighting...

2009-10-31, 06:18 PM
Sneak attack was just an example of an augmented damage method, stuff like rage also counts.

I'm also fairly sure on my name change of "heavy handed" to "strong style" (the wording is a work in progress) because it is appendage neutral, but that is nit-picky. With heavy handed, a radiant monk would make a fun charger at the very least

2009-11-01, 12:59 AM
Personally, I dislike the name "Strong Style." That's why I didn't change it. :smalltongue: No offense. I just can't think of a better name than Heavy Handed or that, so...I'm sticking with Heavy Handed until there's a name that appeals to me more. Let me just say, though, that I'm happy you mentioned that whole thing about power-attacking, because I overlooked it, and it made me look around the board for something like it. Hence...:smallamused:

2009-11-13, 07:15 PM
Bump because of new epic feat. I'm considering adding some more later. Tell me what you'd like to see, if you want to see anything.

2009-11-16, 12:16 AM
A hoy hoy.

You definitely sexied it up.

Two issues, Exalted blaze seems to be pure light, why doesn't it deal extra damage to undead? It seems this class is pretty professional at turning them to dust regardless.

Maybe Repelling Radiance should also have a chance to push back undead a certain distance due to the purity of the light?

Brilliant shield could inflict half damage/Quarter Damage/1D4 of damage received to the attacker as long as they are evil aligned or undead?

It just seems like your class was an undead hunter. I'm not sure but that's how it stood out to me.

Your spelling and grammar, as always, were perfect.

I love the fluff. Radiant beat down FTW!

2009-11-16, 12:17 AM
Radiant beat down FTW!

I'm putting that in my sig. :smalltongue:

2009-11-16, 12:19 AM
I'm putting that in my sig. :smalltongue:

Bahaha I am honoured good sir!

2009-11-16, 12:33 AM
Alright. It's updated. The new and improved radiant monk is the bane of all the Underdark and undead! :smallbiggrin: Not that it wasn't before...:smalltongue:

2009-11-16, 10:31 PM
Dawn’s Renewal (Ex): A radiant monk has the ability to heal them and their allies with the power of the sun coursing through their veins. The radiant monk can focus this power through their hands, into a touch as a standard action. They add Wis modifier x 3 to the total pool of hit points available to heal with. At 14th level, this improves to Wis modifier x 5. The daily allotment for curing can be split up among several separate uses. Additionally, a radiant monk can use this power to deal damage to undead. This requires a successful melee touch attack, and doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity. The amount of points spent is chosen after successfully touching an undead creature.

You introduced a new mechanic (Dawn's Renewal) and snuck in Lay on Hands into the description. I suggest seperating the two. Explain Dawn's Renewal points, refer to the chart, and say that the radiant monk uses it for many abilities. Look at the PHB for wording references. Then, a different ability, Lay on Hands (or whatever you call it).

I also wouldn't give extra DR (dawn's renewal for my lazy typing) for just healing, simply because it adds an extra amount of complexity to an already ability-filled class. I've always looked at the PHB monk and said, "wow, TLDR." Coincidentally, I never played a monk for that reason. Maybe that's just me though.

Instead, I'd give a bonus to DR points as a whole from a high WIS score. More situational points for specific skills = complex = bad. Global boost to points for all situations = good.

That would need some tweaking though to make it balanced at the first couple of levels though. Maybe something like 0 DR points at first level, but bonus points from a good WIS.


Radiant Palm (Ex): The radiant monk is able to punch open-palmed while infusing their hand with supernatural light. A radiant palm attack adds a radiant monk’s Wisdom modifier to damage, and forces an opponent to make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + ½ character level + Wis modifier) or be dazzled for 1d4 rounds + 1 round for every three radiant monk levels. At 9th level, the radiant monk can cause blindness instead of dazzling. A character may attempt a radiant palm attack a number of times per day equal to their radiant monk level. At 3rd level, this improves to be more effective against undead and creatures sensitive to light, including those that have light blindness. Add 1d6 + class levels damage, 1 extra round of dazzling or blinding, and 1 DC to the saving throw. Any feat that improves stunning fist also improves radiant palm. This ability may be used as long as there is an open hand to punch forward with.

