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2009-10-31, 08:59 PM
Romance of the Three Kingdoms

This adventure 0 has ended.

Current Adventure: Adventure 1 - The Red Feast (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7444208#post7444208)

Active players:

Hu Kaiheng, LN Human Warblade (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=132371) - tackhillbillu
Chen Zhi, NG Human Sorceror (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=163645) - Steilos
Liang Xiu, NG Human Swordsage (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=163739) - DrakeRaids
Tianlu Li, LG Human Warblade (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=163791) - Woodsman
Fei Zhao, CN Dwarf Cleric/Rogue (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=164507) - Zjackrum

New players: still being accepted. See the recruitment thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=130096)

Expected posting frequency: At least 1 / day. I will similarly be doing at least one per day updates (with a few rare exceptions). If you plan to be absent for an extended period of time, please PM me to work something out. Otherwise, if a player doesn't post for a day, then I (the DM) decide his actions for that day, to the best of my abilities.


The year is 188 AD and the Late Han dynasty is falling apart, despite having beaten back the peasants' Green Bandana Revolution, instigated by the brothers Zhang Jiao, Zhang Bao, and Zhang Liang. The local warlords, who had amassed armies to fend off the revolt, now seek other uses for their troops.

Map (http://threekingdoms.com/map2.htm)

Point of Departure from History/Novel:

The Emperor Ling died suddenly in 187, two years before he historically did. By all accounts from the imperial doctors, Emperor Ling died of natural causes, although some remain suspicious. Ling's son Shao ascended to the position of Emperor at age 11, assisted by the Regent Lord Dong Zhuo.

Because the Green Bandanas have not been as thoroughly stamped out yet as in history, the friction between various lords are significantly lesser, and suspicion of Dong Zhuo has not yet mounted.

Starting Point for PCs:

The mostly human city of Beiping, the north-eastern extreme of the empire. The mayor is Gongsun Zan, a dwarf who prides in his services to the empire, and is a renowned mounted archer. The PCs all know Gongsun Zan one way or another.

2009-10-31, 09:00 PM
There will be no OOC thread for this campaign. Please post all OOC comments in spoilers, like this:

Can I rebuild my character to have Lightning Reflexes instead of Iron Will?

Dice rolls should follow your description of what your character does, and you should edit your post shortly afterwards to explain the results.

Please post your character's statements in color, with each PC picking a different color.

Throughout the game, I will be posting notes for myself. Anything that's spoilered that says "DM" should obviously not be read by any of you. That is, don't read things that look like this:

DMYou bad, bad player!

Anything that isn't explicitly marked DM though, you can feel free to read.

Similarly, sometimes I will direct comments only to one or more players. You are on your honor not to look if you're not listed.


The current adventure (Imperial Recognition) is a short teaser adventure that is meant to familiarize the PCs with each other, and also with the pace of the game. The "real" campaign starts at the end of this adventure, at which point no more new players will be allowed.

To all current PCs: Feel free to change your characters during this adventure. As in, you can completely start over with a different race/class that you think better suits the feel of this campaign.

2009-10-31, 09:01 PM
(reserved for other things)

2009-10-31, 09:36 PM
Day 1, 2pm:

Separate messages go out to each of Hu Kaiheng and Tianlu Li by courier, no matter where you are in the city, at around 2pm:

"Dear Friends,

I thank you for your dedication in assisting me drive back the Green Bandana Rebels in the past year. Our good works have earned us the praise of the Emperor, and His Grace has sent an envoy to us declaring his rewards. I will be formally receiving the envoy in a banquet tonight, and details will be provided then. Please dress appropriately.

--Gongsun Zan"

At the same time, the following messages are sent to Chen Zhi and Liang Xiu:

"Dear Friends,

My prowess and ability has been recognized by the Emperor, and he seeks to reward me! I will be formally receiving the envoy in a banquet tonight, and it would be best to make this affair as lavish and well attended as possible. Therefore, please grace us with your prescence. Please dress appropriately.

--Gongsun Zan"

All PCs:
Please state if you have any special actions in the next 4 hours before the banquet, such as disguising, last minute purchases, sleight of hand to conceal weapons, re-preparing magical spells, buying fancy clothes, stealing fancy clothes, etc.

The following is a map of Beiping, since I can't seem to add attachments for some reason:

Beiping (http://www.dna.caltech.edu/~dzhang/DnD/Map%200-1%20Beiping.pdf)

2009-10-31, 10:08 PM
Chen Zhi will purchase a nobleman's attire, and wear his cape along with it. He will however, specify inside pockets be tailored.

The pocket is for the rod of metamagic. If the pockets are impossible, Chen will just go without the rod. He can't Sleight of Hand to save his life. Scrolls will not be taken.

2009-10-31, 10:25 PM
I know my fluff isn't finished, but Tianlu helped drive off the Green Bandanas as well. A nice navy will suffice for speech, as well

2009-10-31, 10:27 PM
I'll use dark orange for dialogue

Liang Xiu nodded to courier and offered the servant a five gold tip and sent it on its way. An Envoy was coming that would be interesting to be sure, and she couldn't refuse the invitation. She wondered idly who else would be there, certainly most of the upper crust but it would be like Gongsun to through a few pegs in the social wheels. Sighing, she sent a servant off to inform her father of these happenings. And began to get dressed, butting on her green silk gown, wrapped her hair into a neat bun, and applied a bit of makeup. She was wearing her Mithral shirt underneath as usual, no one would notice it, and she felt naked without some rudimentary protection.

When that was done she left the house, hiring a coach for the short trip into town.

It was time to see what the evening would bring.

2009-10-31, 10:27 PM
Taking Slate Gray as my text.

2009-10-31, 11:25 PM
Hu Kaiheng

Kai sighed when the messenger found him. It was only by luck that Zan's messenger had found him in the city. He was allowing his men a day or two off, while he renewed their supplies. His funds were never great, but he guessed he could make them stretch to cover them for now. That was all he ever worried about. However it appeared he would have to wait until tomorrow for that. He considered informing his men, but decided to wait. Most likely there would be nothing to concern them at the meal. It was in Zan's honor.

"At least the food should be better then my normal meals."

Kai sighed. He knew what approriate dress meant, of course. He also knew that he had no intention of following it. He was a soldier, even if the war was gone. He wouldn't go in full War Dress, but he wasn't going to full anyone into thinking he wasn't a Soldier. And they all could go hang if they believed he would leave his Sword behind. He handn't been without the weapon in years, it's massive weight across his back a familiar presence. However, he did finally decide to leave behind his battle armor. He wasn't going there to kill anyone. He decided on a fairly plain set of garments, making him look like a Merchant who was getting by, if not prospering. Well, a very, very heavily armed merchant, but still.

"I wonder if Bangtiao or Tianwei will be there? Most likely not Bangtiao, but Tian was fiarly high ranking, last I heard."

Kai would find out once he got there, he supposed. He waited until it was time to go, whiling away his time alone with his thoughts, like he did with much of free time. When he judged the time had come (budgeting in a little more for arguments with the guards in the city proper, and at the entrance about him being armed) and left the home he was staying at. It belonged to one of his men, an older grizzled fellow by the name of Shi Boti. Both his sons had been killed in the rebellion, and his wife had gone mad upon learning that fact. Boti hadn't set foot in the place sense, and Kai used it freely when he had need to be in the city.

2009-10-31, 11:27 PM
Chen Zhi will purchase a nobleman's attire, and wear his cape along with it. He will however, specify inside pockets be tailored.

The pocket is for the rod of metamagic. If the pockets are impossible, Chen will just go without the rod. He can't Sleight of Hand to save his life. Scrolls will not be taken.

Chen Zhi: The tailor you go to looks at you as if you're nuts. "What!? You want me to make you a full silk outfit in a single day.. no, 4 hours!? That's utterly impossible, even for the best of tailors (which, quite frankly, I am). I mean, I could modify some nice set of clothes that you already have with a veneer of silk.. but even then! 4 hours! Do you realize I have two other suits that I'm supposed to have prepared by tomorrow!? Asking me to put those aside... oh, that'll cost you at least 125 gp!"

As an aside, please put your character names in bold at the top of each of your posts, to let other people easily know who's talking.

2009-10-31, 11:34 PM
Liang Xiu, please state where your current residence is on the map of Beiping (http://www.dna.caltech.edu/~dzhang/DnD/Map%200-1%20Beiping.pdf). (Just the coordinates will do. And you are living in the wealthy neighborhood, just pinpoint it.)

You family is probably wealthy enough to have their own coach, for future reference.

Liang Xiu, as you and your father step off your coach at the main gates of Mayor Gongsun Zan's manor, you notice a distinct hubbub of activity at the side gates. Farmers of every sort are rushing in. Some carry baskets of fruits and vegetables, some have a couple beheaded chickens slung over their shoulder, and some are leading live pigs into the manor.

Two guards stand at the main gates, clad in their typical breastplate armor. One of the guards is holding a bag with one hand, and reaches out with the other. "Invitation, please?"

The other guard abruptly elbows him. "You fool! Don't you recognize that's Miss Liang, heiress of the wealthy and powerful Liang clan? They are by far the kindest of the aristocracy, and the people sing praises of their generosity."

The second guard graciously bows and takes your coat, before handing it off to the person who's actually supposed to take coats.

2009-11-01, 12:04 AM
Kai, as you enter the residential portion of Gongsun Zan's mansion, you see that many of the wealthy have already arrived, and are socializing in the ballroom over drinks.

"Kai! There you are!" You turn and notice Mayor Gongsun Zan hailing you. He is dressed in fineries not typical of him; you can only assume this is an expression of his mood. Upon noticing your dress, he continues, "Ah, my friend, you never change. Well, if you are so uncomfortable with the dress of aristocracy, you might as well wear your normal armor. I don't mind."

Zan's bluff [roll0]
Kai's Sense Motive [roll1]

Gongsun Zan continues, "This honor is as much yours as mine, and I want you to feel a little.. happy.. about it. The days march on, regardless of whether you're joyous or solemn; you may as well find yourself a new life.. and love.. and family."

A servant rushes to Gongsun Zan and nods to your lord. The mayor nods in return, and tells you, "I must go accompany the envoy now. Oh, by the way, you did tell Rumi she's leading tonight's watch in your stead, right?"

2009-11-01, 12:08 AM

Tianlu accepted the invitation at the door of his small home. He nodded and thanked the courier, then closed the door and sat down to read the invitation. He nodded as he read.

He killed time with meditation. He then changed into his black silk robe (courtier's outfit), and walked to Gongsun's mansion. He kept his weapons with him; if the guars asked, we would hand over his katana and longbow, but not his wakishazi. He would not be left defenseless, even if it was a simple party.

He walked to the door, showing his invitation.

2009-11-01, 12:10 AM
Hu Kaiheng

Kai looked over at Zan's greeting, nodding in response, but shook his head no. While he was uncomfortable with the manners of the aristocracy, his armor would not change that fact.

"Unless that is an order, Mayor Gongsun, I will decline. It would serve little purpose here. I bring my Sword because I feel nude without it, and to demonstrate who I am to those who might mistake me. My armor would add nothing to that effect, and might result in a mistunderstanding. I hope you will forgive my discourtesy."

Kai bowed, if a bit stiffly. It was more difficult then it looked with a blade across one's back. At the information that Rumi was leading the watch, Kai shook his head. He hadn't known it, but it wasn't to suprising.

"No, she didn't. I trust her enough to know when to make those decisions. I might have to instruct her on delegation, but she has sharp eyes. Things should be fine for now.

2009-11-01, 12:29 AM
Hm.. two really somber backstories. This is going to be a bit tricky to make them feel a bit different from each other.


The guards nod to you, acknowledging your invitation but saying not much else. You're not really popular among them, but that's only natural because you don't bother associating with them. In the two years since you recovered, you've hardly socialized with anyone. What's the point? They might all be dead by next week. The Green Bandanas are being quelled, but who's to say another uprising isn't right around the corner?

The guard opens his palm and eyes your katana and longbow. The other guard rolls his eyes.


Tianlu's Profession[Bodyguard] check: [roll0]
Guard's Bluff check: [roll1]
Luck: [roll2]

You distinctly get the feeling of mockery from the second guard, as if he's thinking out loud, "Does this joker think we're fighting a war in the mayor's mansion or something?"

You ignore his thoughts, as you have done so many times before, but hand over your weapons. As you enter the ballroom where others socialized, you spot one man who stands out from the rest. Hu Kaiheng, the captain of the first Swords division. He stands aloof at one side, with his zweihander strapped to his back. (PCs who are present may now interact freely.)


Please address the second part of Zan's comments. Rumi is a female human swashbuckler who's your second-in-command.

2009-11-01, 08:20 AM
Chen Zhi
Chen Zhi sighs.
"I was looking to buy an outfit, not tailor one. I know very well I do not have time for that."
Chen looks from his gold to the tailor.
"Of course, since you do not seem to have any in stock, I suppose I shall have to leave with my money."
Chen looks ove the outfits.
"How about.. that used courtier outfit over there? It seems in good condition."

2009-11-01, 08:37 AM
Chen Zhi:

Shops don't generally have "nobleman's outfits" lying in stock, because these are quite nice clothes, and most people would demand a custom-tailored one.. much like how in the modern era, any high-end suit would require tailoring. Remember that 75 gp (the list price of Nobleman's outfit) is roughly what an unskilled worker makes over 2 years, according to the Dungeon Master's Guide. You probably can find a used Courtier's outfit somewhere that's your size, however... if you don't mind wearing used clothes.

2009-11-01, 08:46 AM
Post edited/

2009-11-01, 08:52 AM
Chen Zhi:
The tailor looks at your not-insignificant pile of gold on his table, and considers for a brief moment. "Just how fancy a set of clothes are you looking for here? I'll be honest, I really just can't make an outfit suitable for high-end aristocracy in 4 hours, and none of the other tailors in the city will either. That set of courtier's outfit? Well, I take it you're going to the Mayor's dinner party. While that set of clothes won't get you kicked out... well, let's just say it would be... slightly uncouth."

He looks at your stature for a bit and continues. "The best I can do this... one of the two suits I'm finishing tomorrow will fit you. It'll be a little big, but it'll fit you. And I could probably re-make the clothes for the original customer overnight, if I pulled an all-nighter. I'll charge you 110 gold pieces for that set, and really that's the best offer you're going to get, because I doubt any of the other tailors will just happen to have such a fancy set of clothes in stock that will fit you."

"If you're going to insist on that set of shoddy and old clothing, it'll be 35 gp."

2009-11-01, 08:53 AM
Chen Zhi

"Ah, perfect. Thank you for reconsidering."
Chen puts 150 gold on the counter.
"Please, take this as extra for the inconvenience".

2009-11-01, 09:07 AM
Chen Zhi:

The tailor is shocked by your generosity, and his tone immediately changes for the better. "Why, certainly, good sir! In fact, I'll do what I can immediately to modify the suit. Please come with me so that I can take your measurements."

About an hour later, you walk out of his shop in your brand new embroidered silk suit. It still feels a little big, but the effect is almost imperceptible to a casual viewer.

The tailor bows, and cheerfully says, "Please consider me again in the future for all your tailoring needs!"

2009-11-01, 09:11 AM
Chen Zhi

With his new suit and Rod of Metamagic concealed inside, Chen finally heads over to the banquet. It was a pleasant enough day, and Chen strolled to the palace at a leisurely pace. No sense in running when walking is all you need.

2009-11-01, 12:49 PM
Day 1, 6:40pm:

The PCs have all arrived at various points in time to Gongsun Zan's mansion, and are convened in the Mayor's ballroom, along with about 70 other guests. An elf servant appears at the entrance of the ballroom, gently ringing a small bell. As the conversation recedes, the man announces, "Dear guests of Lord Gongsun, the banquet will begin shortly in the main dining hall, the room directly south of this one. Please head there at your leisure, when you are finished with your current conversations."

A line (albeit a rapidly moving one) forms outside the ballroom, and each of you enter at various points in time. The reason soon becomes clear: There are a dozen or so servants ushering the guests to their proper seats in the dining hall. There is an elevated main table along one of the long sides of the room, seating five. A halfling dressed in distinctive yellow and black silk robes is seated in the central seat of honor. Gongsun Zan is seated just to the left of the envoy, and filling out the table are the mayor's brother and two sons.

Hors d'oeuvres have already been placed on the dining tables, lining the sides of the dining hall. There is a large open area in the middle of the room, where the dinner performers will be presenting their acts.

Shortly after all of the guests have seated themselves, the mayor stands up and gently taps his wine glass to call attention. "Ladies and gentlemen, my honored guests, we are here tonight to receive a very special guest: sir Wu Ying, an envoy of his majesty Emperor Shao. Sir Wu Ying comes directly from Luo Yang, the capital of the realm, and carries with him urgent orders via an imperial decree. All bow for the word of the Emperor."

The PCs and other present all bow low and maintain the position as the halfling stands and reads from the ornate scroll:
"Under the will of Emperor Shao, Son of Heaven and Lord of all lands, the following is proclaimed. Lord Gongsun Zan, Administrator of the 4th rank and mayor of Beiping, having served his Majesty loyally in the past two years in repelling the Green Bandanas, is to be promoted to Administrator of the sub-3rd rank, and with it the yearly income of 3500 gold. Additionally, he is to be present at the Imperial Banquet 21 days from now to be awarded the Medal of Righteous Service, along with other lords of the realm. All hail the will of the Emperor."

Gongsun Zan accepts the decree with glee as the guests present resume their normal seated positions. Servants rush in with heaps of fine food, as well as several jugs of wines that the Mayor had been saving for occasions such as this.

All PCs:

Please state if your character drinks this evening, and if so, how inebriated your character becomes.

Roughly 9 pm:

As the banquet continues, various troupes of dance girls take to the stage and give their performances. As the guests finish eating, servants arrive to remove the dining tables to allow the diners to easily move about.

