View Full Version : [NarutoITP] Character Registry

2009-11-01, 12:44 PM
This is the NarutoITP Characters thread. Please post any characters here. If you need translations for your techniques (i.e. Japanese translations) PM Kasanip to see if he/she will help.

Also, this is only for posting character stats. Please discuss characters in the OOC thread.

Now, here's our index, arranged by grouping and position.

Link to the character in the OOC thread, and discuss it there.

Character List:

Kage: Sandaime Hokage - Motogin Sen
Jounin: Genji, Raiden Homura, and Takata Arahasa
Chuunin: Hatsumi Sokaku, Satake Tomoya, Senga Thum, Wakahisa Yuuta, and Yamatchi Katsuo
Team 1: Ito Kaede, Nara Hari, and Yua Rin
Un-affiliated: Fukui Katsurou, Ikari Haru, and Tenyama Ryuu

Kage: Sandaime Raikage - Unknown
Jounin: Kurosawa Haruka

Kage: Unknown - Unknown
Genin: Kai Arezawa and Matsu Moroha

Missing-nin: Hazuma Kyo

"Kage": Chains
Jounin: Fuma Kyuu
Genin: Fuma Nirou, Kuma Youju, and Manriki Kin

Kage: Unknown - Unknown
Genin: Kirisaku

2009-11-01, 01:37 PM
Name/Rank: Motogin Sen, Third Hokage
Classification: S-Class
Birthdate: August 1st
Age: Fifty-one
Height: 6'6"
Weight: ?
Gender: Male
Blood type: O-
Land of Fire

Appearance: Sen is a tall man but not one that is very bulky either, looking wiry and muscled underneath the formal robes of his office. With black hair that has just begun to turn gray at the temples, he cuts a distinguished figure with a heavily lined and scarred face from his own service for Konohagakure. He carries no weapons on his person, but when seen without his robes, twelve scrolls can be seen tucked into his belt with his one arm covered in summoning script. Only the unlucky have seen the purpose of those tattoos.

When it comes to battle, Sen favors a black pair of pantaloons but no shirt, letting the burns and scars across his chest and back serve as a reminder to his enemies that he is not stranger to fighting or war.

Personality: Sen's military background makes him a stern tutor for those under his direct supervision, he's knowledgeable enough about politics to present a kinder front in public in order to boost the morale of the village. It's only whenever he's confronted by a situation that doesn't put the lives of other people at stack that one gets to see the real Sen, but sadly that is rarely seen these days.

Known as the 'Man Without Enemies' (because no one can challenge him) to the larger shinobi world, the Third Hokage has kept Konohagakure intact through the end of the last Great Shinobi War and does his best to ensure the shinobi of the village are able to survive in the outside world. When dealing with the other Kages he has a tendency to behave in a superior manner to them, but is always fair in his dealings to keep resentment towards Konohagakure down.

Bloodline: The Motogin family has no notable Kekkei Genkai, but have been noted for having larger chakra reserves then normal. But not to a significant degree.

Notable Jutsu: What jutsu does your character use the most often? It's entirely possible to deviate from this list, but try not to do so very much.
Juunijinshouhou no Jutsu - The seal used to imprison the Nine-Tailed Beast, it's more complicated to pull off then the Shiki Fuujin seal of canon and still very dangerous to it's user. A creation of Sen's, he's notably reluctant to teach it to other people. (Kinjutsu)
Garyuuheki (Dragonfire Barrier) - A technique to utilize any 'fire' chakra captured by Tokokara no Jutsu, the Garyuuheki technique creates a crimson wall of chakra that sets any living flesh that touches it on fire and can repel some jutsu as well. (Ninjutsu - Katon)
Unknown Name - A technique that allows Sen to view locations and people within the village via a crystal ball, this unknown technique has proven handy for observation despite it's limitations. Mainly that Sen can only look in on specific people and needs a general idea of where they are. 'The person who stole some excess exploding tags' would result in nothing while 'Gero Sasaki, the shinobi thief' would bring up an image of that person, even if they hadn't done what Sen thought they had. (Ninjutsu - Sealing)
Tenshunreiken (Heavenly Spiritual Fist) - The main use that Sen has for lightening chakra stored in his scrolls, the jutsu surrounds his hand with a crackling halo of energy that sends a veritable lightening bolt into any enemy Sen strikes, the sonic boom when he hits as much a threat as the lightening. (Ninjutsu/Taijutsu - Raiton)
Dai Tsuchiryuu no Jutsu (Great Earth Dragon Technique) - Creates a massive dragon out of earth and rock nearby to attack his enemies, and one of the few techniques that Sen is seen to use without first being attack himself by an elemental jutsu. (Ninjutsu - Doton)
Teppoudama no Jutsu (Water Bullet) - Using the water collected by one of his scrolls, Sen fires off a large 'bullet' of water that can shower the surrounding area with rain when it hits something. However it takes a lot of water to use and thus needs more then one scroll. (Ninjutsu - Suiton)

Ninjutsu: Sen's primary focus for his training, because of the nature of Tokokara no Jutsu, he has need to know many different elemental jutsu in order to get max effect out of his seal. While he favors particular jutsu, Sen has knowledge of many many more by simple virtue of being a Kage and having access to Konohagakure's hidden lists of jutsu.

Genjutsu: Little to no ability with this particular discipline of jutsu, the extent of Sen's dealings with it is to know how to dispel genjutsu. Should he notice them.

Taijutsu: The Sandaime's second area of training, this has notably taken a back-burner ever since he lost his arm. While he's able to keep up with taijutsu specialists, he isn't capable of out-fighting them in that regard anymore. He instead holds tries to hold them off until he can hit them with a mixture of ninjutsu and taijutsu or just some ninjutsu technique.

Special Abilities:
Host to the Nine-Tailed Beast and all that entails.
Tokokara no Jutsu (Endless Void technique): A unique seal of Sen's own creation, the tattoos on his arm are designed to absorb and transfer chakra attacks he can 'catch' to the inter-connected seal that holds the Nine-Tailed Beast and to the twelve scrolls on his belt. The scrolls store the chakra and elemental affinity of that attack for use with Sen's own techniques. If he runs out of scrolls to seal the chakra into though then all of it goes to the Nine-Tailed Beast's seal which is dangerous for his health and makes it harder to utilize his demon beast. (Kinjutsu)
One-handed seals: Due to his dismemberment, Sen has learned to make hand signs with only a single hand with surprising speed.
Strength: Sen's strength is on the high end for shinobi, but is not the highest by far as it is somewhat diminished by Sen's missing arm. It still paid not to underestimate how physically strong he was.
Speed: Average for a high-end shinobi, Sen's speed is almost entirely focused into having good reflexes rather then moving quickly. The hellish training regime he subjects himself too means he is adept at avoiding danger, and on rare occasions sometimes before he even knows it is there. (Usually for light comedic effect)

2009-11-01, 02:02 PM
Name: Takata Arahasa (First Name, Last Name)
Rank: Jounin
Classification: High A-Class
Age: 28
Height: 5’ 9”
Weight: 145 ibs.
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Konohagakure

Appearance: Takata does not appear intimidating or important. He is short and lean, dressing in a non-distinctive, practical shinobi uniform. Despite this, he walks with the easy, balanced grace of a skilled fighter, something he makes no effort to hide from observers. He has straight, black hair that reaches down to shoulders. Takata’s eyes, one blue and one red, are piercing and analytical, but also have a kindness to them. He has one shuriken holster on each hip, and also carries a few kunai in various pouches around his body. He has two tonfa, which he uses as his primary weapons against most opponents. He wears his forehead protector on his right shoulder. He has a pair of thin glasses that he wears.

Personality: Takata is laid back and easygoing, spending most of his spare time either sleeping or wandering around purposefully. He is not a slacker, however, and is very devoted to his job. Takata hates fighting, but believes that it is necessary in the long run. Normally calm and collected, he can become very angry if he sees someone being mistreated or if innocent people are put in danger. In battle, Takata is calculating and tactical, analyzing his opponent’s techniques and changing his own style to best combat them.

Takata likes to keep a low profile but he has gained a reputation as an extremely dangerous Shinboi amongst the Hidden Villages.

Bloodline: The Arahasa clan possesses a subtle, and very strange Kekkei Genkai. Elemental and Spatial Recomposition come more easily to clan members with it, allowing them to master higher level techniques more easily. In exchange, their ability to regulate their Chakra use is impaired, causing them to waste more energy using their techniques. Arahasa clan members also all have heterochromatic eyes (having eyes of two different colors).

Notable Jutsu:

Aether: Takata is a master of elemental and spatial recomposition. Although it took years of experimentation, he has learned how to merge them almost flawlessly. He calls this pinnacle of his craft Aether. Aether based techniques create solid weapons and tools out of immaterial elements, such as fire or wind. These can be quickly fabricated in large numbers and with high levels of variability, allowing Takata a large tactical advantage over and opponent. He can also mentally control these creations. Individual techniques will be revealed in game.

Rasengan: Takata is the inventor of the Rasengan technique. It is the ultimate end of his experiments with Aether, pushing his skill with Spatial Recomposition to its absolute limit. So far, he has only managed to perfect the basics, mastering the use of the Spatial aspect. He has thus far been unsuccessful in combining it with Elemental Recomposition.


Ninjutsu: Takata is a ninjutsu specialist, and as such his abilities in this field are very powerful. He specializes in Fire and Lightning Techniques, although he can also use some basic Wind moves.

Taijutsu: Takata is a superb hand to hand fighter, being nearly as skilled at Taijutsu as he is at Ninjutsu.

Genjutsu: Genjutsu is Takata's weakest area of the three combat disciplines, but he has still trained himself thoroughly in its use. He is about as skilled as an average Jounin with it.

Chakra Control: Due to his Kekkei Genkai, Takata has inherent difficulties regulating the amount of energy consumed to fuel his chakra use. He has trained long and hard to overcome this, but still suffers in this area compared to others of his level.

Special Abilities:

Tactical Genius: Takata is a masterful tactician, able to analyze his opponents techniques almost flawlessly, and is excellent at forcing his strengths against his opponent's weaknesses. Takata's incredible tactical skill puts him on par with S-rank shinobi, even though he is not one.

Weapon Skills: Takata is capable of using almost any weapon proficiently, thanks to his unique abilities.

Tiger Contract: Takata has a contract with the Tiger clan, allowing him to summon them to his side. Tiger spirits are physically very strong and capable of withstanding punishment, but tend to be overly direct and easily tricked. Many can also use lightning based jutsu.

2009-11-01, 02:07 PM
(By Zersk786)

Name/Rank: Kurosawa Haruka, Jounin and designated sucessor to the Sandaime Raikage. Often called the Dragon of Kumogakure.
Classification: A-Class (but some villiages have designated her S-Class)
Birthdate: April 25th
Age: Twenty-nine
Height: 5'6"
Weight: ?
Gender: Female
Land of Lightning

Appearance: Haruka is not an especially tall woman, with black skin, and what looks like a pattern of tattoos of lightning emanating from her belly, where a spiral is traced. She has naturally white hair, which she has in a single braid, keeping it out of the way. She is obviously well-muscled and fit.

She generally wears a two-piece outfit that exposes her belly, which can... distract opponents. It also displays the spiral on her belly for all to see, a fact which she is unconcerned about. She wears her Kumogakure forehead protector on her forearm as an armband.

Personality: Haruka has a blunt personality that is often very direct, but can also subtlety when she needs to. She is fearless in combat, and is absolutely sure of herself most of the time. In private, she also sometimes displays a softer side.

She also has a five-year old daughter, Akiko, and people are often amazed at how the fearless Dragon dotes and looks after her daughter. The father died on a mission soon after Akiko was born, and she has come to Konoha with Haruka.

Bloodline: The Kurosawa family in Kumogakure has no bloodline, but is noted for their tendency to combine Taijutsu and Ninjutsu in devestating attacks, and it is almost considered that the combination is their signature style.

Elemental Affinity: Lightning.

Notable Jutsu: Haruka tends to use Raiton techniques, with a focus on her family's style combining them and Taijutsu to absolutely devestating effect. She can also summon lightning Dragons, and is rumoured to be undergoing special training with some of them, but she has not revealed what it is. She also uses a short-ranged lightning teleportation jutsu, and has been noted to use Lightning Clones in battle.

Special Abilities: As the Rokubi no Raijuu jinchūriki, Haruka has a special affinity with lightning, as well as being much faster than most ninja.

2009-11-01, 02:46 PM
Name/rank: Matsu Moroha, Genin (experienced)
Clasification: Low C rank
Birthdate: June 21
Age: 13
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 138 lbs
Affiliation: Sunagakure (primary), Konohagakure
Due to treaty agreements, Matsu has been sent to Konoha for training (under the hokage?) as well as alliance reinforcement.

Appearance: Moderate length, spiky, dark green hair; well-tanned skin color. Eyes are a light blue.
Matsu wears a black long sleeve shirt and long pants. The sleeves of the shirt and the pant legs from the knee down are made from mesh, and quite durable. His hitai-ate is strapped around his waist, using a dark green band. He also wears a pair of gloves made of the same mesh as his pants and shirt.

Personality: Matsu is always curious, though he tends to watch more than ask questions. He's always been something of a loner, due to his unusual nature. During his brief period as a member of a squad, he was able to learn some social skills. He learned to enjoy the presence of people, and kept this trait (to some extent) even after the rest of his squad was killed.

Bloodline: It seems as though Matsu has the abilities of the Mokuton (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Wood_Release) Kekkei-Genkai, though his specific variation has been influenced by his original surroundings. As Sunagakure didn't have much in the way of plantlife, Matsu learned to manipulate his own body.

Notable Jutsu:
Wood release: Thorn growth: Matsu's most commonly used technique, this jutsu causes long, thornlike protrusions to extend from his arms and legs. They provide some measure of protection, but are mainly for attack. They can be used as part of unarmed strikes, shredding with each strike. As a secondary feature, (a different jutsu?) the thorns can exude a paralytic poison, though it isn't very strong.

Wood release: Bark armor: A thick layer of wood and bark quickly grows over any surface of Matsu's body, providing protection and resistance to damage.

Wood Release: Flowing wood: Using this technique, Matsu can move through wood as if it weren't there. It also allows for feats like hiding in walls, climbing up the inside of trees, and launching surprise attacks from the floor.

While not actually a technique, Matsu can use his bloodline to preform photosynthesis. Unless he doesn't have access to sunlight for long periods of time, Matsu needs not eat, but only to keep hydrated.

General Abilities:
Ninjustsu: Many of Matsu's abilities are ninjutsu, and he has become fairly skilled in the art.

Taijutsu: Much of Matsu's combat ability arises from his taijutsu skills, which are thoroughly developed.

Genjutsu: Matsu never had a teacher for genjutsu, and they never really struck him as useful.

Chakra Control: Because of his impressive chakra reserves, Matsu has never put much work into management of his own chakra. He does enjoy the use of both wall and water-walking jutsus though.

Special Abilities:
Container of the five-tailed wolf, Gobi. Because of his 'bloodline', the demon has mellowed out to some degree. Also, it has little to no chance of releasing; Matsu's chakra inherently suppresses the bijū. This has prompted Matsu to develop an alternate relationship with his 'prisoner', in more of a symbiotic relationship than other Jinchuriki. Besides the normal benefits this gives (huge chakra pool, unusually fast healing, etc.) his senses are quite a bit better than normal, especially his sense of smell and hearing.
Appearance (http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z87/fire_wolf77/Wolf/Earth_Wolf_by_Alemos_Cry.jpg) concepts (http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm12/Ede-chan/Wolf_of_Woods_by_yuumei.jpg) (just pretend they have five tails)

2009-11-01, 02:59 PM
Nara Hari, Genin of the Hidden Leaf (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=np0solnL1XY)
Name/Rank: Nara Hari (Last name first; Hari meaning either 'Needle' or 'Crystal' depending on Kanji-- he uses both interchangeably)
Classification: D-Class (Genin)
Birthdate: 11 May
Age: 16
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 130
Gender: Male
Blood type: AB-
Affiliation/Kage: Konohagakure

Appearance: Hari wears dark greys and sandy tans, meant for blurring his outline into the background in an Urban environment. He wears the standard lightweight Chainlink ninja-armor that members of his family favor, topped over by a short, Black jacket set with the Nara family symbol on the back. His ninja headband is pulled down around his neck, and set into a dark grey band. Hari's hair is light hazelnut brown, an unusual tone for the Nara family, but not especially odd in and of itself. He keeps it pulled back into a spikey wolf tail, but set close to the base of his neck instead of up in the air like many Naras prefer. Hari stands right at average height, but as with many ninjas conceals impressive physical potential beneath a slim and agile frame. Though he is not as overbearingly 'perfect' as are certain examples within the Leaf Village, he is still found to be quite comely by many females' standards.

Personality: Hari is rather outgoing and easy to like, especially among members of the opposite sex. He is in no way disrespectful or crude toward women his age, but he holds a very deep appreciation of their charms, and understands that many hold a similar appreciation for his. He has never been in a long-standing relationship, probably because of his inability to refrain from flirting playfully with other women, but he is very mirthful, even mischevous, when dealing with attractive young women around him; he will use his good looks and way with words to woo those he only barely knows on a whim, and even if he knows that they will shut him down, he will quite knavishly keep at it, just for the fun of it.

Underneath his whimsical, and maybe even shallow exterior, Hari is a deep thinker, analyzing battle strategies and contingency plans almost as fluently as his pickup lines and pillow talk. This is something that he prefers to hide about his personality, however, liking much better to be considered a harmless, if amusing distraction instead of a real competitor.

Bloodline: Katsugan Bloodline Trait
This semi-common Bloodline trait can often be found within the ANBU and Hunter-nin of various hidden ninja villages. Focused within the ninja's eyes, where some more flashy Optical bloodlines grant new capabilities to the shinobi's eye, the Katsugan instead improves and enhances the human eye's own innate ability. It drastically improves basic eyesight and visual memory, allowing one to easily spot concealed traps or hidden opponents. High speed sight is also no problem for the Katsugan, able to track even movements that would not be visible at all to normal eyes. However, the Katsugan's one weakness is also its greatest strength; the eyesight of the bearer quickly becomes too good, and direct exposure to light can become painful to the user. Nevertheless, the Katsugan's benefits often outweigh the inconvenience, and have alerted many vulnerable ninja from a deadly ambush.

The effect of the Katsugan cannot be turned off and neither can its weaknesses, and so users can often be seen wearing thin, semi-seethrough blindfolds to protect their eyes. As well, certain Jutsu have been developed that intentionally render the ninja effectively blind in order to counter the Katsugan's Light Sensitivity.

Nara Shadow Arts

Hari is a beneficiary of the Advanced Nara Hidden Arts, specifically concerning the Nara clan's peculiar proficiency with the Shadow Arts.

Notable Jutsu/Fighting Style: Hari fights with a (just one) specially crafted Dark Iron knuckle blade (http://www.myimportstore.com/store/images/Naruto/NarutoAsumaTrenchKnivesKC.jpg) that has been known to have special properties when interacting with elemental energy. However, he tends to shy away from melee combat, preferring to keep things at a safer distance. He remains open to using his entire ninja arsenal, from throwing weapons to explosive notes, always coming up with an off-the-wall or unexpected solution to a difficult tactical problem. However, he does gravitate toward utilizing Traps and strategies involving luring an opponent onto a battlefield of his own choosing rather than meeting them on their own terms.

Shadow Arts: Hari has mastered the basic Shadow Possession jutsu, and is currently learning the more advanced iterations of his Family's powerful technique line. He has also been developing arts unique to his own experimentation.

Ninjutsu: Hari tends to shy away from elemental Jutsu, except for one or two Katon (Fire) element Jutsu that he uses on occasion. Largely his Ninjutsu are utility or Ace-in-the-whole offensive, saved only for great need.

Taijutsu: Hari has studied two primary Taijutsu styles, but otherwise has average Taijutsu ability (too much work); either of these can be applied to Unarmed combat or using his Knuckle blade. Zentai Bougyo (Total Defense) is a style that works exactly as it sounds, being designed for absolute defense, and relying on the sharpness of his Katsugan to spot and predict incoming attacks. The second, Shinobi Hiken: Dachi -- Shouja (Shinobi Secrets: Stance -- Small Serpent) is a hidden style, mimicking the sudden strike and powerful reflexes of a Serpent for simultaneous attack and defense.

Genjutsu: For no particular reason, Hari does not have any Genjutsu techniques in his repertoire. This is not because of any difficulty of Affinity, learning, or enacting such techniques, he simply has not had interest in them. This may come as a result of his Katsugan eye finding all but the most convincing of illusions to look cheap and fake-looking, even if they seem quite real to others.

Chakra Control: Hari has learned and nearly mastered both techniques of Kinobori (Tree Walking) and Tadayou (Water Strider), as well as a third technique, Kawa no Yoroi (Skin Armor) that uses chakra to harden his Skin for defense.

Special Abilities: [Pending]

Kirisaku, Genin of Hidden Mist (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aI4JLa0hbUw)
Name/Rank: Kirisaku (Meaning 'To Sharpen the Mist')
Classification: D-Class (Genin)
Birthdate: 28 Feb
Age: 13
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120
Gender: Male
Blood type: A+
Affiliation/Kage: Hidden Mist

Appearance: http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x123/OverWilliam/1220307087895-1.png

Kirisaku's usual dress consists mostly of muted blues and greys that, by design, blur into the ever-present mists that saturate the aptly named Land of Mists. Two of his most notable features are his boyishly appealing looks and his always-damp hair; though it is quite stylish, his hair never seems to dry out all the way from the mists surrounding the Land of Waves. Kirisaku wears a distinctive white silken scarf at all times (he has never been seen without it) and also has a unique charm bracelet of Electric blue crystal and water-polished stones, some engraved in black with little designs and runes. The main charm is a polished blue magatama (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d7/Magatama_Modern.jpg) stone.

Personality: Kirisaku (or just 'Kiri', as he is known to some) is a very pleasant, outgoing, 'people person' type of young ninja. He is very polite with his superiors, very kind to his equals, and very understanding of all, regardless of position of any sort. Kiri has a highly developed sense of empathy, placing himself in others' shoes and seeing things from their angle, sometimes almost to the point of seeming to read their minds. He is extremely considerate of others' needs and desires, and is constantly aware of himself and others, trying to be as helpful and useful to his teammates as he can be.

Kirisaku comes from a medium-wealthy family, a rare thing in the impoverished Land of Waves, but he has seen his fare share of troubles. His mother was a quiet, gentle, extremely delicate woman who Kiri loves dearly; his father was an alcoholic as well as a man of considerable stress from his occupation, and was not very kind to either Kirisaku or his mother. One day, possibly for the better, the man disappeared with nothing more than a note that was found at their house; with him he took a large part of their minor wealth, leaving the two of them saddled with debts that they did not even know had been tied to their name. In the end the two fled back to her Father's house, where they were taken in with open arms, supported, nursed back to health, and from where Kirisaku spent the rest of his Childhood before joining the Ninja academy.

Despite his very personable nature, Kirisaku spends a lot of time alone. Much of his alone time is spent thinking, practicing his Ninja arts, playing a variety of Wind instruments, or carving new ones himself. Seldom can he be found without either a Shakuhachi (http://www.summerthundermusic.com/index_files/SE_data/shakuhachi.jpg) or a Paixaio (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_3YWvMM9XCAU/R_5Aw3bCJPI/AAAAAAAAAJQ/uw4SPV6OAtQ/s400/panpipes.jpg), and can often be heard playing drifting, lilting music, even when he doesn't know there's anyone around to hear.

Bloodline: None.

Notable Jutsu/Fighting Style: Kirisaku strays away from fighting at all whenever he can help it, but once battle has been joined he utilizes a Battle Wire, a Shinobi gauntlet that produces many fine, irresistibly sharp iron wires to battle opponents. This particular fighting style prefers to keep its enemies a little further back than arm's reach, and so he also possesses various means of ensuring distance is kept between himself and his opponent.

Sealing Techniques: Kirisaku has received basic instruction in utilizing specially made inks and specific Jutsus to enact a variety of effects through the use of Calligraphy and Ninja Arts. The most commonly used of these techniques involves the Sealing of inanimate objects into the pages of a Scroll for retrieval at a later time. He also utilizes Advanced Seals, pre-scribed pages similar to an Exploding Tag, but that channel chakra for different uses.

Ninjutsu: Kirisaku employs equal parts Suiton (Water) and Fuuton (Wind) Jutsus, including such classics as the Kazegama no Jutsu (Wind Sythe Jutsu) and Kirigakure no Jutsu (Hidden Mist Jutsu), though both are admittedly closer to Novice levels. He also has learned a few techniques for Utility, including a mid/low level Camouflaging technique that he uses to great effect.

Taijutsu: Kirisaku's Taijutsu abilities largely consist of techniques concerning the Kousen Ryu (Iron Wire Style) along with his Battle Wire, but he also keeps a few surprises saved for a rainy day (or, rainier than usual). Among others, he knows the Shundou (Instant Displacement) technique, a high-speed burst of movement that allows him to travel faster than the (normal) human eye can track over very short distances.

Genjutsu: Kirisaku is not terribly comfortable using Intermediate level or higher Genjutsu techniques, though he has an undeniable proficiency with them. He is capable of simple tricks like confusing the specific motions of his hands when doing ninja hand seals with Douta no Jutsu (Hand Motion Confususion), all the way up to more devastating Jutsus like some lower level Magen (Demonic Mirage) techniques, for example the Magen - Narakumi no Jutsu (Demonic Mirage - Living Hell Technique). Many will find that his Genjutsu influences are more difficult to resist than a Genin of his level would typically be capable of, but he is not quite Genius level even with Gen, and is not that special.

Chakra Control: Kiri has an innate understanding and ability with Chakra Control, having learned to apply it in creative ways even past the basic Chakra Control techniques. However, he has not spent as much time studying and practicing Chakra Control jutsu as he has other categories, though this comes more from not having a dedicated teacher in this area than not having ability or interest.

Special Abilities: [Pending]

Innis Cabal
2009-11-01, 03:36 PM
Name/Rank: Hazuma Kyo/Missing-Nin,
Theme Song:
Classification: S-Class
Birthdate: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Height: 5’3’’
Weight: 120 lb
Gender: Male
Blood type: AB+
Affiliation/Kage: Amegakure, Previously Iwagakure

Appearance: Kyo stands rather short, with a willowy frame that seems almost too slight and small to be an actual ninja’s body. He most often wears a single black mandarin shirt with long sleeves, black pants and a red sash, its loose ends hanging almost to the floor. He carries his blade in a rectangular sheath made from dark wood across the small of his back at all times. Few people know Kyo’s eye color, hidden behind a curtain of straight, thick black bangs that hang almost to his nose. The rest of his hair is pulled back into a pony tail, most often braided, to the small of his back. The only other feature of note is the almost constant warm, gentle smile that graces his face, wrinkles on his young face showing that the smile is almost a permanent feature. He often wears geta, and can be heared from yards around with his clacking.

Kage Uniform: Kyo wears the typical Kage uniform, the kanji for Rain on his hat, and the color of the triangle a dark gray like the cloudy sky. He continues to keep his sword on his back.

Shoku Uniform: Kyo’s Shoku uniform varies little from others, his long trench coat lined with rich thick fur, with prayer strips made of metal attached to his sleeves on chains. He most often keeps his jacket open, his typical outfit lying underneath. He wears a blank white mask over his face, a red smile etched on it its only feature. He holds his sword in its typical place, and wears a pair red geta.

Personality: Hazuma Kyo could be said to have a bubbly personality, laughing and joking at almost all times. He is known to be quite charitable, giving freely of himself to the large majority of poor he finds himself living within Amegakure. This ready nature has earned him a great deal of respect, both in the distrustful Missing-Nin who make their home in the Village Hidden in Rain and in the general population as well, known as “The Laughing Yojimbo”

Bloodline: Ama-no-monomaneshi-no-kamae
Elemental Affinity: Unknown

Notable Jutsu

Hazuma Kyo is known as an S Class Missing-Nin, and has been noted by Iwagakure that he is well versed in both Taijutsu and Ninjutsu, knowing numerous jutsu’s.

Summoning: Hazuma Kyo is a contract holder, and is quite skilled at summoning on the fly. He has several seal stamps, large blocks of wood with seals etched to the bottom, to facilitate this quick summoning.

Footsteps in the Sand: Creates a hazy dust like curtain around Hazuma, creating silent after images as he dashs forward, confounding attacks,

Clouds in your Sleeve: Creates several wispy long tendrils from Hazuma’s sleeve, each tipped with bitting mongoose heads. These dissapate in a relatively short amount of time, though can reach several feet to attack. It is unknown if these spirit tendrils can be created from other area’s.

Rain of Apathy: A newly created jutsu, or at least one unseen until recently, Rain of Apathy creates a small dense cloud above Hazuma Kyo’s head, rain issuing forth. The rain is dirty, and covers all but Hazuma in a thick muddy water that slowly hardens, growing heavy. Should anyone remain in this area, they can be completely encased in thick clay like earth, though it does not effect their breathing.

General Abilities

Ninjutsu: Hazuma Kyo is a master of Ninjutsu, and it is arguably his strongest field of expertise, mastering countless jutsu’s. It is rumored he became a Missing-Nin by fleeing Iwagakrue by stealing several of their forbidden jutsu. This is of course only rumor, though the level of Hunter-Nin after him speak that it might not all be a fabrication.

Taijutsu: Despite his small and light build, Hazuma Kyo is a well known swordsman even outside of his Ex-Village, and a renowned folk hero in Amegakure for his talents of physical combat.

Genjutsu: Hazuma Kyo has rudimentary skill with Genjutsu, roughly between C rank or B rank.

Chakra Control: As an S class Ninja, Hazuma Kyo excels in the arts of chakra manipulation, even being marked as performing strange and unheard of feats of power in this field.

Special Abilities

Ringing Sword Style: While a master of swordplay, Hazuma has created both his own type of sword, and a fighting style based around its use. His sword, a sword length tuning fork, is bladed on each outside edge, the fork ending in two wicked points. The Ringing Sword Style relies on both confusion and several forms of hand to hand, incorporating both hand strikes and sword swings into a vicious storm of attacks.

Contract: Hazuma Kyo has a contract with the spirit of the Mongoose, and can summon these creatures to aid him. The Mongoose Spirits are noted for their cunning and their speed, though are physically not as powerful as other summons.

Elemental Affinity: Despite his chakra's elemental aspect being unkown, several sources have spoken of his seemingly masterful ability to blend and manipulate the various other elemental chakra’s for bizarre results.

2009-11-01, 04:20 PM
Name/Rank: Hatsumi Sokaku (Last Name, First Name) ; Chunin.
Classification: B-Class
Birthdate: November 27
Age: 19
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 175 lb.
Gender: Male
Blood type: O
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Affiliation/Kage: Konohagakure; Land of Fire; Hokage

Appearance: Sokaku has a generally unassuming appearance. Despite his height, his weight is such that his build is a very healthy average. He wears his hair loose and to about his shoulders.
His clothing, even when off duty, is what many think of when they hear the word "ninja"; he typically wears blacks, greys, and other dull colors. Simple, loose pants and long sleeved shirts. Instead of the more common "ninja sandals", he wears heavy steel-plated boots. His hands have thick fingerless gloves on them. He wears his "forehead protector" on his belt, leaving his head free. He carries a single pouch of kunai, as well as a small number of shuriken, but he doesn't tend to rely on them; his belt is comparatively empty of anything but the bare minimum of supplies and such.

Personality: Sokaku was born without the ability to properly channel chakra to use ninjutsu, genjutsu, or similar skills. His system is "stunted"; he's alive, and capable of developing his natural abilities, but is otherwise "handicapped". Realizing this at a young age, he decided to resort to true, simple skills. This formed the basis of his philosophy. Sokaku believes that any individual can surpass another given time and effort. While the so called "geniuses", as well as most anyone with a bloodeline limite, has a better head start, someone with little natural talent can surpass them if he continuously works to improve his skills and power. Flexibility is another key to success. Flexibility of mind, flexibility of style, flexibility of body, flexibility of method. Only your beliefs, your convictions, your bonds of friendship should be strong and unmoving.

Though he was teased as a child, Sokaku is a very easy-going individual, often having a smile and kind word for his fellow man. Any remarks about his lack of ability with regards is met with a shrug and a smile. He is often found encouraging those who are themselves found "lacking" by their peers, guiding them to find and develop their own strengths, or even create one whole cloth. Sokaku is happy to work with his fellow Konoha ninja, working to aid them and better the village. However, anyone who threatens his village, threatens his friends, or attacks the defenseless earns his ire. Hatsumi Sokaku's anger is not the raging volcano; is is the crashing, freezing ocean.
When he is serious, Sokaku is a deadly opponent, seeking to win a fight in the fews possible number of moves.

Bloodline: If anything, Sokaku has the opposite of a bloodline. Though his body produces some measure of chakra, his chakra pathways are stunted such that he can never use genjutsu or ninjutsu.

Special Abilities: Sokaku has spent his entire life training his body to greater heights of strength. He has used special weights for years; these days, he has cloth bands wrapped around his forearms, calves, and chest. These bands are covered in special seals that act like more traiditional weights. Sokaku has what, to him, feels like several hundred pounds constantly, the weight displaced evenly along his entire body. Though he posseses no true skill with chakra usage, Sokaku has trained himself to be able to manage these special weights. He can either adjust them up or down, or even turn them completely off.

General Abilities

Ninjutsu: None

Genjutsu: None

Chakra Control: Only so much as is necessary to activate and deactivate his weight seals. Other than that, none.

Taijutsu: More so than his weights, Sokaku's focus has been on taijutsu, skill at unarmed combat. He has learned a multitude of styles, focusing on varied methods.Thus, he can adjust his style on the fly while in the middle of a fight, keeping his opponent off-guard. His favored styles tend to utilize either throws,joint locks, and force redirects, or some style that puts the opponent off-guard (such as drunken boxing, or capoeira). While skilled, Sokaku is still young enough he's only truly achieved basic mastery of his varied forms. It will take him a few years still to become a full master in all of them.

Hijutsu: None.

Kinjutsu: Sokaku's "ace in the hole" is his ability to use the Eight Celestial Gates. He knows, at least in theory, how to open all of them. However, in practice, he can only open the first 3 gates. Those gates, however, he's practiced enough with to not totally exhaust himself after usage, so long as it is for brief periods. Any more gates are only opened in the direst of circumstances.

2009-11-01, 05:09 PM

佐竹 知弥
Satake Tomoya
Rank: Chuunin
Classification: ~B Rank
Birthdate: October 31st
Age: 16
Height: 5'3"
Weight: none of your business!
Gender: Female
Blood type: B
Affiliation/Kage: Serves the 3rd Hokage
* Konohagakure
* Land of Fire
Theme Song: A Resolute Person (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EEsmwayj4Q)
Appearance: At a modest height, Tomoya seems to be relatively well kept - her hair is controlled, and gently pulled to the right side of her face with a hair clip - the only really girly item on her appearance. She wears a black yukata appropriate of a calligrapher, and a glove on her right hand that only covers her ring and pinky finger. Perhaps her most noticeable features are the large kanji 封 inscribed on her forehead, as well as 掌 on the back of her right hand.

Personality: In general, Tomoya seems to be a relatively calm and controlled young lady with a penchant for intense concentration and meticulous care. She seems patient and kind, always willing to help, though confident of her skill in combat.
However, when in the presence of the Hokage, she is suddenly filled with a fiery passion of "Can-Do" spirit similar to that of say, Rock Lee. She treats him like a savior who can do no wrong, and never hesitates to do what he asks and gives it her 120%.
Perhaps this is a side effect of trauma from the hellish training regime that the 3rd Hokage has put her through... Or maybe not - see background for more on that...

Finally, Tomoya has a deeply repressed anger and frustration at the idea of Limitation. She is deep down, a very deep firebrand, and should the stress of a combat situation cause her to "Snap," she'll begin literally trying to blow everything up...with explosive tags. While laughing hysterically.

Background: Tomoya did not come from any famous clans or backgrounds, and indeed was no where near the top of her ninja class through the academy in performance for combat or ninjutsu skills. That's not to say she doesn't know any - rather it's just not her strength. She was quite an energetic and lovable child who was more interested in playing or talking with friends, which did not help her in a school learning environment. She displayed a rare talent for inscribing chakra - useful for writing seals and many of the paper crafts such as explosive tags. Her superiors recognized this, and after much deliberation, she was placed under the tutorage of the Hokage.
Though her excitable and spunky attitude helped her through the beginnings of the Hokage's rigorous training regime, ultimately things started to become tense between them due to her failures and struggles to meet the high standards presented. This all came to change on her fifteenth birthday:
After a bitter exchange of words with the Hokage, who had berated her on some of her failures during the day's training regime, Tomoya went home in frustration to mope silently in her room - quite a depressing birthday. Knowing she was letting everyone down, including herself, she made a vow that she would do things right, and become a ninja everyone would be proud of, and she wrote the seal 封 (Hou) on her forehead using all of her skill.
The power of seals is a dangerous one indeed, and completing the seal caused an explosion which totaled her room, and left Tomoya in the hospital for a week in a coma. When she awoke, her personality had totally re-manifested, though in actuality she still holds those original traits deep within her. She of course, has no memories of being any different - only what people have told her, which is little and so largely irrelevant to her now, that she doesn't seem to mind.
A year has gone by, and though perhaps it is a disturbing and chilling change for those that knew her well when she was younger, Tomoya is doing just fine, and excelling in all her fields. She just achieved Chuunin status - a rank really no one could have expected her to achieve back during her early Genin days. She still is under the supervision of the Hokage, and she serves as a kind of 'assistant,' performing a wide range of activities.

Bloodline: None notable, though she possesses a rare affinity to scribing chakra.
Elemental Affinity: Fire

Notable Jutsu: She does not generally perform normal jutsu, though is familiar with the standard ones all genin and most chuunin know. Her real talent lies in seals/scribing/summoning variety of jutsu, especially in written form. Beware her exploding tags.

Special Abilities:
She is a prodigy with chakra scribing, and is under the tutorage of the Hokage himself in order to train her skills. She uses a brush and paper to do most of her work, writing seals and explosive tags. The power of words in her brush are the powers she commands...though if she was to use them in combat, she'd have to prepare well in advance.

The Seal on her forehead "封"("Hou") means "Seal" and it has sealed a good deal of her original personality away so that she could be 'molded' into a great ninja. The effects are described in her personality/background description.

In addition, she has since also started to write more characters on her body - most prominent being the one "掌" ("Shou") on her right hand, slightly hidden by the two fingered glove that she wears. It is an amplifier for her chakra to increase the speed and ease at which she scribes chakra (she is in fact, ambidextrous, and can write with either hand. Only her right one is amplified, however).

Notable Facts and Character Relationships

Sokaku and Yuuta were on the same Genin Squad after completing academy together. It would seem Tomoya is the last to achieve Chuunin rank among them

2009-11-01, 07:32 PM
Name: Kai Arezawa (First Name, Last Name)
Rank: Genin
Classification: C-rank
Age: 16
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 132 Ibs.
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Sunagakure

Appearance: Kai is a tall, striking figure, who walks with poise and dignity. He has a handsome face, with light brown eyes and short, blond hair. He wears a white flak vest over a thin, long sleeved, light brown shirt, and white fingerless gloves that cover his forearms. Strips of metal line the gloves. A mundane but well made katana hangs at his left side, and he wears simple black pants, and typical shinobi sandals. He wears his forehead protector on his forehead.

Personality: Kai is serious, determined, and has little tolerance for fools, although he nurtures a strong sense of humor. Relatively stoic. He has few friends, and spends most of his free time training. Kai lives by a flexible but absolute code of honor, and is a good person, although his vision is somewhat clouded by his upbringing. Despite this, Kai is also prideful and arrogant, although he recognizes this about himself and tries to view his achievements and failures through unfiltered eyes. He is also not a braggart.

Bloodline: The Arezawa clan is the possessor of the All Knowing Black Eye Doujutsu. When it is manifested, the user's eyes become entirely black, with the exception of a white, simple crosshair (http://www.airgunsonly.com/hawke/reticle/18dot300.jpg) design. While using the Doujutsu, the user can analyze the physical status of objects or animals, determining condition, weak points, strong points, and unusual physical features. The Doujutsu can also pierce Genjutsu, or more accurately, doesn't see them at all, meaning that Genjutsu has no effect. The Bloodline also grants the improved vision present in all Doujutsu.
The Arezawa clan is also very powerful politically and is considered one of the "Noble Houses" of Sunagakure, although Kai tends to play this down to people who aren't informed of the fact.

Elemental Affinity: Wind

Notable Jutsu:

Soaring Step: When using this move, Kai creates two powerful blasts of wind from his feet, giving him a burst of speed and allowing him to close with an opponent.

Sword of the Heavens: By using his sword as focus, Kai creates blades of wind which extend invisibly from it, allowing him to catch an opponent off guard. Although powerful, this technique is difficult for Kai to use with precision, and requires total focus to be effective. It also has limited range. Kai can also use it to increase the speed of his swing.. At its highest level, Kai uses the technique to create a rolling series of air blades around the blade, creating a "chainsaw" effect which increases the cutting power of the blade.

Divine Strike: Swinging his blade in front of him, Kai shoots a curving blade of wind at his opponent. Notable as one of his few ranged attacks.

Veil Parting: By swinging his sword in front of him, Kai creates a small cyclone in an arc in front of him. Not very effective as an attack, but capable of diffusing some elemental Jutsu and diverting small projectiles away from him.

Art of the Shadow Doppleganger: Kai has actually managed to learn how to create Shadow Dopplegangers, although they are exhausting and difficult for him to use.


Ninjutsu: Ninjutsu is Kai's strongest area of the four basic techniques. He is a strong wind user.
Taijutsu: Kai is an expert with Taijutsu, but prefers to use his sword.
Genjutsu: Kai has little aptitude for Genjutsu, and has only the most basic of abilities with it, enough to graduate from ninja school. The sole exception to this rule is the doppleganger technique, which he has trained hard in and is very skilled with.
Chakra Control: Kai has good chakra control, and is efficient with its use.

Special Abilities

Swordsmanship: Kai's greatest skill is his Kenjutsu. Kai is has spent most of his life training in bladework, and has a high natural affinity for the sword arts. This is supplemented by a heavy training regime. Kai is well versed in traditional swordsmanship, and is very skilled in Battojutsu and Iaijutsu techniques. During his time in Konoha, he has also begun to learn the Dance of the Crescent Moon style, which he is yet to master.

Sword Seals: As a blade specialist shinobi, Kai has learned how to make seals while holding his sword, enabling him to use Jutsu without dropping it.

Shades of Gray
2009-11-01, 08:14 PM
Name/Rank: Wakahisa Yuuta, Chuunin (Surname, First name)

Classification: B-Class
Birthdate: June 14th
Age: 16
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 165 lbs
Gender: Male
Blood type: B

* Konohagakure
* Land of Fire

Appearance: A tall young man, Yuuta certainly lives up to his name (Leisurely and big). He has brown eyes, and a fairly round face. His dark brown hair is usually kept at the stage right before mullet, and he has long bangs. When not on a mission, he tends to wear an open dress shirt with a t-shirt underneath, and black jeans. On a mission, he wears the standard Chuunin vest with a dark green shirt underneath, and loose gray pants. He keeps kunai at his belt, and a scroll-case at his hip. He wears his Leaf-Village headband around his neck.

Personality: Yuuta generally acts relaxed, and avoids confrontation when possible. He can't stand seeing violence, and will actively try to stop it, sometimes causing him to charge in when stealth would be a better option. He's an avid reader, and a terrible artist.

Bloodline: His signature jutsu has been used by his family for generations.

Notable Jutsu: Folding Technique, Paper Mastery No Jutsu! - Yuuta can use an advance form of origami, and create a variety of things with paper. Including golems, ninja tools, and modes of transport. He uses a special paper that's waterproof and slightly heat-resistant.
Infinite Folding- He can fold a piece of paper so much that it achieves the hardness of a blade, but almost no flexibility.

Abilities: He has a pretty good control of chakra, but his true strength lies in the ingenuity of his paper tools and physical combat.
General Duties: Yuuta usually goes on missions with other Chuunin or Genin. This often leaves him away from Konohagakure, much to his chagrin. He loves spending time back home, and will usually buy all of his friends a drink when he gets back, usually spending all of the money he makes from his missions.

Other Notable Facts: Yuuta was a member of the same genin squad as Tomoya.

Name/Rank: Ito Kaede, Genin (Surname, First name)

Birthdate: February 2nd
Age: 11 And a half!
Height: 4'0"
Weight: 73 lbs
Blood type: A

* Konohagakure
* Land of Fire

Appearance: Kaede stands fairly short, but this is most likely attributed to age. The genin has black hair that falls to around the middle of the neck in length, and often covers the eyes, and is fairly pale. Kaede wears a winter jacket with the sleeves torn off, and standard black pants with boots. The jacket's hood is often pulled up, regardless of temperature, obscuring vision even further. To fit with the winter theme, Kaede also wears a ski mask around the neck and a set of winter gloves. Kaede also wears a scrollcase underneath her jacket.

Personality: Kaede is extremely shy, especially around fellow classmates. When not wearing any sort of jacket or gloves, Kaede often shivers.

Bloodline: Kaede is from one of Konoha's noble clans, but doesn't seem to have manifested any special jutsus or techniques as a result of this

Notable Jutsu: Kaede mostly uses water and wind based jutsu, and is quite proficient with them.

Demonstrated Abilities: Hidden Mist Technique, Water Clone Jutsu, Flying Monkey Jutsu. Non-Demonstrated Abilities: Bird's wing jutsu. More to come...

Genjutsu: Kaede knows a few genjutsu, mostly focused on messing with vision.

Ninjutsu: Ninjutsu is Kaede's speciality, preferring water and wind jutsu.

Taijutsu: Kaede doesn't believe that taijutsu is all that useful, but knows the amount necessary to pass the genin exam.

2009-11-01, 08:36 PM
Name/Rank: Raiden Himura, Jonin
Classification: B-Class to A-Class
Birthdate: Unknown
Age: 25
Height: 6'2
Weight: 155 lb
Gender: Male
Blood type: O+
Affiliation/Kage: Hokage

Appearance: He is a tall and lanky guy with green eyes. He looks rather harmless.

Personality: He enjoys teaching and drawing for the most part. He can be found giving extra help to young kids at the ninja academy. He has no squad, he does better work on his own usually.

Quirks: He is silly in serious situations, he could be at a funeral and be cracking jokes. Mostly to hide his own sadness about whoever died.

Notable Jutsu: Fire Jutsu

[b]Summons: He has a contract with a wolf clan who are mostly used for tracking and using their senses to see through genjutsu.

2009-11-01, 08:41 PM
Name/Rank: Senga Thum/ Chunin
Classification: High B rank
Birthdate: March 23
Age: 18
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 148 lb.
Gender: Male
Blood type: AB+

Land of Fire

Appearance: Senga is a handsome faced young man. He has brown, messy hair, and his eyes are deep blue. He is unmarked from any scars from combat even though he has seen quite a bit.

He has a short blade which he only uses should his opponents be armed as well. He also has several prepared paper bombs and a couple special tags for wrapping around his Kunai-knives for a special Lightning style jutsu he developed. He wears a tan long-sleeved shirt with greenish long pants. He has his head band wraped neatly on his forehead.

Personality: Senga is generaly nice in nature. However, he tends to be a workaholic and it's not uncommon hor the Hokage to force him to take a break after 5 to 6 missions. On his breaks, he wanders the town, anxiously awaiting the next mission. He is very eager to advance to Jounin and wants to go on as many missions as possible to get there.

When he fights, he fights with cold determination. He fights cautiously to see what the opponent is like, and then he attacks with alot of vigor. When his opponent is evil enough in his eyes, he will unleash his strongest of jutsu's on them whether they need it or not, until they are dead.

Bloodline: Senga has no Kekkei Genkai. However, he has more than average amount of chakra and is able to use lightning and Wind style jutsu's quite easily.

Elemental Control: Lightning and Wind nature chakra

Notable Jutsu: Senga know a large varitey of Jutsu's but his favorite are.

Chidori: Able to focus Chakra into a visible lightning nature in his hand and strikes the opponent.
Lightning Release Shadow Clones: Able to make shadow clones that release a damaging electrical charge when discharged.
Plasma Ball: Able to form Lightning around him in a sphere that repels most attacks
Blast Wave Palm: Able to cause a chakra wind slice that can cut most materials
Tornado Drill: Senga usually doesn't like wind jutsu's that cause the wind to spiral. However, after helping one of his genin perfect this technique, it wasn't long before Senga invented this jutsu. He can now form a mini tornado around his hand. The tornado spins at extremely high speeds and Senga can use it as a drill into solid rock. He has yet to test it on pure metal however. If he wants, he can throw it as well. But once it's launched, he has no control over it's direction afterwards. *This jutsu is still being developed.*

Special Abilities:

Electric Current: Senga is able to release a electric current into his Sword, Kunai, and shuriken that stuns opponents it hits.
Wind Discharge: Senga has a somewhat passive effect inspired by his wind nature. He is able to have a small blast of force from various parts of his body. He uses it to push himself farther when he runs or jumps. He also is able to focus it into his blows, pushing and harming his opponents greater then normal. He can actively increase the force of this ability, but it causes alot more chakra to do so.
Lightning Rod Tags: Senga has a couple of tags which when he wraps around a kunai knife, he can then send an electric shock to it from a distance. The path of the lightning is somewhat direct, but it branches out a bit and electricutes anything it touches.

Maximum Zersk
2009-11-01, 09:13 PM
Tenyama Ryuu (Last, First); Genin

Classification: D/C rank
Birthdate: December 21
Age: 14
Height: 5' 2"
Weight: 100 lbs.
Gender: Male
Blood Type: A

Land of Fire

Appearance: Brown Hair that is medium length. Reddish mixed with Brown eyes. A tattoo spiralling across his arm that looks like a sillhouete of a flame.

Wears a Sephiroth-looking outfit, minus the shoulder blades. A single glove with a picture of a pair of angel wings on it.

Personality: More or less Calm, but with a twinge of worry that shows on his face. Considerate of others, and usually quiet. Is a sucker for those things that you see in TV ads, such as: "Magic Plant Fertilizer! Actually works!" or something like that.

Is the common victim for ______'s pranks (Whoever has a character that's a prankster can be here maybe?) They're good friends though, maybe BECAUSE of all of ______'s pranks.

Can be found commonly in the library or trying to invent a new justu. (Which usually ends in a comedic explosion with Ryuu covered in soot.)

Bloodline: Unknown, but allows Ryuu to generate wings out of wind chakra and fly for a few seconds at a time, with a cooldown of about four hours. The more practice he gets, the longer he can stay in the air and the less cooldown time. This bloodline, of course, give him an Affinity to wind.

Notable Jutsu:

Fuuton: Tsubasa
Ryuu gains wings for a small period of time, as stated above. Allows him to fly. Also looks kick-ass. :smallbiggrin:

Fuuton: Ken
Wind Chakra is focused into the shape of a sword and can cut through materials as hard as steel. Cannot cut through chakra, though.

Summoning: Has a summoning contract with lynxes, and other large cats.


Ninjutsu: Superb for his level. Is trained in multiple different ninjutsu, ranging from E-Rank to B/A-Rank.

Taijutsu: Average level. It isn't great, but good enough for him to survive hand-to-hand combat long enough for help to arrive.

Genjutsu: Good Level. Has mastered D-Level to C/B-Level Genjutsu.

Special Abilities:

On-the-Fly Knowledge of the World: Since he's spent lots (And I mean LOTS(Nerd(Shut up Personality Disorder!))) of time in the library he know a lot about the history of the Five nations and other Continents as well. He also has good knowledge on Geography, Weapons, Psycology, Sociology, Cooking...

2009-11-01, 10:04 PM
Name/Rank: Yua Rin
Classification: D-Class
Birthdate: March 15th
Age: 15
Height: 5'7"
Weight: ?
Gender: Female
Blood type: AB+
Land of Fire

Appearance: Picture speaks a hundred words. (http://fc02.deviantart.com/images/i/e/b/1/Pirate_Ninja.jpg)

The only MAJOR changes is she wears her forehead protector over the buckle on her hat, both gloves are fingerless, and her skirt is a bit longer for modesty's sake.

Personality: Rin is a highly excitable and cheerful girl, product of a healthy upbringing and parents who admittedly spoiled her a bit. When she first entered the Academy she was an outcast at first for dressing like a weirdo until she won over others with practical jokes and humor. Seemingly able to bounce back from anything, her indomitable spirit is a source of great relief for her team-mates, even if the resulting over-confidence has gotten her into more then a little trouble as well.

Despite being from a well off clan, Rin believes it can rise even higher still and plans on doing that through advancement in the career of being a shinobi, aiming to enter the elite ANBU unit as soon as she can. Her team, obviously, is a great part of that and Rin does her best to ensure her friends are safe and happy, even if it means meddling a little...

Bloodline: While not a bloodline, it is worth noting that almost every member of Rin's family, who becomes a shinobi, has always signed a pact with the Snakes. Rin is no exception to this.

Notable Jutsu:

Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning technique) - Almost self-explanatory, Rin is able to summon snakes to her side to aid in battle. Though, aside from from some small vipers or constrictors about as big as herself, she is unable to use it to massive effect.
Snake Replacement technique - Rin's trump card and one of her clan's most often used jutsu, this technique is almost identical to the standard replacement technique. However, instead of a log, the replacement is a mass of small vipers that bit and try to coil about the one who attacked them. Their venom is not particularly potent, but it is potent and can paralyze a limb if envenomed enough.
Water Release: Venom Blade - Rin's most often used technique, it uses nearby water to sheath her saber in a layer of painful venom that wears off after about five strikes.

Ninjutsu: Rin knows the basics that almost every student of the Academy knows and some jutsu to help her hide but is otherwise un-proficient outside of minor suiton techniques or summoning techniques involving serpents.

Genjutsu: Non-existent.

Taijutsu: Rin's primary focus, she funnels her training to apply specifically to her saber. While not an expert (yet!) she is quite adept at it's use and can inflict devastating riposte in the right conditions. Mostly she focuses on slight cuts, moreso to inflict venom on her opponents then to try and score a deep cut.

Special Abilities:
Snake Pact: Like all her clan, Rin has signed a pact with the Snake clan.
Strength: Only average for a genin, Rin is content to be able to at least attempt to block a stronger opponent's blows.
Speed: Nimble and swift for a genin, this is obviously the taijutsu style that Rin favors the most as her speed can show.

2009-11-01, 11:44 PM
Name/Rank: Fukui, Katsurou (Genin)
Classification: D ranked
Birthdate: June 4th
Age: 15
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 140
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Konoha

Appearance: Of pretty decent height for his age, Katsurou isn't really the sort to stand out in a crowd. Pointy dark brown hair smoothed down in places suggests that some attention is paid to grooming, though for the most part the mess is lest to its own devices. His eyes a vibrant, verdant green oft wearing a mask of cheerfulness.