I'd switch spots with Aura of Good and this. Why does supernatural light hurt more? I'd remove the damage to living creatures, but still do damage to undead, and cut out the "at 3rd level" clause so it hurts undead right off the bat. Or you can say it's searing light, then it makes sense that it hurts living too (but I don't see why it should really). Makes things more concise.

Bonus Feat: At 1st level, a radiant monk may choose a feat from Rapid Stunning, Roundabout Kick, Zen Archery, and Toughness. At 2nd level, a radiant monk may choose a feat from Clever Wrestling, Close-Quarters Fighting, Brutal Throw, Power Throw, and Toughness. At 6th level, they can choose a feat from Blind Fight, Point Blank Shot, Quick Draw, Heavy Handed1, and Toughness. At 11th level, the feat choices are Fists of Iron, Flying Kick, Snap Kick, and Improved Toughness. The radiant monk may choose any of these feats without meeting the prerequisites when choosing a bonus feat.

You place emphasis that this monk fights unarmed, but then you allow them to take archery bonus feats? I'd cut the archery feats out.

Exalted Blaze (Su): At 3rd level, a radiant monk is able to concentrate the light and fires of the sun into a thin beam. Outside of combat, this may be used to start a fire, or burn through thin walls, for example. In combat, a radiant monk can make a ranged touch attack against an enemy within 60 ft. for damage equal to the amount of dawn's renewal points spent x 1d4 + Wis modifier. A radiant monk cannot spend more than 10 + Wis modifier dawn's renewal points per use of exalted blaze. Half the damage dealt by this attack is fire damage; the other half is sacred damage. A successful Reflex saving throw of DC 10 + class levels + Wis modifier reduces damage by half. Undead and creatures sensitive to light, including those that have light blindness, take an additional 1d4 damage. The attack is a standard action.

The wording is strange on the damage dealt. I'd suggest something like "damage equal to 1d6 x the amount of dawn's renewal points spent, plus his wisdom modifier." That's the wording they use for Arcane Strike, though they don't mention an ability modifier. Honestly I'd take the +WIS modifier thing out so it sound exactly the same as arcane strike wording. If you take my advice on +WIS boosting DR points, then the WIS bonus is helping here regardless.

This ability doesn't scale well either. You should change the damage cap up, or remove it entirely. Just make sure it isn't OP at the beginning levels and you're fine (I don't think it is, at level 3 you can nova and do 8*1d4 = 20 average damage?)

Revealing Light (Sp): At 4th level, the radiant monk may use Light 2/day. Both “charges” may be used to allow a 30 ft. range. In addition, the radiant monk gets a +1 insight bonus on Sense Motive checks.

This is a cantrip. It should come at 1st level. I'd also make it usable CL/day, or infinite, it's not exactly OP. The +1 bonus is insignificant and kinda random, I'd take it out.

Repelling Radiance (Su): At 5th level, the radiant monk is better able to repel darkness with an aura of light. A radiant monk may negate the effects of any darkness spells and abilities within 30 feet of them. In addition, if any darkness spells or abilities come into effect within this range, they are immediately negated. Any evil undead creatures within the range of the aura at the end of the round take 1d4 - 1 damage (minimum 1), and are pushed back 5 + class levels (rounded to the nearest multiple of five) feet. Activating the aura is a swift action. The aura lasts for 3 + class levels rounds, and can be used Wis modifier times per day (minimum 1).

No saving throw to avoid being repelled? Isn't this also a little counter-productive to a melee who wants to be in undead's faces to full attack?

Low-light Vision: At 6th level, the radiant monk gains low-light vision, as an elf’s racial trait. If a radiant monk has low-light vision already from another source, sight extends to triple a human’s.

How about low-light vision ---> darkvision?

