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2009-11-01, 05:31 AM
Hi all,

I am presenting here something that has probably been done before: I am not familiar with alternative (to DnD 3.5) systems or the bulk of the generally recognized homebrew. I came up with this while watching a movie and pondering on how to solve a specific issue in my gaming group and I would like to run it by you, to see if you have something to add, spot weaknesses or have general comments.

The issue I am trying to solve here is that my gaming group consists of six people, some who are familiar with all the rules, most of the resources and the ability to make fairly efficient characters (often casters). Others are somewhat knowledgeable and make decently effective characters, while others are absolutely unfamiliar with all the options and tend to end up with very generic, fairly inefficient, but enjoyable characters (never casters). To close this gap I came up with the class below.

Some rationale: The issue won't be solved by 'educating' the less-knowledgeable players, we are all adults, people have kids, jobs and houses and convene once per week for good old fun. The class I created is generic and the only class available. You can build a fighter or rogue with this class and come up better than the standard fighter and rogue. If you aim to build a druid or wizard, you can get pretty darn close, but you'll find yourself a bit more restricted. It closes the gap between the tiers, it still rewards 'smart' choices and good combinations of abilities and it removes the 'necessity' of scavenging books for good classes and prestige class combo's while offering complete freedom to create the hero you envision.

Some stuff will be added in the special features section, I guess, when/if I think of them. Some feats won't work as well for this class, I intend to either remove those or adapt them (e.g. arcane strike becomes spell-like ability strike). I realize there is some potential for serious abuse in here, but that is no problem: our group doesn't work like that. The aim is to get freedom and simplicity in building the hero you envision.

What do you guys think, what can be added, which abilities are too good, or not good enough? Can you imagine this being fun for very casual players (I showed it to one of them and he was very enthousiastic)? I just need some knowledgeable folks to look over it and comment. Thanks in advance :smallsmile:.

(I apologize for the lack of fluff, but this is more about mechanics. I also apologize if I produced something here that has been done over and over before :smallwink: )

The Class

The Class
The class is the class. There are no others. All players, and most NPC’s, are a member of this class. Still you’ll find it hard to find two individuals that have the same abilities. Members of this class get to pick a feat at lvl 1, 3, 6, 9 etc., as per usual.

HD: 1d10, maxed out. Con modifier applies as well to hit points.
Skills: (8+Int modifier) x4
Class skills: All
Base attack bonus: +1
Base save bonus: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2
Weapon and armor proficiencies: You are proficient with the dagger, the sling and leather armor.

LEVEL 2-20
HD: d8
Skills per level: 4+Int modifier
Class skills: All
Base attack bonus: +0
Base save bonus: +1 to any save

{table=header]Level | Survival points | Special abilities
01 | 0 | Special feature, Cantrip
02 | 2 | Spell-like ability (1)
03 | 2 | Special feature
04 | 2 | Spell-like ability (2)
05 | 2 | Special feature, Cantrip
06 | 2 | Spell-like ability (3)
07 | 2 | Special feature
08 | 2 | Spell-like ability (4)
09 | 2 | Special feature
10 | 2 | Spell-like ability (5), Cantrip
11 | 2 | Special feature
12 | 2 | Spell-like ability (6)
13 | 2 | Special feature
14 | 2 | Spell-like ability (7)
15 | 2 | Special feature, Cantrip
16 | 2 | Spell-like ability (8)
17 | 2 | Special feature
18 | 2 | Spell-like ability (9)
19 | 2 | Special feature
20 | 2 | Spell-like ability (9), Cantrip [/table]

Survival points

At each level beyond level 1, you get two survival points, which you can spend on to get one of the following benefits:

Evade danger: For each point you spend on this ability, your base save for your chosen save rises by one. Your base save in any save cannot exceed your level+1 at any point.
Combat prowess: For each point you spend on this ability, your base attack bonus increases by one. Iterative attacks are, as usual, granted at b.a.b. 6, 11 and 16. Your base attack bonus may never exceed your level.
Skillful: For each point you spend on this ability, you get 4 extra skill points. Your max ranks in a skill may, as per usual, never exceed your level+3.
Toughness: For each point you spend on this ability, you get two extra hitpoints.

Special feature

At every uneven level, you get to pick one special feature from the list below.