All PCs:

You may talk to other PCs that you have not met yet, if you wish.

Gongsun Zan guides Wu Ying around, introducing him to some of the upper members of aristocracy and occasionally pointing out pieces of tapestry the mayor is particularly fond of. Upon noticing Wu Ying's general lack of enthusiasm at this, the mayor hesitantly leads the envoy to Hu Kaiheng.

All PCs:

The following conversation is rather loud, due to the din of increasingly boisterous revelers. All of you can overhear the conversation.

"Sir Wu Ying, this man is Hu Kaiheng, the captain of my first Swords division, who de facto also serve as the chief of police around here. He and I have fought many a battle against the Green Bandanas, and he has lost many a friend and family to those rebel scum."

Wu Ying compassionately nods, "I am sorry for your loss, and wish to express gratitude for the countless citizens of the realm whose lives were not torn, thanks to the efforts of those like yourself. Mayor Gongsun is allowed up to 6 guests at the Imperial Banquet.."

".. and certainly you will be one of them," finishes Gongsun Zan. "Many heroes of the realm will be there, and many of them have sad tales in their lives, much like yours. Mayhaps you will find a kindred spirit there, and start some new friendships."

"Not to mention," continues Wu Ying, "that there are still many Green Bandanas and bandits on the road to Luo Yang. I arrived by Teleport this morning to deliver my message, but the Imperial Adviser's spell only gets me here; I will need to travel back on horse with Mayor Gongsun, and a strong swordsman like yourself would be most welcome." Wu Ying turns to Gongsun Zan, "Mayor Gongsun, when you do expect you'll be ready to depart for Luoyang?"

Gongsun Zan considers for a bit. "Luo Yang is 9 days away by horse, and the banquet is 21 days away, so we have plenty of time to spare. I propose that we leave 3 days from now, in the morning. This will give me sufficient time to take care of administrative issues, and give you enough time to tour our town and the surrounding areas."


Roughly 11 pm:

As the night carries on, more and more of the guests are flush with wine, although not Wu Ying, who has strictly abstained. The mayor himself drank significantly, but did not seem to be much affected. Some guests are starting to leave, but some are clearly in no condition to walk. Gongsun Zan's servants are opening a good number of guest rooms for drunken aristocrats of high standing.

Liang Xiu: Your father is one of the drunks, and will be staying at Gongsun Zan's manor tonight. You may choose to stay in a guest room, or return to your own residence (if you're not too drunk).

Others: If you secure Gongsun Zan's invitation to the Imperial Banquet during the night, then he will invite you to stay in his guest room until you depart on the morning of Day 4. Otherwise, you are on your own to return to where-ever you usually stay.

All PCs:

Please declare (after roleplaying out the night's events) if/when you leave the Mayor's manor, where and when you sleep, and when in the morning you plan to awaken.

Please annotate your character's actions with the in-game time.

2009-11-01, 01:20 PM
Hu Kaiheng


Kai managed to end up close to the front of the line, heading toward the Ballroom immedietely after the Elf finished. He wasn't in any real hurry, but nothing was keeping him out here either. He thusly had a chance to watch the guests file into the Ballroom, and to study the high table, after he removed the Sword from his back, and placed it under his chair. He knew the Halfling was the envoy, as the person he didn't recognize. He abstained from eating, just sitting quietly. The decree garnered no response from him. It mattered little to Kai that Gongsun was to be promoted, and recieve a higher salary. Kai wished him well, of course, but he served Gongsun as the Mayor of Beiping, not Gongsun the Man.

Perhaps he will be able to enlarge the guard. That would be useful.

Kai ate and drank lightly. He did take the wine, but did not drink enough for him to feel the effects of it. Kai prefered to avoid getting drunk. Inebriation just brought up bad memories. He also didn't eat to much. The food was good, but heavier then the fare he had in the field. He would have difficulties serving his duties if he was to gorge himself.



Kai stood aside as the servants cleared the tables, his Sword back on his back. He'd found himself a spot on the wall of the Ballroom, and stood there watching the dancing girls without much enthusiasm. He noticed Gongsun and Wu heading for him, and turned his gaze to them. Kai listened to the two speak, nodding as they finished. There were things Kai would rather do, but Gongsun was the Mayor, and thus had the right to ask Kai to serve how he wished.

"Thank you, Mayor Gongsun and Envoy Wu. You honor me with the invitation and your kind words."

Kai's words were spoken plainly, without much passion, but without any hint of deception. He was just simply stating the facts.

"I will see to informing Rumi of my absence tomorrow, and make what arrangements are needed, Mayor Gongsun. She will be able to lead the First Swords in my absence."


(Only if something doesn't happen to change it.)

Kai accepts the Mayor's invitation to stay the night at his manor. He steps out as the party ends, and returns carrying his Armor, and leading his Warhorse, complete with packed saddlebags. He leaves the Horse with the Stables, and carries his Armor up the room, managing to fall asleep just before midnight. He plans to awaken with the sun, as per his normal routine.

2009-11-01, 01:38 PM

Tianlu ended up near the middle of the line. He nodded politely as the decree was announcedand afterwards ate his fill. Stuffing himself now would lead to suffering later, so it wasn't much. He barely touched the wine; drinking had never been his thing. He preferred a clear head.

Roughly 9:00
Tianlu overheard the converrsation, and stepped over by Kai. "Perhaps another skilled hand in combat would be appreciated?" he inquired politely.

2009-11-01, 02:25 PM
Oh, for reference, since this is a custom spell and all:

Teleport Messenger:

Conjuration, 4th level. Components: Verbal and Somatic, with a large mirror as focus. Range: Touch. Casting time: 1 minute. Duration: Instantaneous. Saving Throw: None. Spell Resistance: No.

You teleport one willing creature weighing no more than 5 pounds (including equipment) to his desired location, as the spell "Teleport." The creature to be teleported cannot be carrying any items that generate extradimensional space, or else he will be thrown to a random plane.

This spell is often used by high ranking officials, in conjuction with Reduce Person, to transport Halfling messengers instantaneously across the realm.

2009-11-01, 02:35 PM
Xiu's in city residence would be around J-5. Liang Xiu has drunk a small amount of wine, but not enough to be intoxicated. She ate a large amount of food. She will be returning home.

Liang Xiu



Liang Xiu watched the festivities unfold, idly sipping from a cup of wine as she did. She saw a few friends among the nobility here, and made idly chatter while she watched the Envoy with half an eye. The appetizers were excellent, and she picked at the treats liberally as evening went on. The biggest surprise was Gongsun's increase in ranks.... He deserved it though, he seemed to be a good and upright man by her reckoning.


While taking another sweep at the table, Liang Xiu paused for a moment to listen to the brief conversation between Gongsun Zan and the envoy. Was he a fool? An envoy traveling those roads might as well walk straight to the nearest Bandit hideout and set his head onto a platter. Those roads could be dangerous for a skilled soldier, let alone a Envoy who would be worthy prize...

"Pardon me for overhearing," Liang said gracefully moving beside Tianlu, plate still in hand, "But as one who lives by and travels those roads often I would recommended going only with a heavy guard. You would be a enviable hostage M'Lord, and if they learned that you where passing so close by.....

She let the words fade away into a purposely morbid silence.


Liang Bai, Xiu's father shooed her away, with one hand while leaning heavily on his cane, "Now you lishten girl." he said, his intoxication showing, "I am not shome feeble inferm-inferm-infermite? Bah. I don't need you to play nurshe all night."

Xiu glanced around, this was certainly not the place to make a scene but she was worried. Her father did things he regretted when drunk, and considering they where int he palace of the Mayor that could be a bad combination indeed.

Xiu sighed, "Alright father, I'll head home and make sure the farm doesn't fall apart, but don't do anything shameful, please."

Liang Bai Grunted and turned away.

2009-11-01, 02:37 PM
Chen Zhi

6:40 pm
Chen paitently waited to get into the dining hall along with the other guests. Eventally, he found himself seated at the other end of the table from Gongsun and that guest... No doubt the envoy that Gongsun was talking about in his letter. As Gongsun's rewards was announced, Chen was not at all surprised at the mayor's reaction to this.
So it would seem that our friend is going up in the world... The beneficiary of the empire. His reliance on the government will not last long, to be sure.

Chen does not drink, and only eats the bare minimum he can to be polite. His thoughts are no longer centered around Bei Ping.

9 pm

Chen Zhi happens to overhear a conversation involving returning to Luo Yang with the envoy. It was vital he got on that journey. However, by the time he made his way over there, someone else was already talking to Gongsun. Chen waits, visible if Gongsun wished to look for him but not interfering, until the person he was speaking to finished.

2009-11-01, 03:02 PM
Gongsun Zan listens to Tianlu and Liang Xiu, but calmly disagrees.

"Kai and a handful of White Riders will be more than enough protection--I'd certainly like to see bandits try to attack us, when each of us can easily hit a bullseye at 100 paces! For the banquet, I was considering inviting my brother Yue and my two sons Xu and Xing. Additionally, I planned to invite my scribe Xiaofeng, who has served me faithfully for 12 years and may be of use in matters of contracts with other lords. That leaves one spot open, but I'd hesitate to include either of you..."

"Tianlu, the capital is a cosmopolitan place with people of every creed. As you know, some of the Green Bandana leaders have been pardoned upon providing key information, and now dwell luxuriously in Luoyang. Thus, I think it's best for you if you did not have to meet these unscrupulous folk face-to-face...

"Liang Xiu, traveling long distance is hardly appropriate for unmarried women! Lass, I know you like martial sporting, but traveling to Luoyang with me is something quite different entirely! As you yourself said, this journey may be dangerous..."

All PCs:

Further attempts to persuade Gongsun Zan should include a spoilered Diplomacy roll. Please edit your post afterwards to appropriately reflect how convincing your words were.

This includes you, Kai, if you want to speak on anyone's behalf.

2009-11-01, 03:18 PM
Liang Xiu wasn't asking to go, only explaining that she thought it would be dangerous

2009-11-01, 03:30 PM
Rolling Diplomacy: [roll0]

edit: Her skill would be an open secret, its not hidden, but it isn't really talked about.

edit2: I made a mistake on my mods, it should be a 13

Liang Xiu bows her head, "You misunderstand m'lord. I have no wish to go on this journey, but your safety in times such as these did concern me. I hope the White Riders will be enough, though their inclusion does comfort me somewhat. Perhaps taking this warrior might not be a bad idea, adding another blade surely cannot be uswise when the safety of the Lord Envoy is concerned."

2009-11-01, 03:36 PM
Gongsun Zan responds, "Xiu, my dear, I appreciate your concern for my well-being, but you do not know Tianlu's history. He is a capable warrior, true, but he harbors a sad tale regarding the Green Bandanas as well, and I fear his tragedy has affected him even more than Kai's his."


Liang Xiu:

When do you arrive home, and when do you plan to rise next morning?

Re: Xiu's abilities, OK, I will go slightly modify the text.

2009-11-01, 03:41 PM
Liang Xiu will rise at dawn.

2009-11-01, 04:10 PM
Hu Kaiheng

Kai remained silent during the conversation between Tianlu, Xiu, and Gongsun. He recognized the two of them from descriptions. Tianlu and he were compared often, and it was inevitable that he would know of the other warrior. Kai disagreed that Tianlu's story effected him more then Kai's, but kept his tongue. It wasn't his place to disagree. Xiu was another matter entirely. The Swordwielding Noblewoman. Kai was glad neither of them would be coming along. He disliked reminders of what might have been, and disliked those who treated war like a game.

"Lady Liang, it is not my place to tell Mayor Gongsun who he should take, or not. But I would ask that you refrain from insulting the prowess of the White Riders in front of me."

Kai's voice did not raise in anger, but rather remained the same throughout his speech. He didn't speak up in front of the nobility without good reason, but he wouldn't standby and hear his men (and women) denigrated.

2009-11-01, 04:28 PM

Tianlu nodded. "Very well, Mayor. I will respect your wishes."

He looked at Xiu. "So you fight, huh? Or least know how to?" He'd heard of this woman before, but was curious to know what she had to say.

2009-11-01, 05:06 PM
Liang Xiu

Liang Xiu rose an eyebrow at Hu Kaihengs outburst, and suppressed a flash of irritation, before it could rise to the surface and disrupt the calm mannerisms so ingrained into her persona. Sighing she turned to the man.

"Odd," she said slowly, "I do not recall insulting anyone's prowess. All I remember saying is that another willing sword could help the Envoy if worst came to worst."

Liang Xiu nodded briefly in acknowledgment of Tianlu, "Yes," she said simply, obviously not eager to pursue that particular line of conversation.

2009-11-01, 05:35 PM
Chen Zhi

Chen drifts out of the crowd where he has been observing, and heads for Gongsun Zan. Upon reaching him, Chen bows.
"Ah, Mayor Gongsun. I did not notice you were over here, my apologies. I trust you are well?"
Bluff: [roll0]
Chen bows to the envoy as well "Greetings, Sir Wu. I hope you find your stay here pleasant."Then he turns back to Gongsun.
"Congratulations upon your reward, sir. I must say you thoroughly deserved it."

2009-11-01, 06:34 PM

Tianlu was a bit surprised at such a short answer, but paid it no real attention. Despite the fact she didn't want to continue, he was now curious to see how she did fight.

He supposed it would have to wait.

2009-11-02, 12:20 AM
Gongsun Zan figuratively steps in, "Now, we are all friends here, so there's no need to be upset; I'm sure miss Liang didn't mean any offense, as Kai did not."


Kai's SM[roll0]
Tianlu's SM[roll1]
Liang Xiu's SM[roll2]
Chen Zhi's SM[roll3]

Tianlu only:

You sense that the mayor is unwilling to have an extended discussion on potentially controversial matter in front of the envoy, and perhaps would be more receptive at a later time. You also sense that the Mayor is regretting having brought out so much wine.

Chen Zhi:

Gongsun Zan is relieved that someone shows up to steer the conversation away from becoming more and more hostile, and gladly introduces you to the envoy.

"Ah, sir Wu, this is Master Chen Zhi, a skilled and spontaneous user of the arcane arts, who acts as a traveling librarian and historian around these parts. He has quite a collection of books on many matters; I'm sure we can arrange a tour for you?"

Gongsun raises an eyebrow and looks to you expectantly, Chen Zhi.

2009-11-02, 12:28 AM

Kai's Listen: [roll0]
Kai's Spot: [roll1]
Kai's dumb luck: [roll2]

Chen Zhi's Listen: [roll3]
Chen Zhi's Spot: [roll4]
Chen Zhi's dumb luck: [roll5]

Liang Xiu's Listen: [roll6]
Liang Xiu's Spot: [roll7]
Liang Xiu's dumb luck: [roll8]

Tianlu's Listen: [roll9]
Tianlu's Spot: [roll10]
Tianlu's dumb luck: [roll11]

2009-11-02, 12:52 AM
Liang Xiu only:

Perhaps it was because you ate too much last night, or perhaps it was because you are worried about your father, but you awoke a bit earlier than planned the next morning. As you step out into your garden, stretching and getting ready for your morning practice routine some twenty minutes before daybreak, you seem to notice the form of a halfling on the walls. He is walking on the walls at a leisurely pace, and stopping every so often not only to greet a wall guard, but also at random intervals. The walls are sufficiently far away that there is no way of distinguishing who exactly the halfling is, nor is there any chance at all of seeing in detail his actions.

2009-11-02, 07:32 AM
Liang Xiu

Liang Xiu watched the curious halfling go on his rounds. She couldn't quite tell who it was from here, and, on a whim she decided to move a bit closer to see what was going on. Using are occasional morning stroll as an alibi Liang Xiu moved toward the wall listening intently to see if she could pick up anything else before a face to face meeting with the odd halfling.

Hear the Wind stance activated, Blindsense of 30 feet and +5 listen gained

2009-11-02, 08:09 AM
All PCs:

When the rest of the party is not with you and cannot be assumed to know your actions, please spoiler your text and mark it "DM". You can describe any knowledge you gain in-character later when the party reconvenes.

Liang Xiu only:

Please describe your actions in more detail. The halfling is on top of the city wall, and you are roughly 200 feet away from the wall horizontally and the wall is 40 feet high. If you want to get on top of the wall, you will need to describe how you do so. The nearest wall entrance is the South main gate, about 600 feet away. If you plan to just observe him by following at your current distance from the grount, no more details will be available.

2009-11-02, 12:13 PM
Liang Xiu

DM: Liang will take the enterence from the south gate and attempt to follow the halfling from a distance on the wall and overhear what he might be saying.

2009-11-02, 12:17 PM
Liang Xiu only:

As you approach the halfling, you see that he is Wu Ying, the envoy. He is dressed lightly in exercise clothes. He chats briefly with a guard before continuing on what appears to be a slow jog. Unfortunately, you were out of earshot when the last conversation occurred. But the guard Wu Ying talked to is walking towards you, and greets you.

2009-11-02, 12:26 PM
Liang Xiu

DM: Liang smiled and greeted the guard in turn, "Good morning," she said as she watched the Envoy continue along the wall. "Though it seems that I'm am hardly your first visitor today. But that couldn't have been the envoy himself just now, could it?" she asked as she moved in step beside the guard.

2009-11-02, 12:35 PM
Liang Xiu only:

The guard is surprised to see you, "Ah, quite right, miss Liang. That was indeed the Imperial Envoy, Wu Ying. He says that he typically jogs on the city walls a little before dawn, so that he can best see the sunrise every day."

"He's a compassionate fellow, that one. He's been asking if the Mayor's been treating us right, and whether we're generally happy working here. I told him that the pay's a bit meager, but the job's gotten a lot more safe recently, so there aren't many complaints. Boy, I hope the Mayor's promotion trickles down to the rest of us!"

"And what of you, Miss Liang? Can I be of service?"