Brilliant Shield (Sp): At 7th level, the radiant monk is able to conjure a shield of light as a swift action 1/day. It can be created to protect anyone within a range of 30 ft. At 11th and 15th levels, the daily limit increases by one additional use per day, and the range increases by 10 ft. to equal 40 ft. at 11th level, and 50 ft. at 15th level. Conjuring it, however, does not provoke attacks of opportunity. It sheds light as a torch, blocks the Color Spray and Ray of Enfeeblement spells, and provides a +4 shield bonus to AC. This ability may also be used to counter darkness within range of the light, but lowers the duration by 1 round/spell level. It lasts 3 + class levels rounds.

To cut down on the wordiness I wouldn't have it increase range, 30ft. is just fine in most cases regardless of level. Why doesn't it provoke an AoO? It seem like a spell to me (Su), and all buff spells like this provoke AoO.

Is there any reason why it blocks ray of enfeeblement and color spray? Seems random. Color spray won't be encountered anymore by the time you access this ability too.

I would highly recommend taking this ability and Repelling Radiance, remove them both, and replace it with just Radiance Aura from the master of radiance PrC in Libris Mortis.

Oh, and a side note, I'd recommend looking at Master of Radiance (Libris Mortis) and Radiant Servant of Pelor (Complete Divine) for references in general.

Searching Light (Sp): At 8th level, a radiant monk may use Light 4/day. Two “charges” may be used to allow a 30 ft. range. In addition, the radiant monk gets a +2 insight bonus on Sense Motive checks. This does not stack with revealing light.

Blech. It's fluff, but no need to fluff up this cantrip twice. :smallmad:

Banishing Radiance (Su): At 10th level, the radiant monk is able to keep creatures of darkness at a disadvantage with an aura of light. Any creature within 30 feet of the radiant monk who is made of, or otherwise infused with, darkness, or hiding in any way takes a -4 penalty on hide checks, -2 on attack rolls, and -2 AC. Darkness-infused creatures are also pushed back 5 ft. at the end of the radiant monk’s turn each round. Activating the aura is a swift action. The aura lasts for 3 + class levels rounds, and can be used Wis modifier times per day (minimum 1).

This is very close to that radiant aura I was telling you about. Again, why the knockback? Don't you want the undead to stay in the light so they burn horribly and you whoop their ass? Seems counterproductive.

Scouring Light (Sp): At 12th level, a radiant monk may use Light at will. 3/day, the range may be increased to 30 ft. In addition, the radiant monk gets a +3 insight bonus on Sense Motive checks. This does not stack with searching light.


Purge (Su): At 13th level, a radiant monk is able to call upon the rejuvenating powers of the sun to restore energy once per day. At 15th, 17th, and 19th levels, this limit increases by one additional use per day. If the radiant monk or an ally is fatigued, purge restores them as if they had 8 hours of complete rest. This does not restore a spellcaster’s spell slots. If they are exhausted, they become fatigued instead. Purge also neutralizes poison. Using this ability is a standard action.

Er what? Why 8 hours rest? Do they gain hitpoints back?

I'd change it to this:
"At 13th level, a radiant monk is able to call upon the rejuvenating powers of the sun to cleanse the body by touch. Once per day, the radiant monk can remove fatigue or poison from himself or a willing ally. If the target was exhausted, Purge causes them to be fatigued instead. At 15th, 17th, and 19th levels, this limit increases by one additional use per day. Using this ability is a standard action."

Sol Ardor (Ex): At 14th level, a radiant monk gains spell resistance equal to their radiant monk level + 10. As well, a radiant monk is immune to all diseases, including magical ones.

You might be pushing it here. Good will progression, mettle, and this may be just a tad too much. Even if we're doing SR here, shouldn't it be just radiant monk level + WIS mod? 10 looks like alot in general.

Tracking Light (Sp): At 16th level, a radiant monk may use Locate Creature 1/day, with a caster level equal to her radiant monk levels. When the radiant monk turns and senses the right direction, light grows within them, and is released through the eyes, shedding light equal to that of a candle. In addition, the radiant monk gets a +4 bonus on Sense Motive checks. This does not stack with scouring light.

This is ok.