Attire is... put bluntly... not at all what one would expect of a ninja. The olive drab cargo pants are fairly standard, but that loud eclectic-blue and gray jacket he's always wearing leaves a bit to be desired. But he isn't likely to give the thing up since it was once his father's. Or so he's been told.

Personality: Not really a loner, but not much of a socialite either. Katsurou isn't one to be found outside the crowd, but rather on the edge. He's been bounced around so many families that he's had trouble forming close ties with very many, though he's always hunting for that opportunity. His own awkwardness and occasional slip-up of his... unique talents don't make the process terribly easy, though. He tries to be friendly, though his own oddness doesn't help.

Outwardly cheerful, the mirth is simply a mask both for others and himself, a mask that often comes off at all the wrong times. Katsurou is haunted by nightmares of the past and rejection alike. Those few friends he manages to make are defended fiercely.

History: Information regarding the genesis of Fukui Katsurou is restricted, known only by a few high ranking ninja and a handful of ANBU. Most of this is not common knowledge.

Katsurou was designed as a build-a-body, grown from the ground up and instilled with a fair range of innate skills that would make him formidable and useful both. Aside from the artificial bloodline that was more or less intended as an ultimate technique (real illusions of pretty much anything imaginable? Ouch), his elementally balanced chakra is synced up with a powerful cursed seal.

His nefarious builder was run out of Konoha before work was done. All of his traits are unfinished. His Bloodline doesn't function properly, sharply limiting the types of illusions he can create. His (un)balanced chakra is interfering with itself rather than serving as a form of augmentation. And the seal, well. That works despite the messed up chakra. But it was itself sealed to keep it from activating after he was taken out of the lab by the Konoha ANBU.

Only an infant at the time, Katsurou was entrusted to the care of another family. Though due to his strangely unnerving presence there were few willing to keep him for long. So the growing boy was bounced between families growing up, fed information that his parents were killed on a mission while he was very young.

Element: Katsurou's chakra displays no elemental bias to speak of. Which is, in a word, odd. He's utterly unable to master elemental Ninjutsu, each element dampening the others.

Bloodline: Not a true bloodline, but rather an artificial one. Whispers of the Beyond. Technically an enhanced form of Genjutsu, this Bloodline can create illusions that are more than real. Katsurou's skill, while honed, is rather limited. He's unable to manifest any complex illusions, only mustering seemingly impossible spatial relations.

The use of illusion-piercing Bloodline limits whilst Whispers of the Beyond is in use may be hazardous to the practitioner's health. Side effects include seizure, temporary blindness, gibbering insanity, poor bladder control, wide-eyed babbling, uncontrollable 4CHAN meme repetition, insomnia, feelings of utter insignificance in a cold and vast universe beyond your comprehension, and nebulous lurking terror. If you experience any of these side-effects talk to your medical ninja immediately.

Due to its artificial nature this ability is somewhat unreliable, most often relating to random objects being dumped unceremoniously on Katsurou's head. When this limit manifests he takes on a slightly unreal, or perhaps hyper-real, appearance that can adequately be called unnerving.

Notable Jutsu:
-Window in the Veil: the most commonly manifested form of his Bloodline, this jutsu creates a pair of briefly visible crack in the air in the form of an otherworldly spiraling fractal. The paired geometries act as portals for the passage of physical objects. Both ends of the distortion must be within Katsurou's field of view and closer than a fourth of a mile. Further, he's only able to create one pair of windows at a time.

-Unseen Destroyer: a rather useful Genjutsu that renders an object or person invisible to the naked eye. Great for stealth. Great for using on a weapon to keep a foe guessing. This technique can be foiled by moderate and advanced anti-illusion techniques.

Ninjutsu: Aside from basic non-elemental jutsu, Katsurou is utterly lacking.

Genjutsu: Katsurou is naturally skilled in Genjutsu, though the more mundane jutsu lack the reality-warping quality of Whispers from Beyond. Despite that minor set-back Katsurou is competent primarily in the use of optical illusions while his mind-influencing jutsu are rather crude.

Taijutsu: Katsurou's taijutsu techniques combine the use of both optical illusions as well as spatial distortions to strike from unexpected and even impossible angles. He's a skilled user of pole-arms primarily, specifically the crescent-moon yari. His hand to hand skills leave a bit to be desired.

Chakra Control: Katsurou has keen control of his own rather unusual chakra. His chakra level is somewhat low, but despite this it replenishes at an astounding rate. He has had little (read: no) practice with such techniques as tree running and water walking.

Special Abilities:
-Unsettling Presence: While using his limit Katsurou is distinctly unnerving to be in the presence of. Nothing terribly major, though enough to catch a foe off guard. People accustomed to being around him have a strikingly reduced negative reaction.
-Seal of Primordial Chaos: A powerful cursed seal set on Katsurou's left shoulder blade and normally covered by clothing. If the first stage were activated the seal would greatly enhance his physical prowess, jutsu potency, and chakra level. If the second stage were released things would get downright creepy. This seal has itself been sealed. Katsurou is completely unable to make any use of it.
-Universal Chakra: Katsurou's chakra has no elemental bias. Or rather, it has all elemental biases. Ideally, this trait should serve as a potent source of rapidly replenishing chakra, with each element building on the power of the others. However, that isn't quite the case. The elements dampen each other slightly, making the use of elemental jutsu nearly impossible. Katsurou does, however, replenish his chakra at an astounding rate. But the chakra is likewise degrading and dissipating due to elemental interference. As such, he runs low on chakra rather quickly.

2009-11-02, 05:35 AM
Consolidated character list

Ikari Haru/Genin
Classification: D-Class
Birthdate: January 6th
Age: 13
Height: 4'11''
Weight: 80 lbs.
Gender: Male
Blood type: O-
Affiliation: Konohagakure

Appearance: Haru is a small boy with short brown spiky hair. He has strange hazel eyes that are mostly green but some brown. He also has sectoral heterochromia in his right eye, coloring it partially red. He wears sandals like everyone else and usually some loose-legged pants like jeans and a t-shirt. He'll wear a hoodie or a sweatshirt too if it gets cold enough. Eventually, he'll be wearing his forehead protector around the neck. It would be in his pocket, but then he wouldn't be identifiable as a ninja of Konohagakure.

Personality: Haru used to be timid, shy and a mama's boy. He changed however, a little bit after he joined the academy. He became seemingly apathetic and lazy to try to fit in with the other kids but it didn't work very well, because of his strange eye color and his "girly" and "gay" name.

Now, Haru is still seemingly lazy, but his work gets done diligently and he follows in class, but he seems peeved by the whole arrangement. Only outside of school he acts normally. He still tries to act cool and aloof, but when he's having fun, he relents and acts normally. In a fight, he tries to think things through rationally, although sometimes his bullheadedness gets ahead of him and he slips up. Generally he doesn't make such mistakes though.

Bloodline: Haru doesn't have a notable bloodline but is still skilled nonetheless.

Notable Jutsu:
Hisen no Jutsu: One of his stronger attacks, Haru looses a short blast of flames that can be aimed as effectively as any projectile weapon, but he often wields it almost like a knife in close combat.

****sunen no Jutsu: Memory lapse technique. Haru has used this to further exploit his opponents and sometimes even plays pranks with it.

Aside from that, he is proficient with many other katon techniques including the weaker Shoukakyuu no Jutsu

Ninjutsu: Haru knows a couple of ninjutsu outside of the basic academy ones and is quite skilled for a genin. Most of them are katon.

Genjutsu: Haru remains not particularly skilled in genjutsu, though he is learning. He does know the basics of them but he's still incapable of fully counteracting their effects.

Taijutsu: Haru is pretty good at martial arts, though it doesn't help very much when he's being attacked by multiple assailants. Still, it helps to be able to defend oneself at least a little bit.

Special Abilities: [LIST]
Smart: Haru is extremely smart for his age and has a great tactical mind. He probably plays shogi or chess or something of the like. He definitely used to with his dad. Aside from that, he learns techniques very quickly and sometimes even gets a step ahead by figuring out an effective counter. Sometimes he lets this get to his head, but mostly he keeps to himself anyway, so he isn't exactly a braggart.
Speed: Though he isn't super fast, Haru's speed is something that he depends on. He can move quickly if need be and has good reaction time.
Martial Arts: Because of both of the above, Haru is fairly proficient in martial arts, though he doesn't have the strength to use devastating attacks with his fists.
Amatsu no Karada (Heavenly Body): An extremely powerful technique for someone of Haru's level and seeming capability. The jutsu forces an enormous amount of fire chakra into his body, even causing it to take a flickering white aura, slightly resembling a flame. Haru's body emanates intense amounts of heat whenever he uses this technique, causing burns against anything he touches. This is not without cost however, after using the technique, he becomes severely weakened from the amount of bodily damage caused by such an application of chakra. He isn't sure how well he can wield it however, as it often spins out of control and he is knocked unconscious.

2009-11-02, 11:36 AM
Name/Rank: 絃司 Genji
Classification: Jounin, A-Class
Birthdate: December 12
Age: Forty-two
Height: 6'2''
Weight: 140 lb. (63,5 kg)
Gender: Male
Blood type: O-
Land of Fire

Appearance: Genji has short, brown-gray hair and wears his headband over both his eyes. He wears a long green mantle with a long collar covering his mouth, eight sleeves positioned in a radial pattern and an opening through the front, he never passes his arms through the sleeves. Beneath the mantle is a lean man dressed in standard, dark blue uniform. He carries a small red notebook and a blue pen with him at all times.

Personality: Beneath the veil of a secretive ninja about whom few know about... Is a man that few know about. Genji likes to keep numerous secrets. Quite a few of them just for the sake of keeping others guessing. His surname is one such case. Were he lives is another. Finally what he writes in his notebook is subject to much questioning. The first impression he leaves is usualy one of secretiveness. Further beneath these silly quirk is learned ninja without a single failed mission in his record. Genji likes unorthodox methods of teaching and will often test the patience of those under his tutelage.

Genji is a war veteran but holds no grudges against those who he fought against, in fact, he prefers to keep emotions and business separate when possible. He doesn't take missions very often anymore, prefering to teach new shinobi, give advice and protect Konohagakure.

Finaly, Genji does, in fact, have a family. His son, daughter-in-law and their children live in Konoha, Genji's wife died of an illness one decade ago and his parents passed away from age.

Element: Genji's chakra has affinities for Earth and Air.

Bloodline: Unknown. Genji keeps his surname secret, it is said only the Hokage knows it and none who tried to find it out succeeded in the endeavour.

Notable Jutsu:

Kamisorizen no jutsu (Razor Wire Technique): Genji's main attack. He prefers to use a flexible steel wire for this, but silk or even common linen works just as well. The razor wires that lash out from him can cut clean even through stone.

Hitoshirezusu no jutsu (Unseen Web Technique): Silk thread is Genji's favourite for this technique. The unseen web covers the floor, the walls and even the air should he wish to, one end of it always connected to himself. It is very strong and hard to notice, leading to entangling. As added effects, Genji can cause the threads to constrict their prey, and is aware whenever someone touches a thread, being able to ascertain a few details about the individual's physical aspects due to this.

Chide no jutsu (Thousand Hands Technique): His most basic technique. Numerous threads shoot out of Genji's sleeves. These threads can attach to ropes, chains, roots or vines and allow him to control them, they can also wield weapons, manipulate objects, attack targets and even make hand signals (but not jutsu seals).

Miirakan no jutsu (Mummy Coffin Technique): This technique shoots linen or silk threads at a target, imobilizing him. The threads then wrap around the target from head to toe, the resulting cocoon is extremely claustrophobic, presses the chest, making breathing difficult and makes movements of the legs, arms and neck all but impossible, seeing through the cocoon is also not possible for most.

Tokihoguse no jutsu (Unraveling Technique): Recognized by some as one of the vilest techniques developed in Konohagakure. With this technique Genji shoots lines of silk thread at his oponent. These threads attach to clothes, and a second later cause the pieces to be unwoven.
The power of this technique in combat is threefold. One, it causes extreme embarassment on most oponents, second, it causes the enemy ninja to lose much of his equipment, which usualy falls to the ground, third is gives Genji more threads to manipulate in the terrain.

Ninjutsu: Genji is very well versed in ninjutsu, knowing numerous fire and wind techniques, along with a few earth jutsu. His wire techniques are his true specialty in the field of ninjutsu.

Genjutsu: Genji's genjutsu is somewhat minor, but existant. He prefers to use the techniques to make himself harder to find and also to trick his oponents into believing his wires are more numerous than they actualy are.

Taijutsu: Taijutsu is Genji's second specialty, along with ninjutsu. He uses his wires as medium for a number of taijutsu techniques, specialy those that also make use of his evil eye.

Special Abilities:
Byakugan: Both of Genji's eyes hold the pale countenance of the Byakugan, the Evil Eye. These potent tools give him 360° vision and allow him to see normaly even with the headband over his eyes. Genji can see as far as two kilometers away when focusing his sight into a single direction and notice fine details.
It is unknown if Genji's Byakugan is originaly his or if he took it from another ninja.
Wire technique: Genji is a master of threads. His combat style is completely centered around wires, threads and ropes, and he carries numerous different spools beneath his mantle for this purpose.
Strength: Genji's strength is greater than his thin form would indicate, but still not on the high end of the shinobi.
Speed: Genji is very agile, one of the fastest shinobi of Konohagakure.

2009-11-03, 05:17 PM
Name/Rank: Takumi Ryouichi {first, last}; Chuunin
Classification: C-Class
Birthdate: 12th of February
Age: 28
Height: 6'
Weight: 150 lbs
Gender: Male
Blood Type: O
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green (entire eye)
Affiliation/Kage: Konohagakure

Appearance: Takumi is tall and lightly built, looking slightly too thin for his height. He has a fairly neutral, unassuming face which is dominated by two completely green eyes, although these are usually hidden beneath a pair of sunglasses. Aside from those his only distinguishing feature is an inconsistent outfit, which rarely stays unchanged for long.

Personality: Though pleasant enough to be around, Takumi is a fairly shallow person. He acts mainly to amuse himself, seeking relief from the deep boredom that he feels whenever things settle into any kind of routine. This is mostly due to his background; Before settling in Konohagakure he travelled the world, which instilled in him a lifelong love of new and exotic experiences. In peacetime he's decently amiable (as long as he's not bored), as well as being highly tolerant of strange people and cultures. In wartime he tries to find amusement in any situation, even during the worst of battles.

Bloodline: The Ryouichi clan possess a minor bloodline which has nonetheless had a major effect on their history. Although his eyes make it obvious that he has one, Takumi has steadfastly refused to reveal the specifics of this bloodline. When pressed, he simply assures people that it's too trivial to be of use to the village. Since he's the only member of his clan around, that's all the information that most people have.

General Abilities:

Taijutsu: Takumi has developed the precision that goes with a light combat style, but lacks physical power. He mainly relies on careful positioning and tricky attacks rather than raw power when in battle.

Genjutsu: While theoretically able to learn many Genjutsu, Takumi has so far only mastered a couple of techniques.

Ninjutsu: Takumi knows a wide variety of Ninjutsu, although most are minor. He has a fondness for taking seemingly trivial techniques and using them in ways that are both dangerous and worthwhile.

Special Abilities:

Disguise: Takumi is an adept in the art of disguise, having mastery of both mundane and mystical methods. His unusual eyes present a slight obstacle, but are usually hidden by special contact lenses or minor genjutsu. He makes most of his own clothes, apparently more as a hobby than a professional skill.

Strong ears: Takumi has superb hearing, allowing him to become aware of many sounds that others might miss. He also has the ability to identify traits such as tone and pitch by ear alone. He claims that this is a very useful ability, but so far its only notable benefit has been to make him a bit of extra cash for being a musician at parties.

Notable Jutsu:

Static Charge: By creating a slight electric charge in the surrounding air, Takumi can shock and disorient enemies who get too close. This never causes real injury, but it can give an opportunity to land a fatal blow with more lethal weapons.

Guiding Winds: This technique creates moderate currents of air which can precisely control the movement of light objects. Takumu uses this for many kinds of fine manipulation from a distance, both in and out of combat.

Folly of the Careless: A subtle genjutsu which is hard to initially detect. It appears to have no effect, but in fact minutely alters aspects of the target's perceptions about the surrounding area. It can make a stone underfoot seem safely out of the way when actually about to be tripped over, or make someone misjudge a jump by slightly changing perceived distances. Some subjects may never realise that they're being tricked, although they'll usually become increasingly puzzled by their apparent clumsiness over the course of a battle.

2009-11-03, 06:33 PM
Name/Rank: Nobu Goro
Classification: A-Class
Birthdate: November 27th
Age: ???
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 155
Gender: Male
Blood type: AB

Appearance: Nobu Goro is a figure who strikes terror among those in Konohagakure who still remember him, unique enough in the world of shinobi that those who do know him can recognize the man on sight. An utterly bald head is the first thing people see, black and red kanji all across his scalp in lines leading from his forehead to the base of his neck. Both of his seemingly black eyes are sunk into his head with his hollow cheeks giving him a somewhat sickly look though he doesn't carry himself that way. Oddly enough, Goro's mouth and chin can't be seen because of the uniquely designed gas-mask fitted over the lower half of his face that he is almost never without, making his voice raspy.

He possesses a thick-set frame from decently large muscles which combined with the black armor he is almost always in makes him an intimidating sight. Thick black plates cover his chest, shoulders, forearms, and legs to cover up most of the vulnerable spots with a white and teal ying-yang situated in the middle of his chest. Two ninjato are strapped to his waist, the scabbard blending in seamlessly with the guard-less blades, with an old Konohagakure headband used as a belt. Several lines are scratched through the leaf symbol. Underneath the powerful armor, ninja chainmail and silk can be seen as if he had decided at the last moment for one final layer of protection. One final detail is inescapable about this monster of a shinobi, and that is the smell of dried blood that hangs around him like a miasma.

Personality: Those who have met Goro in even passing can easily tell that the man is vain and confident in his own abilities, while being disparaging of almost everyone else. Clearly not a people person, Goro doesn't have much experience in dealing with other people socially and it shows in conversations with him. This is mostly because, deep down, Nobu Goro can be called an academic of all things chakra related and prefers his quiet research to forming such tedious and boring things like bonds. If his experiments weren't so brutal and cruel then that wouldn't be much of a problem.

In combat, Goro is a perfectionist and will comment on the mistakes of others relentlessly to try and unsettle them, using the distraction to lethal advantage. However, despite all of his self-confidence, Goro is smart and Goro is a coward. If ever facing more foes then he thinks he can handle, or more powerful, then he's quick to flee since useless things like 'honor' have no place in his head. Something the extends to promises and deals with other people.

Bloodline: Nobu Goro is in possession of a potent bloodline known as Crystal Release which allows him to use his chakra to construct incredibly strong crystals for various purposes. It can even be used to turn ninjutsu attacks that use Doton, Suiton, and Mokuton into crystal for his use though he is unable to 'convert' insubstantial things like Fuuton, Katon, and Raiton. While incrediably durable, fuuton and katon techniques with powerful piercing potential have the best chance of getting through the gray and black crystal.

Notable Jutsu:

Crystal Release Style (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Special:BrowseData/Jutsu?Jutsu_type=Crystal_Release) - A set of techniques that Goro created to use the effects of his bloodline to full effect, the majority of them are listed along with his entry in the Bingo Book so none go against him un-prepared. He favors the Arrow of Light, Jade Crystal Clone, Giant Crystal Dart, and Jade Crystal Labyrinth techniques though. (Bloodline jutsu)
Zanfuuken - A technique he formulated while traveling abroad seeking asylum, the ninjato on his waist are forged of a special metal that allows him to channel chakra through them with ease. This jutsu increases the length of the blades significantly to the length of a broadsword with chakra mixed with the wind element. The end result is a buzzing sword of visible chakra, the edge of which vibrates at incredible speeds to increase the cutting power. Essentially Goro creates a chakra buzzsaw sword for use with his armor. If he expends some chakra however, he can slash the blade down to fire a crescent of cutting chakra at his opponents.
Chakra Detection - Not a perfect skill, but Goro can sense the chakra of nearby (within sixty feet) enemies with some accuracy if he's focusing on it. This ability in particular has helped keep him ahead of foes pursuing him.
Edo Fuumetsu - Sealed Apocalypse - The details of this forbidden technique are still unknown.

Ninjutsu: By far the greatest area of Goro's knowledge, his research into the nature of ninjutsu and of ninjutsu techniques could fill multiple volumes at just the tip of the ice-berg. Despite this over-whelming knowledge, Goro prefers his Crystal Release techniques in addition to a few other techniques.

Genjutsu: Goro's knowledge extends to genjutsu as well though he finds the discipline to be weak and un-needed when a proper ninjutsu could fit just as well.

Taijutsu: Goro's weakest area among the ninja arts and, paradoxically, the one that he uses the most with his Wind Cutting Sword technique. The reason is simple, since it is his weakest area, it's the one he uses the most often to try and strengthen his skill in it and only breaks out his powerful ninjutsu if his enemies prove better at taijutsu or overcome his armor. Any taijutsu specialist of chuunin level can fight on par with Goro in melee while jounin and above taijutsu users could call his taijutsu ability 'adequate'.

Special Abilities:
Chakura no Yoroi (Chakra Armor): The reason why Nobu Goro is no longer welcome by Yukigakure, the man managed to steal designs for a special type of armor before they were put into use and made his own revisions to it in order to create this special armor. The chakra armor is a unique type of armor that drains chakra from ninjutsu and genjutsu while at the same time amplifies Goro's chakra and physical strength. His armor has also been seen blocking and defending against thrown projectiles which require no chakra in the least on Goro's part. While formidable, the armor is not perfect and multiple attacks in quick succession that have a lot of chakra behind them can overwhelm the armor or even break it. Other types of chakra attacks that are particularly good at penetrating defenses can also get by his defenses.
Mind Seal - Not a particularly combat worthy detail, but one that bears mentioning. The numerous seals across Goro's scalp are actually meant to increase his mental capacity and memory (not intelligence), giving him almost photographic memory with perfect recall of it. This seal is likely how he manages to remember all the information he knows.
Raven Pact: While they aren't combat summons by any means, Goro does have a pact with ravens and calls them to his side in order to scout and the psychological effect of having harbingers of death and doom serve him.
Intelligence: Goro's greatest weapon is his mind. Few tricks will work multiple times against him and after many battles he will go back over what happened to try and learn the tricks (not jutsus) used against him for his own use. This intellect has extended beyond just scientific and chakra research into strategic ability, making him a risky enemy.
Strength: Without his armor, Goro's strength is only average at best which is something he has been attempting to improve upon on his own time. With it, he's able to crack the ground with his blows and at least attempt to go toe to toe with physically powerful enemies.
Speed: Once again, Goro's speed is only slightly above average for a ninja of his level though he seems content in that regard.

2009-11-03, 07:30 PM
Name/Rank: Watanabe Takeshi/Genin
Classification: D-Rank
Birthdate: July 20th
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Blood Type: A
Theme Song: Star Wolf (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2sGNGGEbOo&feature=related)
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 115 lbs.

Land of Fire

Takeshi is a handsome, strapping young man, with charming facial features, short black hair, and green eyes. His skin is pale, and in Genin headband rests neatly on his forehead, occasionally having a strand of hair brush over his. He is muscular for his age, as all shinobi are, and wears a pair of small glasses, on occasion, when reading. He wears the traditional shinobi attire, with the mask covering the lower section of his face, and wears a dark-green flak jacket.

He seems somewhat distant and far away from other people, seeming somewhat emotionless. In essence, he sees only priorities, and most people aren't priorities. When you get him to talk, he is rather charming, but most of his sentences are one-word laments.

Rather useful. Read here! (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Ranmaru%27s_kekkei_genkai)

Notable Jutsu:

Shuriken Eye Attack - A formidable attack of Genjutsu. When successful, the person who's being affected should comprehend everything as a shuriken, causing them to extreme pain and go mad from the revelation.
Deafaning Blast - Genjutsu again! Meant to disorient the victim via loss of hearing. A high-pitched siren seems to be blasting non-stop in someone's ear.
Blinding Strike - Genjutsu attack. When successful, it should blind the victim, leaving them open for attack.

General Abilities:

Genjutsu - His most praticed skill. He believes that "They'll never see it coming," or something of the like.
Taijutsu - His second-best skill. He wields two Sai, and is quite good with them.
Ninjutsu - Just enough to make it to Genin.

Has an extremely high intellect for someone his age.

2009-11-04, 07:52 PM
Name/Rank: ???; Leech
Classification: S-ranked criminal
Birthdate: ????
Age: ????
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: ????
Gender: Male
Blood type: ????

Missing-nin from the land of water
Rogue ninja from the Village Hidden in the Mist

Appearance: Leech is covered in Black clothing that has a hood that covers most of his head and body. He has 2 deep black beetle eyes that have no iris or anything, just blackness. He has some cloth wrapped around his mouth and nose, further hidding his features.

However, when he gets into combat, he is less secretive in his looks. Underneath these clothing features, is an abomination sight. His head is bald and uneven, such as that of an insect's. His mouth forms the shape of an "O" and has razorsharp teeth all around the rim of it.

He carrys many summoning scrolls to perform his many acts of forbidden jutsu.


Personality: Leech's past is unknown. Only thing known is the fact that he is from the Village Hidden in the Mist and is hunted by their anbu. He is part of a secret deadly criminal organization known as the Shoku. His crimes are known well and far.

Leech has a deranged idea about human nature. In his view, every human being is a leech themselves. In response to this, he decided to "improve" this parasitic relationship in himself, and that's what he has done. He has made a pact with the parasitic insects and summons a bunch of them in the process. Most of these summonings are part of Forbidden Jutsu's.

He cares not for anyone but himself and experiments on others to achieve his disired state. He has subjegated entire villages and has it's occupants hidden in secret layers across the world. He has each occupant tagged and imprisoned in special cages. He may chose to summon one anytime to use them to complete Forbidden Jutsu's.

Bloodline: ??????

Notable Jutsu: Most of Leech's Jutsu's are forrbidden. These are amoung the many he uses most often.

Transparent hive: A special barrier is errected similar to that of an insect hive. The barrier is however transparent so he can see out at all people. The strands of wax that keep it together is amoung the toughest material that exists. He uses this Jutsu to help prepare Forrbidden jutsu's.
Maggot Summoning: A Jutsu that requires a human sacrifice. Leech usually conjures one of his many prisoners and performs this Jutsu on them. Maggots of enormous size burst out of the host, killing them in the process. These maggots are fast and agile fighters with immense strength.
Roach Summoning: A Jutsu that requires a human sacrifice. Leech usually conjures one of his many prisoners and performs this Jutsu on them. A roach then burst out, killing the host. This insect is enormous in size and strength and spits a deadly acid.
Parasitic Infestation: By conjuring a bunch of insects, Leech then sends them out toward opponents in large numbers. If they manage to reach their target, they then burrow into them, eating them from the inside and excreating a paralyzing toxin in the process.

Special Abilities: Leech has a special affiliation with parasetic insects. Thus, some features have been characterized by this.

Leeching: Leech is able to extend his life by this process. He needs only to bite a victim with his mouth and suck out their blood. Most usually die in the process. He usually prefers the neck when using this ability. The younger the victim, the stronger Leech gets.
Parasitic Chakra Absorption: Leech is able to suck out the chakra of victims by biting them with his mouth. The result sucks out all available Chakra and usually kills the victim in the process.
Insect Affiliation: Leech is able to communicate and use many types of Parasitic insects. He uses them to help fight or scout for potential victims.
Swarm teleportation: Leech is able to use the chakra of his swarm of insects and move between them when they are massed together. He uses this mainly to get around quickly across the land.
Insect Merging: Leech is able to merge into one of his summoned Insects. As such, the creature mutates into a stronger and more frightening version of it's original form as Leech is merged. However, this technique uses up continual and a large amount of chakra.

Saint Nil
2009-11-04, 08:42 PM
Name/Rank: Tenkumo Zenryu
Theme Song:
Classification: S-Class
Birthdate: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'5
Weight: 230
Gender: Male
Blood type: O+
None, former Kumogakure

Appearance: Zenryu is both rather tall and well built, with eyes so brown they can appear to be yellow. He wears his hair long, and it is jet black. ON his back is a white circle with the golden kanji of justice in it.

Personality: On the outside, he is seen as calm and collected, and can be rather quiet until he wants you to hear him. He is strong willed, for in his head nine monsters daily try to sway him, and he is dedicated to a strict code of justice to keep himself from falling to madness.

Bloodline: None
Elemental Affinity: Lightning/Water (See special abilities)

Notable Jutsu
Naraku keimusho no jutsu (art of the Hell Prison)
Nine demons in human flesh once roamed the country side, killing innocent an ninja alike. When Zenryu's team was used as bait against them, he saw his best friends and mentor (the closet person to a parent he had ever known) painfully killed before his eyes. Later in life, he learned the Art of the Hell Prison.

A forbidden jutsu, it traps the spirits of its targets into a seal that is placed on the user's body. This allows the user to not only use the trapped spirit's elemental affinity, but also allows them to use the prisoners jutsu. The ultimate power of this jutsu allows the user to summon the spirit into a physical form, to complete the user's bidding. Zenryu has nine seals along his neck and spin, the trapped spirits being

The Nightmare

Once a legendary, if sadistic, genjutsu user, the Nightmare specialized in mental torture of his foes. Always wearing a large straw hat, his face was covered by a cloth mask that went right under his nose, and few have seen the scars he wears underneath that mask. He has long, black greasy hair, and speaks in cryptic sayings, appearing to be insane. The Nightmare gives him powerful genjutsu on its own, but also his special ability.
Ability-Nightmare Cage
Using genjtsu, the target is trapped in an illusion where they are killed, then appear to wake out of it, only die again. Each death feels completely real, and this cycle will continue for 3 days, or until someone can shake them out of it with a large amount of pain.

The Fury

A wandering ronin, face covered by a red demonic mask that he has never been seen without. Wearing red leather over his sword arm, his specialty involved channeling his chakra into his blade to increase it's range, and to superheat the metal with his natural affinity for Fire-style jutsu. He would surround himself in an aura of flame, and never seemed to be harmed by his own flames. The heat from his abilities alone would be enough to kill the ninja's around him. It has been speculated that he had a kekki genki to protect him, but when his body disappeared, there is no way to prove it. Zenryu often uses him as a summon to fight off enemy ninja when he has other tasks that are more important.

The Pain

A sadist who prefers his enemies on the interrogation table than teh battlefield, the Pain was a master interrogator and information extractor. Despite his more cowardly tendencies, he was also a warrior who specialized in painful electric jutsus. The one Zenryu relies upon the most from his is also the Pain's simplest and most common jutsu.
Ability-Art of Paralyzing Pain
A rather simple if effective technique, this creates a bolt of electricity that runs through the opponents nerves, not only hitting the pain sectors, but also stunning the opponent and preventing them from being able to move, attack, or create hand signs to perform jutsu.

The Corruption
The Reaper
The Dragon
The Shadow
The Mystery
The Immortal

Boufuuu Yoroi no jutsu (Art of the Storm Armor)

This ability surronds the user in a field of lightning chakra, which electrocutes anyone who attacks it, and diminishes the power of most ninjutsu powers used against it.

Dokueki no Jutsu (Art of the Venom)

This ability turns the user's chakra into a lethal poison that can coat the users weapons or fists. If injected into the enemies body, it attacks the chakra nodes, interfering with the users ability to maniuplate chakra.

General Abilities

Ninjutsu: As a child, Zenryu's skills were apparent at ninjutsu; yet the murder of his companions and mentor pushed him into a almost fanatic like state to gain power. He is skilled in multiple types of elemental chakra, and his ninjutus abilities easily reach higher S-rank.

Taijutsu: Tall and fit, Zenryu has trained his body to be skilled in fending off attackers through both chakra and physical attacks. His fighting style is rahter power based instead of spead, but he has a long reach for most close-range fighters, and is skilled in martial arts and swordplay.

Genjutsu: Though his own gengetsu skills are C-rank at best, his Naraku keimusho no jutsu allows him to tap into the genjutsu skill of The Nightmare, who was a high A-S rank user.

Chakra Control: Zenryu doe not have unlimited chakra at his disposal, but knows how to use the amount he has to its most efficient. He skill allows him to not only masterfully use his chakra, but to also cancel the chakra of others through jutsu.

Special Abilities

Nine Hell Seal
Zenryu may summon the spirits of the Deamon Bandits, who he has trapped inside himself. Normally, he will only summon one, but during one deadly situation, it has been rumored that he was able to summon three while still fighting himself.

Elemental Affinity: Being born with the ability to control both Water and Lightning(earning him the surname of skycloud), the seals on his back allow him to use the affinity of those he has captured, giving him access to all elemental affinities.

2009-11-05, 09:02 AM
Name/Rank: Yoshi "Hurricane"
Classification: S-Rank Criminal
Theme Song: The Night (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfyV_zDUC_I) - Disturbed
Age: ???
Height: 5' 7", but is usually crouching.
Weight: ???
Gender: Male
Blood type: A

Missing Nin - Has no affiliation
Rogue from the Land of Wind

Yoshi appears as a disfigured man. He is usually crouching on the ground, a robe covering his body. On his head, he bears long, black hair. His eyes are also black. He would be handsome, if not for one detail. He is missing his left eye, and makes no attempt to cover it, leaving a horrible, blank socket. The entire area around that eye is bloody and scarred.
As his appearance may hint, Yoshi likes having people fear him. He is very prideful and conceited, as he would let two people live to tell their village about him. Then he'd kill one, because it only takes one person to deliver a message. He is quickly irritated and short-tempered. He also has a sadistic nature, which causes him to relish murder.

He doesn't have any Kekkei Genkai, but he has extraordinary senses, which may be attributed to his clan.

Notable Jutsu:

Puppet Technique (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Puppet_Technique) - He can control a puppet of his from afar, with chakra strings.
Human Puppet Technique - Can turn humans into puppets with aforementioned Chakra strings.
Wind Release: Cyclone Jutsu - Can create a traveling cyclone which not only can trap opponents, but rip even buildings to shreds, with its high, razor-sharp winds.
Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Water_Release:_Water_Dragon_Bullet_Technique) - Created and mastered by him, to use on any large body of water.
Human Puppet Illusion - A Genjutsu attack that makes the victim(s) think they are fighting a normal puppet, but, in reality, they're fighting a real, living person.
Puppet Human Illusion- Genjutsu attack, makes the victim(s) think that the puppet is a living human. But, in reality, it's a puppet.

General Abilities:

Ninjutsu: Very advanced, through years of hard-work and training. S-Rank.
Taijutsu: Also advanced, and he is a very good physical fighter. A-rank.
Genjutsu: B-rank, knowing mainly how to get out of Genjutsu. And a few illusions.

Special Abilities:

Superhuman Strength: He is much stronger than most Shinobi, bearing incredible physical strength. He's learned to concentrate Chakra into his attacks, giving him a lot of strength. A. Lot.
Elemental Affinity: He has great skill in both Wind and Water elements, earning him the nickname "Hurricane." Yoshi likes that nickname.
Incredibly Fast Hands: As the name describes, he has very fast hands, used to perform the insane amount of hand signs needed in his jutsus.

Is deceased.

2009-11-05, 05:25 PM
Introducing Sasan Asorri, another member of Shoku.

Name: Sasan Asorri (First, Last)
Rank: Missing-Nin (Former Jounin)
Classification: S-Rank Criminal
Birthdate: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: Unknown
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Shoku, Amegakure, Kirigakure (Former)

Appearance: A faint smile usually graces Sasan’s face, and he has straight black hair that hangs to his shoulders in a simple ponytail. The only disconcerting feature of his face is his eyes, which are a blue so light they seem almost to be made of mist. His teeth are pointed. On his brow, he has a slashed-through Kirigakure forehead protector. Sasan dresses in a long, dark blue cloak, and wears a simple straw hat (http://images.absoluteastronomy.com/images/topicimages/c/co/conical_straw_hat.gif). At his side hangs a sheathed sword, with a ornately wrought hilt carved to look like it is made of ice.

Personality: Sasan has a somewhat eclectic personality; sometimes he can wander the countryside for months without conflict, others, he will carve a swathe of devastation across his path, only to vanish when he begins to attract serious attention. Most of the time, he acts very calm and inquisitive, but also very strange, making inane comments and becoming strangely absorbed in random parts of the environment. When his killing blood is up, though, he begins to act much more wild and openly insane. He has a wide reputation as a vicious killer, although his description is not known by many people. One quirk of Sasan's personality is that he really likes children, and refuses to harm them under any circumstances.

Abilities, Bloodline, and Jutsu

Now that they have been checked for balance, Sasan's abilities will remain out of the public eye in order to preserve some element of mystique to his powers. If you have a question or concern, please PM me for information.

2009-11-07, 07:36 PM
Central Character Registry Post.

Hatsumi Sokaku (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7232849&postcount=8)

Kensai Shiro (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7357501&postcount=31)

Gamataki Akira, the Bagoujo (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7504367&postcount=51)

Iwao of Team Kakougan, Iwa Genin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7965114&postcount=64)

Tanaka of Team Riganryuu, Kiri Genin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7982725&postcount=65)

Innis Cabal
2009-11-08, 12:28 AM
Name/Rank: Hana, Genin
Classification: D-Class
Birthdate: September 20th
Age: 18
Height: 5’
Weight: Never polite to ask a woman her weight
Gender: Female
Blood type: O-
Affiliation/Kage: Amegakure, Hazuma Kyo

Appearance: Hana is a slight girl, almost a walking shadow. Underfed and over worked, she always seems ready to fall over from exhaustion. Recently this has changed, her skin growing brighter and her movements energetic. She has recently started to wear men’s clothing, mimicking her teacher Kyo to the letter, wearing a nearly identical outfit.

Personality: Hana is a quiet young girl, shy to a fault. She is obedient and loyal, both traits that have hurt her in the past on the cold streets of Amegakure.

Bloodline: None

Notable Jutsu: She currently is studying to learn jutsu, having learned most of the basic techniques.

Ninjutsu: Hana has the potential of being average in Ninjutsu

Taijutsu: Hana has the potential of being average in Taijutsu

Genjutsu: Hana has little potential with Genjutsu, which seems for the best as her teacher is only slightly better.

Special Abilities

Weapon Skills: Hana is quite adept at several weapons: Bo, Knife, and Hand to Hand being her favored weapon styles.

Moon Wolf
2009-11-09, 01:07 AM
Name: Hamake Miragata (Miragata being her first name)
Rank: Jounin
Classification: A class
Age: Twenty-one
Birthdate: May 3rd
Height: 5'7"
Weight: Unknown-she'd kill you if you asked
Gender: Female
Blood type: AB
Affiliation: primarily Sunagakure, but was sent to Konohagakure by Lord Kazekage to strengthen relationships between the two villages and..... other....things....
Theme song: Darkside of the Sun-Tokio Hotel

Appearance: Miragata appears to be a more laid-back personality type. She has wavy waist-length auburn hair that she puts in a bun, but a few strands always seem to escape in the breeze. She wears her headband around her neck, and doesn't wear anything flashy. She usually wears the standard uniform of a Suna jounin (with a few slight modifications here and there, it really depends on how she's feeling), but will sometimes pull a sweater over her uniform on colder days. She'll never ever be seen wearing the customary desert headdress, though. Her eyes are hazel-coloured, with a hint of green. She carries two 3/4 length katanas strapped to her back. Her forearms have black tattoos used for summoning purposes. What gives away her appearance, however, is the long, thin, vertical scar on her face, running from beyond the hairline, and down over her left ear.


Personality: Having the laid-back attitude that she does, Miragata carries the gift of patience, which enables her to always calmly think through any situation, whether it's what to buy for dinner, or how to defeat a high-ranking foe. Miragata isn't exactly fond of fighting, but she doesn't shy away from it either. She believes that there is always room for improvement, and so can often be found in remote areas practising and perfecting her ninjutsu. Miragata doesn't love to be the center of attention, she actually finds it to be quite annoying, which is why she prefers to stay in the background most of the time. She is also the youngest person in Sunagakure to acheive jounin level-she acheived jounin rank a day before her fifteenth birthday. It is not quite certain yet, but it is believed that she will be chosen as the Kazekage's sucessor.

Bloodline: The Hamake clan possesses a very unique kekkei genkai: by using wind and lightning style together, light style is created. This style has been used by the Hamake for many years, giving it time to be mastered, and for new jutsu to be created with it. It is estimated that the Hamake created approximately twenty-nine different jutsu with this style, although Miragata can use only eight of those.

Notable Jutsu: Miragata is the only ninja in Konohagakure to use the light style (other members of her family that use it are in Sunagakure). This unique trait sets her apart from the other jounin. This jutsu uses the sun's rays and bends them to form the shapes and jutsu used. Out of the eight light-style techniques that Miragata can use, she has four favourites.

Senkousenrou no jutsu (Thousand Beams Prison Jutsu)- a jutsu which creates beams of light across the sky which Miragata is able to walk on, which greatly increases her range. Also, if she has enough chakra, she can make the beams vibrate at high speeds, in order to ensure that her enemy keeps their distance.

Me ga kuramuyouna tsurugi no jutsu (Blinding Sword Jutsu)- in this jutsu, the light that Miragata wields is placed around her swords, so that her swords have a more accurate, and cleaner cut. It also increases the swords' range, and well as their cutting power.

Amano tsurugi no jutsu (Heaven's Blade Jutsu)- a jutsu that might appear to be some type of teleportation jutsu, Miragata pours extra chakra into the light she uses to temporarily vanish and end up in another spot of her choice. This jutsu doesn't always go smoothly, because it requires great effort and much chakra in order for Miragata to be able to choose exactly where she wants to go. However, once perfected, Miragata will be able to vanish and instantly appear before her enemy.

Hankyouna sakebi no jutsu (Echoing Scream Jutsu)- this is almost a genjutsu. Waves of light are sent through the enemy's field of vision, causing temporary blindness. While the enemy is blinded, Miragata can bend the light little by little, causing the enemy to experience visions. Miragata can't use this jutsu as well as the others, and is in the process of perfecting it.

Jutsu Abilities: Miragata is a ninjutsu type, she has one genjutsu (Echoing Scream) that she can use, but if at all possible, she doesn't like to use genjutsu. She is fairly strong at taijutsu, but would rather use kenjutsu (the art of the sword).

Chakra Control: Since Miragata's kekkei genkai jutsu require large amounts of chakra, she was never able to control it very well. Her body just got used to pouring out all chakra available, which is why she tires rather quickly during battles. If she could acheive proper chakra control, she would become more skilled. Since she has weak chakra control, if there is a fight going on in an area close by, her own chakras will pick up other's chakra and simultaniously react.

Summoning: Miragata has a pact with the tigers, allowing her to summon one to fight alongside her in battle. However, since she only recently formed this pact, she does not always get along perfectly with whomever she summons.

Tactical and Weapons Abilities: Miragata isn't the type who decides to charge in without first gauging her opponent's strength. She always carefully watches her opponent, analyzing their strenghts and weaknesses. Only then does she form a strategy and apply it.

Miragata is profficient in the use of a sword, and her clan have always been paritcular to swordsmanship, so she was taught from a young age. However, she is the most gifted kenjutsu master in all of Sunagakure (and perhaps other villages too). She dislikes using things like kunai or shuriken, and so rarely refers to her holster. Her swords are indeed chakra blades, but she only ever uses this ability when using her kekkei genkai. She likes to use kenjutsu to assess her opponent's strengths and blind spots before using her kekkei genkai.

2009-11-17, 12:48 AM
Seeing as to how they were never officially posted in the thread, and that an opportunity has arisen for an early reveal, I figured I should get these four up. Family name preceeds personal name for the lot of them: It's Kyuu, Nirou, Youjo, and Kin. Not Fuma, Fuma, Kumo, and Manriki.

Sensei of the Sound GeninName/Rank: Jounin Fuma Kyuu
Theme Song: Necron theme from Dawn of War
Classification: A-Rank
Birthdate: September 8th
Age: 28
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 154 lb
Gender: Male
Blood type: A-
Affiliation/Kage: Otogakure/Otokage

Appearance: Kyuu's attire is that of a well-prepared mercenary: He wears a thick tawny vest with several pockets in the traditional style of an Otogakure chunin. In addition to this he sports a belt for various tools of the trade, sunglasses to protect his eyes, and plated backs on his black gloves. His hair is pitch black in a military cut, and wears his forehead guard on a headband rather than a face mask. He also wears black pants, dark gray boots, and a long sleeved shirt under his vest patterned in the grayed camouflage traditional to the Sound Village.

Personality: Kyuu tends to be the easygoing sort, eager to be whatever it is that needs doing. If someone tries to argue with him, he tends to pester them with questions until they gradually slide off topic. If the time comes for conflict, he’ll drop his easygoing manner and become deathly serious right up to the moment that conflict ceases.

Bloodline: Fuma
Elemental Affinity: Wind, but has modest ability with Fire

Notable Jutsu

Fuma Kyuu only knows enough about genjutsu to dispel it, but is exceptionally skilled with taijutsu and ninjutsu. Assuming he has access to supplies, he’ll always been equipped with a half dozen kunai and two dozen paper bombs.

Channel Wind: Fuma Kyuu can channel his Wind Chakra into his kunai, and can also generate wrist blades of pure wind chakra from his glove guards.

Chakra Darts/Ignition: Fuma Kyuu’s glove guards also have a ranged attack option, which allows him to throw darts of wind chakra. While not even able to cut through thick clothing, the darts can be set ablaze with fire chakra, allowing them to ignite paper bombs.

Spider Contract: At his current level, Kyuu can perform one of five types of summons: A tick the size of an elephant capable of great leaps for travel, a black-haired tarantula the size of a horse, a gray-plated web spinner the size of a large dog, a group of up to eight venomous spiders the size of cats with red abdomens, or a swarm of regular-sized spiders that retain the human intellect of a summon.

Special Abilities

Chakra Threads: Being of the Fuma Clan, Kyuu has a distinct affinity for chakra threads. Rather than employing the clan’s knowledge, however, Kyuu opted to combine the techniques that came naturally with his elemental affinity, and uses wind chakra with the threads to create chainsaw whips, razor tripwires, and a fuse version of Chakra Ignition to detonate from behind cover.

The Sound GeninFuma NirouName/Rank: Genin Fuma Nirou
Classification: D-Class
Birthdate: May 6th
Age: 13
Height: 4’5”
Weight: 95 lb.
Gender: Male
Blood type: A-
Affiliation/Kage: Otogakure/Otokage

Appearance: Nirou wears a plain black shirt, fingerless gloves of black leather, gray camouflage pants, and black boots. The black headband sporting his forehead guard holds up the edges of his loose brown hair, and his utility belt has hip sheathes for a pair of those large folding shurikens. Other than that, his appearance is modest and unassuming, perfectly normal for a boy his age.

Personality: Nirou is usually the one who takes command when his Uncle Kyuu isn’t around, if only because his squadmates always wind up fighting if he doesn’t mediate between them. When the internal conflicts of the team aren’t adding mass to an omnipresent anime sweat drop, Nirou is always eager to get involved in anything, particularly a fight.

Bloodline: Fuma
Elemental Affinity: Presently Unknown

Notable Jutsu

Nirou depends on his teammates to provide support for him while he goes for the direct strike with an arsenal of weapons. In additional to his heavy shuriken, he carries eight kunai, as well as a seal scroll for each that makes them able to cut through chakra based materials, such as the intended chakra threads.

Substitution Jutsu: Sometimes used avoid a fatal attack, Nirou’s favored technique is to switch positions with a shuriken that he had just thrown, allowing him to get a second shot if he missed or to move into melee from an unexpected direction.

Special Abilities

Chakra Threads: Like all members of the Fuma Clan, Nirou has a talent for chakra threads, which he uses to puppeteer his shuriken and kunai from a distance when threatened by a superior melee combatant. He can extend or retract the threads as he sees fit, but their total length can’t exceed ten meters.

Kumo YoujoName/Rank: Genin Kumo Youjo
Classification: D-Rank
Birthdate: March 23rd
Age: 13
Height: 4’3”
Weight: 81 lb.
Gender: Female
Blood type: A+
Affiliation/Kage: Otogakure/Otokage

Appearance: Youjo’s dark skin suggests that she was adopted from around the Land of Lightning, but unlike many from the area she opted against dying her hair, instead tying it behind her head in a shoulder-length braid. She wears a gray camouflage tank top beneath a dark gray coat, providing her protection on the field and a shot at seducing Nirou off the field. Her utility belt almost goes lower than her black shorts thanks to the kunai cases on each hip, and her black leather boots come up to her metallic kneepads.

Personality: Youjo is so ambitious she’s almost one-dimensional, having no stipulation against shedding blood for power, be it her own or that of her enemies. The cause of this ambition is uncertain, but it seems to be a failure in her past that’s tied to why she was adopted by the Land of Rice. She has an aggressive and dominating personality, but puts on a face that’s as sweet as can be the moment she has a chance to pursue Nirou-kun’s affections.

Bloodline: None
Elemental Affinity: Presently Unknown

Notable Jutsu

Being gifted with an abundance of chakra gained through relentless training, Youjo combines genjutsu with summoning jutsu to devastating effect. To perform her summons, she uses shurikens drawn from pouches hidden in the sleeves of her coat.

Spider Contract: At her current level, Youjo can perform one of four types of summons: A black-haired tarantula the size of a horse, a gray-plated web spinner the size of a large dog, a group of up to eight venomous spiders the size of cats with red abdomens, or a swarm of regular-sized spiders that retain the human intellect of a summon.

Genjutsu: Youjo can use genjutsu to create illusionary spider summons, or disguise a spider as a creature of similar size. Most importantly, though, is that she uses her genjutsu to hide her shuko from sight.

Special Abilities

Youjo has no special abilities yet, but she hopes to one day earn the right to be taught the ways of a spider sage.

Manriki KinName/Rank: Genin Manriki Kin
Classification: D-Rank
Birthdate: August 17th
Age: 13
Height: 4’2”
Weight: 76 lb
Gender: Female
Blood type: O-
Affiliation/Kage: Otogakure/Otokage

Appearance: Kin is pale, thin, and has straight blonde hair that she lets drop to her shoulders. She wears a tawny vest matching that of her sensei over a gray camouflage sweater with sleeves that hide her hands. She wears dark gray sweatpants, and like the rest of her team black boots. She doesn’t share their use of a utility belt, however, instead wearing her forehead guard like a belt where her sweater goes lower than her vest.

Personality: Kin tends to be quiet and timid, but is quick to anger when the right buttons are pushed. Unfortunately for Nirou-kun and Sensei Kyuu, Youjo knows all her buttons.

Bloodline: None.
Elemental Affinity: Sound.

Notable Jutsu

Kin keeps a rainstick in a summoning scroll in one of her sleeves, which she uses as the instrument of her Sound Jutsu. Her other sleeve hides a tanto.

Gentle Rain of Serenity: Kin holds her rainstick steady, the falling of the beads sending chakra into favored listeners that converts to healing energy inside their bodies, allowing her to address internal injuries without cutting anyone open. She’s working on a version that augments her allies.

Fierce Storm of Calamity: Kin holds her rainstick overhead and makes it spin along the centerpoint of the bases, causing a rough noise that she uses to disrupt enemy jutsus, dispelling techniques that require concentration as well as weaker summoning jutsus. She’s working on a version that disrupts the chakra pathways in the body.

Special Abilities


2009-11-20, 01:48 PM
Name/Rank: Anahera Hoshiko
Classification: Missing-nin, A-rank
Birthdate: November 20th
Age: Twenty-seven
Height: 6'2"
Weight: "About this much"
Gender: Female
Blood type: B

Seven Swordsmen


The picture actually is Hoshiko so there are no discrepancies, only details that are mite hard to see. Like the twin seashell hair clips that her father gave to her or that her teeth have been filed to dainty points. Also the stick in her mouth is that of a lollipop stick.

Personality: Hoshiko is a bit of an anomaly among the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, missing-nin in general, and even Kirigakure because of her generally docile nature and utter lack of anything resembling normal intelligence in her head. Back when she was being trained as a ninja, others would joke she should position her forehead protector over her heart since there wasn't anything she needed in her head. She was the one laughing when she passed Kirigakure's bloody genin exam with more then flying colors (killing her opponent, a chuunin teacher, and several other genin before she realized she was only supposed to kill her opponent). Being dim doesn't separate her from other missing-nin though, most usually are idiots to forsake their villages, what does set her apart is a child-like nature.

Sweets (especially lollipops), brightly colored objects, hot food, and other things can deter Hoshiko from whatever she might be doing, but underestimating her because of this has turned out very poorly for some people. Once she gets riled up for a fight, there are few things that can calm her down and she usually becomes so dead-set on 'winning' that it becomes self-destructive. Well...for someone else it'd be self-destructive.
Bloodline: There is some debate about if Hoshiko has a bloodline or not, and on that matter she has had precious little information to offer.

Notable Jutsu:

Suiton: Hōmatsu Rappa (Water Release: Violent Bubble Wave) - Hoshiko expels a huge wave of bubbles from her mouth that is capable of washing away most attacks, such as oil and fire. It is also effective as a smokescreen in a pinch. However it lacks offensive punch.
Suiton: Suishōha (Water Release: Water Shockwave) - This technique allows Hoshiko to make a spiraling vortex of water from the moisture in the air. The vortex then proceeds to explode from the top in the form of a wave, which Hoshiko can control.
Suirō no Jutsu (Water Prison Technique) - This jutsu is used to trap a victim inside a virtually inescapable sphere of water. The only downside to this technique is that the user must keep at least one arm inside the sphere at all times in order for the victim to remain imprisoned. Clones can be used in place of the actual person, provided that the clone is the one that performed the technique. This jutsu can't be performed without a sufficiently large body of water to supply the water for it.

Hoshiko has also developed a unique brand of ninjutsu known as Ritual ninjutsu. However, she rarely uses it and little is known about it other then the fact a Ritual ninjutsu takes a lot of time to complete.

Ninjutsu: While Hoshiko knows some bizarre and unpredictable ninjutsu and is able to swamp a battlefield, she isn't really focused on perfecting her ninjutsu. Instead it just seems to be part of her skill-set, one she doesn't acknowledge much.

Genjutsu: Enough for very minor illusions, but they are easy to pick out and almost elementary.

Taijutsu: As one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, it is all but a given that Hoshiko must be talented at kenjutsu and in that regard they are only half-right. Her skill in taijutsu isn't exactly that great, but she is a genius of it the likes of which might only come along once a generation. Despite her admittedly dim nature, Hoshiko analyzes the taijutsu of others on an instinctual level and reacts as such to them as they should. Combined with her, frankly, ridiculous durability and wild (if un-practiced and un-cultured) sword-fighting style and Hoshiko becomes a lethal taijutsu shinobi.