2009-11-02, 03:46 PM
Liang Xiu

DM: Xiu smiled laying a hand on the guards shoulder as she falls into step with him, "Believe me," Liang Xiu said "if this town is any safer its because we have men like yourself watching it. As for myself," Liang Xiu said stepping away, "I've wasted enough of your time on my petty whims and interests. I'm sure you have important tasks to attend to, and I won't distract you any longer."

With that she offered the guard her farewell prepared to see if she could catch up with the envoy. Talking to him privately be interesting to say the least, and she wondered idly if a good view was the only thing he wanted here.

2009-11-02, 04:12 PM
Liang Xiu only:

OOC: Er... you realize that Wu Ying is the name of the envoy, not the guard, right?:smallwink:

You catch up to Wu Ying, the envoy, without much trouble. The halfling greets you, and chats with you for a bit. He answers your questions, and also asks you and your father's opinion of Gongsun Zan, and especially on how well he treats the aristocracy.

OOC: In the interest of not letting hidden messages run too long, please ask all your questions in the next post, and I will answer them.

Chen Zhi only:

You sleep and dream. You often have dreams, but rarely are the dreams this clear. This is a great fire, burning a building. Green snakes slither into the building even as it burns. The snakes shed their outer skin and continue slithering.

2009-11-02, 05:24 PM

chenzhi [roll0]
chenzhi [roll1]
tianlu [roll2]
tianlu [roll3]

Chen Zhi: Your house is at position G6.
Tianlu: Your house is at position I10.

Day 2: 2 pm

Gongsun Zan gives the Imperial envoy a tour of Beiping in the morning, but upon noticing Wu Ying's general lack of interest, decides to part ways after lunch and allows Wu Ying to explore the city on his own, with Hu Kaiheng as the envoy's only escort. Gongsun Zan can be found in his offices (in his manor) for most of the afternoon.

Kai: Wu Ying seems quite interested in talking to you and visiting various watchposts. He ebulliently states, "You know, sir Hu, I've said this before, but I really can't help repeating myself.. I really respect you, for being a brave warrior and standing in the defense of the city. Tell me, good sir, what is it like, fighting the Green Bandanas? When was your last battle? How many rebels did you kill personally? How many rebels are still left in the countryside? How do you protect merchants traveling to and from Beiping?"

Others: Please state your actions for the afternoon and evening.

2009-11-02, 06:12 PM
Tianlu simply sticks around until the party starts to die out, until he returns home. He knows he could continue his discussion with the mayor, but decides against it. He knows he could control himself around ex-Green Bandanas, but only if they controlled themselves. He decides not to take the risk.

Tianlu awakens at dawn for his morning routine, which goes as normal. A thought nags at him, and he is unsure whether or not he should act on it.


He decides to try and find out more information about the Swordwielding Noblewoman. He knows her name, which is a start.

OOC: So, any kind of check?

2009-11-02, 06:22 PM
Tianlu only:

Her house is one of the more well-known aristocracy around. Gather Information DC 5 or Knowledge[local] DC 5 will do it.

2009-11-02, 06:23 PM
Knowledge [roll0]

Skin of my teeth. :smalltongue:

EDIT: So, results?

2009-11-02, 06:38 PM

Despite being not very sociable, you do have a relatively keen memory, and seem to recall a few basic details of the Liang family, such as the location of their mansion. You also seem to remember hearing about one of the family being in the military, but don't remember details.

2009-11-02, 06:54 PM
You mean I don't. :smalltongue:

Tianlu decides to meet with the woman. Hopefully he can get something different out of her than what he got last night. He wonders if it had anything to do with the banquet last night.

He gears himself up in his armor and equips his weapons. He forgoes his horse: it's close enough he can walk.

He reaches the house and stands outside the front gate, pondering what to do next.

2009-11-02, 07:37 PM
Chen Zhi

Back at the banquet:
"Of course I would be willing. A guest from the Imperial Court is always welcome here."
After some further chitchat with the other guests, Chen leaves and heads back to his house. Unfortunately, a chance to go on the trip had not appeared, or maybe it had and he was simply too old and mired in politics to notice... It made no difference. The important thing was to get out of Bei Ping, and there would be other opportunities.

Once back at home, Chen decides to look up the other guests that caught his eye, before going to sleep.

Knowledge: Nobles (Tianlu) [roll0]
Knowledge: Nobles (Liang Xiu) [roll1]
Knowledge: Nobles (Hu Kaiheng) [roll2]

Upon waking up, Chen Zhi got dressed in his usual wear, a scholar's dress and robe with all his scrolls and items.

Chen looked over all the information he had obtained from the archives last night, thinking of a plan. Idly, he mused if he might give Wu Ying a tour today...

2009-11-02, 08:12 PM
Chen Zhi:

They are not nobles. You'll need Knowledge[Local] for them.

Mayor Gongsun Zan brings the envoy to your shop in the morning, but Wu Ying does not seem too interested, the boredom in his eyes as if shouting out to Gongsun Zan, "I have access to the Imperial Library, you dimwit!" The mayor eventually catches on and leads the envoy out of the room. Gongsun Zan thanks you for the tour and hands you 25 gold pieces.

Please declare if you did anything in particular while Wu Ying was present in your home, such as speaking with him or casting spells. (Note that hostile spells are illegal and offensive.)

2009-11-02, 09:49 PM
Liang Xiu

DM: Liang paused thoughtfully to consider the Envoys questions, "Well, as to him and my father, he treats him well, and with the respect he is due. Ever since his injury he has been somewhat lost... Gongsun has helped my father in many ways. As for how he treats the other nobles, well there is nothing to complain of. As long as we deal fairly he seems content to stay out of our affairs, which is as much as one can ask for. He runs things smoothly and efficiently from where I stand," she finished at last.

Smiling now Liang Xiu cocked her head at Wu Ying and lets out her own little volley of questions, "Surely if anyone knew the condition of the Imperial Court it would be you, all we get out here are half fabricated rumors at best. I've always wanted to see the Imperial City myself but with my father and the estate to manage, its hard to find any time to get away."

"And more," she continued, "You already gave Lord Gongsun his promotion, I can't help but find it odd you are asking to know about him after the fact. What do you think of him, as a man, and as a administrator and what makes him so intreseting to you? "

After listening to Wu Ying speak she stood for a moment absorbing what she had heard then nodded slowly, "This was an enjoyable chat M'lord, perhaps we will have a chance to repeat it, but I would not seek to monopolize your morning." Bidding the Envoy farewell she began to walk back to her mansion thinking on what she had learned.

2009-11-02, 10:36 PM
Kai listened to the envoy impassively. There were things he much rather be doing then babysitting this fellow. But his duty was his duty, and nothing would change that.

"Fighting the Green Bandana's? It's not something I really think about anymore. It's just something I have to do."

Kai controlled his thoughts carefully, avoiding any thoughts of why it was that way. Down that path lay pain, and pointlessly.

"They aren't very good at fighting, to tell the truth. They were a threat because there were a lot of them, not because of their skill. When up against a prepared and properly equipped force, they don't stand much of a chance. My last battle? It depends on what you consider a battle. If you mean any fighting at all... probably a week ago, or so. A group of Bandana's had taken to preying on Traveller's on a smaller road. We drew them out with a decoy and then slaughtered them."

A rare smile graced Kai's face. That was a good memory. It had been quick, and through, the way a battle should be.

"I don't know how many I have killed personally. I don't really keep track. It would be in the hundreds, most likely. I don't know how many are left. At the moment, it is difficult to tell them apart from normal bandits, and they are skilled at going to ground and hiding. It will be a number of years before the last vestiges of the scum are wiped out, I believe. We patrol the main roads fairly often, as those most be kept clear. The lesser roads are occasionally patrolled, and we wipe out any groups we hear of. It isn't enough, but it is the most we can do. Hunting them down can be very difficult, especially if they decide to flee the area under Mayor Gongsun's control."

Kai nodded, having answered all of the envoy's questions.

"Have I answered your questions, Envoy Wu?"

There was no annoyance or anger in his voice, just a simple question. He had a duty, and that was that. The Envoy had the right to use Kai's time however he wished, as long as Mayor Gongsun did not disagree.

2009-11-02, 11:45 PM

Wu's bluff: [roll0]
Xiu's SM: [roll1]
Xiu's luck: [roll2]

Liang Xiu only:

Wu Ying responds pleasantly, "Luoyang is a place much more cosmopolitan than here.. and that, of course, is a mixed blessing. On one hand, there are foods, arts, and treasures abound that cannot be seen here, or anyone else in the Realm. On the other, the sheer numbers of citizens living in the capital is staggering. The streets are often congested by horse-drawn carriages, and often the city stinks of horse manure... of course, that only applies to the more common sectors; the Imperial sections are kept scrupulously clean."

"It is my duty as an envoy to convey the messages of the Emperor to his servants; in this case, the Emperor deemed Mayor Gongsun worthy of a promotion, and so I faithfully delivered the edict. I asked you your opinion of the mayor as an individual, a citizen of the Realm, because I was curious.. there have been many a government official who seizes the credit of his subordinates to accrue accolades. It is good to hear that you hold him in high regard; and it seems his soldiers do as well."

You sense that Wu Ying may, in fact, have been sent by the Emperor to observe and report on the behavior of Gongsun Zan.. perhaps to annul the mayor's promotion if many among the populace are displeased with him.

2009-11-03, 12:13 AM

"But surely some among the Green Bandanas must be tougher and more wily than the rest?" asks Wu Ying. "With their leaders, Zhang Jiao and his brothers, defeated, it is almost inconceivable that there still be Green Bandanas left. What motivates them? What drives them? Surely they do not think they can topple the Emperor's power with forces as scattered and weak as theirs?"

"You mentioned a successful raid on the Green Bandanas just last week. I wonder, did you capture any of them alive for questioning? Surely they must have at least a local leader that you could capture or dispose of to eliminate the Green Bandana threat?"

"And speaking of stamping out the Green Bandanas.. you have quite a number of men here, do you not? Some 3000? I'm not suggesting that this is the proper course of action, but if the Mayor wanted to, you could stamp them out, could you not?"

2009-11-03, 01:45 AM
Liang Xiu:

As you return to your manor, you find Tianlu walking in place in front of your main gates, as if deliberating whether to speak to the doorman.

2009-11-03, 02:07 AM
Hu Kaiheng

Kai nodded at the Envoy's comments. The man seemed sharp.

"That is certainly true. I don't know what motivates them anymore. Some of them, it is probably fear. There are men that would see every last one of them executed if they could."

Kai didn't try to hide the fact that he was one of those who would. His feelings about the Green Bandana's were well known.

"Some were nothing more then bandits to begin with, and that is all they are now. And the rest, it may be that they delude themselves into believing that there is still a path to success open to them. I do not understand them either."

Kai gave a shrug. Why they still existed wasn't truly his concern.

"As for the raid, yes, we did. Nothing came from it, like always. They don't have that level of organization any longer. The bands don't know where each other are, and exist apart from one another. There is no way to strike to eradicate them. And while I might be able to take the entire guard out in the countryside and eradicate a number of the bands, in the end that would not end the threat. Word would get out of my campaign, and some of the bands would go into hiding. They are wily, and not easily cornered. Others would slip across the border into other areas. Chasing the Bandana's into the territory of the other Lords would risk stirring strife of another, perhaps more dangerous kind."

Kai sighed. Such facts were just the truth.

"If I could, would I try, even so? Most likely. The Green Bandana's are a cancer, that eats away the health of the realm. Perhaps if the Emperor called for another campaign against them."

2009-11-03, 07:17 AM
Liang Xiu

An approached her unexpected visitor? Liang recognized him from last night, Tianlu if she remembered correctly. The warrior. "Welcome," she greeted as she stepped past him requesting her servant to prepare for a guest and then turning back to Tianlu. "This is certainly an unexpected pleasure, but I'm afraid my father might not be back till a bit later this afternoon. Is there something I can help you with?"

2009-11-03, 10:57 AM

"I wished to converse with you. We didn't get much of a chance last night," he stated truthfully.

2009-11-03, 12:40 PM

Please make your posts a little longer, anticipating likely responses from other PCs so as to speed up the process of conversation. (For example, see conversation between Hu Kaiheng and Wu Ying.)


Kai's SM: [roll0]
Kai's luck: [roll1]
(nothing's gonna happen on this front unless I see some astronomical rolls)

Hu Kaiheng:

The remainder of the afternoon passes uneventfully, as the envoy tours the surrounding areas and your fortifications. Wu Ying talks to many of the guards that the two of you pass, speaking words of encouragement and thanks to the soldiers of the nation. Around 6pm, you politely excuse yourself, stating that mess is starting at the barracks, and that it is usual for you to eat with your soldiers.

Wu Ying thanks you for your tour, and apologizes for taking up so much of your time. You escort him back to Gongsun Zan's mansion before heading to the barracks alone.

Hu Kaiheng only:

Please note that you do not have command of all 3000 troops. About 1000 are under your command, while the remainder are in the Bows Division and the Swords Second Division. The First Sword also double duty as police in peaceful times, and are the most professional of the three divisions, always living in the barracks.

Wang Rumi, your second in command, is a 27-year-old human woman with flaming red hair and is popular with many of the soldiers. Unlike you, she is jocular and outgoing, and prefers dual wielding light swords rather than using one giant weapon like you. So in many ways, she is your opposite, but the two of you get along quite well. As you stated to Gongsun Zan earlier, she has keen eyes (she was born to a family of hunters). In the past, she has often noticed minutiae that you overlook, and had subtly pointed it out to you, rather than to hog credit for it.

Rumi reports no disturbances in the previous night, when you were at the mayor's banquet. She also mentions that the 50 replacement MW longswords you requested had arrived via caravan this afternoon from Puyang.

Kai, please state your actions for the rest of the night, including which hours of the night you patrol (if any), and Rumi's duties, if any.

2009-11-03, 01:24 PM
That's not something I like doing. I prefer open-ended roleplay. Anticipation tends to confine, especially when the anticipator is way off mark. I don't like generalizing, either.

I'll do it if you insist, but I like taking things slow and steady. I just prefer to see how others actually respond than guessing.

2009-11-03, 01:29 PM
Chen knew fine well that his archives could not compare with the imperial ones, which meant it came as quite a surprise when Gongsun actually went through with it. Who does he think he is talking to!? Gongsun clearly had no idea. Chen shuddered. If that fool was allowed to negotiate with the Imperial Court...

Putting this out of his mind took some effort. Perhaps he had become attached to Bei Ping afterall. Well, he certainly hadn't become attached to the mayor. Although an excellent horse archer, Gongsun's dimplomatic skills were left somewhat wanting. Yes, he knew the basics and some of the finer points of governance, but he really didn't know where to turn in political situations.
Hm.. That gave him an idea. If he could go along as a negotiator...
Maybe I should have taken Politician. Sure, it's an effective -3 to my Bluff, but it also makes Diplomacy a class skill. 10 ranks in that leaves me with +12 Bluff and Diplomacy. Not that bad... Unfortunately, it's too late to change, but I can live with it.

Looking down at his books, Chen gave a pained sigh. Once again, some idiot has mislabeled the books. Chen checked the books once every few days, but occasionally some slipped through the net, as now. He put away the book on national history labled as local and managed to find a geniune local documentation. It was one of his own, which just goes to show that if you want a job done properly you have to do it yourself...
Private thoughts:

Before that, however, Chen thinks back to his dream. What could it possibly mean? Burning building, snakes shedding their skin... Chen needed to think about this. The building could have been the Imperial Court, and the snakes it's occupants, but why was it on fire? And why were they shedding their skin?

Chen needs to think clearly. Leaving the papers, meaning to read them later in the day, he heads out on a walk. Fresh air would help him with the amount of thinking he had to do.

2009-11-03, 02:05 PM

No, I won't insist on anything. That was a friendly suggestion, in case you were feeling left out because your interactions have been comparatively short.:smallsmile:

All PCs:

OOC: How is the pace of the plot developments or you all? I was planning on doing one pre-defined event (i.e. passing of a day/event) per one real day, but am amenable to slowing this down if you prefer. Please let me know.

Also, you are free to change any of the crunch on your PCs, still. (In particular.. none of you have Listen/Spot! :smalleek: That'll make the parts where you have to survive assassination in the future... difficult. I won't insist on any changes, but please consider.)

Chen Zhi:

You think a bit more about your dream, but can't conclusively determine anything new.
OOC: Feel free to change to Profession[Politician] if you want. In addition to Listen and Spot being useful, Decipher Script will also be useful for several key events in the future, so you could also consider that.

Chen Zhi:
As you wander onto the Main street to get a breath of fresh air, you see Hu Kaiheng (and only Hu Kaiheng) leading the envoy around. You quickly surmise from this that Gongsun Zan is in his manor, and consider briefly if you should speak with the mayor.

2009-11-03, 02:13 PM
DM: Oh, no, that's kind of intentional. He's not very sociable, remember? Besides, I prefer roleplaying like I mentioned

As to the assassination, well, Quick Draw is a feat for a reason :smalltongue:

2009-11-03, 02:47 PM
Recrunched and fixed a small mistake in the fluff where I got the impression we were in Yi Ling instead of Bei Ping. Result? There's nowhere north to go to. So I refluffed a bit.

2009-11-03, 03:30 PM
Liang Xiu

OOC: Assassins? You forgot my Blindsense. Good luck sneaking passed THAT. I also will have Listen +10 total as long as I'm in Hear the Wind stance, which I will be in most of the game.

Liang nodded, "Oh, well then you are still welcome of course." she said as she opened the door letting him inside "I'll have the servants find some refreshments, in the meantime, tell me about yourself. You are a soldier, yes?"