Resplendent Shield (Sp): At 19th level, the radiant monk is able to conjure a shield 3/day, similar to brilliant shield, but with several advantages over it. First, it blocks all spells with the Light descriptor. Secondly, it provides a +6 shield bonus to AC. Thirdly, the range increases by an additional 10 feet, for a total of 60 ft. Finally, any physical attacks against the shield cause a bright flare to spark on the surface, causing the attacker to be blinded for 1d4 rounds, and all enemies within 10 ft. of the shield to be dazzled for 1d4 rounds. Undead and creatures sensitive to light, including those that have light blindness, are affected even more negatively, being blinded or dazzled for an additional round. The shield lasts for 3 + class levels rounds.

I'd make it flat 1 round blind/dazzle, living creatures get a saving throw, undead don't.

Dawn Breaking (Su): At 20th level, a radiant monk is able to release pent up energy in one move, resulting in a holy inferno. White flames spew from all around the radiant monk, avoiding allies and the radiant monk, but damaging enemies badly whenever possible. At the beginning of each round, if any enemies are within 15 feet of the radiant monk, they take 10d6 damage. As well, all enemies within 30 ft. are blinded. A successful Fortitude saving throw of DC 10 + class levels + Wis modifier reduces damage by half, and nullifies the blindness. Enemies sensitive to light, including those with light blindness, take an additional 5d6 damage and are blinded one extra round, and undead take double damage. All darkness within 60 ft. is dispelled because of the intense light emanating from the flares. The radiant monk also receives a sacred bonus of +4 Wisdom and 10 fire resistance while using dawn breaking. Activation takes a standard action to prepare themselves, and to avoid damaging allies. The user must also make a concentration check of DC 10 + 1/round dawn breaking is active each round to maintain the fires (DC 11 for the second round, DC 12 for the third round, etc.). This ability can be used once per day, and lasts 3 + Wis modifier rounds.

Saving throws, saving throws! How do they avoid damaging their allies? I'm assuming this is a full-round action? It seems we both enjoy kickass infernos :smallamused:

Epic Levels
At 21st level, the radiant monk's unarmed attacks are able to bypass epic damage reduction. At every 5 levels higher than 20, the radiant monk gains a bonus feat to choose from the monk's epic feat list, except replace Self-Concealment, Epic Speed, Improved Combat Reflexes, Infinite Deflection, and Reflect Arrows with Permanent Emanation, Holy Strike, Devastating Critical, Combat Archery, Uncanny Accuracy, and Improved Exalted Blaze2. Also, every level past 20 increases dawn's renewal healing by 2 points, except on multiples of 10, which increase the healing by 3 instead.

I don't know anything about epic so I ignored this.

Ex-Radiant Monks
A radiant monk who becomes neutral loses the following features: aura of good, revealing light, repelling radiance, brilliant shield, searching light, banishing radiance, scouring light, tracking light, and resplendent shield. A radiant monk who becomes evil loses all those that a neutral radiant monk loses, and the following abilities as well: dawn’s renewal, radiant palm, purge, perfect purification, and dawn breaking.

Why not just if you're no longer good you lose everything, just like paladin and all the rest? Makes it less complicated. You're not good, no bastion of light for you.

Heavy Handed (Strong Style) [Fighter]
Prerequisites: Natural weapon or Improved Unarmed Strike.
Benefit: Your unarmed strike or a single type of natural weapon is affected by Strength and Power Attack as if you were using a two-handed weapon. Your strike still counts as a light weapon for all other (including weapon finesse and two weapon fighting) purposes.

What? No. That's insane, especially with two weapon fighting. Even without it, the damage boost is far far too much for a single feat.

Wow, that took a long time. Overall I think it's good. It's like the monk + lots of buffs + glow-in-the-dark paint. I like it. There's some redundancy that needs to be fixed though, and some abilities should be swapped around according to their power.

2009-11-17, 12:30 AM
Long, long...appreciated...review.

Wow. Alright then. Thank you for reading that much into it. I'm glad you like it, and I'm glad you are willing to help. On to the critique-rebuttals! :smallbiggrin:

I'll start from the bottom, and work my way up.

What? No. That's insane, especially with two weapon fighting. Even without it, the damage boost is far far too much for a single feat.

