View Full Version : Para-Ten

2009-11-01, 03:25 PM
The Foglios at Girl Genius linked to it.

I started reading Para-Ten.

And that's it. Make of the link what you will.

2009-11-01, 04:53 PM
Interesting. I dig the art, but don't really have a handle on the story yet (11 pages in).

2009-11-01, 05:11 PM
Agreed. The art is fantastic, haven't really seen a webcomic in that style before, but the story or lack thereof means I'm not planning on checking back in any time soon. There is a bit of promise with how the second chapter started, but the story so far is a bit simplistic for my tastes.

Edit: Actually, from what I've seen it would almost work better as a silent so to speak, if the characters could be made a bit more expressive. I just don't think the dialogue really adds anything.

2009-11-01, 06:41 PM
I think so too. It would work better silent, without those speech bubbles stating what the characters should have on their faces. A pity, really. :smallfrown:

2009-11-01, 07:52 PM
Because it's so chique to not have dialogue. Everybody knows that art ought to be as impressionistic and abstract as is possible. Sometimes it doesn't even have to be comprehensible. It's not like this comic might drag on for years or anything.

Still, I was happy enough with the eldritch folk horror to bear with the incredible faux pas of combining words with drawings in a comic. I'm an especial sucker for eldritch horrors recast in a low-fantasy context. The whole "man (or girl) against the cosmos" shtick always gets me.

2009-11-01, 08:14 PM
No need to get snappy, just putting in my $.02. This has nothing to do with what is fashionable or high brow or whatever, I was merely commenting that the dialogue felt out of place. The art is great and the story could be as well, still a bit too soon to tell, but the dialogue feels kinda clunky (simplistic or obvious maybe?) and is disjointed from the rest of the comic. Overall I do like it, and may check back in a month or two when it has had a chance to bulk up the archives a bit so I have a better grasp on the story and the world being created.

2009-11-02, 05:05 AM
Well, I like it and have been following it for a while now. The art is expressive and the story simple, yet endearing.

I get what you say about the dialogue and I sometimes too get this, I dunno, ICO vibe from Para-ten. I sometimes even think it is geared towards a younger audience, but whether that is intentional is up for debate. Still, I enjoyed every page so far, and would gladly recommend it, especially to younger readers - I could see myself enjoying it immensely when I was 10 or something.