2009-11-03, 03:41 PM
Chen heads back to his house and searches his archives once again.
Knowledge: Local checks:
Hu Kaiheng: [roll0]
Tian Lu: [roll1]
Liang Xiu: [roll2]

After the search, Chen sits back in his chair. It seemed no one else noticed him at the banquet. Getting up from his chair, he begins to go for a slow walk around town, visible yet not searching. While normally, he would prefer to operate alone, he may have use for some of the people seen at the banquet. However, Chen was a subtle man. Knocking and greeting were not exactly his style. Besides, what would he ask them when confronted with his purpose for being there? "Greetings, would you kindly abandon your liege lord and run off without an army who knows where"? He could probably get by regardless, but still, such risks were unnecessary.
OOC(Players can read.)

Chen Zhi is walking around the town. He is free to initiate a conversation with. It's literally just random wandering so he's basically at where you bump into him at.

2009-11-03, 03:42 PM
Chen Zhi:

OOC: How do you have 10 ranks in Profession[Politician]? We are level 5, so 8 ranks max. If you have MW work tools, that goes under Misc. bonuses. Looks fine other than that.

Liang Xiu:

OOC: Oh, trust me, trying to survive assassination is going to be fun. :smallwink: There are more uses to Spot than just finding hiding opponents you know. Also, I'm going to rule common sense here and say that you can't be in a stance if you're sleeping.. unless you can find a statement to the contrary?
Meta-game, I think you're probably the best PC to retool Profession for Scout/Hunter, but I will leave the choice to you.


Mwahahaha, you seem to have forgotten Coup de Grace on sleeping targets... DC 30+ fort save or die. But actually, I think your character's fine; the Sense Motive will come in handy.

All PCs:

OOC: Er.. about the pacing of the game? Thoughts?

2009-11-03, 03:47 PM
OOC: Nah, the only Scout skill that isn't class is spot, which I can live without. None of the Farmer ones are class. 'Sides, I don't want to retoll my fluff.

I might add a few points in listen tho....

Hurm. Pacing. Its going pretty well I think, its not to fast but not boring either. I would like to stab something soon tho. :smallamused:

2009-11-03, 03:49 PM

"I was," Tianlu corrected, following her in. "I stuck through until the end of the Rebellion, then I left. It wasn't something I could do any longer, unlike Kaiheng. He comes off as heartless, doesn't he?"

Pacing is fine. Though combat would be cool, as well.

2009-11-03, 03:58 PM
Liang Xiu

Liang shrugged and sat down as the servants brought out a bit of food, "Cold? Perhaps. I like to assume there is some defining reason behind it, more then maliciousness at least." She said before pausing to take a drink, "Maybe I should have chosen my words better. Its hard to live the life of a soldier without it changing you...." she trailed off, her father coming sadly to mind.

"What about you? What was the breaking point?" Liang Xiu asked.

2009-11-03, 04:03 PM
Chen Zhi:

You find in your records that Hu Kaiheng is the leader of the First Swords division under Governor Gongsun Zan, who also acts as de facto chief of police. He is a taciturn man, but has the respect of his soldiers. He has served Gongsun Zan for quite a number of years, and it is documented that he was a very cheerful young man when the Green Bandana revolt first sprung up.

You find in your records that Tianlu is an ex-soldier. He is shrouded in mystery. The mayor Gongsun Zan seems to know him from one of their mutual acquaintances.

You find in your records that Liang Xiu is the daughter of the local aristocracy, and has a relative in the military. She is known to be interested in martial combat, but most of the populace (including her father and the mayor) find it unbecoming for a young lady to continue like this.

All PCs:

OOC: Hrm. You'll have to crack this intrigue encounter if you want combat within the next few game days. Otherwise it's onto Luoyang for you!
Waiting on your declarations for evening/night activities before proceeding to the next event.

2009-11-03, 04:07 PM

"He is not malicious, no," Tianlu agreed. "But we both lost people to the Bandanas. He lost his village, his family, his wife-to-be. I lost my master and closest friend." He sighed and closed his eyes. "That is war, I suppose. You lose people defending your country. It is difficult to join the army and not be changed. Kaiheng and I both lost something else those days. I lost my ambition, but Kaiheng seems to have lost his compassion." His eyes opened again. "Who knows? Perhaps we can regain ourselves someday."

"Enough about me, though, what is your life like?"

2009-11-03, 04:19 PM
Hu Kaiheng

Alright, was just doing my best to sketch that out. I think the post still works. Kai might not be in direct command of the Divisions, but he does lead the best trained one, and thusly seems likely to be put in command of a joint operation. Or is that a mistaken impression?

As well, who are the other two Division Commanders, and how well does Kai know them?

Kai parted with the Envoy, having gained, at the very least, a better opinion of the man. He entered the barracks, nodding to the soldiers he passed. He went directly to Rumi first. Kai explained his upcoming absence to her, and authorized her to act in his presence. He then ate dinner with the troops, speaking to them afterwards briefly, informing of them of his upcoming absence, and confirming Rumi as acting commander during his absence. He dispatches two men to tell the other two division commanders that he would like to speak to them briefly tomorrow as well. He then schedules himself for patrol at dawn, giving Rumi the night off. After that, he settles in to take care of his weapons, before bedding down.


Pacing is fine, at least in my opinion. On the spot issue... I could try moving some points around, if it is a 100% necessary, but I'd prefer not to, if it can be avoided.

Well, I don't exactly plan on doing much mounted Combat, but having points in Ride made a lot of fluff sense. But like you said, if it is needed, it is need.

2009-11-03, 04:20 PM
As he is walking, Chen hits upon a plan. There were two people whom he indentified from his records that might be inclined to join him. It had been surprisingly difficult to get the hands on the records, and one in particular was a complete enigma. However, he could always find out later. Luo Yang was still in sight... All it required was some persuasion... And some paper. Chen had plenty of paper, oh yes he did. Walking back to his house, he begins to put his plan into action, procuring as much detail about Bei Ping as possible.
Gather Information Check: [roll0]

2009-11-03, 04:28 PM
Liang Xiu

Xiu listened sadly, it was a tale that was becoming all to common as of late. There had been enough death, and it was good to see the land settle into a peaceful state. Heavens knew they had seen more then their share of war...

"Myself?" Liang said as she thought for a moment where to begin, "I've lived with my father most of my life. Ever since my mother died, which is about as far back as I remember. We have a small farming estate. We grow some crops, take part in local politics, nothing interesting. Its far enough outside the city proper to give us a bit more autonomy then usual but years passed.. Bandits have been an issue." She paused on that and glanced down, "That's how we lost my mother."

She glance up again, regaining any lost composer. "We work with Lord Gongsun on the behalf of the surrounding people sometimes, and lend.. people to aid in the defence of other homesteads if the Militia can't get there in time. Its certainly not a villa int he Imperial City, but is a life, and we're happy here."

2009-11-03, 04:52 PM
Hu Kaiheng:

If there is a joint operation involving all three divisions, it is likely that Gongsun Zan would personally lead. It also seems like a bad idea to take all the forces into the country and leave the city undefended, but there's no harm in saying something hypothetical like that to the envoy.

You know the commanders of the other two divisions. You, being your seclusive self, are not close with either of them. Gongsun Zan would likely have informed them of your absence as well.

There are 3 different night watches. (That is, going from 8pm to about 6am, a total of 10 hours, so a little more than 3 hours each.) There is no need for you or Rumi to personally lead any of the watches and actually, neither of you would typically do so. You may choose to do so because the envoy is here, however. Please revise your last post to clarify which, if any, watches you or Rumi takes. Also, remember that you are expected to stay at the mayor's guest quarters if/when you are not patrolling.

OOC: Mechanics-wise, tumble is on the Warblade's class skill list, and the only other effect of Profession[Soldier] as it stands is Ride. Are you planning on using mounted combat much? If not, I propose we could refluff your profession to Profession[Vanguard troop] which acts as Listen and Spot. I'd say having at least one PC with decent perception is pretty useful. I don't want to force the issue, but I'm really have trouble seeing how you guys can survive one of the assassination encounters later without any Spot check to speak of.

Chen Zhi:

OOC: Uh... can you clarify? Exactly what kind of information are you looking for here? Not that you'd get much with your score. Also, Gather Information usually means talking to people; looking in your records is usually a Knowledge check.

2009-11-03, 05:05 PM

Tianlu nodded, [colo="navy"]"Happiness is a gooa goal. After all, what's life in the Imperial City if one isn't happy?"[/color]

2009-11-03, 05:18 PM
OCC: I put three more points in listen, which gives me a +8

Liang Xiu

Liang nodded and said, "True words have naught been spoken." she eyed the warrior for a moment then chuckled, "Pardon me, but I must ask, why do carry your weapons with you throughout town? I understand you'd like to keep them near, but you must admit it's somewhat... Odd." she smiled and rubbed her temples for a moment, "Though I must admit, I am hardly the one to be throwing stones in the oddness regard."

2009-11-03, 05:21 PM
Yeah, I realised that after I posted it. As for what I want, I want a general overview. A census, if you will. Information the imperial courts might want Gongsun to bring.
..Sigh, need to make another post for the roll.

2009-11-03, 05:22 PM
Knowledge: Local [roll0]

2009-11-03, 05:33 PM
Chen Zhi:

You estimate that there is about 10,000 people in the city of Beiping. There are about 40,000 farmers living outside the city walls, but are still closely associated with Beiping.

2009-11-03, 05:40 PM

"Better to be prepared. I don't like going without them. Besides, my katana is a bit of my soul. Part of who I am," he responded. "Odd? Yes. Paranoid? Perhaps. Without Reason? No."

2009-11-03, 05:54 PM
Liang Xiu

Liang Xiu shrugged, "To each there own. I'd take a pair of good shortswords over a katana any day, easier for fine manipulation, and what you lose in reach you make up for in faster response time." she said before dipping into some more refreshments.

2009-11-03, 06:01 PM

"Short swords do work well, but one can have a quick enough response time even with a katana," he countered. "Of course, I've never been one for fine manipulation."

2009-11-03, 06:19 PM
Liang Xiu

"I'd place finesse over brute strength any day," She said as she drummed her fingers against the table, "Precision can be even more deadly then devastation. And what would you do when forced to fight in an enclosed space? Or what if you had to conceal your weapon? I can't help thinking that it would be easier to parry to, but I suppose greater strength would help in avoiding telegraphing your movements wouldn't it?"

2009-11-03, 06:27 PM

"It does help avoid telegraphing," he agreed. "I just use my wakishazi in enclosed areas. Works much better for concealing as well."

2009-11-03, 06:53 PM
Chen sighed. This information was basically useless. It would appear to be time to improvise. Getting dressed in his nobleman's outfit, Chen Zhi heads over to the mayor's residence. He destination: The mayor's office. From what he overheard, the Mayor had one place left on the way to Luo Yang. Chen needed to get on that. He also needed to get two others there, although how he right now had no idea. Ah, well. Cross that bridge when he came to it.

2009-11-03, 06:54 PM
Liang Xiu

Liang Xiu nodded slowly, "Hurm. You know I never got a chance to finish practicing today. I normally do it in the mornings but, something came up today. As you already have your weapons with you, perhaps you'd be up for a sparring session?"

2009-11-03, 06:58 PM
All Players:

OOC: Good news! I asked a friend of mine who's knowledgeable about these things, and he said that there were, in fact, limited contact between China and Japan even back then. Japanese were mostly barbaric pirates. So, with that in mind, we can finally explain in game why Tianlu uses Japanese terms:

(Tell me if you don't like this)
Tianlu, you were born as the son of a Japanese peasant, by the name of Yoshihoma Yuuki (or replace with anything else you want). You were abducted by Japanese pirates at age 10, and then worked as a slave on their pirate ship for 2 years, before Zhao Chen of the Imperial Navy defeated your captors. You grew up with a Japanese heritage, and the ways of honor and samurai are deeply impressed on you, so you vowed to serve Zhao Chen faithfully as your lord. The rest follow what you've written in your backstory.


2009-11-03, 07:03 PM
OOC:Awesome. I'm cool with that.


"Yes, I would, actually. It's always nice to see how others fight," Tianlu told her.

2009-11-03, 07:25 PM
Liang Xiu

OOC: Alright, I figure they would only count hits, since they wouldn't be actually cutting each other up. So only rolling attack would be necessary, and each successful one counts as a "point". Objections?

Liang Xiu smiled, she hadn't had anyone to spar with in ages, ever since her father had begun to regret what he had taught her at least. And few of the others she could convince to practice with her would do it twice. First some safeguards of course, last time her father had caught her sparring with someone had been unpleasant to say the least. Gesturing for a servant to come over she handed her a gold piece and whispered, "Warn me if my father comes home in time to avoid any difficulty and there will be another two gold pieces for you."

That done she led Tianlu into her sparring room, "I'll be back momentarily," she said quickly before speeding off.

The room was of medium size and built toward the back of the complex, it was largely empty save for a broken down dummy and a few wooden weapons scattered about.

Before long Liang Xiu returned, no longer in a gown or dress, but in cloth pants and a simple brown coat under her mithral shirt. When she arrived she quickly pulled out a pair off wooden shortswords from a chest, and tossed Tianlu a sparring katana.

She paused a moment balancing herself and preparing herself for mock combat. Before opening her eyes and stepping forward.

Maneuvers readied: Shadow Jaunt, Sapphire Nightmare Blade, Flashing Sun, Emerald Razor, Charging Minotaur and Zeypher Dance.

Entered Stance of Clarity: +2 AC gained

"Alright," she said tightening her grip on both blades, "I'm ready when you are."

[Rolling initiative: [roll0]

2009-11-03, 07:30 PM

Tianlu drew his katana. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, clearing his head. He opened them and concentrated solely on Xiu, letting everything else drop out of focus.

"All right, then," he responded.


Steely Strike, Disarming Strike, Wall of Blades, Exorcism of Steel
Stance: Stance of Clarity

2009-11-03, 07:40 PM

Really? I would have assumed non-lethal damage. Well, it's your duel, do what you like. Grabs figurative popcorn. My money's on Tianlu.

2009-11-03, 07:46 PM
Can't let you do that, DrakeRaids, unless you're 7th-level

You need IL 7 to initiate 4th-level maneuvers. Page 39 of Tome of Battle.

2009-11-03, 07:46 PM
Liang Xiu

Edit: I thought about that, but I wasn't sure it would make sense to be doing bashing with blades. I have no objection to it though

Gah, your right, I misread on abilities, my fault :p, give me a sec to fix...

2009-11-03, 07:51 PM

Good catch Woodsman! Also, reading the description, I don't think you can use two weapon attack with it... it specifies one melee attack. Hm, what an odd manuever.. it seems to have no advantage whatsoever over just a normal Charge...

I'm sure Liang Xiu has plenty of practice weapons of every sort, so that you can attack with full attack bonuses to do non-lethal damage. They're probably not masterwork though. How about fighting non-lethally to 1/2 HP then? To prevent anyone from going unconscious?

2009-11-03, 07:52 PM
Fighting close to 1/2 HP sounds fine

Edit: It is a charge, but without the AoO.

2009-11-03, 08:02 PM

Er? I don't see where it says you don't provoke AoO? And you normally don't provoke AoO from your charge target anyway, unless the target has reach.

EDIT: Oh, OK. Thanks. Still not so worth it in my opinion...

2009-11-03, 08:05 PM
Never mind, you don't have the normal -2 penalty to AC. My bad.

2009-11-03, 08:06 PM
Retcon'd us some wooden weapons, and fixed my maneuver list. I apologize, shoulda caught that. I'm cool with going to about half as well. Anyway here we go!

Its a charge where you can move double your normal speed, so you could make a full move, attack, then make another full move

Gah, I can't get used to the die here. Bah, guess I gotta give it time

Liang Xiu

Liang Xiu moved into combat immediately, not wasting a second as she darted in between the warriors defenses, every movement was imbued with a sense of focus and heightened awareness, and with a smooth spin she lashed out with her second blade. The slash went wide, but not before the true attack came crashing in under it.

Emerald Razor Used: Touch Attack [roll0], Damage [roll0]

edit: Screwed up my damage roll, but I missed so it don't matter

2009-11-03, 08:09 PM
No, it's a full round action to initiate Bounding Assault, so you can't move after you use it...

EDIT: Oh, I see! Not only is there not a -2 penalty to AC, but you can also do this over difficult terrain and not in a straight line. So, might have some uses.

2009-11-03, 08:11 PM

Tianlu responds with a viscious strike of his katana.


2009-11-03, 08:14 PM
Liang Xiu

Liang Xiu grinned wildly as she ducked under the blow at the last second, feeling the air from the strike rush passed her. She didn't let up there, and attempted to take advantage off the off balance warrior unleashing two attacks of her own.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

2009-11-03, 08:16 PM
Tianlu, you are using a non-magical wooden katana, so attack bonus is +8.

Xiu, unfortunately, by RAW you have to have a +1 on your weapon before you can take on other abilities (like frost). Please modify your character sheet accordingly.

2009-11-03, 08:24 PM

The attacks hit Tianlu, but he barely felt them. Almost like hornet stings.

He swung again, this time throwing himself into it.

Ah, missed that. Didn't hit anyway.
Steely Strike used

2009-11-03, 08:30 PM
Liang Xiu

Liang grunted as the blow slammed into her. That, hurt. Xiu rolled with the attack though preparing two more strikes of her own striking with as much speed as she could muster.

Sorry Fixed the weapons.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

2009-11-03, 08:44 PM

Tianlu swung again. If it connected, he would be able to repeat his previous action.


If it hits, Steely Strike is recovered.

2009-11-03, 08:47 PM
Can I use Reflexive Action, Zephyr Dance? It gives me a +4 bonus to AC, but was supposed be used before we rolled damage, but after you roll attack. I would have used it anyway once I saw steely strike was going to hit just to deny it for continuing, but I thought I should ask first.

2009-11-03, 08:51 PM
Tianlu: By RAW, Warblades only need to attack after concentrating with a Swift Action to recover their maneuvers. That is, you recover regardless of whether you actually hit.. that's why my money was on your from the beginning!


Consider retooling to gain Assassin's Stance (Shadow Hand 3). It works really well with 2-weapon fighters.