Bonus feat: You can pick any feat you meet the prerequisites for as bonus feat. Everybody qualifies as a fighter for feats as weapon specialization.
Companion: You get a companion for live. This can be either a familiar, a special mount or an animal companion. It will improve as you level as per the druid, paladin or wizard class feature. You can only have one companion.
Divine grace: As per the paladin ability.
Evasion A: You gain the evasion ability. You do not lose this benefit when you wear heavy armor.
Evasion B: You gain the improved evasion ability. You do not lose this benefit when you wear heavy armor. You can only take this feature if you already have Evasion A.
Extra spell-like ability: You can select one extra spell-like ability, which you can now cast 3/day. The level of this spell can be no higher than your highest level spell-like ability minus 1.
Fast movement: At level 1, your base land speed increases by 10ft. At level 11, it increases again with 10ft. When you have 10 ranks in the climb skill, you gain the benefits of the Brachiation feat.
Healer A: You can convert your spell-like abilities of level 1-3 to a curing or vigor spell of the corresponding level.
Healer B: You can convert your spell-like abilities of level 4-6 to a curing, healing or vigor spell of the corresponding level. You can only take this if you already have Healer A.
I am a book-devouring optimizer: You found some class ability somewhere you really think is applicable to your concept. Perhaps the DM agrees with you, maybe he won’t. Try him, he may veto, approve, or judge that the ability deserves to be split up in an A and B ability. You can choose this option only two times during your career.
Mettle: You gain the Mettle feature.
Resilience A: You gain damage reduction 1/-.
Resilience B: You gain damage reduction 3/-. You can only take this if you already have Resilience A. The effects overlap.
Resilience C: You gain damage reduction 6/-. You can only take this if you already have Resilience B. The effects overlap.
Smite: You gain the smite ability as described in the destruction domain. You can smite once per day, plus one time per day for every four levels you possess.
Sneak attack: As per the rogue ability, you get 1d6 sneak attack, or your sneak attack increases by 1d6.
Spell resistance A: You gain spell resistance equal to your level +5, which maxes out at 15.
Spell resistance B: You gain spell resistance equal to your level +7, which maxes out at 22. You can only take this if you already have Spell resistance A.
Spell resistance C: You gain spell resistance equal to your level +10, which maxes out at 30. You can only take this of you have Spell resistance B.
Spell versatility A: Each day, you can pick one of your level 1-3 spell-like abilities and swap it for one other spell of equal level. This requires you to contemplate in peace for one hour.
Spell versatility B: Each day, you can pick two of your level 1-6 spell-like abilities and swap them for two other spells of equal level. This requires you to contemplate in peace for one hour. You can only take this if you have Spell versatility A.
Spell versatility C: Each day, you can pick three of you level 1-9 spell-like abilities and swap them for three other spells of the same level. This requires you to contemplate in peace for one hour. You can only take this if you have Spell versatility A.
Turn undead: You can turn undead as a cleric of your level.
Unarmed warrior: You get the unarmed damage of the monk, the flurry ability (which applies only to unarmed attacks) and the Ki-strike abilities (which, again, only apply to your unarmed attacks).
Uncanny dodge: You gain the uncanny dodge (and improved versions) ability as a rogue of your level.
Weapon and armor proficiency: You gain proficiency with all weapons and all armor.


Pick one 0th level spell from any spell list. You can now use this spell as a spell-like ability at will.

Spell-like ability

At every indicated level, you get to pick one spell from the cleric, druid, psion/wilder or sorcerer/wizard list of a spell-level no higher than indicated. If a spell occurs on two lists, treat it as having a level equal to the lowest. From now on, you can use this spell as a spell-like ability 3/day. The save DC for these abilities is 10+spell-level+your highest mental ability modifier Your caster level equals your level. Being a spell-like ability, it requires no components and is not subject to arcane spell failure. This ability is to some extent subject to DM fiat: indeed, you won’t be allowed to pick Miracle. You are allowed to pick a spell of a level lower than indicated.

Alternatively, instead of a spell like ability, you can pick one of the special features listed below, provided you meet the prerequisites. However, this has some consequences. In order to pick a spell-like ability of a certain level, you have to have picked the spell-like ability of one level lower: You cannot benefit from Spell-like ability (3) if you don’t possess Spell-like ability (2). Basically, if you choose this option, your whole Spell-like ability progression tree shifts downwards on the class table. Example: at level 2 Grumpy the dwarven adventurer chooses Ray of enfeeblement as spell-like ability. When he reaches level 4, he decides that he prefers a bonus feat over a spell-like ability. When he reaches level 6, he chooses a spell-like ability again, but is restricted to 2nd level spells. If he, ever, in his career chooses this alternative option again, he will never be able to learn a 9th level spell-like ability.

The following special features are optional as a choice instead of a spell-like ability:
Bonus feat, Fast movement, Smite, Sneak attack, Unarmed warrior, Uncanny dodge and Weapon and armor proficiency.

2009-11-01, 05:40 AM
You might like to take a look at baron com's generic class/race. It gives options to play almost whatever character you want, and if you want prepared spellcasting in your games (apparently it's not as fun) or some other ability, chose tha ability class that fits it most and add it in, maybe giving it a AP cost.