Special Abilities:

Daisuijiken: As one might imagine, this is the name of her sword. It's name such because of the kappa-head on the pommel of the weapon and because of the fact that the blade is actually hollow on the inside. Inside of this hollow are numerous storage seals containing nothing but water which, when released, pours out of the holes along the blade. Aside from providing water for Suiton techniques, Hoshiko can release a torrent of water as she swings the blade to drastically increase it's weight and momentum. She has also been seen using it to cut wood and food but never sharpening the blade which is a mystery to others, even the other Swordsmen of the Mist.

Durability: While the exact mechanics behind this simply aren't known, none can deny that Hoshiko earns her name of 'Immortal of the Mist' with her insane resistance to damage. This isn't to say that she doesn't get hurt, but rather the wounds rarely seem to actually bother her with the number of times Hoshiko has been incapacitated by her wounds able to be counted on one hand. The simple fact is that no matter what is thrown at her or how badly wounded she is, Hoshiko will just keep coming until she has finished what she set out to do. Poisons rarely work, she's never gotten sick, even jutsu that would somehow physically debilitate Hoshiko have a tendency to fail miserably. People suspect some kinjutsu or bloodline is responsible, or even an unknown trait of Daisuijiken, but Hoshiko's answer has always been the same. "I dunno, it just doesn't seem to hurt or be that bad an injury."

Speed: Definitely not the fastest ninja on the block, Hoshiko's speed is only average for an A-rank shinobi with above average reflexes. Against true speedy ninja though, she simply lets them wear themselves out first before moving in for the kill.

Strength: Definitely strong, Hoshiko doesn't cross into brutal powerhouse territory either. Much of the sheer strength of her sword-swings comes from the sudden weight of lots and lots of water being released but even without that, it'd just be reckless to get into a contest of strength with her unless one was certain of themselves.

2009-11-21, 03:53 PM
Name/Rank: Kensai Shiro (last, first), "The Wind Wolf"
Classification: Missing-nin, high A-rank
Birthdate: July 10th
Age: 26
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 185lbs.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Greenish Blue.
Gender: Male
Blood Type: A
* Seven Swordsmen

Appearance: Tall and lean, Shiro wears black baggy pants, a dark grey shirt, and a black flak jacket. His feet are clad in dark grey open-toed shoes. His dark grey belt has several pouches. On his left hip is a small sheath for what appears to be a dagger. It is, in fact, a specially sealed sheath for Kusanagi, Shiro's sword. Shiro wears his hair down to the bottom of his shoulder blades, straight and tied into a simple ponytail. His face is sharp and angled. Shiro's nose, while not overly large, has a severe angle to it. The oddest physical feature he possesses is like his canine teeth; they have been abnormally sharpened, possibly lengthened slightly, giving an otherwise average looking man something of a feral appearance when he smiles. Almost like a wolf about to eat its prey. Despite this, his typical expression is one of utter calm and peace.

Personality: Shiro, despite his chakra affinity, tends to have a personality like a water brook. He simply calmly moves onward in life, accepting each event as it occurs. That this means he is as calm slicing a helpless man's throat as he is weeding a garden just means others find him unsettling, assuming they aren't, in some capacity, just as ruthless.
Today, he is the same deadly calm man, though it could be said his patience is tried at times by Hoshiko. But if you suggest it, he'll probably remove your head.
One quirk is that Shiro is a great believer in loyalty on a personal level. While not a big fan of being unquestioningly loyal to a village, he's more willing to be loyal to specific people. That said, very few people earn this sort of loyalty. If there is anyone besides the Seven Swordsmen who fits the necessary criteria, Shiro isn't speaking.

Relationship with other Seven:
Shiro's relationships with the other Swordsmen are best generally expressed in familial terms. Indeed, Shiro thinks of them as his family, moreso than the people he shares blood with. Perhaps because he knows them better, and they all (or almost all) have the bonds forged in battle.

Mori Ryoma: Something of an uncle. Shiro greatly appreciates all that Ryoma taught him. Whatever differences of opinion they have on particulars of style are basically dismissed by Shiro as unimportant, merely the mark of two unique swordsmen. Whenever Ryoma gives Shiro advice, he always takes a long time to consider it, whatever his final decision regarding it.

Anahera Hoshiko: Hoshiko is the sister Shiro never really had. However much she may annoy him at times, he still sticks around. Mostly to help protect her from hunter-nin. Any chance to scare off possible suitors (the ones she doesn't inadvertantly scare off herself) is just an added bonus.

Gakeichigo Momo: In the past, Shiro enjoyed a strong rivalry with Momo. Perhaps not quite as aggressive about it as she would be, but it was definitely there nonetheless. In the present, she's settled more into a role of "little sister", at least in the back of his mind. His behavior around her reflects this, though he does still respect her skills as a warrior.

Motah Zurbesh: Motah annoys Shiro. Not only does his status as a "latecomer" occasionally grate with Shrio, his attitude is nigh intolerable at times. Shiro consoles himself with his outwardly stoic behavior, which he knows irritates Motah. It's one of his little pleasures.

Endo Daichi: Daichi's more private nature has led to a more distant relationship between he and Shiro. In essence, they're a bit like distant cousins. There's a general level of respect, but not a great deal of hearty interaction.

History: Shiro had the lowest body count of any of the 7 swordsmen when he passed the Bloody Mist exam. It was his sheer and utter calm and disinterest that triggered interest in him. That, and the fact that he killed his opponent with a couple of mere finger flicks, sending out primitive air blades that dissected his opponent's body.Shiro was appreciative of the attention, especially when it landed him a place training to be one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist.
While his comrades tended towards brute force, even then Shiro's chakra nature and general abilities showed, in that he focused on speed and precision, with only "average" (compared to the other swordsmen) power. When he was gifted with the recently re-discovered Kusanagi sword, his technique began refining further. It didn't take a large amount of time before he earned a place in the Swordsmen.
A couple of years later, he, along with several of the other Swordsmen, left Kirigakure in a sudden defection. However, while the others left immediately, Shiro stayed behind to see if Hoshiko needed help escaping. Since she hadn't planned a defection, she was taken by surprise when the hunter-nin tried to kill her. Shiro helped her drive them off, and the two of them escaped the village. Ever since, they've been traveling companions, sometimes taking work to help ends meet.

Notable Jutsu:
Kaze no Yaiba (Blade of Wind): This jutsu creates a blade of wind. The blade is said to be impossible to block because of its intangible nature. Despite no requirement for a tool inherent in this jutsu, Shiro typically flings this jutsu off of his sword, playing to his muscle memory with his blade. (A-rank, offensive, Short-Mid range)

Kamaitachi no Jutsu (Sickle Weasel Technique): By freely manipulating the gale brought forth by his sword, the many air currents collide and create vacuums pockets. The person enveloped by this gale is assaulted by countless invisible blades, carving up their body. Also, the strong wind power will blow away all incoming projectile weapons and will even make the opponent unable to stay on their feet. Shiro has mastered being able to put more power into this jutsu, sometimes increasing the danger to the enemy. (C-rank or higher, offensive, Short-Mid range)

Kaze no Yari (Spear of Wind): Shiro focuses his chakra along Kusanagi, then pushes it forward along a line. The result is similar to Kaze no Yaiba, but results in a much greater range. As well, despite being sharp along the entire length of the "spear", it typically causes only a small wound.
It moves fast enough that it passes through an opponent's body near instantly, leaving a small, albeit painful, hole. However, the effective range is much greater than Kaze no Yaiba. (A-rank, offensive, Mid-Long range)

Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Technique): Shiro has a contract with weasels, often using them to perform wide area wind jutsu or multi-pronged attacks.

General Abilities:

Ninjutsu: Shiro has a decent library of wind jutsu, but beyond those and some very basic jutsu, he knows nothing else. His chakra nature is strong enough to make learning non-wind techniques virtually impossible.

Genjutsu: Shiro knows how to recognize and dispel all but a few genjutsu, barring a specialist, or someone who pumps a lot of power into the technique. His extreme mental discipline works to his favor in this area, but he possesses little true talent for it.

Taijutsu/Kenjutsu: Even more than his wind jutsu, Shiro is extraordinarily skilled at Kenjutsu. His blade means that his style is focused on speed and precision, rather than the brute force approach his fellow Swordsmen typically use. Often, Shiro will use his greater reach to disarm an enemy (if they have any weapons to speak of), then move the sword in with a flick of the wrist and end the enemy's life.

Chakra Control: Shiro has the chakra storage levels of a high-level jounin. His control can make it seem like he has more; Shiro's control is likely equalled or surpassed by a small number of ninja anywhere. He is able to portion out exactly the right amount of chakra for any technique. If he puts more chakra into a technique, it's to increase the power of that technique.

Special Abilities:

Kusanagi: Shiro's sword is Kusanagi, the Grass-Cutting Sword. At a glance, it resembles a jian, having a long, straight, two-edged blade. However, instead of a one-handed blade around 3 feet long, this sword is clearly a two handed weapon. With a 1'9" long handle and a 5' blade, it is an unusual weapon for an unusual warrior. It has a very faint bluish-white tint to the steel, signifying the chakra affinity of the blade itself. The handle is black-stained wood wrapped in dark grey leather. The guard is a small, simple oval shape.

Between the unique alloy used in its construction, and a large number of tiny seals engraved all over the sword (also at construction), it is capable of easily channeling chakra. As well, the seals and alloys mean this sword is extraordinarily sharp and hard. This allows the user to further enhance the already sharp nature of the blade. The blade itself seems to only properly channel either raw chakra or wind-aligned chakra. Others seem to sputter out with no affect if the user were to try channeling them into the sword.
Shiro typically charges it with a bit of chakra at the beginning of a fight, the seals in the blade helping contain the energy so that he doesn't even have to concentrate, or constantly channel chakra into it. He can then concentrate on either performing futher jutsu, or simply fighting with the blade.

The other unique property of the blade is connected to the sheath. When placed in the sheath and a small amount of chakra is channeled, Kusanagi and sheath shrink to the size of a tanto. When drawn, it will not resume its natural size until the special seal is deactivated through a similar application of power. The sheath can be brought to the full size of the blade for long-term storage as well.

Fūinjutsu: Partly due to studying Kusanagi and its sheath thoroughly, and partly through his own interest, Shiro has some moderate level of skill in the sealing arts. Mostly he uses it to store supplies and such, letting him get by with stuffing some scrolls into his belt pouches and call it "packing".

Kuchiyose no Jutsu Contract: Kensai Shiro possesses a contract with the weasels. Their affinity for wind, and greater reliance on speed and precision over brute force, made the choice fairly natural. Shiro is capable of summoning a few of the mid-power weasels, but has not yet reached his full potential with this contract, as indicated by the fact that he has never successfully summoned Itachi, the Weasel Boss. Typically, Shiro will summon these creatures to serve as boosts to his large area wind jutsu, as well as occasionally being a straight force multiplier in a fight.

Fuuton: Ha Wo Kaze ni Nabikase (Wind Release: Leaf on the Wind): Shiro summons up a powerful wind current, localized to around his body. Then, thanks to his wind-aligned nature, Shiro is able to actually take to a primitive form of flight. Due to the fact that he has to direct the wind and himself, his maneuverability is only adequate, so he often goes slower than his maximum speed. As well, the technique is draining, even with his incredible precision and control. From essentiall "full" on chakra, he has perhaps 30 minutes of flight. In combat, it is often cut down to, perhaps, 5 minutes. Often, he'll activate the jutsu for just a few seconds, making it more of a "jump" than a true flight.

Maximum Zersk
2009-11-22, 01:04 AM
Name/Rank: Fuuyama Ayame
Classification: C-Class
Birthdate: August 1st
Age: 13
Height: 4' 2"
Weight: ?
Gender: Female
Blood type: Not Known

Land of Wind

Appearance: Ayame is a small girl with red hair and tanned skin. She has dark brown eyes. She usually wears a sandy coloured T-Shirt and Pants. She has wide, knee-length boots that help her from sinking too much into the sand in here home-country. They also help here from sinking in mud.She has her headband on her forhead. She has a pair of Kamina-like sunglasses that she sometimes wears.

Personality: A cheerful, reckless girl. Basically, Genki. Owns a Shamisen, which she will commonly play. Loves spicy food. The spicier, the better. She isn't a slacker, and will do a mission enthusiastically and energetically, sometimes ending comically.

Bloodline: Not a bloodline, but her family is known for musical genjutsus. Predictably enough, she also chooses this type of technique. She chooses a shamisen as her instrument. Some of the techniques are known only to the Fuuyama Clan.

Notable Jutsu:

Sphere of Silence: The slow song causes all sound but itself to cease within a radius of 10 metres.

Blissfull Nightmare: Allows Fuuyama to create a dream or nightmare for the target to an extent.

Ninjutsu: Her second strongest point. She knows a range of D and C rank jutsus.

Genjutsu: Her genjutsu is her strong point. She uses her shamisen to make genjutsus, ranging from full-blown dream sequences, to silenced areas, to simple hallucinations.

Taijutsu: Her weakpoint. She is barely able to fight back anyone.

Special Abilities:

Agility Extremely agile and Dextrous.

Shamisen Player: Obviously. :smalltongue:

2009-11-23, 10:09 AM
Name/Rank: 崖苺 桃花 Gakeichigo Momo
Classification: Missing-nin, High A Rank
Birthdate: November 22nd
Age: 9 or 10~ She's really in her early twenties. She utilizes a skill similar to Tsunade's
Height: 123 cm
Weight: Pretty light~ "H-hey! W-why are you picking me up? Put me down!"
Gender: Female
Blood type: AB

The Seven Swordsmen of Mist
Those she'd call her friends



Momo carries a pretty normal looking katana on her back, which is still quite large for the child in comparison. She has big blue eyes and a medium lengthed haircut, though she wears clips and accessories in it - especially one in the form of a six-petaled peach blossom. One could say she is dressed in a kind of festival costume, and generally looks somewhat adorable. Her costuming changes often enough, but is generally some sort of mixture between cute and practical. She does have a tendency to become a 'dress-up doll' at the hands of some of the other Seven who stay in touch with her, but Momo doesn't really seem to mind. She does not wear her headband, as it actually happens to be too large for the young girl.

Her actual appearance is of the same girl who is in her twenties. Actually much older and more experienced, the only real difference is her clothes obviously fit her body differently in her adult form. Her sword is carried at her waist, much as a samurai would in her adult form. She does wear her headband - assuming she has time to put it on- around her neck.

Personality: Momo seems like a pretty normal ninja genin child - playful, spirited and excited, but still young at heart. She has a particular delight for sweets and sugary foods, which she has shared with Hoshiko. She's a shakey type that will leave people wondering if she really is one of the Seven Swordsmen. Until she draws her sword, and by then it's too late. She doesn't look like she enjoys killing, but the visage of a little girl covered in blood, walking away from the slaughter is a nightmare that the rare survivor might carry. One could say though that being in a child form all the time wears off on her a bit, and she's probably the least likely of the Seven to open hostilities. In fact, given her carefree nature, she is probably able to be convinced to stay out of the way, or maybe even help if the proper rewards are offered.
As her name suggests, she doesn't like cold weather, and one of the rumors of why she left her village was that it was too damp and cold for her tastes. Or too boring. But these are just rumors of course.

When she grips her sword and wraps her tassel about her hand, her true resolve is revealed, and one will be unable to convince her to stand down or surrender. It is a chillingly rare sight, and should one be familiar with this rumor about her, something that should likely strike terror or at least resignation in her foe.

As an adult she seems pretty carefree and relaxed, obviously taking life pretty simple as a wandering swordsman and keeping a low profile. She is rarely seen in this form, unless it is necessary - when say, traveling as a child is more troublesome than it's worth. But should she be encountered in this form by an opponent or enemy, it is likely for one of two reasons: 1) She deems the threat to herself too large and dangerous to play about in a child form, or 2) she's used up just about all of her chakra and cannot sustain it anymore.

Relationship with the other Seven

Hoshiko - Momo shares a delight in sugary foods, and being two girls on the squad, Momo tends to regard Hoshiko as something of a friend. Momo likely regards Hoshiko's fighting style as still lacking in focus, though her mastery of water ninjutsu is certainly praiseworthy in Momo's eyes. Since becoming a missing-nin and adopting her kid form, Momo has started to treat Hoshiko as something as an older sister-type, though that may just be the long length of time she has spent in the kid form wearing off on her. Of course, the one other topic of conversation that may well come up would be perhaps the comparison of Hoshiko-san's assets to Momo's own - or lack thereof... A comical downside to her transformation.
Shiro - The two have crossed blades many times, in friendly sparring matches, and perhaps even in affairs less friendly. Being that they both use wind chakra, Momo saw Shiro as something of a rival in technique, and though they still are very different fighters, there is a respect there that extends farther than just as a swordsman. Most of Momo's 'competition' since becoming Missing-nin has disappeared as she has lost some of that drive. Being in kid form almost exclusively now has probably done away with a lot of the 'respect' she used to have, though she doesn't seem to mind. She'd probably rather be friends anyhow.

I think Momo, as Motah's jutsu stand right now, would be probably quite scared of him deep down.
He literally is the epitome of everything that would be the required to take the easiest possible path to defeat her tied up in one package.
Seriously- he has the exact range of sword abilities she has in a nutshell (shadow clones, chakra extension on the blades) except in the element that can completely defeat her's in a fight. It's likely he's the only one amongst the Seven (until we see more character concepts to be certain, of course) who can defeat her with what could be described as 'relative ease.' Where as normally that would be something of a motivating factor for her, she prefer just to accept the lost battle and actually not at all be interested in trying to 'compete' with him.

Now that they have become missing-nin however, whatever struggles she's had with him are behind really, though perhaps not entirely out of memory. Being in a child form, she is likely to look to him as an older brother-like figure, and may actually admire him for, in a sense, staying true to himself through all of this.

It takes a great deal of courage for one to be willing to confront their hunters instead of 'hiding' (which, really her child state could be considered a kind of extra attempt on her part to escape being hunted), and she is likely to respect that in Motah.
Perhaps it's too soon after becoming a missing-nin for Momo to have truly considered other thoughts about Motah, especially with their worlds being turned so completely upside-down... They would make a good pair, if found back to back - though Momo may have always thought of their elements as being a favor by fate to Matoh's side of their competition, they really are complementary elements, should they be working together.

Endo Daichi- Momo thinks Daichi is quite the scary swordsman, but also quite a stick-in-the-mud. He was in the Seven long before Momo, so he is kind of a sempai, though not the endearing kind. Still, she seems to get along with him passably, when he isn't picking her up or keeping her in line. Daichi is one of the only Seven who seems to be able to do that actually, though of course, Momo's compliance can be bought, or her antics pacified if one knows the right tricks. Daichi is also a little mysterious, as she hasn't seen him fight a lot. As such, she likely doesn't show off her own sword much in front of him - though this is partly just the unconcious habits of a swordsman trying to maintain her own advantage.

Mori Ryoma- Momo is pretty unnerved by Ryoma. Not only is he a master of the sword draw and a proficient user of wind chakra to enhance his sword (though Momo will claim she is better at this than any of the other swordsmen including him), but he is also downright creepy in his mummy-esque appearance. All the same, Momo is more on the cautious 'wait and see' approach to dealing with Ryoma and is generally a little more subdued with him about. Apart from Daichi, Ryoma is the only other Seven who can keep her in line
Kitakawa Kanaye - Momo's delightful playmate, whether he is willing or not. Momo is liably to treat him like a spoiled princess would, and yet it is always with lovable affection. Even if she is 'younger' than him in her current form, she takes sheer delight in the unrelenting onslaught of bossing the younger swordsman about to her whims...When he obeys. Otherwise she nags and whines until he can't but give up. Out of all the swordsmen, she is liable still to be willing to fight with Kanaye...just to prove she's better than him (and so, still justified in bossing him around).

Bloodline: No special bloodline.

Notable Jutsu:

Kenjutsu: Momo, being one of the Seven Swordsmen, is an expert in combat with the blade. Her style uses what appears to be a normal katana, and she is quite proficient with it, and knows the exact length of her blade as if it was her own hand. Her fighting style is fast and precise beyond all measure - the kind that is almost a blur to the unprepared, and yet capable of cutting the wick of a burning candle without touching the wax. If it was it's appearance was to be summed up in one word, it would be "Effortless".

Hien "Flying Swallow": A master of using Wind chakra about her sword, Momo's sword's cutting power and length is enhanced and extended beyond what one would expect. She may not have raw power in a fight, but by taking advantage of an enemy's misconception, she can cut them down with one strike.

霧殺: 燕羽の飛び回る Musatsu: Enha no Tobimawaru- "Murdering Mist: Fluttering of the Swallow's Feathers": Should she fail to slay her opponent immediately with her first blow, Momo generally adopts this stance and technique- making two shadow clones (her limit) and engaging in a complicated, blurred sword dance to fight her foe. With three targets/swords, each with a varying Cutting length, it is nigh impossible to engage in melee combat with her and expect to win - unless one is also skilled at shadow-clone manipulation and taijutsu. The name comes from the subtle graceful beauty of fluttering wings, the rhythm of their flight, and the graceful way they cut through the sky effortlessly. One could say this is the Ultimate Expression of the Hien technique. Against a single opponent this is a death sentence - evident by the forenamed "Murdering Mist" - a relic of the hushed whispers the enemies of Mist used to pass during the wars long ago. Momo has refined and given this style a grace it once did not carry...and perhaps it is all the more fearsome because of it.

Ninjutsu: She is relatively weak in ninjutsu: Having a constant youthful appearance effort maintained, and when fighting, Hien, and at most on top of that, the two shadow clones for Mikazuki...She doesn't have the chakra to really engage in ninjutsu. She knows the basics, though, and is able to identify plenty of techniques performed against her. Having Hien enhanced on her sword does make her quite effective in cutting through lightning based jutsu, however.

Genjutsu: To an extent, one could say she is quite skilled at deceiving, but actually Genjutsu techniques...not really.

Taijutsu: Her absolutely strongest point. Engaging in melee combat with her without a thorough knowledge of her skills and abilities is suicide. This of course, goes for all the Seven Swordsmen, and one may find that amongst her companions that Momo is not as quick to draw her blade, but if she does, one can be assured she will not let her opponent lift his head. Whereas the other seven swordsmen may be willing to let a battle extend to a range or using ninjutsu, Momo will never allow her battles to progress to that range - keeping her opponents close within her range (or extending her sword's range as necessary) and nullifying those abilities as she can. There is no respite once she starts.

Special Abilities:

Asanagi: The sword that Momo uses essentially appears to be a katana. A charm hangs from the end of the hilt in the form of a six petaled peach blossom on a tassel - she generally will wrap this about her hand after she has finished her opponent - or at least, after her first strike has failed. In a way, it's a symbolic act both of signifying unity with her sword, but also that she will not drop it or suffer to let it fall aside. The flower on the tassel matches the one she has tied in her hair.

Henge no Jutsu: Similar to Tsunade, Momo is under a seemingly constant Henge of a younger version of herself. She maintains this with seemingly no effort, and is only liable to drop it when her chakra is nearly completely exhausted, or when it is necessary to be an 'adult' about something.

2009-11-23, 04:04 PM
Name/Rank: Motah Zurbesh, "Raging Fire" / One of the Seven Swordsman
Classification: High A-Class
Birthdate:July 23
Age: 29
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 134 lb.
Gender: Male
Blood type: AB+

Missing-nin: Land of fire
One of the Seven Swordsman

Appearance: Motah wears clothing that consisting of reddish hues and has a pattern on it that resembles flames. They closely resemble red and orange. He wears a short sleeve t-shirt and long pants. He has two special swords that he had gotten made for him at the village of artisans. His headband is wrapped around his left arm with a slash across the symbol of the leaf.

His eyes are a dark, yet those who get a good look swear that they are red. His hair is spiked wildly and is dark brown.


Personality: Motah is arrogant and confident in his abilities. He is also very greedy and hoards alot of money. This has made him hide many stashes of treasure throughout the land. When he wants something unique and special, he will spend alot to get it, way above the estimated price, so that it will remain a secret purchase.

He gets angered easily in fights and that tends to make him more dangerous. His temper and chakra element has given him the nickname, "Raging Fire". He specializes in fire techniques which he combines with his own unique fighting style. He's never seen anywhere without his two special swords that make him all but practically invincible.

He uses mon coins as shiriken rather then buy them. He thinks that the coins are just as good as shiriken and he doesn't need to spend them for that purpose.

History: Motah left the village as a young Genin, so not much is known about him from the village. Very few can actually recall him ever being in the village at all. His entire family died mysteriously and without a trace shortly before he left. Their entire treasury was plundered as well, leaving nothing behind.

When Motah left, he quickly trained to become skilled with two sword combat. Living alone for years, he accumilated alot of wealth as well as perfecting his fighting style. He eventually travel to the Village of the Artisans and paid over a large sum of money to have two unique swords crafted especially for him. The amount paid was well over $25,000,000 for the craft and the bribe of silence.

With his new swords, he began to terrorize the land. He took the highest buyers and carried out missions that often lead to assassination. Where ever he went, he would leave burning wreckage behind. This led to his nickname "Raging Fire". His skill with his swords evetually became noticed and he was approached by the Seven Swordsman of the Mist after one of their number had died recently. He happily accepted the position and became a deadly ally to them.

Relation to the other Swordsmen:

Anahera Hoshiko: Motah thinks of Anahera as just a laid back person. He tends to be calmed by being around her and amused at her child-like nature. He however is a little nervious when she gets into her riled up fight.
Shiro Kensai: Unlike Anahera, Shiro tends to make Motah more eager to do something. The man's calm was too unnatural for him and he feels more enraged then normal. This will lead to him being mildly rude and provoking to get Shiro more interested in what's going on around him.
Momo Gakeichigo: The only living person that Motah has an interest in. He views her child form as a little sister to him somewhat and has a protective attitude to her. Though this is mainly for discussions behind her back. He knows that she can handle herself in fights fairly well. When Momo is in her adult form, Motah views her in a more personal interest. Though this doesn't last very long due to the reasons she goes into this form.
Endo Daichi: Motah shows respect to Daichi, mainly because of his massive size and strength.
Mori Ryoma "Silent Phantom": Motah is nervous about the aged man. He learned abit about his history and that has made him weary about him. However, he greatly respects the man and will do nothing to offend him directly. Motah views Ryoma's sword in a superspicious way and hopes greatly that he would never have to touch or hold it.
Kitakawa Kanaye: Motah is merely indifferent to Kanaye. His shy attitude may get on his nerves at times, but otherwise he barely even registers he's there.

Bloodline: Motah came from the Zurbesh clan, which was dying and widely unheard of before it's mysterious disapperance. They specialize in fire techniques.

Chakra Element: Fire

Notable Jutsu: Motah specializes in fire techniques.

Fire Technique, Fireball: Motah is able to expel a huge fireball at his enemies.
Fire Technique, Flame Slash: Motah is able to slash shockwave away from his swords. However the shockwaves consist of intense flames that burn anything they touch
Fire Technique, Inferno Hurricane: Motah is able to slash around him quickly causing a hurricane of flames that surround and protect him from physical attacks.
Fire Shadow Clones: Motah sometimes enjoys creating shadow clones of himself to add to the mayham of the fire. They can perform any jutsu of his similar to a shadow clone. However, when disappaited, they errupt into a torrent of flames.
Fire Technique, Phoenix Flower: Motah is able to expel several small fire balls in rapid consecutive bursts. He tends to hide coins in them to be used as shiriken.
Fire Technique, Phoenix Flames: Motah is able to exhale a long stream of fire from his mouth continueously. The flames are connected to his mouth and he's able to control them. They usually dance around in the air after their target. Also, by mass a bunch of chakra, he can shape the end of the flames into the shape of a Phoenix head. This makes the flames have a solid side when they impact and can even screech like a Phoenix.
Ultimate Fire Technique, Heart of the Phoenix: Motah's strongest attack. Only the most poor, unfortunate of souls who anger him to the extreme witness this jutsu. At the cost of most of his chakra, he is able to exhale a huge portion of flames in the shape of a Phoenix. This Phoenix is in all respects, "intellegent". It is roughly the size of a 2 and a half story house. It will relentlessly pursue the target until it is discharged or the target is dead. The Phoenix is able to exhale flames from it's mouth. When the thing discharges, it explodes tremedously. It then soots out many small flares away from it. These flares in turn then shoot out directly toward any other target that Motah directs them to.

Special Abilities: Motah has developed a unique style of fighting. He is able to cast jutsu's without letting go of his swords.

Sword Hand Signs: Through careful and time consuming practice, Motah has developed the ability to form special formation signs using his swords that mimic hand signs for jutsu's.
Duel Red Blades: Motah has two spcially made blades that he can focuses his chakra into easily to make the special signs he needs. They also can take his chakra and cause Phantom blade extensions. These Phatom blades are as real as the original blade, they are just translucent and red. These phatom blades are formed chakra replica's of his blades and he can have them hover or attack as he wills it. He can make three phatom blades for each of his blades.
Superheat metal: Motah tends to like to super heat metals around him with his fire element. This gives him an advantage in fighting since he tends to aim for metal that the opponent wears.
Greater Fire style: At the cost of more chakra, Motah can increase the size, power, speed, and effectiveness of his fire jutsu's. However, it leaves him immensly drained in chakra and repeated use can incompacitate him.

Shades of Gray
2009-11-25, 03:19 PM
Name/Rank: Endo Daichi, Swordsman of the Hidden Rain Village.
Classification: A-Class
Birthdate: December 31st
Age: Thirty-Seven
Height: 7'1"
Weight: More than you
Gender: Male. And Quite admirably so.

Appearance: Daichi is a massive man, seemingly made of muscle. He wears an open cloak that covers most of the right side of his body. His face can be called terrifying, with several scars. It looks like he's in need of a shave as well. His hair is pulled back into a tight, braided ponytail. In lieu of a forehead protector, the symbol for the hidden rain village was scarred into his forehead, barely visible.

Personality: Silent and gruff. He shows signs of intelligence behind all that muscle. He only respects those who've proven themselves. According to some stories, he doesn't like killing, merely leaving his opponents bleeding on the ground. According to others, so much as looking at him funny will be the last look you ever give.

Bloodline: Unknown.

Elemental Affinity: Water and Fire

Notable Jutsu: He shows no talent for Genjutsu, and obviously has a high taijutsu level. He has a massive chakra pool, but he barely uses any jutsu, as far as anyone's seen.

Special Abilities: His massive greatsword, Futtenken (沸点剣) shows an unusual technology level.

2009-11-25, 08:03 PM
Name/Rank: Chinatsu Rei (Last name then first)
Classification: B-Class
Birthdate: February 14th
Age: ???
Height: 5'10"
Weight: Unknown
Gender: Female
Bloodtype: O-


Appearance: Rei's appearance would seem to be very mutable to anyone who didn't know her well, constantly changing with a henge based on the needs of the situation. Those around her long enough know she 'defaults' back to one form more often then others.

To people who know her well:
Her default and possibly 'true' form. (http://i47.tinypic.com/281f0o7.jpg)

Personality: Chinatsu Rei has been and only can be described as a lunatic and an almost uncontrollable one at that. With a mercurial mood and an ever-shifting method of determining a friend from a foe, she poses just as much a danger in a fight to her allies as she does an enemy which is why she is often seen acting alone or only with her pet snake Iba. Perhaps because of this, she is sadistic in combat and very prone to humiliating her foes before or after she defeats them purely for the joy she gets out of it.

When in battle, Rei's tactics are unusual, wild, and sometimes perverted as she uses any means at her disposal to come out victorious. She also has a tendency to target men as targets when the chance arises. Which makes her allegiance to the Shoku, the leaders of which are primarily male, a bit curious but only Rei and possibly a couple others know the answer to that. It's possible that even she doesn't.

Bloodline: No bloodline has been noted for the Chinatsu family, but the potency of their genjutsu puts that in question a little.

Elemental Affinity: None noted. Rei hasn't been seen using elemental ninjutsu.

Notable Jutsu:

Serious Jutsu
Kage Bunshin no Jutsu: This technique has been seen a lot and it's intricacies are well understood, so there is little to note here that hasn't already been. Rei can keep up a supply of ten clones (replenishing them as they are destroyed) for little while before exhausting herself, but usually uses this technique in a more...original manner then throwing waves of bodies at someone.

Saiman Jutsu - Musou no Jutsu (Hypnotism Technique - Mind Blank Technique): A powerful but subtle doujutsu technique unique to the Chinatsu family, Rei casts an illusion of an enemy's senses that makes her all but invisible to them. To the victim, they can't see, hear, or even smell her even if they know she is still there.

Jisoku no Jutsu (Pretense of Speed Technique): An insidious technique, Rei causes the victim of this jutsu to believe she is moving faster then she actually is which can have them over-compensating for what they 'think' is happening. This usually leaves their defenses full of holes for Rei to exploit.

Saimin Jutsu - Kage Kiai (Hypnotism Technique - Otherworldly Scream): By means of this Chinatsu family doujutsu, Rei projects a piercing scream into the mind of someone who meets her eyes. This screech is loud enough to stun and terrify most people, and if she puts enough chakra behind it could even cause them to start bleeding out of their ears.

Saimin no Jutsu (Hypnotism Technique): The most basic of the Chinatsu techniques, Rei can compel someone who looks into her eyes to feel much calmer and at ease with the world around them. While victims become suggestible in this state, the control is not complete and can't compel a victim to do something utterly against their nature. (For most people, the command to kill a cherished friend would be ignored and break the jutsu as an example)

Majikkumira no Jutsu (Magic Mirror technique): One of her few favorite, non-doujutsu, genjutsu techniques, by way of this jutsu Rei can create mirror images of herself that act on her mental commands. These images hold no substance to them and can't actually harm someone, but one of Rei's favorite tactics is to mix kage bunshins, mirror images, and herself all into one big mash so the enemy doesn't know which Rei is real, which is fake, and which can even hurt them in the first place.

Somewhat Less Serious
Oiroke no Jutsu (Sexy Technique): Rei is more then happy to take advantage of males by using the power of perversion to over come their good sense and leave them open. If they knock themselves by way of nosebleed then it's a win and victory for her since she doesn't even need to do anything more to humiliate them. Usually she simply transform into a nude or barely clothed version of whatever form she is currently in (or her default form) rather then into something completely different. Or, on rare occasions, a male form for female opponents.

Hāremu no Jutsu (Harem Jutsu): A variation on the Oiroke no Jutsu, Rei has and will use the oiroke no jutsu on her shadow clones to swamp an enemy. How she determines if she should or shouldn't is a bit of a mystery.

Oiroke: Onnanoko Dōshi no Jutsu (Sexy: Girl on Girl Technique): The fastest way to get Rei both laughing her ass off and fighting mad is to fall victim to this technique. Again, the mechanics of which are obvious.

Special Abilities:

Weapons: Rei carries numerous kunai, senbon needles, and a rather peculiar sword on her person at all times and all of them are liberally smeared with a paralytic poison. Her snake, Iba (which is usually enlarged by a jutsu when used to fight), is also seen used as a weapon or even a ride in the middle of combat. While she knows no special techniques to use any of the above tools, despite the training need to use them proficiently, she is adept in their use.

Hide Chakra: As the ability pretty much says, Rei is able to disguise her chakra to seem 'less then she is' while in disguise. Her ability to do such is quite skilled and it'd take someone able to sense chakra to tell there was something more to her.

2009-11-25, 10:38 PM
Name: Sunadou, Kyogou (Kyo to his friends) (Last, First)
Rank: Genin (Low-C to High-D)
Age: 15
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 115 lbs
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Sunagakure

Appearance: Kyogou is a fairly tall and well built kid, with a passion for tattoos. His hair is cut short to his head and is the color of the desert sands, while his eyes are a deep emerald shade. Kyogou wears baggy desert-camo pants and sandals on his feet. He disdains wearing a shirt, the better to show off his musculature and his numerous tattoos. His skin is the tan color of a guy who spends a lot of time outdoors in the sun. He lets his forehead protector hang from his neck. Kyogou has a tattoo of the Sunagakure symbol on the top right side of his face, with the far left line bisecting his eye. He wears the symbol pride on his left shoulder, his favorite tattoo is that of a Liger, which many people call a "Striped Lion" much to his annoyance. The Liger appears ready to pounce, it's maned head somewhere near the middle of his chest, it's body trails back to the top-right of his chest, and it's tail trails down his right arm, with the tuft ending on the back of his hand, finally he bears the kanji for desert in large print across his back.

Personality: Kyogou is somewhat arrogant, making many boasts and claims. He even claims to have risen to his current position as Genin in "record time" though nobody bothers to confirm or deny these claims. Kyogou is somewhat rash and can be pigheaded, but will yield to more experienced Ninja's wisdom and knowledge. Kyogou despite his good-natured boasting, is a very prideful person. He clings to his accomplishments and becomes angry with those who try to belittle them. Kyogou was an orphan found in the desert outside of Sunagakure, and nobody knows where he came from.

Bloodline: Kyogou has a bloodline trait that he calls the "Inner Release" but which is more commonly known to people as the "Beast Within" As the name suggests, Kyogou is able to assume the traits of animals, specifically Ligers. Kyogou has trained to assume the traits of other animals, but this is more difficult and takes much more practice. He assumes that the "Inner Release" has an obvious bias towards the animal that someone has an affinity for. The traits assumed can be anything from a somewhat heightened sense of smell, sight, hearing or strength and agility, to assuming physical traits such as fur, claws, fangs and even a tail. It is assumed that with practice he could take on the full form of a given animal, though Kyogou has yet to reach that level.

Elemental Affinity: Wind

Notable Jutsu:

Roaring Wind: Where most use Wind techniques to form cutting blades, Kyogou uses his Inner Release to make his voice and lungs like that of a liger, and uses the raw force of wind and his own terrifying roar as a single solid blast of air that knocks people of their feet and breaks bones.

Fearful Prey: Kyogou uses subtle genjutsu to make his opponents believe they are being stalked by a fearsome enemy, which Kyogou uses to make his enemies jumpy and paranoid, and during a fight cause them to split their attention between him and the illusory attacker.

The Silent Hunter: Using a combination of Ninjutsu and Taijutsu, Kyogou taps into his own bestial nature to quiet his steps, more so than he would normally be able, such that someone who is unwary would not be able to hear him coming even if he was right behind them.

Terrors Mask: Changing his facial features with his Kekkei Genkai, Kyogou furthers the fear inflicted by his visage using Genjutsu, making those who look into his face paralyzed by the terrible sight, or even to break and panic.


Ninjutsu: Kyogou is a fairly proficient Ninjutsu user, and has a beginners grasp of wind techniques.
Taijutsu: Kyogou trains often and hard, and his bloodline abilities greatly boost his natural speed and agility, making him a powerful taijutsu user.
Genjutsu: Kyogou has a strong grasp of Genjutsu, and often uses it in conjunction with his other techniques to create fear and panic in his opponents, making them sloppier.
Chakra Control: Kyogou has a solid enough grasp of chakra control, though he does not overly excel in it.

Special Abilities:

Liger Contract: Kyogou has a contract with the rare and powerful Liger clan, which he has had for as long as he can remember. Ligers are the most powerful of the feline clans, but also the least common, so while they are strong allies, Kyogou is somewhat limited in their summoning.

Animal Affinity: Though Kyogou has a special affinity for Ligers, he is touched by the wilds and can roughly understand, empathize, and sometimes even communicate with wild animals.

2009-11-28, 06:17 AM
Name/Rank: Umari Susumu, Jounin
Classification: A-Class
Birthdate: July 11th
Age: Thirty
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 70 kg
Gender: Male
Blood type: AB-
Land of Lightening

Appearance: Susumu is a stocky brown-haired Jounin who appears to prefer loose dark blue clothing. He appears to have no other immediate belongings other than a Kunai pouch strapped to each leg and a slim metal box that runs down the length of his back, painted a dull dark blue and with small furry tassels attacked to make it less obvious. He where's dark blue fingerless gloves with ridged metal plates over the knuckles.
His skin has the light tan of someone that has spent only a little time in the sun, and probably only recently, and his broad face adorns a pair of dark brown eyes, that are often overshadowed by thick eyebrows, especially because he has a tendency to squint when he is outdoors.
Personality: Susumu's is an eccentric, yet anti-social character. While he thrives off human contact, as most of his time is spent privately he can fail to grasp some social nuances, and thus he is also poor at reading peoples reactions. His warm baritone voice contradicts his easily excitable personality. When fighting he has been known to laugh, both when losing and winning and he seems to regard most combat as a game.
Bloodline: Whether or not Susumu has a Kekkei Genkai has been a subject of some debate. While he has almost perfect chakra control, he also seems to have seemingly limitless reserves... Why, this is unknown.
Susumu's bloodline allows him to natural incorporate any chakra injected into himself into his chakra pool without any damage to himself. This allows him to store chakra in scrolls, then absorb it into his chakra system when needed.

Notable Jutsu: What jutsu does your character use the most often? It's entirely possible to deviate from this list, but try not to do so very much.
Hosen no Jutsu - The user uses the palms of his hand to direct a burst of flame that travels in a thin line.
Kirisen no Jutsu- The user uses the palms of his hand to direct a thin line of water that slices through all it comes in contact with.
Chakra Juuten no Jutsu - Susumu replenishes his chakra reserves from seemingly nowhere.
Doton: Doryuheki - User spews a wall of earth out of his mouth to protect him from most direct attacks.
Doton: Dochu Eigyo no Jutsu - User sinks into the ground and can move around freely as long as he doesn't run out of air.
Doton: Shuurenkobushi no Jutsu - One of Sususmu's least used techniques, but worth mentioning as it is designed as a last resort against enemies with powerful shields, punching his fist into the ground, Susumu pulls as many the hardest available minerals possible and forms them into a smooth drill around his fist, which he then proceeds to spin at a rapid speed (Which makes the ground appear to crumple around his punch and burst as he pulls the drill from the ground) The drill can puncture most shields, but requires close contact to keep it at a fast enough speed to cut through anything harder than steel.
Doton: Shuurenenka no Jutsu - Takes the drill from Shuurenkobushi and "fires" it at high speed.
Han Bushin/Han Iwa Bushin no Jutsu - A sealing tag creates a self perpetuating clone/earth clone (that will continue to reform) until the seal is destroyed or the chakra in the seal runs out. Rarely used due to the cost of creation.

Fuuinjutsu: Susumu is essentially a ninjutsu fuuinjutsu expert, as he uses scrolls and stored chakra to be able to use powerful ninjutsu techniques for long periods of time.

Ninjutsu: Susumu strongly focuses on earth jutsu for both defense and offense (Which is his elemental affinity), though he also has access to some water and fire jutsu for alternative attacks. Rather than completely specialising, Susumu has a large number of less powerful jutsu that he uses as his "toolbox" for attacking his opponents weakness, as he has both close and long-range jutsu at his disposal of all different types.
Susumu has learned several emergency first aid medical jutsu; notably he has created a seal (applied to the back of the neck) that totally relaxes the body of the person affected allowing surgeries to be performed more easily on stressed patients/enemies.

Genjutsu: Susumu's excellent chakra control gives him some grasp over the field of Genjutsu, but it doesn't hold the focus of his interest. He has been known to use mild Genjutsu to confuse his opponents, but doesn't like to rely on it due to the abundance of sensory type ninja there are.

Taijutsu: Susumu's Taijutsu is neglected, but still strong. He mostly uses Kenjutsu against any Taijutsu specialists he faces, utilising a pair of tanto's sealed into his wrists to keep them distanced from him so he can cut them down with ninjutsu.

Special Abilities:
Strength: Susumu isn't a particularly powerful shinobi, focusing more on attacks that penetrate defenses rather than crush them. His precise chakra control allows him to enhance his strength, but not notably.
Speed: Susumu is fast (especially when aided by chakra which he has in seemingly abundance), and uses this speed to overwhelm opponents before they have time to react. However his reflexes are slightly worse than those of an average Jounin, so he relies less on dodging and more on physical barriers to keep opponents away from him.
Strategist: Susumu specialises in dealing a killing blow to his opponent as quickly as possible through deception to open his opponents guards.

2009-11-29, 03:39 AM
Name/Rank: Kinoti/Genin
Classification: D-Class
Birthdate: April 2nd
Age: 13
Height: Average
Weight: Average
Gender: Male


Appearance: Kinoti is found normally with a smile that fits his age, or with the serious studying face of an aged man paying attention to every detail in his books. His hair is blond and his eyes are brown. He holds himself tall and upright, always proud. He wears his forehead protector on his head 'where it belongs.' He has a thick, tan vest similar to those worn by chuunin, padded for protection and covered in small scroll sized pockets. His pants are a deep brown that match the vest, padded and covered in pockets. Every pocket is placed so that Kinoti can easily open any of them with ease and no interference from the others. A few pockets near his hips very from the rest. There's two pockets for kunai and two for shuriken. He also has a belt mounted pack to hold various odds and ends that he feels he might need.

Personality: Kinoti has two sides to him. The fun loving, lazy, enjoy the day side is where he would be all the time if he could. He loves to just spend time with his friends and waste the day away. He can enjoy simple little pranks, nonsense games with rules that change on the fly, or even some structured game with enforced rules. Then there's the serious side. This side of him sees the dangers of the world, the troubles that the world holds, and what little he can do about it. This side also does what it can to make sure that when he can have fun with his friends, it is with as little worry as possible. Kinoti can almost be called bi-polar with how quickly he can switch sides. One second he'll be laughing at some joke, then something will click, some problem solved in his mind, and off he'll race to take care of it with a seriousness to him that shows no fun that he was having seconds ago.

Bloodline: Kinoti holds no bloodline in his family, he isn't even sure if his family has any ninjas in them.

Notable Jutsu: What jutsu does your character use the most often? It's entirely possible to deviate from this list, but try not to do so very much.

Scroll Summoning: Kinoti's abilities in combat lay in three places. His mind, his weapons, and his scrolls. Those many pockets he has will summon a weapon, or a large cache of weapons for him to use. Most are mundane, some have been chakra infused to boost their power. The special ones he avoids using unless he has to, they are his trump cards.

Special Abilities: Kinoti's strength in all things, is his mind. He has been gifted with the ability to observe and learn. His abilities to observe his surroundings are hard to match. While he might not be much of a fighter, he is one of the best supporters you could ask for. Put him on the sidelines of a fight, and he will be able to tell you how to beat your opponent.
However, this does offer a couple noticeable weakness in his strength. First of all, he's not much of a fighter. He can defend himself to buy time and he might take a couple quick shots at some openings he'll so, but mostly he lacks real offensive capabilities...for now. The other problem is his lack of field experience. While he's watching one person fight, trying to figure out how to help his team mate win, he might zone in on the fight and not notice when someone sneaks up on him. Making him an easy target.

2009-11-30, 12:36 PM
Name/Rank: Mori "Silent Phantom" Ryoma, missing nin
Classification: high A-class
Birthdate: Unknown.
Age: Old. Very old.
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 154 lbs
Gender: Male.
Blood type: Unknown
Affiliation: Seven swordsmen of Hidden Mist

Appearance: Ryoma's body is that of a thin man's, though its hard to tell much because of his clothes. He's covered in white cotton bandages from head to toes, hides his eyes with a pair of sunglasses and wears rugged, loose frieze overcoat that extends to his knees along with a pair of black trousers. He wears a red sash upon the coat, from which hangs a battered iron scabbard that sheathes his sword. On his feet he has black leather boots.

Ryoma speaks by whispering, as if talking was a chore for him. He still manages to imbue his words with a kind, fatherly intonation despite otherwise sounding creepy as hell.

Personality: Outside of battlefield, Ryoma is known generally as "kind old guy", and if it weren't for his war reputation, it'd be hard to see him as dangerous. He enjoys playing with children, telling war stories and teaching hot-headed youngsters to wield a sword. Though he's still hunted by his old village, he doesn't really bother with hiding, often stopping his travels to visit a nearby tavern for a good cup of coffee. He's known to lend his aid to poor villages for free, and while a lot of people still fear him, he is held as a hero in many places. This generally harmless behaviour combined with his old track record often cause informed hunter-nin to just leave him alone.

However, in combat, Ryoma assumes a cold, silent mannerism that is unnerving to more hot-headed opponents. His motto, "From silence, to silence", has been the last thing for many to hear, and these words echo in the nightmares of even greater lot. While nowadays he rarely strikes expect in self-defence, during the ninja wars he was known for appearing out of nowhere and mercilessly slaughtering all in his way; this is what earned him his nickname. Even his own comrades were sometimes scared speechless by the way he cold-bloodedly mowed down his enemies.

Relationship with other Seven: Having known and trained many of the younger swordsmen, Ryoma has a fatherly sort of stance towards them. However, he's beginning to feel obsoleted by them; the youngsters have nowhere to go but up in his eyes, while he's literally living on borrowed time. He's considering passing down his blade to one of them, but fears they lack the mental fortitude to master it. While reluctant to die, Ryoma feels duty-bound to remain a swordman untill someone bests him.

Kensai Shiro: Ryoma considers Shiro most promising "youngster" mentally, but thinks he should focus more on improving his raw strenght. Ryoma considers giving Blade of Memories to Shiro to accompany Kusanagi, unless a "worthy opponent" appears to claim his life before that.

Gakeichigo Momo: Though he finds her appearance endearing, Ryoma considers Momo's habit of masquerading as a child rather odd. Otherwise he bear no ill will towards the girl, and will be happy to travel with her if the chance represents itself.

Motah Zurbesh: While Ryoma dislikes the newcomer's hot-headed attitude, he admires his raw power and especially his sword sign system. When he was younger, Ryoma tried to achieve similar ability, and is glad to have seen such a technique is possible.

Endo Daichi: Little is known what Ryoma thinks of Daichi; the two never seem to be present at the same time, and "Phantom" keeps his mouth shut about the big guy.

Anahera Hoshiko: Ryoma treats Hoshiko with a mix of amused pride... and fear. Its not known why, but the nickname "Immortal of the Mist" holds some special significance to the old warrior.

Kitakawa Kanaye: Ryoma has only passingly met the youngest member of his group, but is happy to for the swordsmen to once again have full numbers. He's looking eagerly towars sparring with the kid and giving him some pointers if necessary.

History: One of the earlier members of the seven swordsmen, Ryoma was already old and established warrior when he was accepted into their ranks, and has kept his rank the longest. No-one alive seems to remember exactly how darn old he is, but there are rumors he has fought in all three ninja wars. This is, of course, highly unlikely, but the tales persist. He's been announced dead several times, but has always manages to crawl back from some hell-hole and reclaimed his position.

When he still swore his allegiance to Kirigakure, Ryoma was involved knee-deep in all the nastier aspects of his village. As the oldbie of the group, he was often responsible for organizing training and exams for younger swordsmen. No-one can tell for sure, but bad tongues whisper that he left his village because "it was getting too soft".

Bloodline: Among the Moris of Kirigakure there has been an affinity for the "dust" element, but its unclear if Ryoma possesses this trait.

Elemental affinities: Earth and Wind

Notable Jutsu:

Iaijutsu Master: "From silence to silence, from stilness to stilness." Ryoma has mastered the art of drawing his sword, and can unsheath it, strike his enemies, wipe away their blood and return it to its sheath so quick its hard for eyes to follow. Many claim he's even deflected arrows or cut men in half while appearing implacable. He can also combine Iaijutsu with other jutsu for devastating effect.

Visage of Death: This genjutsu makes it look like there's a towering, skeletal phantasm standing behind Ryoma. It causes unearthly terror and sensation of cold in all who view it; while immense willpower or pain can be used to resist it, its effects linger on for a while even after its disbelieved. Furthermore, Ryoma has mastered this jutsu to the point where he just has to be present to activate it. Fortunately, the jutsu's main effect is terror and it doesn't greatly obscure senses, so one can function even without dispelling it.

Rippling Blade: By shaking his hand, Ryoma can blur the form of his sword so that its hard to see where exactly the blade is moving. He utilizes this effect to create elaborate feints and counter-strikes. Its also the basis for his next technique.

Rain of Blades: Trough creative use of Rippling Blade and channeling chakra to his arms to make them more flexible, Ryoma can perform a rapid series of stabs which looks like multiple blades striking at once. Because more than half of these strikes are illusory after-images, this jutsu is very hard to block.

Touch of Destruction: Ryoma can cause rot, decay, rusting and shattering of objects by simply touching them with his hands or his sword. Tales tell he once reduced enemy fortifications to dust by simply tapping them with the pommel of his sword. This ability is best used for sundering inanimate objects and enemy equipment. Living beings inherently resist it, and causing deep wounds requires a lasting touch. For example, a slight tap might crush stone or burn trough a metal plate, but similar touch would only cause a patch of dried skin on a human.

Due to its limitations, Ryoma uses this jutsu for battlefield control rather than direct offense. He rarely uses it against small groups of foes, deeming it needlessly destructive, but uses it with impunity if surrounded.

Maw of the Grave: Only offensive ninjutsu Ryoma commonly uses, it causes the earth to open up and swallow his opponents, crushing them between teeth of stone. Because its easy to avoid, Ryoma usually preceeds the jutsu with clever footplay or tricks to trap his enemy into a corner before using it.

Ninjutsu: Ryoma's pool of ninjutsu is small, and centered on mobility and deception. What he lacks in quantity, he compensates with quality: he's had a long time to learn the ins and outs of his jutsus. He doesn't have all that much chakra to spare though, and prefers using less consuming genjutsu and his physical prowess to achieve victory.

Genjutsu: Visage of Death is only one of many genjutsu "Silent Phantom" knows: he has a large selection of genjutsus for discomforting or intimidating his enemies. They are of low power though, often affecting only one sense and are akin to Visage in that they allow their target to keep moving. Ryoma himself isn't very good at recognizing illusions, but is hard to catch in one; there's something in his nature that makes him naturally resistant to mental disruption.

Taijutsu: Swordman first and foremost, Ryoma's greatest ability naturally lies with the blade. He's a fearsome close-combatant, even if unarmed, and possesses astounding strength and agility for his frame. He also has a very versatile fighting style, combining bits and pieces from various styles as he sees fit.

Special Abilities:

Featherfoot: no matter what kind of surface he's on, Ryoma leaves no footprints and makes no sound. Supposedly, he has mastered movement jutsus to the point where he can always keep them on without exhausting his chakra.

Lifeless chakra: Ryoma's chakra is extremely hard to sense: it blends with the surroundings in a way that makes it seem like he has very little chakra or no chakra at all, as if he was a non-living object. This has been a nasty surprise to many sensors.

Tireless: No-one has ever seen Ryoma sleeping or eating solid food; no-one alive, at least. He always drinks with a straw to avoid removing his bandages. He never shows signs of exhaustion, even after fierce combat or being awake for days. While its hard to notice without being in his company for an extended period, this trait has sparked lots of speculation among his peers.

Elder's Sword: Ryomas sword looks like a western longsword with a battered and rusty edge. A long, thin silver chain connects the hilt to a bracelet in Ryomas right wrist. Its a very plain looking weapon, and rarely catches anyones attention. However, its made from very hard and tough alloy, allowing it to withstand stress that would break lesser blades. Unfortunately, this also make's the thing "darn bothersome" to sharpen, and Ryoma has to apply either great strength or Wind chakra to cut anything with it; he prefers the former method in combat to preserve chakra for other uses.