That was my first thought too. I'll modify it slightly, since unarmed strikes do more than two-handed weapons, but you still need an extra feat to get the charging unarmed crazy-man build compared to the stereotypical greatsword-wielding leaping barbarian crazy-man.

Why not just if you're no longer good you lose everything, just like paladin and all the rest? Makes it less complicated. You're not good, no bastion of light for you.

Hmm...I'll consider this. It would make some sense. I did this originally because I thought losing some of those powers would be kind of random if you were just neutral, but not evil. I'll definitely think on it.

I don't know anything about epic so I ignored this.

Epic is stupid. I only added this for completeness.

Saving throws, saving throws! How do they avoid damaging their allies? I'm assuming this is a full-round action? It seems we both enjoy kickass infernos :smallamused:

Indeed we do. I believe we all do. :smallcool: There are some saving throws in there, if that's what you're talking about. It's a standard action to activate the ability and to focus the energies so as to not hurt their allies. You probably just missed it. :smallsmile:

I'd make it flat 1 round blind/dazzle, living creatures get a saving throw, undead don't.

I'll make it so the attacker is always blinded, but the dazzled ones get saves. Would that be Fortitude or Reflex?

You might be pushing it here. Good will progression, mettle, and this may be just a tad too much. Even if we're doing SR here, shouldn't it be just radiant monk level + WIS mod? 10 looks like alot in general.

You're thinking mage-killer complex? :smallamused: The SR is what it is because that's what the monk gets, only at an earlier level. I made it later because of mettle.

Er what? Why 8 hours rest? Do they gain hitpoints back?

I'd change it to this:
"At 13th level, a radiant monk is able to call upon the rejuvenating powers of the sun to cleanse the body by touch. Once per day, the radiant monk can remove fatigue or poison from himself or a willing ally. If the target was exhausted, Purge causes them to be fatigued instead. At 15th, 17th, and 19th levels, this limit increases by one additional use per day. Using this ability is a standard action."

Poorly worded on my part. I meant only that they would recover from their fatigue. Good catch. I'll change it to what you have there, with a minor correction and change. It'll be up in a jiffy. (Actual unit of time? :smallredface:)


Got it.

This is very close to that radiant aura I was telling you about. Again, why the knockback? Don't you want the undead to stay in the light so they burn horribly and you whoop their ass? Seems counterproductive.

The point of the pushing back is for defense of yourself and your allies. It keeps with the holy defender theme...and it was suggested. Hehe. I didn't have this before it was suggested. :smallbiggrin: I'll make the push optional.

To cut down on the wordiness I wouldn't have it increase range, 30ft. is just fine in most cases regardless of level. Why doesn't it provoke an AoO? It seem like a spell to me (Su), and all buff spells like this provoke AoO.

Is there any reason why it blocks ray of enfeeblement and color spray? Seems random. Color spray won't be encountered anymore by the time you access this ability too.

I would highly recommend taking this ability and Repelling Radiance, remove them both, and replace it with just Radiance Aura from the master of radiance PrC in Libris Mortis.

Oh, and a side note, I'd recommend looking at Master of Radiance (Libris Mortis) and Radiant Servant of Pelor (Complete Divine) for references in general.

30 feet it is. Hm. I thought I included attacks of opportunity. Apparently not. :smallredface: My bad. It blocks Color Spray...because I wanted something other than Magic Missile to be blocked, and Color Spray was one option...but I realized that wasn't enough, so I included Ray of Enfeeblement. That's not all: it keeps with the fluff of the class. Ray of Enfeeblement is necromancy, which is normally evil. Since this class is a holy fighter, it seemed a natural choice. I'll look through the spell lists again, and try and find a replacement for Color Spray. I'll look at the classes. I haven't yet.

How about low-light vision ---> darkvision?

No. :smalltongue: I had thought of having both, originally, but darkvision would be redundant, with light abilities, including Light at will. Low-light vision works well with the class, and it's good fluff material. Sunset vision! :smallcool:

No saving throw to avoid being repelled? Isn't this also a little counter-productive to a melee who wants to be in undead's faces to full attack?

Optional push, coming right up. :smallamused: I was thinking of making this like turn undead checks, but that would be really complicated, considering all the other features in the class. I might put a save...