That sounds reasonable to me. You use Zephyr dance last round and gain +4 AC, but unfortunately he still hits (you have 19 AC normally, +4 boosts to 23, tie goes to attack). EDIT: Never mind, forgot about your stance. The last attack misses, but he recovers his maneuvers.

2009-11-03, 09:01 PM
OOC: Hurm, Assassins stance, I think I will take it. That stance works well With Sapphire Nightmare blade in particular

The blade whipped passed Xiu as she was spun around, briefly evoking the image of a sandstorm in flight, before landing deftly onto the ground and spinning back into her own riposte.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

2009-11-03, 09:06 PM

Tianlu repeats his earlier successful attack, hoping it works again.

I've been goofing on the damage rolls. If this hits, it'll fix it

2009-11-03, 09:16 PM
Liang Xiu

Liang side stepped the attack and returned to her war of attrition, she was wearing him down, she could win this she thought as she let out another pair of strikes. Just had to stay on her toes.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

2009-11-03, 09:30 PM

Tianlu struck at Xiu's right wrist in an attempt to disarm her.

If attack succeeds, disarm attempt. Taking into account I have a two-handed weapon and Xiu has a light one (meaning she just makes an attack roll as normal: [roll2]

2009-11-03, 09:40 PM
Are you using a maneuver to do this? If not, Xiu gets an attack of opportunity. Also, you do not do damage with a regular disarm attempt.

2009-11-03, 09:41 PM
Liang Xiu

Liang Xiu watched as the blow on her wrist descend, and quickly twisted out of the way leaving Tianlu with nothing but air to strike, while retaliating quickly, diving at the opening with abandon.

Attack of Opportunity
[roll0] [roll1]

She didn't stop there, and continued circling the warrior lashing out with two more strikes before backing off and preparing to defend.

[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5]

2009-11-03, 09:44 PM
Xiu's attack bonus is +4, so she hits you on the AoO, and your disarm attempt automatically fails, Tianlu. Here's the relevant RAW: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/specialAttacks.htm#disarm

Xiu, your first attack also hits.

Xiu, please include your +4 in your roll like this: 1d20+4

2009-11-03, 09:47 PM
Uh, sorry, that was Disarming Strike. My bad


Tianlu swung again, attempting to regain his posture for yet more attacks.

Recovering Disarming Strike and Steely Strike

2009-11-03, 09:53 PM
Liang Xiu

Laing Xiu parried the attack then stepped back herself, pausing for a moment to regain her focus. This was far from over.

Adaptive Style Used: New Maneuvers are Sapphire Nightmare Blade, Mighty throw, Emerald Razor, Wolf Fang Strike, Shadow Blade Technique, and Zephyr Dance

2009-11-03, 09:59 PM

Tianlu was impressed with this woman. No single person had ever been such a challenge before.

He threw himself at her again: indeed, this was far from over.

Steely Strike

Expending Wall of Blades on Xiu's next attack.

2009-11-03, 10:18 PM
OOC: I'm assuming I can just use Zephyr dance after damage at this point, since we are rolling them at the same time. So yeah....

Again, as the attack came down Liang Xiu bounded back at the nick of time, and if one felt closely for a moment one could almost feel bits of sand flying through there air. Liang was breathing heavily at this point, but still pumped full of adrenaline. Time to go back on the offensive.

Zeypher Dance used
[roll1] [roll2]
[roll3] [roll4]

Accidentally rolled an extra dice, deleted it

2009-11-03, 10:25 PM

Tianlu's katana flashed in an attempt to block the sworrds.

He responded with another attempt at her wrist.

Wall of Blades: [roll0] This or AC, whichever is higher
Disarming strike
Disarm: [roll3] No AoO, roll normal attack to resolve. No return disarm attempt

2009-11-03, 10:29 PM
Liang Xiu

Liang smoothly defelcted the disarm attempt and stepped back taking a deep breath. It was now or never, it was time to change the rules of the game. Liang Xius stance suddenly shifted, becoming darker, more menacing, and gazed upon Tianlu with cold eyes, then suddenly sprang into action, striking him with a single deadly stab.

Assassin Stance activated
Sapphire Nightmare blade used
If succeeds Tianlu is flat footed
[roll2] (1d6+1d6 from sapphire blade, +2d6 for sneak attack against flat footed opponent)

2009-11-03, 10:37 PM

Tianlu deflected the attack with ease. He struck at her again, then took a moment to regain his posture.

Recovering three expended maneuvers

2009-11-03, 10:43 PM
Liang Xiu

Liang pressed on, shifting her stance back into one of cool awareness, and pressing on while he was recovering.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

2009-11-03, 10:50 PM

Tianlu seemed to think she was growing tired, and struck at her hard again.

Steely Strike:[roll0]

Edit: Oh, ye Dice Gods, why dost thou hate me so?

2009-11-03, 10:53 PM
Liang Xiu

It was becoming harder to keep this up, but still she was able to parry the attack fairly easily, turning as she parried she struck out again and again, hoping for solid contact.


2009-11-03, 11:00 PM

Tianlu struck at her weapon a third time. If this didn't do it, he wasn't sure if it ever would.

Disarming strike
Disarm: [roll2] You know the drill

2009-11-03, 11:04 PM
Liang Xiu

And for the third time, the attempt fell short. Liang moved forward, taking advantage of a second wind and began working Tianlu over with another series of lightning quick strikes from the wooden blades


OOC: I've got you at 44, just two more solid hits... If I can live that long

2009-11-03, 11:08 PM

Tianlu noticed her second wind and refused to give in yet.

He struck again, recovering himself.

NL Damage total: 25 (for Tianlu)

2009-11-03, 11:14 PM
Liang Xiu

Liang countered, building up steam, was this it?


2009-11-03, 11:24 PM

With the last two blows, Tianlu knows it's over. He drops his katana, holds up his hands, and lowers his head. "You have... bested me," he says solemnly. The corner of his mouth twitches once. Twice. Then he lifts his head, and his face is broken in a huge grin. "Wonderful!" he exclaimes as he drops his hands. "I haven't felt like this in years! I feel like I just met Master Chen all over again!". He bows to Xiu, showing her that she has earned his respect.

2009-11-04, 07:22 AM
Liang Xiu

Liang flushed, that had been one of the closest matches she'd had in a long time, few people in town had anything near this mans skill, and those that did had no interest in the likes of her. Liang smiled leaning against the wall, suddenly exhausted and let the wooden blades slip from her hands and clatter to the ground. "You... flatter me Tianlu." Sh said pulling herself up and entering a similar bow, albeit slightly clumsier.

"I've never, you know, fought someone who..." Liang trailed off shaking her head before looking at him with a bit more then a hint of admiration, "You are good. Very good."

2009-11-04, 09:34 AM
Chen Zhi:

The mayor is a little busy, but takes time to see you anyway, because you did him a favor earlier by giving Wu Ying a tour. "Yes, master Chen? What can I be of help with?"

Liang Xiu:

Realizing that your father would ask questions and be upset if he saw you in your current bruised state, you surmise it would be a good idea to see a healer in town ASAP and maybe also a makeup artist.

Liang Xiu and Tianlu:

Nonlethal damage goes away at a rate of 1 / hour / character level, so 5 / hour for you guys currently. Alternatively, you can blow some money on potions of Lesser Vigor (Spell Compendium), if you feel like splurging. These cost 50gp each and heals 11 HP over the course of about a minute.
Please declare what you do with the rest of the day and evening.


Kai's Listen: [roll0] (-10 if luck is low for being asleep)
Kai's luck: [roll1]

Wu Ying's Move Silently: [roll2] (Wu Ying's room is quite close to Kai's, only +2 for distance.)

2009-11-04, 09:55 AM

Wu Ying easily avoids the guards on patrol at Gongsun Zan's mansion and attempts to distract the guards at the gates, by using a scroll of Silent Image, project the image of a thief noiselessly dashing from behind tree to behind tree.

Wu Ying's UMD check: [roll0] (but will retry until successful, at the risk of being heard)
Retry check: [roll1]

Guard 1's Spot: [roll2]
Guard 2's Spot: [roll3]

2009-11-04, 09:59 AM

One of the guards sees the image, and both hear the spell being cast. They nod to each other, and one approaches the image while the other investigates the noise (from spellcasting).

Wu Ying attempts to sneak past them:

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

Guard 1's Listen: [roll2]
Guard 1's Spot: [roll3]

Guard 2's Listen: [roll4]
Guard 2's Spot: [roll5]

One of the guards hear Wu Ying, but neither of them see him, and Wu Ying successfully sneaks out of the mansion. He has no trouble getting to the barracks area, but then has to get past the guards on duty.

2009-11-04, 10:13 AM

Wu Ying uses a scroll of Invisibility a little ways away from the barracks, and tries until he succeeds. He then repeats the same Silent Image trick on the barrack guards, and sneaks in while invisible.

Wu Ying's Move Silently: [roll0]

Guard 1 Listen: [roll1]
Guard 2 Listen: [roll2]

Because of his invisibility, he is able to elude the guard even if they happen to hear him. He then has to open 3 sets of locks (outer door, inner door, and drawer). He takes 20 on these checks.

2009-11-04, 10:15 AM

Unfortunately for Wu Ying, both guards are extremely sharp tonight:

Step roll, guard 1: [roll0]
Step roll, guard 2: [roll1]

The guards realize that someone invisible or hiding very well has entered the barracks while they were turned away. One stays around the entrance where Wu Ying entered, while the other runs to wake troops to find the intruder.

Wu Ying realizes that he cannot finish what he wanted to do, and full runs back to Gongsun Zan's manor. He quaffs a Potion of Expeditious Retreat along the way, and thus is able to beat the messenger back to the manor. In trying to get back into the manor, he uses an Oil of Silence and a Potion of Invisibility to get past the guards quickly, and goes back to his room, and changes back to his sleeping clothes. He also silently curses himself for being stingy earlier and not having used his Oil of Silence in entering the Barracks.

2009-11-04, 12:59 PM
Hu Kaiheng only:

You are awoken around 1am by a guard, who is out of breath from running. "Sir Hu! There appears to be disturbance at the barracks. The guards at the southern entrance of building 1 heard something trying to sneak in! This happened just minutes ago, and I ran here as fast as possible to inform you!"

The commotion woke Gongsun Zan and several of the guests in his guest quarters, including Wu Ying, the Imperial Envoy. They gathered outside in their sleeping clothes by the time you quickly got dressed. Gongsun Zan asks you, "Kai, is something the matter?"

OOC: Please spoiler your response, since others will not know of this.

2009-11-04, 04:40 PM
Hu Kaiheng

Kai awoke instantly, groping for his Sword before he was fully aware of what was going on. Once the Guard had given his report, Kai nodded.

"Waken Rumi and the rest of the men. Tell them full battle dress, and then standby."

Most likely that wouldn't be necessary, but Kai wasn't going to take any chances. 5 minutes later, he was fully armed and armored, hurrying outside. Kai shook his head at Gongsun's question.

"I don't know, Mayor Gongsun. The guards at the Southern entrance heard someone attempting to sneak in. I'm going there now. You and the honored Envoy are welcome to come along, as are your guests. Those who would rather not are welcome to wait in the barracks while the guard ascertains what is going on."

Kai knew reassuring the Nobles of their safety was probably the best thing to do. With that he strode off towards the Southern Entrance.

Assuming Gongsun and/or the Envoy come along:

"Mayor Gongsun, honored envoy, whatever happened, I think I will strengthen the guard all around your manor. As well, I believe I should assign several of the men to each of your protection until we leave for the capital."

Kai knew he might be overreacting. But it was better to go to far, then not far enough, at least in this.

2009-11-04, 05:03 PM
All PCs:

OOC: Please welcome zjackrum, who will be playing Fei Zhao the Dwarf Cleric/Rogue!


Xiu's luck: [roll0]
Tianlu's luck: [roll1]
Chen Zhi's luck: [roll2]

Liang Xiu only:

You are awakened by some commotion in the middle of the night, apparently there is something going on. When you ask a servant, she tells you that Hu Kaiheng is assembling the men and in full battle dress.

Hu Kaiheng only:

The men are a bit surprised by your commands, but follow it nonetheless. You assemble the men outside the barracks, as ask the men to describe the situation. Two of the guards on duty report, "Sir! We were standing guard here at the southern door of Barracks building 1, when approximately 10 minutes ago we saw the image of a dark-clad dwarf wander by. We quickly lost sight of him when he tried to apprehend him, and then heard someone sneaking into the barracks. We immediately lighted our lanterns and roused the troops. The dwarf, seeing that he had nowhere to hide, took off in a sprint towards the shady district."

Shortly afterwards, two other soldiers appear escorting a dwarf. "Sir! This dwarf was seen in the shady district shortly after the incident and roughly matches the description of the intruder!"

(The troops bring in Fei Zhao, who you are not acquainted with.)
Gongsun Zan and Wu Ying look on with interest, having awakened to the night breeze.

Fei Zhao only:

On a whim, you decided that you'd try your luck at the gambling dens in the shady district of Beiping around 8pm of that night. You lost all the money you brought with you that night (say around 20gp), and left the den around 10pm. You went home and tried to sleep, but you were too upset at your loss to sleep well. Shortly after midnight, you took another 50gp, and headed to the shady district, intent on winning back your money.

You were just about to step into the Gambling Den when you heard commotion, and shortly afterwards, two soldiers gruffly asked you to accompany them to the barracks to see the de facto chief of police, Hu Kaiheng. You go with them, and are presented to Hu Kaiheng.

2009-11-04, 05:28 PM
Chen Zhi
Chen Zhi bows to the mayor.
"Greetings, sire. I came to ask a question, and maybe offer some advice. Apart from Hu Kaiheng, Honoured Envoy Wu Ying, and a personal guard, who will you be taking to Luo Yang? I have looked at some of the potential candidates I noticed at the banquet earlier. Would you be willing to listen to my advice, Honourable Mayor?"

2009-11-04, 05:33 PM
Chen Zhi only:

Gongsun Zan responds, "I will probably bring a dozen or so White Riders with me as extra protection. The escort mentioned that I'm allowed 6 guests. As I mentioned, Hu Kaiheng will be one of them. The remainder are my brother Yue and my two sons Xu and Xing, my scribe Xiaofeng, and Lord Qiao Hu. Lord Qiao has been most generous in his donations to the city of Beiping of late, and it is only appropriate that good deeds are rewarded. What advice have you, my friend?"

2009-11-04, 05:36 PM
Hu Kaiheng

DM/Fei Zhao

Kai listened to the guards, nodding at their words. It was curious though. The intruder wasn't aimed at the Mayor, but at the guards? He couldn't have planned to kill them all, so what was he after.

Best to keep my precautions.

Kai looked over as the other Soldiers brought in the Dwarf. Kai wasn't going to leap to conclusions. Justice required more then that.

"Alright men. Master Dwarf, what is your name? And where have you been for the past hour?"

Kai's voice wasn't angry or suspiscious yet. But it was firm, making it very clear that he expected his questions answered.

Stance: Punishing Stance

Iron Heart Surge
Steel Wind
Sudden Leap

2009-11-04, 05:46 PM
Liang Xiu

What the hell was going on out there? That bloody fool Hu was making some kind of huge racket. Sighing Liang rubbed her temples as she sat on top of her bed. She really shouldn't go out, it was none of here business. Everyone would just get upset and yell at her, she should just go back to bed and forget about it.

Liang groaned to herself as she pulled some cloths on. A mithral shirt, as always accompanied her, she left her weapons behind though. She paused for a moment to collect herself and bring her training to mind before heading out.

Cloak of Deception, Burning Blade, Mighty Throw, Zeypher Dance, Emerald Razor, and Clinging Shadow Strike readied.

That done she silently moved out into the night to see what in the world was happening.

2009-11-04, 05:57 PM

"Wise choices, all. This is an honour bestowed not just on you, sire, but your family. It is right indeed to bring them along. Hu and Xiaofeng are also excellent choices. Your journey will be quite secure with the help of a warrior of Hu's caliber.

However... Lord Qiao is not a person I know much about. I cannot, therefore, offer advice on the wisdom of his appointment. I can only offer my own suggestions to see what you think of them.

Out of the guests at the banquet, three caught my eye. Hu Kaiheng, who you also noticed, and two more. I believe they approached you during the banquet, in fact.

Firstly, we have Liang Xiu, the daughter of a noble family. The family is popular, well known and respected. I am sure you have heard of her, or at least the house she hails from. Her father, although I have tried, is unwilling to come, so I had to settle for the daughter. While I have no doubt that Lord Qiao has some not-inconsiderable esteem, there are many other families in Bei Ping who would be most honoured and indebted to you if you were to extend your invitation to them.

The other... perhaps, could be taken along as one of the guards. His name is Tianlu, and he is, as far as I can tell, a excellent warrior. I heard him requesting to be on the journey at the banquet. In my opinion, one like him would be perfect to take along, although he is ill-suited to banqueting.

Those are my suggestions. What do you make of them, sire?"

2009-11-04, 08:20 PM
I'll just head home an sleep it off. No worries

2009-11-04, 08:55 PM
Hi everybody! As far as speaking text goes, Fei Zhao will use a Dark Red. Let me know if someone else has this color, I'll feel dumb but freely admit my color-blindness.

Fei Zhao

OOC for DM

Fai Zhao doesn't know Gongsun Zan enough to bring up his name and address him casually in conversation, I think. We weren't totally clear on that part.

DM/Hu Kaiheng
The black-haired dwarf bristles slightly at the accusatory tone, but seems to realize the potential for danger and bites back a sarcastic comment. He then takes note of Gongsun Zan, his eyes growing slightly wide. He sighs, taking a breath.
"Gentlemen. Mayor. There must be some mistake? Granted I am a Dwarf, and as for matching the description of another dwarf you have seen, you'll forgive the recurring joke of all dwarves looking alike, even our women?"
Diplomacy - 1d20 to improve everyone's disposition.
"Regardless... As ill luck would have it, I've been loosing my money at gambling in the shady district since early this evening. I returned home to get more some hours later... I brought a sizable purse hoping to reclaim my losses shortly after midnight. I think if you need an alibi, you would find several who would happily report taking my money from me."