Also known as the "Blade of Memories", Ryoma's blade is one of the less known artefacts of the ninja world. It gradually absorbs chakra and mental responses from its wielder, slowly turning him into hollow, mindless husk. When a new wielder then draws first blood with the blade, it feeds all accumulated experience and power to its new bearer. The reason why this is not widely known is that most wielders have gone insane in the process, entering catatonia or mad bloodlust and perishing before telling anyone. Few have managed to 'tame' the blade and harness the stored combat prowess of their precursors. Ryoma is the latest bearer of the artefact, and his unnatural longevity is result of his essence and personality being fused with the sword. Under his bandages, he's just an eyeless, mummified corpse, and his body keeps moving by channeling chakra from his surroundings and the sword.

Fire Vulnerability:The dryness of his undead body accompanied with his chakra type make Ryoma very vulnerable to Katon. His frieze overcoat is just one precaution to prevent himself from catching fire and being incinerated by simple explosive tags. Ryoma will avoid direct confrontation with known Katon users if he just can.

2009-11-30, 03:52 PM
Name/Rank: Nero Kachi/Genin; Medical Ninja in-training
Classification: D-rank
Birthdate: April 22
Age: 12
Height: 4' 2"
Weight: 78 lbs.
Gender: Male
Blood type: A+
Village Hidden in the Clouds

Appearance: Nero is short for his age. His hair is slightly spiky and is black. His eyes are amber in color, which is a result of his heritage. His clothes are mostly long, light colored clothing. He wears a vest where he keeps some of his medicine and special drugs in. He wears his sash on his forehead, which he uses to keep his hair out of his eyes.

Personality: Nero is a focused person when it comes to his medical studies. He wants to strive to be the best and most versatile medical ninja, which is his dream.

Outside of combat he is a liked by many, including his Jounin squad leader. When he is on a mission, he tends to stay back out of the fighting. He uses his genjutsu ability to confuse the enemies, and use his medical jutsu's on his allies when they get hurt. He however doesn't like getting into combat and his ninjutsu and Taijutsu are not very good.

History: Nero's family caught a highly contagious and deadly new disease. It was discovered in the Hidden Cloud Village quickly by the medical ninja's and was contained. Miraculously, Nero never caught the disease despite being around his entire family who did. The result was Nero became an orphan at age 5.

He applied to the Ninja school, and from there to become a medical ninja so as to cure any other diseases. While training, he discovered that his clan had a talent for genjutsu. Nero found out that he could use this genjutsu to sooth panicked patients or help the mentally disturbed.

He studied hard and the result paid off. He was assigned to a squad under Jounin Hisakawa Ayaka. He participated on missions with them and with his position, contributed to many of the successes. He and his squad are currently getting ready for the Chunin exam.

Bloodline: Nero Kachi is from the Kachi clan. The clan is widely known for it's mastery of genjutsu. This allows Nero to create more powerful genjutsu's. Also, he has an easier time then most throwing off other's genjutsu's and seeing through it with his amber eyes.

Notable Jutsu: Nero Kachi use a combination of genjutsu and medical abilities.

Mind Illusion: A basic form of genjutsu, yet highly powerful. Nero can craft many different types of genjutsu that can trick the enemy. They vary from as vast as landscape to as simple as illusionary characters and conversations.

Narcotic Illusion: A new genjutsu that Nero developed in his medical training. He is able to numb down the targets key senses to almost no sensory input. While he normally does this so that they can operate easier on patients, he can also use this in combat, leaving those under the effects to be unable to decern anything around them or harming them.

Basic healing: Nero is able to heal many open cuts and wounds on the surface. Yet he is still unable to heal bones or internal organs.

Special Abilities:
Developed Genjutsu: Nero's genjutsu is stronger then normal and he can escape other's genjutsu better.

Food Pills: Nero has a pouch of food pills in his vest which enhances one's chakra greatly for a short period of time. The after effects leave the consumer greatly depleted.

Spinach Ball: Nero had found a formula that he used to create "Spinach Balls". These green sphere's are a chewable drug that give off a greater effect than food pills. However, the Spinach Balls leave the consumer in a weaker state then the food pills. He is also looking for the formula for the two stronger ball drugs.

2009-12-03, 03:08 AM

彼岸寺 華紅夜
Higanji Kaguya

Country: Grass
Rank: Chuunin A Rank
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Blood Type: A
*Grass Country


Her hair and eyes are dark brown! She likes the green colors of nature in her clothing, though her shoku costume is gray.


Personality: Kaguya is generally a level headed fighter. She is extremely perceptive, though perhaps overconfident in that skill. Arrogance is not the word to describe it, rather she occasionally misjudges her own ability in relation to her opponents. All the same, perhaps the paradox Kaguya represents is that she is an earnest genjutsu specialist. She hates falsehood deeply, and yet is able to hypocritically blind herself to her own falsehoods. To those that would accept her for these faults (and is there truly someone who criticizes others while completely acknowledging all of their own shortfalls?), she is a trustworthy friend, and deeply devoted to her country. She is like many Grass Ninja fond of the natural world. Her own flower of choice is the Higanbana, which also symbolizes her personality rather well.

Background: From the Country of Grass, Kaguya has grown up in the wake of the wars and destruction that ruined her country before. Like many of the young people, she is hopeful for the future - one in which they can better themselves and their families. Yet Grass Country has few ninjas, and so they are a tightly knit community. Kaguya is, in a lot of ways, a role-model for many of the younger students who are still aspiring, and though perhaps by comparison to the ninja in other villages she does not rank highly, within her own community Kaguya's skills are quite impressive. Her secret to this is the many hours she spends each days training and meditating in the chakra rich bamboo forest.
Perhaps her weakness really is being untested and isolated in a world of brutality and killing. She recently has become involved with the troubling incidents in Grass Country after personally witnessing the Shadow of Amegakure's Kage fleeing the crime scene.

In going to Amegakure, she confronted the kage about the issue of Shoku, and after a long period of manipulation, she has since become a member. She treats Kyo as her master and teacher, and though she is a little paranoid and unstable since the terrible horrors he inflicted on her, she is extremely capable.

Bloodline: Like most of the few Grass Nin, Kaguya has grown up in a fertile chakra-rich environment, which while not a bloodline, has given her a talent for chakra manipulation.

Special Abilities


A Genjutsu and Ninjutsu Specialist, the Transient World is her field of play. Her flowers are the Lotus and the Amaryllis... Enlightenment and The Far Shore. Illusions and Delusions of Ascension and Descent together, with the Natural World as a point the kaleidoscope turns.

In easier explanation, one could say that Kaguya is a genjutsu specialist who constructs elaborate scenes, drawing upon nature and religion together to ply her trade. She would have the opponent face their guilt and nature endlessly, as if bound within the cycle of life and death - poignant with reminders of mortality. If her opponent repents or shares their grief (which they assuredly will eventually... assuming she doesn't run out of chakra or find her genjutsu broken) , she will cut them down.

Kaei no youna sakura Flower Viewing-like Sakura
Yuugana hana Noble Blossoming  
Renkaiko Lotus Recollection   
Shunsaisei Spring Reincarnation   
Hanayokai no senru Transience of the Blooming World  
Budda no GozaishoBuddha's Throne
Hokekyo no Hanabana Flowers of the Lotus Sutra  

Maximum Zersk
2009-12-03, 07:39 PM
Name/Rank: Kitakawa Kanaye
Classification: Missing-Nin, A-Rank
Birthdate: October 8
Age: 17
Height: 4' 10"
Weight: 90 lbs.
Gender: Male

Seven Swordsman of The Mist
(Fomer) Iwagakure

Appearance: Has Black Hair and Green Eyes. Is really small for his age. Wears a thick, black, full-body suit (You know, like something you'd expect from A NINJA (Even if they didn't wear that either in real life)). He has a long, black scarf around his neck.
Personality: The (Technically) Youngest of the Seven Swordsman. He's timid, and blushes oftenly. He will, though kill without a thought. He likes animals, and learning about nature through experience. He's shy around strangers, but respects the rest of the Seven Swordsman.
Bloodline: Allows him to manipulate rock. Think Toph from Avatar, but without the blindness. He uses this to change the form of his weapon.
Elemental Affinity: Earth

Notable Jutsu:
Earth Release, Manipulation: Allows Kanaye to control the form of rock. He can use it to change the shape of his blade.
Earth Release, Rock Bullet: A small rock that Kanaye can shoot at an enemy. Has half the speed of an actual bullet.
Earth Clone: Creates a clone made of mud, so it can keep reforming and molding into it's original shape.
Ninjutsu: His strength. He has mastered techniques ranging from A to B rank. He mainly uses Earth Release.
Genjutsu: His weakest point. He can dispel a genjutsu, if he notices it.
Taijutsu: His second strength. He can overpower somebody of lower-to-equal rank in a fight.

Special Abilities:
Doryuken: Kanaye's blade, which is made out of stone. The stone of the blade is strengthened, making it less vulnerable to breaking. He can manipulate the rock to change it's shape into different weapons, such as a warhammer, pike, or ball and chain.
Bat Summon Pact: Has a summoning pact with bats. Bats are scout and offensive summons. The bats give the summoner the ability to use Enhanced Ultrasound and Fangs.

2009-12-03, 11:13 PM
Name/Rank: Hisakawa Ayaka, Jounin
Classification: A-class
Birthdate: December 4th (real date unknown)
Age: 16
Height: 5’4”
Weight: Light
Gender: Female
Blood Type: AB
Land of Lightning

Appearance:Ayaka is a relatively short individual, both for her age and overall. She has black hair and light skin, not being a native of the Land of Lighting. She generally wears an outfit that imitates that of her sensei, Haruka, leaving the belly uncovered, although she uses her forehead protector to tie back her hair instead of covering her forehead.

Background: Ayaka was adopted by her parents after they found her in a ruined village. She has no knowledge, however, of the incident, having been only six months old at the time. She became a member of Haruka’s genin squad, and looked up to her sensei to the point of mimicking her clothing. She became the youngest Jounin of Kumogakure at the age of fourteen, and the year after that became a sensei to a tam herself. It says a lot for Haruka’s ability to judge that she recognized that underneath the bouncy personality, Ayaka was actually the most intelligent and actually quite sensible member of her squad.

Personality: Ayaka has a personality that can be best described as ‘go get them’, being constantly on the move, and never seeming to rest. However, what only a few people have realized is that Ayaka is actually evaluating everyone she meet, and how they react. Even so, the predominant word that could be used to describe her is ‘exausting’.

Notable jutsu: Ayaka’s jutsu are flower based, a possible variant of Mokuton, which she has enhanced with Katon in some of her jutsu.
{{Not yet completed-waiting for translations}}

Kaede no haton: Kankin no jutsu: This technique summons a large amount of maple leaves, which wrap around the body of the target and stick together, immobilising the target. The area wrapped can vary from just the torso, immobilising only arms, or the entire body. It also provides a great deal of protection against incoming attacks, due to the Chakra holding the leaves together.
Kaede no haton: Yari no jutsu: This technique summons a number of maple leaves, and forms them into a spear which is held together with chakra. It produces an extremely effective weapon.

Toumitsu Seme no jutsu: This jutsu produces an amount of syrup, varying from only a small amount, to a massive flood. This is used for a variety of purposes, from keeping opponents off balance, to capturing in conjuction with

She leads a Genin team consisting of Nero Kachi (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7411684&postcount=42), Tanmono Sano (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7464367&postcount=46) and Aokigami Yuu (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7492103&postcount=49).

2009-12-08, 10:04 PM
Name/Rank: Tanmono Sano/Genin
Classification: D-Class
Birthdate: April 2nd
Age: 12
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 140
Gender: Male

Tanmono Clan

Appearance: He has a slender face that’s almost completely covered. His headband is worn to cover his head and hide his hair, his mask comes up to his nose, the thing line where his eyes and ears show. His eyes are a hazel color, and have a constant bored look about them. He wears silk robes over his entire body, grey camouflage in color. The sleeves extend out past his arms by a good two feet. He wears silk pants under his robes, also camouflage in color.

Personality: He has no issue with telling people how much they suck or that they deserve their fate. In his opinion, anything bad that happens to you is your own fault. Not because of karma, but because you should have been better to prevent it. People who seek to excuse themselves beyond ‘I was too weak’ just show how weak they are to everyone. He is dry and humorless, and cares nothing for rank or titles. Skill and strength are to be honored, not record or bloodlines, or titles.

Bloodline: There is no ability passed don by blood, however his clan has been ninja’s since before the first great ninja war.

Elemental Alignment: Wind, long ago his clan bred themselves into being an all wind clan because it better fit their jutsu.

Notable Jutsu:

Silk Wraps Technique: Five foot long strips of silk are sent out from the long sleeves of the robe to wrap around what ever they hit first. Despite what they’re made of, it is a simple chakra manipulation to cause them to tighten and squeeze like a boa constrictor.

Patch Tracker Technique: A small patch of silk is thrown onto someone then flattens out and blends itself in to what it lands on. He can track this hidden patch of silk and use it to find what it landed on. A sensor can detect the presence of this tracker, but as it’s blended in, will be hard to find.

Silk Sword Technique: He hardens his sleeves so that they are flat and stiff, then he channels chakra to the edges to make a pair of chakra blades. When training he found he could hold the Silk Swords for a half hour before he runs out of chakra…but that’s fully rested and using no other jutsu’s.

He has no great Ginjutsu abilities but he is decent at breaking them.

He trains his Taijutsu as much as his ninjutsu, focusing on his Silk Sword Technique.

Special Abilities: His clan makes all their own clothes, weaving chakra into the cloth as it’s made. This is how they can use the jutsu’s that are passed down through the clan. They keep everything to themselves, the cloth is designed to burst into flames if it’s not removed or put on properly.

The clothes are made so that with some simple chakra manipulation they ‘harden’ and protect against attacks. The down side to this is that he must harden his robe himself, so he can be caught off guard or he can keep them hard and ‘leak’ chakra as it were. But, when his guard is up, it serves as better armor then the leather many ninja’s wear.

Of course Fire is another weakness, being wind aligned and using silk for his jutsu’s, fire is a real hindrance to him.

Moon Wolf
2009-12-10, 11:40 AM
Name/Rank: Kiriyama Alilah, missing-nin
Classification: S-class
Birthdate: September 7
Age: 19 (A child prodigy)
Height: 5'5''
Weight: Unknown
Gender: Female
Blood Type: AB+


Former Takigakure

Theme Song: Shakira-She Wolf

Appearance: Alilah is fairly muscular, and is always seen wearing the customary Shoku uniform, with the trench coat open at the neck to reveal the standard ninja jounin shirt. Her skin is so pale that it's almost white. She has light blond hair that's almost white as well. It's naturally curly and sleek, and goes to about her belly button. Her eyes are a cold, piercing gray, and they seem to be looking right through you. She wears her headband tied around her left arm, with the plaque facing outwards. She wears her mask sometimes, but only when she wishes to openly declare that she is a member of the Shoku. Her mask is slim with her pointed chin and small pointed nose. It's the standard black mask. Although, Alilah's nonetheless not too happy about that. But she's good at keeping that to herself.



Personality: Your typical evil mastermind. Alilah is cold, calm, and calculating, and never makes the first move. She generally keeps quiet during discussions, usually speaking only to correct another or to put them down. She is rather shy, but will open up to a close friend. She prefers to fight alone as supposed to being part of a team or squad; which is one of the lesser reasons why she joined Shoku: to be left alone. The main reason was that she disliked her village, disliked the "false peace" that the people were being persuaded to live with.

Bloodline: The Kiriyama clan have no specific bloodline, although Alilah does by chance possess kekkei genkai. She inherited water style from one side of the family, and wind style from the other. She uses them together to form ice style.

Notable Jutsu:

Suiton: Hoonjougo. (Water release: Water funnel.) This jutsu requires a large amount of chakra, or a large amount of water in the proximity. Still, it is Alilah's trump card, and she doesn't use it often. Hoonjougo creates a swirling vortex of water that looks just like a tornado. The point of the funnel starts at Alilah's hands, and she can wield the funnel like a whip. Once an enemy is caught in the funnel, escape is almost always impossible. However, the drawback of this jutsu is that Alilah can only use it when she has over 75% of her chakra, or if there is a large body of water around.

Hyouton: Hi no yoroi. (Ice release: Ice armor.) Hi no yoroi is a defensive jutsu, and can be quickly set up to protect against blind spot, aerial, frontal, combo, or underground attacks. As it's name indicates, hi no yoroi covers Alilah's body in a sheet of frozen ice in order to repel attacks. It works well against taijutsu and ninjutsu, but has little to no effect over genjutsu. It is strongest against taijutsu, water style, and wind style. However, it cancels out against fire style. (Meaning fire style can destroy the armor, but the fire jutsu itself will be destroyed as well.)

Hyouton: Senshi Reitou no Tantou. (Ice release: Thousand Frozen Daggers.) This jutsu creates sharp, thin, spears of ice that can move at incredible speeds. These spears are similar to ninja senbon, but larger and faster. They can be deadly when they hit a vital organ, and can tear off limbs with a precise hit. They drawback is that they are smashed rather easily by a skilled ninja.

Ninjutsu: Alilah's primary function. She usually resorts to using her kekkei genkai.

Taijutsu: Alilah also likes to use taijutsu, to start off battles and "warm herself up".

Genjutsu: Alilah just plain doesn't use it.

2009-12-11, 03:20 PM
Future Character
Name/Rank: Bikou Yuu, the Seiten-Taisei
Classification: Missing-nin, S-Class
Birthdate: December 26th
Age: 39
Height: 6'0"
Weight: ?
Gender: Male
Blood type: AB
His pact

Appearance: At only a modest height, Yuu doesn't seem to have the stature for the arrogant title that he so blatantly claims, but enough people would be willing to admit that he's handsome that at least his name seems spot on. Yuu has has a thick head of golden hair that reaches down to his jawline, left to hang as it will even in combat which might be a downside on his part. Usually when traveling or in a fight though, he wears a bronze helm that covers the entirety of the top of his head while bronze plates sewn into hardened leather reach down to his shoulders as a more flexible defense for his neck. A single red, orange, and yellow feather rises from the helm and almost seems to respond to his mood, drooping when he's sad, standing out straight when cheerful, etc. etc. Beneath the helm, it's all too simple to spy his most striking features which are his fiery golden eyes that constantly seem to be burning with an immense inner fire. His features are defined and dignified, proving he was handsome to a degree but many were too distracted by the rest of his ostentatious garb. In truth, he looks almost ten years younger then he really is, having aged remarkably gracefully.

He almost always wears a golden shirt of chain mail that falls to his waist and covers his arms as well, the craftsmanship of it almost other-worldly and undeniably fine, while also making him stand out like a sore thumb unless he wears a cloak of some kind over-top it. A gold decorated bracer adorns each arm, to keep the byrnie from being too loose around his arms, with a dancing monkey shape on each one made out of jade. A jade-green sash is tied about his waist, several small kunai concealed in the knot at the side, with a coin purse secured to the back of it. His loose white pants are unremarkable, aside from being silk, are tucked into supple leather boots that come up to mid-calf with golden inlay decorating the fine boots with cloud patterns.

Underneath all of the showy wealth of armor and dress is a lean and muscled body, each muscle chiseled and barely even an ounce of fat anywhere on his steel hard body. Those few able to get a good view of him unclothed would find a seal tattooed on the back of each hand and on the bottom of his feet, though the color of the dye used and how much they've faded makes them difficult to spot.

Personality: Showy, overly-concerned with material delights, and arrogant as hell are the words most people use to describe Yuu, and they wouldn't be that far off either. When he isn't drinking, he's causing a ruckus. When he isn't causing a ruckus, he's trying to sneak in to places he shouldn't. When he isn't sneaking, he's brazenly declaring his superiority which usually leads into a ruckus and drinking. Little is known about Yuu's past, he's rather sensitive about it, but all of the raucous activities he does seem strained as if he doesn't care about such things and is merely trying to get back at somebody. At heart, Yuu is a somewhat fatalistic man who spends his time trying to forget his past and what he is currently doing to live in the moment.

Despite all that he is quick-witted, charismatic, and capable of surprising cheer towards those who have managed to get past his defenses and see the real him. As the rumors, that he started, go 'If you make a friend of the seiten-taisei, you will need no others'. Being able to do such is an entirely different matter though. A good man wrapped up in being an astounding jerk, people usually don't see past the admittedly abrasive outer-persona.

Among his many quirks is laughing at the kanji for his name, more then one person has found out quickly it was a poor idea.

Bloodline: Yuu's bloodline is known as huǒyǎn-jīnjīng but is always shortened to 'Golden eyes' and allow him the peculiar ability to see the chakra of other people and how 'righteous' it is. Considering such a thing is impossible to verify many believe his ability to use hyouton techniques is his true bloodline but his accuracy in character judgments is undeniable. Curiously, no records exist of 'Golden Eyes' in other clans and not simply because there is no 'Bikou' clan.

Notable Jutsu:
Enhou: Konjikibou (Monkey Style - Golden Strand) - A curious hijutsu that doesn't require the use of handsigns, Yuu can pluck a single strand of hair from his head and create a clone in the shape of himself or somebody else. Only one of these 'clones' can be used at a time but they can become very powerful depending on the amount of chakra Yuu uses to create it. Much like a kage bunshin, a 'clone' formed by this technique possesses a chakra network.
Enhou: Toudou no Jutsu (Monkey Style: Frozen Ground Jutsu) - While not particularly impressive, this technique can still prove quite disruptive as it creates a sheet of ice over the nearby terrain that makes it slippery and difficult to stand on until one anchors their footing with chakra. (Hijutsu)
Enhou: (Monkey Style: Wall of Storm) - Another simple technique, with subtle danger, this technique creates a glaringly bright wall of 'light' between Yuu and whatever he forms it for. While it's deceptively easy to pass through, having no substance to it, the true danger is that it is composed of the same explosive chakra present in all ranton techniques. It doesn't stop anyone trying to pass through it, but when it explodes on contact with something it could seriously injure or even kill them. When hit by a jutsu it has the same effect, the explosion sometimes enough to divert a fuuton or katon technique or even destroying the effects of a doton, though suiton and raiton are unaffected by it.
Enhou: Fukitsuna Anun (Monkey Style: Ominous Cloud) - A somewhat peculiar technique, by way of which Yuu creates a small stormy looking cloud in front of him. Once the jutsu is complete, it speeds off after the target that Yuu directs it at and delivers painful jolts of electricity once it is close enough. While it's hardly a lethal threat, the cloud unerringly pursues it's quarry and is quite capable of disrupting one's concentration on a jutsu with a timely jolt (though that's mostly luck) or driving an opponent out of hiding as they seek to avoid the painful shocks the cloud promises.
Enhou: Reizā Sākasu (Monkey Style: Laser Circus) - Yuu's most dangerous ranton technique which he uses rarely due to it's unpredictability, this jutsu creates numerous beams of electricity at his enemies but move like water would. Even after being released, these beams can move and swerve in mid-air to go around barriers or stationary defensive jutsu to get at their target. Upon contact, the beams go off in a deadly explosion that can be quite devastating to the surrounding area. How many beams of electricity depends entirely on how much chakra that Yuu dumps into the technique.
Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning technique) - The summoning technique is well known in the world of ninja, as well as the diversity of pacts that exist, which makes this only notable because of the Monkey pact that Yuu possesses. Like many things about him, much isn't known about the Monkey pact other then the fact that it didn't exist before Bikou Yuu began to use it.
Kugutsu no Jutsu (Puppet Technique) - Yuu has absolutely no skill at controlling puppets and doesn't even use this technique for that. Rather, he uses a skill similar to this in order to control his Ruyi Jingu Bang without actually using his hands. With a short range, only perhaps fifteen feet, he does use the staff with surprising agility while using this technique.
Enhou Taijutsu (Monkey Style taijutsu) - Yuu's greatest strength and most dangerous talent is his Enhou taijutsu, an acrobatic and devastatingly effective method of using his nyo-bo that he claims is the creation of the Monkey clan of summons. While at first it seems a bit silly with too many flourishes, Bikou Yuu has bested too many taijutsu masters with this technique for anybody to say it is anything but the epitome of stick-fighting. Oddly enough, for Yuu, he hasn't specifically named any techniques within this style.

Ninjutsu: Despite his impressive looking hyouton ninjutsu, Yuu's ability within that discipline is only 'good' when compared to other shinobi of his caliber as opposed to his taijutsu ability. While he favors his hyouton techniques above all others, he is able to use some minor suiton and fuuton ninjutsu, as can be expected of a hyouton user. Of note is that most of Yuu's hyouton techniques don't require handsigns or only very basic ones, while other ninjutsu techniques can sometimes require massive strings of them.

Genjutsu: The extent of Yuu's knowledge of genjutsu is in how to escape from it, he doesn't actually use any genjutsu techniques.

Taijutsu: Bikou Yuu brags about many things beyond his actual abilities, but his skill in taijutsu (specifically with fighting with bo-staffs) is among the best of the best. His deceptively small build hides monstrous strength and speed that turns an ornate seeming style of fighting, like the Monkey style, into a lethal art the likes of which haven't been seen before. ((OOC Note: Yuu is intended to be the supreme staff fighter and in the top three taijutsu users, partially because of his speed and strength but mostly because of his fighting style and weapon))

Special Abilities:
Ruyi Jingu Bang: Yuu's copper fighting staff is adorned with carvings of monkey faces and other things at both ends of it and sounds almost like it's hollow when it strikes something (it's not). The nyoi-bo possesses several remarkable properties such as the ability to extend itself out to thirty feet (but only in Yuu's grasp), a resistance to harm far beyond what it's material would entail, and most importantly the ability to know who is holding it. If anyone but Yuu tries to pick up or use the weapon, it's weight increases exponentially (to 7.5 metric tons) which has lead people to wonder how Yuu uses it. He doesn't let on that it's merely a very heavy staff for him, not the seven ton monster for other people since it can be used as a scare tactic quite easily.
Go-ruden Gusoku (Golden Mail): Bikou Yuu's extravagent suit of mail is obviously worth quite a lot of money, but it's defensive value alone ensures that he'll never sell it. While of obvious use against slashing weapons, it provides equal protection against blunt force trauma and piercing weapons. It won't negate any such blow, but it can save Yuu's life or make a particularly weak hit about as painful as a butterfly bite.
Strength: Yuu's strength is fairly good considering the constant exercise of using his staff, strong enough to smash through rock and such with it, but his leg strength is almost obscene. He primarily uses this for amazing distance leaps but it also comes into play with his showy and acrobatic taijutsu style.
Speed: Because of the same terrible leg strength, Yuu is quite fast and quick to react. Almost to the point of landing a solid blow on him to be an example of futility, but moving at such speeds is quick to wear him out considering the energy needed for it.

This character won't be showing up for a bit, but I wanted to put the details down before I forgot them.

Mina Kobold
2009-12-13, 03:39 AM
Name/Rank: Aokigami Yuu/Genin (last name, first name)
Classification: D-class
Birthdate: May 5
Age: 12
Height: 4'9"/149cm
Weight: 90 lbs
Gender: male
Blood type: B+
Rai no Kuni/Land of lightning

Appearance: Yuu is a rather small person of indeterminable gender, with light-brown hair and yellow eyes with four-pointed pupils.
Most of the time Yuu wears a sleeveless baggy shirt, equally baggy pants with kunai and scroll holders attached and what appears to be long straps of cloth tied around the waist.
Personality: Yuu is at least a bit insane and impulsive, fights for fun and do missions the way he wants and many times get into much more dangerous situations than hir teachers would prefer a genin to. Yuu would lick blood off hir arm instead of drying it of simply to taste it, to give an example. In a group Yuu is often the opposite of a voice of reason. His approval might be a good reason to rethink the plan.
Backstory: Yuu is the son of the youngest of two brothers of the Aokigami family, a minor family likely to be descended from a more important clan, and a kunouchi from Kirigakure that the father met during a travel to the city. Yuu grew up in Kumogakure but most of the early training was done by Yuu's mother, thus explaining Yuu's preference for water-based Jutsu. The Honpu no jutsu was something Yuu learned from a teacher after having shown potential with this type of Ninjutsu.
Bloodline: The Aokigami family possesses the Kingan (Gold eyes), a dojutsu that allows the shinobi to see active chakra and it's form in what resembles a blue heat vision. To give an example: If a genjutsu is used to attempt to trick the Aokigami he or she would see a faint blue glow on the illusion, a more concentrated chakra such as with certain ninjutsu will in turn look like a powerful blue light, Yuu has not yet mastered this Dojutsu enough to use it constantly and thus only activates it when needed. This is what causes the strange eyes Yuu posses.
Notable Jutsu:
Honpu no jutsu: Yuu can control the straps of cloth tied around hir waist as extra arms, when used like this they are flexible enough to hold a kunai and strong enough to withstand an axe. Contrary to the Doujutsu this jutsu doesn't require much chakra and is often used regulary. Yuu usually fight with these, using them to hold more kunai and to allow hir hands to be free to make hand seals. This jutsu work on any piece of cloth but cannot alter it's shape and size and needs it to be in contact with the user.
Suirō no Jutsu: The same jutsu Zabuza used to create the water prison he trapped Kakashi in. Yuu usually use this if something has chaught hir attention during a fight or other situations akin to that.
Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu : Creates a water clone with 10% of the originals strenght.

Ninjutsu: Yuu's primary focus, has been noted to have an affinity for manipulative and transformative Jutsu such as the Honpu no jutsu and Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu.
Genjutsu: Yuu is pretty bad at genjutsu, only managing simple Henge no Jutsu.
Taijutsu: Yuu's secondary focus, while he doesn't know any powerful taijutsu Yuu's fighting skills are above average.
Special Abilities:
Speed, Yuu is rather fast though in turn not overly strong.
Affinity for manipulative and transformative Jutsu.

2009-12-13, 04:16 AM
Name/rank: Katsutaba Enrou, Captain of the ANBU
Classification: A-class
Age: 24
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 122 lbs (~55 kg)
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Konoha, Hokage, ANBU

Appearance: Enrou is rather skinny, more whipcord than muscled in frame. He has a messy mop of black hair that frames his thin face and gray eyes. He wears the standard ANBU chest armor over a ashen turtleneck shirt, and a matching pair of mottled-gray pants. When on duty, he wears a mask that has faint gray swirls on it, reminiscent of smoke.

Personality: Enrou tends to never be completely straightforward, but if that's just for the fun of watching people try and figure out what he means, or else just doesn't think like others and doesn't want to take the effort of 'translating' it has yet to be determined. Despite this he generally tries to nice, if a smartass at times.

Bloodline: none

Notable Jutsu:
Seireiha: Enrou creates a pair of blades composed purely of chakra. They're katana-length, and look like they're made from oily smoke. They are nearly weightless, and razor sharp.

Shunshin: The most basic, but still fairly uncommon shunjutsu (space-time technique). Able to instantly transport the user short distances, it is the precursor to much more advanced (and incredibly rare) shunjutsu. He has skill in the more advanced techniques as well.
Enrou has developed a variation on the body-flicker technique he calls the Blinkstrike stance. By using numerous tiny teleportations, he causes his image to waver and blink in and out. Whenever he moves, he simply vanishes for a moment before reappearing elsewhere, no sound or blur of movement in between appearances. If he focuses, he can extend these flickers, moving in such a way as to replicate short shunshin jumps without having to use the actual technique.

Shunpo: A taijutsu technique, This allows Enrou to make leaps faster than the eye can see. He can chain the jumps together, but each must be from a stable point. He also knows a few variations of this technique such as Mugen Shunpo and Hirameku. Using the technique too much can leave him fatigued.

Chakra Control: Skilled, as it is basis for his Seireiha technique.
Kinobori (Tree Climbing Technique)
Kawa no Yoroi (Skin Armor)
Tadayou (Water Strider)
Chakra no Hikari (Chakra Light)
Genjutsu Kai (Illusion Dispel)
Gishi no Jutsu (Feign Death)
Yukigutsu (Snow Walking)
Kakusu Nioi (Conceal Odor)
Reikiha (Aura Wave)
Genjutsu Joukai (Greater Illusion Dispell)
Sorapo no Jutsu (Air Walking Technique)
Chounouryoku (Extra Sensory Perception)

Genjutsu: Little skill. Knows a few basic genjutsu, and can break them with fair efficiency, but little more than that.
shítsukentou no Jutsu (Disorientation Technique)
Shougenzou no Jutsu (Minor Illusion Technique)
Jukusui no Jutsu (Sleep Technique)

Ninjutsu: Some skill, almost exclusively in the area of shunjutsu.
Bunshin no Jutsu (Duplication Technique)
Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Technique)
Kawarimi no Jutsu (Body Substitution Technique)
Jisatsu no Jutsu (Suicide Technique)
Shinobi no Jutsu (Infiltration Technique)
Tsuku no Jutsu (Vomit Technique)
Nekonome (Cat's Eyes)
Mukidou Sanpo no Jutsu (Trackless Step Technique)
Jigen Ugoku no Jutsu (Dimension Shift Technique)
Shunda (Blink Attack)
Shuntou no Jutsu (Instant Escape Technique)
Jigensuu no Jutsu (Dimensional Door Technique)

Taijutsu: Very skilled, in the areas of mobility and kenjutsu. Without using techniques he is still quite fast, and while he isn't incredibly strong, he still can crack rock if he hits it squarely.
Kenjutsu: Agari-uchi (Sword Art: Upward Cut)
Kenjutsu: Kudari-uchi (Sword Art: Downward Cut)
Kenjutsu: Shamen-uchi (Sword Art: Diagonal Cut)
Kenjutsu: Urashamen-uchi (Sword Art: Reversed Diagonal Cut)
Ryuutsuki (Dragon Thrust)
Kenjutsu: Gekisai (Sword Art: Blade Rush)
Kenjutsu: Tsuki (Sword Art: Thrust)
Shundou (Instant Displacement)
Shissou (Dash)
Kenjutsu: Ougi - Zankenteki (Sword Art: Secret Skill - Hand Cutter)
Kenjutsu: Getsusai (Sword Art: Moon Slash)
Kenjutsu: Souhazan (Sword Art: Double Slash)

Other Skills: As the captain of the ANBU, Enrou is a skilled tracker, as well as being essentially silent and invisible when he wants to be. Avoiding being followed is another skill he possesses.

2009-12-14, 11:12 PM
Future Character:

Name: Gamataki Akira, the Bagoujo (last name, first name, title) (Bright Toad Waterfall, The Toad-Awakened to Purity)
Classification: Non-village Ninja, high B-Class
Birthdate: April 5th
Age: 20
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 175 lb.
Gender: Male
Bloodtype: B
Speech Color: Olive

Bikou Yuu

Appearance: The word that comes to mind with Akira is "casual". His dark blue hair is worn in a loose, spiky mess. His pants are loose-fitting (and dark blue), and his long-sleeved shirt (white) hangs loosely on his wiry frame. Simple leather boots (black) cover his feet, and leather gloves that reach his forearm (black) are overlaid with stiff leather bracers (dark blue). A belt (black) with a large multitude of pockets loops around his waist, with a second belt (also black) settled slightly lower. This second belt has a multitude of specially shaped pouches meant for sealing scrolls. Rounding out his outfit is a brighter blue vest (about waist length) and a pair of goggles on his head (two round yellow lenses set in dark blue leather).

Attached to both of his belts on his left side is a large sheathe/holster. This holds his three-section staff most often, stored in its more flexible form.

Those with observational skills will not that Akira's clothing, including his vest and goggles, are littered with minute seals. His purposes for these are varied...

Personality: In many ways, Akira is something of an opposite of his teacher. Polite where Yuu is rude. Calm where he is energetic. Seeking to get along peacefully where Yuu starts fights. And optimistic where Yuu is fatalistic. On the flip side, he's also shyer at times than his teacher. As well, while he believes that those with determination can achieve anything ultimately, he can at times underestimate himself.

If he's not directly training, or helping his sensei out of trouble, Akira often tries to delve into research on seals, ninjutsu, and the ninja world. Consequently, not only is he a great seal-user, he possesses a wide range of knowledge about the ninja world in general, and the development of various
ninja techniques in the past in particular.

Bloodline: None.

Notable Jutsu:

Doton: Doryūdan (Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet): Akira creates a dragon of mud or rock (depending on the terrain), which proceeds to spit out compressed earth projectiles. (Long Range)

Doton: Doryūheki (Earth Release: Earth Style Wall): Akira creates a wall of mud or rock (as appropriate to environment) capable of blocking most lower level attacks that don't focus on piercing or very focused slashes.

Doton: Doryūsō (Earth Release: Rising Stone Spears): Akira slams his hands to the ground, causing spears of rock to shoot up underneath an opponent. (Short to Mid Range)

Eien Sachou (Eternally Long Chain): By channeling chakra through special seals on his staff, Akira can cause it to notably lengthen, reaching up to 10 feet away. As part of this jutsu, Akira has a moderate amount of control over the direction of the lengthened sections, though it's not to the same degree of his teacher's control of his own weapon.

Joushougeki (Staff Impact): Channeling chakra through special seals on the ends of the staff, Akira concentrates chakra to be released upon hitting an opponent. The chakra concentrates to the point of delivering the force of a punch 3 times Akira's size (a nice haymaker, not a jab). This force is released on any contact, so that even a light brush feels like a strong punch.

Tengen Toppasui (Heaven Piercing Drill): Akira concentrates and rotates chakra around one end of his staff. This action naturally forms a spinning point on the end of his staff, turning it into a drill-spear. He can only maintain one such point, and no other "staff jutsu" can be active while the Drill is active. This jutsu is very powerful, but also a very narrow area of influence. A direct hit will pierce many substances and armors, shredding flesh if it gets the chance.
A graze will cause sever lacerations, but only to relatively unarmored flesh. If Akira drops his staff, this jutsu immediately dissipates. He can, however, still use the strengthening seals, and often must so that his staff does not break after drilling a target.
As well, after going through a couple of feet of material (especially stone), this jutsu will quickly fade. While he can quickly activate it again (as it requires only concentration and some chakra), he often tries to shunshin to the other side of a barrier and then strike. Failing that, he will use an earth jutsu to try to break any barrier present.

Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Ninja Art: Summoning): Akira has a newly created contract with the toads. In battle, he is capable of summoning toads up to twice the size of a human being. These toads can serve a variety of purposes, from simple animals in a fight, to armed warriors, to additional jutsu. It is said that Akira trekked to the faraway Myōbokuzan area to entreat the toads for the creation of this contract. It is not known what agreement was reached, only that some sort was reached.
Ninjutsu: Akira has good ninjutsu overall, but it's very limited in scope. Beyond knowing the "basic ninjutsu" (body flicker, transform, replacement, clone), his library doesn't break 10 jutsu. Half of them require his staff to be used.

Genjutsu: Akira has the clone and transformation techniques. He has enough control to break at least moderately powerful genjutsu on himself. Beyond that, he has no skill here.

Taijutsu: Here, Akira excels. He utilizes a three-section staff, using a hybrid form that combines what his teacher uses, and useful bits from various places. He fluidly switches between using his weapon as a solid staff and as a three section staff. His unarmed skill lags behind his skill with a staff, but he's definitely not a slouch. Unarmed,he favors a style that utilizes redirections, joint locks, and throws, preferring to reserve harder strikes for his staff.
Curiously, he has not undertaken any measures to push his physical abilities outside the high end of "normal human"; he is very fit, but cannot lift absurd amounts of weight or run blindingly fast.

Special Abilities:

Three Section Staff: Unnamed, this staff is nonetheless rather unique. Akira started with a well crafted metal staff. He managed to get it modified physically so that he can lock it in the form of a simple staff, or quickly release the ends to form a more fluid weapon.

The strength and durability of the staff and its chains have been vastly increased by several minute seals inscribed on its body. Other seals allow Akira to essentially make the staff "invulnerable" to things like chakra blades and such, by coating it in a thin layer of chakra itself. This does not increase the striking power of the staff any; Staff Impact is required for that. Finally, still more seals allow for easier execution of his staff jutsu.

Toad Contract: Akira is the first human to sign and develop a contract with the toads. He has not spoken of the several months he spent in the Toad Mountains, not even to his beloved sensei.

Fūinjutsu: Akira has shown an intuitive grasp of sealing, as much or more than he has his taijutsu or chakra control. Currently, he primarily uses it for storage, and to increase the utility of his various items. Beyond his staff, his clothing has a multitude of seals on them. His shirt, pants, and vest all have seals to repair minor cuts, making the threads mend themselves. Major damage requires additional material be supplied, but it's almost like a "healing factor". What chakra is needed is either stored in an array of tiny seals, or leeched off of Akira in unnoticeable amounts. They also lessen (but don't remove) the need for cleaning; perfect for a ninja on the go. His goggles have basic strengthening seals, which make them true protection for his eyes, even on the battlefield of ninja.

Further, Akira tends to keep a large amount of supplies in his scrolls; enough for weeks of camping at a time, as well as enough to create a couple of spare staves, several outfits, and a scattering of other useful supplies. Rope and so forth.

Purple Rose
2010-01-17, 02:58 AM
Name: Yasuko Mikitashi
Rank: Equivilant of Chuunin
Classification: ~B class
Age: 18
Height: 5’ 7”
Weight: 114 lbs.
Gender: Female
Affiliation: The Rooster Clan

Appearance: Yasuko is a young girl of light build. She has blue eyes and blond hair in two braids to just below her shoulders. She wears a white vest over a long sleeved, very light salmon shirt. Her pants are white as well and she wears wooden sandals most of the time. The right sleeve of her shirt is cut off above the elbow and her forearm is obscured by white wraps, which cover what appears to be an arm guard of some kind, down to her wrist. Both her hands are lightly wrapped as well.

Personality: Somewhat over the top at times, she is generally well meaning, but definitely eccentric. She has a desire to learn and advance herself, as well as prove herself capable of the task she is in line for. Though she tends to be a bit hot headed, she is often light hearted and goofy.

Abilities: She has no notable abilities outside of those gained through normal training. Though she does have an unusual reporte' with animals of all kinds, able to tame even the most raucous of beasts if given the time to talk with it. She is, however, extremely talented in the art of summoning, able to summon a wide range and number of ninja animal allies. She is also very knowledgeable about the various ninja villages she has visited and interacted with and has a notable knowledge base in most areas, both of ninja arts and general knowledge.

Ninjutsu: She possess average abilities in most of the standard ninjustus, clones, disguises, ect...

Taijutsu: Her abilities are generally above average when it comes to physical combat. She is skilled in the use of throwing stars and kunai, martial combat, and the like.

Genjutsu: She is above average in her abilities with the basic genjutsu, especially in the area of avoid/escaping them.

Chakra Control: She posses an extreme aptitude for chakra control, able to channel it efficiently so as to expend very little in the execution of most ninjutsus.

Weapon Skills: [/B]Aside from the standard fair, her main weapon is a set of two long blades mounted in the arm guard on her right arm. When activated, the blade extend from the guard to roughly two feet in length. The blades are hard to detect when not extended and engage with considerable speed and force, making even their activation a potentially deadly event if down in proximity to her opponent.

Contract: Her main skill, as to be expected, lies in her use of summoned chickens. Both in battle and out of, she relies greatly on her summons to aid her.

Notable Techniques:

Birds of a Feather Technique: Yasuko summons a large flock of chickens which scatter across the battle field. She then disguises herself as a hen, vanishing into the flock. She then "jumps" from hen to hen, reappearing from one of them to launch ranged attacks at her target before vanishing again.

Hen Pecked Technique: Channeling large amounts of chakra, Yasuko summons many chickens at once, sending them to attack her opponent as a single flock, hitting with individually small, but collectively devastating attacks before vanishing again.

Background: Yasuko is the heir in line to the House of the Rooster, one of the Twelve Clans that act as a symbolic liaison between the ninja world and the animal clans that are used by them through summoning techniques. Following a schism in the twelve houses during the last ninja war, the clans are scattered and broken, unable to serve their role properly anymore. Yasuko is currently traveling in order visit the major ninja villages to learn about the ninja that summon ninja animals, as well as hopefully locate and contact the lost houses to try to mend the tears caused during the great war.

2010-01-20, 12:44 PM
Name: Shaolong.
Titles: The Sorcerer, Master of Shadows, The Dark Priest.
Classification: A Class
Birthdate: Unknown
Age: Seventy.
Height: 5'6''
Weight: 130 lb. (59,09 kg)
Gender: Male
Blood type: AB-
Land of Iron (Former)
Shoku (Contract)

Appearance: Shaolong is a short, wrinkled old man, his hair white is not properly trimmed, but it is kept very well groomed, he wears a black cassock with a dark blue shoulder-cape and a purple stole, he dagger on his waist, but no other weapons. Shaolong's eyes are a light blue hue and his noose is somewhat long and crooked.

Personality: Shaolong is self-serving, greedy and shows little concern for others, his techniques further prove this mindset. Shaolong is a mercenary supplying the Shoku with disposable, efficient underlings.

Shaolong is a very materialistic and not particularly loyal man, the right amount of gold will secure his support for as long as a better employer is unavaiable, he will not take risks for anyone and asking him to do so is a good way to be laughed at and have his fee increased. He is an outcast from the land of iron for his methods and actions.

Element: Shaolong has a strong affinity for darkness.

Bloodline: Shaolong has no relevant bloodline.

Ninjutsu& Genjutsu: Shaolong's "sorcery" is but a combination of advanced ninjutsu and genjutsu, his specialties.

Taijutsu: Shaolong is bad at Taijutsu. he was bad when he was young and becoming a shriveled old cot has not improved his skill or his physical fitness.

Notable Jutsu: Shawlong does not think of his techniques as "jutsus", in spite of that being exactly what they are.

Shadow Bolt
影矢の術 Kageya no jutsu
A basic offensive jutsu, this technique fires three dark chakra projectiles against one or more targets.

Shadow Vanish
影消しの術 Kagekeshi no jutsu
This jutsu envelops Shaolong in a veil of shadows before teleporting him up to100 feet away.

Vampiric Touch
吸血鬼の触りの術 Kyuuketsuki no sawari no jutsu
This jutsu allows Shaolong to absorb life force from a victim to heal his own wounds, it requires considerable contact with the target, and as such it is much easier to use on unconscious targets.

Air Step
空気 歩みの術 Kuuki ayumi no jutsu
By channeling chakra into his feet, this jutsu allows Shaolong to fly. This flight is not particularly quick and drains a lot of chakra, however.

Silent Echo
無声反響の術 Musei hankyou no jutsu
An offensive jutsu that uses a sound wave to daze those in the affected area. The sound wave cannot be heard by humans but can be felt by them, numerous animals (including dogs) can hear it and might be defeaned by the sound.
Silent Echo can only be used after Shaolong absorbs energy from an individual with an affinity for Air or Sound.

Spirit Lightning
霊電光の術 Reidenkou no jutsu
An offensive jutsu that creates a pale bolt of lightning, Reidenkou is particularly destructive against shadow clones and summoned creatures.
Spirit Lightning can only be used after Shaolong absorbs energy from an individual with an affinity for Lightning.

黒炎の術 Kokuen no jutsu
An offensive jutsu that unleashes a shower of dark flames, targets caugh in the inferno might catch fire. Creatures killed by Ebonflame are quickly reduced to ash and cinders.
Ebonflame can only be used after Shaolong absorbs energy from an individual with an affinity for Fire.

魂冷の術 Konrei no jutsu
An offensive jutsu that surrounds the target with intense cold and can cause frostbite, the pervasive chill slows the movements of the victim.
Soulchill can only be used after Shaolong absorbs energy from an individual with an affinity for Water.

影震の術 Eishin no jutsu
An offensive jutsu that causes the ground to break and rumble, causing damage to structures and fixed objects in the area. Shadowquake has a radius of about 150 feet, centered on Shaolong. Black energy blasts up from where the ground breaks and poses a threat to those hit by it, along with the rock shrapnel.
Shadowquake can only be used after Shaolong absorbs energy from an individual with an affinity for earth.

Summon Shadow Clan
影一族の口寄せの術 Kageichizoku no kuchiyose no jutsu
Shaolong's most complex technique. Kageichizoku no kuchiyose no jutsu creates a number of soldiers known as the Shadow Clan (described bellow). Once summoned, the summoned creatures remain until:
- Destroyed.
- Dismissed.
- Their creator runs completely out of chakra.
- Their creator dies.

Special Abilities:
Life Tap: Shaolong has a terrible power, the ability to convert life force into chakra for his personal use. He can convert his own life force and that of other creatures, even plant life, into chakra for his own use. Shaolong must keep a hold of the victim to absorb the life force in this fashion.

Large Chakra Pool: Shaolong has a higher pool of chakra than most would expect of his age, which grants him considerable durability in combat.

The Shadow Clan
The Shadow Clan are demon-like entities created by Shaolong's Kageichizoku no kuchiyose no jutsu. All of them share the following abilities, in addition to their own special techniques:

The Shadow Clan are all intelligent and capable of following complex commands, and work very well in groups. They have no need for food, water, air or rest. If destroyed they vanish into shadows. Shadow clan are not considered living creatures.

Life Tap: Shadow Clan can drain the life force of living creatures and convert it into chakra for themselves. To use this ability the Shadow Clan must maintain continuous contact for sufficient time. A creature drained dry of life force will die.

Store Chakra: Shadow Clan do not have chakra of their own, but they can armazenate stolen chakra from other beings. Once the stolen chakra is used it is gone for good, and cannot be regenerated (but more can be absorbed to substitute it).

Shadowmeld: Shadow Clan can turn into shadows, they may crawl over surfaces in this form but must partially or fully back into their solid forms to attack, most of the shadow clan move slower while in shadow form, except for the Shadow Hulks (who are already pretty slow to begin with).

They exist in five kinds:

Shadow Ninja
影忍者 Kage ninja
Classification: D class.
The most basic of the Shadow Clan. Shadow Ninjas look like humans in clothes, their faces are covered by black masks, leaving only their red eyes and blueish skin around then to be seen. The shadow ninjas are fast and moderately strong, they fight with a variety of classic ninja weapons, including swords, kusari-gamas, shuriken and kunais and are adept at unarmed combat

The Shadow Ninjas can walk on walls and ceilings, produce smoke clouds and create their weapons from thin air.

Shaolong can create up to ten shadow ninjas with a single use of his Kageichizoku no kuchiyose no jutsu.

Shadow Samurai
影武士 Kagebushi
Classification: C class.
Shadow Samurai look like large armored men with black katanas. Their eyes are visible as red lights, but the rest of their skin is completely hidden. They are not as quick as Shadow Ninjas but are physicaly stronger and more resilient.

The Shadow Samurais can channel chakra into their swords, much like the samurais of the land of iron. By doing this they can greatly increase the cutting power of the weapons or release a black crescent-shaped energy wave as a ranged attack.

Shaolong can create up to five Shadow Samurais with his Kageichizoku no kuchiyose no jutsu.

Shadow Hulk
影巨大 Kage Kyodai
Classification: C class.
Shadow Hulks resemble shadow ninjas in attire, but are much larger and muscular, even larger than the heavily armored Shadow Samurais. The Shadow Hulks are slow, strong and very resilient, their skin is hard and shrugs off smaller weapons such as shuriken or kunais. They fight only with their fists.

The Shadow Hulks can use their chakra to boost their physical might, harden their skin even more than normal, to the point it can stave off elemental ninjutsu.

Shaolong can create up to five Shadow Hulks with a single use of his Kageichizoku no kuchiyose no jutsu.

Shadow Bat
影蝙蝠 Kage Koumori
Classification: C class.
Shadow Bats resemble Shadow Ninjas, but their arms are large black wings, their feet have razor claws and their heads show a large fanged mouth, but no eyes. Shadow Bats are capable of flight and fight with their claws and fangs. They are strong enough to carry a grown man with them. They are blind and rely on echolocation to locate their targets.

Shadow Bats use their chakra to blanket small areas in shadows and to produce sonic blasts that can damage and stun their targets. Additionaly, they can drain life force from their victims to heal themselves by using their bites.

Shaolong can create up to five Shadow Bats with a single use of Kageichizoku no kuchiyose no jutsu.

Shadow Horror
影恐怖 Kage Kyoufu
Classification: C class.
Shadow Horrors, living up to their names, are horrid, inhuman things. They have no legs, merely a long, prehensite tail and three tentacles in place of each arm. Their heads sport numerous red eyes and a round mouth full of sharp, curved teeth. Their bodies are wrapped in black clothes reminiscent of those used by Shadow Ninjas, Bats and Hulks, but these leave their tentacles and much of their heads uncovered. Shadow Horrors fight with their stretchable tentacles, their tail and their fangs.

Shadow Horrors use their chakra to produce a mucus that allows them to stick to surfaces and creatures and to create venon on their fangs.

2010-01-28, 12:23 AM
Name/Rank: Hau Zel (last name, first name), Chuunin
Classification: C-class
Age: Twenty two
Height: 5'5"
Weight: *asking this earns a minimum of one punch in the face*
Gender: Female
Blood Type: AB
Affiliation: Konohagakure


Zel Has short white hair that is somewhat untidy, and swept back. She has pale gray eyes and a slightly pointed face.

She wears black boots, dark blue pants, and a white t-shirt. She has a white studded belt that is threaded through just one loop of her pants. And she also wears a black leather jacket, as well as gray half-gloves.

The bottom of her boots have steel plates bolted to them. She uses these with her magnetic trait to move herself around, increasing her agility.

Her pants and the front of her jacket have several large pockets on them. Most of these pockets hold steel spheres that are not much larger than a marble. She uses these spheres in conjunction with her ability to throw them at high speeds at her enemies.

There is a large bladed ring strapped to the back of her jacket. It is silver in color, about three feet in diameter, and has both the inner and outer edges bladed. Like the spheres, she uses her ability to throw this at enemies.

Her headband is tied around her left thigh, facing out.

A drawing of her by Kasanip.


Zel is a usually laid back person, not showing a whole lot of worry about anything. There are certain things that can set her off. And when that happens, she can get both verbally and physically violent. She also tends to throw the first punch.

She does find enjoyment in playing tricks on others. This has lead to some heated arguments.

Bloodline: The Hau family has a strong affinity with Magnetism. Zel's hasn't developed quite as well as expected, but it is there none the less. She is constantly training with it, and has employed it with her weapons.

Older generations may know of a special technique created by her great grandfather. This technique grabbed person's blood by the iron in it, and pulled the blood out. Needless to say, this became a forbidden technique.

Notable Jutsu:

- Ryouba no Wa (Double-Edged Ring) - This is a close range defensive technique. It involves bringing her bladed ring between her and an attacker, and having it spin in place, like a circular saw blade. It's not one she likes to use, as there is a good chance of the force of somebody hitting the ring causing it to slide back and hit her as well.