This is a cantrip. It should come at 1st level. I'd also make it usable CL/day, or infinite, it's not exactly OP. The +1 bonus is insignificant and kinda random, I'd take it out.

The +1 Sense Motive bonus is the mechanical version of the fluff involved. The light being revealing...yeah. :smallsmile: I'll look over the table again, and make some changes. Be ready for more critiquing.

The wording is strange on the damage dealt. I'd suggest something like "damage equal to 1d6 x the amount of dawn's renewal points spent, plus his wisdom modifier." That's the wording they use for Arcane Strike, though they don't mention an ability modifier. Honestly I'd take the +WIS modifier thing out so it sound exactly the same as arcane strike wording. If you take my advice on +WIS boosting DR points, then the WIS bonus is helping here regardless.

This ability doesn't scale well either. You should change the damage cap up, or remove it entirely. Just make sure it isn't OP at the beginning levels and you're fine (I don't think it is, at level 3 you can nova and do 8*1d4 = 20 average damage?)

It's 1d4. Wisdom modifier, methinks, will stay in. You're right that the wording is off, though, and I'll change it. I had trouble with it back when I made the ability. Writer's block? :smalltongue: Thanks for helping with that. Hmm...I'll definitely think on the damage cap. I suppose it wouldn't be terribly bad to take it away.

You place emphasis that this monk fights unarmed, but then you allow them to take archery bonus feats? I'd cut the archery feats out.

It can't hurt to have some backup weapons, can it? Anyways, Zen Archery applies to all ranged attack rolls...including exalted blaze. :smallwink: It's also there for the throwing people. :smallsigh: I just want to give the players a bit more flexibility than "If you play this class, unless you are unarmed, you absolutely suck. Just suck. No way around that." This way, they at least have a backup plan in case unarmed doesn't go the way they planned...or if there's something really far away. :smallbiggrin:

I'd switch spots with Aura of Good and this. Why does supernatural light hurt more? I'd remove the damage to living creatures, but still do damage to undead, and cut out the "at 3rd level" clause so it hurts undead right off the bat. Or you can say it's searing light, then it makes sense that it hurts living too (but I don't see why it should really). Makes things more concise.

I'll take a look at the table, and the ability in general. The attack hurts undead already, it just gets better at doing so at 3rd level. I'll consider cutting that though.

You introduced a new mechanic (Dawn's Renewal) and snuck in Lay on Hands into the description. I suggest seperating the two. Explain Dawn's Renewal points, refer to the chart, and say that the radiant monk uses it for many abilities. Look at the PHB for wording references. Then, a different ability, Lay on Hands (or whatever you call it).

I also wouldn't give extra DR (dawn's renewal for my lazy typing) for just healing, simply because it adds an extra amount of complexity to an already ability-filled class. I've always looked at the PHB monk and said, "wow, TLDR." Coincidentally, I never played a monk for that reason. Maybe that's just me though.

Instead, I'd give a bonus to DR points as a whole from a high WIS score. More situational points for specific skills = complex = bad. Global boost to points for all situations = good.

That would need some tweaking though to make it balanced at the first couple of levels though. Maybe something like 0 DR points at first level, but bonus points from a good WIS.

Alright. I'll have to think about this heavily. For now, I'll get the other critiques down. Then I'll think about dawn's renewal.

EDIT: Working on it still. I changed brilliant shield. Tell me if you think it's too overpowered. I might tone it down to 1st and 2nd level necromancy spells.

Also, I'm thinking for exalted blaze--maybe I'll add another point system exclusively for that and another ability I can later add in. Then I'd have to lower the dawn's renewal points to keep it balanced...or cut something else down. Thoughts are appreciated.

The new scaling ability is going to be called fervor. It will fuel exalted blaze, light uses until it's available at will, and maybe scouring light, although that would be hard to quantify for points. I think I'll leave that alone. Maybe I can include brilliant shield as under fervor's influence.

2009-11-24, 03:59 AM
Fervor has been added. Let me know what you think.

EDIT: I'm thinking of adding more fervor points. Maybe I'll add 10 or something.