2009-11-04, 09:13 PM
Liang Xiu, Hu Kaiheng, and Fei Zhao only:

Liang Xiu and Wang Rumi (Hu Kaiheng's second-in-command) arrive at the scene at roughly the same time.

Liang Xiu, you ask around and quickly are informed that there may have been an infiltration attempt into one of the barracks tonight, and that two of the guards witnessed a dwarf perpetrator... but that they couldn't be sure it was this one, due to insufficient lighting.

Rumi takes note of the situation, and whispers something in Hu Kaiheng's ear.

Hu Kaiheng only. Also Liang Xiu or Fei Zhao with a DC 18 Listen Check:

Rumi says, "Sir, the offices in Barracks 1 is where we keep detailed information on the disposition and deployment of our troops, I don't suppose that's what the infiltrator is after? "

Liang Xiu, Hu Kaiheng, and Fei Zhao only:

Rumi excuses herself, and rushes into Barracks 1 and comes back a short time later, whispering again in Hu Kaiheng's ear.

Hu Kaiheng only. Also Liang Xiu or Fei Zhao with a DC 18 Listen check:

Rumi says, "Sir, nothing appears to be missing, and the locks do not appear to have been tampered with. Either they weren't after the records after all... or didn't have a chance to take them with all the ruckus going on."

"It's quite late right now, and continuing questioning may alarm the general public. Perhaps we should just detain this dwarf for the night and review the case in the morning?"

2009-11-04, 09:19 PM
OOC: Can I get a listen check on what Rumi was saying? And a gather information on suspicious dwarfs in the area?

2009-11-04, 09:32 PM
Chen Zhi only:

OOC: For each "switch" you try to convince Gongsun Zan of, you should make a Diplomacy roll. Be clear on who you think should replace who, and clearly argue why the replacement would be better than the original.

Gongsun Zan nods, and replies, "And of course, I assume you would like to attend as well. There are many who would welcome and benefit from the experience of attending an Imperial banquet, of course, but we are limited by the number of guests I am allowed to bring."

"Regarding Liang Xiu, I know she strives to be a strong warrior, but the fact of the matter is that she is a woman, and worse yet she is a woman of the aristocracy. It is not in her best interest to accumulate too many scars of battle, and I fear every year she spends with a sword is a year she will be without a husband. Her father was very encouraging of Xiu's martial interests when she was young, but recently has begun to fret over her lifelong happiness. Thus, I cannot in good conscience have incite her to even more unladylike behavior."

"You may have a point regarding Tianlu Li. Perhaps a visit to Luoyang would do him well. My only fear is that he would lose control of himself in the capital and commit a crime of impulse. Here in Beiping, if that were to happen, I could grant him leniency, but not in Luoyang. I would be ashamed to face Zhao Chen in the afterlife if I could not ensure Tianlu's well being to the best of my ability."

"Lastly, as I'm sure you'd understand, the choice for guests rests with me as an individual, rather than as a state official. While it is true that as a state official I would be best inviting 6 members of the aristocracy, as an individual it is best for me to let my brother and sons meet the upper crust, so as to launch their careers in government and politics. Xiaofeng has served me faithfully for many years, and it is only right that I reward him with an opportunity to see the Emperor, even it is from 50 feet away. "

"Those are my thoughts. Of course, and I cannot force Liang Xiu or Tianlu Li or you to remain in Beiping against your wishes. In fact, if you are determined to go to Luoyang, I would not be opposed to traveling with you... it is probably safer for you traveling under the protection of myself, Kaiheng, and the White Riders. But of course I cannot reimburse you for any expenses."

2009-11-04, 09:35 PM
Liang Xiu and Fei Zhao only:

You may attempt a Listen check to hear Rumi's whispers to Kaiheng. Success on DC 18 allows you to hear each one (so you need two separate rolls).

Liang Xiu:

Gather Information takes 1d4+1 hours, so you cannot do that right now. You could do it first thing the next morning, however.

2009-11-04, 09:37 PM
Listen Check

2009-11-04, 09:41 PM
Liang Xiu

Xiu kept a passive face as she stood off to the side overhearing the entire conversation. Barracks one, the offices, this was interesting to say the least. Liang Xiu decided to make it a point to do a little investigating of her own tomorrow and see what she could turn up. She would have to see if she could get at the dwarf they had in custody first, then see if any other unscrupulous characters where about.

2009-11-04, 09:51 PM
Fei Zhao:

OOC: Recall that Gongsun Zan is a dwarf himself, and thus is unlikely to think all dwarves look the same, including the women.

2009-11-04, 10:51 PM
I guess maybe I should have included a wink at Gongsun... Yeah maybe not the best plan, but I'm not going to change his actions. Feels a bit like meta-gaming.


Listen check - DC18. Though eavesdropping in this situation is never wise...

^^ Yikes. Would a critical fail cause me to hear false information? Or perhaps I am disarmed of my ears? :D

2009-11-04, 11:23 PM
Hu Kaiheng


Kai sighed at Rumi's words, but nodded. She was probably right, in the end. He'd rather have this dealt with tonight, but frightening the public wouldn't serve any purpose.

"Alright, Master Dwarf. For tonight I think will extend an invitation for you to spend the night in the Barracks. Tomorrow, we will check your alibi."

Kai motioned for the two guards who had brough to take him to the Barracks.

"Please see him to the barracks. If he doesn't resist, just place him in a room, and see to it that he is watched. If he requests something to eat or drink, get it for him."

Kai was endevouring to be the most respectful he could be of the Dwarf, while fufilling his responsibilities. He turned to Gongsun, Envoy Wu, and Lady Liang, nodding to them.

"Mayor Gongsun, Envoy Wu, I will place a guard on your quarters for the time being. It it most likely an unneeded precaution, but I'd prefer such. Lady Liang, I'd ask you and the others return to your rooms. Nothing more will happen tonight."

Kai motioned Rumi to his side, and began striding back toward the barracks.

"See to the guards on the Mayor and the Envoy. Also place a heightened guard on Barracks one. If that was their aim, they will probably be back."

Stance: Punishing Stance

Iron Heart Surge
Steel Wind
Sudden Leap

2009-11-05, 05:25 AM

Yes, there is a possibility for gathering incorrect information with a failed Listen, Spot, Search, Sense Motive, Gather Information, Decipher Script, and Knowledge check, if you miss the DC by enough. I will insidiously try to confuse you the most in that case (i.e. you won't always get the opposite of the truth, and in fact sometimes you will bump onto the truth by random luck.)

Generally, if I list out a DC on a spoiler, I won't bother with the extreme failure modes, however.. that's mostly reserved for when I interact with players individually. Thus, it is in your advantage to make sure your character sheets are up to date at all times.

Hu Kaiheng only:

Please clarify: It is about 1am now. Originally, you were planning on taking the 3am to 6am watch. Will you try to sleep for another 2 hours before proceeding with the original plan, or will you stay in Gongsun Zan's mansion for the night (specify if you will be awake during the rest of the night)?

2009-11-05, 07:54 AM

Kai will sleep for the remaining two hours, and stick to the plan. He trusts the various men he has stationed around to ensure that nothing happens till then.

2009-11-05, 08:57 AM
Fei Zhao

Fei seems to balk at the 'invitation' to spend the night at the barracks, but his mood quickly changes.
"All right then. Though I must request, if you can spare a man, investigate the shady district gambling dens sooner rather than later. I fear if people will remember me during tomorrow morning's hangover."

Once out of ear-shot of the Mayor and Hu Kaiheng, Fei will respectfully request both a meal and drink, whatever the kitchens have at their disposal considering the time of night.


OOC: Does Fei Zhao have his weapons with him? You've mentioned wearing weapons in public is frowned upon, so I am assuming both my shortbow & shortsword are safely stowed away at the inn. He keeps the daggers in a leather forearm sleeve concealed beneath his clothing, so he would keep those with him at all times. /OOC

Fei's next actions depend on the specifics of his new accomodations. I don't think there would be individual rooms in the barracks? My knowledge of the time period is next to 0, but presumably they would bunk together in bedrolls on the floor?
- If he is under watch, Fei will eat, drink and attempt to sleep through the night until the morning.
- If he has a separate room, Fei will 'take 20' to search the room, looking for possible means of escape - a window or loose board in the wall. He will also examine the door for traps and a lock.
Move Silently if neccessary to avoid detection while searching - [roll0]

2009-11-05, 10:08 AM
Fei Zhao:

OOC: The guards take 20 on their Search, and find your hidden daggers (their modifier is better than your untrained Sleight of Hand). They politely inform you that they will hold onto these for the night, but that the weapons will be returned to you if Chief finds that you are innocent.

The barracks building you are taken to has relatively large rooms that seem to accommodate about 20 soldiers each. However, it does not appear to be fully used right now, so you are given a room by yourself. Four guards watch over you. The guards change shifts after 4 hours (so around 6 am). You are taken at about 10am in the morning to Gongsun Zan's manor (part of which serve as the mayor's office and court). The guards bring your weapons along, wondering if those would serve as circumstantial evidence.

All PCs:

In this setting, there isn't much in the way of racial tension.. however, there are tensions between powerful families, which of course vary in race. Law and order are usually pretty good, except when you're up against a rich and powerful defendant. The mayor's chief of police serves as the first judge; if the case is considered heinous or treasonous in nature, or if you appeal, the mayor then takes care of the case personally. If you are still unhappy with the result, you can appeal to the Imperial courts. But appealing is a very difficult and expensive process: an appeal to the mayor invokes a fine of 100 gp if the case is not overturned, and an appeal to the Imperial court invokes a fine of 5000 gp if the case is not overturned (additionally, you need an advocate (a friend or family member) to travel to Luoyang and convince a higher official to look at the case). If you are found guilty by the Imperial Court and cannot pay the full 5000 gp, all your possessions are liquidated via auction by the Empire, and used to fund as much of 5000gp as possible. If that's still insufficient, the advocate has to pay (or liquidate his possessions to pay) for the remainder of the 5000 gp. If this is still insufficient, the advocate is taken in to serve hard labor for the empire at a wage of 35 gold pieces per year, until such time as he repays the full amount or he dies to natural causes.

OOC, I will need to wrap up an interaction between Chen Zhi and Gongsun Zan from the previous day before continuing to the next morning.

2009-11-05, 01:10 PM
OOC: Chen Zhi was not attempting to convince Gongusn Zan, just give him advice, and asking for his opinion.

Chen Zhi Bows deeply. "I would consider it high honour, Mayor, if we could come. Thank you for your generous invitation. I will get in contact with Tianlu and Liang to inform them, as I am sure you are busy making plans for the occasion, and I do not wish to inconvenience you. I wish you luck at Luo Yang. Farewell, sire."

Chen leaves, having got what he wanted, after a fashion, and heads home. He then writes a letter to the two people mentioned in his conversation.


"Dear Liang Xiu,

"Mayor Gongsun Zan, Administrator of Beiping sub-3rd class, has, in his generosity, asked me to inform you that if you wish you may come to Luo Yang with him, to see the splendour of the city with your own eyes, although unfortunately this does not extend to the banquet.

If you would like to come, I respectfully request you ask the permission of your father, who I understand has been very worried about your safety lately.

-Chen Zhi, Archivist of Beiping"

After this, Chen Zhi looks through his papers for an address, in an atempt to track this elusive character down.
Knowledge: Local: Tianlu's address[roll0]

OOC: If this works, I will post the letter, if not I will have to track him down tomorrow.

2009-11-05, 01:42 PM
Chen Zhi:

Your Knowledge[Local] does not find Tianlu's address.
You have roughly 9 hours before the end of Day 2, enough for 3 Gather Information checks. Success DC 14 finds his address.

Liang Xiu:

The following letter arrives for you the next morning (Day 3), as you exit your mansion, trying to find information on sneaky dwarves.

"Dear Liang Xiu,

"Mayor Gongsun Zan, Administrator of Beiping sub-3rd class, has, in his generosity, asked me to inform you that if you wish you may come to Luo Yang with him, to see the splendour of the city with your own eyes, although unfortunately this does not extend to the banquet.

If you would like to come, I respectfully request you ask the permission of your father, who I understand has been very worried about your safety lately.

-Chen Zhi, Archivist of Beiping"

2009-11-05, 01:45 PM
Day 3, 9:30am

Word quickly spreads throughout the entirety of Beiping that something is going on. Some who were roused late last night tell of Chief Hu Kaiheng donning full battle dress and interrogating a dwarf about breaking and entering into the barracks. Wild theories are abound, from personally motivated assassination, to drug use and insanity on the part of the dwarf, to conspiracy theories about the dwarf "hearing something he should not have."

As is typical for this city, soldiers post notices at visible places that a public trial will commence at 10 am in the West Wing of Mayor Gongsun Zan's manor. The trial will be presided by Hu Kaiheng, Captain of the First Swords Division and acting chief of police. Mayor Gongsun Zan will not be present for the trial.

By chance, Chen Zhi, Liang Xiu, and Tianlu all happen to be gathered at the same public board near the marketplace.

PCs (other than Fei Zhao): Please state your actions, if any, before the 10 am trial.


Xiu's Gather Info: [roll0]
Gather Info hours: [roll1]
Xiu's Luck: [roll2]

A penalty will be applied if hours needed exceeds 3.

Hu Kaiheng only:

The guard you posted to protect Wu Ying casually mentions that Wu Ying headed out a bit before dawn for his morning jog on the city walls. Being a good escort, the guard went with Wu Ying. Speaking with the other Wall guards, this appears to be a regular routine for Wu Ying; he did so on the morning of Day 2 as well.

You may start the public post for 10 am describing how the trial begins, and how you question as witnesses. (I assume you've watched enough Bao Qing Tian to know the kind of trial I have in mind, PM or spoiler-message me if you have questions on the setting.)

Liang Xiu only:

You awaken around 6am, but find that most in the city are not regularly up until 6:30, and can only start asking around at that time. You were not finished following up on possible leads when the above occurred. So far, most of the people you have talked to do not seem very reliable sources of information; you have not found any relevant info.

OOC: I rolled Gather Info for you, as well as the time required for the check.

2009-11-05, 01:51 PM

Chen Zhi decides to ask around for Tian Lu's address during the time he has left. Leaving his house, Chen heads out onto the streets. It was.. somewhat demeaning, but one does what one must.
Gather Info Rolls:

2009-11-05, 01:57 PM
Chen Zhi:

Go ahead and direct your letter directly to Tianlu, or anyone else you wish to communicate with. Your second check was good enough that you also find the addresses of anyone else you are interested in.

2009-11-05, 02:08 PM
To Tianlu/DM:

Chen Zhi finds Tianlu Li's address, and more besides. He also finds Lord Qiao's location of residence. This, however, was not immediately relevant to him. Tianlu, on the other hand...

"Dear Tianlu Li,

Lord Gongsun Zan, generous Mayor of Beiping, has reconsidered your request. Since he is busy, he has asked me to write this to you. Unfortunately, you cannot attend the banquet, but the mayor believes that a look around the capital will do you well.

Best Regards, Chen Zhi, Archivist of Beiping."
Chen thinks a bit, and writes something on the inside of the packaging, away from prying eyes.
"P.S. The mayor does not trust you. Be on your best behaviour... And on your guard."

2009-11-05, 02:23 PM
Edited it a bit.
Chen, after an uneventful night's sleep, gets up about 8am and gets dressed with the same attire and equipment as used at the banquet, and heads down to the trial, mildly curious as to what was happening. With no prior knowledge of the trial, there's not much chance that he'll do much but watch, but at least it should be some entertainment...

2009-11-05, 04:43 PM
Liang Xiu

Liang examined her letter excitedly, a chance to go to Luo Yang! A chance to see it with her own eyes, and while she was disappointed that the banquet wasn't an option, beggars can't be choosers. Before going out she left the letter with a servant along with a handwritten note from her, explaining her eagerness to take advantage of this opportunity.

She was disappointed when she was unable to gather any useful information about the upcoming trial, but decided to see it none the less. While getting in a better position to watch the trial, she notices both Tianlu and Chen Zhi in the crowd. She smiled over at Tianlu, before moving over to greet Chen Zhi.

"Chen Zhi," she said with a genuine smile, "I am quite grateful for the letter, but I can't help but wonder what changed Gongsuns mind, he was dead set against me going anywhere near before hand, but now this letter...."

2009-11-05, 05:40 PM
Chen Zhi

"Ah! Lady Xiu!" Chen bows, returning the smile. "I have no idea what could have changed it, but the invitation is extended nonetheless."
Chen looks thoughtful. "Did you tell your father about this?"

2009-11-05, 06:16 PM

Xiu's SM: [roll0]

Liang Xiu only:

You sense that Chen Zhi is being modest, and that he probably managed to convince the mayor only after long discussions.

Chen Zhi only:

Please update your character sheet so that it clearly says "MW Politician Tools" under items (I assume that's why your modifier is +12 rather than +10).

2009-11-05, 06:19 PM
Liang Xiu

Liang shook her head, "I've left him the letter, but I have yet to talk about it in person. I'd planned to speak to him this afternoon, he's unusually in a better mood then."

2009-11-05, 06:47 PM
OOC: Ahhhh, crap. I keep on thinking I have 10 ranks in that. My mod is actually +10. My bad, still doesn't change anything though.

"Very well." Chen gestures towards trial area.
"This was... unexpected, to say the least. Lady Xiu, do you know anything about this?"

2009-11-05, 06:56 PM
Liang Xiu

Liang shrugged a little, "He was supposedly caught breaking to one of the barracks, and was trying to steal kind of troop layout. I don't know how they managed to catch the dwarf, but someones going to take the fall for this regardless." Liang Xiu mused, "I wouldn't want to be in his shoes for the world."