- Koutetsukyuu no Danmaku (Steel Sphere Barrage) - Zel's many pockets open, and all of the spheres fly out and hover around her. She swings her arms forward, and the spheres take off at high speed. This technique, when it hits, causes much damage to the opponent, especially at close range, as the spheres can potentially pierce the skin.

- (Magnetic Fist) - Zel surrounds her fist in a magnetic field and throws a punch. On impact, the field emits a magnetic pulse, which causes enemies to be knocked back quite a distance. This can also be used to knock down walls.

Special abilities:

- Jisei (Magnetism) - Zel can emit magnetic fields, which allows her to move metal objects without touching them. She has limits with this, mostly dependent on the size of the object, and its distance from her.

- Kyokusei (Polarity) - Because of the Hau family's trait, Zel can actually see electrical and magnetic fields. This can be useful for finding things that gives off such fields. If she focuses, she can also see the magnetic fields of the Earth itself, making her a living compass.

- Agility - Zel uses her magnetic abilities to increase her agility. She has attached steel plates to the bottom of her boots. There are also pieces of metal on her clothes. She can use these to pull herself around, even if her limbs have gone numb. This is also how she water walks, as well as wall and tree walking.


Ninjutsu: Zel has much knowledge in this area, as this is where most of her magnetic jutsu comes from.

Genjutsu: Zel knows how to release one if she catches it. And that is it.

Taijutsu: This is Zel's secondary area of study.

2010-01-29, 07:18 AM
Name/Rank: Matsuyama Kazuma, special jounin
Classification: B-rank
Birthdate: 08.09.
Age: 22
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 160 lbs (and a whopping lot more with all the junk he's carrying!)
Gender: Male
Blood type: O-
Affiliation: Takumi Village (Village of Artisans), in the Land of Rivers

Appearance: Kazuma's build is on the springy side, though to notice it you'd have to peel away several layers clothing, armor and hidden weaponry. In his usual attire, he looks about twice as broad as he actually is, and combined with his height it grants him a rather intimidating stature. Of course his fine and effeminate face, beaming with oblivious innocence and making him look younger than he actually is, very effectively spoils the effect - when he's remembered to shave and doesn't have dark shades under his eyes, that is. Kazuma nearly always wears a pair of angular eyeglasses.

His topmost layer of clothing consists of thick camouflaged coat and trousers, the pattern alternating between green, darker green, white and brown. For some unfathomable reason, he finishes this outfit with a strawhat and beach sandals. He wears his forehead protectors over the hat. Additionally, he's often seen carrying a large backpack or dragging a cart filled to brim with various merchandise.

Personality: Kazuma is defined by his tendency to come up with oddball ideas and then finding ways to make them work. He alternates between intensely focused and hardworking while on duty, to lazy rat bastard when he's not. In his village, he's known as a trustworthy and competent worker with odd sense of humor and a habit of spouting non-sequiturs. Many still find him unnerving, and rightly so. Under his deceptively harmless appearance, he hides many hidden ambitions and a morality that'd likely make people question his sanity if he was more vocal about it. It's his luck Takumi village isn't really a bastion of shiny goodness either.

History: Kazuma hails from Land of Rivers, and was noted early on by Takumi Village for his nimble hands and inventous mind. He was picked up by the village and given rudimentary ninja training; since then Kazuma has trained on his own to better his martial skills. Their focus was to utilize his crafty nature for something useful, and indeed nowadays he's one of the more productable members of the Village. Courtesy of the Village's position as weapon merchants, a lot of custom weapons and equipment originate from his hands, and even more owe to his design.

Recently, Kazuma's been dealing with a sub-branch of Shoku, supplying them with equipment in exchance for some specific knowledge. He might as well be considered a member now. He's distinguished from the lot by having higher 'alive' than 'dead' bounty.

Bloodline: Only thing Kazuma can attribute to his family line is his bad eyesight.

Elemental affinities: Lightning.

Notable Jutsu:

Chakra strings: A jutsu that conjures barely visible threads from the users fingertips, it can be used to trip, hamper or fool an enemy, as well as controlling ninja puppets. While not his specialty, Kazuma is moderately skilled at puppeteering and has developed a 'paired technique' to use a puppet in close combat.

Energization: This jutsu channels raiton chakra into a spherical electromagnetic field, heating up and electrifying metallic objects within 30 feet radius. It can cause slight burns or zaps to someone unfortunate enough to touch metal directly, but its real use is to power some of Kazuma's inventions.

Fuuinjutsu: Kazuma is very skilled in this subcategory of jutsu, especially when it comes to sealing objects. Some of his pockets are lined with semi-permanent runes, allowing him to pull some ridiculous stuff from them. He can make his own equipment scrolls, hypnotic tags and even summoning pacts concerning himself. He holds no animal summoning contracts, though.

Kirin: based around shaping and redirecting lightning bolts, this technique is extremely fast and devastating, easily capable of annihilating small buildings in Kazuma's hands. However, it relies on existing thunderclouds and dissipates them after use, so it's one-shot at best, as Kazuma has no ability to create clouds himself. He's searching for a way to make it less situational.

Ninjutsu: Besides those noted above, Kazuma only has few basic movement and disguising jutsus.

Genjutsu: Kazuma knows a few genjutsu that cause disorientation or nausea, but he usually utilizes them in the form of tags rather than the ordinary method. He's moderately skilled in noticing and dispelling illusions.

Taijutsu: while he's not expectionally fast or strong, Kazuma has great endurance and flexibility, with a tendency to outlast his enemies when he can't outpower them. He has well-rounded combat style and utilizes a wide array of weaponry, ranging from shuriken and kunai to swords and bows.

Special Abilities:

Master craftsman: "Where do they get those nifty toys, you ask? Why, they get them from me!"

Even outside his village, Kazuma's name is known as a synonym for quality, though most think the it's an alias. Give the sod a workshop and some time, and something nice will come out. Unfortunately, he isn't too picky about his assignments.

Human workhorse: "Take a horse? No thanks, I enjoy walking. What, you were talking about the cart? I was talking about the cart too!"

Kazuma has ridiculous endurance, as demonstrated by his equipment and preferred way of moving merchandise around. He can keep on pushing himself longer than most others, and recovers with impressive rate. He also eats like a horse - when not having a proper meal, he's likely having snacks. Offering him a lunch is begging for bankruptcy.

Walking armory:
Even compared to ordinary ninja, Kazuma tends to lug around stunning amount of hidden weapons and gadgets, many sealed within his coat with special fuuinjutsu. Stuff he routinely carries include:

telescopic metal spear with a detachable tip, 7 foot long when extended
katana and a wakizashi
a dismantleable crossbow with detachable scope, and 50 bolts. Has effective range of 300 feet.
lots and lots of shuriken
three long knives
telescopic blowpipe and dozen poisoned darts in a metal container
several dozen smokebombs, producing differently colored smokes. Five are tagged toxic.
dozen flash bombs
120 feet of razor wire
120 feet of composite rope
ten hypnotic tags. Essentially, hypnotic tags are genjutsu sealed in runic form. Viewing them can cause nausea, drowsiness, loss of sense of time or direction and paralysis. It's entirely possible to stand staring one for hours before environmental effect blows the tag away.
twenty explosive tags. Five are tagged 'extra blasty', and other five 'extra fiery'.
spare parts, wrenches, screwdrives and a hammer for adjusting his Puppet Duplicate
night vision goggles, with corrective and magnifying lenses
a gas mask combined with a snorkel and corrective lenses
spare glasses
six energy pills, increasing strenght and chakra levels temporarily while erasing fatigue. Cause intense muscle cramps after ~6 hours or so of use.
face paint
stainless steel cutlery
a bottle of water

In addition, Kazuma's clothes are nonconductive, water and fireproof. His coat and trousers have light, rattan-like material woven within the fabrics, providing protection equal to a chainmail while hampering his movements little. If he has a backpack with him, he might sneak some spare clothes and rations on top of it all. If he has the cart, he just *might* have a working cannon with him.

Puppet duplicate: "Thank you for breaking my toy. Now I'll have to see if I can make spare bolts from your bones."

A past-time project of his, Kazuma has build himself a stunt double from the chassis of a ninja puppet. While it's face is blank, it's dressed in similar clothes as its master and is about the same size, so it can pass off as him at a distance.

The puppet is very strong and fast, can launch poison darts from its mouth and can be equipped with a sword or other melee weapon. Rattling and whirring it makes causes it to be very unstealthy, though. Its machinery can also be jammed by foreign objects or sudden changes in temperature.

Badly nearsighted: "I'm blind as a bat. And not figuratively."

Kazuma can't see clearly beyond his nose without glasses. Though the lenses are unlikely to break, being custom made from reinforced glass, the rims can snap or twist, and he can easily lose them in heated close combat. Without some form of vision correction his ability in ranged combat is greatly impaired.

Caffeine addict: "It's not as addiction, it's a habit."

Kazuma can go an odd day or two without coffee, but usually he has at least seven cups of some caffeinated drink in a day. If he needs to work significantly longer without, he'll become shaky and suffer from headaches.

Odd sleeping cycle:
While he doesn't sleep more than the usual six to eight hours, Kazuma usually has his shut-eye between 6 AM and noon. If he has to be up during that time, he's prone to be cranky and tired. And don't try to tell him that coffee has anything to do with it.

2010-01-30, 11:09 PM
Name: Cohaku Naguyashi (first, last), Jonin and medical ninja
Classification: High B-rank
Age: 27
Height: 6'
Weight: 175lbs. of pure muscle
Gender: Male
Blood type:O

Appearance: NOT MY AVVIE! He is albino, his hair is long, at least shoulder length, tied in a ponytail. He's blind, which is both his strength and weakness. Because of this, he wears a simple black headband around his eyes. He's kinda tall, and muscley built, (Though you wouldn't think so 'til he takes his shirt off) but his pale skin kinda ruins the handsome appearance. He wears a white shirt with half bagpipe sleeves and pants the same, both with black markings on them. Over this, he wears a long black robe. He has black geta sandals with jika-tabi and hand wraps. A black sash completes the robe and a white scarf around his neck and can cover his mouth and nose finishes the outfit.

Weapons: Senbon needles (most are poisoned), Kunai, shuriken, your usual.

Equipment: Utility belt with pockets that hold Senbon, Kunai, shuriken, smoke bombs, and medic supplies. Also has a small satchel that holds things like brushes/scrolls/ink, and some emergency food.

Background: Cohaku's been around. He was originally born in Sunagakure, but when he was 5 his parents were assassinated. No one in the village would adopt him, so he was adopted by a family in Kirigakure. There, he got real good at water related jutsus. He stayed there until he was 17, then he found out the truth and went to go back to his homeland. When he got to Sunagakure, learned how to use wind jutsus. Now, he's been sent to Kohonagakure by the Kazakage for a reason he didn't originally know, but now finds out it's to help with the chunin exams and help the Hokage in general, in any way he needs.

Personality; Cohaku has a sort off keep to himself kinda attitude. In a crowded room, he usually sits off in a corner reading. Unless it's with people he knows and likes, than he'll be the life of the party. He would rather heal people than hurt them, but he will fight when necessary. And he knows how to fight real well, very advanced for his age. He tries very hard not to judge, but finds it especially challenging. He's also very mentally strong. His blindness can challenge him, but he makes up in other senses, like most other disabled people.

Bloodline: He has the ability of Hyouton, to combine his two elements to make ice.

Ninjutsu: He's very good in ninjutsu.

Genjutsu: Cohaku doesn't know too many of these, mostly lower rank. However, he is very good at blocking them.

Taijutsu: This is his lowest ranking type of jutsu. He can basically just run faster, jump higher, and punch harder, and that just about covers it.

Notable Jutsu: (Sorry, don't have all my translations yet, anyone willing to offer...)

Chakra sense: Due to his blindness, Cohaku had to figure out better ways to "see". He trained for a while and came up with the ability to sense people's chakra. It works kinda like heat vision. When he meets someone, he can "see" their chakra and can recognize it later. But, it's like looking at people, as some people look alike, so do some people's chakra. He can use this also like scent to trace their trail and folow their freshest to figure out where they are.


.Willful Mind: Due to his bloodline, it is very difficult for someone to succeed in a genjutsu against him.

.Agility: Cohaku can use his wind jutsus to make him move faster and jump higher.

.Hyouton: Due to his mixed bloodline (he doesn't know it, but his mom could use water and his dad used wind) he can combine both elements and make/control ice.

Common/Favored Jutsus: These are his most commonly used/favorite Jutsus, though he can use others, these are what you'll most likely see him use

Water: These are the jutsus Cohaku's best at since they're what he first trained in,
.Water Style; Octopus: Creates a ring of tentacles made of water around him that can catch or deflect projectiles, and they can grab surrounding objects.
.Water Style; Water Dragon: Makes a large pillar of water that forms into a dragon made of water and pummels down on enemy.
.Water Style; Water Whip(s): Body is encased in water while a whip made of water extends from hand(s) and can wrap around and even pick up foes. Can use two at a time, one in each hand.
.Water Style; Aqua Ball: Creates a large ball of water that can be thrown at enemies and not only deals damage to them but also deals splash to damage to those within a 3' radius.
.Water Style; Fog: Creates a sheet of mist/steam/fog that covers himself and makes it difficult for opponents to see him and allies.
Wind: His secondary element, Cohaku's not as good at these but he is capable.
.Wind Style; Air blast: Sends out a huge blast of air from his hand that can push back objects about 5'.
.Wind Style; Gust; Creates a Large burst of air that sends objects hurling back at least 7' and causes damage.
.Wind Style; Tornado: Creates a tornado, either around himself and/or others and deals damage those who try to touch it.
.Wind Style; Air Wave: Sends out a radial wave from Cohaku that deals damage to those within 7'.
Ice: These are Jutsus that he can use by combining his two elements due to a bloodline trait.
Ice Style; Ice Daggers: Creates daggers in his hand that can be thrown at opponents and deal damage, are easy to block. Makes anywhere from 3-20 daggers.
Ice Style; Ice Wall: Makes huge wall of ice in front of him that can deflect many projectiles.
Ice Style; Ice Globe: Creates a globe of ice around himself and/or others that can be moved by him and protects against many projectiles.
Ice Style; Frozen Prison: Traps enemy in a THICK casing of ice that is difficult to get out of. Can even make spikes on the inside that slowly grow, useful for interrogation.
.Ice Style; Arctic Breath: Turns any water aimed at into ice immediately.

Genjutsus: These are his secondary jutsus, though he's not very good at them, he does know a few, and is very good at blocking them.
Clones: Creates an amount of clones that distract his enemies. However, once hit, the clones disappears in a puff of smoke. As of now, he can make up to 10 clones.
He can also do your standard thing of influencing senses a little, though not particularly good at this.

Taijutsu: Cohaku's not very good at these in any way, unlike most medic's.
.Agility Boost: He can use his wind energy combined with physical so that he can run faster (up to 25mph) and jump higher (up to 20').
.Strength Increase: Allows him to hit/punch slightly harder, enough maybe to break through a tree, and lift heavier objects (like 300lbs.).

2010-02-10, 09:18 PM
Name/Rank: 甲打 偉故 (Kinoebu Erayue)
甲打 (Kinoebu--last name) 偉故 (Era'yue--first name) = きのえぶ えらゆえ

偉 = "Admirable", "excellent"...but if it's written in Japanese without the Kanji, "erai" (えらい), it apparently means "terrible" or "awful".

故 = "Cause", "Reason", "Circumstances"

Thus, his first name can be interpreted to mean "Good reason", or "Justified", but also a reference to how he came to acquire his unique abilities.

甲 = "First class", "High quality", but also "Armor", a reference to Erayue's metallic nature.

打 = "Hit" or "Strike", but in the context of forging steel, it can mean "to temper".

Thus, his last name can be interpreted to mean, "Tempered armor"--high quality stuff.

Theme song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGW6lob5jQw)

Classification: Tokubetsu Jounin, human anatomy and chakra research specialist, ~high B class

Birthdate: December 13th

Age: 26

Height: 5'11 (~180 cm), though it can easily vary

Weight: 1050 lbs (~477 kg)

Gender: Male

Blood type: A

Land of Fire

Appearance: Erayue typically keeps his body in the shape of a lean, fit man, but his voluminous clothes tend to hide this. His bare flesh is a very dark gray (http://product-image.tradeindia.com/00315260/b/0/-IRON-INGOT-.jpg), like unpolished iron, and is completely smooth and shiny. Erayue cares little for being presentable aside from the absolute bare minimum, so he keeps his face as a blank mask with two little eye holes (http://evangelion.fateback.com/angellogo.jpg).

As for clothing, Erayue wears a simple dark gray cloak covering him from chin to feet, and wears a metal jingasa (http://www.hermes-one.com/JapJingasa-1.jpg) with the character 知 ("knowlege") engraved upon in. His Konoha forehead protector is wrapped around his neck, with the metal plate covering his throat.

Personality: Cold, blunt, merciless, relentless, and harsh, just like the metal that forms his body. He suffers neither fools nor incompetence, and combined with his less-than-warm disposition, he tends not to get along with very many people. Nonetheless, he's happy to debate and discuss the nature of chakra with those who are knowledgeable.

Those who are able to crack his cold outer shell will discover a man devoted to the precious few friends he has. Erayue is one who looks out for the well-being of his loved ones.

Bloodline: None, or at least none that he can use as Erayue is unable to perform ninjutsu or genjutsu. His ability to manipulate his metal body, however, is unique as far as he knows. He calls this "Iron Form Manipulation" (鉄形操, てっけいそう, "tekkeisou").

Notable Jutsu:

Tekkeisou: As Erayue's chakra points are permanently sealed off, he is unable to use chakra for any purpose as the average ninja would--even basics like walking on water, substitution, disguise, or climbing walls is impossible for him. However, he's able to circulate the chakra within him to stretch and bend his metal flesh into just about any shape, so long as he doesn't damage his brain (the only part of him that's still living, organic tissue). A bit of study in metallurgy has also allowed him to tweak the chemical and physical properties of his metal somewhat, so he can adjust its hardness, elasticity, and malleability enough so that he can be surprisingly flexible and adaptable with his metal. There are limitations, however--he cannot create more metal, and he cannot directly manipulate any metal that isn't infused with his chakra and is a part of his body, so he can stretch and bend only so far.

Important Tekkeisou techniques:

Iron Lance: Jeweled Spear Erayue forms a spearhead with one of his hands and stretches his arm to try and impale an enemy. Maximum range is roughly 50 feet (~15.24 meters)
Iron Hammer: Yamaxanadu Erayue forms a hammer or macehead with one of his hands and stretches his arm to try and smack an enemy. Maximum range is roughly 50 feet. Terrain and space permitting, he can also swing his stretched limb around to attack from the sides or above.
Iron Hammer: Infernal Mallet By coating his limbs with a special oil, he can set them alight to deal extra fire damage. He must carry his own oil with him, however, and he must take care to not use this technique too long or else his body will overheat.
Iron Wire: Bloody Web Erayue stretches his fingers into thin, razor-sharp wires and attempts to entangle the enemy in a web of slicing death. Maximum range is roughly 70 feet, though due to air resistance it's not a particularly fast technique unless used up close. Alternatively, he can thicken the wires if he needs to grab something from afar and doesn't want to cut it up (such as, say, a falling teammate). In this case, maximum weight limit per wire is about 120 pounds (~54.4 kg).
Iron Quills: Sin of Arrogance Erayue generates long, thick spikes out of his skin. Each spike is about 1 foot (32 cm) long and very, very sharp.
Iron Blade: Grass Cutter Erayue stretches one of his limbs and forms it into a big, sharp blade. With enough momentum generated by centrifugal force, he can cut through entire trees and even a good bit of stone and/or metal. Maximum range is 40 feet (12.2 meters).
Iron Whip: Punishing Lash Erayue stretches one of his limbs into a long thick wire, about an 1/4th of an inch (1.3 cm) thick, and lashes an opponent with it. Alternatively, he can grab the free end and put the wire under very high tension, so that when it's released it can do horrific damage. Finally, he can use the wire as something like a prehensile tentacle, letting him manipulate objects from a distance. Maximum range is about 80 feet (24.5 meters).
Iron Claws: Avatar of a Beast Erayue transforms his fingers into razor-sharp talons, each a foot long (~32 cm). These are capable of cutting through stone and steel.
Iron Springs: Meteoric Leap Erayue converts his legs into high tension, elastic springs, with which he can propel his 1000 pound self through the air. Maximum leaping distance is about 280 feet (85.3 meters). Alternatively, he can simply propel himself straight up and come back down--anything below him will be hit by 1000+ pounds of metal, accelerating at 9.8 meters per second.
Iron Cannon: Solid Shot Erayue can transform his arm into springs as well, and use them to launch boulders at opponents at high speeds. Maximum weight of projectile is about 250 pounds; maximum range varies with weight, but with 250 pound projectiles the max range is roughly 300 feet (91.44 meters).
Iron Cannon: Canister Shot The same as Solid Shot, except that Erayue grabs gravel instead of one large rock. Max range is 60 feet (30.48 meters).
Iron Cannon: Water Blade Erayue can suck in large amounts of water into his arms or legs and eject it out in a high pressure stream. He can contain only so much water, so each blast lasts for only about a second, and he must carry his own water with him. Max range is about 60 feet.
Iron Shield: All-Encompassing Armor Erayue stretches the metal on his chest and back into shields to protect either himself or nearby friendlies. He can completely encompass himself in this metal shell. Alternatively, he can compress as much metal as necessary to create an ultra-dense, hardened shield for particularly dangerous attacks. However, this consumes more metal than usual, so this shield can only cover a very limited area.
Iron Roots: God of the Soil Erayue can extend his limbs underground out to 80 feet (24.5 meters) in order to grab or impale enemies from below.
Iron Embrace: Incarceration If Erayue can envelop an enemy with his metal, he can compress it and implode anything inside. Its function is very similar to Gaara's Desert Coffin. Those trapped by Incarceration must be quite strong to break free.
Iron Embrace: Crimson Crush After entrapping an enemy in Incarceration, Erayue can violently compact the metal encompassing his victim, imploding him. Its function is very similar to Gaara's Desert Funeral.
Iron Embrace: Crimson Maiden Alternatively, Erayue can instead elect to extend the metal imprisoning his victim into spikes that grow inwards, thus impaling him with extreme prejudice.
Iron Form: Avatar of War Erayue can adjust his body into that of a bipedal beast's, with long, wiry arms and legs, a thinner torso, and a 5 foot long tail. Every inch of his body is covered in spikes or blades. His limbs each end in sharp claws like the ones in Iron Claws: Avatar of a Beast, and the same with his tail. His head is elongated and armed with saw-edged fangs for tearing throats. His speed and strength are highly boosted. However, this form burns chakra very quickly, and a fully rested Erayue can keep this form for only 2 minutes a day.
Iron Form: The Deceiver Erayue appears to grow into a huge, 30 foot (9.1 meters) tall giant. However, since mass is conserved, Erayue is actually mostly hollow, and due to air resistance his attacks are not particularly effective. This form is mostly for bluffing and intimidating the enemy. Erayue can maintain this form up to 5 minutes per day, if fully rested.

Since Erayue doesn't truly "use" chakra per se, he doesn't use quite as much chakra as most ninja would for similar effects. On the other hand, he needs chakra just to move and perform basic bodily functions, so he's constantly losing it. Over the course of a day, his overall chakra expenditure is noticeably more than the average ninja.

Genjutsu: As his chakra points are sealed off, Erayue cannot use any technique that requires the expenditure of chakra. He is still vulnerable to ninjutsu and genjutsu, however.

Taijutsu: Tekkeisou is, in a way, taijutsu, so in that sense Erayue is a taijutsu specialist. He is knowledgeable of martial arts, but is not really an expert at it, as he prefers to use Tekkeisou techniques over more conventional hand-to-hand fighting.

Special Abilities: Tekkeisou aside...

Human anatomy: Years of research on the human body has made Erayue quite knowledgeable on how the body works. However, since he's incapable of using ninjutsu, and since he doesn't bother with pharmacy, there is rarely an opportunity to apply this knowledge.
Chakra theory: Alongside anatomy, Erayue has been studying the nature of chakra and, in particular, how it interacts with the human body. Thus, he's an expert on the subject. However, he lacks any means of seeing chakra inside a person's body, so aside from being able to efficiently use his own chakra and teaching others on how to use theirs, his knowledge on Chakra is mostly trivial.

Erayue is a bitter man.

He was born to two chuunin parents of no real significance, and like his parents he was just a ninja of average ability. Just before his graduation from the ninja academy into a genin, however, he was kidnapped by an unknown assailant and his parents murdered.

Erayue cannot remember the details of how he gained his current metallic form, only that he was shut in an underground facility somewhere and presumably experimented on. A powerful sealing ninjutsu was placed on his memories to prevent him from remembering who did this to him.1 He can only recall intense pain, a scrabbling desire to live, a great numbness, then waking up in the forests outside of Konohagakure, paralyzed and unable to move until a patrol found him. He later learned that he had gone missing for the better part of a year.

1 Whether this is Goro or not will depend on Callos' consent.

It took the medical ninja of Konoha all of their skill and knowledge to rehabilitate Erayue, and to teach him how to move around and function. Extensive testing revealed that all of Erayue's tissue save for his brain and brain stem were converted into an organic metal, similar to steel in mass and physical properties. His organs still functioned the way they used to, for the most part--his heart still pumped blood, his digestive system was still capable of processing food into nutrients, and so forth. Medical-nin were worried, though, about how his brain would handle his new metallic blood; it carried oxygen just fine, but there was still concern over any unknown side effects. At the moment, though, Erayue seemed to be physically alright, if...changed.

Mentally, however, Erayue felt as though he had lost everything. His parents were dead, he could barely move, his tough metal skin dulled his sense of touch and made him feel constantly numb. He was afraid of what the rest of the village would think of his new and, in his paranoid opinion, freakish appearance. He tried to commit suicide once or twice, but every time he did he was reminded of his desperate will to live and the crippling fear of death he gained from his time in the hidden laboratory. Erayue did not look forward to the day he would be discharged from the hospital.

As he feared, the Konohagure public was not receptive of his return. There were rumors that he had a Tailed Beast within him or worse, and many were concerned that Erayue would snap and kill them all in their sleep. No jounin wanted to train him when it was determined that he was unable to release chakra, so his future as a ninja was utterly bleak. The inevitable bullying happened--it got to the point where a particularly rough gang almost drowned him in a a nearby duck pond, correctly surmising that, since he was made of metal, he would surely sink.

It was in that cold, clammy darkness at the bottom of the pond that he felt that desperation, that cold iron will to survive again, and discovered the secrets of Tekkeisou. He climbed his way out of the pond, clumsily stalking towards his tormentors like some zombie, and would have taken bloody vengeance if it weren't for a passing jounin who managed to subdue him. A later order from the Konoha higher-ups2 demanded a cessation of the persecution, and put Erayue in the custody of the village. Perhaps someone recognized the potential power of Erayue's unique body, for he was given (reluctant) chuunin to help him train his chakra, and given ownership of his parents' old house. Despite these concessions, though, Erayue is still bitter about his experiences with Konoha.

2Whether this was an order from the Hokage himself is up to Callos to decide.

Over the next several years, he learned how to control his metal body well enough to pass the chuunin exams, despite his almost crippling speed and lack of stealth. Afterwards, he devoted himself to studying the human body and the properties of chakra, hoping to reverse his situation. He is now a tokubetsu jounin--he lacks skill many areas critical for ninja, but his expertise on chakra make him a sought after teacher (though his would-be students quickly learn why Konohagure never assigns him a genin team for instruction).

Today, his relationship with Konoha is mostly mended, largely thanks to the kinder and more outgoing among the population who took the time to try to befriend him. Nonetheless, much of the village still regards him as something of an outcast, so Erayue has very few people that he would count as "friends".


Favorite Foods: Because of his condition, Erayue's sense of taste and smell are somewhat dulled, so he tries to eat intensely flavored food like curry and ramen when possible. He is no longer invited to Konohagure Ultra-Spicy Ramen Eating Contests thanks to his innate resistance to capascin.
Hobbies: In order to conserve chakra (since he must expend it just to move), Erayue prefers sedentary activity such as reading and listening to music. He particularly enjoys Land of Fire folk songs, and is frequently seen in Konoha libraries.
Personal motto: "Let will be your shield. Let knowledge be your sword."

2010-02-14, 09:10 PM
My MPD ninja...

Yoshiro (Dedoko/Niban/Midoru/Kouki)(I just used a translator to find some words that meant Origin/Second/Middle/Final and also a popular Japanese baby names site.)
Classification: High B(S when masked), Jounin
Age: 27/14/21/52
Height: 5'3"/4'11"/5'3"/5'1"
Weight: 135/113/127/120
Blood Type:B+
-Self/Konoha/Highest Bidder/Konoha

Appearance: Yoshiro, in all his forms, is a well tanned young man, strongly built for whatever age his form is. His hair changes from black, to red, to blonde, and back to black(black/red/blonde/black) depending on his form, as does his eye color(black/green/blue/hazel). He is usually seen wearing simple black pants and white shirt with long sleeves and fitted lengths.(http://www.wondercostumes.com/images/products/UR29015350.jpg like this only reverse the colors of the shirt and get rid of the shirt pockets.)

Personality: Toshiro suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder or Multiple Personality Disorder. However do to a chakra enhancement of his condition it causes him to modify his appearance, personality and even chakra affinity. Dedoko is his first and most common form, his personality is a friendly but detached one. He loves people and making friends but he doesn't form very deep connections with anyone. Niban is his second form, a teenager from Konoha that is somewhat of a patriot, he will defend his village verbally and/or physically whenever it is affronted. Midoru is a bit of a criminal, he is prone to alcholism, drug abuse and quite often violent outbursts, but otherwise he is actually quite docile and very responsible when not trying out any kind of new drugs or drinking. Kouki is his last personality, a kind man who spends his days making new tools and gadgets which his other personalities later use on their missions and such.

Notable Jutsu:

Four Soul Masks: This is the jutsu that "enhanced his condition", it allows him to use almost all of his other techniques. It was placed on him not at his consent and only needed to be used once.(S-Rank/Sealing/Kinjutsu/Self)

Two-Faced Combatant: This is what accesses his four masks and allows transformation, only one mask is available to each personality however. These are Dedoko's Mask of the Ghost, Niban's Mask of the Lion, Midoru's Mask of the Demon, and Kouki's Mask of the Mechanism.(A-Rank/Transformation/Unique/Self)

Ether Blade: Only available in Dedoko's Masked form. A blade made of chakra infused with the essence of the user it cuts through any material and causes a minor corrosion around the cut.(B-Rank/Offensive/Melee)

Pride Roar: Only available in Niban's Masked form. A rippling wave of destructive golden chakra is released from the users mouth in a expanding forward motion.(B-Rank/Offensive/Close-to-Mid)

Demonfire Devastator: Only available in Midoru's Masked form. A jet of black and red fire is blasted from the user's mouth or hands, causing a near inextinguishable continual burn.(A-Rank/Offensive/Close-to-Long)

Mechanized Army: Only available in Kouki's Masked form. A fully operable, mechanized automaton is created from chakra, surrounding objects and a single drop of the user's blood.(A-Rank/Offensive/Deffensive/Supplementary/Summoning/Close)

Common Jutsu:

His chakra has a strong affinity towards genjutsu.

Visions of Heaven Technique: An illusion is cast onto a person to make them feel, hear, see, taste, and smell the environment as if they were in their own personal paradise.(C-Rank/Illusionary/Close-to-Mid)

Visions of Hell Technique: An illusion is cast onto a person to make them feel, hear, see, taste, and smell the environment as if they were in their own personal hell.(B-Rank/Illusionary/Close-to-Mid)

His chakra has no strong affinity and isn't very easily focused into elemental, cloning, or illusionary techniques.

White Hare Technique: The user is given immense speed and jumping abillity.(C-Rank/Enhancement/Self)

Brown Bear Technique: The user is given great upper-body strength and a powerful grip.(C-Rank/Enhancement/Self)

Barn Owl Technique: The user is given incredibly sharp and far sight, as well as night vision(in black and white).(D-Rank/Enhancement/Self)

His chakra has a strong fire affinity and little control.

Fire Spray Technique: The user blasts wide spread fire jets from their mouth.(B-Rank/Offensive/Mid)

Flame Torch Technique: A small, focused amount of fire is released from the users mouth providing illumination directly around the target and a cutting tool for non-flammable materials.(C-Rank/Supplementary/Close)

His chakra is strong and well controlled but holds no elemental affinity.

Mechanized Minion: The user takes a kunai, shurikan or other small metal object and a drop of their blood to summon a small(approximately the same size as the object) spider or bird like minion.(C-Rank/Summoning)

Mechanized Companion: The user takes a medium sized metal object and a drop of their blood to summon a medium sized quadrapedal companion(like a cat).(C-Rank/Summoning)

Mechanized Soldier: The user takes a large metal object and a drop of their blood to summon a humanoid soldier.(B-Rank/Summonig)

General Abilities:

Ninjutsu: Dedoko is fairly weak in nijutsu but the other three have decent power in their respective styles.

Genjutsu: Dedoko is skilled in this field being one of the best at multitasking with it, while all but Niban can dispel all but a few genjutsu. Niban has learned to recognize genjutsu and can dispel the most basic forms.

Taijutsu: Everyone is skilled in basic's, but Niban and Midoru excel in the field, it being Niban's specialty.

Chakra Control: Dedoko and Kouki have extremely excellent, precision control because it's neccasary for their jutsu, Niban can control his enhancement techniques with ease and Midoru has little control beyond engage his jutsu.

Kinjutsu: Toshiro in all his forms is very familiar with the incitracies of kinjutsu but can not perform any himself.

2010-02-14, 11:14 PM
Name: 節優 麗曲 (Fushiyasa Urama) (Last name, First name), the Blind Melody; originally 秀康 咲夜(Hideyasu Sakuya), then 平源 咲夜 (Taramoto Sakuya)

節 = Fushi, meaning "tune"

優 = Yasa, meaning "gentle"

麗 = Ura, meaning "pretty"

曲 = Ma, meaning "melody" but can also mean perverse, or pleasure

Thus, her last name can mean "Gentle tune", while her first name can mean "Beautiful melody", but also "Perverse melody" (the "pleasure" part will make sense later).

Theme Song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjH4OJQm2mU)

Classification: B-Class Chuunin

Birthdate: June 13th

Age: 25

Height: 5'4"

Weight: "It is impolite to ask a lady for her weight, is it not?"

Gender: Female

Blood type:

Land of Rice


Her most distinctive feature is her clothing: Urama wears a beautifully-made traditional dress that looks very similar to the Heian spring court dresses worn in real-life medieval Japan (http://www.iz2.or.jp/fukusyoku/wayou/images/19-a.gif). It's well made, but not luxuriant, befitting her former life as the wife of a minor lord. The dress has been modified to allow Urama to move about much more easily than a typical dress of that kind would--instead of being multi-layered, the edges are simply "frilled" to create the illusion of being multi-layered. The dress is colored white and decorated with flecks of red--to many, it simply looks like red flower petals against a snowy background, but to Urama, it feels more like funerary wear spattered with blood. Underneath her outer dress she wears quality traveling clothing. Her eyes are wrapped with a plain white linen blindfold.

As for the rest of her body, Urama is a shapely, refined, and beautiful woman with a constant look of serenity and gentleness on her face--the ideal noblewoman. She is often seen with a slight smile. Her hair goes down to the middle of her back and is let loose. She wears makeup, but not very much of it aside from a little lipstick (or the equivalent thereof back in these days) and eye shadow.


Urama's outer personality (and, really, almost all superficial aspects of her) is heavily based off of the Yamato Nadeshiko (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/YamatoNadeshiko) ideal (tvtropes warning! Don't click on the link if you don't have any free time!). She is gentle, caring, soft-spoken, but also driven and exhibits a hint of unrelenting steel when confronted or opposed. Above all, she is motherly, especially towards younger genin/academy students whom she often considers to be children.

This Yamato Nadeshiko personality hides a sadistic, hateful nature, however. Despite this darker nature of hers, Urama never drops her gentle, smiling attitude--even when she's bloodily murdering someone and drinking in their screams. Beneath this layer, though, is a young woman ridden with guilt and regret over her past, guilt and regret over failing to protect that which she had valued the most.

Bloodline: None. Urama comes from a minor ninja clan from the Land of Rice, but they possess no bloodline techniques.

Notable Jutsu:末音術 (Mashiinjutsu: "Art of the Final Sound")

Urama relies almost exclusively on sound ninjutsu for combat and, due to her blindness, navigation and daily activities.

For fighting, she relies entirely on a combination of genjutsu generated by her voice and ninjutsu generated by her shamisen (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5rs7pfZuPs):

Voice: By singing certain musical notes and mixing the soundwaves with her chakra, she can create genjutsu that affect all who hear it...including herself. Most of her genjutsu are focused on affecting their sense of hearing or sight. In order to prevent herself from being affected by her own genjutsu, she swirls chakra through her brain in a 3/4 musical rhythmic pattern (all of her songs are in 2/4). This is a closely guarded secret of hers: if this were to be leaked, all of her genjutsu would be rendered useless. Finally, the genjutsu target must be able to hear and properly process the sound--thus, deaf targets don't work, nor do targets that are out of range. A target hit by a genjutsu but manages to move out of range will recover naturally within a few seconds. Otherwise, her genjutsu are dispellable as with any other genjutsu:

The first option is for the ninja to stop the flow of chakra in their body, and then apply an even stronger power to disrupt the flow of the caster's chakra; this is called Genjutsu Release (幻術解, Genjutsu Kai). This can also be done by an unaffected ninja by applying a sudden surge of chakra into the affected person. In addition, tailed beasts can break their Jinchūriki hosts out of genjutsu in a similar fashion.

The second option is through intense pain not caused by the genjutsu and utilizing the resulting pain to bring their senses back in order (of the two options, the latter seems more effective in most situations, or at least is the easiest). This can involve breaking one's finger (like Shikamaru in his battle with Tayuya) or by simply applying huge amounts of stress on it.

The third option is accessible only to Sharingan wielders. Members of the Uchiha clan can break or see through genjutsu using their Sharingan. Breaking Tsukuyomi is possible with an ordinary Sharingan, but it requires a lot of skill.

Fourthly, ordinary people can sometimes train their eyes (without Sharingan) to break genjutsu through unknown means, like Deidara.

Finally, one can prevent a person from casting genjutsu using obstructive jutsus like the Hidden Mist jutsu to prevent one from seeing the opponent in the first place, as Zabuza demonstrated against Kakashi.

Shamisen: By playing certain notes on her shamisen and mixing the soundwaves with her chakra, Urama can convert or amplify sonic vibrations, shaping them into deadly concussive blasts or even slicing blades. The low-pitched string generate wide-area blasts, not unlike canon Zaku's air blasts (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Zaku), capable of cracking stone, denting metal, and tearing flesh down to the internal organs. Middle-pitched string generate more focused shots, similar to cannon balls or even bullets. High-pitched string create slicing blades not unlike canon Temari's wind jutsu.

Since Urama is capable of singing and playing at the same time, she prefers to stun or confuse the enemy with her gejutsu, then finish them off with her ninjutsu.

The Color of Leaves: Genjutsu. A song about the fading color of the leaves in autumn, and about the transience of life. The victim, meanwhile, sees everything slowly fading to white, and can hear only the song. If the genjutsu is disrupted in any way (often by the target itself), then the target recovers quickly: thus, a common counter to The Color Of Leaves is to attack Urama. To prevent this Urama distracts the victim with sound blasts from her shamisen. Unlike most other genjutsu within Urama's repertoire, The Color of Leaves, once it sets in, continues to affect its victims up to an hour after it leaves the genjutsu's range.

Fragrance of Memory: Genjutsu. A song about how the passing of time makes memories seem more beautiful. This genjutsu tries to toy with the victim's memories: the victim recalls bits and pieces from a random memory associated with a strong feeling of emotion. For example, if the victim had a particularly traumatic past, then the song might cause them to experience the same feelings that they had during that time while also flashing images that reminds them of the incident. This can backfire, however, if, say, the recalled memory gives them courage or rage instead of despair or deluded joy. Disciplined ninja are usually capable of fighting off the effects of this genjutsu. Although the genjutsu stops bringing up images and memories once the target moves out of range, the target may still be emotionally affected.

Withering Grass in the Winter Wind: Genjutsu. A song about, well, the the withering grass being pummeled by the harsh winter wind, and about the cold loneliness of winter. This genjutsu causes the victim to feel extremely cold, to the point where they begin to feel numb and their minds are distracted by the sudden drop in temperature. Weak-minded victims may abandon everything and try to seek warmth to their own detriment (this can have a hilarious effect on fire ninjutsu practitioners, who may try to burn themselves with their own techniques).

Markets Beneath the Castle Walls: Genjutsu. A song about the hustle and bustle of the market, and about the chaos of every day life. The victim hears extremely loud and painful noises, designed to distract him and break his concentration.

Art of the Shamisen: Mind Demon: Urama's favorite jutsu. Once she has a victim thoroughly affected by her genjutsu, she can begin playing a certain melody on her shamisen. The chakra-infused soundwaves begin to vibrate the blood in the victim's brain; by the end of 30 seconds, the victim's neural blood vessels will rupture violently. This is only possible when Urama uses her genjutsu to manipulate the victim's chakra in their brains and makes it flow in a certan pattern.

Weaknesses: Though Urama's ninjutsu/genjutsu may seem insurmountable, Urama herself has a number of easily exploitable weaknesses available for the astute ninja...

* She has little to no defensive abilities against non-projectile jutsu, or projectiles that are too massive for her to easily destroy with her shamisen. She must dodge to avoid such attacks, and since singing, playing, and mentally focusing on her counter-rhythm take too much concentration, she can't really perform any jutsu while on the move. Combine this with the fact that she can't traverse terrain easily...

* Likewise, breaking her concentration is especially detrimental to her combat ability, since she won't really be able to do anything if that happens.

* Alternatively, one can defeat her by engaging in a battle of attrition by spamming her with projectiles--her only real means of defense is to blast away incoming attacks with her own, so those who can outlast her in such a contest will inevitably defeat her.

* She's blind, so purely visual cues (such as color or texture) are almost impossible for her to detect. Filling the air with loud noises disables any real means for her to detect the location of anything,.

* Should anyone figure out the counter-rhythm trick, Urama loses her most potent weapon--her genjutsu. Her shamisen techniques, while reliable, aren't anything special. She must use her genjutsu to distract or disable her opponent before she can reliably finish off her enemies.

* She keeps her past hidden, but anyone who knows it can very easily press her buttons, and an unfocused Urama is a doomed Urama.

* Her genjutsu obviously does not work on truly deaf opponents.

* Urama has focused on her singing and shamisen techniques to the detriment of her other ninja abilities. She can throw shuriken and kunai decently, but her battle echolocation can give her only so much detail, so her attacks are inherently imprecise. Her taijutsu is pretty much laughable. This means that, without her shamisen, Urama has very limited offensive choices left for defending herself.

* Should Urama herself go deaf, the power of her techniques is reduced significantly. She can still perform them thanks to muscle memory, but she's not used to operating while deaf. Of course, being deaf also messes up her echolocation.

Her abilities, combined with her limitations, relegates Urama to primarily spying and assassinations. Her sharp hearing and demeanor, plus her claimed profession as a traveling minstrel, often gets her into positions where she can eavesdrop into sensitive conversations. This also allows her to position herself for assassinating high-profile targets with ease by entertaining her targets until the opportune moment, in which she kills them with a swift shamisen shot to the head. Alternatively, she can ambush travelers by luring them to her with her music, hitting them with a genjutsu once they let their guard down, then finishing them off with her shamisen.

Ninjutsu: Decent. She mostly sticks with using her shamisen's soundblast attacks, which are unimaginative but reliable and fairly powerful. The fact that they're soundwaves makes them a little tricky to block.

Genjutsu: Her greatest strength, though it has a crippling weakness should one figure it out.

Taijutsu: Negligible. She can throw kunai and stuff, but that's about it. Little to no martial arts to speak of.

Special Abilities:
Precise echolocation: By emitting small, concentrated bursts of sound and focusing on how they return, she can detect things she normally can't, such as engravings on surfaces and precise body shape. This, plus an attention to detail, allows Urama to identify and infer a surprising amount of detail: for example, by detecting the presence of a certain kind of hat, plus the body language of the target and any personal effects they may be carrying, she could surmise that the person she detects is a Kage. This ability requires a high degree of concentration and silence, however, so it's useless in battle.
Musical skills: Duh.
Divine Tea: Due to her upbringing and her usual attention towards detail, Urama is really, really good at making tea. She has a teapot and two teacups with her at all times.
Of a noble persuasion: Again due to her upbringing, Urama is highly familiar with court mannerisms. She has the demeanor of a high-born lady, and knows how to pull strings through speech when necessary.


Hatred. Vengeance. Guilt. Regret.

Before the consolidation of Otogakure and the unification of the shinobi of the Land of Rice, the Hideyasu were but a small clan in service to the local daimyo. Urama, then Sakuya, was born to the clan chieftain and was considered to be the heir to the clan, such was her skill. Even at a young age Sakuya loved music and practiced her shamisen often.

When she was 15, however, the Hideyasu were given a blessed political opportunity: one of the daimyo's younger nephews, Taramoto Genji, had hired Urama for a mission, and fell in love with her skill, silent tenacity, and devotion to her duty, and requested her hand in marriage. Her father could not pass up such an chance, and so her wedding was arranged quickly and without her consent. Needless to say, she was less than happy about the affair, but she quietly relented, swearing that she would subtly make her new husband's life a miserable hell with her ninja skills. However, her husband was a kind and loving man, and within a year she grew to love him back. The two of them worked together to bring prosperity to the Taramoto estates. They even had a pair of twins when Sakuya was 17 years old; a boy named Kenshin (謙信--"modest", "truth") and a girl named Mizuki (美月--"beautiful moon"). At times, Sakuya felt nostalgic about her shinobi past, but she loved her family too much to put them aside (though sometimes, when her husband and the kids were asleep, she'd sneak out and leap across the rooftops, watching the moon).

Her peaceful life was shattered into pieces over the course of one night.

A team of shinobi infiltrated the castle and slaughtered all within but Sakuya. She fought them the best she could, but she was only one, rusted ninja against a dozen, and after paralyzing her with ninjutsu, they forced her to watch as they killed her family in front of her: her husband first, who begged his captives to let his wife and children go as they took his head, then her son and daughter, who cried out for their parents as they were cut down. As for Sakuya, they blinded her with a kunai, ran her through with her husband's own sword, and tossed her body into the nearby river, confident that she was dead. The assassins then set fire to the castle and left--to this day, it is unknown who they were and which village they came from, if any.

Her body drifted down the river until a certain person encountered her and nursed her back to health. When she came to, she told her savior her story and begged him to kill her, as she lacked the strength and the means to do so due to her injuries. Instead of granting her request, however, the benefactor convinced her to take revenge instead. She asked him how, when she was blind and had no idea who murdered her family; the man replied by introducing her to an associate of his.1

1If Hollow Zaraki doesn't mind, I'm hoping that said person is Chains himself.

The associate convinced her that her assassins were Konoha ninja, and even showed her a Konoha forehead protector as "evidence", claiming that it was found in the burnt ruins of her home. He then showed her the secrets with which, along with intense training and determination, she could take her revenge. Swearing vengeance, she discarded her old name and history, and made a new identity for herself. Thus, Fushiyasa Urama was born. By the next several years she had all but overcome her disabilities, and mastered her new Mashiinjutsu.

Today, she serves as Chains'2 attendant of sorts, often posing as an interesting "trinket" that he carts around for his amusement. Few realize her deadly potential.

2 Again, this is only assuming that Hollow doesn't mind.

Quirks: A side effect of losing her children is that she tends to regard younger people with a bit of a soft spot; as much as she enjoys killing Konoha ninja, she can't help but feel a bit sad when one of her victims is particularly young. She also tends to get very attached to any young genin who happen to be under her command.

Her years as the wife of a landed noble have left her with the before-mentioned Yamato Nadeshiko personality, which she maintains at all times. A part of this manifests in her speech--she speaks in an highly polite manner of speech, and takes care to not be insulting, rude, or pushy.

She enjoys both drinking and making tea, and roasted meat (a holdover from her shinobi days). Urama strongly dislikes spicy food.

2010-02-15, 02:06 PM
Haru, Raikou (Last, First)
Classification:D-Rank, Genin
Birthdate:May 19
Weight:124 lbs.
Blood Type:O-
-His team...
Raikou is a well muscled young man, built like a runner and strong. He has electric blue hair and eyes the color of storm clouds. His shinobi outfit consists of a pair of black cloth pants and a blue silk jacket, with black high-top shinobi sandles and his forehead protector wrapped diagnolly across his head, covering his left ear.
Raikou is a respectful young man who knows when to get serious and when goof off. He spends time around friends and colleagues with a smile on his face and laugh on the edge of his tongue, but he is easily saddened but personal attacks and will shut himself down if someone he cares about hurts him. On missions though he remains strong and tactical.
Bloodline: He doesn't have any bloodline abilities but he does have a summoning contract with rabbits like many of his shinobi family members.
Notable Jutsu:

Summoning Technique: Raikou signed the Rabbit Contract like many of his family members and summons Kumo, a giant gray rabbit that uses a kickboxing like taijutsu style and talks, as his trump card.(Note: He is capable of summoning others he just chooses not to, usually.)

White Hare Technique: This grants the user immense speed and jumping ability.

Lightning Strike(Weak Version) Technique: This technique creates an electrical charge that can be released in the form of a forked or single lightning bolt in the direction desired or can be used to charge objects like a kunai or fist, this causes an electrical release on impact.

General Abilities:

Ninjutsu: Raikou holds a strong grasp over ninjutsu and it's his main category of study.

Genjutsu: Raikou can spot genjutsu usually but does have trouble dispelling it.

Taijutsu: Raikou's strongest category currently he uses the same style as his rabbits.

Special Abilities/Traits:

Birth Omen: Raikou was born during one of the only rain showers ever to grace the village of Suna.

Wilderness Knowledge: Raikou's family is a mix of shinobi, zoologists, marine biologists, and botanists. This caused Raikou to learn an above average amount of information on the topics of plants and animals.

Cartographer: Raikou is skilled at making, deciphering and reading map's.

Heat Seeker: Raikou is always eating extremely spicy foods, which at times can prove a problem.

Purple Rose
2010-02-18, 03:28 PM
Name: N13 (?)
Rank: NA
Classification: ?
Age: ?
Height: 5'5"
Weight: ~120
Gender: Female
Affiliation: ?

Appearance: Dressed in a plain white ninja uniform, she has straight black hair cut to neck length. One eye is black while the other is a milky white, though she can see equally well from each of them. Her most defining feature is a tattoo of "N13" underneath her right eye, from which she derives her name. There are, however, a pair of long scars on her back, running along her shoulder blades, though they have long since healed. Her skin is unusually pale as well.

Personality: 404 Personality not found. She is quiet and unassuming and almost doglike in her need to obey commands given to her by just about anybody. She does seem to understand the chain of command, though, and will respect an order given by a superior over one given by anybody else, include commands such as "Do not do anything anyone else says unless I tell you to." She is very naive about the world, easily tricked in matters pertaining to the mundane and human interactions. She seems incapable of detecting when somebody lies to her, that, or assumes all things spoken are lies and thus reacts the same way regardless. It is hard to tell, honestly.

Bloodline: Unknown

Notable Jutsu: She might develop some later, but for now she would rely on standard ninjutsu, which she seems well trained in already. The only truly notable aspect about her is her ability to move with absolute silence, often getting into places thought impenetrable. If she had the motivation, it could make her a very skilled assassin. Or a thief. Or somebody to jump around corners and shout "boo!" and startle people.

Chakra Control: Her ability to control chakra is beyond human. Which is good, because by all appearances, she has abysmally low chakra levels and needs to manage every last bit for all it's worth.

Tactical and Weapons Abilities: She seems to prefer bare handed combat, though she is adept at improvising with whatever happens to be handy.

Toxic Blood: Her blood has been engineered to act as a powerful neuro-toxin. Skin contact with it results in a rapid numbing in the area around the contact. If her blood enters somebody else's blood stream, either through ingestion of directly (though a wound or the like) it acts quickly to paralyze them completely, only the vital systems (heart, lungs, ect...) being unaffected.

Extremely Durable: N13 has been built to take a beating and still keep going. Wounds normally fatal are survivable for her, and she recovers quickly from injuries.

2010-02-19, 12:53 AM
Name: Chihiro Yukimora (first, last)
Age: 23
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 155lbs
Class: High A rank Junin
Blood type: AB
Affiliation: Konohagakure, Hokage

Appearance: Chihiro's looks fit her attitude. From her deep green eyes to her fiery orange hair, her body screams attitude. Her hair is tied up in a short, spikey pony-tail held by her headband. She sports forest green short-shorts and a hot pink tube top that shows her navel. Over these she wears a knee length jacket with sleeves that are cut down the top middle and held together by a simple strand of twine that's easily untied. It also has a bunch of large pockets to carry her gear. Add a pair of knee-high black leather boots, a cloth belt looped around her waist, a bunch of stud earrings, and her pet fox, Hiita, constantly poking over her shoulder from his hiding place in her hood, and you've got Chihiro.

Weapons: Chihiro carries the standard array of shuriken, kunai, and senbon, but she also specializes in another weapon. Chihiro is very talented in sai use and carries two of them with her at all times, these zai were made buy a special metal which she can channel chakra into and heat up. She stole them from her father when she was younger.

Equipment: Chihiro doesn't carry much, she likes to travel light. She does carry some scrolls/brush/ink, some emergency food and medic and other supplies, and some food for Hiita. She also carries an ocarina, which she's very good at playing.

Personality: Chihiro's personality fits her element, fiery. She's very loud, outgoing, fun-loving, obnoxious, and just crazy. However, she can be serious when needed. Also, she does have a temper, and when mad, she is very mean. She doesn't take anything from anyone. She's a strong, independent, kind, loving, upbeat, and positive young woman.

Background: Chihiro comes from a broken home. Her father was a drunk and used to beat her and her mother, until one day when she was young, just in ninja school, and she stood up. He laughed when she challenged him to a duel, the loser would be banned from the village and lose their family name. Chihiro, much to everyone's surprise, won! It was due to her amazing chakra control and the fact that her father also was horrible. Since then her mother's worked as a waitress and she's been training very hard to achieve her goal of one day becoming Hokage. She got Hiita, her pet fox and friend, when she was 17 as a congratulation's present from her mom for passing her Chunin exams as one of the highest in her class.

Bloodline: Chihiro doesn't know it, but her incredible chakra controlling abilities came from her mom's blood. In fact, her mom used to be a well known ninja, but she went into early retirement, no one knows why.

Ninjutsu: This her best area, thanks to her chakra control effect, she is able to do incredible jutsus.

Genjutsu: This her weakest are of expertise, she is able to just do basic stuff.

Taijutsu: This is her second best area. She mostly uses her chakra control and puts energy into moves with her zai (plural for sai).