2009-11-05, 06:59 PM
Chen Zhi

"Hmmmm... M'lady, troop layouts do you say?"
Chen raised an eyebrow.
"I was unaware that that was public informaton."

2009-11-05, 07:05 PM
Liang Xiu

Liang Xiu hesitated for a moment, "Well, you know, that's just what I heard from... a friend. I thought it made sense considering how big a deal this has become."

Bluff: [roll0]

2009-11-05, 07:07 PM

Zhi's SM: [roll0]

Chen Zhi only:

You sense that Xiu is well-connected, perhaps more connected than her father.

2009-11-05, 07:12 PM
Chen smiles. "I understand. Did this... friend of yours say anything about how he did it?"
The old archivist looks once more towards the stage. "It seems it will be starting soon. I assue Chief of Police Hu Kaiheng will be doing this as usual?"

2009-11-05, 07:32 PM
Liang Xiu

Liang shook her head, "No-its not like that." she said as she gazed over at the Dwarf, she didn't like this. The entire thing smelled off, not that there was anything she could do about it, Xiu sighed, "As far as I know the trial will go as planned, though there is a certain saying considering Gods and Plans... I expect this will be interesting at the least."

2009-11-05, 07:36 PM
Day 3, 10 am:

A good sized crowd of at least 200 are gather outside the west wing of Gongsun Zan's manor, which acts as the court. The courtroom faces south, and is roughly 80 feet in length (north-south axis) and 20 feet in width. The gates at the south, spanning the entire 20 foot width of the room, are opened outwards to permit the public to view the proceedings of the trial. A row of guards line the southern gates, preventing unrelated persons from entering the courtroom.

The acting judge, Captain Hu Kaiheng, sits at a pulpit near the north end of a room. Inside the room, lining the east and west walls are two rows of 15 troops, each holding a 4 foot long wooden cudgel, ready to beat anyone who acts out of line.

Fei Zhao kneels in the middle of the room, as is typical of the accused, while a civil servant proclaims the relevant information:

"On this morning, the 5th of March of Year 394 of the Glorious Dynasty of the Han, we are gathered here to determine the innocence or guilt of this dwarf, Fei Zhao, of the crimes: Attempted break in of government facilities, eluding and resisting arrest, and any other crimes as determined by his Honor, Hu Kaiheng, who will be acting in place of Lord Gongsun Zan, mayor of Beiping and Administrator of the Sub-Third Rank of the Empire."

The Imperial envoy, Wu Ying, sits in the Northeastern corner of the room, as an honored guest (who has no influence over the proceedings of the trial).

Hu Kaiheng begins his questioning.


Fei Zhao, you *will* be beaten if you speak out of line; you are only permitted to speak when the judge allows you to.

2009-11-05, 07:38 PM
Chen Zhi

"Lady Xiu, I was not implying anything. Certainly not anything that could be implied to be... 'like that'. Anyway, it seems to be starting now, so I shall remain quiet" Chen turns to watch the trial, saying no more as the trial begins.

2009-11-05, 07:44 PM
Hu Kaiheng

Kai sat at the pulpit, staring at Fei unwaveringly. It was not angry, but focused. He would determine the Dwarf's guilt or innocence here and now. He was dressed in his full armor, as he tended to be when acting in Gongsun's place. It reinforced who he was, and why he wielded this authority. His Sword leaned against the side of the podium.

"Master Fei, as stated, you are accused of various crimes. I have recieved information indicating that you are the guilty party. Do you admit as such?"

Kai didn't anticipate him doing such, but he always gave accused criminals that chance. After all, somebody might take him up on the offer.

2009-11-05, 08:04 PM
Fei Zhao

The black-bearded dwarf keeps his gaze on the floor, refusing to meet anyone's eyes. When he speaks, his voice is timid, almost petrified.
"I-- I deny the accusations, My Lord."

Assuming "My Lord" would be the appropriate title? I think this predates "your honor" - replace with appropriate title for one of an acting judge's station, as Fei would know this, but I do not.

2009-11-05, 08:12 PM

Did everyone remember to take a +1 to a stat at level 4? This is a permanent bonus to any stat...

Fei Zhao:

I think your Honor is appropriate, since Kaiheng is not aristocracy, and not particularly highly ranked in the grand scheme of things.

2009-11-05, 09:17 PM

Tianlu stood and watched the trial quietly. His robes were now navy instead of black: a sign of his brightening mood. The letter had cheered him up, and sparring with someone whohad beaten him reignited his passion.

2009-11-06, 12:03 AM
Hu Kaiheng

Kai nodded at Fei, unsuprised.

"Alright Master Fei. This court would ask that you answer a short series of questions before the calling of witnesses."

Kai doesn't say what will happen if Fei doesn't answer, but it is rather obvious.

"You took up residence in Beiping in the fall of last year, correct?"

"You serve as the proprietor of an antique shop, correct?"

"At least until yesterday, you have never been accused of a crime within the walls of Beipeng?"

"Last night you claim to have been gambling in the shady district?"

"You lost a large amount of money in those games, correct?"

"And then, late last night, you left to bring some more money from your home?"

"And while returning, you were picked up by the guards?"

Kai didn't expect a 'no' to any one of those questions. But he still asked them to make sure he had a proper appreciation of the facts. He was very slow and methodical when he acted in this role. Mayor Gongsun's trust required no less of him.

"The State has found several Witness' who claim to have seen you at this establishment around 9 PM. And we also have the guards who claim to have seen you at 1 AM, attempting to break into the barracks. Do you have any other witnesses that would enhance my understanding of this case, or any questions you would like the court to ask of the Witnesses that the State has found?"

Kai was much more interested in the answer to this question. After all, this was the heart of it. If he couldn't deal with those witnesses, he would have to be found guilty. What the punishment would be would be a far more difficult question.

2009-11-06, 10:29 AM
Fei Zhao only:

Remember that you had not entered the gambling den at 1am when you were picked up by the guards.

2009-11-06, 01:09 PM
Fei Zhao

The dwarf, still keeping his gaze on the floor, answers each of the first seven questions with a curt 'Correct'.

After hearing the final question, the dwarf raises his eyes to look at Hu Kaiheng. There is no anger, no fear, only a quiet determination.
"The witnesses confirmed my location in the early evening. Some time between 12:30 and 1:00, I returned to my home to get more money. I was taken by the guards near the same gambling den I was returning to."
He pauses, thoughtful for a moment.
"I live alone, and I doubt any witnesses could positively confirm my route from my home back to the gambling den. I had told associates at the den that I would return, but that hardly constitutes an alibi, even if it was confirmed.
"I would instead question the witnesses who claim to have seen me outside the barracks. What were the light conditions? What was I wearing? It is common knowledge that dwarfkin are not the quickest of foot or longest of stride... How did I evade them?"

2009-11-06, 01:50 PM
Hu Kaiheng

Kai looked at the Dwarf gravely, before nodding. He hadn't asked that last night, and the veracity of the guards identification was core to the case.

"Master Zhao, the Court will inquire as to some of those questions. The others are known to the Court, and will be taken into account. As well, I thank you for not wasting the Court's time."

Kai wouldn't waste his own time finding facts that he already knew. And wile he would have called anyone the Dwarf had asked for, if it was possible, Kai would not have been pleased if nothing had come of it.

"Will the two guards stationed at the South Gate please come forward."

Kai waited until the two had come before his pulpit, giving them both a curt nod. He knew them of course.

"This Dwarf challenges your identification of him. I have decided that a few questions as to the nature of that identifcation would serve to illuminate the Court's understanding."

Kai's voice was still just as grave, losing nothing as he changed his focus from the Dwarf to his own men. When acting in this capacity, he wasn't these mens commander, the man who had seen them trained. He was just an embodiment of Justice.

"How well did you see this Dwarf? Could you see his face? Did he enter any light, or remain in darkness? How did he evade you?"

Kai knew the answer to the question of what they claimed the intruder was wearing, and viewed it as something of little substance. A Cloak can be discarded quickly.

2009-11-06, 06:12 PM
Day 3, 10:12 am:

The two guards who were stood watch at Barrack 1's south doorway arrived before the court. One is an elf (Fu Chan) and the other is a human (Wu Wei). They walk to the center of the courtroom, and kneels briefly before captain Hu Kaiheng, before he excuses them (of kneeling). Both of the men have been with the First Swords for about 3 years, and have no record of been disciplined for poor behavior.

Fu Chan speaks, "Sir, I noticed a dwarf perpetrator near Barracks 1 when Wei and I stood second watch last night. I swear upon oath that the perpetrator I saw was a dwarf. He was wearing dark clothes, and was quite stealthy."

Wu Wei speaks up at this point, "For the record, sir, I did not initially notice the intruder at the barracks, but I am not as perceptive as Chan, so it is entirely reasonable that the perpetrator's stealth fooled my eyes."

Fu Chan continues, "I motioned to Wei that I noticed someone, and the two of us slowly moved to try to enclose the perpetrator. I lost sight of him shortly afterwards, but then I heard someone try to sneak into the barrack from behind our backs. The perpetrator must not have known that the wooden floor of the entrance area creaks a little, from soldiers stamping their feet there in the winter to get rid of the snow on their shoes. "

Wu Wei speaks up, "Aye, I heard it as well, sir. I then ran to rouse the men to capture the intruder."

Fu Chan continues, "The intruder, seeing that his plan had failed, broke into a full run towards the shady district. At this point, it became clear that the intruder must have used magic to turn himself invisible shortly after we noticed him, for his footsteps were heavy, though he was nowhere to be seen.

I ran after the footsteps, and a few of the men ran after us shortly afterwards. Initially it was clear that I was outpacing him, as to be expected since the intruder was a dwarf. However, at some point, his speed suddenly drastically increased--my only explanation is magic.. perhaps a potion of Expeditious Retreat.

In the shady district, the loud footsteps I had been following suddenly stopped.. presumably the perpetrator decided that he could easily hide in the district. I tried for a short while to locate him by sound, but failed. I then told the men following me to search around the area, while I myself headed towards the Mayor's mansion to inform you of the events, Sir.

I regret to say that I did not see his face very well, and thus cannot be certain the currently accused is in fact the perpetrator. However, his appearance in the shady district at exactly that time would seem a bit too much of a coincidence were he truly innocent."

A third soldier suddenly speaks up, "Sir, if I may speak."

Hu gives permission, and the third soldier continues. "We found two concealed weapons on the person of the accused. Furthermore, when we searched his shop and home for other possible evidence, we found a large amount of money in his shop.. over 500 gold pieces. It seems unlikely that a mere antiques shopkeeper would have such a large sum just lying around."

Fei Zhao:

OOC, On your character sheet, what you do you mean by Wand of Cure Light Wounds +5? Do you mean caster level 5? (That would make the wand cost 3750gp.. not a very good deal). In any case, please re-write the wand entry in the following form:

Wand of Cure Light Wounds (Caster level 5), 50 charges.

2009-11-06, 06:21 PM
Hu Kaiheng

Kai nodded, not quite satisfied. The identification was entirely circumstantial. If that was the best that could be done, then Kai would have to accept it, but he prefered more certainty.

"Thank you. You may step back."

Kai turned back to the Dwarf, his look still grave, but perhaps a little bit less certain.

"Master Zhao, what is your explanation for this sum of Gold in your shop? 500 gold pieces seems to be a large sum indeed for an antiques dealer."

2009-11-06, 06:23 PM

Tianlu wasn't sure of any one's story. He remained suspicious, trying to decipher the truth himself
Sense Motive check:
Fei Zhao:[roll0]
Fu Chan:[roll1]
Wu Wei:[roll2]
Unnamed soldier:[roll3]

2009-11-06, 06:26 PM

Tianlu's luck: [roll0]

Tianlu only:

You sense that all three of the soldiers are being completely truthful. Fei Zhao, however.. while you can't be certain that he's lying about anything in particular, you generally sense that he is not being entirely honest.

All PCs, OOC:

Obviously, you should not look at the numerical results of your own Sense Motive checks, as that may tip you off as to which readings are accurate and which are not.

2009-11-06, 06:36 PM
Liang Xiu

Liang Xiu watched the proceedings with interest, trying to use what she already knew to divine something out of the scandal. She wasn't sure what she would do when she put it together, but she'd cross that bridge when she came to it

Sense Motive: Fu Chan [roll0], Wu Wei [roll1], Fei Zhao [roll2], "third soldier" [roll3]

2009-11-06, 06:42 PM
Liang Xiu only:

It seems like Fu Chan and Wu Wei are being entirely honest. You are not quite as certain about the third soldier. Fei Zhao seems like he doesn't fully remember the details of the events of the last night, but is putting up a brave front of certainty, lest anyone grow even more suspicious of him.

2009-11-06, 07:18 PM
Chen Zhi observes the trial. It seemed to be progressing fairly normally, although the dwarf could not be poisitively identified. Running the stories over in his head, Chen attempts to work out the truth...

SM rolls:
Fu Chan 1d20+3
Wu Wei [roll0]
Third Soldier [roll1]
Fei Zhao [roll2]

2009-11-06, 07:24 PM

Fu Chan: [roll0]
Luck: [roll1]

Chen Zhi only:

You sense that the guards are being honest. You sense that Fei Zhao is mostly being honest, but may be misremembering a few details.

2009-11-06, 07:52 PM
All PCs:

Spellcasting services available in the city: Up to 3rd level arcane and divine. Pretty much every spell in the Core, Spell Compendium, and PHB II are available (though some of the more obscure arcane spells will take them a little while to prepare, and some of the more obscure divine spells will not be available until morning of the following day).

Hu Kaiheng, for using spellcasting for government business, you may charge it to your government account (i.e. doesn't cost you personally anything).

Magical effects are also available via scroll and potion, but the availability of uncommon spells are much lower than for spellcasting services (all Core spells can be assumed to be available via potion/scroll).

Note that some spells are illegal without the subject's consent (such as Detect Thoughts), while others are just plainly illegal (such as Vampiric Touch). That may not necessarily stop you, however..

Use common sense when determining whether a particular spell would be legal, and feel free to ask me about specifics.

2009-11-06, 10:02 PM
Fei Zhao

Although politely remaining silent during the testimonies, the dwarf listens carefully to the soldiers' accounts of the events.


Fu Chan:[roll0]
Wu Wei:[roll1]
Unnamed soldier:[roll2]

OOC: Also, would I get some sort of a bonus to SM, since I know the truth?

2009-11-06, 10:25 PM
Fei Zhao only:

OOC: You seem to have mis-remembered some details of the events (in particular, you went home at 10pm, rather than midnight, tried to take a nap, and then went to the gambling den again at midnight.. I'm chalking this up to your character not remembering the details). Also, you do not know how the soldiers perceived events, so no real bonus there.

You cannot be certain of either Fu Chan or Wu Wei's words. The third soldier's account is true, of course.

(You're up to answer Hu Kaiheng's question on why you have so much free cash.)

2009-11-07, 02:34 PM
OOC: Whoops. Sorry forgot to answer that last question.

The dwarf frowns at the mention of the gold.
"If by lying around you mean 'locked securely in my safe' then yes, and no, 500 gold coins is not a great deal of money to have on hand. My antiques shop does not merely deal with trinkets, Your Honor. I purchase and sell items of magical properties and quantities, and the creators of these items rarely deal in Letters of Credit. It is no different than asking a smith why he has a large stockpile of steel on hand."

2009-11-07, 02:42 PM
Hu Kaiheng

Kai looked at the Dwarf carefully, considering for a moment.

"Master Fei... I find your explanation less then convincing. Despite that, as all evidence that the State gathered has been presented, and Master Fei has no witnesses nor evidence to present. I now call upon the heavens, and all the citizens of Beiping, if anymore evidence remains, let it be presented to the Court. If not, Master Fei, you will be given one last chance to address the Court. Then I will announce my decision."

Kai's face revealed little about what that decision would be.

2009-11-07, 02:43 PM

Fei Zhao, actually, it is *not* reasonable to be selling very expensive items, because otherwise you have to spend a decent portion of your character's wealth on inventory. As it stands, you have 500 gp in cash, and negligible net worth of inventory.

Also, please respond to my question about your item "Wand of Cure Light Wounds +5", which is not a valid item as it's currently written.

As thus, Fei Zhao, please revise your last post or make a Bluff check.

2009-11-07, 02:53 PM
Day 3, 10:26 am:

A shady looking half-orc steps into the courtroom from the public area, "Your honor, before you is Chao Silang, the manager of the Shining Dice, the gambling establishment in which the accused claimed to have spent his evening last night. While it is true that the accused did visit our establishment and lose a significant sum of gold to the house and other patrons, I feel it is worth mentioning that the accused left our establishment at around 10pm last night, rather than midnight as the accused claimed. Several of the employees of my establishment can also bear witness to this.

Please consider our service and cooperation with the state in the future."

Two guards also step up. "Captain, we are Tao Lan and Tao Luu. Last night we served as guards at the east gate of Lord Gongsun's manor. Roughly twenty minutes before Fu Chan entered to report of the barracks break in, we also noticed a suspicious looking male dwarf outside the mayor's manor. As the dwarf we saw was outside the manor, we did not confront him. The dwarf we saw did not particularly look like the accused, but it is entirely possible these are two separate incidents."

One citizen wearing farmer's clothes speaks up. "You Honor, before you kneels Lao Nong, fourth generation farmer in the outskirts of Beiping. I have bought wares from the accused before, and they are crap! Later, when I tried to return the goods for a refund, the accused was unwilling to return my hard-earned silver. I call into doubt the accused's moral character!" Several others in the audience also murmur in consent.

2009-11-07, 03:29 PM
Hu Kaiheng

Kai nodded, and as Master Fei didn't appear to have anything to say. In the end, it was all left up to him. Best to get theeasy things out of the way.

"Master Fei, on the charge of unlawfully bearing arms, you are found guilty. You will be fined the sum of 250 GP's."