Notable Jutsu: (translations are welcome, please and thank you)

Siren song: A genjutsu that occurs when Chihiro sings or plays on her ocarina a single note that sounds to those she wishes to effect like an orchestra of music. This will usually make her enemies feel tired, and want to just rest.


Heat: Due to her fire element, Chihiro is able to warm things up, especially metal on her enemies or her zai, which then can cause burn damage.

Blue Flame: Thanks to her chakra control, she's able to turn her flames blue, which means they become very hot. However, since this costs a decent amount of energy, she can only do this with weaker jutsus.

Favored/Common jutsus: These are jutsus that Chihiro uses a lot and likes. she can use others, but these are what you'll most likely see.

Ninjutsu: These being her best area and her being able to control her chakra well, Chihiro can do a decent amount of these jutsus.

Fire Style; Dragon's Breath: Chihiro is able to breathe fire out of her mouth or nose, and can use this in many ways. Chakra costl: low.
Fire Style; Flame Whips: Creates a whip made out of flame, she can make two, one in each hand.Chakra cost: medium.
Fire Style; Phoenix Flower: A burst of petals or tongues of flame burst out from Chihiro and cause burn damage to enemies in 20'. Chakra cost: medium.
Fire Style; Fire Fan: Creates a 180 degree wave of fire that bursts out in front of Chihiro. Chakra cost: high.
Fire Style; Fireball: Creates a giant ball of fire, can make up to 5, the more made, the smaller and weaker they are, the less, the bigger and more powerful. Chakra cost: high.
Fire Style; Fireworks: Sparks shoot out from Chihiro and causes minimal fire damage to enemies within 30'. Chakra cost: low
Fire Style; Firewall: Creates a wall of flame that can extend for 35'. Chkra cost: low.
Fire Style; Combustion: Sets nearby things on fire. Chakra cost: low.
Fire Style; Will-O-The Wisp: Creates small balls of fire that follow enemies and explode on contact. Chakra cost: medium.
Fire Style; Supernova: Chihiro sets on fire and big flames whirl around her, causing major damage to nearby enemies.
Fire Style; Flame Ring: Creates a ring of flame that surrounds Chihiro. Chakra cost: medium.
Fire Style; Double Flame: Sends out two tongues of flame that wind around each other in a double-helix and cause double damage from her hand. Chakra cost: medium.

Genjutsu: This is Chihiro's weakest area. She can't do a lot with these.
Clone: Makes 1-10 clones of herself. Though not real, they usually fool people.
She can also do the basics like messing with the senses.

Taijutsu: Not her strongest area, but still her second best, Chihiro can do some pretty decent stuff with these.

Flame Fist: Surrounds her fist in flame and causes burn damage.

Flame Kick: Surrounds foot in flam, causing burn damage.

Flame Run: Shoots flames out from behind her and bursts forward.

Fire Burst: Uses chakra to shoot small bursts of flame out of her hands and/or feet to jump higher or even glide for a little while. However, this takes more and more energy the longer she holds it.

Also can do simple things like increasing her speed, jumping abilities, and strength.

Regarding Hiita:

Hiita is Chihiro's pet fox that's she's had since she was 17. He can't really do much, is more just a pet, a companion for Chihiro when she gets lonely. Howevr, after being with a ninja for so many years, you pick up a few things. He can provide a distraction for enemies in combat, and also can surprise them from behind, scratching furiously at their eyeballs, but other than that, can't do too much. Chihiro and Hiita understand each other just like a good dog and their owner will after so many years together, they know what certain looks and gestures mean. They are the best of friends and if anything happens to either of them, it would greatly depress the other.

2010-02-22, 05:29 PM
Name/Rank: Kurosawa Taiki, Kirin of Kumogakure
Classification: Jounin, A-Class
Birthdate: February 22
Age: Thirty-three
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 319
Gender: Male
Blood type: AB+
Family and Friends

Appearance: The first words that come to mind when many people first see Taiki is 'Holy crap, it's a man mountain!' considering the sheer size and bulk of the man. Standing at what is easily six feet and eight inches, he towers over most other people and his powerful frame ripples with muscles that are almost obscenely large, the descriptor of 'man mountain' isn't an inaccurate one and one that Taiki himself approves of heartily. His hair is a white-gold color that is intricately made up in zig-zag corn-rows all the way to the back where a short pony-tail of dreadlocks sprout from the back of his head. The man has chiseled and well-defined features that look as if they are sculpted from stone with a pair of thick and fierce eyebrows that move expressively about somewhat sullen brown eyes. Taiki's light hair color is at odds with his dark skin-tone, a deep earthen brown like others from Kumogakure and is certain to make him stand out even more in a crowd then he normally does.

He goes bare-chested, probably because no regular shirt would fit him right, but it leaves massive muscles of his chest and arms utterly exposed along with the tattoo of four black shuriken set in a square formation around a golden kirin that takes up the entirety of his back. Around his left bicep is his Kumo-headband, tight around the muscle and bearing many scraps and dents from battles long since past. Around his waist is a big silver belt with the stylized face of a scowling tengu carved into the front of it. The belt seems to be used both as armor and to fasten his baggy black pants about his waist that are loose enough even on him to possibly contain hidden weapons within them. Oddly enough, he wears a sensible pair of ninja sandals rather then anything ostentatious or showy.

Personality: Loud, brash, and prone to showy displays of emotion would mark Taiki as a buffoon to most but beneath the display of ineptitude is a competent and deadly shinobi. And while he's keen on expressing his opinion loudly and sometimes destructively, Taiki has a good heart deep down and a level-head when the chips are down. With an earthy sort of wisdom, when he actually uses it, he can prove a capable adviser or commander if need be but rarely works with others when it comes to fight. His biggest weakness is probably his pride or his family, both having almost lead to his death before but to hear him tell it, it simply made things more challenging then normal.

Around his family, Taiki usually takes a more wary and paternal approach since his parents death practically left him to raise Haruka right since he didn't trust any relatives to do it the right way. He dotes openly on his niece and has always tried to help out Haruka when it hasn't conflicted with his duties as a shinobi of Kumogakure. The exception to this is, of course, that if Haruka should be fighting that Taiki will sit on the sidelines and merely shot encouragement unless her bijuu begins to make an appearance. At that point the gloves come off for him as he'll do all in his power to subdue her. He views her 'passenger' as a parasite, crutch, and a blackmark on the Kurosawa name but that is the only opinion that he's silent on.

Bloodline: Like every other recorded member of the Kurosawa clan, Taiki has no bloodline but has taken to the family tradition of combining elemental ninjutsu with taijutsu to a devastating degree.

Notable Jutsu:

Raiton no Yoroi (Lightening Release Armor) - The technique that earned Taiki the nickname of 'Kirin', he developed this technique after many years of laborious training but has since begun teaching it to other Kurosawa family members. Although armor made of lightening wouldn't seem like it would be much help in defending against attacks, it can take a fair bit of the kick out of katon and fuuton techniques while even high-powered raiton techniques have difficulty penetrating the Raiton no Yoroi. In addition, it increases his reflexes abnormally high so while he is incapable of keeping pace with masters of physical speed or shunjutsu, his capability to dodge attacks is almost super-human. Suiton techniques and jutsu that cover wide areas is the weak-point of this jutsu but not very many opponents have been able to discover that. Combined with his monstrous strength, the armor creates his curious form of taijutsu lethal and dangerous.
Mubyoshi (No Beat/No Rthymn) - A remarkably simple looking taijutsu attack, the Mubyoshi is Taiki's most powerful taijutsu attack and considered close to suicidal by most sane taijutsu-experts. It involves taking up a peculiar stance with his finger-tips touching the enemy while he builds up the power for this straight-forward punch. If it wasn't for his Raiton no Yoroi, the Mubyoshi would be practically unusable considering it leaves Taiki completely open to counter-attack for several seconds, but after those seconds...Taiki hasn't met the opponent yet who could withstand the blow that followed, aside from Haruka when she had mostly transformed once. The Mubyoshi has ended the fight but left both of them hospitalized for some time.
Kirin Slam - A peculiar grappling technique, Taiki grabs an opponent's arm, slips his head underneath of their arm pit, and grabs their nearest leg before lifting them into the air. He then proceeds to spin the enemy about to disorient them before lifting them over his head and driving their back down unto his knee in a spine-cracking drop.
Laughing Fist Taijutsu - Taiki's bizarre style of taijutsu, it seems to rely purely on speed and power with very little technique to it at all. Throwing opponents, straightforward punches and kicks, and other moves that are seemingly easy to predict and counter by more technique-focused taijutsu users. Thus it can be quite embarrassing should Taiki's Laughing Fist defeat more venerable and traditional styles of taijutsu.
Iron Claw - A rumor moreso then anything else, nobody is quite sure what the Iron Claw jutsu is but Taiki only seems to use it as a threat against allies or those who are simply neutral. This has lead some to suspect it is only painful or embarrassing rather then a true battle technique, but no one is sure.

Ninjutsu: Taiki's entire experience with ninjutsu was building up his raiton ninjutsu until he could create and perfect the Raiton no Yoroi. While his specialization of that technique is almost perfect, in any other area it is almost laughable. The basic ninja ninjutsu are the only ones that Taiki seems proficient at besides the Raiton no Yoroi.

Genjutsu: Little to no ability with this particular discipline of jutsu, Taiki is susceptible to genjutsu and is only capable of dispelling B-rank or lower genjutsu if he even manages to notice them.

Taijutsu: Taiki's most formidable area of training, he is a taijutsu juggernaut who's sheer strength makes up for any lack of finesse that he might possess. With his unusual style, strength, and Raiton no Yoroi it becomes a dangerous proposition to close into melee combat with this giant of a man.

Special Abilities:
Strength: Taiki's overall strength borders on the upper side of ridiculous. His massive muscles aren't merely for show as his record of property destruction quite aptly demonstrates to others. He's quite capable of crushing an opponent if he can get his hands on them and even solid stone and concrete don't possess too much of a hindrance to him unless it is particularly thick or durable.
Speed: Despite his immense strength, Taiki isn't going to be winning a foot race any time soon and he knows that better then anyone. The only exception is his remarkable reflexes when his Raiton no Yoroi is active but is otherwise ordinary for a shinobi of his caliber.

Shades of Gray
2010-02-22, 08:47 PM
Name/Rank: Kita Miku / Genin
Classification: D-Class
Birthdate: July 23rd
Age: 13
Height: 5'
Weight: 105 lbs
Gender: Female
Blood type: AB
Land of Thunder

Appearance: Miku is a rather thin girl of average height for her age. She has long blond wavy hair. Her eyes are a piercing blue. When not on business she wears a white dress. Interestingly, Miku does not wear shoes or socks of any kind, yet despite this her feet are never calloused or dirty. She wears her headband as an armband.

When on a mission Miku wears a black sweater that seems to large for her, as well as shorts that reach to her knees. She keeps knives strapped to her ankles and wrists, and once again there is a distinct lack of shoes. On missions she uses her headband to tie her hair into a long ponytail.

Personality: Miku, appropriately, always seems to be on Cloud 9. She is easily distracted and jumps to odd conclusions. However all of this clears up when she enters a mission or a fight. She is also known to make bets with people, and she always wins. She's been known to pull scams before.

Bloodline: The Kita family is known for their ability to mix the wind and lightning chakras to make cloud.

Notable Jutsu:
(Nimbus Technique) - Kita can create a dense cloud that releases varying types of precipitation, either hail, rain, or snow. (Ninjutsu)
(Cumulonimbus Technique) - Kita can create a darker, gray cloud that can release weak electricity, either from cloud to cloud or from cloud to the ground. (Ninjutsu)
Shīpukuraudo no jutsu (Sheep Cloud Technique) - Very puffy clouds are created that seem to have a soporific effect, sending those who inhale them to fall into a deep sleep. (Genjutsu)
(Clouded mind technique) - She creates a thin mist-like cloud, those that are caught in it start to lose their sense of judgment, and their tactics may become sloppy. (Genjutsu)

Ninjutsu: Miku, despite inheriting her famiily's ability to use Araton techniques, does not favour ninjutsu in particular. She usually uses her jutsu as a diversion for escape or for cover.

Genjutsu: Miku is well versed in both the usage and dispelling of genjutsu. Her favourite technique is the Sheep Cloud, able to send people to sleep.

Taijutsu: The extent of Miku's taijutsu is just training to disengage from opponents to take them on from a distance.

Special Abilities: [LIST]
Miku seems to have an uncanny amount of luck.

2010-02-25, 10:06 PM
KnightDisciple, Silverraptor and I will be playing as mook genin for the 2nd and/or 3rd exam. Here are our characters:

Team Kakougan ("Granite")

Silver's character:
Classification: D-Rank
Height: 4'11'
Weight: 152
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Iwagakure, Team Kakougan

Appearance: Midheight. Short haired. Sharp looking.

Personality: Coro is generally quiet. However, in combat, he almost never stops talking about strategic moves.

Notable Jutsu:

Rain of Pebbles: Coro can break up rocks and earth and lauch them at his enemies
Illusion substitution: Coro is able to make other things appear as him or his allies. Such as trees, rock, etc.

Knight's character:
Name/Rank:Iwao, Iwagakure genin
Classification: D rank
Birthdate: June 10th
Age: 14
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 165
Gender: Male
Blood type: B
Land of Earth
Team Kakougan

Appearance: Tall, wiry, extremely fit. Short spiky blond hair. Dark green eyes. Wears loose clothing in darker earth tones.

Personality: Sharp mind, sharper tongue. Iwao is the strategist of the group, using his defensive style of fighting to guide the battle in his team's favor. He will often channel his enemies towards his teammates, simultaneously protecting himself from harm. He often berates his teammates while directing them in battle.

Bloodline: None

Notable Jutsu:
Earth Release: Earth Style Wall: This jutsu creates a protective wall of earth. Iwao is adept at using this jutsu, often placing several walls on a battlefield in quick succession. This is typically used to shape the available battlespace.
Earth Release: Earth Dome: The user activate an earth dome from the ground that protects them from external attacks. This is an emergency jutsu, as it prevents Iwao from properly observing the battlefield.
Earth Release: Earth Pillar Prison: This jutsu creates a large amount of rock pillars from under ground. They can then be controlled to surround their opponent and create a bamboo-like thicket of wood. This is Iwao's most powerful jutsu, and it takes a fair amount of his chakra.

Ninjutsu:: This is Iwao's area of expertise, and his only true area of strength. His chakra control is on the high side of average, which allows him greater endurance with his preferred form of combat.

Genjutsu: Iwao has enough talent to break most lower level genjutsu, but has essentially no ability or talent for actually using these techniques.

Taijutsu: Iwao has some basic defensive skills in taijutsu, enough to survive in the ninja world. Beyond that, he has little knowledge of taijutsu, though he could probably at least do moderately well if he attempted to.

Special Abilities: None

13_CBS's character:

Name/Rank: Gan, Iwagakure genin (Gan = Japanese onomatopoeia for "rock being struck")
Classification: D rank
Birthdate: April 4th
Age: 13
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 208
Gender: Male
Blood type: A
Land of Earth
Team Kakougan

Appearance: Tall, beefy, and muscular, bald with thick black eyebrows and square jaw. A juggernaut.

Personality: Not exactly the sharpest knife in the bin, he favors brute power over strategy. He's a little weak minded, though, so he's easily pushed around by his teammates. In normal circumstances, he's fairly quiet, mostly because he usually can't think of anything interesting to say.

Bloodline: None

Notable Jutsu:
Douton: Stone Limbs- Gan covers his fists and legs in hard rock to improve damage and to protect himself.
Douton: Stone Hammer - If he ever needs a weapon, Gan can turn the surrounding rock into a heavy sledgehammer, capable of doing great damage.

Ninjutsu: Aside from his two basic ninjutsu, Gan isn't very skilled at ninjusu.
Genjutsu: Pretty much none. Gan relies on his strength to beat enemies into a pulp.

Taijutsu: Gan's specialty. His size and intelligence belie an unusual talent in martial arts. His skill with his limbs and hammer is deadly.

Special Abilities: None

First genin team to kill them gets a cookie.

2010-02-28, 03:29 PM
More mooks! Knight, Silver, and I will be playing them.

Team Riganryuu (離岸流: "Riptide")

Team Riptide: silent, deadly, efficient. They the finest genin team that Kirigakure has to offer for the exam. Veterans of dozens of missions and many battles, their village is confident in their promotion to chuunin. Team Riptide specializes in assassination and ambush.

KnightDisciple's character:

Name/Rank:Tanaka, Kirigakure genin
Classification: C+ rank
Birthdate: April 15th
Age: 13
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 120
Gender: Male
Blood type: A
Land of Water

Appearance: Short and skinny. Messy blond hair. Brown eyes. Wears loose clothing. Has two medium size scrolls (about as big as a 1-liter soda bottle) hanging from his belt, one on each side. Has a single kunai pouch on his right hip.

Personality: Tanaka is a bright young man. However, his casual nature can often belie his actual intelligence. When he enters combat, Tanaka's demeanor shifts radically. Instead of a drawl that he uses in casual situations, he uses short, clipped tones to communicate with his teammates.

Bloodline: None

Notable Jutsu: Kugutsu no Jutsu (Puppet Technique): This jutsu uses strings of chakra to control puppets like marionettes. Any number of chakra strings can be used to control a puppet, but users with more skill can use fewer strings per puppet. Currently, Tanaka can only control 1 puppet actively in a battle, but has enough control to switch between two puppets using the Substitution Jutsu.
Sōshūjin (Manipulating Attack Blades): The user makes kunai knives float in mid-air as he or she uses chakra to control them and direct them to an opponent. Tanaka sometimes uses this jutsu to re-use weapons already

Ninjutsu: Limited to the basic level jutsu and chakra string related jutsu. However, he is very skilled in using the strings, and has the right combination of chakra reserves and control to use the strings for long battles.

Genjutsu: Tanaka is able to dispel basic level genjutsu, but has no real talent beyond some basic disguises for his puppets, which is more physical disguise and misdirection.

Taijutsu: Tanaka has very basic abilities in taijutsu, mostly focused on evasion.
His puppets have a greater level of ability, but it does not translate well to his own fighting ability.

Special Equipment: Karakuri, Tanaka's ninja puppet (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Puppet). There are actually two copies of Karakuri, one stored in each of the scrolls kept at his hips. These scrolls use Fuinjutsu (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/F%C5%ABinjutsu) to contain both the puppets themselves, as well as reloads for the various deadly devices on board.
Description:Appearance: Karakuri stands 6 feet tall. It has the rough outline of a bulky male human, but the features are far smoother and indistinct than any human. The "face" has no eyes or nose. There is a "mouth", but it is a long, thin, rectangular opening. The whole of the puppet is dark wood, with occasional bits of metal showing for the various pieces of visible weaponry. As well, someone who knows where to look can open up the large number of various maintenance panels in the puppet, allowing for easy reloading of all armaments.
Armament: The mouth is a shuriken launcher; it fires regular, non-poisonous shuriken.
The left hand has three large, thick fingers tipped with claws. These claws are typically coated in a poison that disables movement with moderate speed. As well, the palm of the left hand has a port that can open and spit out a moderately strong acid, stored in a special scroll and fed through special tubes in the arm.
The right hand has five fingers. It can be used for fine manipulation. The forearm of the right arm stores a katar-esque blade that can be popped out. This blade is coated in the same poison as the claws of the left hand.
The left half of the torso has a half-dozen shuriken launchers. Half of these launchers have poisoned blades; the other half are slightly heavier than normal shuriken, intended for longer range and better stopping power. These launchers can be fired individually, or as a group.
The right half of the torso contains three nozzles spaced out vertically. Each fires a debilitating poison. A small dose produces a low-level numbing effect. Enough concentrated dose could, conceivably, kill someone.
The legs are reinforced with thin metal plates, giving them a greater amount of survivability. They are often used to block enemy weapons. This metal gives greater force to kicks. The soles of the feet have several small nozzles, all of them leading back to special high-pressure water storage scrolls. These can be used to send the puppet moving at high speed towards an enemy, or to rapidly move the enemy away from itself.

Special Abilities: None

Silverraptor's character:

Name/Rank: Yana (簗="Fish Trap")/ Genin
Classification:C+ rank
Birthdate:Septemember 16
Age: 13
Height: 5' 2"
Weight: 108
Gender: Male
Blood type: B+

Land of Water

Appearance: Slightly short with neat looking hair. Wears googles. Wears baggy clothing that could hide many things in it and carrys several bulky day packs. Each pack as several scrolls attached to it. Where's several Kunai pouches on his legs, but packs are positioned to not restrict movement.

Personality: Yana is very observant. He will find any miniscule thing the person does and is able to form conclusions about the person. This comes in very handy when in combat by determining little quirks the opponent does before he does anything.

Yana is also the sneaky type. It is very hard to notice him from the background. Often times he stays behind his two teammates to insure that he isn't noticed. He uses this trait exstensively in combat. He is a very loyal teammate to his allies.

Yana tends to make himself a strategist and giving advice during combat by flashing a reflective code at his team.

Bloodline: None.

Notable Jutsu:

Substitution Jutsu: Yana uses this to swap places with another object before being struck by an attack.

Special Abilities: Trap expert. Yana carries many traps with him in his bags which he uses throughout the battlefield.

Scrolls: Yana carries many scrolls carrying various items.
Reflective device: Yana uses this to send coded messenges to his allies.
Traps: Carry's many variety of traps and gadgets. Most are stored in the scrolls he carrys.

Paper bomb: This paper is planted in various places. It will explode when activated by hand signals by the one who placed it or is removed the wrong way. Can also be set up to explode as a proximity sensor.
Sticky trap: This substance is transparent and difficult to see. Should anyone or anything touch it, it becomes instantly stuck to it.
Poisonous Gas Scroll: This scroll is similar to paper bombs except it releases a toxic gas instead.
Exploding tag: This is attached to Kunai and explode shortly after the kunai impacts something.
Water shooter: This trap is made specially for the ninja of Kirigakure. This device is placed with a nozzle and a rolled up scroll in it. The device can not be activated by, only set up. Only Tanaka's chakra strings can make this device work. It can be directed to fire a thin stream of water, fired at high, concentrated pressure. The water can cut through flesh as well as solid wood, rock and metal.
Spike tags: These tags will grow spikes that will limit movement.
Spike bombs: These are proximity traps that will fire out spike if anyone gets near it.
Kunai/Shuriken Tags: These traps will fire out a Kunai and Shuriken in a wide area.
Flamethrower trap: Similar to the Water shooter trap except it shoots flames.
Genjutsu bomb: Similar to spike bomb, except when an opponent gets to close, a weak form of genjutsu is unleashed.
Blinding light scroll: Burst into a flash of light that temporarily blinds those who see it.
Deafening Sound Blast: Bursts into a shockwave of sound that deafens those that are too close.
Shadow clone trap: When one gets to close, this scroll will conjure up a shadow clone of the opponent. The clone is weak and fragile, but otherwise has all the abilities of the one that's copied, except it fights for the person who set the trap.

Substitution bomb: Yana has many various objects he uses as substituions. However, they all carry some form of paper bomb on them that will exploded in a few seconds after appearing.

13_CBS's character:

Name/Rank: Hayase (湍: "rapids")
Classification: C+ Class
Birthdate: August 9th
Age: 13
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 102 lbs
Gender: Female
Blood type: B
Land of Water

Appearance: Hayase is a thin, wiry young women with sharp cheekbones and generally elfin appearance. She has short, chin-length black hair and cold, ice-blue eyes. She typically wears a camouflage cloak best suited for the terrain, and underneath that a normal ninja gi with a well-oiled maille undermesh for added protection without sacrificing stealth. For disguising her face and head, Hayase typically wears a hood-and-mask combination that covers all but her eyes.

Personality: Bloodthirsty. Sadistic. Violent. Hayase is normally scornful and apathetic towards everything, unless there's blood to be spilled. Her teammates often have to restrain her from killing targets that must be captured alive. The smell and sight of blood excites her like nothing else. Back in Kirigakure, there are whispers that she enjoys drinking the blood of her enemies. This is, of course, utterly false: she only likes the taste of it as she licks it off her blades.

Bloodline: None, though she's a distant relative of a Kirigakure family known for its prowess in murder and assassination.

Notable Jutsu:
Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu: Hayase can create water clones of herself, capable of close quarters combat on their own. Her limit is 2 clones at once. Hayase doesn't like using this technique often as it deprives her of enemies to kill, so she rarely bothers disguising the clones in any way: thus, they always appear to be humanoid blobs of water rather than clones of Hayase. These are normally used to distract enemies if Hayase is already engaged in combat and is unable to otherwise lend support to her more vulnerable teammates.

Shinkeidoku no jutsu (Art of the Neurotoxin): Hayase kneads chakra inside her body and spews it out of her mouth in the form of a clear liquid. She can't make much of it, and it takes too long for it to be absorbed through the skin, so she typically "drools" it over her blades instead. When delivered into the bloodstream, they act very quickly, able to paralyze nerves and muscles in the contact area quite quickly. It wears off in a minute, unfortunately, but this is typically all Hayase needs to finish off the surprised and disabled opponent. This is Hayase's most potent technique, and consumes a significant portion of her chakra to use. Hayase has already developed a resistance to her own toxin, but the same might not apply to her teammates...

Shikomishindan (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Poison_Needle_Barrage). Hayase uses these as an emergency ranged attack if needed. The needles are coated with the same neurotoxin made from the above technique.

Moya no Jutsu: Art of the Haze. Using the moisture of the air, Hayase blurs her form, making her a little more difficult to discover if she's hiding and using camo. This technique only fools the naked eye, however: techniques such as chakra sensing and Byakugan will discover Hayase just as easily as normal.

Ninjutsu: Hayase is decent enough at ninjutsu, but they're all used to supplement her true talents: ambush and taijutsu.

Genjutsu: Very little. Hayase hates genjutsu; she'd much rather have her victims be fully aware of who's cutting them up.

Taijutsu: Hayase's true talent and calling. She's not the best genin around at taijutsu, but she's very good, and combined with her talent for ambush and sadism, she makes for skilled assassin for someone her age.

Note: Hayase has learned a thing or two about traps from one of her teammates. In a pinch, she convincingly pretend to be a trapmaster, but she tends to do this only for emergencies or to deceive enemies.

Special Weapons:
Tiger Claws: claw-like steel weapons that are installed into a wrist-mounted device on both of Hayase's arms. At the press of a button, they extend up to 1.5 feet beyond Hayase's knuckles. They're quite sharp, capable of impaling as well as cutting, but they're mostly used to deliver neurotoxins or cut specific tendons. Along the forearms are needles that Hayase can launch at enemies.

Iron Serpent: Under Hayase's right arm is a special, whip-like sword, 5 feet long and razor sharp. They're not too good for dismemberment; like the claws, they're mostly around to deliver neurotoxin. Hayase extends and retracts the blade with a button. Hayase has an emergency Iron Serpent installed on her left calf, but she only uses this if she absolutely needs to get away. The leg blade must be relied upon for stealth, as Hayase cannot wield it with enough dexterity to substitute for her normal arm-mounted one.

Toe blade: foot-mounted knife coated with neurotoxin. A well-placed kick between the legs with these equipped will ruin anyone's day, male or female.

Extra knives: Hayase carries with her at least six knives, placed all over her body. They are otherwise unexceptional, and are totally mundane. They can be used as kunai if necessary. And yes, they're coated with poison.

Purple Rose
2010-03-01, 04:52 PM
Name: Nakamura Neko
Rank: Neko
Classification: ???
Age: ?? (?????)
Height: ~14"
Weight: ~12 lbs.
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Konohagakure (The World, baby! Specifically the Woman of the World)

Appearance: Neko is a gray tabby cat with an extra toe on each of his front paws. He has some evidence of fighting on his body, notably a notch missing from his right ear. Small scars mark his body, but most are hidden beneath his fur, however. Tied around his neck, most of the time, is a Konaha forehead guard.

Human: If he has a human form, it would definitely be a ruggedly manly man, oldish, but still good looking, with square jaw sporting unshaven, but not lazily so, stubble-beard. Very dark gray hair(almost black) run through with streaks of lighter gray hair, shortish, but long enough to be spiked. A predatory grin filled with sharp teeth and feline eyes looking for a good time or a good fight. He would, assuming he even has a human form, wear a dark gray vest over a stylish black shirt. Stylish but more importantly functional pants held up with a cloth belt and ninja shoes finish out this hypothetical outfit. Again, there is no way to tell if he can even make himself a human, as you would be hard pressed to find a living soul who could even say they have seen him in any form other than his natural cat one.

Personality: In a few words: aloof, perverted, laid-back, carefree, attention craved, the opposite of srs bsnss.

Bloodline: ???

Ninjutsu: ???

Taijutsu: ???

Genjutsu: ???

Chakra Control: ???

Weapon Skills: Claws, teeth. He is good with them.

Contract: It is rumored he summons butterflies.

Notable Techniques: ???

Background: Not much is known about Neko other than that he is known just about everywhere. He is older than most Kages and it is said he has trained his fair share of ninja in his time. But a while back he vanished from the world, slipping into obscurity and legend. Myths abound about him, his capabilities, his achievements, deeds, conquests, adventures and countless left behind lovers from all over the world. It is hard to say how much is true and how much is purely fiction, especially as the cat himself has not been seen in decades. It is rumored that he himself is long dead, with only the tales of his exploits living on.

To those in the know, Neko's primary contribution to the ninja world comes from his extreme longevity and vast body of knowledge concerning ninja techniques collected over the years. Though he can hold his own in battle, he, much like the cat he is, prefers to lounge around and let the younger folks take care of the hard part.

Most ninja villages have a standing "capture and detain" order on his head, due to the potentially damaging information about them he carries, as well as the wealth of valuable knowledge about the other villages, including knowledge lost to the rest of the world. It's a good thing he is mostly likely dead, or else that kind of thing could get tiresome for a cat his age.

2010-03-02, 10:31 AM
Moriki Kanna

護城 看南
Moriki Kanna

Age: 18
Rank: Chuunin
Height: 160 cm

A medical specialist, she is a young chuunin with a bad habit. She is addicted to cigarettes, and she tries to hide it, despite the obviousness. Part of the reason why she smokes though, is that it is supposed to help her control her bloodline.
A high blood pressure keeps her tense and stressed, which unconsciously will activate her turquoise eye, the gyokougan

Appearance: Kanna is of average height, and is generally seen wearing her doctor's coat, and a somewhat tired complexion on her face. She wears her slightly red hair in a loose ponytail, and has messy bangs that try to hide her sharp and instantly noticeable unnatural turquoise eye. Her other eye is brown.

(The Fortune Governing Eye)

An eye power that when active is said to directly govern the fortune of the viewer, at the same time as the bearer. The two fortunes are in fact, balanced - if the bearer of the eye 'gives' good fortune to the other, he/she takes upon 'bad' fortune from that person. Likewise, if he/she 'takes' good fortune from them, they would receive bad fortune. The danger of the eye is that the bearers have always been extremely vulnerable to manipulation jutsu, generally in the form of genjutsu. The eyes function as straight windows to the bearer's souls, and so their mental defenses are generally exposed while the eyes are active.

Originally intended to be a "God Eye" of sorts, the gyokougan was bred with tantalizing care, but it was a failure. This is a failed bloodline because it has some sever side effects..Most notably beyond the danger of genjutsu, the ability to control it is also extremely difficult for the bearer. The original bearer was unable to repress the ability, and subsequent generations have only through great personal effort managed to get it to the point where the balance is directly one to one. The rumor is that the original bearer was so unable to control it, that the 'bad luck' has passed down through the generations. The family has struggled since to bring it's potential to the dreams that began it.
It cannot affect more than one pair at a time, and while there was hope by Kanna's family, the last of the bearers, that she would be able to further master it, the girl was born with only one of the eyes, and a bad case of high blood pressure which hinders her ability to manipulate it. Growing up with a family that placed everything on her did not help her physical health, and she spent years of chakra manipulation practice as well as meditation exercises in order to improve. She now has put those chakra manipulation abilities to practice working in the hospital as an assistant medical ninja...though she has taken up smoking to help her high blood pressure - a decision that she regrets but feels powerless to change. To give up smoking now would subject her to further stress.

Still, the eye has perhaps been influential in saving the lives of a few patients, but Kanna would never suggest she has used it. She'd rather bury her failures and run away from it. The fact she cannot actually fully 'close' the eye puts her in a difficult situation.

Ninjutsu: Her bloodline's ability could be seen as an offensive or defensive one, though it is extremely indirect in the consequences, and as such, unpredictable. It could be that she manages to dodge an attack purely due to fortune...yet it is hard to identify such a thing. Likewise, one may suffer from falling objects, or lose something valuable, and this could be a result of 'fortune.' Apart from her eye, Kanna knows her basic ninjutsu from the academy. She does have a good level of chakra manipulation though (when she believes in herself), and knows a variety of medical jutsu, though she is still in training at the hospital. Due to reasoning of 'stress,' it is unwise to thrust high demands upon her without kindly giving prior notice.

Genjutsu: Dismal. Kanna knows the required academy level technique, henge, but her turquoise eye still stands out, no matter what form she takes. She passed the exam by keeping the eye closed, though she suffered a broken arm in suspicious circumstances she claims was due to 'bad luck' after the test.
Taijutsu: So-So. She doesn't really use it, but she would be much more able to defend herself from a punch or kick than from a ninjutsu technique.

2010-03-04, 04:33 PM
Name: Kurotou Shikaku

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Alliance: Currently Freelance, but is taking additional training as a Genin at the academy which he pays for with his own funds. Though he's paying for it as he would for private instruction. Why he does this is unknown.. But with the Chunnin exams underway, it is unlikely that anyone cares.

Appearance: He has shaggy black hair that hangs down around his back, he has piercing gray blue eyes that seem to always see right through what their looking at. He currently wears a slightly loose coat with pants tight enough not to snag, but baggy enough not to be constrictive. The jacket is a black with a red trim around the edges, and his pants are a deep navy blue. Underneath that he wears a fairly plain green shirt... Making his outfit look rather odd compared to what he wore before the chunnin exams.

Personality: Though he is rather cold, and distant to those in the village, due to the standard orphan status of those who have Demonic Souls inside them, and the set of emotional issues that come with the fact that your parents gave you to the monster inside you, and then abandoned you..


Jinchurikki: Inside Kurotou is a beast known as the Eight Tailed Abberation, a creature of such mind boggling nature, that it needed not the sheer power of the other beasts, but instead relies on it's sheer force of mind breaking, and ninjitsu amplification abilities to supplement it's hosts own abilities. The Eight Binding Seals are located on his back in a substance that can only be identified as dried blood. Each of the seals seems to also be spaced out for some reason down his spine... Weather this is due to a need for a more full body seal, or something else entirely in unknown.

Good Justu: While in training, he has developed a magnetic jutsu that is similar to the Iron Sand Kekei Genkai, allowing him to form weapons, and steal those of his enemy through a simple and easy hand sign.

Notable Techniques:

Santen No Jutsu (The Iron Sand Jutsu.... This is about all the japanese I know, and I probably butchered it pretty badly.): Mimicing the kekkei genkai of Sunakgure, this technique that was privately developed during his training. It is significantly weaker than the kekkei genkai it's development was inspired by though, so this limits it to normal sized weapons, and smaller lances of iron.

Mud Clones: Yep, exactly like they are in the wiki. He can produce up to 3 such clones as they are at anyone time, they also have the benefit of being very slippery when they dissolve.. But only slippery enough that it only comes up in comedy situations, not actual combat.

Adequate Taijutsu: While better then his Justsu skills, he still does not bear much skill in this area either, although he does have a notably dirty fighting style, going for low blows whenever he can.

Good Chakra Control: A rare trait among Jinchurriki, he manages to keep his chakra under control enough to do the standard walking up trees deal with a fair amount of ease, he can get up to about half way up the tree for a decent comparison.

Mina Kobold
2010-03-06, 09:56 AM
Name/Rank: Kugutsu Rakki /Chunin (last name, first name)
Classification: C-class
Birthdate: July 24
Age: 22 (appears to be 19)
Height: 5’8"/177cm
Weight: 220 lbs
Gender: ‘male’
Blood type: N/A
The people of the land of wind
His former team

Appearance: Rakki would initially look like a regular ninja; headband, flat jacket, maybe the hair is a bit strange with it’s coppery colour, but otherwise normal. But it would soon be apparent to the viewer that Rakki is no human; the eyes have a strange look in them, as if they were made of glass. The hair is a bit too coppery and the skin just looks way too pale and dollish to be real.
Rakki’s usual attire consist of a long-sleeved shirt, baggy pants, both of them purplish in colour and a pair of heavy steel ‘boots’ of some sorts.
Personality: Those who knew Rakki when he was still human would have called him clumsy and a bit shy but friendly person. This all changed after he became a puppet, though; before he would maybe trip on a slippery road or drop a ball he was juggling with, now he trips over his own feet and frequently drops anything he’s trusted with. The transformation also caused most people but his former teammates to shun him, seeing him as a mere puppet or fake. This mixed with his new inability to use nin- and genjutsu caused him to decide that since his body has changed then he could do so too and became determined on proving that he could still become a great ninja and on life in general. Over the three years since then he have become a much more determined and open person, though he still shows a bit of his old personality at times and still is a friendly person if one can look past his ‘condition’.
Backstory: Rakki used to be a regular ninja, as regular as a ninja can be anyway, he argued with his parents and competed with his siblings but at one of his first B-class missions, having been promoted to chunin the same year, he mysteriously disappeared. When he came back several weeks later he was as he is now, a puppet, non-human in all but some few vital organs. No one knows yet what happened to him, not even himself.
He had officially been declared missing-in-action during this time and this was never changed. ‘He can’t be the real Rakki and most likely is a trick send by Suna’s enemies to sabotage the city’ is the official explanation but Rakki suspect that family politics played a big part in this decision, whether it was by, against the family or not related to it at all no one knows.
Bloodline: The Kugutsu family used to belong to the Puppet Corp before the ninja war, but since then it has drifted away from it and started focusing on developing earth related jutsu. Rakki used to have a knack for earth jutsu for the very same reason but obviously lost all of those abilities when he became a puppet.
Notable Jutsu:
None yet.

Ninjutsu: N/A.
Genjutsu: N/A
Taijutsu: Rakki’s only field of expertise. Rakki specialises evenly in a fighting style reminiscent of Tae Kwon Do and swordsmanship using his inbuilt weaponry. Rakki's lack of sensory perception doesn't affect this particularly as his weapons are part of his body.
Special Abilities and Traits:
Steel endoskeleton: Rakki’s inner parts sans his vital organs consist mostly of steel and are thus a lot harder to damage than regular bones; on the other hand it makes him an easy target for lightning-based attacks.
Heavy feet: Rakki’s feet and steel ‘boots’ are one and the same, they are one of the few inbuilt weapons in Rakki’s body and can do heavy damage to an un-protected opponent, they are a major part of his fighting style.
Arm blades: They're blades, hidden in his arms, no gimmick. Still one of Rakki's most used methods of fighting and he have become quite skilled with them.
Clogging and disjointing: Rakki’s endoskeleton might be unbreakable but his joints are far more vulnerable, a strong attack can disjoint his arm leaving him vulnerable. His joints are also prone to clogging under certain circumstances.
Lacking sense of touch: Rakki's sense of touch have been seriously dulled if not removed entirely, this is what causes his rise in clumsiness, though the 'attached' state of his weapons helps him i combat.

2010-03-12, 03:04 AM
Name/Rank: Nori Takehiko, Genin
Classification: D-Class
Birthday: March 22
Age: 17
Height: 5'7
Weight: 120 lb.
Gender: Male
Blood type: AB
Affiliation: Sunagakure

Appearance: Takehiko is a rather small young man, which serves his purposes well. He has fairly unremarkable features, and wears the standard Sunagakure genin fatigues with only two pieces of adornment: a pair of bandoliers filled with kunai. He wears his black hair such that his bangs usually cover his eyes, though he seems to see through them with no issue. His skin, per his home, is quite tanned.

Personality: Takehiko is a highly level-minded person. He approaches everything as a rather cerebral game that he has every intent to win. He has a bit of a dry sense of humor, but is in every other way something of a wet blanket. He is devoted to both his village and his teammates, even if he has a rather difficult time expressing it.

Bloodline: The Nori bloodline is known for its strong tradition of skilled shinobi, but crippled with a smaller-than-average chakra pool. As such, it has never risen to prominence in wartime Sunagakure, which has made the political aspirations of its members considerably harder to achieve.

Notable Jutsu:
Shuuha (Blade Manipulation): By manipulating air currents, Takehiko is able to substantially increase both the accuracy and the speed of thrown kunai.

Soushuuha (Advanced Blade Manipulation): One of his most powerful techniques, Soushuuha allows Takehiko to attack with up to ten wind-borne kunai simultaneously. This is one of his more draining, but more difficult to evade techniques.

Haisekishou(Burning Ash Cloud): The second of Takehiko's most powerful techniques, the Burning Ash cloud allows him to create a cone of red-hot smoke, simultaneously burning, blinding, and choking his enemies. Those with sufficient toughness can mediate or even prevent the blinding effect. Save getting out of the cloud, there is no such way for the opponent to avoid burning or choking.

Tengukaze (Sudden Gust of Wind): A powerful updraft that can send those over it flying higher. The sudden buffet can do some damage, and if the shinobi fails to stick the landing, then falling from the height it sends them to is rather painful, as well.

Kazegama no Jutsu (Wind Scythe Technique): A basic Fuuton technique, which summons a sudden, focused burst of wind to strike the enemy with considerable force.

Ninjutsu: Takehiko's specialty- Takehiko is highly proficient in Fuuton, as well as possessed of a few minor jutsu from other elements, and a moderate connection with Katon.
Genjutsu: Takehiko is not particularly proficient in this area, knowing only how to break genjutsu holds on himself.
Taijutsu: Takehiko is somewhat schizophrenic in this area, as he is highly skilled in evasive taijutsu tactics, but in actually doing damage with his blows, he simply lacks the muscle necessary, or very much skill. He is a competent knife thrower.

Special: Takehiko has a very limited chakra pool, allowing him to perform only two of his most powerful techniques before he passes out. Further, after spending the first, he has lost a large portion of his energy, and becomes decidedly easier to hit.

Hiretsuna shujutsu: akui aru shinzou fuuinshiki: Takehiko acquired the Dark Surgery: Spiteful Heart Seal at some point during the first stage of the chuunin examinations. He has yet to explain where he got it, but it has yet to cause him much issue.

2010-03-14, 02:46 AM
Name/Rank: Kichiro
Classification: Genin, C-class (Low end)
Birthday: October 4th
Age: 15
Height: 5'9
Weight: 105 lb.
Gender: Male
Blood type: A

Puppet Corp.

Appearance: Kichiro is a bit on the lanky side, standing a couple inches above most people in his grade of shinobi, though his humble bearing keeps most from taking too great a notice of him. The red-haired boy typically wears a long black trench coat that hands down to the top of his boots, though he's careful that it doesn't hinder his precise movements too much. His Suna headband is actually worn over his forehead, a pair of round-rimmed glasses perched up high on his nose. His green eyes seem to hold an odd mix of happiness and sadness in them, to those that pay him enough attention.

Personality: Many people would place Kichiro as meek, or withdrawn, after the death of his parents and friend, and they wouldn't be far off of the mark either. Kichiro prefers to spend his time improving his puppetry rather then getting to know more people, finding his team-mates as more then enough to fill the void of friendship in him. Undeniably intelligent, Kichiro's skill lays in the manufacture and repair of puppets, a skill he used to garner quite a bit of coin in Suna to supplement his income from his genin missions. Admittedly though, he is a bit of a pervert and has used his chakra strings to try and catch peeks when he thinks no one will notice and he could get away with it.

In battle, Kichiro displays an almost unshakable resolve and willpower to win, the source of which becomes readily apparent once he begins to fight. He prefers to let his opponents make the first opening moves, to see how they operate, and formulate a plan before going on the offensive himself.

Bloodline: None known.

Notable Jutsu:
Kugutsu no Jutsu (Puppetry Technique) - By creating chakra strings from his finger tips, Kichiro is able to control combat puppets. He's also displayed some proficiency with attaching his chakra strings to unattended objects and be able to move them about. While he still lacks any fine control over this objects, he has more then enough to move them about quickly.

Kairai Engeki - Senken no Mai (Puppet Theater - Dance of a Thousand Blades) - One of his more subtle techniques, Kichiro engages the hidden garrote wires on two of his puppets to connect to one another. The two puppets then fly at an opponent to try and catch him/her with the nearly invisible sharp wire and wrap about them. While it could be used as an attack to severely harm an enemy, Kichiro has never been seen doing as such.

Ruination of Family - A trap of last resort, for Kichiro anyway, is for him to active the special 'barrier' tag plastered to the inside of each of his puppets through his chakra strings. This causes his puppets to form a triangle-shaped containment barrier that immobilizes enemies that find themselves caught within in it. At first this jutsu seems to stop there, because it is as far as Kichiro usually takes it, but there is a rarely seen second part where each puppet drops a small ball of rolled of explosive tags to devastate the area within the barrier...and destroy the puppets.

Kairai Engeki - ??? (Puppet Theater - Crazy Dance) - By means of this technique, Kichiro spins his puppets about, making their horns and sharpened wings more dangerous, but more importantly they can act as miniature fans to blow away smoke clouds, poison clouds, and even deflect small projectiles while in this state.

Ninjutsu: Kichiro is a true specialist, he is highly proficient for his level in his area of expertise but otherwise has displayed lack-luster talent for ninjutsu. His puppet-specific jutsu are an obvious exception to that rule.
Genjutsu: Kichiro is skilled at detecting and dispelling genjutsu but is unable to cast them himself.
Taijutsu: Kichiro's taijutsu talent is just as poor as his talent for genjutsu and ninjutsu, though he's begun to take taijutsu courses to remedy this fact. As of now, mostly, his skills lie in deflecting the blows of others with soft parries which he finds easier then striking to kill.

Special: Puppets
Kichiro actually possesses three small and hand-crafted puppets that he carries into battle with him, each about the size of a large fist. Their lack of a significant number of moving parts allows Kichiro to control all of them at once, a feat he'd find impossible with the normal combat-sized puppets. Even stranger, due to a recorder he had built into them, they actually talk in combat and offer him encouragement that seems to bolster his spirit.

Baka-san: Like all of his puppets, Baka-san sports a set of wickedly curved horns atop it's head that give it a vague air of menace about it. A leering and slightly demonic face belies it's name, and it's bite (literally) can be a bit fierce.

Barrier Tag
Sleep Gas Dispenser

Oni-san: Despite it's fearsome, sorta, name this puppet actually is the nicest looking of them all with almost angelic features. The horns on it's head actually look out of place on it.

Barrier Tag
Garrote Wire
Senbon Launcher

Kami-san: Kichiro's third puppet almost looks out of place with the other two. It looks like the totems from old times, a primal sort of thing that makes some people uncomfortable to look at it.

Barrier Tag
Garrote Wire
Sunburst Tag (Think flashbang grenade)

Lord Raziere
2010-03-30, 02:20 PM
Name/Rank: Kigeku Tansai
Classification: Chuunin, B class
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Konohagakure, Land o' Fire
Appearance: He has messy blue hair, yellow eyes and thin lean build. He wears tan pants, plain white shirt and the Chuunin Vest, with the Konoha headband slung around his neck, wearing ninja sandals on his feet. He has 5 ft long whip on his belt.

Personality: He has laid-back personality, he is teasing and tends to nickname people- which conveniently serves as code names in messages he sends-he playful and prone to sometimes not caring about certain things and some people get the impression that he is a little indifferent, but when it comes down to it, hes willing to defend the village to the best of his ability.

In battle his nicknaming and teasing turns into outright insults and mockery, and he shows little of his angry side in the fight, but he keeps his head cool and tries to think things out,

Elemental Affinity: Cloud

Notable Jutsu:
Ninjutsu: is very good at this field, his specialty being his Cloud Release Jutsus

Cloudblade Jutsu: infuses his foot, hand, or something he is holding in his hand with Cloud chakra, making it sharp enough to cut through anything.
Cloud Shrapnel: fires a wide but short range conical burst of super-sharp shrapnel of cloud chakra.
Cloud Spear Jutsu: Fires a powerful long range Cloud Spear at the foe, piercing through their defenses and cutting them clean in half. his most powerful jutsu, which he can currently only use two times per day before running out of chakra

Taijutsu: he dabbles in taijutsu to keep himself in shape and to have a backup when he can't ninjutsu effectively
Genjutsu: Is good enough to spot and dispel it, nothing more

2010-03-31, 07:30 PM
Classification:C-Rank?, Chunin
Birthdate:January 2
Weight:153 lbs.
Blood Type:AB+
-The Land of Wind
Kurokuma is a muscular man with shoulder length black hair. His complexion and features are akin to that of a native American. Kurokuma wears a pair of black pants and black shinobi sandles with not much else. Only his headband across his forehead.
Kurokuma is nice enough. He is a person who will go with the flow and is very nonresistant. He will often take on a mediator role in arguments and avoid conflicts. But if he does get into an argument it won't last very long, he will usually concede to the other person. He is submissive and willing to try anything once. It's an easy life when people make the tough decisions for you.
Bloodline: Kurokuma is unaware of any other shinobi in his family or bloodline.
Notable Jutsu:

Nature's Umbra: Totem Armor: This cloaks him in a manifestation of his chakra, taking the form of an animal which, depending on which animal, will grant him certain abilities. In using this technique he sits cross legged inside the image and controls it through the control of his chakra. This has four versions.

Nature's Umbra: Spirits Manifest: This creates a companion made of Kurokuma's chakra that will fight with him. This has four versions.

Nature's Umbra: Laughing Pack: When used with his Totem Armor technique, he will be cloaked in a large image of a Hyena. This is a fast moving yet slightly weaker and one of his most common options. When used with his Spirits Manifest, this creates a group of three hyenas made of his chakra that work in a fast moving, pack style of combat.

Nature's Umbra: Elder Giant: When used with his Totem Armor technique, he will be cloaked in a accurately sized image of a African Elephant. This is his most defensive option and his largest. When used with his Spirits Manifest, this technique creates a slightly smaller African elephant that he will use to help protect or transport things, usually. This is not a purely defensive technique however.

Nature's Umbra: Charging Swine: When used with his Totem Armor technique, he will be cloaked in a large(slightly larger than the hyena) image of a Boar. This is his most aggressive option. When used with his Spirits Manifest, this technique makes three accurately sized boars that he uses to charge and overwhelm his enemies.

Nature's Umbra: Ursa Major: When used with his Totem Armor technique, he will be cloaked in a large(approximately the same size as the boar) image of a Bear. This is his most balanced option, providing the size and power to be both a great defender or fighter. When used with his Spirits Manifest, this technique makes an accurately sized black bear that he uses for almost anything. He doesn't use this technique often because it's great power and versatility is draining.

General Abilities:

Ninjutsu: Kurokuma is skilled in the use of his Umbra's but not much else.

Genjutsu: Kurokuma usually spots and dispels average genjutsu but has none of his own.

Taijutsu: Kurokuma's sufficient in this category, he is quite adaptable in this area.

2010-04-03, 02:46 PM
My Personal Naruto Character Index:

Senga (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7234486&postcount=13)
Leech (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7255152&postcount=22)
Motah (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7368907&postcount=34)
Nero (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7411684&postcount=42)
Kouhei (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8397911&postcount=83)

Lord Raziere
2010-04-04, 10:07 AM
Name/Rank: Shenmaru Narasai
Classification: B-rank, Chuunin
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Land of Fire, Konohagakure
Appearance: she has orange hair and green eyes, her orange hair has two locks framing her face and a ponytail. Aside from the normal shinobi clothes (headband, sandals, Chuunin Vest) She wears camouflage clothing.
Personality: she has a fiery personality, charging straight towards life, grabbing it by the hair and dunking it into the river repeatedly until it says it gives up, she doesn't have much respect for authority, however she does respect those who prove they are good person, paying more attention to actions than words.

Elemental Affinity: None/Unknown

Notable Jutsu:

Ninjutsu: is not very good at this, only academy-passing stuff

Genjutsu: her best field

Super-Henge: Her henges are far more durable than most shinobi
Invisibility Jutsu: normal invisibility jutsu that prevents people from seeing or hearing you
Crawling Turtle Jutsu: what this genjutsu does is show Shenmaru one second in the past- as in, if she is currently punching you, all you will see is her pulling back the fist, or if you tried to aim a Jutsu at her she will already be out of the way, it also makes her look slower than she actually is.
Illusionary Flurry Jutsu: makes it seems she has more fists and feet than she really has, making it both confusing and hard to defend against her attacks, she can also apply this Jutsu to shuriken and kunai
Deep Sleep Jutsu: a Jutsu that makes the person feel very sleepy and relaxed, leaving them unawares and allowing her to strike. She can apply this up to four or five people.

Taijutsu: she dabbles in Taijutsu, combining it with Genjutsu to form a style she calls Gen-Tai style Jutsu

Mirage Strike: a jutsu that shows her launching an attack from the front...then the REAL Shenmaru makes a strong attack from behind.

Note: She was on the same Genin Team as Kigeku.

2010-04-07, 02:20 AM
Name/Rank: Selvik aka "The Shadow Dancer", Missing-nin
Classification: A-class
Age: 29
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 170 lbs.
Gender: Male
Blood Type: A
Affiliation: Self


Selvik is kind of on the lanky side. He wears military-style boots, dark pants, and a sleeveless shirt. He also wears a black blindfold. He has dark hair that is cut short and spiked up. He has two leather straps that cross each other over his chest. Both straps have a buckle. These hold the sheath for his swords.

Most of his visible skin is covered in black, swirling tattoos, very similar to "tribal" style. These even travel up to his face, visible both above and below his blindfold.

He keeps a pouch for kunai on his belt, but he never uses them much.


Selvik loves messing with people. He is extremely laid back, and usually won't do something unless he gains from it.

He loves to taunt his opponents. And he does that a lot.

He has a very confident air about him. Most people would probably say over-confident. But he wouldn't.

Selvik finds much entertainment in pushing one's buttons. Seeing how long it takes to make someone snap. If somebody seems like they'll be a challenge, he'll enjoy it even more.

Bloodline: None known yet. This is because Selvik doesn't remember much of his past. At least, nothing more than six years ago.

Notable Jutsu:

- Shadow Manipulation - Selvik can move shadows near him. He can even cause a shadow to climb up a person and cover their eyes. This takes more effort, as a moving person makes it more difficult. He can raise a shadow off of the ground a short distance, but this is difficult. He is training with this to make that distance greater.

- Shadow Form - Selvik can step into a shadow, and literally become that shadow. He cannot stay in the shadow indefinitely, as staying in the shadow constantly uses chakra.

- Shadow Travel - Selvik can step into one shadow, and out of another. This does have a limited range, being no more than a hundred yards away. He can also throw an object into a shadow and have the same result, though the range on this is about half. Momentum of himself, or the thrown object, carries through the shadow. He uses this jutsu in battle fairly often, diving into one shadow, then quickly appearing from another to get a quick hit in, before disappearing again. This battle style helped him earn his nickname.

With his Shadow Travel and Shadow Form, Selvik cannot use his own shadow, simply because it would disappear.

Special Abilities:

- Shadow Sight - Selvik uses his shadow abilities to see everything around him. This has some disadvantages, such as the inability to read, or differentiate colors, while using this. However, this makes it easy for him to find anything hidden near him. Such as somebody trying to sneak up on him. This also means that he does not have to be facing his enemy to know where they are. Or to fight them. This also seems to reduce the effectiveness of genjutsu. But, somebody skilled with it can still get him.

- Duel Hook Swords - Selvik has trained himself extensively with his duel swords. He is extremely skilled with them. And, since he was not trained in any conventional style, he has developed creative ways of using them.

The swords themselves don't appear to be special. They are deceptively strong, able to withstand impacts from boulders without being damaged. Selvik does not remember ever having to sharpen them, either.


Ninjutsu - His shadow abilities stem from here, so he is very skilled in this area.

Genjutsu - He has a fairly good knowledge of this area, but he never uses it. He finds it too boring.

Taijutsu - He uses this when needed. But he relies more on his swordplay.

Sword Skills - Selvik is self-trained in his swords. He uses them for both attacks and movement. An example of the movement part:

He is thrown back and up from a powerful hit. He quickly twists himself in mid-air, to face his direction of travel. Then he holds a sword up to catch it on a branch. His momentum spins him around the branch. He dislodges his sword, twists back around, and flies straight at his target.

This is just one of the ways he uses his swords for movement.

Fighting Style - Selvik doesn't seem to have a set fighting style. It's mostly just getting whatever quick hits he can. However, he is very skilled at this, and his speed and shadow jutsus help with this.

He prefers areas with tall objects, as they cast decent sized shadows. Caves and forests work wonders for him. An open field is more of a challenge, as the only things casting shadows are the people. Usually. However, fighting him in an open field doesn't mean one has an advantage. He is still skilled with his swords, and he can always use his opponent's shadow.

Lord Raziere
2010-04-09, 08:51 PM
Name: Risanagi Nakamani, Jounin
Classification: A-Class
Age: 18
Gender: male
Affialiation: Land of Fire, Konohagakure.

Appearance: Risanagi is a skinny tall guy, like his former student Kigeku he wears his headband around his neck- its rumored that Kiegku picked up the style from Risanagi- He has silver eyes, light long purple hair reaching down to his shoulders with a single big lock of springing out to his right, plus very pale skin. He wears the usual green vest and ninja sandals, blue pants and black long-sleeve shirt.

Personality: He is a jerk. The Genin that took his test had to face impossible conditions and challenges, he forever talks slowly, putting strange emphasis on certain words, making it hard to tell when he is being sarcastic or not. He also has a bit of an ego since he was such a genius at being a ninja he became Jounin early, and he believes he is better than he actually is.
However strangely he has a high Genin passing rate-The only reason why his Genin pass so often, is because they think the training is so harsh and impossible that they work extra hard and prepare in advance for the Chuunin exams, then they work extra hard while in the Chuunin exams to pass ASAP so that they don't have endure such harsh training anymore.

Elemental Affinity: Dust

Notable Jutsu:
Ninjutsu: Best Area, he has a big field of dust element jutsu to use.

Dust Release: Dust Drill Fist: He forms drills of dust around his limbs, designed to drill and punch through defenses up close.
Dust Release: Dust Dome: A jutsu that creates a dome of dust around him which grinds anything that touches it to visible scraps and shreds- for example a rock would be reduced to pebbles- it doesn’t extend underground.
Dust Release: Dust Clone: creates a clone out of dust.
Dust Release: Dust Missile Barrage: Fires four to nine small guided dust missiles which tears, shreds, rips and grinds through anything it goes through.
Dust Release: Dust Armor: Creates an armor of dust around him which grinds away and shreds at anything that touches it while still allowing him to be mobile and fight.
Dust Release: Dust Storm:His most powerful jutsu, it’s a wide area effect jutsu that he only uses as a last resort as it creates thousands of small bullet sized Dust missiles that swarm towards things he directs and shreds and grinds it to scraps like hornets.

Genjutsu: Weakest area, can only spot and dispel.
Taijutsu: second best area, he dabbles in Taijutsu to keep himself a little fast and strong.

- He was the teacher of Team 3, the one Kigeku and Shenmaru were in as Genin.

Name: Mr. Mask
Classification: ?
Age: ? > 30
Gender: Male? (He may be a henge)
Affiliation: ?
Appearance: He seems to wear wooden sandals, a large red coat with purely blue long sleeved clothes underneath, he wears a green smiling mask over his face and has wild black hair. He always seen flipping and catching a coin, he also always has a fan at his belt.

Personality: he is....odd to say the least. He is cryptic, mysterious, talks in a weird voice, acts oddly and is generally eccentric. He only shows himself to Kigeku, and even then he just dispenses random pieces of advice or warnings then goes jumping off without giving him real answers, Kigeku himself half-thinks that Mr. Mask is just a figment of his imagination or something, but then again he keeps finding evidence that the guy exists.

Notable Jutsu: Unknown as of yet.

Backstory: Mr. Mask discovered Kigeku out the streets, who of which, had called his father too many times by the nickname he gave him rather than "father" the result being he was kicked out.
Mr. Mask is actually Kigeku's nickname for this mysterious guy; his real name and face is unknown, even to Kigeku. Its notable that Mr. Mask took care of Kigeku during his academy years, in a strange "sometimes there, sometimes not, mysterious mentor" sort of way, showing up frequently to make sure Kiegku was fine and fed.
However after Kigeku graduated the academy, he showed up a lot less frequently, only appearing to him when he had a real warning to dispense or some real advice to give to him. Mr. Mask's purpose and goals are currently unknown, especially as to why he bothered to raise Kigeku.
Kigeku knows at least one thing about him though; he is at least 30 as its been nine years since he met him and had an adult voice even back then so when Kigeku met him, Mr. Mask was at least 21.

2010-04-11, 08:01 PM
Name/Rank: Toki Aida, 鴇 (Toki: "Japanese Ibis") 藍田 (Ai: "Indigo" and Da: "Field") The Meaningful Name part comes into play when you realize that the Japanese characters for "jikan", or "time", is made up of the characters 時 and 間. 時 by itself is pronounced "Toki", while 間 by itself is pronounced "Aida".
Classification: C Class
Birthdate: February 13th
Age: 14
Height: 5'5'' (165 cm)
Weight: 132
Gender: Male
Blood type: AB-

Appearance: Toki appears as a somewhat short young man of average build. His appearance seems unremarkable save for the unusual amount of gray hair, but a closer investigation reveals that the nature of his skin seems to fluctuate over time; in one moment it'll appear smooth and pure like a child's, while in another it'll seem wrinkly and spotted like an old man's.

His hair is chock full of white hairs, to the point that it's a very light gray with the occasional flecks of black. It is short and typically messy.

For clothing, Toki prefers a long-sleeved, dark colored gi and pantaloons with the leggings tucked into his boots. Overall, he looks pretty much like this, sans the sword and the long hair (http://vb.arabseyes.com/members/314007-albums133-picture864.gif). He typically carries a hand-wound watch on a chain at all times, which he can use as an impromptu weapon.

Personality: Concentrated, focused, grim. For Toki, time and events pass along slightly differently than for others, since he experiences the world around him as fluctuating in terms of time. In one moment, time might slow down; in another, the world accelerates. Normally, the fluctuations aren't enough to give him any real advantage: the world moves slowly, but he moves slowly with it, or the world moves quickly, but he moves quickly with it. Nonetheless, the experience is always a little disorienting for him, so he makes sure to keep his concentration up at all times. This has made him somewhat blunt and unsociable since most people who talk to him see him as someone poor at talking and wants the conversation to end as soon as possible.

Bloodline: Time manipulation. Through the usage of (vast amounts of) chakra, Toki is able to manipulate the flow of time in and around himself and nearby objects. Despite the potentially overwhelming power of such an ability, so far Toki has been rather inept at using it; in particular, he is unable to overcome the "Temporal Feedback" rubberbanding effect (to be explained later). It is unknown why Toki has his time-manipulating abilities. Neither of his parents nor his known ancestors in his clan have exhibited such a thing.

Notable Jutsu: Toki is poor in ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu, so he must compensate for his overall lack of skill with his powerful Jiton techniques. Unfortunately for him, Jiton requires a lot of control and chakra, neither of which Toki really has...

The primary drawback to Jiton, aside from its stringent requirements, is the Temporal Feedback effect; every stretch and adjustment to the timeline requires an equal and opposite reaction once the effect is over. Each technique has its own Temporal Feedback effect, described below.

Also, due to his lack of control over his techniques, Toki can only have 1 Jiton technique active at once.

時遁 (Jiton: Time Release):

External Acceleration: Toki speeds up the movement of an object that he makes physical contact with, such as shuriken. Inanimate objects are the easiest to perform this on, while organic things (such as people) are much more difficult. With this technique, Toki can make thrown objects move faster or give a teammate the Internal Acceleration effect described below. When used on thrown objects, External Acceleration typically lasts only a second or two. See Internal Acceleration below for External Acceleration applied to organic creatures. Note: External Acceleration increases the object's kinetic energy since it's moving faster. Toki can accelerate objects to twice their normal speed.

Temporal Feedback effect: The object moves slowly, proportional to the speed at which it was moving before. For example, if a shuriken was thrown and was accelerated to move twice the speed that it normally would, the Temporal Feedback effect would cause it to move twice as slowly than normal and with half the kinetic energy.

Internal Acceleration: Toki speeds up all bodily processes, thus increasing speed and all neural activity, including reaction time and thinking. He moves faster, thinks faster, reacts faster. Since he moves faster, his physical attacks strike harder. He can move up to two times his normal speed, and can keep this up for precisely ten seconds.

Temporal Feedback effect: Toki's body moves more slowly to compensate for the acceleration. For ten seconds, he becomes sluggish, moves twice his normal speed, and thinks more slowly. The effects are uneven, so parts of his body decelerate at different rates, leading to, in essence, erratic organ behavior. Each use of Internal Acceleration leaves Toki deprived of oxygen, screaming muscle pain, dizziness, nausea; Internal Acceleration isn't exactly easy on the body.

External Deceleration: The exact opposite of External Acceleration; things move more slowly, losing kinetic energy, or people slow down. When applied to people, see Internal Deceleration. Toki can keep this up for 10 seconds for each use.

Temporal Feedback: Inverse of External Deceleration; during Temporal Feedback, affected objects and creatures are accelerated in proportion to the amount that they were decelerated. This means that decelerated opponents will be accelerated for ten seconds and suffer none of the Internal Acceleration drawbacks.

Internal Deceleration: Exact opposite of Internal Acceleration; body functions are slowed. In combat, this is normally useless except in very specific situations. Outside of it, it can be used as a tool to play dead by making the body appear to be lifeless (he can lengthen the time that the jutsu affects him by fueling more chakra into it).

Temporal Feedback: Inverse of Internal Acceleration. If Toki uses Internal Deceleration, his body plays catchup by going into overdrive mode. Again, very unhealthy, especially with the strain on the heart and blood vessels.

Deceleration Sphere: Toki creates a 10 foot radius "time bubble" around himself, where all objects that come within it are slowed. The effects are, essentially, External Deceleration applied to a broader area. Toki must stand still and concentrate for this jutsu to work.

Temporal Feedback: Same as External Deceleration, except that it's applied to everything within the sphere (except for Toki) instead of the object or creature.

Acceleration Sphere: Same thing as Deceleration Sphere, except that it accelerates.

Temporal Feedback: Same as External Acceleration.

Rewind: Toki rewinds everything that ever happened back 10 seconds. The advantage is that Toki still remembers what happened (though no one else does), so surprises that happened are reversed and any damage taken is undone. The disadvantage is that he still loses massive, massive amounts of chakra performing this technique, and in practical terms he can really only perform it once in a battle before he loses too much chakra to continue battling.

Temporal Feedback: Once the 10 seconds is over, time fast forwards to 10 seconds into the future. This effect is extremely disorienting for Toki: he behaves normally during those 10 seconds between the beginning and the end of the Feedback, but when those 10 seconds are over, he forgets what happened to him during those seconds.

Example: After using Rewind during a battle and during the Temporal Feedback, Toki punches a ninja in the face and runs into a cave. He'll perform these actions normally and fully under his control, but when those 10 seconds are over, he'll experience a jolt and fail to remember everything and anything that happened, including punching a ninja and why he ran into a cave. I he's lucky, he could reconstruct what happened (the ninja sports a bruise that he doesn't remember seeing there before, and he can see the battlefield outside the mouth of the cave), but if he's isn't, then the disorientation could cost him his life.

Ninjutsu: Aside from Jiton, Toki is passable at Suiton. He can only perform up to C rank techniques.

Genjutsu: Minimal; Toki is too poor at chakra control to really do much in genjutsu.

Taijutsu: His best, though not really by much. He prefers kunai, since they let him switch quickly between melee and ranged combat, which synchs well with his acceleration abilities.

Special Abilities: Aside from Jiton...

Concentration: Due to having to concentrate pretty much all the time, Toki is unusually focused and not easily distracted. This is good because he has little else going for him.

2010-04-11, 08:04 PM
Name/Rank: Kemukaku (煙隠) Kotake (濃嶽) (Last, First), "The Gray Sword", "The Ash Swordsman" "Can't-Write-A-Play-To-Save-His-Life Loser"

(煙 = smoke, 隠 = concealed, so "Smoke-Hidden"

濃 = dark, 嶽 = peak of a mountain, but "take" can also be read as "ritsuka" (立化), which, when combined with an alternate character for "ko" (孤), is "koritsuka", or "isolation" (fyi, the first character means "orphan", which is also relevant))

Theme Song: Hold Your Colour, by Pendulum (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfFnU0FUGno&fmt=18) ("She looked into your eyes/ and saw what lay beneath...)
Classification: High A-Class, Missing-nin
Birthdate: November 13th
Age: Twenty-two
Height: 6'0" (~178 cm)
Weight: 138 lbs (67.13) of lean muscle
Gender: Male
Blood type: A-
Formerly of Kirigakure

Appearance: Kotake has a lean, almost wiry build, with long, lanky limbs. He abstains hats and goes about with his dark gray hair in a big mess.

For normal travel wear, he typically wears light grey hakama-style pants and a matching grey hippari-style top. For footwear, he prefers normal straw sandals and socks. He is never seen without a smoking pipe. This time, it is a plain 1 foot long (~32 cm) large-bowled pipe made of wood and reinforced with steel. In a pinch, he can club opponents into submission with his pipe, though he rarely does so in fear of breaking it and losing access to most of his ninjutsu. Kotake is also rarely seen without a pen and some crumpled sheets of paper, upon which he writes his upcoming play's script.

For serious combat, he switches to a nondescript dark grey ninja uniform, with long pants wrapped within sandals and long sleeves tucked into fingerless gloves. Kotake also wears a smoke-generating machine, which is a small, rectangular box strapped to his back. It connects to his mouth via a pair of hoses and a mask that covers most of Kotake's face. During combat, the box is filled with a special, easily combustible material that generates lots of smoke.

In either dress style, he keeps his sword, Ashigaru ("Light Foot"), at his belt but with the point tilted upwards (and thus the hilt pointing downwards) due to his peculiar sword style.

Personality: Curious. Uncertain. Anarchist. Nihilistic.

Kotake always seems to be glancing around his surroundings, as though he were looking for something but isn't quite sure if it's there. He is polite and well-mannered, but has a tendency to stare at and study everyone and everything, and asking lots of annoying questions.

He seems uncertain about many things; that is because he is, and this is the reason why he is always curious. After leaving Kirigakure, his clan, and his sheltered upbringing behind, he set off into the world prepared in body but not in mind.

Due to his upbringing in the strict confines of his clan's household and the falling out he had with it, Kotake is highly suspicious of those who try to boss him around or give him orders. He'll gladly do something for someone he is close to (though such a person has yet to exist), but mere ranking alone isn't enough to order him around.

Kotake's bitter experiences with Kirigakure and his clan has left him being something of a nihilist; there is no real meaning in life except that which people (and other sentient creatures) impose upon it, and after having lost everything, Kotake places no more value in the world. He therefore places little value in his own life and the lives of others who he does not care about. Thus a question must be asked; if he no longer values living, then why does he try and continue to live?

Mannerisms: It is worth nothing that, due to his upbringing, Kotake is disturbingly devoid of little quirks and mannerisms that most people have (scratching one's hair, picking teeth, eating unhealthy food for pleasure, etc.). For most people, this makes Kotake seem disturbingly inorganic.

Bloodline: Kotake does not have a bloodline per se, but the Kemukaku clan has long kept the secrets of the 灰の術 ninjutsu techniques (Hai no Jutsu; Ash Techniques) and the 全方位刀 (Zenhouiken; Omnidirection Sword).

Ash Techniques are strictly Shape transformation jutsu, and anyone with the know-how could perform them, but the Kemukaku clan guarded their secrets well--now the greatest secrets of that technique will die with Kotake. They are performed by drawing in the smoke and soot from burned objects into the lungs, mixing them with chakra, and breathing the smoke back out to create the effect. Any smoke or soot from a burning object works, be it ash from a fire or smoke from burning tobacco.

The Kemukaku clan primarily uses Ash Techniques to supplement and facilitate the usage of Zenhouiken techniques. So intertwined are they that both by themselves are highly limited, but together they make for a deadly combination.

Kotake is a master of both Ash Techniques and Zenhouiken. His level of skill with Ash Techniques is such that he can easily adjust the density of the smoke expelled. Each level of density have different effects.

Gas: the smoke is about as tangible as air. It is thick and opaque enough to prevent opponents from seeing any more than a foot through the cloud of smoke (though ninjas with Byakugan and similar techniques are unaffected by the smoke's obscuring effects), but otherwise it is just smoke. It is vulnerable to Wind techniques and other effects that displace a lot of air at once. Unless such an effect blows away the smoke, however, the smoke stays in place and does not easily dissipate naturally.

Cloud: the smoke is condensed through chakra enough so that it feels spongy to the touch. In this form, the smoke cannot be breathed in unless the chakra keeping the smoke together otherwise dissipates.

Solid: the smoke has been packed so tightly that it forms solid blocks of carbon, approaching steel in level of toughness and strength. Doing so requires a large volume of chakra to perform and maintain, however, so Kotake usually only performs Solid-density techniques for dire emergencies.

Note: once an amount of smoke has been in Kotake's lungs, mixed with chakra, then released, Kotake has no real control over unless he sucks it back into his lungs again. For example, of Kotake creates a smokescreen with some smoke, he cannot change what that smoke does once it leaves his lungs unless he sucks that smoke back in again.

Due to it being a breath-based line of ninjutsu reliant on smoke, Hai no Jutsu are utterly useless in the absence air, absence of fire, or otherwise restrictions on the user's breathing. No air or fire means no combustion of smoke-creating materials, while breathing restrictions (such as being underwater) prevent techniques from being used.

Notable Hai no Jutsu Techniques:

布衍 (Fuen)--Amplify: The most basic of Ash Techniques, this technique uses chakra to increase the amount of smoke breathed out by the user. More chakra used means more smoke created. Per use, Kotake can generate up to twenty times his normal lung capacity. (As a point of reference: this is how much gas Shizune can emit in one usage of Poison Mist (http://www.onemanga.com/Naruto/166/09/). Kotake can create up a smoke cloud up to four times as large using Fuen, but he must create much less if he combines Fuen with another smoke technique.) For the rest of the techniques, let's measure volume of smoke created per usage in terms of Shizune's Poison Mist: SPM. Thus, 1 SPM = 1 Shizune's Poison Mist's worth of smoke, 2 SPM is twice that, etc.

煙幕 (Enmaku)--Smokescreen: another basic usage of Ash Techniques, Enmaku creates a thick, fog-like volume of smoke. By itself, the smoke is harmless, though it is very uncomfortable to breathe in and, given the kind of tobacco that Kotake smokes, will probably result in coughing unless the victim is used to smoking already. It is too thick to see through easily, though it does not obstruct techniques such as Byakugan. The smell of the smoke obstructs techniques and abilities that require the user to clearly smell something.
Density level: Gas
Maximum Volume: 4 SPM

幻覚 (Genkaku)--Hallucination: this is very much the same as Enmaku, but instead of simply obfuscating the enemy with a smokescreen, Genkaku uses a mild hallucinogen that activates once it is breathed in and processed into the blood stream. Genkaku causes blurring of vision, diminished reaction times, and mild fatigue in muscles.
Density: Gas
Max Volume: 2 SPM

灰の鎧 (Hai no Yoroi)--Ashen Armor: by condensing some smoke and packing it around his body, Kotake can give himself some decent armor. The armor is more spongy than hard or tough, so while it lessens blunt trauma admirably, it is poor against piercing attacks and utterly worthless against cutting attacks. Nonetheless, the armor is almost weightless and does not restrict movement in the slightest, so it is often better than nothing. It easily destroyed by Wind techniques.
Density: Cloud
Volume of Smoke Required: 1 SPM

灰足 (Kaisoku)--Ashen Feet: with some adjustments to his smoke, Kotake can encase his feet in a particularly springy mass of condensed smoke, allowing him to run and leap much faster than usual. This technique is critical to the success of Zenhouiken techniques.
Density: Cloud
Volume of Smoke Required: Less than 1 SPM

灰歩 (Kaiho)--Ash Step: Kotake creates small platforms of cloud-density smoke through which he can hop around through the air. He can step on these puffs from any angle, so he can use them as launching points for attacks.
Density: Cloud
Volume of Smoke Required: Less than 1 SPM per puff

灰腕 (Kaiwan)--Ashen Arms: cloud-density smoke is dense enough to interact with physical objects; condense it further and it can wield them. By adding smoke to his arms, Kotake essentially makes them loner and thus increases his reach. He can add up to five feet to his reach before his smoke arms become too weak to really handle a sword. These limbs are not particularly hardy or responsive; as a result, in exchange for reach Kotake sacrifices power and precision. Being a technique more suited for spears, Kotake rarely if ever uses Kaiwan.
Density: Cloud
Volume of Smoke Required: 1 SPM

炭素楯 (Tansojun)--Carbon Shield: by tightly compressing a large volume of smoke into a solid mass of carbon, Kotake creates a tough shield in front of himself. It has approximately the same strength as conventional steel, and the technique creates a barrier out of the material in front of the wielder, 2 feet in diameter (~.6 meters) and .5 inches thick (~1 cm). All solid-density Ash Techniques are prohibitively costly in chakra, so Kotake only uses this technique if dodging is not an option.
Density: Solid
Volume of Smoke Required: 4 SPM

灰刑死室 (Kaikei****su)--Execution Chamber of Ashes: Kotake creates a number of small, cloud-density chunks of smoke surrounding a target. This is essentially Kaiho with a different arrangement of smoke clouds. This technique is unwieldy in that it is easy for the target to simply step out of the smoke chamber.
Density: Cloud
Volume of Smoke Required: 2 SPM

Though Ash Techniques provide Kotake with a lot of flexibility, they only support his offensive power, not replace it. Zenhouiken and Ashigaru are Kotake's primary offensive tools.

Zenhouiken was founded a few generations after the Kemukaku Clan's founding when Ash Technique practitioners discovered that their smoke techniques were excellent at obfuscation, confusion, and providing speed, but lacked any real killing techniques. Several wandering swordsmen were thus hired to teach Kemukaku the art of the sword, and from their teachings the Zenhouiken school was formed.

The primary combat doctrine of Zenhouiken is to take control over the flow of battle and maintain it through superior speed given by Ash Techniques and Zenhouiken techniques themselves, and then attack from multiple directions to both capitalize on that speed advantage and to more easily outmaneuver an opponent's defenses--hence the name Zenhouiken: Omnidirectional Sword.

The unique feature of this sword school are its reverse sword grip and its emphasis on ambidexterity; practitioners must be able to use their sword with their left hand as well as their right. This allows the practitioner to maximize the number of attack angles available, while the reverse grip allows for wide, sweeping blows that damage a larger area without slowing the user down. Because of its reverse grip stance, Zenhouiken users wear their swords on their belts with the point of their sword pointing up towards the sky.

The only real Zenhouiken technique worth mentioning is the following:

Dust to Dust: This technique requires the opponent to be within a Kaikei****su. Kotake uses the smoke clouds surrounding the target to bounce all around the target at inhuman velocities, with each transition from one cloud to another bringing a cutting blow with it. The attack, once executed, is difficult to block as it strikes all the joints and vital points on the victim's body almost at once. This technique is useless against anyone not surrounded by a Kaikei****su.

Ashigaru, Ephemeral Edge
Ashigaru (足軽) appears to be a mundane, if exceedingly well-made, kodachi (short sword) roughly 2.5 feet (.76 meters) in overall length. Its hilt is covered in black shark skin and grey braided silk, while its blade is engraved with the following poem:

Empty existence
Swift yet forgotten, unmourned
Herald final dusk

Ashigaru has a curious property in that it is nearly weightless; measurements indicate that it is about as heavy as your average pencil. Despite this, it is as strong and flexible as any of the Ancestral Swords of the Seven Swordsmen. This makes Ashigaru impossible to use except in the hands of a swordmaster; the unnatural weightlessness makes it unintuitive to use and easy to accidentally injure oneself, and the lightness of the blade deprives it of momentum, making it almost impossible to land any real blows on an enemy unless its power is maximized through flawless technique and form. In return, however, Ashigaru's speed is unmatched.

Kotake's Strengths and Weaknesses
Ninjutsu: Despite the large arsenal of ninjutsu available to him, Kotake is primarily a taijutsu practitioner. His ninjutsu is better than average, of course, but most of them do not require an extraordinary amount of skill to perform and are limited in use.

Genjutsu: Almost non-existent. As with any ninja worth his or her salt, he has some basic knowledge on how to break them, but otherwise he does not use genjutsu.

Taijutsu: This is Kotake's main strength. He is primarily a swordsman, though Zenhouiken is heavily reliant on Ash Techniques to maximize its effectiveness. As a result, without his ninjutsu his swordsmanship is somewhat lacking for an A-rank Taijutsu specialist.

Special Abilities:
Breath Holding: Since Ash Technique practitionrs must breath in smoke constantly, they must learn to process oxygen more quickly and efficiently. As a result, their bodies (and Kotake's) do not consume quite as much oxygen as others' do. This ability allows Kotake to hold his breath for about 1.5 minutes longer than your average ninja.
Tobacco Connoisseur: Kotake has spent his years in exile sampling the finest tobaccos in the land, and as such he has developed a taste for them. A puff or two of a sample from his pipe gives him an idea as to where the tobacco was grown.
Speed: even without his ninjutsu, Kotake is very light on his feet, and has endurance to boot. He can run very far very fast. His build deprives him of strength somewhat, however.
Blindfighting: many Ash Techniques end up blanketing an area in thick smoke, while Zenhouiken is all about close quarters combat. As a result, Kotake has had to learn how to fight while being essentially blind. His skill is still diminished somewhat, but usually less so than his hapless enemy's. He relies almost entirely on sound while blindfighting.
Play writing: or lack thereof. He's terrible in the art, so why does he keep pursuing it, especially given his nihilism?


History of the Kemukaku
The mists of Kirigakure's lands are said to be tainted with crimson, and visitors claim that the air tastes a little too rusty. Given the land's ruthless history, these rumors are not entirely unjustified. One such clan that helped stained the soil red was the Kemukaku clan.

In the distant past before the rise of the Ninja Villages, the Kemukaku clan were tobacco farmers, selling their addictive crop in exchange for food and commodities. Tobacco was well sought after even in those days, however, and the Kemukaku clan had to defend themselves from raiders. Tobacco was poor payment for mercenaries, however,so the Kemukaku, few in number, were forced to take up ninjutsu. At first, they relied on misdirection techniques to more easily ambush their opponents, but as time went on they further developed their smoke techniques and helped found the Zenhouiken school or swordsmanship.

The years passed.

The Kemukaku retained their monopoly over local tabacco products, but their increasingly brutal methods created more and more enemies, which in turn made the Kemukaku even more ruthless and militaristic. Eventually, the Kemukaku's combat-trained branch houses took control over the entire clan and converted it into a clan of warriors instead of farmers and merchants. Further attacks forced Kemukaku members to organize themselves into a hierarchy resembling that of an army, while also devoting themselves into the arts of war. A few generations later, Kemukaku no longer sold tobacco but instead used them to fuel their Ash Techniques, and raided nearby lands for resources.

The unifiers of Kirigakure found in the Kemukaku a mercenary clan that, despite its viciousness, had the makings for a powerful ally. And so the leaders of both factions signed a treaty that would nominally put Kemukaku under the Mizukage's control, while Kemukaku would receive an yearly stipend food, commodities, and other "gifts".

The conversion of the clan's martial goals from militaristic ones to ones that more fit the new world's paradigm of ninja operatives changed the Kemukaku. They still retained their rigid hierarchy, but now there was much more emphasis on the quality of individual ninja. As a result, at an early age Kemukaku children were culled into "combatants" and "noncombatant" groups. The latter group would support the clan through non-military means, while the former would become the clan's elite warriors.

Training methods for such warriors were harsh and merciless. There was heavy emphasis on complete and utter dedication to the clan, while suppressing any and all emotions and sentiments. The Kemukaku clan was, therefore, less of a clan and more a collective of human machines.

This was the world that Kotake grew up in.

Turning of the Coin
He was a prodigy unlike any the Kemukaku had seen in generations. He was intelligent, he was swift, he was strong, he was unquestioningly loyal. He perfected his Ash Techniques and Zenhouiken He was invited to join Kirigakure's ANBU squadron at the young age of thirteen. The clan chieftain considered him his favored son (or, at least, as favored a son could be favored or be called a son in the world of Kemukaku). Had things remained the way they were, he might have gone down in the clan's history as one of the great chieftains.

But then he met her, and his life, and history, was forever changed.

She was about his age, and unlike him was full of life, passion, and spunk, a product of Kirigakure's (very) slow turn away from its old, merciless ways. Her name was Nadeko (ironic, given her outspoken and loud demeanor), and she fancied herself a playwright.

"The world's a huge place, Kotake-kun!" she liked to tell him under the starry night sky on the rooftops, above all the mist. "And there's so many people living in it, people like you, me, everyone in Kiri. I wanna write about them, you know? Who they are, what they hold dear...what other people mean for them." For her, theater was highest expression of human-human interaction. Novels and comics and the like had their own advantages, but when it came to showing how people deal with other people, theater was an unmatched artform.

It was through Nadeko that Kotake learned that contact with other people was not just a system of giving and receiving orders, not just meting out punishment for failures and rewards for success. It took Nadeko several long month's of determined prying, but she was rewarded by being the first person to ever see Kotake laugh. Nadeko's inquisitive demeanor also rubbed off on Kotake, but fortunately for the rest of the world, his curiosity was tempered by the patience he had learned from being a ninja. He would often help her with her plays, since he could use his smoke to create puppets with which Nadeko could see rehearsals of her works. Kotake would always remember those days as his favorites.

Finish It For Me
This new, changing Kotake was not the ideal Kemukaku ninja, however, for his unquestioning loyalty was tainted by pointless curiosity, his passionless demeanor corrupted by flecks of emotion. This was an unacceptable turn of events for the Kemukaku chieftain; his successor would only lead the Kemukaku house to ruin if things continued, or so he thought. He demanded that the Nadeko girl be removed, and for a clan such as the Kemukaku, such a thing was laughably easy. Slip in, kill her, destroy the body and the evidence, slip out. Routine secret assassination.

Yet, fate has a strange way of letting events play out, for it was Kotake's new found curiosity that led to the fall of Kemukaku. After returning home from yet another tryst with Nadeko, he set out once again to ask question he had forgotten to ask. As usual, he snuck past his guards, and because of this the Kemukaku operatives were not warned of Kotake's coming--as such, they were unable to dispose of the body and flee the scene before Kotake, smelling blood, burst into Nadeko's home and discovered the perpetrators. He spared no one.

Kemukaku ninja being who they were, Nadeko's wounds were fatal. With her last breath, she told him about her newest play that she wanted to show him the next time they met. It was a play about a pack of companions, homeless and alone save for themselves.

"Finish it for me...will ya? Finish it. A-and...if it gets...hard...find a bunch of-of people...and write about...them."

Kotake still wonders why she told him to finish the play, which at the time was but scraps of ideas floating about in her head. It did not even have a title. What he did not know, and still does not realize, is that Nadeko hoped, despite the improbability of it all, that by making Kotake finish the play he might find someone else to open up to. She wanted him to find the family that he never grew up with. The prospect of Kotake returning to who he was the first day she met him terrified her more than her own demise.

"D-d-do it for me, Ko-kun. Do it...for...someone who..."

Years later, after learning more about the world, Kotake would look back on this day and realize that he loved her. It was a stunted, limited thing, and at the time he didn't know what those feelings he had for her was. But now he knows, and wonders where he and Nadeko might be today were she still with him.

For Vengeance

His revenge was swift and without mercy. He killed the clan's guards, then the clan's leaders one by one, sparing the chieftain for last. He slaughtered Nadeko's assassins' family and superiors, too. In one night the Kemukaku clan lost their entire upper command echelon and most of their best ninja.

Kemukaku learned that day that an organization built solely upon the robotic loyalty of its members is a fragile organization indeed.

The resultant power vacuum led to a struggle that further damaged Kemukaku's power, and forever ensured that the clan would never rise again to prominence. But Kotake cared little for such things, for only the deaths of his enemies mattered.

However, by putting his clan to the sword, he had destroyed the only thing that he had left in his life after Nadeko's passing. He became a missing-nin, devoid of country, and fled from Kirigakure, devoid of friends and allies. The only thing that truly kept him alive was his oath to Nadeko. He therefore decided that he would finish the play, then end his life afterwards, for he believed that, for him, there was nothing in the world worth living for.

As he left the burning remains of the Kemukaku stronghold and walked west while the sun rose, he wondered just how he was going to write something like a play.

His Kirigakure headband, you ask? He had it melted down into a tobacco-cutting knife, which he now keeps in his sleeve.

Relationships with the Seven Swordsmen

Since characters change over time, I decided to make two sets of "what Kotake thinks of the other Seven" sections; Initial (what he thinks of them after only a week or two of knowing them) and Eventual (what he thinks of them after truly getting to know them better).

Kensai Shiro: Kotake gets the impression that, for most practical matters, Shiro is the pack leader, the alpha male. This means that Kotake is highly suspicious of Shiro, and does not like taking orders from him. If he judges that Shiro's orders are sensible and practical, he will follow them. If he does not, he will not hesitate to use the Socratic method to try and (literally) question Shiro's authority. Kotake is not so foolish, however, to truly incur Shiro's wrath, for Shiro's Wind techniques would make short work of Kotake.

Anahera Hoshiko: It will be a real struggle for Kotake to respect Hoshiko the way she deserves. In Kotake's world, stupidity mean inferiority, and inferiority meant only scorn on the superior's part and unquestioning loyalty from the inferior's part. Hoshiko's...demeanor thus means that Kotake will have great trouble following any orders that she gives out and resisting the temptation of bossing Hoshiko around in turn. Imagine, if you will, if you took a white man from Southeastern USA from the early 1800's, dumped him into modern day New York, and told him that he was to treat black Americans as complete equals--this is what Kotake feels like towards Hoshiko. Her incredible skill despite her apparent lack of training and discipline further riles Kotake.

Gakeichigo Momo: Out of all of the Seven, Kotake fears Momo the most. As amusing as this seems, consider the logic behind Kotake;
1) Momo is obviously a child, or so she seems.
2) However, she's a member of one of THE most powerful non-Village ninja entities in the world, and also one of the deadliest individuals in the world.
3) Thus, if she really is just a child, then she can only become more powerful as she grows older. Once she's an adult, what are her limits? Could she take on entire countries by herself?
4) Or, if she's not really a child and is merely putting on the kiddy gloves (almost literally), yet she's already this powerful, then how strong is she when she gets serious?
For now, Kotake keeps a wary eye on Momo. (Momo is probably aware of this, and plans accordingly.)

Mori Ryoma: Kotake respects Ryoma, to be sure. In his Kemukaku days, Kotake was always told that an elder was always to be honored and revered (in Kemukaku, someone who reaches old age is indeed someone who is quite powerful). Nonetheless, Ryoma's kind demeanor jars Kotake a bit; he isn't used to interacting with elders who weren't just stone cold warriors and killers. Above all, Kotake finds Ryoma to be a challenge to his current philosophy of nihilism; how do you be so old yet have so much to live for?

Motah Zurbesh: Kotake...isn't quite sure what to think of Motah. On one hand, Motah's intense greed conflicts with Kotake's tattered remains of sense of loyalty and avoiding excesses. On the other, Kotake's current, primitive sense of "family" is "someone who you're supposed to take care of and provide for no matter what", and Motah seems to be the moneymaker for the group. At the moment, Kotake regards Motah with a strange mix of respect, curiosity ("Is this really all it takes to be a member of a family?"), and irritation.

Kitakawa Kanaye: Kotake hasn't had the opportunity to really get to know Kanaye. He sees a little bit of himself in the young Swordsman, though; highly skilled, yet a youth. Where will he go with his life? As with Hoshiko, Kotake has to resist the urge to regard him as an inferior due to their age differences.


Who knows how Kotake will end up treating and thinking about the rest of the swordsmen? Only time can tell. However, there are some hypotheses that we can make.

Shiro: If Shiro fails to understand the source of Kotake's anarchic attitude, and/or Kotake fails to get rid of his distrust of authority figures, then the continuing friction will likely, sooner or later, result in violence. Perhaps Shiro will find it in himself to forgive Kotake and let him back into the group and giving Kotake a sound trouncing; perhaps Kotake will, despite his victory, recognize Shiro's leadership. Or, perhaps, the Seven will become Six again.

Hoshiko: If Hoshiko manages to sufficiently impress Kotake somehow, then Kotake will likely grudgingly come to regard Hoshiko as an equal. If not, then the continuing friction between the two will likely come to a spectacular, catastrophic head that may forever sunder the Seven.

Momo: Kotake will likely get over his fear of Momo soon enough. What will most get to Kotake is Momo's eternally cheerful demeanor in child form, and thus remind Kotake of his own childhood (or lack of it). It is likely that he will decide to preserve Momo's cheerfulness no matter what the cost, so that there will be no more child automatons like he once was. This, of course, assumes that Kotake gets over his nihilism and decides that preserving Momo's innocence and happiness is worth it.

Ryoma: Kotake will most likely look upon Ryoma as something of role model, should Kotake decide that his own nihilistic attitude is something to be discarded. It is likely that Ryoma's habits and attitude will rub off on Kotake the most easily out of all the Seven. His respect for Ryoma that came from Ryoma simply being older than him will probably be replaced by a true, genuine respect stemming from something more than just social expectations.

Motah: As Kotake's sense of "family" evolves, he may come to dislike Motah and try to subtly push him out of the group. Is a family member simply one who provides material needs? What if that member does only those things, and otherwise treats the others with little respect or care? What if that member sacrifice another member for his own gain? Motah, for better for worse, will be the base upon which Kotake builds his sense of family.

Kanaye: As Kotake gets to know Kanaye better, it is likely that Kotake will look upon Kanaye and see a different version of himself, one who grew up more like a normal ninja--a person, a human, who happens to have great powers, rather than a machine programmed with great powers that feels nothing. Kotake envies Kanaye in many ways; he envies Kanaye's power, his happy demeanor...Kotake looks upon Kanaye and thinks, "What if that was me?"

2010-04-15, 05:03 PM
Character Consolidation Post

Takehiko Nori: (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8061953&postcount=70) Genin of the Sunagakure
Kita Miku: (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7944809&postcount=63) Genin of Kumogakure (Adopted from Shades)

2010-04-16, 02:44 AM
Name/Rank: Nakahara Hideyoshi, Chuunin
Classification: D-Class
Birthdate: January 21st
Age: Thirteen
Height: 5'4"
Weight: ?
Gender: Male
Blood type: O-
Land of Wind

Appearance: Hideyoshi has black hair, brown eyes, light skin, and wears a standard ninja outfit, which is designed to blend into the forest around him. He wears his ninja headband on his forehead, and generally has a kunai pouch, containing both kunai and throwing needles, on his leg. Indeed, the biggest difference between his gear and that of a standard ninja is the fact that he carries a pair of kama sized to him on his back.

Personality: Hideyoshi is a very protective young man, who has as his ninja way to 'protect those who can't protect themselves'. He is highly intelligent (resulting in his wide range of Ninjustu), and is also a tactical thinker. He also works quite hard- indeed, it has been noted by more than one teacher that his major fault is that he tends to overwork himself.

Bloodline: None noted- Hideyoshi's family was not a ninja family, and indeed, he has below- standard chakra for a ninja.

Notable Jutsu:
Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu- this is Hideyoshi's most powerful technique, but he can only power a single one of these in a fight. Therefore, he generally uses it as a 'desperation' technique.

Ninjutsu: Hideyoshi's best area- or it should be. Unfortunately, his chakra is low enough that he is severely limited in this area. He knows a wide variety of techniques- but he can't power many of them before exhausting his chakra- although he's got enough control that he can generally avoid exhausting himself physically when using ninjutsu, now, unless he really needs to use more chakra.
Genjutsu: Hideyoshi has only minor skills in this area, limited both by a lack of skill for illusions, and by his low chakra.
Taijutsu: If Hideyoshi had standard chakra, he would have this as a fall-back skill, only using it when he has to. Unfortunately, with his low chakra, he's forced to use it as his primary skill, which has lead him to train in Taijutsu as his main combat style. He is quite experienced with the two kama that he carries.

Special Abilities: None

2010-04-23, 02:24 PM
Name: Raiden Sanosuke
Rank: Jounin
Classification: A low A-Class
Age: 20
Height: 6'1''
Weight: 113 ibs.
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Konohagakure

Appearance: Raiden is slim, but well muscled. He wears a black coat, a dark red shirt, and black pants. The coat has a huge leaf villagaey symbol thingy in white on the back. He has blood-red hair, with suprisingly gold tips.

Personality: Raiden is funny and talkative. He dislikes people who think their above everyone else. He enjoys the company of others, however. He usually plans out the missions he's given carefully, determined to prove himself. He gets relatively few missions, however, mainly due to his reputation as a slacker.

Bloodline: The Sanosuke clan has a pitiful Kekkai Genkai. All Sanosuke clan members can cook very well, and can tell the composition of a food by taste.

Notable Jutsu:

One Finger Style: This jutsu allows Raiden to make a potent attack with one finger as a chakra focus point. The result is a very powerful blast of chakra.

Chakra Leech Hand: Raiden has, through intense training, learned to connect chakra points from himself to another ninja by touch to drain the other ninja's chakra. Raiden uses this technique all the time, and amuses himself with a quick hit-and-run fighting style, all the while draining his opponents chakra.

Flesh Puppet Jutsu: Once Raiden has used chakra leech hand, he can use that persons chakra in a special jutsu that allows him to control the target's movement through chakra threads tied to that person's chakra points. The movement is extremely limited.

Puppet Style Jutsu: Raiden has a man-sized puppet called Lotus who looks almost identical to Raiden. He usually carries Lotus on his back into a particulary dangerous fight, and uses him as a protective agent. Lotus is armed with several kunai knives rigged with paperbombs.


Ninjutsu: Very Good. 4:5
Taijutsu: Excellent. 5:5
Genjutsu: Passable. 2:5

Special Abilities:

Matermind: Raiden is a potent tactician in large scale battles to skirmishes. He has studied military history intensely, and knows almost every military tactic by heart.

Master Cook: Per his Kekkai Genkai, Raiden enjoys a high skill level in the culinary arts. He can cook the following special dishes:
The Curry of Life: An ultra spicy, rejuvinating blend of curry!
Ultimate Protein Shake: Replaces one full meal! Made of spoiled milk!
Food Pellets: Pellets full of rejuvinating energy!

2010-04-29, 09:16 AM
Name/Rank: Kouhei / Missing-nin; Three Tailed Jinchurriki (Sanbi)
Classification: S-Class
Birthdate: September 25
Age: 39
Height: 6' 6"
Weight: 210 lb.
Gender: Male
Blood type: AB+

The Three Tailed Jinchurriki

Appearance: Kouhei is tall and slightly tanned. His hair is spiked and long, stopping at around his upper back. His eyes are of a dark brown color and look at people with a piercing gaze. Despite what his weight may suggest, it actually comes from all muscle. They are strong yet not particularly bulky for a man of his stature. He also has short, yet full facial hair.

The most noticable feature on him however is the body sized tattoo all around him, although the tattoo doesn't go past his waist or lower neck. The tattoos themselves are just black ink, nothing more, nothing less. On closer inspection however, the tattoo is actually many different tattoos all linked together. The tattoo starts on the upper side of each of his hands in the shape of a large "O". In the center is a small dot. From there, a line connects it with eight other "O"s of slightly different design all the way up to his shoulders. The tattoo patterns of both arms are mirror images of each other. At his shoulder, the last "O" connects to a much larger tattoo on his chest and back. These tattoo's are much more detailed with many different curves all around them.

On his stomach is another tattoo that spirals counter-clockwise around. On the top are three stubs that are sticking out from the spiral at the 10 o'clock, 12 o'clock, and 2 o'clock postions. These stubs look like they were suppose to be connected to the main tattoo, but were cut short. Similarly, the main chest tattoo curves down at three areas into points and stops just short of the three nubs of the spiral tattoo. Only about half an inch of plain skin separates each point of the tattoos from each other.

Kouhei wears a long flowing robe of light brown that covers most of his tattoos. The only thing that is showing is the "O"s on his hands. Underneath he wears a set of large, slightly ripped gray pants that are tied around his waist with a black belt. Kouhei is often seen wearing a straw hat that he makes himself that obscures most of his facial features.

Personality: Kouhei is often suspicious of strangers. But concerning his past, this is understandable. He has a great connection to nature and enjoys sitting for hours on a rock and listens to everything around him.

Kouhei also has a very caring attitude to anyone or anything that is in trouble. Whenever he leaves a village, most often the villagers will be waving happily good-bye to him after all the help he's done for everyone. He often will try and help people who don't even know they have a problem, often forcing them out of their comfort zone so they can experience why they are wrong. Although, he will ultimately let them decide for it on their own.

Kouhei acts as a wise mentor to people, trying to make them better in heart and spirit. Yet he also is constantly on guard wherever he goes. He avoids all major cities and never stays anywhere for more then three days except under dire circumstances.

History: Kouhei's past is a troubled one. When he was two, a great earthquake devastated his ninja village. Coincidently, after a few hours of the earthquake, the Three-Tailed Beast happened to be passing by the village. Many people blamed the creature as the cause of the earthquakes and wanted to capture it for various reasons. Kouhei's clan was the one with the fewest injured, so it went out to try and capture the creature with the clan's ink based jutsu. However, their early attempts were unsuccessful. At first, the beast didn't seem to mind what the ninja were doing. But it quickly realized that the ninja were in fact a threat and then began to defend itself, injuring member's of Kouhei's clan. Finally, in desperation, the clan decided to seal the beast inside a human. They succeed and the Three-Tailed Beast was sealed inside Kouhei with the spiral seal on his stomach.

Several years pass and the village managed to rebuild itself. Kouhei's life was rather lonely during his childhood. Many people avoided him since the result of the earthquake was still in their mind and they still blamed the creature for causing it. Instead, Kouhei managed to talk to the Sanbi inside him. He became awed at how mellow and kind the creature actually was and figured out quickly that it couldn't cause the earthquake, but he knew no one would believe him. So he accepted the isolation and talked to his only real friend he had, the Three-Tailed Beast. Unknown to him, the village's elite ninja were studying him under order of the village leader. After many studies, it was determined that the Three-tailed beast did not cause the earthquake and it was pure chance that it happened to be passing by the village in the first place. This information was not given out to the public because the leader thought that no one would be ready to hear such news and would immediately disbelieve it. But the information allowed the village leader to allow Kouhei to become a ninja.

Kouhei took to training very well. His clan had taught him the secrets of the ink based jutsu. However, he also seemed to enjoy Taijutsu very much as well, although this could have been the Three-Tails physical qualities leaking through. Kouhei eventually grew tired of people constantly staring at the swirl on his stomach and decided to create the tattoos that covered his body. He infused the ink with his own chakra so as to allow chakra to flow through it freely. He was able to use the tattoos to increase his combat ability greatly.

Then the village leader died suddenly and mysteriously. His successor was a cold, ruthless man who wanted to spread his ideals to even the 5 great nations. Kouhei after disagreed with the man's approach to things, but followed his orders none-the-less. However, the new leader was nervous that Kouhei would turn on him eventually and secretly order his clan elders to begin preparations to extract the beast from Kouhei for the leaders own use. When the clan elders told him that the result could kill Kouhei, the leader became more convinced on doing it as a way of killing two bird with one stone. Fortunately, Kouhei managed to overhear most of the conversation.

Several months pass and the preparations were complete. The clan invited him under false pretenses to begin the extraction. Kouhei went willingly, knowing what was about to happen, and then fought against them suddenly. The next morning, Kouhei woke a great distance away from his village with little memory of what had happened after he tried to escape. It wasn't until that night that the Three-Tailed Beast told him that it had helped him in his escape. Knowing that he was now a missing-nin of his village, he continued to flee.

After a couple weeks, he began to see wanted posters of him around everywhere for his capture at the price of 75,000,000 ryo. He quickly began to do everything in his power to change what he looked like, including wearing a long flowing robe, growing facial hair, wearing straw hats, etc. However, his attempts at disguise weren't always fool proof and he would always be found by bouty hunters one way or another. But one group of bounty hunters were especially tough and Kouhei woke up the next morning finding all of them dead with no memory of half of the fight. When the Sanbi spoke to him again, Kouhei decided he needed to work out a symbiotic relationship to the beast inside him.

While unable to remove the seal on him, he was able to alter it somewhat and allow a greater flow of chakra from the beast into his body. He then altered his tattoos to reflect the altering of the seal.

Currently, Kouhei is traveling between the outskirts of other nations and staying away from any large village.

Bloodline: Kouhei has inherited his clan's gift at using ink based justu's.

Notable Jutsu: Kouhei uses ink based jutsu's that are unique from most other types of jutsu's.

Great Seal: The seal on Kouhei's stomach is what is currently sealing the Three-Tailed Beast inside of him. After a little tampering, Kouhei has made it slightly easier to allow chakra to leak through the seal.
Ink manipulation: Kouhei is able to move ink around without touching it. He can use this to forge documents and use it at a distance for various other activities.
Man-Beast Seal Release: Kouhei managed to set it up so as to temporarily reverse the seal's effect, but it will reactivate normally after a short amount of time.

Special Abilities:

Kouhei is the host to the Three-Tailed Beast.
Kouhei is able to create ink within his body from what he eats and then stores it for later use.
Kouhei is a expert with Taijutsu. Using the combination of his ink based jutsu's, he has infused the tattoo's around his body with his chakra. This has allowed a secondary chakra like network which he can distribute his chakra throughout his body. He has developed a unique style of fighting with this result.

The Ten Marks are ten stages of his fighting. As he unlocks a "mark", the "O"s around his arms will glow blue with chakra in response. For example, if he activates the first mark, the "O"s on the top of his hands will glow blue and give him extra ability as a result from the chakra. If he were to increase it to the third mark, the glow on both arms will extend up to the third "O" and he will have all three "O"s glowing with chakra. However, the higher the mark, the faster it drains his chakra. The Ten Marks are as follows and grant him each ability listed and strengthens the abilites the previous marks had granted him.

Mark 1: This mark grants Kouhei enhanced speed.
Mark 2: This mark grants Kouhei enhanced strength.
Mark 3: This mark grants Kouhei enhanced stamina.
Mark 4: This mark increases Kouhei's reaction time to movements and attacks that the enemy might do.
Mark 5: This Mark is used just to increase the effects of the 4 previous Marks.
Mark 6: This Mark speeds up the healing rate of injuries that Kouhei takes. However, it doesn't stop poison and too much use of this ability could shorten Kouhei's lifespan.
Mark 7: This Mark fortifies the strength of his skin, making it as hard as rock.
Mark 8: This Mark causes huge amounts of chakra flowing though Kouhei's body. He is able tor release some of it in short bursts that can be used to push things back.
Mark 9: This Mark is the final Mark the lights up on his arms and it's located on his shoulders. It is used to increase the abilites of the 8 previous Marks.
Mark 10: This is the final Mark. When activated, the tattoos on both his chest and back will glow with the chakra running though him. Kouhei's eyes will even glow blue with Chakra. This results in a massive amount of chakra being released from his body in a surrounding aura that shields him from most attacks and in addition to total enhancement of the previous mark abilites. However, Kouhei cannot stay in this stance for very long and will always leave him exhasted when he releases himself from this mark. He may merge himself to the Bijuu's chakra and run it's chakra through him instead. However, the strain on his body is not lessened at all and it only grants a longer activation period.

Negative side effects from using the Marks
Mark 1, 2, & 3: Kouhei has conditioned himself to use these Marks without any negative feedback.
Mark 4: Kouhei can use this mark without negative feedback for atleast ten minutes. Afterwards, he starts getting tired.
Mark 5: Kouhei can use this mark for less than a minute without negative feedback. Afterwards he starts getting tired. If he continiues to use this mark for a while longer, his muscles and joints will start to ache.
Mark 6: Kouhei will start feeling tired almost instantly after this mark. He will not show his exhastion until either 5 minutes pass or he drops down to a lower mark from his increased stamina.
Mark 7: Kouhei will tire faster in this Mark. In addition, after three minutes of constantly using this mark, his insides will start to give out. Minor internal bleeding as well as coughing up some blood will be a result.
Mark 8: Kouhei can use this for 1 minute before more serious effects from Mark 7 start to affect him.
Mark 9: Kouhei's muscles and bones will start to break from the increadible speed and chakra pressure they are under while in this Mark. His enhanched healing ability will repair these right away, but they will exhaust Kouhei more quickly.
Mark 10: Kouhei's entire body is under alot of pressure from the rapid amount of chakra. After fifteen seconds, coughing up blood will result. After thirty seconds, Kouhei will pass out from the sudden depletion of chakra.
Bijuu Mark: Kouhei will experience the same effects using the bijuu's chakra during the tenth mark. However, the side effects will be delayed to coughing up blood after 45 seconds and passing out after 1 minute and thirty seconds.

Seal Mergence: If Kouhei is nearly out of chakra, he will merge the stubs of the seal to connect to the chest chakra. This will result in the Three-Tailed Beasts Chakra flowing though his tattoos instead. The Beasts chakra is orange and the tattoos and chakra being released will glow in resemblance to that color. The amount of chakra is so great that the tattoos are extended throughout his body.