Kai sighed, and continued speaking.

"On the charge of unlawfully seeking entry to Mayor Gongsun's Manor, and of Unlwafully seeking entry to Government Property... this Court is unable to reach a decision. You will be placed in the custody of the guard until the Court makes a decision, or discovers new evidence. Your Shop and its contents will be seized by the guard, their disposition to be determined at a later date. Guards, please see Master Fei to his cell."

With that, Kai stood up, picking up his Sword and returning it to his back. In the end he hadn't been able to reach a decision. Master Fei Zhao was very suspiscious indeed. But still, the case against him was very weak. He would have to ask the Mayor for permission to hold the Dwarf until they returned from the Capital. He turned and headed toward the Manor, intending to speak to the Mayor about that subject.

2009-11-07, 03:42 PM

Kai, you should also include "unlawful entry into government property" (barracks).

Day 3, 10:35 am:

The crowd before the courtroom dispersed, with the viewers chatting frantically among themselves about their views of the case. 250 gold pieces was the upper limit of the fine on concealed weapons, and many surmised that Fei Zhao's poor reputation among the citizens were the cause of this harsh penalty. Some among the crowd are running towards the shady district, intent on finding discarded potion bottles and other evidence that could net them a 10gp reward.

(PCs other than Fei Zhao, you are free to do as you like with the afternoon and evening. Please declare your actions.)

Day 3, 11:20 am:

Hu Kaiheng, you waited outside Gongsun Zan's office for some fifteen minutes before he let you in. After you delivered your summary of the case, Gongsun Zan crumples his brow and asks,

"So, wait a minute, Kai. What's the actual situation here? Do you think it's him, and that you just don't have enough evidence yet? Or do you think it's someone else? I don't mind locking Fei Zhao up for a month, but it may be disastrous if the real culprit is still at large, and strikes again when the two of us are away. What exactly was Fei or the real culprit after again? Maybe we should just beef up the security for a while?"

2009-11-07, 03:49 PM
Hu Kaiheng

Kai listened to the Mayor's questions, shaking his head at the end.

"If I had to make a guess sir, my guess would be that Fei Zhao is guilty. There are far to many circumstantial elements pointing at him, and he doesn't seem to have a satisfactory answer for any of them. I would suggest we both keep him, and increase security on the Manor while we are gone."

Kai thought for a moment, before continuing.

"As for what the culprit sought, whoever he may be, I cannot say for certain. Rumi pointed out that we keep our files on troop placements in that barracks however. That information could be valuable to any number of parties."

2009-11-07, 04:00 PM
Hu Kaiheng:

Gongsun Zan responds, "Go ahead and assign the guards as you think appropriate. If the troop layouts are what the culprits are after, maybe it's best that we have Rumi or someone else guard it personally. We shouldn't delay leaving for Luoyang tomorrow morning, however. I expect you to be at the west gates of the city at 8 am sharp tomorrow. I've already selected eleven other soldiers to accompany us. Kai, you are dismissed. Take the rest of the day off and just relax or something."

Fei Zhao only:

You are lead by two soldiers to the northwestern corner of the mayor's mansion. You descend into the underground jail, and are lead into your cell. It is about 10 feet by 10 feet across, and about 8 feet high. An earth wall is to your south, and the door of the cell is to the north. The door and other walls of the cell is metallic in frame, made of iron bars about an inch in diameter, forming a mesh with regular holes about 4 inches by 4 inches. To your east and west are other cells. No one occupies the cell to the east of you, while a gnome occupies the cell to the west of you. Three armed guard are on watch at the end of the hall, vigilantly observing all the prisoners.

2009-11-07, 04:05 PM
Hu Kaiheng

Kai nodded at Gongsun's words

"Thank you, Mayor Gongsun. I will assign some guards to the files. Rumi cannot guard them all the time. For the next Month, she will be taking my position. And I will be there."

With that Kai turned and headed back to the barracks, seeking out Rumi. He wouldn't be able to 'relax' until he had taken care of everything. After that... he had his equipment to take care of.

Plenty to do.

2009-11-07, 04:17 PM
Hu Kaiheng:

You find Rumi near the barracks, eating an early lunch and jesting with the troops as usual. They notice your approach and stand up to salute to you.

Rumi senses that you would like to speak to her in private, and excuses herself to the other troops. She then follows you into the offices. "What's up?"

2009-11-07, 04:28 PM
Hu Kaiheng

Kai sighed, taking a seat.

"Nothing new. We just need to go over your plans. The Dwarf will be kept jailed until Gongsun and I return from Luoyang. You'll have to send a couple of Soldiers to his shop to keep the looters in line."

Kai smiled ruefully, putting down his blade, and starting to remove the various pieces of armor he wore. It was heavy, and he didn't think he would need it for the rest of today.

"As well, I want you to strengthen the guard on the manor in general, and to place a couple of troops around the information on troop placement. I don't want to be wrong, and see that information fall into the wrong hands. Finally, I want to go over your plans for the rest of the month. I trust you, but a second mind looking things over never hurts."

2009-11-07, 04:40 PM
Rumi responds, "Wouldn't it be safer to just carry the troop layout information with you, sir? It's about 50 pages, but it would certainly fit in a backpack. Or, if you want those to stay in Beiping, I can hold on to them personally, and make sure they never leave my sight. If the troop layout plans are indeed what the perpetrators are after, it seems wise not to keep it in a public place like the barracks. After all, we have hundreds of troops there, and it would only take one impostor...

Do you want the guard around the mayor's manor to be strengthened for tonight, or for as long as you are gone? We currently have 21 guards there, would doubling it to 42 be sufficient?

There's not too much planned for the rest of the month. The men and I will continue drilling every day, though there seems to be less and less of a point with the Green Bandanas all but defeated. Don't worry, Kai, we have a few Scrolls of Sending for emergencies--I'll contact your or the Mayor if there are any decisions I need to make that are above my pay grade."

2009-11-07, 04:54 PM
Hu Kaiheng

Kai considered the option of taking the Papers with him, but shook his head. The Travel wouldn't be good for them. It was best that they remain here.

"You taking care of them is definitely the best option. If you do find yourself needing to leave them in someones care, make sure it is someone you trust."

Kai considered the question of the Guard for a moment.

"Tonight, and for the next week. If nothing happens between now and then, go ahead and return it to normal levels. 42 should suffice. I know that you have the Scrolls of Sending, but it always best to plan ahead. That's all I wanted to know. I'll be leaving at 8 AM tomorrow."

2009-11-07, 05:00 PM
Liang Xiu

The trial had ended rather unsatisfactory. She personally didn't think the dwarf did it, there where other forces at work here, but who would listen to her? Xiu sighed as she idly made her way home. It was time to talk to father, and she prayed it would go well. She might not get another chance like this.

Arriving back at the manor she told a servant that she humbly requested her fathers presence, and then prepared to kiss up as much as possible.

2009-11-07, 05:05 PM
Liang Xiu:

Your father looks at you and says, "Yes, my dear?"

He seems to be in a good mood, and is looking at you expectantly, as if he's waiting for you to say something that will please him.


You'll probably need to make Diplomacy checks in your next post :smallwink:

Hu Kaiheng:

Rumi nods, salutes, and then heads to the offices to collect the important documents.

2009-11-07, 05:17 PM
Liang Xiu

"Well father," she started, "I don't know if you saw the letter I left, but Gongsun has offered to let me go with them to Luo Yang! Think of it father, all the things I'll be able to see, the courts, nobles from across the world, maybe even the emperor himself...." Along with weapon shops and martial centers of course, but father didn't need to think about that part. "Please father, if anything it will help me become a more well rounded noble of the court like you've been wanting!"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2009-11-07, 05:25 PM
Chen Zhi

Chen went back home, questions floating in his mind. Why would an antique shop owner and a gambler want troop layouts? How could he possibly know they were there? Chen did not have an answer to this, which annoyed him. This... Fei Zhao character was shady, to be sure, but if his antique stall was so dodgy, decrepit, and small-time, how could he get the magical items needed to sneak past those guards? The numbers did not match up, but if Fei didn't do it... Who did?

A possible name floated up in his mind. The person he was thinking about could well have done it. He could well have been told to do it by his superior. Chen, had been in the field of politics long enough to know that anything was possible. Still, there was no evidence to suggest that he could have done it.

Upon entering, Chen rifled through the archives once more...
[roll0] Knowledge: Nobles(Wu Ying)

2009-11-07, 05:35 PM
Liang Xiu:

Your father is shocked. "This.. this is what you came to speak with you about!?"

Your father gravely shakes his head. "You must know what the heaviest matter upon my heart is these days... it is your marriage, of course. Ever since your mother passed away, you have been my only family. How I've longed that you should find a suitable man of your dream, and bear me grandchildren. You're no longer 16, you know, and many who are your age have married and are soon due for their first child."

Your father sighs again. "I had heard from the servants that you have become close lately with a man, Tianlu Li, through sparring. Though he is not from aristocracy, he may not be a bad choice, for then we could have him enter our family registry, and continue our line of Liang. But I see that is that was only idle dreaming on my part."

Your father, uncharacteristically, begins weeping.

2009-11-07, 05:43 PM
Chen Zhi only:

Wu Ying, like most other Imperial Envoys, was not born into aristocracy, but rather rose into favor as a Eunuch, serving the side of the Emperor. The eunuchs held much influence over the late Emperor Ling, but have been on the decline since Emperor Shao inherited the throne, and started entrusting his Regent advisor Dong Zhuo more. Many of the Envoys, however, retained their jobs.

About Wu Ying in particular, you find that he was native to Luoyang, and have served the Imperial court for about 16 years, the last 8 years of which he served as an Envoy. He had been to Beiping once before, 6 years ago. Not much else can be found in your records about Wu Ying specifically.

2009-11-07, 05:44 PM
Liang Xiu

Xiu glanced downward, as her fathers emotional state began affecting her as well, "Father I- I know I'm not always the daughter you wished I was, and that I've put my own self above our house... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Xiu fled the room, tears in her own eyes as she entered her chambers and quietly sat done, wallowing in self pity and frustration.

Slowly she pulled out one of her blades from under her bed. What was she thinking? It was long time her tossed the thing aside... She duties now. Honor to uphold.

She sat there, silent tears falling upon the upon blade, wondering what she could do. What she had left.

2009-11-07, 09:56 PM
Fei Zhao

Somewhat despondent by the proceedings and the injustices of the world, Fei Zhao accepts the sentence laid upon him. Once in the cell and when the guards' attentions are elsewhere, the dwarven rogue will carefully search the cell for weaknesses and prepare his attempt to escape.

2009-11-07, 10:28 PM
Fei Zhao:

After a bit of subtle prodding, you notice that one of the iron bars on the north side is loose. If you really pushed yourself to the limits of your abilities, you might be able to squeeze through (Escape Artist DC 30). Unfortunately, the guards are generally vigilante and watching at all times, and probably would not take kindly to your escape attempt.

2009-11-08, 01:01 AM
I've got Escape Artist +10, so I could attempt it. Don't know if I could take 20 during the changing of the guard... Or are you sending a subtle hint I shouldn't try?

2009-11-08, 01:54 AM
Fei Zhao:

I'm not saying you shouldn't try; I'm saying that you'll need to come up with a plan better than just attempting to worm out of your cell while the guards are watching. Taking 20 takes takes 20 times the expected length of 1 attempt, so about 2 minutes. The guards will need to be distracted at least that long in order for you to have a shot.

2009-11-08, 11:19 AM

Tianlu simply returned home and began practicing with his katana. He thought whilst doing so. The trial seemed to be more a case of circumstance than actual evidence, and that bothered Tianlu deeply. One was innocent until decisively proven guilty, and there was doubt in Tianlu's mind that the dwarf was guilty.

There was nothing he could do about it, though, unless they found the real culprit.

2009-11-08, 11:23 AM

Tianlu's luck: [roll0] DC 75
Chen Zhi's luck: [roll1] DC 40
Hu Kaiheng's luck: [roll2] DC 80
Liang Xiu's luck: [roll3] DC 75

2009-11-08, 11:27 AM

It occurs to you that Liang Xiu seems to know a little more about this trial than you do. Besides, even if she doesn't, it might be fun to speak or spar with her again.

Chen Zhi only:

While walking about thinking on the case, you notice Wu Ying, the imperial envoy also wandering Main Street. He checks out a few peddler stands, and decides on buying a kite that looks bigger than he is, when unfurled. He then heads toward the south gates.
Please state your actions.

2009-11-08, 11:45 AM
Can I call that a lame excuse to get me over to her house? :smalltongue:

2009-11-08, 11:48 AM

Yes, Tianlu, yes it is. It is also a lame excuse for you guys to try to do some investigation! (Geez, I thought the memo about spellcasting services available was blunt enough already..)

2009-11-08, 11:51 AM
I knew that, but Kai has a) no ranks in UMD, b) no ranks in Knowledge Arcane. I didn't think he would have the knowledge to go seek out the necessary Spells to help him in investigating.

2009-11-08, 11:56 AM

I think the spells that many of the spells that are available is pretty common knowledge (so probably untrained DC 5 knowledge check at most). For example, the guards who testified also don't have ranks in Know[Arcana], but they've been guards long enough to know what methods are available to elude arrest. Also, I was referring spellcasting service.. i.e. you find the local sage (I guess that would be Chen Zhi, and maybe 1-2 other arcane casters in the city) / temple abbott and get them to cast the spell for you (so no UMD needed). (Furthermore, you could just ask them which spells they could cast and those spell effects.)

Kai doesn't really need to do anything, since he thinks the dwarf is guilty (although he could). But these other guys are suspicious, and it's un-PC-like to ignore a suspicious case :smalltongue:

2009-11-08, 12:21 PM
Fei Zhao

Keeping his voice to a whisper, Fei will attempt to converse with the gnome prisoner - prisoner trivialities and the such, trying to be friendly and build a relationship > 'what are you in for' 'how long have you been in here.' While at the same time, trying to detect whether the gnome would be open to helping him escape, via a diversion or more direct assistance.

DM: (Spoilers for checks, in case I shouldn't know)

Diplomacy to improve Gnome's attitude - [roll0].
Sense motive - [roll1]

2009-11-08, 12:40 PM
Fei Zhao:

The gnome is in jail for currency fraud.. he had been caught spending iron coins gilt with gold. He's served about a year and a half of his fifteen year sentence. While he initially gave only terse responses, he seemed to open himself up to you a bit, as he sensed that you may be suggesting a.. mutually beneficial agreement.

You sense that he would be willing to do what it takes to help you escape, provided that you also help him escape in exchange.


Guard 1 Listen: [roll0]
Guard 1 SM: [roll1]

Guard 2 Listen: [roll2]
Guard 2 SM: [roll3]

Guard 3 Listen: [roll4]
Guard 3 SM: [roll5]

One of the guards hears you two whispering, and suspects something may be up. He comes by and shouts, "Hey, quiet in there! Don't make me beat you!"

2009-11-08, 12:48 PM

Tianlu decided that Liang Xiu might have similar thoughts. He didn't wish to spar, so he kept on his navy robes. He walked to her house again. When he reached the door, he knocked.

2009-11-08, 12:54 PM

The doorman opens the gates, and asks what your business is, but a servant girl recognizes you from yesterday, and leads you into the manor. She whispers to you when you are out of earshot of the doorman. "Miss Xiu is quite distraught today.. it seems as if she had an argument with our master, and has locked herself in her room. Please, Miss Xiu has always been kind to me and the other servants. If there's anything you can do to cheer her up, it would be most appreciated."

2009-11-08, 01:12 PM

Tianlu nods and responds, "I'll see what I can do. Just take me to her room."

2009-11-08, 01:17 PM
The servant girl leads you to Liang Xiu's room.

Liang Xiu:

You hear a soft knock at the door. "Miss Xiu? It's me, Cailan. Sir Tianlu is here and wishes to speak to you."

2009-11-08, 02:23 PM
Liang Xiu

Liang took a deep breath, Tianlu was here? Perhaps, maybe she could salvage something after all. She was getting a second chance, best not waste it. Liang slid the blade back under her bed and called out to the servant, "I'll be out in just a moment," , she said before doing some quick touching up and smoothly moving out the door.

"Hello Tianlu," she said cheerfully as she stepped out, "Its wonderful to see you."

2009-11-08, 02:56 PM

Tianlu was confused at Liang's cheerful manner. "I came to talk about the trial, but I heard you had an argument with your father. Is everything all right?"

2009-11-08, 03:10 PM
Liang Xiu

"I would call it an argument really. We just discussed some things." she said a little too quickly, as she moved to sit down, "The trial? Oh yes. Awful affair," Liang Xiu said changing the subject smoothly, "Do you really think the dwarf did it? He seemed more confused then malicious to me.."

Bluff: [roll0]

2009-11-08, 03:15 PM
Chen Zhi

Chen Zhi trails the envoy, staying at a decent distance away but within visible range. As he does this he moves his hands wordlessly, casting Silent Reflective Disguise.

With his alibi set, Chen continues trailing
Hide: (Just in case) [roll0]

2009-11-08, 03:16 PM

Tianlu doubted she was telling the truth, but it could wait a moment. "I agree. None of the witnesses were lying, but there was nothing directly saying he was guilty. It just sits badly. Do you have any other information on what might have happened?"

Sense Motive: [roll0]

2009-11-08, 03:34 PM
Liang Xiu

Xiu frowned, "Well," she started, "That night all the noise with the guards woke me up, and I might have well looked into what happened." she paused for a moment and glanced around, "I overheard some of the officers talking, the dwarf was "Supposedly" after information on troop deployments of all things. Why would anyone want that?" The only reason someone would want those was if they planned to attack the city, and that was impossible. Liang Xiu sighed, "Do you have any thoughts?"

2009-11-08, 03:39 PM

"I want to know what he would use the information for. He could sell it, I suppose..." Tianlu thought, but he doubted that had anything to do with it.