2010-04-30, 12:26 PM
Name/Rank: Kinjo Ai, wandering ninja
Classification: Unknown (Technically A rank, but she's not in any bingo book)
Birthdate: 1st of April
Age: 27
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 143 lbs.
Gender: Female
Blood type: O-
Affiliation/Kage: ???

Appearance: Ai is an unimposing, pale woman. If she bothered to hide the glaring dark shades under her eyes, she could easily pass for a teenager - of either gender, as she's (by her own words) "flat as an ironing board", has a gaunt face and tends to wear heavy clothing. Usually, it's the hips that give her away.

Ai has greenish-grey eyes; they tend to be half-closed, giving the impression she's either looking down on you or constantly daydreaming. She keeps her brown hair in a tight bun, and often wears a straw hat. Her usual attire consists of sarashi, trousers and a thick tunic both made of thick cotton and coloured orange brown, a pair of sandals plus a warm frieze overcoat in cold weather.

Personality: Ai is a hermit, preferring to stay away from other people. He visits towns only passingly, buying whatever she happens to need before moving back to the wilds. Despite her avoidant personality, she has a strong sense of justice, and will do her best to correct perceived wrongs. She's especially fierce about protecting children.

However, there's a darker side to her, much due to the influence of the Ichibi. Seeing blood makes her very excited - in the sense of becoming very hungry, and wanting to strike sharp objects trough people's guts. The instinct to kill eat other people appals her, and she constantly berates herself for such desires. There have been occasions where the thrill of battle or hunt has made her lose it, and she's deeply afraid of such lapses in control.

Background: Ai was born in Land of Stone, though she only lived there for the first month of her life. For reasons she never dared to ask, her mother was forced to flee to Land of Rivers soon after her birth. Early years of her life were rather miserable - her mother was busy working to make ends meet, and only barely managed to take care of her child. Things changed when Ai was four and her mother married a wealthy merchant from Takumi village.

Ai always thought of her stepfather as kind of a prick, which probably wasn't helped by the man being putting her through all sorts of nasty exercises not really meant for a small child. Neither was she happy when her mother gave birth to her baby half-brother. The sucker always robbed all attention (and later on, toys) from her. What made it even more annoying was that the little bugger simply adored her.

Ai's life took a significant turn for the worse when she was twelve and overheard a heated conversation between her parents. She doesn't remember exact words anymore, but the argument was something about sending her away before something bad would happen. At some point, her mother became hysterical, and the stepfather hit her so hard it broke her nose and drew blood... next thing Ai remembers is how her mother was desperately trying to drag her away from the mauled body of her stepfather.

Though her stepfather lived, the aftermath of the event lead to her mother sending Ai away with a merchant caravan, under the supervision of an old friend from Land of Stone. Said "old friend" was the most awful stick-in-the-mud old man ever, and continued in the vein of Ai's stepfather what came to demanding training regimes. After five years of suffering the geezer and working as a dancer for a travelling troupe, Ai decided she's had enough and could survive on her own. She left the caravan and abandoned the family name of her stepfather, taking on the name of Kinjo, supposed maiden name of her mother. Since then, she has made a living by working as a courier, hunter, artist or a martial arts teacher, whatever has suited her whim.

Bloodline: None.

Elemental affinities: Lightning, Water

Notable Jutsu:

Alluring Grace: A mix of athletic prowess and low-key Genjutsu, this technique will usually leave foes staring with their jaws on the floor as Ai dances to them and kicks them in the head.

I'm not the girl you're looking for: Ai is firm on the opinion that her life is no business of anyone else, but some curious dolts still persist. Because of this, she has developed and mastered a Genjutsu which makes the victim utterly lose interest in her, and sometimes, even forget she exists.

Waterbending: Ai can make existing water whirl around herself in wide arcs; this is useful for diverting other Suiton techniques, splashing water in an opponent's eyes or just staying dry in the rain.

Shocking Performance: a mix of Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, it makes it look like Ai's shrouded in thunder clouds and crackling with lightning, while making the onlooker feel very, very small. Unfortunately, the display is only half-illusory; its ending involves zapping the target with enough electiricity to cause heart malfunction.

Ninjutsu: In addition to above, Ai knows some movement jutsus and the basics taught in ninja academies worldwide. It's never been her strong area and she has little interest in improving it.

Genjutsu: Dispelling illusions is her greatest strenght, but Ai has some natural talent in other forms of genjutsu as well. She excells in making people forget or misperceive things.

Taijutsu: Ai is very strong for her size, and is extremely flexible and tenacious. She's especially mean kicker, utilizing her low centre of mass to its fullest. Grappling and redirecting the movements of her opponents are also her strong areas. She has some skill with basic weapons like staves and kunai.

Special Abilities:

Self-Sufficient: Courtesy of the Ichibi, Ai is an instinctive hunter and can easily manage herself in the wilds. Her ability to track down prey puts many dedicated hunters to shame.

Terrific Dancer: Partially to hone her physical expertise, partially to help her make money, Ai's training included dancing to a great extent. Thus, she's mastered many different dances, from mundane to exotic. Not that she bothers to display her skills much, anymore.

Ichibi Jinchuuriki: Ai has had the One-Tailed Shrike within her from birth, even though she's never really understood its significance - no-one ever explained to her how special it actually is, and its not exactly a thing she likes to talk about. She considers the beast almost a part of her own being, even though its clearly malicious and inhuman.

When leaking out, the beast's chakra is initially blood red, though it starts to change into dark clouds when Ai starts to assume the form of the Shrike.

Aspects of the Beast: over the years, Ai has learned to partially shapeshift to the Shrike. Even though she hates how it makes her feel, she has little qualms about using the ability if her life depends on it. She can also assume the aspects accidentally if her bloodlust is about to overcome her.

Wings of Thunder: This aspect gathers the chakra clouds around Ai's arm, coalescing them into two, giant wings. The most obvious ability granted by them is flight, but they are also extremely strong, capable of sending grown men tumbling across the landscape and causing winds strong enough to bend trees. Ai can also use them to shield herself or others from attacks, as they are very resilient to injury and heal with great speed. However, striking Ai's arms trough the clouds can cripple the wings and her ability to fly.

Talons of Steel: The aspect Ai uses most often, it grows long, razor sharp talons on her feet. Synergy with her taijutsu style is obvious.

Feathers of Snow and Ash: This aspect grows a white down over Ai's chest and stomach, and grey feathers over her back and shoulders. These are icy cold, and also dampen any blows directed at her. They provide most protection against Katon jutsu.

Beak of Iron: This aspect grows a strong beak over Ai's face, accompanied by a black mask of feathers around her eyes. Besides deflecting blows, the beak can be used for offense. It's sharp enough to cut through light armor, and strong enough to break bones if she gets a good bite.

The more aspects Ai takes, the more she acts like the Butcher of Heavens. If she assumes them all at once, she runs the risk of losing control and becoming the Shrike for a while, usually until the beast decides to sleep.


Nicknames: Butcher of Heavens, Bird of Thunder, Herald of Rain

Description: The Ichibi is remarkably ordinary looking, appearing as a great grey shrike (http://www.djsphotography.co.uk/images/Europe/Southern-Great-Grey-Shrike-.jpg), with two expections. First, it only has one, very long tail-feather, and second, it's the size of a small fortress. Reportedly, its wings can blot out the sun when it takes flight, and it is told the have torn ships and warmachines asunder with its beak and talons. Dark clouds follow the bird where ever it goes, causing rain, snowfall and thunderstorms depending on the area.

Due to being one of the fastest flying creatures in the world, the Ichibi was widely known before its capture, and it harassed all the major countries in turn. During the first ninja war, it was captured by Sunagakure, but was never put on the battlefield. After this, accounts become hazy. Supposedly, the bloodthirstiness of the Ichibi made it problematic to keep in one host for too long, and it was passed down on multiple people - only Suna leadership would know for sure.

Next time the Ichibi was sighted for certain was during the second ninja war, curiously enough in the ranks of Iwagakure - whether they had stolen Ichibi from Suna or bartered it in some odd exchange is not public knowledge. Nevertheless, the Iwa jinchuuriki Kinjo Arata reached great notorierity during the conflict. Also known as "the Impaler" after his favored method of dealing with his "prey", many wild rumours abounded of the man. Most notably, he was told to eat bodies of the fallen.

Arata defected shorly after beginning of the third ninja war. Numerous squads were sent after him, but those who came back returned empty handed. Both the man and the beast within seemed to vanish in thin air; to this day, there's a standing bounty on any information of the man's whereabouts.

2010-05-17, 09:51 PM
Michikara, Tsukiko (Last Name, First Name.)

Rank: Genin
Classification: Low B-Class
Age: 13
Height: 5’ 9”
Weight: "If I tell you, then I'd have to kill you."
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Konohagakure
Jutsu Affiliation: Lightning, Fire, Wind.
Theme Song: Hold On - Good Charlotte (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1xJR8RTZCU)

Appearance: Tsukiko has black hair that she keeps in a ponytail that points up in the back, and she keeps it up with several kunai, instead of what normal people use. Besides that, she wears a tan trench coat, with long sleeves, where she hides more weapons. She has bandages around her arms, and refuses to take them off at any time. Besides her trench coat, she wears a short skirt and a odd looking shirt. The shirt is black, and seems to be something like a turtle-neck, but it has some armor at various vulnerable places. She wears a sword on her back, which surprises most people, as it's a katana, and she uses it with more skill then benefits her stature and status.

Backstory: While Tsukiko was not born in the Land of Fire, she lives there now. When she was born, and after the attack of the Seven-Tailed Fox, and it being sealed inside her, her family decided to start a new life in the Land of Fire, where she would not face prejudice. Unfortunately, they ran into many hardships along the way, and only she and her father made it to the land of fire. Upon entering the village, her father barely made it to the orphanage where she grew up, upon which he dropped dead.

Tsukiko proceeded to live her life as an orphan, cursing her family for betraying her by dying. This anger, along with the demon inside her, allowed her to access her chakra, and she nearly cried when she was allowed into the academy. Unfortunately, despite her best hopes, she wasn't very good at the academy. When she graduated, she was ranked 27th out of 27.

Dead last.

Tsukiko didn't let this upset her, she nearly cried when she recieved her headband. Instead of joining a team, she was shocked by being apprenticed to the Wolf Summoner, and great Sannin, Kotetsu Getsuga. She proceeded to work with Kotetsu for some time, honing her abilities, and she turned out to be a fine ninja, much better than she was when she left. Kotetsu returned with her to Konohagakure with his recommendation for Chuunin, as well as several incredible skills.

Personality: Tsukiko is very lonely. While she hides her loneliness with a cold-hearted, mean exterior, she is, in reality, frightened of what might happen if she opens up to people. She thinks that she'll just be let down again, like her family let her down, and refuses to open up easily.

Bloodline: Unlike most of her class, Tsukiko has no bloodline, and got where she is now through training with Kotetsu.

Notable Jutsu:

Summoning Jutsu: Kotetsu taught Tsukiko how to summon his wolves, and through sheer willpower, Tsukiko has managed to control all the way up to his Wolves of Combat, which are around ten feet long, have black fur, and wear armor on their heads and legs. The one she usually summons is named "Gamiko", and he's a rather sarcastic bastard to her.

Rasengan: While Takata invented the Rasengan, Tsukiko is incredibly skilled at it. She managed to master it in a very short amount of time, and Kotetsu suspects she was helped by the Demon Fox inside of her.

Chidori: Chidori is one of Tsukiko's personal favorite justus, as it reacts well with her Taijutsu style. Unfortunately, because of her lack of Getsuga's eyes, she cannot use it to it's full potential.

Tenkaenshi: Tsukiko created this jutsu herself. She creates a massive amount of energy in her arms, and she forces it into the ends of both her hands. By doing this, she creates what seems like lightning bolts emitting from her hands, and she can attack the enemy with them. Unfortunately, after using this technique, she will fall unconscious in a few minutes, as it takes a lot out of her, because it uses only her chakra, not the Demon Fox's.


Ninjutsu: Tsukiko specializes in fire and lightning jutsus, and uses wind jutsu merely to use Shunsin at high speeds. Unfortunately, because of the demon inside her, Tsukiko's justus are often far more powerful then she truly wants them to be.

Taijutsu: Tsukiko uses a strange style of taijutsu, called the hebi style. Very few people know the style, and it's pretty much her master and her who can use it at it's full power. The style requires you to be in constant motion, and it's incredibly unpredictable, as where you are a minute ago is not where you are in the next second.

Genjutsu: Genjutsu is the area Tsukiko's training has been drastically neglected. Because Kotetsu's ideology was "Real Ninjas don't need illusions!", he never taught her anything about them.

Chakra Control: Thanks to her demon seal, Tsukiko had very poor chakra control. Fortunately, after Kotetsu helped her out a bit, her chakra control got a lot better, and she can now use a decent number of fire and lightning jutsus.

Kenjutsu: Tsukiko's Kenjutsu (Sword Jutsu) is half decent. She mainly uses it to block, rather than attack.

Special Abilities:

Sword Style: Getsuga: Kotetsu did not teach Tsukiko only the hebi style. He also introduced her to his personal sword style, Getsuga. This style is the opposite of the hebi style, as you barely move to use most of the attacks. When you do move, however, it seems that you're moving at rapid speeds, as most styles put all into attack, this one puts it all into speed, so you can be faster then your opponent, albeit weaker.

Wolf Contract: Tsukiko has a contract with the wolf clan, allowing her to summon them to her side. She currently can summon one of the two Battle Commanders, Gamiko, and most of the lesser wolves. Wolves get along with birds and foxes, but loathe tigers and lions with a passion.

Fox Release: Because of the Seven-Tailed inside her, Tsukiko has an awful lot of chakra stored inside her. She can draw on this chakra when she feels she is going to lose, thanks to Kotetsu constant badgering her to have a chat with the Fox, whose name is Nukari.

Getsuga, Kotetsu (Last Name, First Name)

Rank: Sannin
Classification: S-Class
Age: 29
Height: 5’11”
Weight: "I'll weigh whatever you want me to weigh ladies."
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Konohagakure
Jutsu Affiliation: All of them.
Theme Song: Crazy Angel - Kill Hannah (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tcp3G4LiBj4)


Kotetsu is often described as "Oh, he's soooo handsome!" He has blonde hair that seems to be spiked arbitrarily, but some of these spikes fall over his face, adding an aura of mystery, He has bright green eyes, and a red teardrop underneath one of them, his Copy Eye, which if you look closely, appears to have several stars in the pupil. He's usually smirking, and he has what women seem to think is "such a handsome scar" from his right eye just barely touching his nose. He wears a trench coat much like Tsukiko's, albeit black, a hakama, and some strange pair of pants and shoes. He calls them "jeans and sneakers". Everyone else calls them "crazy clothes". He carries around a sword much like Tsukiko's, set at his waist. and a scarf that he makes fly with a seal he put on it. Yes, he has that much time on his hands.


Kotetsu is a joker, a womanizer, and according to Tsukiko "The biggest bastard you'll ever meet." He enjoys messing around with people, but when he is serious, he is nearly unstoppable in battle. He takes apart his enemies systematically, breaking them to pieces.


Kotetsu comes from a fairly rich merchant family. He graduated the ninja academy at the top of his class, and had a good many friends. He was trained by the Sandaime Hokage, along with the other Sannin of the Leaf Village. When the Chuunin exams came around, Kotetsu won with finesse and style. He became a Jounin around a year later, but he became a Sannin for something entirely different...

A murderer killed his family, using genjutsu. Every ninja questioned how this was possible, and Kotetsu went after the murderer, with the permission of the Hokage. He discovered the man's techniques, and slew him, but not before using his skills at sealing to put the man's techniques into a scroll. He presented this scroll to the Hokage, and was granted the title of Sannin, due to his prowess at various ninjutsus, and his accomplishment.

Bloodline: Like Tsukiko, Kotetsu has no bloodline, and became Sannin out of his own talents.

Notable Jutsu:

Illusion Sealing Jutsu: Kotetsu uses the power he stole from the Genjutsu murderer against his enemies, and this makes his genjutsu real. He rarely uses it, as because of that murderer, Kotetsu loathes genjutsu with a passion.

Radiant Blade: Kotetsu does a ricochet chakra pass with his blade, going back and forth until it becomes too much, and the chakra blasts out of the end of his sword.

Chidori: Kotetsu is the inventor of the Chidori technique, and because he stole the eye of the Genjutsu murderer, who had the Copy Cat Bloodline, he was able to use it to it's full potential.

Destructive Fire Jutsu: While all fire is destructive, Kotetsu's technique makes it even more so. The fire doesn't appear to ever stop burning, even when put under intense pressure, and only halts when the user seems to demand it to. However, Water Jutsu can put it out, but only for a short time.

Summoning Jutsu: Unlike Tsukiko, Kotetsu can summon the master wolf instantaneously. The master wolf, named Kotone, is a dangerous beast that has fought many battles for him, and will always be prideful. The only way to sign the Contract with him is if you're recommended by his previous master.

Special Abilities:

Copy Eye: Because of the eye that he stole from the Genjutsu murderer, Kotetsu can copy techniques that other ninjas use. This is his main ability, and the only one he uses constantly.

Ninjutsu: Like any good Sannin, Kotetsu is incredibly skilled at ninjutsu, possibly equalling, if not surpassing, the Sandaime Hokage.

Genjutsu: While Kotetsu is good at Genjutsu, he refuses to use it because of the murder from his past.

Taijutsu: Like Tsukiko, Kotetsu uses the hebi style of Taijutsu, and is the only one better than her at it.

Sword Style: Getsuga: The inventor of this style of swordfighting, Kotetsu uses it to increase his speed to crazy-fast level, and can cut opponents three times for every one they cut him.

Analyzing Freak: Kotetsu analyzes situations incredibly quickly, and quickly notices facts that would slip by others.

2010-05-20, 06:08 PM
Name/Rank: Akio Yoshifuku (昭夫 吉福), Jounin

Classification: A-Class
Age: 20
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 220
Gender: Male
Blood type: AB+
Affiliation/Kage: Sunagakure

Appearance: Akio has a smooth, slim, handsome and masculine face. His chin, cheek bones and jaw line are all well defined. Essentially it is a soft version of the standard chiselled dreamy face. He often wears a small playful smile and a look of contentment and calm. He has a thick long unkempt mane of light bright blue hair. It comes off as fashionably messy and gives him a rugged appearance. His bangs are slicked back and to the sides of his face. His eyes are also the same shade of blue. His mannerisms make him seem supremely confident and composed even in desperate situations. They could be mistaken for arrogance but they mainly suggest he simply isn’t worried about anything and is entirely above concern for the world around him. In addition he gives off a conflicting aura of trustworthiness and mischievousness as well as approachability. Something about him says he’s a nice honest guy but he isn’t someone to underestimate or cross. His voice sounds very manly, rich, slick and smooth but in a charming way. Each word he says sounds quite deliberate, methodical and nonchalant. They effortlessly roll off his tongue matter-of-factly. When speaking in an endearing tone he can off as sappy or sickeningly sweet. Even when he yells his voice is calm, firm and still contains some of his verbal swagger. He wears a plain pair of athletic pants, a tank-top and comfortable shoes that are all the same colour of his hair which represents his flamboyant casual nature. He has a slender, muscular and aesthetically pleasing physique. His skin is lightly tanned. Akio's headband is fastened tightly to the midsection of his right bicep.

Personality: Akio is a friendly soul with a breezy demeanor. He is practically the personification of his elemental affinity. He is easygoing, energetic, playful, loud and spontaneous like a wild gust of wind. He is also internally calm, gentle and capable of being quiet and comforting like a pleasant breeze. Akio is very rational and mentally composed but he enjoys acting spirited as if he were ruled by his emotions. He values friendship and his freedom more than anything else. He has no special goals in life other than the standard ones such as improving one’s skills, making friends and enjoying life. Fame and fortune in and of themselves are of no consequence to him but he might pursue such things for fun or to use them to help others. Akio doesn’t think highly of himself but he might jokingly boast of his abilities or berate others. He is extremely confident and fearless. He enjoys fighting and training. He doesn’t naturally sympathize with or feel obligated to help the needy but he can be incredibly kind to his friends and occasionally strangers in a whimsical way.

Bloodline: None
Elemental Affinity: Wind

Notable Jutsu: (Creative naming isn’t his strong suit.)
Wind Diversion: There are two versions of this technique. He must use his limbs to make either work. The first causes a single powerful wave of wind to manifest near and in front of him which blows projectiles off course and to either his right or left. This form is used by holding out one of his arms and moving it in the direction he wants the wind to take. The second causes a triangular wave of wind to blow forwards in an attempt to split a single large projectile jutsu in two or many small projectiles to disperse and flow to the right and left of him. This form is used by holding both of his arms out in front of his body and bringing them together to form a triangle shape. The idea behind having a second version is that an attack may be so large and strong that it would be easier to split it in two and have it flow closely around him than to move it drastically off course to one side.

Wind Fist: Channels wind into his punches to increase their concussive force in order to knock the air out of his opponents.

Wind Step: Channels wind into his legs which greatly improves his movement speed, vertical and horizontal jumping distance, and cushions his footsteps so that he makes less noise while moving at high speeds or landing from great heights. In addition wind around him is used to muffle the sounds his movements generate in general.

Wind Distraction: Causes wind to blow throughout an area with enough force to be audible but not very loud and to rustle leaves, small branches and other light objects so that a person’s movements can be concealed within the commotion.

Wind Push: A close range blast of wind emanates from his fist that is meant to send a person flying a great distance. It is harmful but isn’t as strong as a use of the Wind Fist jutsu since it's primarily meant to move the opponent.

Wind Throw: Allows him to throw objects with great speed and force by empowering them with wind. It can be used in a grapple to throw opponents even if they are quite heavy by causing wind to lower the amount of weight he actually has to lift and by helping to propel the opponent away from him after being released.

Wind Suction: Allows him to suck the air out of a person’s body through their open mouth after managing to directly apply a hand to it and sustain the hold for a moment. This technique can naturally be resisted so it isn’t likely to be used in actual combat. It could have lethal implications but it is supposed to be used to knock people unconscious that are already defeated and helpless or to quickly exhaust them so they can't fight back since extreme oxygen deprivation is obviously quite debilitating. Alternatively the technique could be applied through sustained mouth to mouth contact resulting in a deep kiss that would literally take one's breath away.

Wind Restraint: Allows him to apply wind pressure to a completed grappling or pinning manoeuver to hold a person in place. It either pushes the opponent towards the surface it’s pinned against or it presses him and his opponent together from all sides.

Wind Retreat: Creates a blast of wind in front of him that propels his body and allows him to horizontally jump backwards great lengths.

Wind Repulsion: Causes wind to shoot out from his body in all directions and push back anything near him.

Wind Sensor: Allows him to direct wind to flow out from his position and use it to detect the shape and position of concealed or invisible objects/people. The wind blows harmlessly over everything near him and acts like fingers that allow him to feel where things are which would help him deal with illusions since he has no other special countermeasures for them.

Ninjutsu: Akio is most skilled at using short range wind jutsu that modify his unarmed techniques. He knows the basic techniques expected of a ninja but he has only significantly trained in wind based jutsu.
Genjutsu: Akio is only capable of using the most basic forms of genjutsu and is largely untrained in this area.
Taijutsu: Akio excels at unarmed taijutsu more than anything else. He is faster, stronger and more enduring than the average ninja of his rank.
Chakra Control: Akio is only good at internal and short range chakra manipulation. He lacks fine control for precision usage which is easy to gleam from his list of notable jutsu. He has plenty of chakra for his rank and is very efficient in its use.

Moon Wolf
2010-05-22, 02:00 PM
Character Consolidation Post- (so I can fit all of my characters into my signature!)

Hamake Miragata
Name: Hamake Miragata
Rank: Jounin
Classification: A class
Age: Twenty-one
Birthdate: May 3rd
Height: 5'7"
Weight: Unknown-she'd kill you if you asked
Gender: Female
Blood type: AB
Affiliation: primarily Sunagakure, but was sent to Konohagakure by Lord Kazekage to strengthen relationships between the two villages and..... other....things....
Theme song: Darkside of the Sun-Tokio Hotel

Appearance: Miragata appears to be a more laid-back personality type. She has wavy waist-length auburn hair that she puts in a bun, but a few strands always seem to escape in the breeze. She wears her headband around her neck, and doesn't wear anything flashy. She usually wears the standard uniform of a Suna jounin (with a few slight modifications here and there, it really depends on how she's feeling), but will sometimes pull a sweater over her uniform on colder days. She'll never ever be seen wearing the customary desert headdress, though. Her eyes are hazel-coloured, with a hint of green. She carries two 3/4 length katanas strapped to her back. Her forearms have black tattoos used for summoning purposes. What gives away her appearance, however, is the long, thin, vertical scar on her face, running from beyond the hairline, and down over her left ear.


Personality: Having the laid-back attitude that she does, Miragata carries the gift of patience, which enables her to always calmly think through any situation, whether it's what to buy for dinner, or how to defeat a high-ranking foe. Miragata isn't exactly fond of fighting, but she doesn't shy away from it either. She believes that there is always room for improvement, and so can often be found in remote areas practising and perfecting her ninjutsu. Miragata doesn't love to be the center of attention, she actually finds it to be quite annoying, which is why she prefers to stay in the background most of the time. She is also the youngest person in Sunagakure to acheive jounin level-she acheived jounin rank a day before her fifteenth birthday. It is not quite certain yet, but it is believed that she will be chosen as the Kazekage's sucessor.

Bloodline: The Hamake clan possesses a very unique kekkei genkai: by using wind and lightning style together, light style is created. This style has been used by the Hamake for many years, giving it time to be mastered, and for new jutsu to be created with it. It is estimated that the Hamake created approximately twenty-nine different jutsu with this style, although Miragata can use only eight of those.

Notable Jutsu: Miragata is the only ninja in Konohagakure to use the light style (other members of her family that use it are in Sunagakure). This unique trait sets her apart from the other jounin. This jutsu uses the sun's rays and bends them to form the shapes and jutsu used. Out of the eight light-style techniques that Miragata can use, she has four favourites.

Senkousenrou no jutsu (Thousand Beams Prison Jutsu)- a jutsu which creates beams of light across the sky which Miragata is able to walk on, which greatly increases her range. Also, if she has enough chakra, she can make the beams vibrate at high speeds, in order to ensure that her enemy keeps their distance.

Me ga kuramuyouna tsurugi no jutsu (Blinding Sword Jutsu)- in this jutsu, the light that Miragata wields is placed around her swords, so that her swords have a more accurate, and cleaner cut. It also increases the swords' range, and well as their cutting power.

Amano tsurugi no jutsu (Heaven's Blade Jutsu)- a jutsu that might appear to be some type of teleportation jutsu, Miragata pours extra chakra into the light she uses to temporarily vanish and end up in another spot of her choice. This jutsu doesn't always go smoothly, because it requires great effort and much chakra in order for Miragata to be able to choose exactly where she wants to go. However, once perfected, Miragata will be able to vanish and instantly appear before her enemy.

Hankyouna sakebi no jutsu (Echoing Scream Jutsu)- this is almost a genjutsu. Waves of light are sent through the enemy's field of vision, causing temporary blindness. While the enemy is blinded, Miragata can bend the light little by little, causing the enemy to experience visions. Miragata can't use this jutsu as well as the others, and is in the process of perfecting it.

Jutsu Abilities: Miragata is a ninjutsu type, she has one genjutsu (Echoing Scream) that she can use, but if at all possible, she doesn't like to use genjutsu. She is fairly strong at taijutsu, but would rather use kenjutsu (the art of the sword).

Chakra Control: Since Miragata's kekkei genkai jutsu require large amounts of chakra, she was never able to control it very well. Her body just got used to pouring out all chakra available, which is why she tires rather quickly during battles. If she could acheive proper chakra control, she would become more skilled. Since she has weak chakra control, if there is a fight going on in an area close by, her own chakras will pick up other's chakra and simultaniously react.

Summoning: Miragata has a pact with the tigers, allowing her to summon one to fight alongside her in battle. However, since she only recently formed this pact, she does not always get along perfectly with whomever she summons.

Tactical and Weapons Abilities: Miragata isn't the type who decides to charge in without first gauging her opponent's strength. She always carefully watches her opponent, analyzing their strenghts and weaknesses. Only then does she form a strategy and apply it.

Miragata is profficient in the use of a sword, and her clan have always been paritcular to swordsmanship, so she was taught from a young age. However, she is the most gifted kenjutsu master in all of Sunagakure (and perhaps other villages too). She dislikes using things like kunai or shuriken, and so rarely refers to her holster. Her swords are indeed chakra blades, but she only ever uses this ability when using her kekkei genkai. She likes to use kenjutsu to assess her opponent's strengths and blind spots before using her kekkei genkai.

Kiriyama Alilah
Name/Rank: Kiriyama Alilah, missing-nin
Classification: S-class
Birthdate: September 7
Age: 19 (A child prodigy)
Height: 5'5''
Weight: Unknown
Gender: Female
Blood Type: AB+


Former Takigakure

Theme Song: She Wolf-Shakira

Appearance: Alilah is fairly muscular, and is always seen wearing the customary Shoku uniform, with the trench coat open at the neck to reveal the standard ninja jounin shirt. Her skin is so pale that it's almost white. She has light blond hair that's almost white as well. It's naturally curly and sleek, and goes to about her belly button. Her eyes are a cold, piercing gray, and they seem to be looking right through you. She wears her headband tied around her left arm, with the plaque facing outwards. She wears her mask sometimes, but only when she wishes to openly declare that she is a member of the Shoku. Her mask is slim with her pointed chin and small pointed nose. It's the standard black mask. Although, Alilah's nonetheless not too happy about that. But she's good at keeping that to herself.



Personality: Your typical evil mastermind. Alilah is cold, calm, and calculating, and never makes the first move. She generally keeps quiet during discussions, usually speaking only to correct another or to put them down. She is rather shy, but will open up to a close friend. She prefers to fight alone as supposed to being part of a team or squad; which is one of the lesser reasons why she joined Shoku: to be left alone. The main reason was that she disliked her village, disliked the "false peace" that the people were being persuaded to live with.

Bloodline: The Kiriyama clan have no specific bloodline, although Alilah does by chance possess kekkei genkai. She inherited water style from one side of the family, and wind style from the other. She uses them together to form ice style.

Notable Jutsu:

Suiton: Hoonjougo. (Water release: Water funnel.) This jutsu requires a large amount of chakra, or a large amount of water in the proximity. Still, it is Alilah's trump card, and she doesn't use it often. Hoonjougo creates a swirling vortex of water that looks just like a tornado. The point of the funnel starts at Alilah's hands, and she can wield the funnel like a whip. Once an enemy is caught in the funnel, escape is almost always impossible. However, the drawback of this jutsu is that Alilah can only use it when she has over 75% of her chakra, or if there is a large body of water around.

Hyouton: Hi no yoroi. (Ice release: Ice armor.) Hi no yoroi is a defensive jutsu, and can be quickly set up to protect against blind spot, aerial, frontal, combo, or underground attacks. As it's name indicates, hi no yoroi covers Alilah's body in a sheet of frozen ice in order to repel attacks. It works well against taijutsu and ninjutsu, but has little to no effect over genjutsu. It is strongest against taijutsu, water style, and wind style. However, it cancels out against fire style. (Meaning fire style can destroy the armor, but the fire jutsu itself will be destroyed as well.)

Hyouton: Senshi Reitou no Tantou. (Ice release: Thousand Frozen Daggers.) This jutsu creates sharp, thin, spears of ice that can move at incredible speeds. These spears are similar to ninja senbon, but larger and faster. They can be deadly when they hit a vital organ, and can tear off limbs with a precise hit. They drawback is that they are smashed rather easily by a skilled ninja.

Ninjutsu: Alilah's primary function. She usually resorts to using her kekkei genkai.

Taijutsu: Alilah also likes to use taijutsu, to start off battles and "warm herself up".

Genjutsu: Alilah just plain doesn't use it.

Lord Raziere
2010-05-22, 06:27 PM
Name: Shushennin
Rank and Classification: Jounin, A-Rank.
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Kumogakure
Appearance: He has combed-back black hair and jet blue eyes, he is is tall and imposing, forever having this creepy smile on his face, he wears normal ninja clothes and carries no weapons, not even kunai or shuriken
Personality: Shushennin is vicious and tactical. He is ruthless in combat, doing whatever he needs to do to win, he loves to battle and to kill. However he seems goalless and kinda empty, he talks as if he is some kind of intellectual but seems to be nothing but a brute.

Ninjutsu: none
Genjutsu: basic capability
Taijutsu: outstanding. We are talking "Rock Lee"-level taijutsu, except smarter; Shushennin's entire fighting style revolves around forcing the opponent into pure hand-to-hand combat so they can't form hand seals and whip out some genjutsu or ninjutsu, thus locking them out of two-thirds of their combat capability and putting them on the defensive. It is very dangerous to get close to him in combat.

Weaknesses: He has no ranged attack capability and no ninjutsu, he has even forgotten some basic academy techniques over the years of specialized taijutsu training, if you can keep yourself at range and wear him down long enough you can win.

2010-07-12, 06:44 PM
Ishikawa Eiji, Genin, Hidden Leaf
Name/Rank: Ishikawa Eiji (石川 英治, Last Name First)
Classification: D-Class (Genin)
Birthdate: 17 June
Age: 14
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120
Gender: Male
Blood type: O
Affiliation/Kage: Konohagakure

Appearance: Eiji is seldom, if EVER, seen without his trademark scarf, a pale, almost-white yet faintly blue Silk number that was given to him by his Mother when he graduated from the Ninja Academy. Eiji has always had a strong affinity for Scarves, even from a very young age, and always insisted on wearing one of his surprisingly diverse collection even on hot, muggy days... even to the point of wearing one while going swimming with friends. His favorite one, though, is special; four strings of colored and specially shaped beads dangle from one side of the scarf, sometimes clicking softly together when he moves.

In addition to this, Eiji proudly wears his Konoha ninja headband, fingerless ninja-plated gloves, loose baggy shorts beneath his standard shuriken holster and belt pouch, and black ninja sandals. Though he has long wanted a ninja-to, to be carried horizontally across the back of his waistline, his Mother insists that they are 'too dangerous' and that 'he might get one when he's older'. Eiji's t-shirts change from day to day, often sporting such questionable witticisms as "Your Village Called, They Want Their Idiot Back", "This Shirt Needs More Cowbell", "I'm On A Boat", and "I See Dumb People Reading My Shirts." His honey-brown hair does spike a little bit, but he does his best to discourage this behavior, as spiky hair is 'overused' and 'trite' (in his own words). Eiji has sharp, observant sea-green eyes, though they can grow distant and unreachable if he's left by himself for a while.

Personality: Eiji's strongest positive personality trait is his Adaptability; he is quick to learn and easy to befriend, a good team-player, but just as adept at working by himself. He is reluctant to lead, quick to recognize someone else's leadership, but also ready to understand and react when others are looking to him for direction. However, these traits are not always in perfect balance, and can lead to indecision and second-guessing himself, stemming from healing self-confidence issues from his youth. Eiji responds very well to positive reinforcement, highlighting of things that he is doing well (even those just mentioned in passing), and works very hard to make his teachers proud of him. However, he has difficulty accepting constructive criticism in the helpful spirit in which it is most often given, tending to obsess over his flaws a little more than is healthy. When faced with competition Eiji remains light-hearted and unstressed, trying to do his honest best and (mostly) accepting the fact that there are many ninja who are much more skilled than he is, instead of fanatically trying to win at any cost.

In conversation he is polite and good-natured, though his sarcastic streak can flare up without warning. He tries to be especially considerate of the Females around him, loving to rush to the rescue of the quintessential Damsel in Distress, but this sometimes gets him in trouble when others assume that he thinks Females are any weaker than their Male counterparts. Though he is quick to make 'Friends', he is somewhat slower to truly Trust another person, and has difficulties opening up about the way he feels about things. It comes as a surprise to him, then, when others might come to Trust him long before he feels he can return their confidence.

Eiji's Nindo, his Ninja Way, is "To Stand Firm in Defense of All That Is Precious to Me, No Matter What the Cost."

Bloodline: None.

Notable Jutsu/Fighting Style: In combat Eiji is largely Defensive and Reactionary, seldom going on the Offense, and usually only doing so after thoroughly feeling out his opponent's fighting style. He prefers to Dodge or Redirect instead of Blocking, as he lacks the physical strength to withstand very many solid hits, even if he does block in time. Eiji's style focuses heavily on close-range Taijutsu, strong in hand-to-hand combat and somewhat weaker at range. In recent years he has identified this weakness in his style, and has begun researching ways to increase his mobility to account for his short area of effect. Eiji is very quick and accurate in Taijutsu analysis, deconstructing an opponent's fighting style shortly and efficiently, and spotting the flaws to either exploit himself or inform teammates of.

Erimaki no Jutsu: Erimaki no Jutsu, or Scarf Techniques, are a series of hybrid ninjutsu/chakra control abilities that Eiji developed almost entirely by himself, without the benefit of a family bloodline or Secret Techniques passed down through his clan. Because of this, many of his Jutsu are understandably rough, but their relative simplicity helps Eiji to make them combat-effective despite his current inexperience.

Erimaki no Jutsu focus on the manipulation and utilization of his special Scarf using Chakra to move, control, and even extend the length in order to use the scarf as a weapon. The four strings of beads, each of them being Chakra foci attuned to his personal frequency, form three Fingers and a Thumb that are at least as dexterous and almost twice as strong as his own arms and hands. The most basic use of his talents he calls Third Arm Scarf, which simply gives himself a third arm capable of holding and even throwing ninja weapons as naturally as his own two arms (and with better range of motion-- there is no itch he cannot scratch). Eiji also has rudimentary jutsu for widening and hardening the scarf into a shield, extending the scarf to grab objects or opponents far out of reach, and others that are still in the development phase.

Ninjutsu: Ninjutsu is Eiji's second strongest subject, though he focuses almost all of his time and energy improving his Scarf Jutsus, instead of traditional Nin techniques. He is still capable of a few low-level Ninjutsu using his Wind-affinity chakra, but mostly lacks time to practice them because of his constant honing of his trademark techniques instead.

Taijutsu: If Ninjutsu is Eiji's second strongest ninja technique, Taijutsu is his strongest. Both armed, unarmed, and tri-armed, Martial Arts are Eiji's primary strength. Strength, in this case, referring to technique; unlike most Taijutsu practitioners Eiji does not boast rippling muscles or great amounts of physical strength, instead focusing on skilled application of his great speed and Dexterity to overcome a larger or stronger foe. Eiji's current pinnacle of Taijutsu is using his Third Arm Scarf Technique to triple-wield kunai or thrown shuriken, unbalancing most enemies who are used to fighting opponents with only two arms.

Genjutsu: Though he consciously understands the theories behind Genjutsu (or, most of them at least) Eiji does not have any skill for Genjutsu, barely able to maintain a single Illusory clone of himself much less anything more complicated. This extends to recognizing and dispelling other ninja's Genjutsu-- against Illusion techniques he is largely vulnerable, falling back on simple determination and little more to break free of them.

Chakra Control: Eiji's Chakra Control is superb, as a result of his constant practice with his Erimaki no Jutsu and the delicate control they require. His Chakra reserves are average for a Genin, nothing noteworthy in either direction. Eiji has trained some to increase his endurance by more efficiently utilizing his Chakra, but has much yet to learn in that area. What he lacks in efficiency, however, he makes up in Control; Eiji's precision and flexibility with Chakra applications is peerless among Genin. He has not yet been taught Tree Climbing or Water Walking jutsus, but will most likely pick them up quickly.

Innis Cabal
2010-07-17, 08:53 PM
Hiroshi Itsuki
Rank: Missing-Nin (technically)
Classification: N/A
Height: 6’ 11
Weight: Varies *see below*
Affiliation: Land of Iron, Abe Clan, Kirigakure

Appearance: Hiroshi Itsuki is a wild looking man, with long white hair pulled back into a simple pony tail though it remains unmanaged and hectic. Standing almost impossibly tall, Itsuki seems more suited for the life in the Land of Iron as opposed to the life of a Ninja, his long arms and legs oddly ill suited for the stealth one would associate with his line of work.

Personality: Itsuki is the comedic force within the Abe Clan and the shoulder in which many a member of the clan has turned to too cry on. Despite his wild appearance and teasing nature, Itsuki can be quite reserved and disciplined, capable of extended periods of silence and contemplation.
Notable Jutsu

Body Expansion Art: By pumping part of his body full of chakra, Itsuki can increase his already impressive physical strength into a single body part, his muscles swelling before launching the attack.

Second Stand Swing, The Samurai Art of Dawn: A complicated and deadly power of his blade art. Utilizing his chakra, he can extend the massive weapons cutting power even further, or condense it into a single powerful explosive attack.

Grip of the Deva: This jutsu seems to run at a constant level at all times. Its use greatly increases the strength and power of Itsuki’s Taijutsu, as well as allowing him to lift and carry things well beyond normal human limits.


Ninjutsu: Itsuki is decent with ninjutsu, though does not excel at their use

Genjutsu: Itsuki is passable with Genjutsu, though seems to not utilize them in any manner, shape or form.

Taijutsu: Itsuki is well versed in Taijutsu, using both his weapon and body in a strange dance of

Special Items and Powers

Seven Section Cross Blade, King of the Mountains and Rivers: Itsuki’s blade is in fact a myriad of other blades forged into a single slab of metal. Rumor states that each blade that was melted down was in fact a weapon wielded by an enemy he had slain prior to the weapons formation. The blade itself is longer than he is tall, an impressive eight feet of metal even he is not strong enough to use without powerful jutsu. The weapon can break apart into a massive series of chains and blades, used more like a whip then an actual blade.

Dragon Oil: A strange secretion that is created by the use of his jutsu, Dragon Oil is a highly flammable and slick substance that coats his body, giving it a dark tan appearance. Due to the many years of build up, Itsuki’s skin is leather like and tough.

2010-08-03, 08:38 PM
Name: 骸栗 (Karakuri, "Husk" - "Japanese Chestnut", but "Karakuri" also means "mechanism" (絡繰り)), or another name of your choice Deceased

Rank: (Your choice of village)

Classification: A-Class

Birthdate: (Your choice)
Age: (Your choice)
Height: (Your choice)
Weight: (Your choice)
Gender: (Your choice)
Blood type: (Your choice)
Affiliation/B]: (Your choice)

[B]Appearance: (Your choice)

Personality: (Your choice)

Bloodline: None

Notable Jutsu: Ninja puppeteers emphasize finesse and surprise, and so they train their fingers and equip their puppets likewise. Not so for [Karakuri]: he was considered to be a genius of puppets, and out of boredom he made a puppet that emphasized sheer strength and firepower. Because the puppet is so large and well-armored, [Karakuri] has elected to manipulate his puppet from the inside. As a result, he controls an iron giant from the inside, using chakra strings from his fingers to control the arms, strings from his feet to control the legs, and his thumbs to control the waist and hips (bending, twisting, etc).

The Furious War God Given Form: 毘沙門天 (Bishamonten) Bishamonten takes the form of a great suit of O Yoroi (http://www.asianart.org/samuraigallery/p7hg_img_1/fullsize/samurai-cat20_fs.jpg), made entirely of steel and tough wood and colored black and red. It stands, from feet to top of the helmet, approximately fifty feet high (15.2 meters), and carries a katana proportional to it in length (roughly 25 feet long), which it wields with only one hand. Its left gauntlet is a large spiked ball, and the entirely of its body is covered in spikes to discourage hijackers. Since most of Bishamonten's opponents are much smaller than it is, its arms are proportionally longer.

Bishamonten is so large that Karakuri must carry the puppet disassembled and sealed in 6 scrolls (1 for each limb, 1 for the torso, and 1 for the head), each scroll about a foot in diameter. It is ponderously slow, and, not surprisingly, useless for anything other than head-on assaults, but it can swing its sword and punch with its fist with surprising speed and devastating power.

Bishamonten's front torso armor and leg armor is extremely tough; it has the protective qualities of a Rashoumon Gate (http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Rashomon). The rest of it is...more fragile.

[Karakuri] himself rides Bishamonten inside the upper torso cavity, right where the solar plexus is.


[I]The Dancing Form of the Divine Annihilator: 自在天 (Jizaiten) If Bishamonten is designed for close quarters combat, then Jizaiten is designed for ranged combat. It looks very much like Bishamonten, except that it has a black-blue color scheme instead of black-red, stands to be about thirty feet tall (9.1 meters), and cannot bend its very short arms (reducing the number of joints that [Karakuri] will have to devote fingers to). Jizaiten's armaments include...

Rapid fire kunai launcher on each arm (1000 shots for each arm)
Kunai burst launcher on each arm (fires twelve kunai at once in an expanding cloud, like a buckshot) (80 shots for each arm)
Shoulder mounted mortar launchers (30 shots for each mortar)
Flamethrowers slung under each arm (60 seconds' worth of fuel for each arm)
Knee-mounted explosive tag kunai launcher (30 shots for each knee)
High-pressure water cannon mounted on the head (40 seconds' worth of water)

Jizaiten's build is, overall, thinner and much less heavily armored than Bishamonten, and weighs much less than Bishamonten even when fully loaded. As a result it can move faster, but still not nearly as fast as even a decently trained genin. Its joints are finer and move much more easily for fast tracking, but at a cost of being more vulnerable to damage.

[Karakuri] rides in Jizaiten's upper torso cavity, like he does for Bishamonten.

Special Abilities:
Expert puppeteer
Inhumanly strong fingers

2010-08-03, 08:39 PM
Name/Rank: Bochi (墓地)
Classification: B-Class
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 109 lbs
Gender: Male
Blood type: AB-

Appearance: Disturbingly thin and tall, with long scraggly hair and beard. His entire figure seems unkempt and filthy...almost decayed.

Personality: To be determined.

Bloodline: None.

Notable Jutsu: Bochi uses a mix of puppetry and a custom jutsu to instill basic, animal-level intelligence into inanimate objects. He prefers to use this ability on humanoid objects, namely skeletons.

In order to give inanimate objects said rudimentary intelligence, Bochi must keep them connected to himself via chakra threads, not unlike the ones that puppeteers use for their puppets. He has discovered a technique that allows him to split chakra threads; as a result, he can control up to thirty entities.

Maintaining control over these inanimate objects puts a drain on Bochi. At the maximum number of entities, he has enough chakra to control them for roughly two hours.

He can improve the physical capabilities of his minions by concentrating more chakra into their intellect, but this limits the number of minions he can control. At best, he can control a single entity of roughly C class ability. Most of his minions use basic taijutsu and weapons, but some can use elemental ninjutsu and even rudimentary genjutsu.

Ninjutsu: Good.

Genjutsu: Non existent..

Taijutsu: Non existent. His speed is also low due to his poor health, but he compensates for it by riding a skeletal horse.

Special Abilities: None.

Cyborg Mage
2010-10-14, 11:30 AM
Name/Rank: Ichiyusai Katsu, Jonin
Class: A-Rank
Birthdate: August 12th
Age: Early 20s
Height: 5' 11''
Weight: 118 lb
Gender: Male
Blood Type: B+
•Land of Fire
•Fourth (?) Hokage

Appearance: Katsu is a somewhat tall man for his age, though not particularly muscular, and possesses a rather average-looking face, save for some rather high cheekbones. He typically wears his dark blonde hair in a scattered fringe over his eyes and ears, and the remainder in a traditional Japanese ponytail down to just under his shoulders. He wears the typical Jonin uniform of Kohona, with the addition of two knife-sheaths underneath the pockets of his flak jacket.

Personality: Katsu is often (Or at least often seems to be) quiet and reserved, a calm point in the whirling flashes of lightning that his battles usually become, earning him the nickname "Eye of the Storm". Despite his apparent calmness, he is usually the quickest to act among his peers, though not usually enough to be seen as reckless or disobedient. He is also usually very creative and tactical, frequently catching the enemy off guard, scattering them and striking in their weak points in order to reduce their fighting ability and-in many cases-ensure their defeat.

Bloodline: The Ichiyusai bloodline is known to prominently feature its kekkai genkai in most members, the Seiki Nusumi (Spirit Stealing), the ability to siphon chakra from the opponent to the user for use in jutsu. This ability manifests itself in the form of a glowing mark on both the target and the user's central chakra point. (Somewhere around the solar plexus area) The user mark appears as 受, while the target mark appears as 送.

Notable Jutsu:

•Chidori- Katsu is widely known as one of the most skilled practioneers of the Chidori, although still rather inexperienced compared to its creator, and several of its derivative techniques. He often uses this justu on opponents immobilised by Shichu Shibari or Nendo Kaminari in order to overcome the tunnel vision effect the justu creates.
•Raiton: Nendo Kaminari (Clay Lightning)- The Nendo Kaminari is one of Katsu's own creations, a Raiton technique that creates a sphere of Lightning chakra that can be moulded into a huge ammount of different shapes-even around objects or people. He often either attaches it to himself-creating an effective weapon or armour- or to an opponent, creating a constant electrical shock which lasts for as long as the user can maintain it.
•Raiton: Shichu Shibari (Four-Pillar Bind)- Another particular favourite of Katsu, he often uses this jutsu in combination with his more uncontrolled or difficult to prepare justu.
•Fangs of Lightning- Katsu has trained himself to use his two knives in place of the wazikashi-like swords the justu was originally intended for.
•Lightning Surge
•Raiton: Jibashi (Electromagnetic Murder)
•Katon: Karyu Endan (Fire Dragon Flame Bullet)
•Katon: Endan (Flame Bullet)
•Katon: Honeka (Flame Flower)

Ninjustu: The main area of Katsu's training for most of his life, he has been noted for using many of his justu in unique ways, and trains himself in Fire Release as well as Lightning Release, allowing him to negate the weakness of his most commonly used jutsu.

Genjustu: Katsu is quite skilled in Genjustu, although he is not a frequent user of it, and it often reveals his creative side-in a very unpleasent way for his opponents.

Taijustu: Katsu's least favoured skill, although it is still quite powerful. He usually does not participate in full-on physical brawling, usually he prefers to strike the opponent's weak points, subjecting them to extreme pain and disorentation-even without the application of justu.

Special Abilities:
•As before, the Seiki Nusumi.
•Twin Blades- Katsu is skilled in using his twin knives in conjunction with some of his Ninjustu and Taijustu techniques, to deadly effect. What did you think those sheaths were for?
•Eagle Summoning: Katsu has the ability to summon Eagles, and naturally admires the birds. Eagles are usually proud and self-glorifying, though never unwilling to do the dirty work-they just dress it up. Katsu's summons average at about 4.5 metres in wingspan, though other summons could range from anywhere between 2 metres and up to 10 metres. They are usually fast attack summons, and most are adept with Lightning Release.

2010-11-16, 10:11 PM
'...So you're the enemy? Great! I've always wanted to meet ninja like you!'

Name/Rank: Yoshida, Kaze (Last, First) Genin?
Classification: D
Birthdate: Feb 13
Age: 14
Height: 4'9
Weight: 68lbs
Gender: Male
Blood type: -A

* Konohagakure
* Land of Fire

Appearance: This young man is small and wirey, he has jet black hair that sits on the top of his head and, which is messy and unkept. His face is rather plain looking, he looks sickly ill. His face is often held in a frown of thoughtfulness or an absentminded smile as if reminiscing on memories passed. He where's all black, his short's are three quarter lengths matted with pockets packed with bandages and his shirt is loose fitting riddled with holes and scratches. His jacket is old and worn out blackened scorched leather. On his left shoulder he has his headband and his right shoulder he has half of a fractured ambu mask, written upon it in caligraphy is 'Never Forget :)' He wears flat soled deck shoes which squeak as he runs.

Personality: Kaze is smart loyal and brave. He may not be all these things in the stereotypical way, he is smart because he thinks outside the box all the time, loyal, because he knows no other bonds of friendship and brave because he aspires to be like his late brother. Kaze is rather detatched from most people and finds it hard to comunicate how he feels, he always speaks with his emotions in mind, but some people find this alienating and unproffessional. He will try and be anyone's friend, even his enemies on the field, Kaze sees life as a precious thing, he beleives is sad to see a life ended so short.

Weapon: Kaze wields the Kasurai gama, a chain ended with a bladed kama. His older brother taught him all he knew about the Kasurai Gama. He uses this weapon to display his skill with his weapon and it's more of a sentiment than a practicality when wielding this weapon

Equipment: Kaze has 3 shuriken, one Kunai (specially designed for making inscisions like a scalpel) and he carries 8 bandages with him.

Character Background:
Kaze lived with his brother, Khazen a gifted and skilled ninja who did a great many reconaisance missions on behalf of the hidden leaf, he was an ANBU member and a skilled one at that. However when an assassination attempt on a shogun failed, Khazen was wounded fatally and he was unable to recover 100%. Khazen's condition grew worse over the course of 2 years. When Kaze realised the gravity of his brother's condition, he imeadiately tried learning healing Jutsu to save his brother's ailment. He started working day and night to master the techniques of healing jutsus. However, to no avail Kaze's Brother died in hospital. Kaze promised himself that he will stop needless death and make his brother proud that he could one day save a life. He wishes to make up for the penance of failing his dying brother, despite this sad past, Kaze is always high-spirited.

Bloodline: Decended from a line of ninja, with great chakra control! (will modify as to how and what)

Notable Jutsu:

Healing Hands: This is a basic healing Jutsu, channelling chakra through the fingertips to releive cuts bruises and small burns.

Poison Injection Jutsu: Kaze swings his blade in such a way he is able to channel his chakra into the strike, when he does so, the poison travels into the wound at a faster pace than a normal poison bladed attack would do. This is attack is learned by watching snakes bite their victims.

Thousand Years of pain: A dual finger attack, thrusting with extreme speed and accuracy, Kaze often chooses this to hit his target to cause accute short term pain in pressure points (non-lethal)

Taijustu: Kaze excells in Taijutsu, knowing the anatomy of the body helps him strike places, where some people would not see as particularly vulnerable spots, he aims for vital organs and strikes pressure points to inflict accute short term pain, he often fights with his hands.
With his Kasurai Gama he uses a few techniques more for show to intimidate his enemies as opposed to actually hitting his target, he will often miss his target on purpose, catching hair or tearing clothing. He feels guilt if he draws blood.

Ninjustu: Kaze knows a great deal of healling and medical Ninjutsu mainly focusing upon closing wounds and removing harmful poisons. His is also Adept with fire, wind and poison jutsu. however, he chooses not to hone his offensive Ninjutsu, he perceives them as a waste of time.

Genjustu: Kaze like's Genjutsu as he like's to dramatise situations he is familiar again in illusion form, he will only use genjutsu to explain a situation which he can't do with words. He uses it very little in combat, mainly used as distractions or flashes. All his illusions are weak at best.

Chakra Controll: Kaze is if anything a master of chakra control, he has always found it easy to manipulate chakra, even manipulating chakra in others, to speed up the process of healing skin tissue.

Special Abilities:

Poison Jutsu